Essential Application of Number Skills at Level 1 Controlled Task

Essential Application of Number Skills at Level 1
Controlled Task Assessment Criteria DRAFT
Task: Travelling to work (SAM)
N1.1 Understand Numerical Data
The candidate has shown evidence of:
 planning and describing how to tackle the task
 reading, understanding and extracting
information from tables, charts, simple graphs
or diagrams (N1.1.2a)
 reading and understanding numbers presented
in different ways including large numbers in
figures or words, simple fractions, decimals,
percentages, ratios and negative numbers
maximum 8 marks
Mark scheme
2 marks: Candidate produces plan with a clear structure showing logical
steps, e.g. list, spider chart, table, flow diagram
1 mark: Candidate produces a basic plan showing steps of their calculations
2 marks: candidate produces a detailed and relevant plan for all aspects of
the task
1 mark: candidate produces a detailed and relevant plan with one aspect
omitted, e.g. one step or relevant calculation missing.
2 marks: candidate shows evidence of reading, understanding and
extracting correct information from at least two of tables, charts, simple
graphs or diagrams
e.g. comparing costs of new cars with 18 month old cars.
1 mark: candidate shows evidence of reading, understanding and
interpreting correct information from one of tables, charts, graphs or
1 mark: candidate shows evidence of reading and understanding decimals
e.g. mpg from bar chart
1 mark: candidates shows evidence of reading and understanding large
numbers accurately,
e.g. car prices
N1.2 Carry Out Calculations
The candidate has shown evidence of:
 carrying out at least one calculation without
using a calculator (N1.2b)
Mark scheme
1 mark: candidate shows evidence of correct calculation without using a
1 mark: candidate uses correct process to find the percentage discount
Using simple fractions and percentages
1 mark: correct cost of their chosen car after the discount
Multiplying and dividing a simple decimal by a
whole number (N1.2c)
 adding, subtracting, multiplying, dividing and
recording sums of money (N1.2f)
1 mark: candidate uses correct process to find the running cost per day
1 mark: correct answer for their running cost per day,
e.g. F21 City 14.6 x 40 = £5.84
1 mark: candidate uses correct process to calculate the cost of public
1 mark: correct answer for the cost of public transport
e.g. 25.90 ÷ 5 = £5.18
 finding the range and average (mean) of up to
10 items (N1.2k)
1 mark: candidate uses a correct process to calculate a mean and range
1 mark: correct answer for their mean and range calculations
using different ways of checking methods and
calculations (N1.2n)
maximum 10 marks
1 mark: candidate uses a valid checking method for at least one of their
e.g. reverse calculation or alternate method
N1.3 Interpret and Present Results and Findings
The candidate has shown evidence of:
 identifying more than one appropriate way to
present findings to a given audience including
using tables, charts graphs or diagrams
 label work correctly (N1.3.1c)
Mark scheme
1 mark: candidate produces an efficient table with at least two columns and
two rows
1 mark: candidate uses suitable row and column labels with units,
i.e. Public transport, Car, Total
1 mark: candidate populates each cell with correct data
 using appropriate ways to present findings 1 mark: candidate uses suitable title and axis labels
including a table, chart, graph or diagram using
1 mark: candidate uses appropriate linear scale
the correct units (N1.3.1b)
1 mark: candidate plots correctly (half a square tolerance)
 interpreting results of calculations (N1.3.2a)
1 mark: candidate makes at least one appropriate comment comparing the
prices or the running costs of cars,
e.g. Cheaper to buy a new B20 Micro, with discount, than 18 month old one
 describing the meaning of results and explaining 1 mark: candidate makes at least one appropriate comment comparing the
how they meet the purpose of the task (N1.3.2c) costs of running the car with the cost of public transport,
e.g. F21 City £5.84 a day, more expensive than daily bus fare
maximum 8 marks
Candidate must gain
at least 6 marks out of 8 on N1.1
at least 7 marks out of 10 on N1.2
at least 6 marks out of 8 on N1.3