LLANWERN COMMUNITY COUNCIL MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON MONDAY 27TH JULY 2015 AT 7:30PM AT LLANWERN VILLAGE HALL PRESENT: Cllr Mike George (Chair), Cllr Trevor Brown, Cllr Paul Burgess, Cllr Michael Wilding, Mrs Karen Wilson (Clerk). IN ATTENDANCE: Mr Alan Whiting, 2 x members of the public who are considering moving to the village. Item 1. Action APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Hayley Bell, Cllr Andrew Goddard and Cllr Steve Parry. 2. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING The minutes of the previous meeting on Monday 29th June 2015 were duly approved and signed. 3. ANNOUNCEMENTS Cllr George announced that two members of the public were in attendance as they are considering moving to Llanwern Village. 4. SECTION A – PLANNING Application 14/1135 – Residential Development off Cot Hill – Cllr George responded and had previously circulated his response to all. Cllr George reported that St Modwen have now objected to the drainage strategy. Ongoing. It was thought that Newport are keen to adopt Gallaghers’ strategy. Application 15/0561– ERECTION OF REPLACEMENT 25M HIGH TELECOMMUNICATIONS MAST WITH ASSOCIATED ANTENNA. Nothing more has been heard regarding this. Ongoing. MG MW/ TB Appeal APPEAL SUBJECT: ERECTION OF TWO STOREY DWELLING INCLUDING NEW VEHICULAR ACCESS AND ENGINEERING WORKS ASSOCIATED WITH INCREASING GROUND HEIGHTAPPEAL REFERENCE: APP/G6935/A/15/3049383 The Fields, Milton Hill, Llanwern The planning inspectorate had previously asked for comments on the appeal and Cllr Brown had responded on the Community Council’s behalf to inform them that we wished for our original comments to still stand with nothing further to add. Nothing more has been heard regarding this MW/ TB MW/ however, the closing date is 14th July and it is thought the announcement may take a few weeks to come through. TB Ref: 15/0530 - ERECTION OF BALCONY AT FIRST FLOOR LEVEL. Greystones, Greystones, Milton Hill, Llanwern, Newport, NP18 2DU. This has now been granted. Ref: 15/0665 - REDISCHARGE OF CONDITION 04 (SUB AREA MASTERPLAN) OF PERMISSION 06/0471 FOR A MIXED USE URBAN EXTENSION ON THE FORMER LLANWERN STEELWORKS (GLAN LLYN) IN RELATION TO THE WESTERN SUB AREA. Cllr Wilding reported that the plans state the Council are working with discharged conditions to proceed with the school, a bowls/sports club and a recreation area. Regarding the school, Cllr Wilding has heard that there are plans for the first intake to be September 2016. MW/ TB New applications received Ref: 15/0844 PROPOSED TWO STOREY SIDE EXTENSION. It was agreed that we would not oppose this application however, it was noted that the application does not make any provision for car parking. They are assuming that each drive can accommodate two cars, however, the drive per house is not wide enough. This would be pointed out in our response to the application. Ref: 15/0709 - ERECTION OF TWO STOREY SIDE EXTENSION AND ALTERATIONS TO DRIVEWAY. There were no objections to this planning application. MW/ TB MW/ TB Ground opposite to the Bus Shelter on Station Rd It was noted that this ground is being rented in the village, originally used for horticulture & agriculture. Various items are being stored there and there is clearly a planning issue here. Ward Councillor Martyn Kellaway has been informed. In addition, Cllr Burgess knows the owner of the property and will speak to him and report back at the next meeting. MG/ PB FINANCE AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT Concurrent Monies – Councillor George will ask Ann Jenkins what happened at the last meeting to discuss this and report back. The Council had previously selected the option based on population, with its second choice being precept. Councillor George will also ask how many houses they have in Glan Lyn as it is thought they should put the matter of concurrent monies out for consultation again. It would be unsatisfactory for them not to do so. This remains ongoing and is carried over from the last meeting. MG Bus Shelter– this remains ongoing. MG Playing Field Fence – the fence has been fixed and we are awaiting the invoice. Ongoing. MG/TB Access to bank accounts – It was agreed that Cllr George would test the online banking system to see if it works. Ongoing. MW Audit of accounts – Cllr Brown took Councillors through the accounts as at 27th July, and it was proposed by Cllr Burgess that these be accepted. Cllr Whiting seconded this. Cllr Brown and Cllr George proceeded to sign the front cover of the accounts. Cllr Brown passed these to Cllr Burgess to pass to the Auditor. PB Insurance premium – Cllr Brown reported that the Council’s insurance policy with Zurich has increased significantly from £757 in 2014/2015 to £1,215 in 2015/2016 and Councillors suspect this may be because we revalued all of the play equipment and made a claim. Cllr George to clarify this with Cllr Bell. Mr Whiting said that Councillors are welcome to have a look at the insurance policy relating to Bishton Community Council as it is thought that, after three years of loyalty, customers are entitled to a discount if they pay their premium annually. All agreed this is something that can be looked at next year. MG AON policy – Cllr Brown passed this to Mrs Wilson for filing. KW 2 x responses ref: planning applications 15/0530 and 15/0709 – These were passed to Mrs Wilson to post. KW Bank statement – A bank statement in respect of the Village Hall had been received and was passed to Cllr Brown. TB Village Hall outstanding issues – A number of issues with the Village Hall relating to the doors, the window which does not close properly, the boundary fences, the fridge and the hand driers in the toilets and the kitchen. The Management Committee does not meet often although it is thought a meeting is in the process of being organised for sometime in August. It was suggested the Community Council should try to proactively drive things a bit more however, we were advised to keep the Trustees and the Management Committee separate. If the Council became the Management Committee then there is a possible conflict of interest. It was agreed that Cllr George would attend the next meeting of the Management Committee to represent the Council. Cllr Brown would inform Cllr George of the date of the next meeting once it is arranged. MG/TB Accounts for payment Insurance policy for the Village Hall – Cllr Brown had gone through this and reported no changes and suggested we look into the possibility of having one policy. The insurance policy is held with Morgan Brokers, who we have been customers of for 4/5 years. Agreed that Cllr Brown would raise this at the next meeting of the Management Committee however, the Committee hasn’t met since March. It was agreed to pay the sum of £1,217.32 to renew the insurance policy. Mrs Wilson - £209 payment for July. Agreed to pay. A cheque was TB raised. TB Community Council Accounts - It was agreed that Mrs Wilson would now take on the accounts, initially with the help and guidance of Cllr Brown. KW SECTION C – LEISURE AND AMENITIES Community Council Field/Boundary Fence – This remains ongoing. It was agreed we need to buy the stakes and the wire ourselves and pay someone to put it up. Councillor George will investigate. Road sign – Cllr Burgess confirmed he had informed the One Stop Shop that the road sign between Bishton Corner and the bridge has been hit down but he has not heard anything back from them. This remains ongoing. Glan Lyn Site Facilities Management. Following Glan Lyn residents’ concerns, Ward Councillor Martyn Kellaway, Councillor George, Councillor Burgess, Councillor Wilding and a resident of Glan Lyn, Keith Horton met with representatives of Persimmon Homes and St Modwen on 24th June 2015. The minutes of this meeting had been distributed to Councillors. It was thought we are no clearer as to who to approach until the management plan is distributed. It was agreed Cllr George would speak to Ward Councillor Martyn Kellaway to remind them to do this. MG PB MG SECTION D – HIGHWAYS AND UTILITIES Road Gullies – The gullies are still not working on Station Rd. This remains ongoing. Langstone Lane Flooding – Cllr George has followed up again on this with Matthew Jones. Nothing to report. Ongoing. Invitation from Railtrack – Mr Whiting reported that the meeting with Railtrack did take place in Underwood. The work will definitely take proceed. Mr Whiting had passed Cllr George a handout detailing dates, etc and Railtrack are assuring people that they will not be disturbed. If anyone would like to see the brochure, they should let Cllr George know. MG MG Community Council Field – Cllr George has cut the grass around the outside of the field. Speeding in Llanwern Village – Cllr Parry is still dealing with this but was not present at the meeting to give an update. It was agreed that Mrs Wilson would obtain an update from Cllr Parry and report back. Speeding on the Queensway, adjacent to Glan Lyn – Cllr Wilding reported that, despite the Eastern Distributor Road being in operation for two years, it has not actually been adopted by Newport City Council and the speed limits are not legal. Laura Price, PCSO, will continue to do on SP/ KW MW the spot speed checks. Ongoing. 5. CORRESPONDENCE 30th June 2015 30th June 2015 1st July 2015 One Voice Wales Newport City Council Calls for Honours Nominations (Birthday 2016). Collection and Management of Devolved Taxes. Weekly Planning List for 22nd June 2015 – 26th June 2015. 3rd July 2015 Newport City Council Delegated Planning Decision Schedule - 2nd July 2015. Newport City Council Newport City Council Weekly Planning List for 29th June 2015 - 3rd July 2015. Delegated Planning Decision Schedule for 9th July 2015. 7th July 2015 9th July 2015 13th July 2015 13th July 2015 14th July 2015 15th July 2015 16th July 2015 17th July 2015 One Voice Wales Councillor Wilding One Voice Wales Anuerin Bevan Community Health Council Newport City Council One Voice Wales Newport City Council 20th July 2015 Councillor Wilding 20th July 2015 One Voice Wales E-mail from Councillor Wilding to Councillor Brown and Councillor George ref: RE-DISCHARGE OF CONDITION 04 (SUB AREA MASTERPLAN) OF PERMISSION 06/0471 FOR A MIXED USE URBAN EXTENSION ON THE FORMER LLANWERN STEELWORKS (GLAN LLYN) IN RELATION TO WESTERN SUB AREA. Tax Collection and Management (Wales) Bill. Aneurin Bevan CHC News Bulletin. Weekly Planning List for 6th July 2015 – 10th July 2015. Area Commitee Representatives. Delegated Planning Decision Schedule for 16th July 2015. E-mail from Councillor Wilding to Mrs Wilson ref: action for the minutes. St Modwen’s & Persimmon (“the Developer”) to submit a site plan detailing each parties obligations and responsibilities for managing the site and the services delivered. The plan will include areas subject to Section 38 highways adoption thus transferring responsibility from the Developer to Newport City Council. Hold the date – 22 September CCWater meeting in public & stakeholder event. 20th July 2015 21st July 2015 21st July 2015 21st July 2015 21st July 2015 24th July 2015 23rd July 2015 5th August 2015 5th August 2015 6. Newport City Council Welsh Government Newport City Council Newport City Council One Voice Wales One Voice Wales Newport City Council Co-operative Bank Newport City Council Proposal to establish a Welshmedium secondary school in Newport. The Playing Fields (Community Involvement in Disposal Decisions) (Wales) Regulations 2015. Agenda for Council, Tuesday, 28th July, 2015, 5.00 pm. Weekly Planning List for 13th July 2015 – 17th July 2015. Recruitment of a Chair of Natural Resources Wales. Independent Remuneration Panel Survey. Delegated Planning Decision Schedule for 23rd July 2015. Bank statement for the period 30/06/15 - 30/07/2015. Planning application 15/0838 : Alterations and extensions to Monkspill Cottage, Station Road, Llanwern. ANY OTHER BUSINESS Ref: Institute Committee – The Glan Lyn resident who is interested in hiring the hall for a christening party had visited the hall. He would like to bring his own bar. Llanwern Brownie Pack – We have heard nothing more from the Brownie pack who are interested in moving to the Village Hall from Llanwern High School. It was agreed that Cllr Brown would follow this up. 7. TB TB DATE OF NEXT MEETING It was agreed not to meet in August and the next meeting will be held on Monday 28th September 2015. There may be an earlier meeting should any urgent business arise. There being no further business, the meeting closed at 20:52. KW LLANWERN COMMUNITY COUNCIL Notice is hereby given that the next meeting of Llanwern Community Council will take place in Llanwern Village Hall on Monday 28th September 2015 at 7:30 pm. Karen Wilson, Clerk to Llanwern Community Council. AGENDA 1. Apologies for absence. 2. Minutes of previous meeting. 3. Announcements. 4. Reports, as follows: - Section A – Planning - Section B – Finance and Local Government - Section C – Leisure and Amenities - Section D – Highways and Utilities 5. Correspondence. 6. Any other business – at the Chair’s discretion. Next meeting – to be confirmed as Monday 28th October 2015.