Female Reproductive System: Anatomy & Function

Female Reproductive System
Paired ovaries
Paired oviducts or Fallopian tubes
Produces female germ cells, ova (singular, ovum)
Produces female sex hormones, estrogen, and progesterone
Receives sperm
Site of fertilization
Transports female germ cells, sperm, and conceptus
Houses and nourish conceptus during pregnancy
Expels fetus at parturition
 Flattened, ovoid, paired glands
- Exocrine function. Maturation and release of oocytes, deve' .nng
female germ cells
- Endocrine function. Secretion of estrogen and progesterone
Subd ivisions
1. Cortex
- Covered with a serosa
- Germinal epithelium. Simple cuboidal epithelium (mesothelium)
- Tunica albuginea Underlying, dense connective tissue.
The exact contents depend on age of the ovary and the stage of
the ovarian Cycle including:
- Follic!es: Spheres of epithelial cells surrounding an oocyte.
- Corpus luteum: Formed from the wall of the ovulating follicle
after the oocyte is ovulated. The corpus luteum secretes
progesterone and estrogen and is present during the second
half of the ovarian cycle.
- Atretic follicles: Degenerating follicles that are not
- Corpus albicans: Degenerating corpus luteum
2- Medulla
Inner region composed of connective tissue, blood vessels, nerves
- Primordial follicle: Is the only follicle present until puberty
- Primary follicles:
1- Primary unilaminar follicle
2- Primary multilaminar follicle
- Secondary follicle
- Mature (Graafian) follicle.
- Atreticfollicles '
Corpus Luteum
 The corpus luteum is large, spherical, infolded body functional
during the second half of the ovarian cycle .
@ Functional stage:
- The corpus luteum is formed by differentiation of the granulose
and theca interna celts in the Graafian follicle before and after
It composed of:
- Granulosa lutein cells.
- Theca lutein cells.
Secretes progesterone and estrogen
- Degenerating stage. Corpus albicans
- Consists of a white mass of scar tissue composed of much
collagenous material and scattered fibroblasts
- Results from the degeneration of the corpus luteum
The oviducts are paired, i2-cm-Iong tubes that have four
- lnfundibuhun. Funnel-shaped, free end with finger-like fimbria
embracing the ovary
- Ampulla. Thin walled, lateral two-thirds; fertilization occurs
here near its junction with the isthmus
- Isthmus. Thicker walled, medial one-third
- Intramural (interstitial). Within uterine wall; lumen is
continuous with uterine lumen.
Shows gradations from infundibulum to intramural subdivisions
- Exhibits complex mucosal folds
- Epithelium. Simple columnar composed of ciliated cells, that are
most abundant in thelnfundibulum, and secretory cells, that are
most abundant in the intramural portion
- Muscularis n1ucosae is lacking.
Submucosa is continuous with lamina propria, forming a continuous
connective tissue layer.
- Muscularis externa has poorly defined inner circular and outer
smooth muscle layers, which are thinnest in the infundibulum
and thickest in the intramural portion.
- Serosa. Covers the outer surface except in the intramural
Cl'OSS Anatomy
- A single, pear-shaped, ·and pear-sized organ
- Subdivisions
- Fundus. Domed portion above entrance of oviducts
- Corpus or body. Major portion of the uterus
- Isthmus. Constricted portion at j unction of cervix and body
Cervix Located above and within the vagina, defining supravaginal
and vaginal portions
- Epithelium.Stratified squamous nonkeratinized· that
accumulates glycogen; no glands are present.
- lamina propria. Rich with numerous blood vessels and elastic
- Muscularis mucosae is lacking.
- Rugae (folds) allow for expansion.
- Submucosa is continuous with the lamina propia, forming a single
connective tissue layer.
Muscular layer
- Inner circular and aliter longitudinal smooth muscle layers
intertwine ..
- skeletal muscle surrounds the vaginal orifice.
- adventitia of loose connective tissue
Schematic representation of the female reproductive system