Minutes of First United Methodist Church, Hanover, PA November

Minutes of First United Methodist Church, Hanover, PA November 18, 2915 Ad Council
The meeting was called to order by Chair Graham Campbell at 7:00 PM. We sang We
Gather Together and had a moment of silence for the victims of the recent terror attacks
around the world.
The following two reports were not included with those that are already on the website
and were sent out on November 12.
Christian Vocal Group, “Mercy’s Well”, will perform a concert of praise and worship on
Saturday night, Nov. 21st at 5:30 p.m. in the Sanctuary at Frederick Street. This rising, young
men’s trio of Brad Strider, Greg Gainer, & Jake Wood, hails from the Carolinas. The group’s
first three singles releases paved the way for their first Top 80 single in 2005. The group’s most
recent recording, TODAY, features a special song, “The Gospel of the Second
Chance”. Founder of the group, Brad Strider, shares, “we minister to many people from various
walks of life. Churches are full of hurting people…people who are going through unimaginable
hardships. If we can be an encouragement to someone who is struggling, make them laugh,
make them forget their problems for a while, and, most importantly, point them to Christ, we
have accomplished our goal. People need HOPE”. You will not want to miss this uplifting,
special concert. A freewill offering will be given to “Mercy’s Well” to help to further their
music ministry.
Middle Street Campus Monthly Report – 11/13/2015
MSC VISION: YEAR THREE -- “Making Disciples”
Worship team met with Pastor Greg and Pastor Josh focusing on the following items:
Launching Sunday School February 2016 for all ages
Discipleship path
Advent/Christmas Eve
 Service Enhancement needs
 Christmas decorations
 Poinsettias for MSC
Drummer needs – lessons for one of our drummers
Congregational Care – iCare info magnets to be distributed to whole
Stephen’s ministry
Connection center enhancement
Graham explained that usually members of council receive the agenda by the Thursday
before council meets by email. He tries to also have it on the Church’s website by that time as
well. People that don’t have access to a computer can come into the office and they will print a
copy for you.
Finance: Rusty and Rob withheld paying the October Shares of Ministry because of a
low balance. October’s giving was up somewhat so they are hoping that the Church can pay
October and November’s shares together.
M & T Bank would like to leave the $250,00 Building Fund Line of Credit as is and have
us submit another request for a $50,000 line of credit for current expenses.
This year creates a challenge to us with giving. This year November has 5 Sundays with
the fifth Sunday being Thanksgiving weekend. December only has 4 Sundays.
UMM (United Methodist Men): Dale Gordon reporting Advent Breakfasts start
Wednesday, December 2 at 7:30 AM in the multipurpose room at the Frederick Street Campus.
The annual UMM banquet will be held Wednesday, December 2 at the Elk’s.
Endowment: Dale Gordon made a motion on behalf of the Endowment Fund that $615
from endowment interest be given to the Benevolence committee as the annual tithe from
endowment. Pastor Greg seconded the motion. After discussion, motion passed.
VIM: Rusty Elsner passed on information from St. Matthew’s that their VIM team is
interested in cooperating with our VIM team in 2017.
Church and Society: They are collecting food and there is a blood drive on Monday,
December 7 from 1 - 6:30 PM.
Oral reports: Rob Simmons briefly explained how the budget for 2016 was created.
Each item was aligned to a ministry area. Numbers were close to what was spent in the past, they
were just reassigned to different ministry areas. It is then Council’s job to approve the budget
and then plan and implement programs for nurture, outreach, and witness in the church. It is
Charge Conference’s responsibly to approve the salaries of appointed ministers.
Pastor Judy’s Report: Pastor has decided that she is retiring as pastor. She will continue
to volunteer her services in other ways. THANK YOU PASTOR JUDY!!!!!!!!!!!
Pastor Josh’s Report: Disciple team is still forming. We should have concrete steps in
next few months.
Groups are wrapping up the first semester. Spring catalogs will be coming out in January.
Pastor Josh thanked Tommy and Jackie for their help in getting Sunday School started in
February 2016 at the Middle Street Campus.
The Fredrick Street Campus classes will continue as they are. No classes at Fredrick
Street will be pressured to use the semester system.
Pastor Greg’s Report: Pastor Judy will be retiring as pastor, but will continue
volunteering in the organization and planning behind the scenes.
Leadership and Development (Nomination) 1. Greg gave a big thank you to Randy Culp and Wayne Topper as they step down from
being Chairs of their committees!
2. May not have the Trustees Committee totally filled to vote on by Charge Conference.
3. Reform of this committee was proposed by Greg. Greg made a motion that Ad Council
go on record to reform the nominations committee by stating the committee be made up of the
pastors, lay leaders, and all chairs of all the committees. This will go to Charge Conference for
consideration. It was seconded by Randy Culp. Discussion: Dale Gordon - As we develop
disciples we should be uncovering Spiritual gifts. Disciple Plan of Ministry should come to play
here. Rusty thanked Greg for early notice of possible finance people for the finance committee.
After discussion, the motion carried.
Discussion of past and future direction of First Church and its Pastor - We need a safe
and holy place to air the concerns.
Some people have stopped giving. This raises concern for what it says to our youth.
Feeling that Council and Minister are perpetrating a fraud.
Frederick Street Campus Sunday School of all ages will not change.
Greg is looking for a way to regain trust.
Rusty Elsner said that Tara Zumbrun did a baseline that anyone who gives $6,000 $9,000 per year is a thither and anyone giving $10,000 or more a year is an extravagant giver. He
was told one extravagant giver and three tithers have stopped giving. This is about $300 a week.
Rusty has asked Greg to talk to them, but he hasn’t done this because of the discontent. No one
but Tara knows who these people are.
Graham Campbell said some of this started with the merger. Greg was not the pastor
when we voted on it. Greg has taken so much garbage because of the merger. Ad Council is not
railroaded by Greg or anyone else. He resents that Council is being vilified for doing what we
feel is God’s will. The Plan of Ministry has been around since 1994 in one form or another. It
has been approved by several Ad Councils and several Charge Conferences since then. Greg is
trying to follow that plan and see that our Church is implementing it.
Randy Culp said that Greg came here because he wanted to implement the Plan of
Ministry that Ad Council and Charge Conference passed years ago. Council needs to step up
when someone attacks pastors or other staff members.
Karen Bureau said that criticism and disagreement are good, but not when they become
Grace Elsner said that Council and Staff Parish are mandated. On Sunday of Charge
Conference remind everyone that Council has made these decisions.
Dave Snee said that it seems sometimes the people that do the most complaining are
those that do the least.
Tommy Fitchett said keep the issue foremost - not the person. He has invited the youth to
the Charge Conference.
Dale Gordon said he wants to see the Church to grow. We’ve come to a wake-up call. We
are the church of Jesus Christ. We’re a beacon of light in Hanover.
Dale Myers asked if the people who stopped giving money might be guilty of theft of
service, especially if they are still attending.
Pastor Greg suggested we propose a holiday freeze to charge conference. Do nothing new
and put our attention to loving each other.
Pastor Josh is hoping to put together some form of a daily Advent reading.
Pastor Greg mentioned Ministers from Just Peace. They come and mediate in churches
when there’s been a breakdown in communication. It was suggested to hold off for now.
Rusty Elsner said that 2016 is going to be a pivotal year budget-wise as well as survivalwise year.
The minutes were taken by Judy Porowski. Thank you Judy!!!
The meeting was closed at 9:00 PM with prayer by Pastor Josh.
Next meeting is Wednesday, January 27, 2016.
Present were: Karen Bureau, Dale Myers, Judy Christmann, Donna Leese, Wayne
Topper, Judy Porowski, Carl Benfield, Greg Rapp, Linda Orndorff, Dave Snee, Karen Fereday,
Barb Miller, Tom Clough, Dale Gordon, Tommy Fitchett, Randy Culp, Grace Elsner, Bill
Ingram, Rusty Elsner, Josh Rhone, Tara Zumbrun, Stephanie Gauldin, Rob Simmons, Graham