The Learning Center 2010-2011 Week of: 11/29-12/03 Teacher: Howard Rutledge Design Qualities Legend Content& Substance (CS) Organization of Knowledge (OK) Product Focus (PF) Clear & Compelling Product Standards (CCPS) Protection from Adverse Consequences (PAC) Subject: Trans. Alg. Monday Depth of Knowledge Affirmation (A) Affiliation (AA) Novelty & Variety (NV) Choice (C) Authenticity (AU) DOK 1 DOK 2 DOK 3 DOK 4 Objectives 2j. Justify why some polynomials are prime over the rational number system. (DOK 2) Procedures Bell Ringer:(independent/whole) Assessment/ Closure/Homework teacher observation oral questioning Thinking Map: Tuesday 2j. Justify why some polynomials are prime over the rational number system. (DOK 2) Assignments:1. Rational number system. Bell Ringer:(independent/whole) teacher observation oral questioning Thinking Map: Wednesday 2j. Justify why some polynomials are prime over the rational number system. (DOK 2) Assignments:1. rational number system. 2. polynomials. Bell Ringer:(independent/whole) teacher observation oral questioning Thinking Map: Thursday 2j. Justify why some polynomials are prime over the rational number system. (DOK 2) Assignments:1. Polynomials - prime. Bell Ringer:(independent/whole) Thinking Map: Assignments:1. Review polynomials with rational number system. teacher observation oral questioning Friday 2j. Justify why some polynomials are prime over the rational number system. (DOK 2) Bell Ringer:(independent/whole) MPT worksheet Thinking Map: Assignments:1. MPT 2. worksheet The Learning Center 2010-2011 Teacher: Howard Rutledge Week of: 11/29-12/03 Design Qualities Legend Content& Substance (CS) Organization of Knowledge (OK) Product Focus (PF) Clear & Compelling Product Standards (CCPS) Protection from Adverse Consequences (PAC) Subject: Alg. 2 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Depth of Knowledge Affirmation (A) Affiliation (AA) Novelty & Variety (NV) Choice (C) Authenticity (AU) DOK 1 DOK 2 DOK 3 DOK 4 Objectives 5a. Through the use of technology, use scatterplots and linear and quadratic regression analysis to determine an appropriate function to model reallife data. (DOK 3). 5a. Through the use of technology, use scatterplots and linear and quadratic regression analysis to determine an appropriate function to model reallife data. (DOK 3). 5a. Through the use of technology, use scatterplots and linear and quadratic regression analysis to determine an appropriate function to model reallife data. (DOK 3). Procedures Bell Ringer:(independent/whole) Assessment/ Closure/Homework teacher observation oral questioning Thinking Map: Assignments:1. scatterplots and linear and quadratic regression analysis. Bell Ringer:(independent/whole) teacher observation oral questioning Thinking Map: Assignments:1. scatterplots and linear and quadratic regression analysis. Bell Ringer:(independent/whole) Thinking Map: Assignments:1. scatterplots and linear and quadratic regression analysis. teacher observation oral questioning Thursday 5b. Solve simple combinations. (DOK 2) teacher observation oral questioning Bell Ringer:(independent/whole) Thinking Map: Friday 5b. Solve simple combinations. (DOK 2) Assignments:1. combinations. Bell Ringer:(independent/whole) MPT worksheet Thinking Map: Assignments:1. MPT 2. worksheet The Learning Center 2010-2011 Teacher: Howard Rutledge Week of: 11/29-12/03 Design Qualities Legend Content& Substance (CS) Organization of Knowledge (OK) Product Focus (PF) Clear & Compelling Product Standards (CCPS) Protection from Adverse Consequences (PAC) Subject: Pre-Alg. Monday Tuesday Wednesday Depth of Knowledge Affirmation (A) Affiliation (AA) Novelty & Variety (NV) Choice (C) Authenticity (AU) DOK 1 DOK 2 DOK 3 DOK 4 Objectives 2e. Graph linear equations and non-linear equations using multiple methods including t-tables and slope-intercept. (DOK 2) 2e. Graph linear equations and non-linear equations using multiple methods including t-tables and slope-intercept. (DOK 2) 2e. Graph linear equations and non-linear equations using multiple methods including t-tables and slope-intercept. (DOK 2) Procedures Bell Ringer:(independent/whole) Assessment/ Closure/Homework teacher observation oral questioning Thinking Map: Assignments:1. graphing linear equations. Bell Ringer:(independent/whole) teacher observation oral questioning Thinking Map: Assignments:1. graphing non-linear equations. Bell Ringer:(independent/whole) Thinking Map: Assignments:1. graphing using t-tables. teacher observation oral questioning Thursday Friday 2f. Given a linear graph, identify its slope as positive, negative, undefined, or zero, and interpret slope as rate of change. (DOK 2) 2f. Given a linear graph, identify its slope as positive, negative, undefined, or zero, and interpret slope as rate of change. (DOK 2) teacher observation oral questioning Bell Ringer:(independent/whole) Thinking Map: Assignments:1. graphing using t-tables and slope-intercept. Bell Ringer:(independent/whole) MPT worksheet Thinking Map: Assignments:1. MPT 2. worksheet The Learning Center 2010-2011 Teacher: Howard Rutledge Week of: 11/29-12/03 Design Qualities Legend Content& Substance (CS) Organization of Knowledge (OK) Product Focus (PF) Clear & Compelling Product Standards (CCPS) Protection from Adverse Consequences (PAC) Subject: 7th Math Monday Tuesday Depth of Knowledge Affirmation (A) Affiliation (AA) Novelty & Variety (NV) Choice (C) Authenticity (AU) DOK 1 DOK 2 DOK 3 DOK 4 Objectives 2c. Formulate algebraic expressions, equations, and inequalities to reflect a given situation and vice versa. (DOK 2) 2c. Formulate algebraic expressions, equations, and inequalities to reflect a given situation and vice versa. (DOK 2) Procedures Bell Ringer:(independent/whole) Assessment/ Closure/Homework teacher observation oral questioning Thinking Map: Assignments:1. expressions. Bell Ringer:(independent/whole) Thinking Map: Assignments:1. equations. teacher observation oral questioning Wednesday Thursday 2c. Formulate algebraic expressions, equations, and inequalities to reflect a given situation and vice versa. (DOK 2) 2d. Complete a function table based on a given rule and vice versa. (DOK 1) Bell Ringer:(independent/whole) teacher observation oral questioning Thinking Map: Assignments:1. inequalities. Bell Ringer:(independent/whole) teacher observation oral questioning Thinking Map: Friday 2d. Complete a function table based on a given rule and vice versa. (DOK 1) Assignments:1. function table. Bell Ringer:(independent/whole) MPT worksheet Thinking Map: Assignments:1. MPT 2. worksheet The Learning Center 2010-2011 Teacher: Howard Rutledge Week of: 11/29-12/03 Design Qualities Legend Content& Substance (CS) Organization of Knowledge (OK) Product Focus (PF) Clear & Compelling Product Standards (CCPS) Protection from Adverse Consequences (PAC) Subject: Comp. Math Monday Depth of Knowledge Affirmation (A) Affiliation (AA) Novelty & Variety (NV) Choice (C) Authenticity (AU) DOK 1 DOK 2 DOK 3 DOK 4 Objectives 7a. Convert among word phrases or sentences and algebraic expressions. Procedures Bell Ringer:(independent/whole) Thinking Map: Assignments:1. word phrases and algebraic expressions. Assessment/ Closure/Homework teacher observation oral questioning Tuesday 7a. Convert among word phrases or sentences and algebraic expressions. teacher observation oral questioning Bell Ringer:(independent/whole) Thinking Map: Wednesday 7b. Simplify and/or evaluate numerical and algebraic expressions. Assignments:1. word phrases and algebraic expressions. Bell Ringer:(independent/whole) teacher observation oral questioning Thinking Map: Thursday 7b. Simplify and/or evaluate numerical and algebraic expressions. Assignments:1. numerical and algebraic expressions. Bell Ringer:(independent/whole) teacher observation oral questioning Thinking Map: Friday 7c. Solve linear equations with and without manipulatives. Assignments:1. numerical and algebraic expressions. Bell Ringer:(independent/whole) MPT worksheet Thinking Map: Assignments:1. MPT 2. worksheet The Learning Center 2010-2011 Teacher: Week of: Design Qualities Legend Content& Substance (CS) Organization of Knowledge (OK) Product Focus (PF) Clear & Compelling Product Standards (CCPS) Protection from Adverse Consequences (PAC) Subject: Depth of Knowledge Affirmation (A) Affiliation (AA) Novelty & Variety (NV) Choice (C) Authenticity (AU) Objectives DOK 1 DOK 2 DOK 3 DOK 4 Procedures Assessment/ Closure/Homework Monday Bell Ringer: Thinking Map: Assignments: Bell Ringer: Tuesday Thinking Map: Assignments: Bell Ringer: Wednesday Thinking Map: Assignments: Bell Ringer: Thursday Thinking Map: Assignments: Bell Ringer: Friday Thinking Map: Assignments: The Learning Center 2010-2011 Teacher: Week of: Design Qualities Legend Content& Substance (CS) Organization of Knowledge (OK) Product Focus (PF) Clear & Compelling Product Standards (CCPS) Protection from Adverse Consequences (PAC) Subject: Depth of Knowledge Affirmation (A) Affiliation (AA) Novelty & Variety (NV) Choice (C) Authenticity (AU) Objectives DOK 1 DOK 2 DOK 3 DOK 4 Procedures Assessment/ Closure/Homework Monday Bell Ringer: Thinking Map: Assignments: Bell Ringer: Tuesday Thinking Map: Assignments: Bell Ringer: Wednesday Thinking Map: Assignments: Bell Ringer: Thursday Thinking Map: Assignments: Bell Ringer: Friday Thinking Map: Assignments: The Learning Center 2010-2011 Teacher: Week of: Design Qualities Legend Content& Substance (CS) Organization of Knowledge (OK) Product Focus (PF) Clear & Compelling Product Standards (CCPS) Protection from Adverse Consequences (PAC) Subject: Depth of Knowledge Affirmation (A) Affiliation (AA) Novelty & Variety (NV) Choice (C) Authenticity (AU) Objectives DOK 1 DOK 2 DOK 3 DOK 4 Procedures Assessment/ Closure/Homework Monday Bell Ringer: Thinking Map: Tuesday Assignments: Bell Ringer: Thinking Map: Wednesday Assignments: Bell Ringer: Thinking Map: Thursday Assignments: Bell Ringer: Thinking Map: Friday Assignments: Bell Ringer: Thinking Map: Assignments: