CPYHA NOVEMBER BOARD MEETING MINUTES MEETING CALLED BY CPYHA Board of Directors TYPE OF MEETING Monthly Board Meeting FACILITATOR Dave Baker (Vice President) NOTE TAKER Carolee Peterson (Secretary) TIMEKEEPER Dave Baker (Vice President) ATTENDEES Board of Directors, Committee Directors & General Members 1) TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 2015 CALL TO ORDER - Dave – 7:02 pm 2) ROLL CALL - Carolee BOARD MEMBERS/COMMITTEE DIRECTORS/COMMITTEE COORDINATORS IN ATTENDANCE (PRESENCE INDICATED WITH AN "X") WADE GJERVOLD (PRESIDENT) JOE OLSON (HOUSE CO-DIRECTOR, RECRUITMENT) DAVE BAKER (VICE PRESIDENT) x GREG LINDER (HOUSE CO-DIRECTOR) LORI ROBINSON (TREASURER) x NICK WARREN (HOUSE CO-DIRECTOR) CAROLEE PETERSON (SECRETARY) x KATIE VERLO (CONCESSIONS) CHAD KUEHNE (M-A-L) x LAURIE ZAHALKA (COMMUNICATIONS) TOM SIMONSON (M-A-L) x LISA BLAKE (GAMBLING, CALENDARS) BJORN BURNEVIK (M-A-L) x MEGAN LEITNER (TRAVELING MGR COORD) DEBBIE HUYBERS (M-A-L) x ROMAN CANTU (M-A-L) x x AMBYR JOHNSON (REGISTRATION) x x BECKY MAIFELD (HOUSE MGR COORD) x JEFF SEMLING (COACHES SELECTION) BILL BLAKE (EQUIP, GAMBLING, CALENDARS) x LINDSEY REIL (WEBMASTER) MICHELLE BAKER (CONCESSIONS ACCT) ALYSSA SENESCALL (SAFETY) ROSS JERPSETH (ICE SCHEDULER) TOM PAJUNEN (CLINICS) BILL LAWLER (TRAVELING, COACHES SELECTION) PETE HOLOIEN (PLAYER DEVELOPMENT) BUD WILLIAMS (ICE LIAISON) DAVE PETERSON (GIRLS) JULIE WALKER (FUNDRAISING DIRECTOR) x x PEGGY SWAYZE (TEAM PHOTOS) x KEVIN PIETSCH (ACE DIRECTOR) JENNIFER PETERSON (GIRLS) GREG BLODGETT (VOLUNTEER COORDINATOR) JEFF HEDLUND (S.K.A.T.E.) KARI CARLSON (HEGGIES) ANNA BELLESON (BE A REBEL COORD) JESS AND RYAN TESDALL (SPONSORSHIP) ANDREA STONE (CANDY BARS) SHEILA GJERVOLD (BY LAWS) JEFF LANGE (WREATHS) x NATE STULC (MITE JAMBOREE) GENERAL MEMBERS IN ATTENDANCE Brad Solomon, Matt Erickson, third signature I cannot read 3) BOARD/COMMITTEE DIRECTOR REPORTS Wade APPROVAL OF MINUTES PRESENTATION All board members were emailed meeting minutes from October to review. CONCLUSIONS A motion was made, seconded and passed to approve the meeting minutes for October. seconded and passed to approve the minutes for October. LORI ROBINSON PRESENTATION TREASURER’S REPORT Treasurers report - October Cash is at $72,00. October Ice Bill is $47,000. Accounts receivable at $3,200. Income is up $16,000 due to Bantam tryout fees. We are right in line with expenses. 3 families are on payment plans for past dues. 2 families are no longer with CPYA. October’s report was reviewed. A motion was made, seconded and passed to approve the treasurers report for October. CONCLUSIONS BILL BLAKE PRESENTATION GAMBLING REPORT (WADE) Nothing at this time CONCLUSIONS Report has not come back from accountant yet. Will review Oct/Nov at December’s meetng. NICK POWELL CHAMPLIN ICE FORUM PRESENTATION NA CONCLUSIONS JOE OLSON, NICK WARREN, GREG LINDER HOUSE PRESENTATION (BJORN) All teams are formed. There will be no rebel rouser this year. CONCLUSIONS BILL LAWLER TRAVELING PRESENTATION (BJORN) Nothing new to report. Season is off and running. CONCLUSIONS JENNIFER /DAVE PETERSEN PRESENTATION GIRLS (DAVE) Bjorn asked about Co-op with Coon Rapids for next year. Dave said that is the plan for both associatons. CONCLUSIONS AMBYR JOHNSON PRESENTATION REGISTRATION (CAROLEE) House book sign off is December 5th. CONCLUSIONS BECKY MAIFELD (HOUSE), MEGAN LEITNER (TRAVEL) PRESENTATION CONCLUSIONS MANAGER COORDINATORS (ROMAN) Managers manuals for House were updated. House managers meeting will be November 22nd at 6 pm. KEVIN PIETSCH ACE PRESENTATION (CHAD ) Kevin is working with coaches to make sure they have everything that is required completed. CONCLUSIONS SHEILA GJERVOLD BY-LAWS (WADE) NA PRESENTATION CONCLUSIONS TOM PAJUNEN PRESENTATION CLINICS (TOM) NA CONCLUSIONS BILL LAWLER, JEFF SEMLING PRESENTATION COACHES SELECTION (DEBBIE) NA CONCLUSIONS LAURIE ZAHALKA PRESENTATION COMMUNICATIONS (CAROLEE) NA CONCLUSIONS KATIE VERLO, MICHELLE BAKER (ACCT.) CONCESSIONS (LORI) Katie asked about the board getting a Sams Club Membership instead of using her own. PRESENTATION CONCLUSIONS BILL BLAKE Board decided they would reimburse Katie for the $45 she paid for her membership since she uses it for CPYHA. EQUIPMENT (DEBBIE) PRESENTATION Mite Jerseys are almost done. Handing out puck bags and goalie equipment. Need to purchase more bags. CONCLUSIONS Bill is passing on the jersey job to someone else next year. Possible canidate is Brian Allen. JULIE WALKER (DIRECTOR) ANDREA STONE (CANDYBARS) BLAKES (CALENDARS) KARI CARLSON (HEGGIES) JEFF LANGE (WREATHS) FUNDRAISING (CAROLEE) Heggies pizza sales will begin Dec 1. Turn in will be January 11 and pick up January 25th. Calendar turn is December 6th. PRESENTATION Wreaths – still have a few spots left for volunteers for wreath pick up. Pickup starts at 10. Will send out reminder this week. Will provide numbers at the December board meeting. CONCLUSIONS BUD WILLIAMS ICE LIAISON (WADE) NA PRESENTATION CONCLUSIONS ROSS JERPSETH PRESENTATION ICE SCHEDULER (BJORN) Ice draft was held for practice ice times for travelling teams. Scheduled 180 hours of ice in under 3 hours. All ice is scheduled from dec 1 – end of season. Ross felt it was very successful and will plan to do it again next year. Lots of 6 am ice times are left open. Teams opted to do some joint practices at later times and share the ice instead of taking 6 am. Teams that Ross would n’t have scheduled to gether like squirt/bantam are sharing ice times. There were over 60 hours of unscheduled ice. Will try to sell. Champlin outdoor ice is $45 an hour. All house and travelling ice time will be entered on calendars within the next few days. CONCLUSIONS Open PLAYER DEVELOPMENT PRESENTATION (TOM) Sweet hockey is no longer available for coaches to use. Sweet Hockey and NGIN are no longer partnering. CONCLUSIONS JOE OLSON RECRUITMENT (BJORN) NA PRESENTATION CONCLUSIONS ALYSSA SENESCAL PRESENTATION CONCLUSIONS SAFETY (DEBBIE) Need to revisit what this role really is. ANA BELLESON ( B.A.R.) JEFF HEDLUND (S.K.A.T.E.) NATE STULC (JAMBOREE) DEBBIE HUYBERS (PARENT RLF) PRESENTATION SPECIAL EVENTS (BJORN) (CHAD) (CAROLEE (DEBBIE) Nate is starting to work on the Mite Jamboree. Reached out to 16 people that choose Mite Jamboree volunteering at registration time. Has heard back from some - 6 are returning committee members. The MJ is scheduled for February 26-28th. CONCLUSIONS JESSICA AND RYAN TESDALL PRESENTATION SPONSORSHIP (ROMAN) NA CONCLUSIONS PEGGY SWAYZE PRESENTATION TEAM PHOTOS (WADE) House photos are Dec 3. Peggy booked rooms for next year as this is always a challenge. Will be November 1st for travelling and December 1st for House. We have the option of receiving a large banner with all the teams photos instead of the individual 5X7 pictures to put in the frame in the forum entry way. Will explore if this is something we want to do. Peggy will step down from photos if there is someone else that is interested in taking over. CONCLUSIONS Marlow Roberts PRESENTATION TOURNAMENTS (BJORN) NA CONCLUSIONS Greg Blodgett PRESENTATION CONCLUSIONS VOLUNTEER COORDINATOR (DAVE) 159 dibs items were posed 10/20-11/16. 34 unclaimed shifts. HS concessions have h 21 of the 24 shifts covered for the upcoming games. Still need people for wreath pickup. One family claimed concessions and had a no show. Assigning teams to HS concessions seems to be working well – each team gets 4 shifts (2 per shift). Looking for a wireless printer for the concession stand to use by the volunteering committee. Carolee will look to Wade for approval and purchase a printer. 4) OLD BUSINESS 5) NEW BUSINESS – discussion was had between some parents and Ross regarding ice time for the 10UA team. Aparrently the team did not get many hours in November. Ross has acknowledge that was an error on his part. 6) ANNOUNCEMENTS – no announcements 7) ADJOURNMENT - 8:10 NOTES/REMINDERS__________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________