For Your Health Huffman Chiropractic 740-927

For Your Health
Huffman Chiropractic
Back Pain Myths Busted
1. Firmer Mattresses Are Better
A Spanish study of people with longstanding, non-specific back pain showed that those who
slept on a medium-firm mattress -- rated 5.6 on a 10-point hard-to-soft scale -- had less
back pain and disability than those who slept on a firm mattress (2.3 on the scale)
mattress. However, depending on their sleep habits and the cause of their back pain,
different people may need different mattresses.
2. Bed Rest Is the Best Cure
Yes, resting can help an acute injury or strain that causes back pain. But it's a myth that
you should stay in bed. A day or two in bed can make your back pain worse!
3. Exercise Is Bad for Back Pain
Regular exercise prevents back pain. And for people suffering an acute injury resulting in
lower back pain, doctors may recommend an exercise program that begins with gentle
exercises and gradually increases in intensity. Once the acute pain subsides, an exercise
regimen may help prevent future recurrence of back pain.
4. Chiropractors Are Quacks
The American College of Physicians and American Pain Society guidelines for treatment of
lower back pain recommend that patients and doctors consider options with proven
benefits, such as spinal manipulation or massage therapy.
Enough to Make You Dizzy
Due to the generality of the term dizziness,
doctors are working to find more specific words
to help patients get the treatment they need.
It is health that is real wealth and not
pieces of gold and silver.
Vertigo—is the illusion of movement, also
described as a spinning sensation.
Presyncopal episode—the feeling of imminent
fainting or loss of consciousness.
Disequilibrium—involves impaired balance and
gait (walking patterns).
Lightheadedness may be described as feeling
disconnected from the environment.
If dizziness is not due to vertigo, other medical
conditions (e.g., cardiac arrhythmia, diabetes,
thyroid disorder) should be investigated. Your
friendly neighborhood chiropractor can
probably help you if you suffer from dizziness!
The Food and Drug Administration is
recommending that physicians restrict
prescribing high-dose simvastatin (80 mg
Zocor) to patients, given an increased risk of
muscle damage.
Warnings also say not to use the drug with
various medications, including itraconazole,
ketoconazole, posaconazole, erythromycin,
clarithromycin, telithromycin, HIV protease
inhibitors, nefazodone, gemfibrozil,
cyclosporine, and danazol.
The 10-mg dose should not be exceeded in
patients taking amiodarone, verapamil, and
diltiazem, and the 20-mg dose should not be
exceeded with amlodipine and ranolazine.
According to the January 27 Journal of General Internal Medicine those who
drank diet soda every day were 44% more likely than non-drinkers to suffer a
heart attack or stroke.
According to a new study a high intake of flavanones, a natural chemical found
in the greatest concentrations in oranges and grapefruit, is associated with a 19% lower risk
for ischemic stroke in women.
Heavy Metal & Acid
News for those treating acid indigestion or GERD: high doses and longterm use (1 year or longer) of proton-pump inhibitors like Prilosec,
Prevacid, Aciphex, and Protonix may increase the risk of osteoporosisrelated fractures of the hip, wrist, or spine. Therefore, it is important to
use the lowest doses and shortest duration of treatment necessary for
the condition being treated.
If this news comes too late and you have already suffered the broken hip, be sure not to get a
metal-on-metal hip replacement. The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) cleared the
metal-on-metal ASR XL Acetabular System (by a Johnson & Johnson company, DePuy
Orthopedics) for use in the United States in 2005. In August 2010, the company voluntarily
withdrew its ASR implants on a global basis after learning that the 5-year rate of revision surgery
for patients in England and Wales was roughly 1 in 8.
A recent article in the British Medical Journal indicates that the wear and tear of metal on metal
releases metal ions that can seep into local tissue, destroy muscle and bone, and leave patients
with long-term disabilities. These metal ions, which may be carcinogenic, also can become
blood-borne and spread to the lymph nodes, spleen, liver, and kidneys. An internal memo from
DePuy indicates that the company knew about these dangers long before their 2010 market
withdraw. "In addition to inducing potential changes in immune function, there has been
concern for some time that wear debris may be carcinogenic. The mechanism is not known and
only 24 local malignancies have been reported in patients with joint replacements. Also worrying
is the possibility of distant effects. One study suggested a threefold risk of lymphoma and
leukemia 10 years after joint replacement. " Too bad nobody told the doctors or the patients…..
Huffman Chiropractic—
Your health is our biggest concern.
Call us at 740-927-9222 to set up your free 15 minute consultation to determine if
chiropractic may be able to help you.
Come meet the doctor and see for yourself what
real caring, real quality, real affordable care is all about!