Uploaded by Jerikah Tabaog

Endangered Species in the Philippines Essay

Jerikah A. Tabaog
Bio 1 WFX-1
Dr. Carmela Española
Endangered Tales of An Endangered Paradise
I am in awe and incredibly blessed to have seen this documentary about the amazing beings existing
beyond the ordinary scoop of environment I live in. Never have I thought that my country is as sundry and
full of beautiful life forms as I could have imagined. Yet together with this elation I feel is heavy sorrow
that while it’s true that our country is rich in biodiversity, most of its earthly treasures are at the brink of
In this film, I’ve learned that it’s not only important to have a good economy in a certain country for it to
flourish and be considered successful. High biodiversity, after all, plays a big role in determining the
success of a thriving nation in ways that only high biodiversity can contribute. For one, high biodiversity is
a sign of a rich, healthy and unique nation from the rest of the world. It is a sign that all the livings co-exist
in unison and in a harmonious way without one species having to disappear because of another. High
biodiversity, as told in the video, is a gift from God - something that we Filipinos, have the privilege to
govern and take care of.
A few critically endangered species mentioned were both from the flora and fauna of our land. The first
was the Philippine Crocodile which are now down to a population that can be counted in our fingers.
Another is the Black Shama, a rare type of bird only found in select Visayan island forests. To be honest,
it was the first time I’ve heard of such bird. I was glad knowing such an exotic bird exists in our territory
yet disheartened to know that their species are critically endangered as well. Of the species mentioned in
the film, it’s saddening to say that I was aware only of the Philippine Crocodile’s existence all this time.
The other magnificent yet also endangered species present were the ​Spotted Deer,​ ​Black Warty Pig​,
Golden Crown Flying Fox,​ and the ​Cebu Cinnamon Tree​.
As mentioned also in the film, the endangerment of these creatures heavily relies on the humans
particularly the Filipinos’ way of life. What I’ve found interesting was how close-knit the relationship
between humans and these species in the biodiversity are - the reality that the one depends on the other
and vice versa for both of their preservation. I was amazed because I wasn’t previously aware of the
weight of impact one’s life is to another in that sort of scenario. I have deeply realized that a single,
simple, minute detail of my way of living such as throwing garbage properly or using paper towels affects
the lifespan of a certain tree. And this tree affects me just as much. In the giant scheme of things, we
really are a web interconnected with each other - one way or another. We are never on our own. Our
actions have consequences just as much as our inactions.
It is only now that I’ve realized that one’s course of life and purpose really is not just for self-preservation,
but should truly be for the preservation of other species as well. Because, in the end, it’s our home we’re
talking about. As for me, a future engineer, this knowledge implies that in order to be a good engineer, a
deeper consideration of the resources for any project I would conduct should lessen the damage if not
benefit the ecosystems these species live in. Another way that I think I can help is by developing
technologies or mechanisms for us to discover new species faster before they disappear.
It is heartbreaking and deeply awakening to be informed of these realities happening just a few hundred
miles from the comforts of where I live. However embarrassing it is, I am actually more ignorant about
these fantastic beasts than I care to admit. And it’s not really something anyone should be proud of.
However, now that it has been shown, I’m now more grateful than humiliated to know the facts of their
status and be able to do something about it. One thing I only hope is that it is not yet too late.