Super Surfing Spelling Contract Contract Details: This contract sheet will be kept in your child’s reading binder. A small sheet of paper will come home attached to student pre-tests for spelling. If your child scores a 100 on the pre-test, he or she will be exempt from the test. If your child has any wrong, then he or she must complete 3 activities from this packet practicing only the words he or she had wrong. Example: If your child had 4 words wrong on the pre-test, then your child should choose 3 different activities to practice those 4 words. Your child will hand in the small contract sheet with the activities that must be written. Hands-on activities do not have to be handed in. When is it due? Please check your child’s homework log nightly for assignments and due dates. Hands-on activities- I will be under the assumption your child honestly completed these activities based on the parent signature for the assignment. I have had parents in the past send me in printed pictures in a small version from the computer. I love it! It’s great to see the kids smiling doing these activities. You are not required to send in pictures. **Please vary activities from week to week. All children have different learning modalities. I tried to create auditory, visual, and kinesthetic activities. Activities 1. 5 times each- Write each word 5 times. 2. Rainbow Writing- Use crayons or markers to write your words. 3. Sidewalk Chalk- Go outside and use chalk to write your words. 4. Kinesthetic Spelling- Go outside and do anything active while you spell your words- jumping jacks, jump on a trampoline, skip, hop, etc 5. Whiteboard writing- Practice writing your words using a whiteboard and marker. 6. Play-doh spelling- Practice writing your words with a Popsicle sticks in playdoh or use letter cookie dough letter cutters. 7. Stamp the words- Use alphabet stamps to spell the words. 8. Pasta Party- Practice your words using letter pasta. 9. Spaghetti Fun- Cook up some spaghetti’s and spell your words out on a pan. 10. Shape Writing- Draw different shapes or pictures and write your words in each picture. 11. Sentence Writing- Practice writing big 2nd grade sentences using your words. 12. ABC order- Practice writing your words in ABC order. 13. Cookie Baking- Bake cookies and practice either spelling them as you bake or writing them right in the dough. 14. Crossword Puzzle- Go to Create a puzzle with your words and solve it! 15. Word Search- Create one or have someone create it as you hunt for them. 16. Hide and Seek- Write the words on something, then have someone hide them and you go find them. Once you find a word, you have to spell it out loud. 17. Reversal- Write your words forwards and backwards. 18. Spelling City- Visit spelling city and do some of the activities on that site. 19. Technology Words- Type your words. 20. Magazine Spelling- Cut out the letters to spell your words, glue them on paper. 21. Newspaper Hunt- Try to find our words in the newspaper, cut them out, glue them on paper. 22. Cursive Writing- Practice writing the words in cursive. Spelling city has a printable for this. 23. Telephone Spelling- Call someone and spell your words for them. 24. Silly spelling- Practice spelling your words in all types of silly voices. 25. Palm Spelling- Have a parent say each word as you use your finger and write it in your parent’s palm. 26. Rhyme Time- Write each spelling word, then write a real word that rhymes with each word. 27. Opera Sing- Sing the spelling of each word. 28. Consonant/Vowels- Run in place for each consonant, do a jumping jack for each vowel. 29. Dictionary Detectives- Look up the meaning of each word in a dictionary and write it on paper. 30. Practice Test- Have someone give you a practice test. 31. Story Writing- Write using your words. 32. Poem Writing- Write a poem using your words. 33. TV Commercial- Videotape a commercial introducing all your words somehow in your advertisement. Email the video to Mrs. Boyle. 34. Creative Thinking- Come up with cool ways to learn the words you got stuck on. Write down your ways so we can share them with the class. 35. Pumpkin Decorating- Decorate your pumpkin with our spelling words. Do not need to hand in. 36. Holiday Decorating- Practice your words while decorating for the holidays. 37. Sports Spelling- Practice your words while kicking a ball, throwing a ball, hitting a ball, catching a ball, doing flips, cheer them, etc. 38. Sand/Dirt Writing- Write your words in one or both of these. 39. Edible Words- Practice writing your words in honey, whip cream, anything fun and yummy! 40. Shaving Cream Spelling- Write your words in shaving cream. 41. Ghost words- Use black paper, write your words in black crayon, color over each word with white crayon to reveal your ghostly words. 42. Paint Party- Paint your spelling words. 43. Grammar Fun- Write each word in a sentence. Then underline all nouns in blue, verb in red, and adjectives in green. 44. Synonyms/Antonyms- Write a synonym and antonym for each word. 45. FREE Choice- create an activity and explain it on your homework sheet. 46. Bubble Letters- Write your words in bubble letters. 47. Insect Writing- Use your science skills. Draw an insect (Make sure to have correct number of parts.) and hide your words inside the drawing somewhere. 48. Pebbles, Sand, and Silt- Use an Earth material to practice writing your words. 49. Solids and Liquids-Get creative! Use these to practice your words. Explain what you did on your homework log. 50. Math Spelling- Write the alphabet and give a value to each letter. Then write your words. Figure out how much each word is worth based on the letters in the word. 51. Comic Strip Writing- Illustrate a comic strip. Use your words to guide the comic. 52. Other handed- Write your words with the opposite hand you use. 53. Pipe cleaners – Cut and glue pieces of pipe cleaners together on paper to write your spelling words. 54. Popcorn Spelling- Spell the words to your parent and at the end of each word, eat a piece of popcorn. 55. Scratch and Sniff – Write your spelling words in glue. Then sprinkle over the words with any kind powdered Jell-O. Your words will smell yummy! 56. TP Spelling – Pull of a sheet of toilet paper for each word. Write your words on each piece of TP with marker or pen. 57. Salt or Sugar Spelling – Spread some out on a plate. Write the words in it. 58. Spelling Pyramids –Begin with the first letter of the word and add a letter each time until you have spelled the entire word. 59. Choo-Choo Words -Write the entire spelling list end to end as one long word. Use different colors of crayon or ink for different words. 60. Record yourself- Use a recorder and tape yourself spelling the words, then listen to it.