DPStv reopens at EGTC - Denver Online High School

Denver Television Station Gets State-of-the-Art Make Over
At Emily Griffith Technical College
The local cable station DPStv/Channel 22 will start broadcasting from its new state-of-theart studios at 200 E. 9th Avenue in downtown Denver. This refurbished facility is also home
to the Video Production and Editing program of Emily Griffith Technical College.
Channel 22 is the Comcast education channel provided to DPStv/DPS Distance
Learning/EGTC under the PEG agreement between Comcast and the City of Denver. DPStv
is a working and teaching broadcast/cable TV studio built to industry standards,
developing full length programming for Channel 22 and the web. Now shooting and editing
in full high definition, the DPStv programming is of the highest technical standards for
television and the web.
Students from the EGTC Video Production Certificate Program learn from hands on
experience while operating equipment in this studio. The DPS Distance Learning
Department serves Denver Public Schools by providing educational video support and
produces programming for Channel 22 and the Distance Learning Network.
DPStv22 will air news of DPS, e.g. sports stories, music shows, and unique programs for
students in Denver, produced live in the DPStv22 studios. Starting in January DPStv22 will
have the “Homework Hotline” and a Broadcast Video Club.
The Homework Hotline, hosted by teachers of Emily Griffith High School, provides
assistance in any subject area on Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 4:30-5:30pm, beginning
on January 20. There are a variety of ways by which students can connect to the Homework
Hotline - by calling 720-424-1666, tweeting: @eghomework, texting at 970-680-3771,
emailing: homework@emilygriffith.edu, or posting on Facebook at EGHomework. Callers
with homework questions will be entered into a drawing to win prizes.
The Broadcast Video Club gives DPS high school students (also open to any concurrent
enrollment HS student enrolled at EGTC) a free and valuable opportunity to work
collaboratively to create video content for DPStv22 and the web. Students will learn how
to take a show from pre-production to finishing it for TV. Students will have access to the
high quality equipment and work directly with mentors from the professional broadcast
community. The club meets every Thursday from 4:30-8:30pm. There is an open house for
interested students on Thursday, January 15 at 6:30pm at the studios. Please sign up at the
open house to guarantee a spot in the club. We will accept students all semester as space
allows. Call the DPStv22 facility at 720-424-1660 for more information or e-mail:
The crew at DPStv is anxious and excited to show off the makeover of the studio complex.
For those interested in taking Video Production classes at this new facility please
contact Shawn Montano at Emily Griffith Video Campus at 720-424-1668 for a tour or
the date of the next open house. Email: smontano@emilygriffith.edu