andhra pradesh educational institutions (regulation of admission

Act Details :
5 of 1983
7th APRIL, 1983
An Act to provide for regulation of admission into Educational Institutions and to prohibit the collection of
capitation fee in the State of Andhra Pradesh. Whereas the undesirable practice of collecting capitation fee at the
time of admitting students into educational institutions is on the increase in the State; And whereas, the said
practice has been contributing to large scale commercialisation of education; And whereas, it is considered
necessary to effectively curb this evil practice in order to avoid frustration among the meritorious and indigent
students and to maintain excellence in the standards of education: Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of
Andhra Pradesh in the Thirty-fourth year of the Republic of India as follows
Section 1 Short title, commencement and application
(1) This Act may be called the Andhra Pradesh Educational Institutions (Regulation of Admission and
Prohibition of Capitation Fee) Act, 1983.
(2) It shall be deemed to have come into force on 30th January, 1983.
(3) It shall apply to all educational institutions.
Section 2 Definitions
In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires
(a) Backward Classes' means any socially and educationally Backward Classes of citizens recognised by the
Government for purposes of clause (4) of Article 15 of the Constitution of India;
(b) capitation fee' means any amount collected in excess of the fee prescribed under Section 7.
(c) educational institution' means a college, a school imparting education upto and inclusive of tenth class or
other institution by whatever name called, whether managed by Government, private body, local authority or
University and carying on the activity of imparting education therein, whether technical or otherwise, and
includes a polytechnic, Industrial Training Institute and a Teachers Training Institute, but does not include a
tutorial institution;
(d) Government' means the State Government of Andhra Pradesh;
(e) management' means the managing committee or the governing body by whatever name called of an
educational institution to which the affairs of the said institution are entrusted and where such affairs are
entrusted to any person whether called by the name of Secretary, Correspondent or by any other name, include
also such person;
(f) notification' means a notification published in the Andhra Pradesh Gazette and the word 'notified' shall be
construed accordingly;
(g) prescribed' means prescribed by rules made by the Government under this Act;
(h) Scheduled Castes' and Scheduled Tribes' shall have the meanings respectively assigned to them in clause (24)
and clause (25) of Article 366 of the Constitution of India;
(i) all words and expressions used but not defined in this Act shall have the meanings assigned to them in the
Andhra Pradesh Education Act, 1982.
Section 3 Regulation of admission into educational institutions
(1) Subject to such rules as may be made in this behalf, admission into educational institutions shall be made
either on the basis of the marks obtained in the qualifying examination or on the basis of the ranking assigned in
the entrance test conducted by such authority and in such manner as may be prescribed:
Provided that admission into Medical and Engineering Colleges shall be made only on the basis of the ranking
assigned in the common entrance test conducted as aforesaid.
(2) The admission into educational institutions under sub-section (1) shall be subject to such rules as may be
made by the Government in regard to reservation of seats to the members belonging to Scheduled Castes,
Scheduled Tribes and Backward Classes {and other categories of students as may be notified by the Government
in this behalf} and the Andhra Pradesh Educational Institutions (Regulation of Admission) Order, 1974.
(3) Notwithstanding anything in sub-sections (1) and (2), it shall be lawful for the Government, to admit students
belonging to other States on reciprocal basis and the nominees of the Government of India, into Medical and
Engineering Colleges in accordance with such rules as may be prescribed.
Provided that admission of students into the Regional Engineering College, Warangal to the extent of one-half of
the total number of seats shall be in accordance with the guidelines issued by the Government of India, from time
to time.}
Section 3A Special provision in respect of unaided private educational institutions
Notwithstanding anything contained in section 3 but subject to such rules as may be made in this behalf and the
Andhra Pradesh Educational Institutions (Regulation of Admission) Order, 1974, it shall be lawful for the
management of any unaided private engineering college, medical college, dental college and such other class of
unaided educational institutions as may be notified by the Government in this behalf to admit students into such
colleges or educational institutions, to the extent of one half of the total number of seats from among those who
have qualified in the common entrance test or in the qualifying examination, as the case may be, referred to in
sub-section (1) of section 3 irrespective of the ranking assigned to them in such test or examination and nothing
contained in section 5 shall apply apply to such admissions.}
Section 4 Special provision in respect of minority educational institutions
(1) Notwithstanding anything in Section 3, it shall be lawful for any minority educational institution to admit
students belonging to the concerned minority whether based on religion or language, on the basis of the marks
obtained by them in the qualifying examination or as the case may be, on the basis of the ranking assigned to
them in the entrance test conducted in the prescribed manner.
(2) Where any minority educational institution intends to admit students not belonging to the concerned
minority, such admission shall be only on the basis of the marks obtained in the qualifying examination or as the
case may be, on the basis of the ranking assigned in the entrance test conducted in the prescribed manner.
Section 4A Special provision in respect of Non-Resident Indian Students
(1) Notwithstanding anything in this Act, it shall be lawful for the Government to admit students belonging to
foreign countries and non-resident Indian students into a Medical College established for the purpose in
accordance with such rules as may be prescribed on payment of such sum as may be notified by the Government
in this behalf.
(2) There shall be constituted a fund called "Medical Education Fund" into which shall be credited the sums
received under sub- section (1). The said fund shall be operated by a Committee consisting of such number of
persons and in such manner as may be prescribed.
(3) All moneys belonging to the said fund shall be deposited in such bank of treasury or be invested in such
securities in accordance with such guidelines as may be issued by the Government in this behalf and shall be
applied and expended for the improvement of the said college and the development of the Medical Educational
facilities and such other related purposes as may be prescribed. Explanation For the purposes of this section,
"non-resident Indian student" means a student of Indian origin residing in any country outside India.}
Section 5 Collection of capitation fee prohibited
The collection of any capitation fee by any educational institution or by any person who is incharge of or is
responsible for the management of the institution is hereby prohibited.
Section 6 Manner of giving donations
(1) Any donation of money to any educational institution, shall be made only in such manner as may be
prescribed and not otherwise.
(2) All moneys received by any educational institution by way of voluntary donations shall be deposited in the
account of the institution, in any Scheduled Bank and shall be applied and expended for the improvement of the
institution and the development of the educational facilities and for such other related purposes as may be
Section 7 Regulation of fees
(1) It shall be competent for the Government by notification, to regulate the tuition fee or any other fee that may
be levied and collected by any educational institution in respect of each class of students.
(2) No educational institution shall collect any fees in excess of the fee notified under sub-section (1).
(3) Every educational institution shall issue an official receipt for the fee collected by it.
Section 8 Application of Chapter XI of Act of 1982
Where the Government are of opinion that the management of an educational institution has contravened the
provisions of this Act, it shall be competent for them to take over the management of such institution for a period
not exceeding five years applying in so far as may be, the provisions of Chapter-XI of the Andhra Pradesh
Education Act, 1982.
Section 8A Exemption
Nothing in this Act shall apply to the following educational institutions
(a) Food Craft Institution, Hyderabad;
(b) Regional and other training centres financed by the Government of India.}
Section 9 Penalties
Whoever contravenes the provisions of this Act or the rules made thereunder shall on conviction be punishable
with imprisonment for a term which shall not be less than three years but which shall not exceed seven years and
with fine which may extend to five thousand rupees. Where the conviction is for an offence under Section 5 or
Section 6, the institution shall refund the money so collected to the party from whom it was collected.
Section 10 Offences by companies
(1) Where an offence against any of the provisions of this Act or any rule made thereunder has been committed
by a company, every person, who at the time the offence was committed was incharge of, and was responsible to,
the company for the conduct of business of the company, as well as the company, shall be deemed to be guilty of
the offence and shall be liable to be proceeded against and punished accordingly;
Provided that nothing contained in this sub-section shall render any such person liable to any punishment, if he
proves that the offence was committed without his knowledge or that he had exercised all due diligence to
prevent the commission of such offence.
(2) Notwithstanding anything in sub-section (1) where any such offence has been committed by a company and it
is proved that the offence has been committed with the consent or connivance of, or is attributable to any neglect
on the part of any director, manager, secretary or other officer of the company, such director, manager, secretary
or other officer shall be deemed to be guilty of that offence and shall be liable to be proceeded against and
punished accordingly.
Explanation For the purpose of this section
(a) company' means any body corporate and includes a firm, a society or other association of individuals, and
(b) director' in relation to(i) a firm, means a partner in the firm;
(ii) a society or other association of individuals means the person who is entrusted, under the rules of the society
or other association, with management of the affairs of the society or other association, as the case may be.
Section 11 Power to enter and inspect
(1) Any officer not below the rank of a Gazetted Officer authorised by the Government in this behalf may enter
at any time during the normal working hours of an educational institution or any premises of such institution and
to search and inspect any record, register or other document relating to such institution and to seize any such
record, register or other document for the purpose of ascertaining whether there is or has been any contravention
of the provisions of this Act.
(2) In order to secure proper and effective utilization of the finances or resources or other assets of any
educational institution at the commencement of this Act, it shall be competent for the Government to invoke the
provisions of sub-section (1) and ascertain such finances, resources and assets of any institution and after such
ascertainment to give such directions to the management as they deem fit.
Section 12 Act to override other laws
The provisions of this Act shall have effect notwithstanding anything inconsistent therewith contained in any
other law for the time being in force.
Section 13 Protection of acts done in good faith
No suit, prosection or other legal proceeding shall be instituted against the Government or any officer, authority
or person empowered to exercise the powers or perform the functions by or under this Act for anything which is
in good faith done or intended to be done under this Act or under the rules or orders made thereunder.
Section 14 Amendment to the Act 1 of 1982
In the Andhra Pradesh Education Act, 1982
(i) Section 44 shall be omitted;
(ii) in Section 99, in sub-section (1) in clause (a) the words "and after previous publication", shall be omitted.
Section 15 Power to make rules
(1) The Government may, by notification, make rules for carrying out all or any of the purposes of this Act.
(2) Every rule made under this section shall immediately after it is made be laid before each House of the State
Legislature if it is in session and if it is not in session, in the session immediately following, for a total period of
fourteen days which may be comprised in one session, or in two successive sessions and if before the expiration
of the session in which it is so laid or the session immediately following, both Houses agree in making any
modification in the rule or in the annulment of the rule, the rule shall from the date on which the modification or
annulment is notified, have effect only in such modified form or shall stand annulled, as the case may be, so
however, that any such modification or annulment shall be without prejudice to the validity of anything
previously done under that rule.
Section 16 Repeal of Ordinance 3 of 1983
The Andhra Pradesh Educational Institutions (Regulation of Admission and Prohibition of Capitation Fee)
Ordinance, 1983 is hereby repealed.
In exercise of the powers conferred by subsection (1) of Section 3 read with Section 15 of the Andhra Pradesh
Educational Institutions (Regulation of Admissions and Prohibition of Capitation Fee) Act, 1983 (Act No.5 of
1983), and in supersession of all the rules in force on the subject, the Governor of Andhra Pradesh hereby makes
the following rules relating to admission of students into B.Ed., Course offered in various Colleges of Education
functioning under Government, Campus/Constitutent of Universities and Private management, through Common
Entrance Test
Rule 1 Short title, Commencement and application
(1) These rules may be called the "Andhra Pradesh Colleges of Education (Regulation of admissions into B.Ed.,
Course through Common Entrance Test) Rules, 1989".
(2) They shall come into force with effect from the academic year 1989-90.
(3) These rules shall apply for admission into all Colleges of Education offering B.Ed., Course in the State,
namely:(a) Government Colleges of Education including comprehensive Colleges of Education.
(b) Campus/Constitutent Colleges of Education under the University.
(c) Private Colleges of Education including those administered by the minority communities.
Rule 2 Definitions
(1) In these rules, unless the con otherwise requires;
(a) "Act" means the Andhra Pradesh Educational Institutions (Regulation of admission and Prohibition of
Capitation Fee) Act, 1983 (Act No.5 of 1983);
(b) "Chairman" means the Authority/Officer nominated by the State Council for each academic year for the
purpose of conducting the Common Entrance Test;
(c) "Common Entrance Test" means the examination conducted for assigning merit ranking to students which
will be the basis for admission of students into the B.Ed., course offered in various Colleges of Education;
(d) "Entrance Test Committee" means the Committee empowered to conduct the Common Entrance Test and to
prepare the list of candidates in order of marks obtained in the entrance test basing on which admissions will be
(e) "Convenor" means the authority/Officer appointed by the State Council for conducting the common Entrance
Test and performing such other functions relating to the said examinations as may be entrusted to him by the
State Council in consultation with the Chairman.
(f) "Institutions" means, unless otherwise specifically mentioned, all the educational institutions (including those
detailed as state-wide institutions) offering B.Ed., Course.
(g) "Inspecting Authority" means, the authority/officer appointed by the Chairman of the Entrance Test
Committee for inspecting and scrutinising the admissions of the students made in the Institutions;
(h) "Local Candidates" means the candidates in relation to the local areas as specified in rule 10;
(i) "Local Area" means the territorial jurisdiction prescribed for identifying the local candidates;
(j) "Qualifying Examination" means the examination of the minimum qualification prescribed, appearance or
passing of which entitles one to seek admission for the Common Entrance Test;
(k) "Qualified candidate" means the candidate who has appeared for the Common Entrance Test and has been
assigned ranking in the Common Merit List:
(l) "State Council" means the Andhra Pradesh State Council of Higher Education, constituted under sub-section
(1) of Section 3 of the Andhra Pradesh State Council of Higher Education Act, 1988 (Act No.6 of 1988):
(m) "University" means the university concerned to which the institution offering B.Ed., Courses is
(2) Words and expressions used but not defined in these rules shall have the same meaning as assigned to time in
the Andhra Pradesh Educational Institutions (Regulation of Admission and Prohibition of Capitation Fee) Act,
1983 (Act No.5 of 1983).
Rule 3 Method of Admission
The general guidelines for the admission of students into B.Ed., Course in all Colleges of Education shall be as
laid down below:(1) The admission shall be made in the order of merit on the basis of the ranking assigned to the students in the
common entrance test.
(a) The principals of Private institutions shall admit candidates as allotted by the Entrance Test Committee on the
basis of ranking assigned to them in the Common Entrance Test
(b) The principals of the Institutions administered by the minority communities shall admit candidates belonging
to their own community in the order of merit ranking assigned to them in the Common Entrance Test by
following the procedure laid down under these rules.
(3) The total number of candidates to be admitted in each Course, in the private institutions, shall not exceed the
limits prescribed by the Government, from time to time.
(4) The total number of candidates to be admitted in each "Method of teaching school subjects (Methodolody)"
namely Mathematics, Physical Sciences, Biological Sciences and Social Studied shall be as follows:
(i) Mathematics and Physical Sciences 50%
(ii) Biological Sciences 30%
(iii) Social Studies 20%
(5) The admission of students made in various institutions, shall be subject to scrutiny by the inspecting authority
appointed for the purpose.
(6) In respect of state-wide institutions 85% of the seats in each "Method of teaching School subjects
(Methodology)" shall be allocated among the three regions of the State, namely, Andhra University Area
(Andhra), Osmania University Area (Telangana) and Sri Venkateswara University Area (Rayalasema) in the
ratio of 42:36:22 respectively and the balance of 15% seats shall be left for open competition.
(7) The requirement of qualifying at the Common Entrance Test shall not be applicable to the candidates for
admission against the following categories of seats reserved in accordance with the rules inforce.
(a) Five seats over and above intake capacity shall be reserved for the candidates sponsored by other State
Governments and Union Territories for admission into all Government colleges of Education in the State and as
approved by the Director of School Education, Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad without any reference to entrance
examination on reciprocal basis.
(b) The Departmental candidates for whom B.Ed. qualification is prescribed as a must for service
regularisation/declaration of probation/promotion and deputed by department, shall be given admission in any
recognised private colleges of education located nearer to his working place automatically without any reference
to entrance Examination. These admissions will be made over and above the intake capacity fixed by the
Rule 4 Eligibility criteria for admission
Admission into Institutions shall be governed by the rules of admission of the respective Universities, in addition
to the rules and regulations prescribed herein. The eligibility criteria for admission into various Institutions shall
be as follows:
(1) Nationality and Domicile: The candidates should be Indian Nationals and should satisfy local/non-local status
requirement as laid down in the Andhra Pradesh Educational Institutions (Regulation of Admissions) Order,
1974 and the amendments made thereon.
(2) Educational Qualifications:- Candidates should have passed B.A./B.Sc./B.Sc. (Home Science) /B.Com or
should have appeared for the final year examination in any of these courses at the time of making the application
of the Common Entrance Test. However they shall not be considered for admission unless they got their
provisional pass certificates at the time of admissions into the Colleges irrespective of their rank in the Common
Entrance Test.
(3) Age Limit: The candidates should have completed the age of 19 years on the date of commencement of
admissions as announced by the Entrance Test Committee or on such other date as may be notified by the
Entrance Test Committee. There shall be no maximum age limit for the admission.
Rule 5 Common Entrance Test
(1) The Common Entrance Test shall be conducted by the Convenor, appointed by the State Council, on such
dates and at such centres as may be specified by or as decided by the entrance Test Committee.
(a) The Convener shall make advertisement in the popular daily newspapers calling for applications in the form
prescribed by the Entrance Test Committee, from the candidates satisfying the eligibility criteria laid down under
Rule 4. The advertisement among other things, shall indicate the application fee and entrance test fee payable
and the last date for conduct of the Entrance Test.
(b) The date of conduct of Entrance Test as notified by the Entrance Test committee shall not be revised without
the prior permission of the Government.
(3) The subject and syllabus for the Entrance Test shall be as specified by the Entrance Test Committee from
time to time.
(4) The medium of Entrance Test shall be English, Telugu and Urdu.
(5) The qualifying marks in the Entrance Test for general category of candidates shall be 35% of the aggregate
marks. However, there shall be no minimum qualifying marks, in respect of candidates belonging to the
Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes.
(6) The candidates who have obtained qualifying marks in the Entrance Test shall be assigned ranking for each
Methodology in the order of merit on the basis of the aggregate marks obtained in Entrance Test.
(7) No requests for retotalling or revaluation or personal identification of the answer scripts of the Entrance Test
shall be entertained.
(8) Mere appearance at the Entrance Test does not entitle a candidate to be considered for admission into any
course automatically unless the candidate:
(a) applies to the University Concerned/Convener as the case may be, and
(b) satisfies all the conditions of admission stipulated by the concerned University and Government as the case
may be.
(9) If any ambiguity of doubt arises in the interpretation or implementation of these rules, the decision of the
Chairman of the Committee shall be final.
(10) The Entrance Test fee i.e. the fee to be collected from the students desirous of appearing for the Entrance
Test shall be as prescribed by the Entrance Test Committee from time to time.
(11) The Committee shall follow the instructions of the State Council from time to time.
Rule 6 Preparation of merit lists and assigning ranking
The candidates who have secured qualifying marks in the Entrance Test and the candidates belonging to the
Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes communities to whom qualifying marks have not been prescribed, shall
be assigned the ranking in the order of merit on the basis of the aggregate marks obtained in all the subjects/parts
in which entrance test has been conducted.
(1) The Common Entrance Test Committee shall prepare the following categories of merit lists separately for
each of the Methodologies, namely, Mathematics and Physics, Bilogical Science and Social Studies.
(a) State-wide Common Merit List:- This list shall include candidates irrespective of whether one belongs to any
category of reservation quota or not, basing on the order of merit of marks obtained in the Common Entrance
(b) Local area- wise Merit Lists:- This list includes candidates belonging to the particular local area irrespective
of whether one belongs to any category of reservation quota or not basing on the order of merit of marks
obtained in the Common Entrance Test.
(c) Concerned Minority Community Merit Lists:- They include merit lists, containing the candidates belonging
to the concerned minority community arranged in the order of merit ranking assigned in the Common Entrance
Test, both State-wide and Local area-wise.
(d) Community-wise Merit Lists:- There shall be separate Community-wise Merit Lists for Scheduled Castes,
Scheduled Tribes and Backward Classes communities both as State-wide lists and Local area-wise lists.
(e) Merit Lists or other categories of reservations:- There shall be separate merit lists for other categories of
reservation mentioned under Sub-rule (4) of rule 10, state-wise and Local area-wise.
(2) While preparing the merit lists, the following shall be the criteria.
(a) In case of tie in the aggregate, marks obtained in part C' (content background) and Part A' (General English)
in that order shall be taken into account to decide relative ranking.
(b) In the case of candidates getting equal marks in each of the parts of the test paper, they shall be bracketed for
the purposes of award of rank. At the time of admission age shall be taken into consideration for relative ranking
among the bracketed candidates, and the older candidates shall be given priority.
(3) The candidates who have been assigned ranking in the Merit List shall be issued "Rank Cards". The Rank
Card, among other things, shall contain the details of the category of course to which the candidate is qualified
and the rank assigned in the State-wide and Local area wise Merit Lists and also the category of reservation, if
any, to which the candidate is entitled.
Rule 7 Admission into Government Colleges and Campus/Constituent Colleges of Universities
The university concerned to which the Institution relates or is affiliated offering B.Ed., Courses shall make
advertisement in the popular daily newspapers calling for applications from the candidates who have been
assigned ranking in the Common Entrance Test, clearly indicating the last date for receipt of the filled -inapplications and the registration fee payable.
(2) The candidates desirous of getting their names considered both as local and non-local candidates shall make
applications separately to the University to which he is a local candidate and the other Universities to which he is
a non-local candidate, respectively.
(3) No speparate applications is required for consideration for admission into the State-wide institutions. The
application made to the University for consideration as local candidates will also be considered for the purpose.
Rule 8 Admissions into Private Institutions
(1) The Convener of the Common Entrance Test shall make advertisements in the popular daily newspapers
calling for applications in the prescribed form from the qualified candidates who have been assigned ranking in
the Common Entrance Test and desirous of seeking admission into the private institutions, including minority
educational institutions, offering B.Ed., Course.
(a) The advertisement, among the other things, shall indicate the various documents to be enclosed with the
application, the application fee payable to the State Council and various fees payable in favour of the concerned
(b) The advertisement shall also make it amply clear that the candidates belonging to the concerned community
alone will be admitted into the minority educational institutions basing on the ranking assigned to them in the
Common Entrance Test and that the candidates belonging to the other communities will be admitted only against
the left over seats, in the order of ranking assigned to them in the Common Entrance test and further that, while
admitting the candidates belonging to other communities the rule of reservation as laid down under rule 10 will
be followed.
(2) The candidates who are qualified to seek admission as a consequence of obtaining ranking in the Common
Entrance Test and desirous of seeking admission into the private institutions, including minority educational
institutions shall make application to the Convener either in person or by "Registered Post Acknowledgment Due
"enclosing all the relevant documents including a copy of the Rank Card issued to him. The applications shall be
(3) The Convener shall scrutinise all the applications received from the candidates desirous of seeking admission
into the private institutions, including the minority educational institutions. After scrutiny, the Convener shall
prepare two categories of merit lists, namely:(a) Common Merit List - Containing the names of all the candidates, including those belonging to the minority
community, arranged in the order of merit ranking assigned to them in the Common Entrance Test;
(b) Community - wise merit list - Containing the names of the candidates belonging to the concerned community
arranged, in the order of merit ranking assigned to them in the common Entrance Test, prepared separately for
each of the concerned community taking into account the community to which the minority institution claims to
belong. The candidate belonging to minority communities other than the concerned minority community, shall
be treated as of belonging to other non-minority communities for the purposes of admission into the minority
(4) The seats in all the private colleges including minority institutions, shall be pooled up Methodology-wise and
distributed among the three regions of the State, namely, Andhra University area (Andhra), Osmania University
area (Telangana) and Sri Venkateswara University area (Rayalaseema) in the ratio 42:36:22 respectively and
shall be allotted to, the candidates by following the procedure prescribed under rule (10) (1) (c)
Rule 9 Allotment of candidates for admission
(1) Candidates who have secured higher ranks at the Entrance Test will be called for an interview in the order of
merit for selection and allotment of institutions, namely, Government, Campus/Constituent Colleges of
Universities and Private. For the convenience of the candidates, representatives of all the Universities concerned
and Principals of all the Colleges of education shall sit at a common table. As and when each candidate gets his
turn for interview in the order of merit, choice of institution will be given to him depending upon availability at
that point of time with due regard to the eligibility of the candidate for a seat in a particular local area for a
particular reserved/unreserved category.
(2) The Convener of the Entrance Test Committee shall be the competent authority to select and allot candidates
for admissions into various Institutions on the basis of the ranking assigned to them in the Common Entrance
Test and subject to final approval by the Chairman.
(a) In respect of the minority Institutions, Candidates belonging to the concerned Communities alone shall be
admitted by following the provisions under sub-rule (4) of rule 8.
(b) If candidates belonging to the concerned community from a local area fall short for making admissions in the
prescribed ratio, candidates belonging to the concerned community belonging to other local areas can be
admitted in the order of ranking in the concerned State-wise merit list.
(c) If there are no candidates belonging to the concerned community, in any local area, candidates belonging to
other Communities form the respective local areas in order of merit, can be admitted in which case, the rule of
reservation as provided under rule 10, shall be followed.
(4) The selection of candidates and allotment of institutions in respect of the private colleges including those
administered by minority communities, shall also be solely on the basis of merit as adjudged by the rank
obtained in the Entrance Test subject to the condition that the candidates should have passed the qualifying
examination, with the minimum marks prescribed for the Entrance Test. However, mere appearance at the
entrance test and obtaining of high rank in the merit lists does not entitle a candidate to be considered for
admission automatically into any Institution unless he also satisfies the rules and regulations of admission
prescribed by the concerned University and the Government including marks to be obtained in the qualifying
(5) The number of branches/Methodologies and the total number of candidates to be admitted, shall be as
decided by the Government, from time to time.
Rule 10 Rule of Reservation for Admission
They shall apply to all institutions including private institutions.
(1) Local area-wise reservation of seats:(a) Admission to 85% of the seats in each methodology excluding the seats as specified by the
Government/Council which are exempted from the need of Common Entrance Test, shall be reserved for the
local candidates and 15% of the seats shall be left un- reserved as specified in the Andhra Pradesh Educational
Institutions (Regulations and Admission) Order, 1974 and the amendments made thereon.
(b) In respect of State-wide Institutions, admission of seats, excluding the seats which are exempted from the
need of Common Entrance Test, in each Methodology 85% of the seats shall be reserved for the candidates
belonging to the three local areas in the State, namely, Andhra University Area (Andhra), Osmania University
Area (Telangana) and Sri Venkateswara University Area (Rayalaseema) in the ratio of 42:36:22 respectively and
the balance of 15% of the seats shall be left for open competition.
(i) The seats in each of the private colleges (including minority institutions) shall be pooled up Methodologywise and distributed among the three regions of the State, namely Andhra University Area (Andhra) , Osmania
University Area (Telangana) and Sri.Venkateswara university Area (Rayalaseema) in the ratio 42:36:22
respectively. If seats meant for any local area are left over, they may be filled up with the other candidates in the
order of merit ranking assigned in the State-wide Merit List.
(ii) In respect of minority institutions, methodology-wise seats in each institution shall be filled up with the
candidates belonging to the concerned minority community among the three local areas of the State in the ratio
referred under clause (i). If seats meant for any local area are left over they may be filled up with candidates
belonging to the concerned minority community from other local areas in the order of merit ranking assigned in
the State-wide Merit List. If seats are still left unfilled, they may be filled up with the candidates of other
Communities from the respective local area in the order of merit ranking. The rules of reservation prescribed
under rule 10 shall be followed if candidates belonging to the other communities are to be admitted.
I. The Local Area:(a) The part of the State comprising the district of Adilabad, Hyderabad (including twin cities), Rangareddy,
Karimnagar, Khammam, Medak, Mahaboobnagar, Nalgonda, Nizamabad and Warangal shall be regarded, as
Osmania University local area (Telangana)
(b) The part of the State comprising the districts of Srikakulam, Vizianagaram, Visakhapatnam, East Godavari,
West Godavari, Krishna, Guntur and Prakasam shall be regarded as the Andhra University local area (Andhra)
(c) The part of the state comprising the districts of Anantapur, Kurnool, Chittor, Cuddapah and Nellore shall be
regarded as the Sri Venkateswara University local area (Rayalaseema). II. The Local Candidate:
(A) A Candidate for admission shall be regarded as a local candidate in relation to local area:
(a) If he has studied in educational institution or educational institutions in such local area for a period of not less
than four consecutive academic years ending with the academic year in which he appeared or as the case may be,
first appeared in the relevant qualifying examination, or
(b) Where, during the whole or any part of the four consecutive academic years ending with the academic year in
which he appeared or as the case may be first appeared for the relevant qualifying examination, he has not
studied in any educational institution, if he has resided in that local area for a period of not less than four years
immediately preceding the date of commencement of the relevant qualifying examination in which he appeared
or as the case may be, first appeared.
(B) A candidate for admission to the course who is not regarded as local candidates under Clause (a) in relation
to any local area shall:
(a) If he has studied in educational institutions in the state for a period of not less than Seven Consecutive
Academic Years ending with the Academic year in which the appeared or as the case may be, first appeared for
the relevant qualifying examination be regarded as a local candidate in relation to:
(i) Such local area where he has studied for the maximum period out of said periodof Seven Years, or
(ii) where the period of his study in two or more local areas are equal such local area where he has resided last in
such equal period, or
(b) If, during the whole or any part of seven consecutive academic years, ending with the academic year in which
the appeared or, as the case may be, first appeared for the relevant qualifying examination, he has not studied in
the educational institutions in any local area but has resided in the State during the whole of the said period of
seven years, be rgarded as a local candidate in relation to:
(i) Such local area where he has resided for the maximum period of the said period of seven years, or
(ii) Where the periods of his residence in two or more local areas are equal, such local area where he has resided
last in such equal periods.
(C) The following categories of candidates are eligible to apply for admission to the remaining 15% of
unreserved seats:
(a) All the candidates eligible to be declared as local candidates.
(b) Candidates who have resided in the State for a total period of ten years excluding peiods of study outside the
State or either of whose parents have resided in the state for a period of ten years excluding periods of
employment outside the State.
(c) Candidates who are children of parents who are in the employment of this State or central Government,
public sector Corporations, Local Bodies, Universities and similar other Quasi- Public Institutions within the
(d) Candidates who are spouses of those in the employment of the state or Central Government, Public Sector
Corporations, Local Bodies, Universities and similar other quasi Government Institutions within the state and the
educational institutions recognised by the competent Authority.
(D) If a local candidate in respect of a local area is not available to fill any seat reserved or allocated in favour of
a local candidate in respect of that local area, such seat shall be filled in as if it has been un-reserved.(2) Reservation of seats for S.C./S.T./B.C. Communities :(a) 15% and 6% of seats in each methodology in each institutions shall be reserved for the candidates belonging
to the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes communities respectively.
The Seats reserved for Scheduled Castes shall be made available to Scheduled Tribes and Vice-versa, if qualified
candidates are not available in the category. If qualified candidates belonging to scheduled Castes and Scheduled
Tribes Communities are not available, the left over reserved seats shall be filled by the candidates of general
(b) 25% seats in each methodology in each Institution shall be reserved for the candidates belonging to the Backward Classes and shall be allocated among the four groups of Backward Classes as shown below:
Group : 'A' . . . 7%
Group : 'B' . . . 10%
Group : 'C' . . . 1%
Group : 'D' . . . 7%
(3) Other categories of Reservations :(a) 2% of seats in each institution shall be reserved for physically handicapped persons. The selection authority
will have the to reject any candidates if in his/her opinion any particular disability is detrimental to the teaching
profession. This should be decided with reference to the medical fitness certificate produced by the candidate.
(b) 3% of seats in each institution shall be reserved for the children of the Ex-service men and Defence Personnel
residing in the State.
(c) 1% of seats in each institution shall be given to the candidates proficient in Sports and Games. A candidate
who could be counted as sportsman for this purpose must have represented the country, the State, the University
or his own College.
(d) 1% of the seats in each institution shall be reserved for N.C.C and Bharat Scouts and Guides. Candidates
must be in possession of C' or B' certificate of N,C.C. preference being given to C' and B' Certificate holder
respectively. In the case of Scouts and Guides preference may be given to President Scouts and Guides.
(e) A minimum of 30% of seats available in each of the Co- educational Colleges of education shall be reserved
for women candidates, on over all basis instead of observing them Community-wise or methodology-wise.
However, the seats reserved for women, may filled by men if women candidates are not available.
(f) Ten seats in each Government Comprehensive Colleges of Education/Government College of Education shall
be reserved for Section Officers, and other non-gazetted officials including Record Assistants and Attenders
working in the Education Department of Andhra Pradesh Secretariat as permitted by the Government and
Ministerial staff including the Record Assistants and Attenders working in the offices under the control of the
Director of School Education and the ministerial staff including Record Assistants and Attenders working in the
recognised non- Government Institutions like the Zilla Parishads, Panchayat Samithies, Municipalities, Private
Institutions under the administrative control of the Director of Schools Education Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad as
permitted by the Director of School Education. Their selection for admission will be made by the Director of
school Education purely on the basis of rank assigned in the Common Entrance Test. If sufficient number of
candidates are not available under this quota they may be filled in by the candidates from the general pool.
Rule 11 Constitution and functions of the Entrance Test Committee
The State Council of Higher Education shall constitute an Entrance Test Committee, for conducting the Common
Entrance Test anually. The constitution and the functions of the Entrance Test Committee shall be as specified
(1) Constitution of the Committee: The Committee shall consist of the following:
(a) Chairman, shall be nominated by the State Council of Higher Education for each academic year for the
purpose of conducting the Entrance Test.
(b) One representative of each of the Universities to be nominated by the concerned Vice-chancellor.
(c) The Director of School Education, Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad or his nominee.
(d) One Member- to be nominated by the State Council of Higher Education.
(e) Convenor - who should be of the rank of professor to be nominated by the State Council of Higher Education
in consultation with the Chairman of the Common Entrance Test Committee.
(f) Convenor of the common Entrance Test for the preceding year.
(g) One Principal of a Private College, to be nominated by the State Council, every year by turn.
(2) Functions of the Entrance Test Committee:
(a) The Committee: The Committee shall take decisions, on the following aspects of the Entrance Test, from
time to time.
(i) Pattern of question papers:
(ii) Duration of the test;
(iii) Weightage and marks to be assigned to each paper
(iv) Syllabus content;
(v) Centres for conducting the test;
(vi) Dates of the test;
(vii) Date of announcement of results;
(viii) Norms for payment of remuneration for different items of works connected with Entrance Test;
(ix) Fees to be collected from the candidates, and such other issue or issues as may be referred to it by the
Chairman of the State Council of Higher Education from time to time.
(b) The Chairman:
(i) The Chairman of the committee shall preside over the meetings of the Committee. In the absence of the
Chairman at the meeting, he may nominate one of the members to preside over the Committee Meetings.
(ii) The chairman of the Committee shall be competent authority to appoint paper setters and moderators for the
entrance test and to decide upon the printing press or presses at which the papers are to be got printed.
(c) The Convenor; The convenor shall, subject to such directions as may be issued by the Chairman, discharge
his duties in connection with the entrance test. He shall be responsible for discharging the following functions:
(i) Printing of application forms, instructions, etc., to candidates;
(ii) Issuing the notification inviting applications for the Entrance Test;
(iii) Sale of application forms and issue of hall tickets;
(iv) Appointment of Co-ordinators and Chief Superintendents and observers for various centres of the test;
(v) Coding and De-coding of answer scripts;
(vi) Appointment of Examiners for the valuation of the answer scripts in consultation with the Chairman.
(vii) Evaluation by spot valuation of the answer scripts.
(viii) Payment of remunerations for various items of work relating to the Entrance Test and maintenance and
submission of accounts to the State Council of Higher Education.
(ix) Publication of results and despatch of Rank Cards to the qualified candidates;
(x) Selecting candidates for admission into Institutions.
(3) Funds for the Conduct of the Test:
(a) The amounts collected from the candidates appearing for the Entrance Test towards cost of application form
and examination fee shall be directly credited to the account of the State Council of Higher Education.
(b) The convener will draw advance from the state Council of Higher Education to meet the expenditure for the
conduct of the test and submit audited accounts after the admissions are completed.
In exercise of the powers conferred by sections 3 and 4 read with sections 15 of the Andhra Pradesh Educational
Institutions (Regulation of Admission and Prohibition of Capitation fee) Act, 1983 (Act No.5 of 1983) and in
supercession of all the rules in force on the subject, the Governor of Andhra Pradesh hereby makes the following
rules relating to admission of students into Teachers Training Course (TTC) offered in various Teacher Training
Institutions (TTI) and District Institutes of Education and Training (DIET) through Common Entrance Test.
Rule 1 Short title, Application and Commencement
(1) These rules may be called the Andhra Pradesh Educational Institutions (Regulation of admissions into
Teacher Training Course through Common Entrance Test) Rules, 1990.
(2) They shall apply to all the Teacher Training Institutes (T.T.Is) (both Government and private) and District
Institutes of Education and Training (DIET) functioning within the State of Andhra Pradesh offering Teacher
Training Course.
(3) They shall come into force with effect from the academic year 1989-1990.
Rule 2 Definitions
(1) In these rules, unless the con otherwise requires:
(a) "Act" means the Andhra Pradesh Educational Institution (Regulation of Admissions and Prohibition of
Capitation Fee) Act, 1983 (Act No.5 of 1983).
(b) "Chairman" means the Chairman of the Common Entrance Test Committee. The Director of School
Education will be the ex- officio Chairman of Common Entrance Test Committee unless otherwise the
Government appoint any other Officer specifically, for the purpose of conducting the Common Entrance Test.
(c) "Common Entrance Test" means the examination conducted for assigning merit ranking to students which
will be the basis for admission of students into the Teacher Training Course offered in various Teacher Training
Institutes and District Institutes of Education and Training.
(d) "Convenor" means the Convenor of the Entrance Test Committee who will be any one of the Regional Joint
Directors of School Education, appointed in rotation by the Chairman for conducting the Common Entrance Test
and performing such other functions relating to the said examinations as may be entrusted to him.
(e) "Entrance Test Committee" means the Committee empowered to conduct the Common Entrance Test and to
prepare the list of candidates in the order of marks obtained in the entrance test based on which admissions will
be made;
(f) "Institution" means, the Teacher Training Institutes (both Government and Private including those
administered by minority communities) and the District Institutes of Education and Training (DIET) offering the
Teacher Training Course (T.T.C)
(g) "Inspecting Authority" means, the authority/Officer appointed by the Chairman, for inspecting and
scrutinising the admissions of the students made in all the institutions.
(h) "Local Area" means, the territorial jurisdiction prescribed for identifying the local candidate as specified
under rule 11.
(i) "Local Candidate" means, the candidates in relation to the local areas as specified in rule 11.
(j) "Qualifying Examination" means the examination of the minimum qualification prescribed,
appearance/passing of which entitles one to seek admission for the Common Entrance Test.
(k) "Qualified Candidate" means the candidate who has appeared for the Common Entrance Test and has been
assigned ranking in the Common Merit List.
(l) "Regional Convenor" means the head of the Regional Admission Committee who will be any one of the
Regional Joint Directors of School Education of the concerned local area or any other authority/officer as
appointed by the Chairman.
(m) "Regional Admission Committee" means the Committee appointed by Chairman for conducting the Entrance
Test in the respective local area and related other functions.
(2) Words and expressions used but not defined in these rules shall have the same meaning as assigned to them
in the Andhra Pradesh Educational Institutions (Regulation of Admissions and Prohibition of Capitation Fee)
Act, 1983 (Act No.5 of 1983).
Rule 3 Method of admission
The general guide lines for the admission of students into Teacher Training Course offered in various Teacher
Training Institutes and District Institutes of Education and Training functioning under both Government and
private management (including those administered by the minority communities) shall be as laid down below:
(1) The Teacher Training Course (T.T.C.) shall be of one academic year duration.
(2) The admissions into the Teacher Training Course shall be made on the basis of merit ranking assigned to the
students in the Common Entrance Test.
(3) The total number of candidates to be admitted in each of the Teacher Training Institutes, both Government
and private (including those administered by the minority communities) and the District Institutes of Education
and Training, shall be as decided by the Government from time to time and specified in the notification.
However Govt. are empowered to revise the intake capacity of the students subsequently, if exigencies demand.
(4) Unless otherwise specifically mentioned, each of the Government Teacher Training Institutes and the District
Institute of Education and Training shall admit 150 students in two sections of 75 each. For every 75 seats
available in the institute, the subject-wise allocation of seats shall be as follows:
(a) Mathematics - 19 Seats.
(b) Physical Science - 19 Seats
(c) Biological Science - 19 Seats
(d) Social Studies - 18 Seats. The Vacancies, if any, in a particular group due to lack of candidates should be
transferred to the next subject group in the order given below:- Mathematics; Physical Science; Biological
Sciences; Social Studies.
(5) Admission into various Government institutions shall be made by following rule of reservation prescribed
under rule 11.
(a) The Principals of private institutions shall admit candidates as allotted by the Regional Admission Committee
on the basis of the ranking assigned to them in the Common Entrance Test.
(b) The Principals of the institutions administered by the Minority communities shall admit candidates belonging
to their own community in the order of merit and ranking assigned to them in the Common Entrance Test by
following the procedure laid down under these rules.
(c) The admission of student made in various Private institutions (including minority institution) shall be subject
to scrutiny by the Inspecting Authority appointed for the purpose.
(7) The Candidates sponsored by the other State Governments and the Union Territories and approved by the
Government where there are Telugu medium schools and do not have facilities of Teacher Training institutions
in Telugu medium, are exempted from appearing for the Common Entrance Test.
(a) In all 12 seats shall be reserved for the candidates sponsored by the other State Governments/and the Union
Territories, on reciprocal basis, at the rate of 3 seats in each of the Government Teacher Training Institutions at
Vomaravalli, Bheemunipatnam, Mahabubnagar and Karvetinagar.
(b) Notwithstanding the exemption provided in sub-rule (7) (a) the candidates should have secured 45% of marks
in the Intermediate or its equivalent examination and in the case of * [Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and
physically handicapped Candidates,] the minimum percentage of marks required shall be 40%.
Rule 4 Eligibility criteria for admission
The Candidates desirous of making application for the common entrance test, meant for admission into Teacher
Training Course shall have fulfilled the following conditions:
(1) Nationality and domicil :- The candidate shall be a citizen of India and shall either be a local or non-local
candidates as defined in Andhra Pradesh Educational Institutions (Regulation of Admission) Order, 1974 and the
amendments made thereon.
(2) Age limit :- The candidates should have completed 17 years and should not have completed 25 years of age
as on the 1st July of the year of admission. However, the upper age limit in the case of * [Scheduled Caste and
Scheduled Tribe and physically handicapped Candidates] is 28 years.
(3) Educational Qualifications:(a) The candidates who have passed or appeared for the Intermediate Examination or its equivalent as decided by
the Entrance Test Committee are eligible to appear for the entrance test. But they should have passed the
qualifying examination by the time of taking admission.
(b) The candidate should have secured 45% of marks in the aggregate in the qualifying examination. The
minimum percentage of marks in the case of * [Scheduled Caste Scheduled Tribe and physically handicapped
candidates] shall however, be 40% The candidates who passed Intermediate Examination with vocational
courses are not eligible for appearing for the Common Entrance Examination.
Rule 5 The Common Entrance Test
The Common Entrance Test shall be conducted by the Convenor, appointed by the Chairman on such dates and
at such centres as may be decided by the Entrance Test Committee.
(1) The Convenor shall make notification in the popular daily news papers calling for applications in the
prescribed form (Form-I) from the candidates satisfying the eligibility criteria laid down under rule 4. The
notification among other things, shall indicate the authority from whom applications can be obtained, various
fees payable, the authority to whom the filled in applications are to be submitted, the last date for the submission
of application and the date of conduct of Entrance Test.
(2) The date of conduct of the Entrance Test as announced by the Entrance Test Committee shall not be revised
subsequently without the prior approval of the Government.
(a) The applications are obtainable from the office of the Regional Convenor of the local area concerned who
will also issue acknowledgment on receipt of the filled in applications (Form-I) together with crosses demand
draft as entrance test fee and other relevant documents. The Regional Convenor will receive only such of the
applications which have been issued by him and submitted within stipulated time.
(b) The material supplied to the candidates shall include an application form (Form -I) seeking appearance to the
Common Entrance Test and another application form (Form-II) seeking admission in to the Teacher Training
Course and the prospectus giving various details of the course and test.
(a) The candidates shall pay the entrance test fee by obtaining crossed demand draft from any nationalised bank
payable to the Convenor, Common Entrance Test Committee and enclose the same with the application.
(b) The Regional Convenor shall forward the application to the Convenor, Common Entrance Test. The
Convenor in turn shall deposit the demand draft in separate account opened in any nationalised bank for the
(5) The entrance examinations shall be conducted in all the district headquarters and/or such other centres as may
be decided by the Entrance Test Committee.
(6) For the purpose of appearing to the Common Entrance Test the Candidates are entitled to opt for any local
area whether one belongs to that particular local area or not, in either case the candidates should obtain
applications from the Regional Convenor of the local area of their choice and submit filled in applications to
him. However it is for the Regional Convenor concerned to allot any one of the Examination Centres under his
(7) Irrespective of the choice of the local area expressed by the candidates for appearing to the Common
Entrance Test, candidates will be admitted into the institution on the basis of the local area to which they belong
by applying the rule of reservation prescribed in the Andhra Pradesh Educational Institutions (Regulation of
Admission) Order, 1974 and the amendments made thereon.
(8) The subjects and syllabus for the Entrance Test shall be as specified by the Entrance Test Committee from
time to time. The standard of the test shall be of intermediate course prescribed by the Board of Intermediate
(9) The medium of Entrance Test shall be in English, Telugu, and Urdu.
(10) The qualifying marks in the Entrance Test for General category of candidates shall be 35% of the aggregate
marks. However, there shall be no minimum qualifying marks, in respect of candidates belonging to the
Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribes.
(11) The candidates who have obtained qualifying marks in the Entrance Test and those belonging to S.C./S.T.
communities only shall be assigned ranking in the merit list in the order of merit on the basis of the aggregate
marks obtained in the Entrance Test as detailed under rule 6.
(12) No requests for retotalling or revaluation or personal identification of the answer scripts of the Entrance Test
shall be entertained.
(13) Mere appearance at the Entrance Test does not entitle a candidate to be considered for admission into any
course automatically unless the candidate;
(a) makes application(s) in the prescribed form (Form -II) to the Regional Convenor to which he is a local
candidate and/or to the Regional Convenor (s) to which he is non-local candidate for consideration of his
application(s) as of local candidates and/or for open competition, as the case may be, and
(b) satisfies all the conditions of admission stipulated by the Government and Board of Intermediate Education
as the case may be, in addition to the rules prescribed herein.
(14) The Entrance Test Fee i.e., the fee payable as demand draft by students desirous of appearing for the
Entrance test shall be as prescribed by the Entrance Test Committee, from time to time.
Rule 6 Scheme of Entrance Test
The common Entrance Test shall be of written test of two hours duration comprising the following:(1) PART-I.......................... . 40 Marks
(a) General Knowledge............... . 15 Marks
(b) Aptitude Test................... . 25 Marks
(2) PART -II . . 60 Marks
(a) The question paper comprising of Multiple choice and one word answer type of question meant to estimate
the proficiency at the Intermediate course standard (non-languages subject).
(b) The candidate can choose one of the following subjects for answering Part-II.
(i) Mathematics
(ii) Physical Sciences
(iii) Biological Sciences
(iv) Social Sciences
(c) The candidate should mention clearly the subject he has chooses to answer under Part-II in the space
provided in the application form.
(d) The candidate should invariably choose the subject he studied as one of the optionals in Intermediate course
to answer the Part-II question paper.
(e) The candidates who have taken Humanities and Commerce group at Intermediate course are eligible only to
social science subjects viz., History, Civics, Economics and Geography etc.,
Rule 7 Preparation of Merit List and assigning ranking
The candidates who have secured qualifying marks in the Entrance Test that is 35% of aggregate marks in
respect of general category of candidates and the candidates belonging to the scheduled Castes and Scheduled
Tribes Communities to whom qualifying marks have not been prescribed, shall be assigned the ranking in the
order of merit.
(1) The Entrance Test Committee shall prepare the following categories of merit lists for convenience at the time
of admission and they shall be displayed in all the institutions in the respective local area, where the Common
Entrance Test have been conducted.
(a) State-wide Common Merit Lists: - The list shall include all the qualified candidates irrespective of local area
and whether one belongs to any category of reservation quota or not, basing on the marks obtained in the
Common Entrance Test.
(b) Local area-wise Common Merit Lists: - This list shall include the qualified candidates belonging to the
particular local area irrespective of whether one belongs to any category of reservation quota or not basing on the
marks obtained in the common Entrance Test.
(2) While preparing the merit lists, the Entrance Test Committee shall keep in mind the following criteria.
(a) In case of equality of marks obtained by two or more candidates in the Entrance Test, the aggregate marks
obtained in the Intermediate Examination shall be taken into consideration.
(b)In the case of candidate getting equal marks in the Entrance Test as well as the Intermediate Examination they
shall be bracketed for the purpose of award of rank. At the time of admission, are shall be taken into
consideration for relative ranking among the bracketed candidates, and the older candidate shall be given
(3) The candidates who have been qualified in the Entrance Test and have been assigned ranking in the merit list
shall be issued "Rank Card" indicating the order of merit in the State-wide Common Merit list, the place and date
of interview for admission.
(4) The Convenor shall furnish a copy of the State wide merit list and a copy of the concerned local area wise
merit list to the respective Regional Convenor for use at the time of making admission of candidates.
Rule 8 Procedure for admission into various Institutions
(1) The Convenor of Entrance Test committee shall make a notification in the popular daily news papers
directing the candidates who have qualified in the entrance test and who have been issued Rank Cards and
desirous of seeking admission into various Institutions functioning under Government as well as Private
(including minority institutions) to make applications in the prescribed form (Form -II) to the Regional Convenor
(2) The candidates desirous of availing the benefit of rule of reservation both under the local as well as open
competition categories, may make separate applications in the prescribed form (Form-II) to the Regional
Convenor of the local area to which they are local candidates to the Regional convenors of other local areas to
which they are non-local candidates respectively.
(a) The candidates desirous of applying to more than one Regional Convenor may use type-written applications
in the prescribed Form (Form-II) for the purpose.
(b) The application shall be sent to the Regional Convenor together with a copy of the Rank card, self-addressed
post card for issuing acknowledgment crossed demand draft for the amount payable as application fee and other
testimonials prescribed.
(e) The application fee shall be prescribed by the Entrance Test Committee from time to time and shall be in the
form of crossed demand draft obtained from any nationalised bank and pay able to the Regional Convenor
(4) The Regional Admission Committee shall scrutinise all the applications received by the Regional Convenor
seeking admission into Government as well as Private (including minority Institutions) if any, and prepare the
following categories of merit lists:
(a) Common Merit List :- This list includes all the applicants to the Regional Convenor irrespective of the local
areas and category of reservation they belong in the order of merit ranking as assigned in the State-wide Merit
(b) Local area-wise Merit List:- This list includes the applicants belonging to the concerned local area
irrespective of category of reservation in the order of the merit ranking assigned in the Common Merit List.
(c) Concerned Minority Community Merit Lists: They include merit lists containing the candidates belonging to
the concerned Minority Community arranged in the order of merit ranking assigned in the Common Merit List.
(d) Community -wise Merit Lists : There shall be separate community wise merit lists for Scheduled Castes,
Scheduled Tribes, and Backward Classes communities.
(c) Merit lists for other categories of reservation:- There shall be separate merit lists for other categories of
reservations mentioned under sub-rules (3) to (6) of rule 11.
(5) The Regional Admission Committee shall also keep in mind the seats secured by the candidates of its local
area on open competition, in other local areas while making admissions of the candidates belonging to the local
(6) As far as possible the candidates will be allotted institution for admission basing on the preferential order
opted by them while making the application in Form-I. The allotment of candidates to Government Teachers
Training Institutes and District Institutes of Education and Training shall depend upon the availability of seats in
these Institutes in the methods of teaching school subjects to which the candidate is eligible, with due regard to
his/her eligibility for admission in a particular local area or for a particular reservation category.
(7) Depending upon the proportion of the seats available and the number of qualified candidates, the candidates
who have secured higher ranks in the Common Entrance Test will be called for an interview in the order of merit
for selection and allotment. For the convenience of the candidates, representatives of all the institutions in the
local area (both Government and Private including minority institutions) shall sit at a common table. As and
when each candidate gets his turn for interview in the order of merit, choice of the institution will be given to
him depending upon availability of seats at that point of time with due regard to the eligibility of the candidate
for a seat in a particular local area for a particular reserved/un reserved category, which need not be the choice of
institutions expressed in the application.
(8) The Regional Convenor of the Regional Admission Committee concerned shall be the competent authority to
select and allot candidates for admission into various institutions both Government and Private (including
minority institutions) under his jurisdiction on the basis of the ranking assigned to them in the Common Merit
List subject to final approval by the Chairman.
(a) In respect of the Minority Institutions, if any, candidates belonging to the concerned communities of the local
area concerned alone shall be admitted.
(b) If there are no candidates belonging to the concerned minority community, in any local area, the candidates
belonging to other communities from the respective local areas in the order of merit can be admitted in which
case the rule of reservation as provided under rule 11, shall be followed.
Rule 9 Constitution and functions of the Entrance Test Committee
The Constitution and functions of the Entrance Test Committee shall be as detailed below:(1) Constitution of the Entrance Test Committee :- The Committee shall consist of the following:(a) Director of School Education or his nominee . . Chairman
(b) One of the Regional Joint Directors of School Education, . . Convenor as nominated by the Chairman.
(c) Three Principals of Government Teacher Training Institutions. . Members /District Institute of Education and
Training one each from each local area
(d) Two Principals of private Teacher Training Institutions, . . Members if any, as nominated by the Chairman.
(2) Functions of the Entrance Test Committee:
(a) Functions of the Chairman :- The Chairman shall perform the following functions namely: (i) to preside over
the meetings of the Committee and to nominate any other member to preside over the meetings in his absence;
(ii) to interpret the rules concerned with the Common Entrance Test if any doubt arises.
(b) Functions of the Convenor :- The Convenor shall, subject to such directions as may be issued by the
Chairman, discharge his duties in connection with the Entrance Test. He shall be particularly responsible for
discharging the following functions.
(i) printing of application forms, instructions etc., to candidates, hall tickets and various other registers, rank
cards etc. and to supply them to the concerned authority.
(ii) issuing the notification inviting applications for the Entrance test;
(iii) sale of application forms and issue of hall-tickets;
(iv) coding and de-coding of answer scripts;
(v) appointment of examiners for the valuation of the answer scripts in consultation with the Chairman.
(vi) evaluation by spot valuation of the answer scripts;
(vii) payment of remuneration for various items of work in relation to the Entrance Test and maintenance and
submission of accounts to the Committee;
(viii) appointment of Chief Superintendents and observers for various centres of the Test;
(ix) publication of results and despatch of Rank Cards to the qualified candidates;
(x) issuing notification inviting applications from the qualified candidates, for admission into various institutions.
(c) Functions of the Committee:- The Committee shall perform the following functions, namely:(i) to decide about the mode of conducting the Entrance Test;
(ii) to decide the date and centres of the Entrance Test;
(iii) to decide about the syllabus, content and the pattern of question paper;
(iv) to decide the date of announcement of results;
(v) to indicate the norms of payment of remuneration and other expenditure for different items of work
connected with the entrance examination and scrutinise the accounts, subject to following usual financial rules in
(vi) the fees to be collected from the candidates;
(vii) to indicate the dates of admission;
(viii) to prescribe aptitude test and its mode of conduct and extent of marks to be considered along with marks
obtained at Entrance Test for admission, to any of the courses;
(ix) to appoint paper setters and moderators for the Entrance Test
(x) to prepare State-wide and local area-wise merit lists;
(xi) to decide upon the printing press or presses at which the papers are to be got printed; and
(xii) such other functions as may be entrusted to it by the Chairman from time to time.
(3) Funds for the conduct of the Entrance Test:
(a) The Convenor shall open and operate a bank account in a scheduled bank exclusively for the Entrance Test.
All the Demand Drafts drawn in favour of the Convenor towards the Entrance Test Fee as received with the
applications (Form-I) shall be credited into the said account.
(b) The Convenor shall draw the amounts from the said account to meet the expenditure relating to the conduct
of the Entrance Test.
(c) The Convenor shall remit the surplus amount, if any left over into the Government account after completing
the audit by the Accountant General, Andhra Pradesh, within six months from the date of the examination or
under any circumstances before the issue of the notification for the next Entrance Test whichever is earlier.
(d) A copy of the audit report along with the accounts shall be submitted to the Committee.
Rule 10 Constitution and functions of the Regional Admission Committee
The Chairman, Entrance Test Committee shall appoint three Regional Admission Committees, one each for each
of the local areas, for regulation of admissions into various Teachers Training Institutes and the District Institutes
of Education and Training, located in their respective jurisdiction. The Constitution and functions of each of
these Regional Admission Committees shall be as detailed below.
(1) Constitution of the Committee :
(a) One of the Regional Joint Directors of School Education in .. Regional the local area concerned, as nominated
by the Chairman Convenor
(b) Principals of all the Teachers Training Institutions, .. Members District Institutes of Education and Training
(2) Functions of the Committee: The Regional Convenor shall preside over the meetings of the Regional
Admission Committee as and when required. The Regional Admission Committee shall perform the following
(a) to take directions from the Chairman in discharging various functions relating to conduct of the Common
Entrance Test in the centres coming under its jurisdiction.
(b) to receive the State-wide Merit List and local area wise Merit List and the details of seats secured by the
Candidates of the respective local area in other local areas on open competition as received from the other
Regional Admission Committees.
(c) to receive applications from the qualified candidates seeking admission into various courses offered in
various institutions functioning under the Govt. and private managements (including the minority institutions):
(d) to prepare the merit lists as detailed in rule 8 and allot courses/institutions to the candidates by following
procedure laid down therein.
(3) Funds for the Regional Admission Committee:
(a) The Regional Convenor shall open and operate separate bank account in a Scheduled Bank and credit all the
demand drafts drawn/in his favour as the application fee, received with the applications (Form-II).
(b) The Regional Convenor is empowered to draw the amounts from the said account to meet the expenses
connected with the Entrance Test admission of students etc. In all other respects rule 9 (3) shall apply.
Rule 11 Rule of reservation for admission
They shall apply to all institutions functioning under the Government as well as private managements.
(1) Local area-wise reservation of seats:
(a) Admission to 85% of the seats in each institution excluding the seats as specified by the Government which
are exempted from the need of common Entrance Test, shall be reserved for the local candidates and the balance
of 15% of the seats shall be left for open competition as specified in the Andhra Pradesh Educational Institutions
(Regulation of Admission) Order, 1974 and the amendments made thereon.
(i) Admission to 85% of the seats in each Private Institutions (including minority institutions) shall be reserved
for the local candidates and the balance of 15% of the seats shall be left for open competition as specified in the
Andhra Pradesh Educational Institutions (Regulation of Admission) Order 1974 and the amendment made
(ii) In respect of minority institutions, 85% of seats in each institution shall be reserved for local candidates
belonging to the concerned minority community and the balance of 15% of seats shall be left for open
competition among the candidates of the concerned minority community, irrespective of the local area. If
sufficient number of candidates belonging to the concerned minority community are not available to the extent of
85% (Local) and 15% (Open) as the case may be, the vacancies in the respective category may be filled up with
the candidates of respective category belonging to other communities, in which case the rule of reservation as
prescribed under these rules and the order of merit ranking shall be followed.
Explanations :
I. The Local Area : For the purposes of admission of students into various educational institutions, the State shall
be treated as composed of three local areas as detailed below:
(a) The part of the State Comprising the districts of Adilabad, Hyderabad (including Twin Cities), Ranga Reddy,
Karimnagar, Khammam, Medak Mahaboobnagar, Nalgonda, Nizambad and Warangal shall be regarded, as
Osmania University local area (Telangana).
(b) The part of the State comprising the districts Srikakulam, Vizianagaram, Viskhapatnam, East Godavari, West
Godavari, Krishna, Guntur and Prakasam shall be regarded as the Andhra University local area (Andhra).
(c) The part of the State comprising the districts of Anantapur, Kurnool, Chittoor, Cuddapah and Nellore shall be
regarded as the Sri Venkateswara University Local Area (Rayalaseema).
II. The Local Candidate B :
(A) A candidate for admission shall be regarded as a local candidate in relation to local area:
(a) if he has studied in one or more educational institution(s) in such local area for a period of not less than four
consecutive academic years ending with the academic year in which he appeared or as the case may be, appeared
in the relevant qualifying examination, or
(b) Where, during the whole or any part of the four consecutive academic years ending with the academic year in
which he appeared or as the case may be appeared for the relevant qualifying examination, he has not studied in
any educational institution, if he has resided in that local area for a period of not less than four years immediately
preceding the date of commencement of the relevant qualifying examination in which he appeared or as the case
may be, appeared.
(B) A candidate for admission to the course who is not regard as local candidate under clause (A) in relation to
any local area shall:
(a) if he has studied in educational institutions in the State for a period of not less than seven consecutive
academic years ending with the academic year in which he appeared or as the case may be, appeared for the
relevant qualifying examination be regarded as a local candidate in relation to:
(i) such local area where he has studied for the maximum period out of said period of seven years:
(ii) where the period of his study in two or or more local areas are equal such local area where he has resided last
in such equal period; or
(b) if, during the whole or any part of seven consecutive academic years ending with the academic year in which
he appeared or, as the case may be, appeared for the relevant qualifying examination, he has not studied in the
educational institutions in any local area but has resided in the State during the whole of the said period of seven
years, be regarded as a local candidate in relation to(i) such local area where he has resided for the maximum period out of the said period of seven years; or
(ii) where the period of his residence in two or more local areas are equal, such local area where he has resided
last in such equal period.
(C) The following categories of candidates are eligible to apply for admission to the remaining 15% of
unreserved seats:
(a) All the candidates eligible to be declared as local candidates;
(b) The candidates who have resided in the State for a total period of ten years excluding periods of study outside
the State or either of whose parents have resided in the State for a period of ten years excluding the period of
employment outside the State.
(c) The candidates who are the children of parents who are in the employment of this State or Central
Government, Public Sector Corporations, Local Bodies, Universities and similar other quasi Public Institutions,
within the State.
(d) The candidates who are spouses of those in the Employment of the State or Central Government, Public
Sector Corporations, Local Bodies, Universities and similar other quasi-Government Institutions and educational
Institutions recognised by the Competent Authority, within the State.
(D) If a local candidate in respect of a local area is not available to fill any seat reserved or allocated in favour of
a local candidate in respect of that local area, such seat shall be filled in as if it has not been reserved. For details,
see the Andhra Pradesh Educational Institution (Regulation of Admission) Order, 1974 and amendments made
(2) Reservations of Seats for S.C./S.T./B.C. Communities :
(a) 15% and 6% of seats in each course in each Institution shall be reserved for the candidates belonging to the
Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribes respectively. The seats reserved for Scheduled Castes shall be made
available to Scheduled Tribes and vice-versa, if qualified candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes and
Scheduled Tribes Communities are not available. The left over seats reserved for them shall be treated as unreserved seats and shall be filled by the candidates of general pool.
(b) 25% seats in each course in each Institution shall be reserved for the candidates belonging to the Backward
Classes and shall be allocated among the four group of Backward Classes as shown below:- Group 'A'
: 7%
Group 'B'
: 10%
Group 'C'
: 1%
Group 'D'
: 7%
If qualified candidates belonging to Backward class of a particular group are not available, the left over seats can
be adjusted for the candidates of next group. If qualified candidates belonging to Backward Classes are not
available to fill up the 25% seats reserved for them, the left over seats shall be treated as un-reserved and shall be
filled up with candidates of general pool.
(3) Reservation of seats for Women: 30% of the seats in each co-educational institution shall be reserved in
favour of women candidates from all categories i.e. Open Competition, Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes,
Backward Classes Groups A". B', C, D' and Army Quota. This rule of reservation shall not be applicable if
women candidates selected on merit in each category form 30% or more of the seats therein. When the number
of women candidates falls short of this percentage it would be made up by replacing the last selected male
candidates by women candidates in that category. In the absence of suitable women candidates, the seats shall be
filled in with men candidates.
(4) Reservation of seats for Physically Handicapped persons:- 2% of seats in each institution shall be reserved for
admissions of various categories of physically handicapped persons. They must produce a Medical Certificate
from a Civil Surgeon who is also a specialist for treating that particular physical handicap. The following shall be
the criteria for selecting the candidates under this quota:
(a) The Blind:- Persons suffering from either of the following conditions:(i) total absence of sight:
(ii) visual equity not exceeding 6/60,20/200 (Shellen) in the better eye with correcting lenses.
(iii) limitation of the field of vision sub-standing an angle of 20 or worse.
(b) The Deaf:- Persons in whom the sense of hearing is non- functional for ordinary purposes of life. They do not
hear and understand sounds at all even with amplified speech. The cases included in this category are those
having loss more than 90 dicibles in the better car (Profound impairment, total loss of hearing in both ears)
(c) Orthopaedically Handicapped : Persons having a physical defect or deformity which causes interference with
the functional capacity of the bones, muscles and joints.
(i) "Functional capacity" means the ability to perform certain physical functions such as to walk, run, lift, push,
see, hear, etc.
(ii) The selection authority shall have the to reject any candidate if in his opinion any particular disability is
detriment to the teaching profession. This should be decided with reference to the medical fitness certificate
produced by the candidate.
(iii) If qualified candidates are not available under this quota the seats left over shall be treated as un-reserved.
(5) Reservation of seats for the Defence Personnel etc., and obliques or their children, spouses :- 4% of the
available seats in each institution shall be reserved for the ex-servicemen, defence personnel, Border Security
Force and Central Reserve Police Force residing in Andhra Pradesh and/or their children/spouses.
(6) Reservation of seats for A.C.C./N.C.C./Scouts and Guides/Sports candidates :- 1% of seats in each institution
shall be reserved for the candidates possessing certificates of distinction in A.C.C./N.C.C./Scouts and Guides and
Sports. In case of absence of candidates under this quota, the seats shall be treated as unreserved.
(a) For consideration under N.C.C./A.C.C. quota, candidates must possess B' or C' certificates in the preferential
(b) In the case of Scouts and Guides the seats may be given to President Scouts and Guides only.
(c) A candidate for consideration under sports men quota must have represented the Country, the State, the
University or District level.
Rule 12 General Instructions
(1) Notwithstanding anything contained in these rules the Government may either suo-motu or on an application
of any person and after due and proper enquiry, order the with-holding of the publication of the result of the
Entrance Test or cancel the admission of the candidate if already made, or debar any candidates from applying
for admission permanently or for specified period, or discharge him from the course of, study, at any stage etc., if
in the opinion of the Government such action is warranted on the basis of guidelines evolved by the Government.
(2) The Government shall have the power to increase or decrease the number of seats in each institution at any
time and amend or alter these rules from time to time without notice.
(3) If any ambiguity or doubt arises in the interpretation and implementation of these rules, the decision of the
Chairman, Common Entrance Test, shall be final.
(See Rule 5)
1. Full Name (in Block letters):
2. Father's /Husband's/Guardian's Name:
3. (a)Date of Birth of the candidates, as per Secondary School Certificate the (Attested copy to be enclosed)
Passport size Photo of Candidate attested by any Gazetted Officer.
(b)Age of the candidate on the date of making the application.
4. (a)Place of birth of the candidate:
(b)The local area to which the candidate belongs basing on the study/nativity:
5. Nationality/Religion/Community of the candidate.
6. Choice of local area/centre for the entrance test, a) in the order of preference: b)
7. (a)Medium in which the candidate desires to write the entrance test, (English/Telugu/Urdu).
(b) Subject choosen for answering Part II:
8. Particulars of the crossed demand draft prescribed as the entrance test fee :
(Demand Draft to be enclosed)
9. Details of qualifying examination :
(Intermediate examination or any other qualification recognised as equivalent to it).
Particulars of the Examination I year II Year (a) Passed or appeared (with dates) (b) Optional subjects (c) Marks
obtained (d) Total marks obtained(for both the years put together)
10. Address for correspondence :
(Self-addressed post card to be enclosed).
I hereby solemnly and sincerely affirm that the particulars and information furnished above are true and correct.
I also affirm that I have carefully gone through the Instruction Booklet and have become fully conversant with
the eligibility conditions to be satisfied to appear at the Entrance Test and also admission into Teacher Training
Course. I fully realise that the mere fact that the hall-ticket is issued for the Entrance Test does not absolve me of
the responsibility of satisfying the eligibility conditions for the Entrance Test and admission into the course in
the institution concerned.
Signature of the Candidate Attestaion by the Principal of the Institution where last studied or any Gazetted
Officer of State or Central Government in case of candidates who appeared for qualifying examination privately
(with official seal).
(See Rule 8)
Details of demand draft as application fee:
(Demand draft to be enclosed)
1. Full Name (In Block Letters) :
2. Father's/Husband's/Guardian's Name:
3. (a)Date of birth of the candidate, as per Passport size Photo of Secondary School Certificate (Attested the
Candidate attested copy to be enclosed) by any Gazetted Officer.
4. Nationality/Caste/Religion of the candidate:
5. The local area/centre where the applicant appeared for the entrance test:
6. The local area to which the candidate belongs basing on the study/nativity:
7. Local area/institution to which the candidate a) desires to be considered for admission (order b) of preference
to be indicated) c)
8. Particulars of the merit ranking obtained by the candidate in the Entrance Test: (Original or xerox copy of the
Rank card to be enclosed)
9. Details of qualifying examination (Intermediate examination or any other qualification recognised as
equivalent to it)
Particulars of the Examination I year II Year (a) Passed or appeared (with dates) (b) Optional subjects (c) Marks
obtained (d) Total marks obtained(for both the years put together)
10. Reservation category to which the candidate claims to belong (Write YES OR NO in the appropriate box, if
reservation is claimed; enclose attested copies of certificate in support of the claim).
11. Whether the candidate belongs to any minority community, if so, the details thereof:
12. Whether the candidate desires to be considered for admission into the private institution also.
13. Address for correspondence:
(Self-addressed post card to be enclosed).
14. (a) Nationality and religion
(b) Do you belong to Andhra Pradesh
(c) If not, mention the State to which you belong.
(d) Place of birth of (i) Candidate
15. Identification of marks of the candidates as (1) given in School records. (2)
16. Particulars of Parent/Guardian (Guardian, only if parent is not alive).
(a) Name
(b) Relationship with the candidate:
(c) Profession and Designation:
(d) Annual income from all sources (enclose an attested copy of the latest Income Certificate from the
17. Furnish the following details for the four/seven consecutive academic years ending with the month and year
of appearance for the qualifying examination. (Bonafied study certificate (s) issued by the Head(s) of Institution
(s) concerned should be enclosed).
Sl.No Academic Year Class in which studied during the year (if did not study in any year, state so and specify
the reasons). Name place and district of the Institution Remarks (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) 1. VI Class. 2. VII Class. 3.
VIII Class. 4. IX Class. 5. X Class. 6. Intermediate (Junior) 7. Intermediate (Senior)
18. If during the four/seven consecutive academic years mentioned in item 17 the applicant did not study during
the whole or any part of the four/seven consecutive academic years in any educational institution, furnish
particulars of applicants residence as shown below for the four/seven years immediately preceding the month and
year of appearance for the qualifying examination (A certificate from a Revenue Officer not below the rank of
M.R.O. certifying the residence for the above period should be enclosed).
Sl.No. Period during which resided Village Town, Mandal District in which resided Remarks (1) (2) (3) (4) 1. 2.
3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
I declare that all the foregoing statements made in this application are true. I accept that any statement made in
the application if found incorrect on scrutiny, will render the application liable for rejection and admission if
granted on the basis of such incorrect information, will stand cancelled.
I sincerely assure that if admitted, I will strictly adhere to the rules and regulations that may be adopted by the
Government from time to time and will abide by the rules of descipline of the Institute and the Hostel.
I agree to abide by the decisions of the Principal of the Institute and the Hostel authorities for any misconduct or
misbehaviour or breach of rules by me during the entire period of my study.
Place: Signature of the Candidate
I certify that the particulars furnished above by my son/duaghter/ward are true, I accept that any statement made
( - ) in the application, if found incorrect on scrutiny, will render the same liable for rejection and admission, if
granted on the basis of such incorrect information, will stand cancelled. I shall be responsible for his/her conduct,
good behaviour and compliance with the rules in force from time during the entire period of his/her study.
I promise to abide by any decision taken by the Principal of the institute and Hostel authorities for any
misconduct or mis behaviour or breach of rules by my son/duaghter/ward.
I hereby declare that I agree to meet the expenses, both in the Institute and in the Hostel, of my
son/daughter/ward during the entire period of his/her course, I shall also hold myself responsible and compensate
for any damages caused by my son/daughter/ward either in the institute or in the Hostel.
Place: Signature of the Parent/Guardian
Date: Address:
Andhra Pradesh Educational Institutions (Regulation of Admission and Prohibition of Capitation Fee)
6th FEBRUARY, 1984
In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-sections (2) and (3) of Section 4-A of the Andhra Pradesh
Educational Institutions (Regulation of Admissions and Prohibition of Capitation Fee) Act, 1983, the Governor
of Andhra Pradesh hereby makes the following rules for the constitution and operation of the Medical Education
Found for the Siddhartha Medical College, Vijayawada.
Rule 1
A Medical Education Fund shall be constituted under Section 4-A (1) of the Andhra Pradesh Educational
Institutions (Regulation of Admission and Prohibition of Capitation Fee) Act, 1983.
Rule 2 The Medical Education Fund shall be operated by a Committee consisting of the following
(a) One Representative of the Management
(b) The Director of Medical Education
(c) Superintendent, Government General Hospital, Vijayawada
(d) Principal, Siddhartha Medical College, Vijayawada (only convenor of the committee, but not a member of
the committee).
Rule 3 The Medical Education Fund shall consist of the following amounts:
(i) The outstanding balance as on 30th August, 1983 on the account of Siddhartha Medical College, Vijayawada ;
(ii) Tuition fees collected from studen}ts ;
(iii) All the moneys collected by the management in respect of Siddhartha Medical College ;
(iv) All moneys received from Government as financial assistance ;
(v) All moneys of the said Fund shall be deposited in a nationalised bank at Vijayawada;
(vi) The Fund shall be applied and expended for the improvement of the Siddhartha Medical College including
construction of buildings for the development of the Medical Education facilities and such other related purposes
as may be issued by the Government, from time to time ;
(vii) All withdrawals from the said Fund shall be made only by the Superintendent, Government General
Hospital, Vijayawada and the Treasurer of the Academy of General and Technical Education, Vijayawada jointly
on the cheques drawn in favour of the nationalised bank in which the amounts of the Medical Education Fund
have been deposited.
In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of Section 3 read with Section 15 of the Andhra Pradesh
Educational Institutions (Regulation of Admission and Prohibition of Capitation Fee) Act, 1983 (Andhra Pradesh
Act No. 5 of 1983) and in supercession of Andhra Pradesh Institutions of Law (Regulation of admissions into
courses in Law through Common Entrance Test) Rule, 1989 issued in G.O.Ms.No. 172, Education (Rules) dated
the 11th May, 1989 as subsequently amended, the Governor of Andhra Pradesh hereby makes the following rules
for admission into the Law Colleges imparting LLB/BL courses through a Common Entrance Test called the
Law Common Entrance Test (LAWCET).
Rule 1 Short title, applicability and commencement
(a) These rules may be called the Andhra Pradesh Law Courses (Regulation of Admissions into 3 year and 5 year
LL.B/B.L. Courses through Common Entrance Test) Rules, 2003.
(b) They shall apply for selection and allotment of candidates for admission into the Law Colleges imparting LL.
B. / B.L. Courses through Common Entrance Test held by the State or its agency called as LAWCET (Law
Common Entrance Test) as per the Andhra Pradesh Law Common Entrance Test Rules, 2003.
(c) They shall come-into force from the academic year 2003-2004.
Rule 2 Definitions
(I) In these rules, unless the context otherwise requires.
(a) "Act" means the Andhra Pradesh Educational Institutions Regulation of (Admission and Prohibition of
Capitation Fee) Act, 1983 (Andhra Pradesh Act No. 5 of 1983)
(b) "Committee for Admissions" means the Committee nominated and deputed by the Convenor of the
LAWCET to select and make allotment of candidate in accordance with the provisions laid down herein for
admissions into University/un-aided non minority and minority law Colleges offering 3 year and 5 year
LL.B./B.L. courses in the State.
(c) "Common Entrance Test" means LAWCET, the examination conducted for assigning rank on merit to
candidates, which will be the basis for admissions of the candidates into 3 year/5 year Law Courses
(d) "Competent Authority" means Chairperson, Andhra Pradesh State Council of Higher Education.
(e) "Convenor of Admissions" means the Convenor, LAWCET appointed for a particular year.
(f) "Convenor Seats" means the seats earmarked from the sanctioned Intake of seats in each course to be filled by
the Convenor of Admissions
(g) "Inspecting Authority" means the officer or authority nominated by the competent authority for the purpose
of verification of Admission.
(h) "Law Colleges" means, unless otherwise specifically mentioned, all the University/unaided non-minority and
minority Law Colleges (including those detailed as State-wide institutions) imparting 3 year/5 year LL.B./B.L.
(i) "Local area" means the territorial jurisdiction prescribed for identifying the local candidate;
(j) "Local Candidate" means the Candidate in relation to the local area as specified in Rule 7.
(k) "Management Seats" means the seats earmarked from the sanctioned intake of seats to be filled by the
Management/ College.
(l) "Qualified Candidate" means the candidate who has appeared and secured the qualifying marks in LAWCET
for the academic year concerned
(m) "Qualifying Examination" means the examination of the minimum qualification prescribed for
appearance/passing of which, entitled him to appear in the LAWCET, and passing of which along with other
criteria, makes him eligible to seek admission into 5 year and 3 year Law Courses.
(n) "State Council" means the Andhra Pradesh State Council of Higher Education, constituted under the Andhra
Pradesh Council of Higher Education Act, 1988 (Andhra Pradesh Act No. 16 of 1988).
(o) "University" means the University concerned in which the particular courses are offered;
(II) Words and expressions used but not defined in these rules shall have the same meaning assigned to them in
the Andhra Pradesh Educational Institutions (Regulation of Admission and Prehibition of Capitation Fee) Act,
1983 (Andhra Pradesh Act No. 5 of 1983).
Rule 3 Method of Admission
The general guidelines for the admission of candidates into LL.B./B.L. shall be as under:
(a) The admissions shall be made in the order of merit on the basis of the ranking assigned in LAWCET for that
year concerned as per Rule 5 of the Andhra Pradesh Law Common Entrance Test for entry into three year/Five
year LL.B./B.L. courses Rules, 2003.
(b) The requirement of qualifying at the Common Entrance Test shall not be applicable to the candidates,
sponsored for admission by Ministry of Human Resources Development; Government of India.
Rule 4 Eligibility for Admission
The eligibility criteria on admission into LL.B/B.L. courses shall be as mentioned below:
(i) The candidate should be an Indian national.
(ii) The candidate should satisfy Local/ Non-Local status requirement as laid down in the Andhra Pradesh
Educational Institutions (Regulation of Admissions) Order, 1974 as subsequently amended,
(iii) The candidate should possess the following educational Qualifications for admission into 3 year/5 year
LL.B. / B.L. courses;
(a) 3 year Law Course: Candidates seeking admission into 3 year Law Course should have passed any Degree
awarded or recognised equivalent thereto by the University concerned with 40% of marks on the aggregate,
(there is a relaxation of 5% of marks in the case of S.Cs. and S.Ts. 39.5% or more shall be rounded off and
treated as 40%). The candidates who have less than 40% or more on the aggregate in any Post-Graduate Degree
(Master Degree) or B.Ed, are eligible for admission. The Candidates who have passed their degree examination
by single sitting without undergoing 3 year course either through regular or private or correspondence after
1998-1999 are not eligible. The candidates passing their qualifying examination in the supplementary
examination of the current academic year for which the Entrance Test is conducted are not eligible for
admission. However, the candidates who pass in the 'instant' Examination are eligible.
(b) 5 year Law Course: Candidates seeking admission is to 5 year Law Course should have passed two year
intermediate examination (10 + 2 pattern) with 40% of marks on the aggregate or any other examination
recognised equivalent thereto by the university concerned or the Board of Intermediate Education, (there is a
relaxation of 5% of marks in the case of S.Cs. and S.Ts. 30.5% or more shall be rounded off and treated as 40%).
The candidates passing their qualifying examination in the supplementary examination of the current academic
year for which the Entrance Test is conducted are not eligible for admission. However, the candidates who pass
in the 'instant' Examination are eligible.
Rule 5 Allotment of Seats
(A) Procedure for admission into campus/ constituent colleges/departments of the Universities: The University
concerned shall notify in the media giving wide publicity inviting applications from the candidates, satisfying the
above criteria mentioned under Rule 4 and shall make admissions, basing on the ranking given in LAWCET and
following the rule of reservations for various categories as per the rules. The admission lists shall be verified and
approved by the Inspecting Authority in consultation with the Convenor.
(B) Procedure for admission into un-aided non-minority Law Colleges
(i) The seats to be allotted in each Unaided Non-minority Law Colleges are classified as;
(a) Convenor Seats
(b) Management Seats
(ii) The Convenor Seats shall be 85% of sanctioned intake of seats each in 3 year and 5 year Law course. These
seats shall be filled with eligible candidates on the basis of Rank obtained in LAWCET, other criteria and by
following Rule of Reservation.
(iii) The Management Seats shall be 15% of the total intake of seats each in 3 year and 5 year Law Course which
shall be open for admission to all the eligible candidates including candidates belonging to other states and
Union Territories of India and Non-Resident Indians. The Managements concerned are competent to fill these
seats either on the basis of Rank obtained in the LAWCET or based upon the qualifying examination where the
candidate should have obtained not less than 50% of the mark on the aggregate. In order to assure transparency
the lists of the candidates admitted in this category with supporting documents shall be submitted to the
Convenor of admissions for verification and approval.
(C) Procedure for admissions into un-aided minority Law Colleges:
(i) The seats to be allotted in each unaided minority Law Colleges are classified as
(a) Convenor Seats
(b) Management Seats
(ii) The Convenor seats shall be 30% of sanctioned Intake of seats each in 3 year and 5 year Law course in unaided minority Law Colleges. These seats shall be filled with eligible candidates "on the basis of Rank obtained
in LAWCET, other criteria and by following Rule of Reservation.
(iii) The Management Seats shall be 15% of the total Intake of seats each in 3 year and 5 year Law course in unaided minority Law Colleges which shall be open for admission to all the eligible candidates including
candidates belonging to other states and Union. Territories of India and Non- Residential Indians. The
Managements of these colleges concerned are competent to fill these seats either on the basis of Rank obtained in
the LAWCET or based upon the qualifying examination where the candidate should have obtained not less than
50% of the marks on the aggregate. In order to assure transparency the lists of the candidates admitted in this
category with supporting documents shall be submitted to the Convenor for verification and approval. 55% of the
total intake of seats each in 3 year and 5 year Law course in unaided minority Law Colleges may be filled only
with the candidates belonging to Religious/Linguistic Minority concerned on the basis of Rank obtained in
LAWECET by following the order of merit, other eligibility criteria laid in Rule 4 and transparency. In order to
ensure transparency the following procedure should be followed.
(a) The Managements of the unaided minority Law Colleges shall decide the programme of admission and
display it on the notice board of the college and also give wide publicity of the same.
(b) The Management of the unaided minority Law Colleges shall issue a separate notification in the media giving
wide publicity inviting applications for admission into 3 year/5 year Law courses from the candidates of the
minority concerned, for whose benefit the College is established and administered. The notification should
contain cost of application, number of seats available for admission in each course, eligibility criteria, fee
payable etc.,
(c) The application forms shall be made available at a reasonable cost to the candidates from the sales counters of
the college concerned and also at the offices mentioned below for accessibility and transparency
(i) Secretary to Government, Minority Welfare Dept., Govt. of A.P., Hyderabad
(ii) Secretary, Andhra Pradesh State Council of Higher Education.
(d) The filled in applications shall be received on or before the prescribed last date by the same
authorities/offices which have supplied the blank applications.
(e) A register shall be maintained to account for the sale of applications and receipt of filled in applications,
entering the Name of the candidate with his signature and the date of receipt and the signature of the officer who
is in-charge of the register.
(f) An acknowledgment shall be issued for the receipt of filled in application to each of the candidate.
(g) The Management shall arrange to collect the filled in applications from other offices mentioned above and
shall prepare order of merit of all the candidates who have applied for admission on the basis of the rank
obtained at LAWCET.
(h) The list of candidates selected for counselling and allotment of seats shall be displayed on the notice board of
the college/Websites of the Institute. The list may be communicated immediately to Convenor of LAWCET and
State Council and also the candidates individually of the date and time of Counselling with all the information
like the fee payable at the time of admission in the form of cheque/DD and also other instructions to be followed
for the purpose of admission.
(i) The candidates selected for admissions after Counselling shall be directed to pay the prescribed fee on the
date of Counselling and a list of all the admitted candidates shall be displayed on the notice board of the college
and it shall be communicated within seven days to the competent authority, Principal Secretary to Govt. Minority
Welfare Dept., Secretary, APSCHE and Convenor, LAWCET.
(j) If any vacancies arise after completing the first round of Counselling, they shall be displayed on the notice
board of the college and the procedure of admission laid in (h) and (i) above shall be repeated to fill up the
(k) The vacant seats still if any, shall be filled by the Management of the College with eligible non- minority
candidates following Rules of reservation.
(v) After completion of admissions, each unaided minority Law College shall submit to the Competent
Authority, the statements containing full particulars of candidates admitted under these Rules within two weeks
from the date of completion. The Competent Authority shall verify the correctness of admissions through the
inspecting authority and if any irregularity is noticed it shall call upon such College to rectify the same.
(vi) If it is found that no steps were taken by the Management to rectify the Irregularities in admissions made by
them, penal action shall be initiated against the Management of the college,
(vii) The competent authority shall fix the cut off dates for the Management to complete the above process and to
submit the lists of admitted candidates.
Rule 6 Procedure for admissions - filling up convenor seats
(i) The Convenor of Admissions shall be competent to make admissions subject to the directions, if any, passed
by the Competent Authority.
(ii) The Convenor of Admissions shall communicate the qualified candidates of LAW Common Entrance Test,
the list of Law Colleges having approval of affiliation from the Bar Council of India, affiliation of the University
concerned and permission from the Andhra Pradesh State Council of Higher Education and invite from the
candidates their option/preference of the college/colleges in order of priority in which they seek admission.
(iii) The Convenor of LAW Common Entrance Test shall prepare Common rank wise merit list, Region wise
merit list, merit list for reservation categories, and College wise lists based upon ranking and reservation for
various categories.
(iv) While allocating the seats the Convenor of Admissions shall follow the rules regarding the local area as
defined in the Presidential Order, 1974.
(v) Convenor of Admissions may take into account the option/preference of the College given by the candidates
as far as possible without violating the rules of admission.
(vi) The Candidates may be called for counselling college wise or University wise. Computerised admissions/on
line may be adopted if required based upon the number of students seeking counselling.
(vii) The Admissions will be conducted as per Rules by the Convenor or by the Committee of Admissions to
each college or University.
(viii) No Management of un-aided non- minority and un-aided minority Law Colleges shall call for applications
for Admissions separately or individually for the Convenor Seats.
(ix) Once a candidate secures admission in any Law college on his/her option no further claim for admission into
other Colleges be entertained except as provided by the Convenor of Admissions.
(x) The Seats left unfilled, after the above process, in un-aided non-minority and un-aided minority Law
Colleges may be filed by the managements concerned within the time prescribed by the Convenor of
Admissions. All such admissions require ratification and approval by the Convenor.
(xi) The Convenor of Admissions shall prepare the College wise final list of candidates admitted and send the
same to various Universities.
Rule 7 Rules of Reservation for admission
Seats shall be reserved to the following categories
(1) Region-wise reservation of seats:
(a) Admission to 85% of the "Convenor seats" each Course shall be reserved for the local candidates. The
remaining 15% of the "Convenor seats" shall be unreserved seats as specified in the Andhra Pradesh Educational
Institutions (Regulations and Admissions) Order, 1974 as subsequently amended.
(b) Admission to 85% of the "Management Seats" mentioned in Rule 5(C) (iv) above shall be reserved for local
candidates. The remaining 15% of the "Management seats" mentioned in Rule 5{C) (iv) above shall be unreserved seats as specified in the Andhra Pradesh Educational institutions (Regulations and Admissions) Order,
1974 as subsequently amended.
(c) In respect of State-wide Universities admissions into 85% of seats, in each Course shall be reserved for the
candidates belonging to the three local areas in the State specified in this sub-rule namely, Andhra University
area (Andhra), Osmania Universfty area (Telangana) and Sri Venkateswara University area (Rayalaseema) in the
ratio of 42:36:22 respectively and the balance of 15% seats shall be left for open competition.
Explanation: For purpose of these rules
(i) The Local Areas means:
(a) The part of the State comprising the districts of Adilabad, Hyderabad (including Twin Cities) Ranga Reddy,
Karimnagar, Khammam, Medak, Mahaboobnagar, Nalgonda, Nizamabad and Warangal shall be regarded as the
Osmania University Local area (Telangana).
(b) The part of the State Comprising the districts of Srikakulam, Vizianagaram, Visakhapatnam, East Godavari,
West Godavari, Krishna, Guntur and Prakasam shall be regarded as the Andhra University Local area (Andhr a).
(c) The part of the State Comprising the districts of Anantapur, Kurnool, Chittoor, Kadapa and Nellore shall be
regarded as the Sri Venkateswara University Local area (Rayalaseema).
(ii) The Local Candidate means;
(A) A candidate for admission shall be regarded as a local candidate in relation to a local area.
(a) If he has studied in Educational Institution or Educational Institutions in such local area for a period of not
less than four consecutive academic year ending with the academic year in which he appeared or as the case may
be, first appeared in the relevant qualifying examination
(b) Where, during the whole or any part of the four consecutive academic years ending with the academic year in
which he appeared or as the case may be first appeared for the relevant qualifying examination he has not studied
in any Educational Institutions, if he has resided in that local area for a period of not less than four years
immediately preceding the date of commencement of the relevant qualifying examination which he appeared or
as the case may be first appeared.
(B) Acandidate foradmission to the Course who is not regarded as local candidate under clause (A) in relation to
any local area shall.
(a) If he has studied in Educational Institutions in the State for a period of not less than seven consecutive
academic years ending with the academic year in which he appeared or as the case may be first appeared for the
relevant qualifying examination be regarded as a local candidate in relation to........
(i) Such local area where he has studied for the maximum period out of said period of seven years.
(ii) Where the period of his study in two or more local areas are equal such local area where he has studied last in
such equal period.
(b) If, during the whole or any part of seven consecutive academic year ending with the academic year in which
he appeared or as case may be first appeared for the relevant qualifying examination he has not studied in the
Educational Institutions in any local area but has resided in the State during the whole of the said period of seven
years, be regarded as a local candidate in relation to ...
(i) Such local area where he has resided for the maximum period out of the said period of seven years.
(ii) Where the periods of his residence in two or more local areas are equal, such local area where he has resided
last in such equal periods.
(C) The following categories of candidates are eligible to apply for admission to the remaining 15% of unreserved seats:
(a) All the candidates eligible to be declared as local candidates.
(b) Candidates who have resided in the State for a total period of 10 years excluding periods of study outside the
State or either of whose parent have resided in the State for a total period often years excluding period of
employment outside the State.
(c) Candidates who are children of parents who are in the employment of this State or Central Government,
Public Sector Corporations, Local Bodies, Universities and other similar quasi-public Institutions, within the
(d) Candidates who are spouses of those in the employment of the State or Central Government Public Sector
Corporations, Local Bodies, Universities and Educational Institutions recognised by the Government or
University OR Other competent authority and similar quasi Government Institutions within the State.
(D) If a local candidate in respect of a local area is not available to fill any seat reserved or allocated in favour of
a local candidate in respect of that local area, such seat shall be filled if it had not been reserved.
(2) Reservation of seats for SC/ST/BC Communities:
(a) 15% or seats in each course in each institution shall be reserved for the candidates belonging to Scheduled
Caste as shown below:
SC-A 1%
SC-B 7%
SC-C 6%
SC-D 1%
(b) 6% of seats in each course in each Institutions shall be reserved for the candidates belonging to the Scheduled
Tribes. The seats reserved for Scheduled Tribes shall be made available to Scheduled Castes and Vice-versa, if
qualified candidates are not available in the category. If qualified candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes and
Scheduled Tribes communities are not available the left over seats reserved for them shall be treated as
unreserved seats, and shall be filled by the candidates of.general pool.
(c) 25% seats in each course in each institution shall be reserved for the candidates belonging to the Backward
classes and shall be allocated among the four group of Backward classes as shown below (vide G.O.Ms.No.
1793, Edn., dt. 23-9-70):
Group A 7%
Group B 10%
Group C 1%
Group D 7%
(d) No candidate seeking reservation for admission under the above categories be allowed to participate in the
Counselling for admission unless he produces the Integrated Community Certificate prescribed by the Govt. and
issued by the Revenue Authorities in the Govt. (vide G.O.Ms.No. 58, Social Welfare [J)DepL, dt. 12-5-1997).
(3) Reservation for Special Categories: Seats shall also be reserved in each course for the following categories, to
the extent indicated against them.
(i) Physically Handicapped (PH) - There shall be 3% (Three Per ' horizontal reservation in each cav (OC, BC,
SC, ST) for Visually handicapped/ hearing impaired/orthopaedically Handicapped (each 1%).
(ii) Children of Armed Persons (CAP) - 2% (Two Percent) for the children of armed persons i.e., Ex-Servicemen,
Defence Personnel including the Children of Border Security Force and the Central Reserve Police Force
residing in Andhra Pradesh for a minimum period of 5 years. Order of Priorities:
Priority I Children of Armed Forces personnel killed in Action.
Priority 2: Children of Armed Forces Personnel disabled in action and invalidated out from service on Medical
Priority 3: Children of Armed Forces Personnel who are in receipt of Gallantry Awards. The order of merit for
consideration of the Gallantry Awards being as given below:
(i) Param Vir Chakra (ii) Ashoka Chakra (iii) Sarvotham Yudh Seva Medal (iv) Mahavir Chakra (v) Kirti Chakra
(vi) Uttam Yudh Seva Medal (vii) Vir Chakra (viii) Shourya Chakra (ix) Yuddha Seve Medal (x) Sena/Nau
Sena/ Vayu Sena Medal (xi) Mention in Despatches.
Priority 4: Children of other Ex- servicemen, Servicemen
(iii) National Cadet Corps (NCC) - 1% (One Percent) for National Cadet Corps candidates. The seats under NCC
will be considered in the following order of priority:
Priority 1: NCC cadet participants at International level selected for the youth exchange Programme.
Priority 2: NCC participants at National level in the following order of priority: (i) Republic day camp at New
Delhi (ii) All India Thal Sainik Camp - Nau Sainik camp/Vayu Sainik Camp for Republic Day banner
completion (iii) National Integration camp at A and N Islands (iv) Participants of parajumps/ Sky diving/
mountaineeing at National level/Medal winners at National shooting competition with National Rifle
Association/Award winner in NCC games at National level.
Priority 3:
(i) Participation of Republic Day parade at State level,
(ii) Participants of Independence Day parade at State Level.
(iv) Sports and Games (SP) - 1/2% (0.5%) (Half Percent) for Sports and Games candidates.
(a) the Candidates should have participated in Sports during their study for the qualifying examination.
(b) The seats will be filled as per the following order of preference:
(i) Represented the country and participated at International Level;
(ii) Represented the State and participated at All India Level;
(iii) Represented the University and participated at Inter - University level.
(c) No extra weightage shall be given to candidates for representation in more than one game or sport or
representation for more than once in the same game or sport. The priority will be decided based on the highest
entitlement from among the priorities admissible to a particular candidate based on his/ her representation in
different games/sports.
(d) Participation in the following games and sports only shall be considered under this category duly certified by
recognized Sports Bodies or Associations: (1) Athletics (Men and Women) (2) Badminton (3) Ball Badminton
(Men and Women) (4) Basket Ball (Men and Women) (5) Boxing (Men) (6) Chess (Men and Women) (7)
Cricket (Men and Women) (8) Cycling (Men and Women) (9) Foot Ball (Men and Women) (10) Gymnastic and
Malkamb (Men and Women) (11) Hand Ball (Men and Women) (12) Hockey (Men and Women) (13) Judo (Men
and Women) (14) Kabbadi (Men and'Women (15) Kho- Kho (Men and Women) (16) Rowing (Men and
Women) (17) Softball (Men and Women) (18) Squash Racket (Men) (19) Swimming Driving and Water Polo
(Men and Women) (20) Table Tennis (Meri3and Women) (21) Tennis (Men and Women) (22) Volley Ball (Men
and Women) (23) Weight Lifting (Men and Women) (24) Best Physique (Men) (25) Power lifting (Men) (28)
Yogasanas (Men and Women) (29) Krof Ball (30) Weight Lifting (31) Roller Skating (32) Archery (33)
Sailing/Yachting (34) Kayaking and Canoeing (35) Taek-wando (36) Sepak- Takraw.
(e) If qualified candidates belonging to NCC/SP/CAP categories are not available, the left over seats shall be
filled up with candidates of General Pool of the same local area.
(i) NCC
(ii) Sports and Games
(iii) Physically Handicapped
(iv) CAPA.P.
(g) The priorities in respect of the special categories mentioned above in the items above shall be in accordance
with Government Orders issued from time to time.
(4) Reservation of seats of Women: There shall be a reservation of 33.1 /3% of seats in favour of women
candidates in each course and in each category (OC/SC/ST/ BC/CAP/NCC/PH/Sports). The above reservation
shall not be applicable if women candidates are selected on merit in each category even if it exceeds 33.1/3%. If
sufficient number of women candidates are not available in the respective categories, those seats shall be
diverted to the men candidates of the same category.
Rule 8 FEE for 3 year and 5 year LL.B./B.L
(i) The candidates admitted into the University Colleges shall pay the fees as prescribed by the University
(ii) A fee of Rs. 6,500/- (Rupees Six Thousand Five Hundred only) per student per annum shall be payable by
the candidates admitted under the Convenor Seats (85%) in Un-Aided Non-Minority and 30% in Un-Aided
Minority Law Colleges, (iii) The Managenent may charge upto a fee of Rs. 25\000/- per student per
(f) The candidates claiming reservation benefits under the above categories shall produce original documents in
support of their claim to the Convenor of Admissions and he shall be entitled to refer the original documents of
the candidates claiming reservation for scrutiny and confirmation, to the following authorities. To the Director of
NCC, Andhra Pradesh or his nominee To the Committee of the expert constituted by the competent authority To
the Medical Board nominated by competent authority To the Director or his nominee Sainik Welfare Dept,
annum for the 15% Management seats without amounting to profittering and without charging capitation fee.
(iv) The Management shall not collect any other fees in the name of Development Fee, Building Fee,
Infrastructure Development Fee etc., except Refundable Deposits like Library Deposit, Laboratory Deposit etc.,
and shall not charge any capitation fees or resort to profittering.
(v) The fee structure of the courses shall be reviewed once in two years,
(vi) The candidates who were admitted in the colleges prior to the academic year 2003-2004 shall continue to
pay the fees at the pre-existing fee structure.
In exercise of the powers conferred by Section 3 read with Section 15 of the Andhra Pradesh Educational
Institutions (Regulation of Admission and Prohibition of Capitation Fee) Act, 1983 (Act No. 5 of 1983) and in
supersession of the Andhra Pradesh Professional Educational Institutions (Regulation of admission into UnderGraduate Professional Courses through Common Entrance Test) Rules 1989, the Governor of Andhra Pradesh
hereby makes the following rules relating to admission of students into the first year of the Under-Graduate
Professional Courses, namely, Engineering (including Technology), Agriculture (including Veterinary and
Home-Sciences) and Medical (all systems of Medicine including Dental):-
Rule 1 Short title and applicability
(1) These rules may be called Andhra Pradesh Professional Educational Institutions (Regulation of Admission
into Under- graduate Professional Courses through Common Entrance Test) Rules, 1993.
(2) They shall apply to all the Professional Institutions (including those functioning under Minority
Communities) imparting professional courses in Engineering (including Technology), Medical (including
Dental) and Agricultural Sciences (including Veterinary) for the first year Under-graduate Courses of which
admissions shall be made through a Common Entrance Examination called the "Engineering Agricultural
Science and Medical Common Entrance Test (EAMCET)".
Rule 2 Definitions
(1) In these rules unless the context otherwise requires;
(a) "Act" means the Andhra Pradesh Educational Institutions (Regulation of Admission and Prohibition of
Capitation Fee) Act, 1993 (Act No.5 of 1993);
(b) "Chairman" means the Vice-Chancellor of a University or the Principal of the Regional Engineering College
Warangal as the case may be, selected by the State Council of Higher Education for each academic year for the
purpose of conducting the Common Entrance Test
(c) "Committee of Entrance Test" means the Committee empowered to conduct the common Entrance Test and
to prepare the list of candidates in the order of marks obtained in the Entrance Test through its Convenor basing
on which admissions into various Courses will be made ;
(cc) "Committee for Admissions" means the Committee nominated by the Competent Athourity to select and
make allotment of candidates to all the professional institutions in the State for admission in accordance with the
provisions laid down.
(d) "Common Entrance Test" means the examination conducted for assigning merit ranking to students which
will be the basis of admission of the student into the first of various Under-graduate Courses in various
Professional Educational Institutions in the State;
(e) "Competent Authority" means the Chairman, Andhra Pradesh State Council of Higher Education in respect of
Engineering courses and courses offered by Andhra Pradesh Agricultural University and Vice-Chancellor,
University of Health Sciences in respect of Medical Courses.
(f) "Concerned Community" means the Community to which miniority institution claims to belong;
(g) "Convener of Common Entrance Test" means the Officer nominated/authorised by the Chairman for
conducting the Common Entrance Test and for performing functions relating thereto. The Convenor shall be of
the rank of a Professor.
(gg) "Convenor of Committee for admissions" means the Comissioner of Technical Education or any other
officer of such rank, nominated by the competent authority for selection and allotment of candidates for
admission into various coureses/institutions.
(h) "Fees Seats" means 50% seats in Private Professional Institutions in respect of which the fee payable shall be
the same as the fee payable in the Government/University Engineering Colleges, Medical/Dental Colleges of the
respective University area of the State of Andhra Pradesh;
(i) "Inspecting Authority" means the Authority/Officer appointed by the Competent Authority for inspecting and
scrutinising the admissions of the students made in the Private Institutions including those belonging to the
Minority Communities;
(j) "Institutions" means unless otherwise specifically mentioned all the Educational Institutions (including those
detailed as State-wide institutions and also those functioning under Minority Communities) except the Army
College of Dental Sciences run by the Army Welfare Education Society at Secundrabad imparting Professional
courses in Engineering (including Technology) Medical (including Dental) and Agricultural Sciences
(Veterinary Science);
(k) "Local Area" means the territorial jurisdiction prescribed for identifying the local candidates:-
(l) "Local Candidates" means the candidates in relation to the local areas as specified in Rule 8;
(m) "Non-Resident Indians (NRIS)" means Non-Resident Indians as defined by Reserve Bank of India.
(n) "Payment Seats" means the other 50% seats in Private Professional Institutions excluding the "Free Seats"
defined in Clause (4)
(o) "Qualified Candidate" means the candidate who has appeared for the Common Entrance Test and has been
assigned ranking in the Common merit List.
(p) "Qualifying Examination" means the examination of the minimum qualification prescribed
appearance/passing of which entitled one to seek admission into the relevant professional course;
(q) "State Council" means the Andhra Pradesh State Council of Higher Education constituted Under Sub-sec. (1)
of Section 3 of the Andhra Pradesh State Council of Higher Education Act, 1988 (Act No.16 of 1988);
(r) "University" means the University concerned or the Regional Engineering College, Warangal as the case may
be in which the particular Courses are offered;
(2) Words and expressions used but not defined in these rules shall have the same meaning assigned to them in
the Andhra Pradesh Educational Institutions (Regulation of Admission and Prohibition of Capitation Fee Act,
1983 (Act No. 5 of 1983).
Rule 3 Method of Admission
The general guidelines for the admission of students into various first year Under-graduate Courses in various
professional Educational Institutions shall be as laid down below:
(a) The admissions shall be made in the order of merit on the basis of the ranking assigned to the students in the
Common Entrance Test called the "Engineering Agriculturl Sciences and Medical Common Entrance Test
(EAMCET)" conducted for the purpose.
(b) The requirement of qualifying at the Common Entrance Test shall not be applicable to the candidates for
admission against the following categories of seats reserved in accordance with the rules in force:
(i) Nominated by the Government of India;
(ii) Nominated by other State Governments on reciprocal basis if any;
(iii) In respect of courses offered by the Andhra Pradesh Agriculral University:
(A) In-service candidates of the Departments of State Government and other organisations for whom specific
seats are reserved.
(B) Nominees sponsored by the Indian Council for Agricultural Research/Governmentof India.
(iv) Non-Resident' Indians (NRIS).
(2) The Principals of Private Professional Institutions shall admit candidates as allotted by the Convenor of
Committee for admissions in terms of Rule 7.
(3) The total number of candidates to be admitted in each Course in the Private Professional Institutions shall not
exceed the limits prescribed by the Government from time to time.
(4) The admission of the students made in various Private Professional Institutions shall be subject to scrutiny by
the Inspecting Authority appointed for the purpose.
(5) In respect of Regional Engineering College, Warangal and also other Regional Engineering Colleges in the
country, the Common Entrance Test shall be limited to the number of seats allotted for the candidates belonging
at Andhra Pradesh. The seats shall be allocated among the three local areas of the State specified in Sub-Rule (1)
of Rule 8, namely, Andhra University area (Andhra), Osmania University area (Telangana) and Sri
Venkateswara University area (Rayalaseema) in the ratio of 42:36:22 respectively.
(6) In respect of Medical Course, namely, M.B.B.S., it is open for the State Government to allocate certain
percentage of seats to the Central Common Pool for which admissions are to be made on the basis of the AllIndia Medical Entrance Examination, in which case the EAMCET shall be limited only to the remaining seats of
M.B.B.S. Course.
Rule 4 Eligibility Criteria for Admission
Admission into variou Courses in different Professional Educational Institutions shall be governed by the rules of
admission prescribed herein. The eligibility criteria for admission into various categories of Professional Courses
shall be as follows:
(1) Engineering Courses : These include such as B.E., B.E. (Mining), B. Tech., B. Arch., B.Tech. (Ag. Engg.)
and B.Sc. (Dairy Tech.). The candidates desirous of seeking admission into these Courses shall have the
following qualifications:
(a) Nationality and Domicile : The candidates should be Indian Nationals and should satisfy Local/Non-local
status requirement as laid down in the Andhra Pradesh Educational Institutions (Regulation of Admission) Order,
1974 as amended in G.O.P.No.46, Education (W) Department, dated 10-7-1979.
(b) Age Limit:- Candidates should have completed 16 years of age on the date of commencement of admissions
as announced by the Committee or on such other date as may be notified by the Committee and there is no upper
age limit.
(c) Educational Qualification:- Candidates seeking admission should have acquired any one of the following
educational qualifications or should have appeared for the qualifying examination at the time of making
application for admission into Professional Colleges. In the case of such candidates who apply pending the result
of their qualifying examinations, their candidates shall be subject to producing proof of their passing the
qualifying examination at the time of interview for admission.
(i) 2-year Intermediate Course (10 plus 2 pattern) with Mathematices, Physics and Chemistry as Optional
Subjects ; OR
(ii) Vocational Course in the fields of Engineering and Technology held by the Board of Intermediate Education,
Andhra Pradesh; OR
(iii) Diploma Examination in Engineering/Architecture conducted by the State Board of Technical Education and
Training, Andhra Pradesh; OR
(iv) Any other Examination recognised as equivalent to the above examination by the respective bodies in
Andhra Pradesh.
(2) Agricultural Courses :- These include courses such as B.Sc. (Ag.), B.Sc. (Horti), B.V.Sc. and A.H. ....... The
candidates desirous of seeking admissions into these courses shall have the following qualifications:
(a) Nationality and Domicile:- The candidates should be Indian Nationals and should satisfy Local/Non-local
status requirement as laid down in the Andhra Pradesh Educational Institutions (Regulation of Admissions)
Order 1974, as amended in G.O.P.No.646, Education (W) Department, dated 10-7-1979.
(b) Age Limit:- Candidates should have completed 16 years of age on the date of commencement of admissions
as announced by the Committee or on such other date as may be notified by the Committee and there is no upper
age limit.
(c) Educational Qualifications:- Candidates seeking admission should have appeared for or passed the 2-year
Intermediate Examination (10 plus 2 pattern) or any other examination recognised as equivalent thereto by the
Board of Intermediate Education, Andhra Pradesh, by the time of making application for admission into the
Professional Colleges with any two of the subjects indicated against each Course as mentioned below:TABLE
(i) B.Sc. (Agri) and B.Sc. (Horti.)
Physical Sciences
Biological or Natural Sciences
Vocational Courses in Agriculture.
(ii) B.V.Sc., and A.H.
Physical Sciences
Biological or Natural Sciences.
Vocational Courses in Veterinary Sciences.
(iii) [.......]
In the case of candidates who apply pending the result of their qualifying examination, their candidature shall be
subject to producing proof of their passing the qualifying examination at the time of Interview for admission.
(3) Medical Courses :- These include course such as M.B.B.S., B.D.S., B.A.M.S., B.H.M.S. and B.U.M.S. The
candidates desirous of seeking admission into these courses shall have the following qualifications:(a) Nationality and Domicile:- The candidates should be Indian Nationals and should satisfy Local/Non-local
status requirement as laid down in the Andhra Pradesh Educational Institutions (Regulation of Admission) Order,
1974 as amended in G.O.P. No.646, Education (W) Department, dated 10-7-1979.
(b) Age Limit:
(1) In respect of M.B.B.S. and B.D.S. Courses :
(i) Candidates should have completed the age of seventeen years on the date of commencement of admissions as
announced by the Committee or on such other date as may be notified by the Committee, and there is no upper
age limit for such admissions.
(ii) The candidate holding B.Sc. Degree with atleast two subjects out of three optional subjects prescribed and
those holding M.Sc. Degree with atleast one subject out of three optional subjects prescribed and having passed
the remaining subject/subjects in the intermediate or its equivalent examination, the maximum age limit shall be
extended by 3 years (i.e., should not have completed 25 years of age on the date of commencement of admission
as announced by the Committee or on such other dateas may be notified by the Common Entrance Test
(iii) The age limit in respect of Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe candidates shall be extended by three
(2) In respect of B.A. M.S., B.H. M.S. Courses: The candidates should have completed 17 years of age on the
date of commencement of admissions as announced by the Committee or on such other date as may be notified
by the Committee and there is no upper age limit for admission into these Courses.
(c) Educational qualifications: Candidates seeking admission should have acquired any one of the following
educational qualifications or should have appeared for the qualifying examination at the time of making
application for admission into the Professional Colleges. In the case of such candidates who apply pending the
result of their qualifying examination, their candidature shall be subject to producing proof of their passing the
qualifying examination at the time of Interview for admission.
(3) 2 year intermediate Examination (10 plus 2 pattern) with Physics, Chemistry and Biology or Mathematics as
Optional which shall include a practical test in each subject. OR
(i) Any other examination recognised by any of the Universities in this State or the Board of Intermediate
Education, Andhra Pradesh as equivalent to the Intermediate Course (10 plus 2 pattern) with Physics, Chemistry
and Biology including practical test in each of the said subjects.
* (4) B. Pharmacy Course: The candidates seeking admission into the course shall have the following
(a) Nationality and Domicile: The candidates should be Indian nationals and should satisfy Local/Non-local
status requirement as laid down in the Andhra Pradesh Educational Institutions (Regulation of Admission) Order,
1974 as amended in G.O.(P) No.646, Education (W) Department Dt.10-7-1979.
(b) Age Limit. Candidates should have completed the age of 16 years on the date of commencement of
admissions as announced by the committee or on such other date as may be notified by the Committee and there
is no upper age limit for admission into the course.
(c) Educational Qualifications: Candidates seeking admission should have passed/acquired.
(i) 2 year Intermediate Course (10 2 pattern) with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or Biology subjects, or
(ii) Diploma in Pharmacy or Intermediate (Vocational) Pharmacy examination conducted in Andhra Pradesh; or
(iii) any other examination recognised as Equivalent to the above examinations by the respective bodies in
Andhra Pradesh.
(d) Selection and allotment.
(i) Admission and allotment to this course for Intermediate and Diploma holder students shall be made by the
Competent Authority based on the EAMCET ranking, in the ratio of 17:17:6 on the capacity of 40 students
among the M.P.C.,Bi.P.C. and Diploma holders in Phamacy.
(ii) The General reservations of SC/ST/BCs/Sports/PH/NCC/CAP/Local and Non-local are also applicable to
these students as laid down in these rules.
Rule 5 The Common Entrance Test
(i) The Common entrance Test shall be conducted by the University selected by the A.P. State Council of Higher
(a) The Chairman shall issue an advertisement in all the popular daily newspapers inviting applications in the
form common for the Entrance Examination and Admission into all the Courses of "E" category and applications
for entrance examination into the course of the Andhra Pradesh Agricultural University and the University of
Health Sciences. The advertisement among other things shall indicate the cost of application form and the fee for
Entrance Test, the last date for submission of filled-in applications and the date of conduct of Entrance Test.
(b) The Chairman shall conduct the Entrance Test within 15 days from the last date of Intermediate examinations
by announcing the dates and centres therefor.
(3) The level of the Entrance Test shall be that of Intermediate course offered in the State of Andhra Pradesh,
which is equivalent to 10+2 scheme of examination; and as per the syllabus specified by the Entrance Test
Committee from time to time.
(4) The medium of Entrance Test shall be in Telugu and English languages. However candidates opting to write
the Test in Urdu medium may do so and the Centre for the Test will be at Hyderabad only. For the benefit of
such candidates facilities for translation to the extent necessary may be provided at the time of examination.
(5) The Common Entrance Test shall be conducted in four subjects namely Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and
Biology. Candidates seeking admissions in any particular course shall have to appear for only three subjects
relevant to the course.
(6) Physics and Chemistry subjects shall be common for all the three categories of Courses namely Engineering,
Agriculture and Medical.
(7) It is open for the candidates to appear for all the four subject in the Entrance Test, if they have passed the
qualifying examination with all these subjects as optionals which will enable them to be considered for
admission into all the courses, if they so desire. Timings for conducting the Test in the four subjects will be
suitably arranged to enable these candidates to appear for all the subjects, if they so desire.
(8) The details of the courses, the University offering and the subject to be choosen for appearing the Entrance
Test seeking admission into the Courses, shall be as specified in the Table below:
Courses for which admission sought University (s) offering the Course Subjects to be chosen for the Entrance
(1) Engineering Courses :
(a) B.E/B.Tech.
J.N.T. University
Andhra University
S.V. University,
Osmania University.
Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry.
(b) B.E. (Mining)
Kakatiya University
Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry.
(c) B.Arch.
Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry
(d) B.Tech.
(Ag.Engg.) B.Sc.
(Diary Engg)
A.P.Agricultural University Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry.
(2) Agricultural Science Courses :
(a) B.Sc. (Ag)/ B.Sc. (Horti).
A.P.Agricultural University Physics, Chemistry and Biology
(b) B.V.Sc. and A.H.
A.P.Agricultural University Physics, Chemistry and Biology
(c) [....]
(3) Medical Courses:
(a) M.B.B.S
A.P.University of Health Sciences Physics, Chemistry and Biology.
(b) B.D.S.
A.P.University of Health Sciences Physics, Chemistry and Biology
(c) B.A. M.S.
A.P.University of Health Sciences Physics, Chemistry and Biology
(d) B.H.M.S.
A.P.University of Health Sciences Physics, Chemistry and Biology.
(e) (x x x)
(x x x)
(x x x)
4. B.Pharmacy Nagarjuna University
Osmania University
Kakatiya University
Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or Biology.
Andhra University
Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics with 50% aggregate marks in these subjects.
(9) The qualifying marks in the Entrance Test for general category of candidates shall be 30% of the aggregate
marks in the three subjects. However, there shall be no minimum qualifying marks in respect of candidates
belonging to the Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes.
(10) Candidates shall be assigned the ranking in order of merit in the Entrance Test on the basis of the aggregate
marks obtained in all the respective three subjects. There shall be separate ranking for candidates seeking
admission to Engineering and Non- Engineering Courses.
(a) In case of tie in the aggregate, marks secured by the candidates in EAMCET, the marks secured in
Mathematics in the case of Engineering, and Biology in the case of Medicine, Agriculture and Veterinary
Sciences in EAMCET shall be taken into account to decide the relative ranking.
(b) In the case of further tie the marks secured by the candidates in Physics for Engineering, and in Chemistry for
Medicine, Agriculture and Veterinary Science in EAMCET shall be taken into account to decide the relative
(c) In the case of further tie the total percentage of marks secured by the candidate in the qualifying examination
shall be taken into account to decide the relative ranking.
(11) No requests for retotalling or revaluation or personal identification of the answer scripts of the Entrance Test
shall be entertained.
(12) In the event of any mal-practice or leakage of question paper in any manner or other such instances relating
to the entrance test or in conducting thereof, the Government may for the reasons to be recorded in writing direct
to conduct a re-examination either partially or wholly. In such an event, the Andhra Pradesh State Council of
Higher Education or any other body so nominated by the State Government shall conduct such re-examination
by appointing such functionaries or Committees as may be considered necessary in accordance with the
directions given by the Government in that behalf or independently in the absence of such directions.
Rule 6 Preparation of merit list and assigning ranking
The candidates who have secured qualifying marks in the Entrance Test and the candidates belonging to the
Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe communities to whom qualifying marks have not been prescribed, shall be
assigned the ranking in the order of merit on the basis of the aggregate marks obtained in all the three relevant
subjects out of the four subjects namely Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Biology in which appeared.
(1) TheCommon Entrance Test Committee shall prepare the following categories of Merit lists separately for
Engineering and Non-Engineering (Agriculture and Medical ) Courses in the order of marks obtained by the
candidate in the Common Entrance Test:
(a) State-wide Common Merit List: This list shall include candidates irrespective whether one belongs to any
category of reservaion quota or not basing on the marks obtained in the Common Entrance Test;
(b) Region-wise Common Merit Lists:- This list includes candidates belonging to the particular local area
irrespective of whether one belongs to any category of reservation quota or not basing on the marks obtained in
the Common Entrance Test;
(c) Concerned Minority Community Merit Lists: They includes merit lists, containing the candidates belonging
to the concerned minority community arranged in the merit ranking assigned in the Common Entrance Test both
State wide and Region-wise;
(d) Caste-wise Common Merit Lists:- There shall be separate Merit Lists for Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes
and each group of Backward Classes communities both as State-wide lists and Region-wise lists;
(e) Merit list for other categories of reservations : There shall be separate merit lists for other categories of
reservations mentioned under sub-rule (4) of Rule (8) State-wide and Region-wise.
(2) While preparing the merit lists, the following shall be the criteria:
(i) In the case of tie in the aggregate the marks secured by the candidate in Mathematics in the case of
Engineering, and Biology in the case of Medicine, Agriculture and Veterinary in EAMCET shall be taken into
account to decide the relative ranking.
(ii) In the case of further tie the marks secured by the candidate in Physics for Engineering, and in Chemistry for
Medicine, Agriculture and Veterinary in EAMCET shall be taken into account to decide the relative ranking.
(iii) In the case of further tie total percentage of marks secured by the candidate in the qualifying examination
shall be taken into account to decide the relative ranking.
(iv) In the case of further tie older candidate shall be given priority.
(3) The candidates who have appeared for both the tests in all the subjects namely "E" category and " AM"
category in the Entrance Test and secured qualifying marks, find place in all the common Merit Lists, if
otherwise qualified/eligible.
(4) The candidates who have been assigned ranking in the Entrance Test shall be issued Rank Cards. The Rank
Cards among other things shall contain the details of the category of course to which the candidate is qualified
namely Engineering and Non-Engineering, the rank assigned in the Statewide Merit list and the date of conduct
of Interview, if any.
Rule 7 Procedure for Admission into Government/University Professional Colleges/Regional Engineering
Colleges and Private Professional Colleges
(1) For the categories for which no common application form for the Entrance Examination and admission is
prescribed in sub-rule (2) (a) of rule 5, the * [Convenor of Committee for admissions will issue an advertisement
inviting applications for admission from the qualified candidates who have been assigned ranking in the
Common Entrance Test, who are desirous of seeking admission in Government/University Professional
Colleges, Regional Engineering Colleges and Private Professional Colleges. The advertisement among other
things, shall indicate various documents to be produced and the kinds of fees payable to the institutions on such
(2) No Private Professional College shall call for application for admission separately or individually.
(3) The candidates who are qualified to seek admission as a consequence of obtaining ranking in the Common
Entrance Test and desirous of seeking admission into Government/University Professional Colleges, Regional
Engineering Colleges and Private Professional Institutions shall produce on demand all the relevant documents
including a copy of Rank Card issued to him.
(4) The Convenor of Committee for admissions shall scrutinise the applications of all the eligible candidates
desirous of seeking admission into University Professional Colleges, Regional Engineering Colleges and Private
Professional Institutions. After scrutiny, the competent authority besides the merit list referred to in sub-rule (1)
of rule 6, shall prepare two categories of merit lists, namely:(a) Common Merit List:- Containing the names of all the candidates arranged in the Order of Merit ranking
assigned to them in the Common Entrance Test; and
(b) Category-wise Merit List:- Containing the names of the candidates belonging to the concerned categories
arranged in the order of merit ranking assigned to them in the Common Entrance Test.
(5) The seats in all the Private Professional Institutions shall be pooled up course-wise and distributed among the
three local areas of the State specified in sub-rule (1) of Rule 8 namely, Andhra University Area (Andhra),
Osmania University. Area (Telangana) and Sri.Venkateswara University Area (Rayalaseema) in the ratio of
42:36:22 respectively and 50% of the pooled up seats shall be "Free seats" and the balance of 50% of the seats
shall be "Payment seats". * [20% "Payments seats" (i.e. 10% of total intake) in each branch shall be reserved for
Non-resident Indians (N.R.Is.)
(6) Candidates who have secured higher ranks at the Entrance Test will be called for an interview in the Order of
merit for selection and allotment of course/Branches/Institutions. For the convenience of th candidates,
representatives of all University Professional Colleges, Regional Engineering College, Warangal and Private
Professional Colleges in the State shall sit at a common table. As and when each candidate gets his turn for
interview in the order of merit, choice of Institutions and Branch (Course of study) will be given to him,
depending upon availability at the point of time with due regard to the eligibility of the candidate for a seat in a
particular local area for a particular reserved category.
(7) The selection of candidates and allotment of courses/Institutions in respect of University Professional
Colleges, Regional Engineering Colleges and Private Professional Colleges shall also be solely on the basis of
merit as adjudged by the rank obtained in the Entrance Test subject to the condition that the candidate should
have passed the qualifying examination with the minimum marks prescribed for the Entrance Test. However,
mere appearance at the Entrance Test and obtaining high rank in the merit list does not entitle a candidate to be
considered for admission automatically into any Course/Branch/Institution unless he also satisfies the rules and
regulations of admission prescribed by the concerned University/Government including marks to be obtained in
the qualifying examination.
(8) The Convenor of Committee for admissions shall select and allot the candidates for admission into various
courses in University Professional Colleges, Regional Engineering Colleges and the Free seats' in Private
Professional Colleges simultaneously on the basis of the ranking assigned to them in the Entrance Test. It shall
be open to a higher ranking candidate to opt for a "Payment seat".
(8A) Once a candidate secures admission to a particular college/institution based on his option no more claim for
admission into other colleges, to say other kind of seat to any other branch, be entertained except as provided by
the committee for admissions.
(9) The seats reserved for Non-Resident Indian (NRIs) shall be filled by the respective managements by
following the criteria as laid down by the Government from time to time. The management shall intimate the
Competent Authority or Authority or Officer nominated by the Competent Authority about the left over seats
reserved for Non-Resident Indians, if any, well in advance before the Commencement of admissions to be made
for "Payment seats" by Competent Authority or Authority or Officer nominated by the Competent Authority to
fill up such left over N.R.I. seats treating them as "Payment seats".
(10) The Competent Authority or Convenor of Committee for admissions shall give atleast ten days time to all
the candidates after the "Free seats" in Private Professional Institutions are filled up to opt to be admitted against
the "Payment seats" so that the candidate shall deposit the fees in the Bank for the academic year in favour of the
Competent Authority who shall transfer the same in favour of the appropriate college.
(11) The Competent Authority or Convenor of Committee for admissions shall select and allot the candidates for
admission into various courses for the "Payment seats" in Private Professional Institutions as per merit from
among the applicants who have exercised their option prescribed in sub-rule (10).
(12) The candidates admitted in Private professional Colleges against the "Payment Seats" shall pay at the
admission time the fees charged by the management for the whole course divided by the number of years of the
course subject to a ceiling prescribed by the Government. x x x
(13) After completion of this stage of admissions, the Competent Authority or Convenor of Committee for
admissions shall prepare a waiting list of the candidates based on the EAMCET ranking and publish the same
along with the marks obtained by them in the EAMCET. The said list shall be adopted by the Convenor of
Committee for Admissions for filling up of casual vacancies or drop out vacancies arising after the above stage
of admissions for payment seats are finalised. These vacancies shall be filled by the Convenor of Committee for
Admissions till such date as may be specified by Competent Authority. Any vacancy remaining after such date
can be filled by management from the Waiting List so furnished by observing the principle of merit, rule of
reservation and other prescribed norms including notification in the popular newspapers while making the
admissions from the said list.
(14) The number of Branches, Courses of study and the total number of candidates to be admitted shall be
decided by the Government from time to time.
(15) The reservations applicable to local candidates, SC, ST, BC, CAP, PH, Sports prescribed under Rule 8 of
these Rules shall not be applicable to Non-Resident Indians (N.R.Is).
Rule 8 Rules of reservations for admission
They shall apply to all Institutions including Private Professional Institutions both for "Free seats" and "Payment
seats" subject to the modification mentioned in the sub-rule (15) of Rule 7 in respect of Non-Resident Indians
(1) Region-wise reservation of seats:(a) Admission to 85% of the seats in each course, excluding the seats which are exempted from the need of
Common Entrance Test, shall be reserved for the local candidates and 15% of the seats shall be left over for
Open competition as specified in the Andhra Pradesh Educational Institutions (Regulation of Admission) Order,
1974 as amended in G.O.P. No.646, Education (W) Department, dated 10-7-1979.
(b) In respect of State-wide Institutions and State-wide Universities admission into 85% of seats, excluding the
seats which are exempted from the need of Common Entrance Test, in each course, shall be reserved for the
candidates belonging to the three local areas in the State specified in this subrule namely, Andhra University
Area (Andhra). Osmania University Area (Telangana) and Sri Venkateswara University Area (Rayalaseema) in
the ratio of 42:36:22 respectively and the balance of 15% seats shall be left for open competition.
(c) The seats in all the Private Professional Colleges shall be pooled up course-wise and distributed among the
three regions of the State namely, Andhra University Area (Andhra), Osmania University Area (Telangana) and
Sri Venkateswara University Area (Rayalaseema) in the ratio of 42:36:22 respectively as provided under subrule (5) of Rule 7.
Explanations :- For purpose of these rules.............
(i) "The Local Areas" means
(a) The part of the State Comprising the districts of Adilabad, Hyderabad (including Twin Cities), Rangareddy,
Karimnagar, Khammam, Medak, Mahaboobnagar, Nalgonda, Nizamabad and Warangal shall be regarded as the
Osmana University Local Area (Telangana).
(b) The part of the State comprising the districts of Srikakulam, Vizianagaram, Visakhapatnam, East Godavari,
West Godavari, Krishna, Guntur, and Prakasam shall be regarded as the Andhra University Local Area (Andhra).
(c) The part of the State comprising the districts of Ananthapur, Kurnool, Chittoor, Cuddapah and Nellore shall
be regarded as the Sri Venkateswara University Local Area (Rayalaseema).
(ii) "The Local candidate" means :(A)
A candidate for admission shall be regarded as a local candidate in relation to a local area if he has studied in
educational institution or educational institutions in such local area for a period of not less than four consecutive
academic years ending with he academic year in which he appeared or as the case may be first appeared in the
relevant qualifying examinations or
(b) Where, during the whole or any part of the four consecutive academic years ending with the academic year in
which he appeared or as the case may be first appeared for the relevant qualifying examination, he has not
studied in any educational institution, if he has resided in that local area for a period of not less than four years
immediately preceding the date of commencement of the relevant qualifying examination in which he appeared
or as the case may be, first appeared.
(B) A candidate for admission to the course who is not regarded as a local candidate under Clause (a) in relation
to any local area shall...
(a) if he has studied in educational institutions in the State for a period not less than seven consecutive academic
years ending with the academic years in which the appeared or as the case may be first appeared for the relevant
qualifying examination be regarded as a local candidate in relation to.........
(i) such local area where he has studied for the maximum period out of said period of seven years; or
(ii) where the period of his study in two or more local areas are equal such local area where he has resided last in
such equal period; or
(b) If, during the whole or any part of seven consecutive academic years, ending with the academic years in
which he appeared or, as the case may be first appeared for the relevant qualifying examination, he has not
studied in the educational institutions in any local area but has resided in the State during the whole of the said
period of seven years, be regarded as a local candidate in relation to
(i) such local area where he has resided for the maximum period out of the said period of seven years. or
(ii) where the periods of his residence in two or more local areas are equal, such local area where he has resided
last in such equal periods.
(C) The following categories of candidates are eligible to apply for admission to the remaining 15% of
unreserved seats
(a) All the candidates eligible to be declared as local candidates.
(b) Candidates who have resided in the State for a total period of ten years excluding periods of study outside the
State or either of whose parents have resided in the State for a period of ten years excluding period of
employment outside the State.
(c) Candidates who are children of parents who are in the employment of this State or Central Government,
Public Sector Corporations, Local Bodies, Universities and other similar quasi public Institutions, within the
(d) Candidates who are spouses of those in the employment of the State or Central Government Public Sector
Corporations, Local Bodies, Universities and educational Institutions recognised by the competent authority and
similar other quasi-Government institutions within the State.
(D) If a local candidate in respect of a local area is not available to fill any seat reserved or allocated in favour of
a local candidate in respect of that local areas, such seat shall be filled in as if it has been unreserved, in the order
of ranking assigned in the common merit list.
(2) Reservation of seats for S.C./S.T./B.C. communities:(a) 15% and 6% of seats in each course in each Institution shall be reserved for the candidates belonging to the
Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes respectively. The seats reserved for Scheduled Castes shall be made
available to Scheduled Tribes and Vice-Versa, if qualified Candidates are not available in the category. If
qualified candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes communities are not available the left
over seats reserved for them shall be treated as unreserved seats and shall be filled by the candidates of general
(b) 25% seats in each course in each Institution shall be reserved for the candidates belonging to the Backward
Classes and shall be allocated among the four group of Backward Classes as shown below:
Group A
Group B
Group C
Group D
If qualified candidates belonging to Backward Class of a particular group are not available, the left over seats can
be adjusted for the candidates of next group. If qualified candidates belonging to Backward Classes are not
available to fill up the 25% seats reserved for them, the left over seats shall be treated as unreserved and shall be
filled up with candidates of general pool.
(3) Reservation of Seats for women:- In each course in each institution 33 1/3% of the seats shall be reserved in
favour of Women candidates from each category of Open Competitions, S.C., S.T., B.C-A, B.C-B, B.C-C, B.CD and Army quota, NCC, PH and Games and Sports.
Provided that the above reservation shall not be applicable if woman candidates are selected on merit in each
category, even if it exceeds 33 1/3%;
Provided futher, if sufficient number of women candidates are not available in the respective categories, those
seats shall be filled in with men candidates of the same category.
(4) Other categories of reservation:
(a) Seats shall also be reserved in each branch of an institution, except Medical and Dental colleges for the
following categories to the extent indicated against each of them. However, if suitable candidates are not
available in any category, they shall be filled in with the candidates from open competition.
(1) 3% horizontally for Physically Handicapped in each group i.e., OCs, BCs, SCs and STs in the following
cyclic order;
(i) 1% for visually handicapped;
(ii) 1% for hearing impaired;
(iii) 1% for Orthopaedically handicapped.
(b) The percentage of reservations for Medical and Dental Courses shall be as follows:(1) 1/4% (0.25%) for Physically handicappped.
(2) 1/4% (0.25%) for National Cadet Corps.
(3) 1/4% (0.25%) for Games and Sports.
(4) 1% for the children of Ex-Servicemen and the Serving service personnel of the three wings of the defence
service viz., Army, Navy and Air Force subject to the condition that the said Ex-Servicemen etc., are residing for
a minimum period of five years in Andhra Pradesh.
(c) The priorities in respect of the categories mentioned in items, (a) and (b) shall be as declared by the
* (d) One seat in University Engineering Colleges in any one of the branches of Electronics or Mechanical
(General) and also one seat in the course of M.B.B.S., shall be reserved for the Anglo-Indian Community from
the Academic year 1994-95 onwards. The students claiming such reservation shall fulfil all other conditions for
getting admission into the said courses.
Rule 8A Minority Educational Institutions
(i) Fifty percent of the total intake in minority Professional Colleges i.e., Medical and Engineering Colleges shall
be filled up by candidates selected by the Competent authority or Convenor of Committee for Admissions on the
basis of the common merit list. The candidates selected shall be distributed equally in free seats as well as in
payment seats in the order of merit. The remaining fifty per cent shall be filled up by the management of such
minority Professional Colleges from the candidates belonging to the minority community on the basis of merit.
Such merit shall be on the basis of :
(a) Ranking in Intermediate Examination; or
(b) Ranking in EAMCET Examination; or
(c) Ranking in the test to be conducted by the management.
(ii) Fifty per cent of seats permitted to be filled by the minority Professional Colleges under sub-regulation (i)
shall be equally distributed between free and payment seats.
(iii) After completion of admissions, each minority Professional College shall submit to the Competent authority
or Convenor of Committee for Admissions the statements containing full particualrs of students admitted under
this regulation. The Competent authority or Convenor of Committee for Admissions shall verify the correctness
of the statements and if any irregularity is noticed it shall call upon such Professional Coleges to rectify the
(iv) The Competent authority or Convenor of Committee for Admissions shall conduct the verification keeping
in view of the objective that the minority Professional Colleges are equally committed to promote excellence of
the Professional Colleges as a vehicle of general secular education.
Rule 9 Constitution and functions of the Entrance Committee Test
The State Council of Higher Education shall constitute an Entrance Test Committee, for conducting the Common
Entrance Test known as the "Engineering, Agricultural Sciences and Medical Common Entrance Test
(EAMCET) annually. The constitution and the functions of the Entrance Test Committee shall be as specified
(1) Constitution of the Committee:- The Committee shall consist of the following
(a) "Chairman" means the Vice-chancellor of a University or the Principal of the Regional Engineering College,
Warangal, as the case may be, as selected by the State Council of Higher Education for each academic year for
the purpose of conducting the Entrance Test.
(b) One representative of each of the universities to be nominated by the concerned Vice-chancellor.
(c) One representative of the Regional Engineering College, Warangal, to be nominated by the Principal,
Regional Engineering College, Warangal.
(d) the Director of Technical Education, Andhra Pradesh or his nominee not below the rank of a Joint Director.
(e) The Director of Medical Education, Andhra Pradesh, or his nominee not below the rank of a Joint director.
(f) Joint Secrataty to Government in Education Department dealing with Technical Education;
(g) One member to be nominated by the State Council of Higher Education.
(h) Convenor of the Common Entrance Test for the preceding year.
(i) One Principal of a Private Engineering College, to be nominated by the State Council, every year by turn;
(j) Director of Telugu Academy and
(k) Convenor of the Common Entrance Test.
(2) Functions of the Entrance Committee:(a) The Committee:- The Committee shall take decisions on the following aspects of the Entrance Test from time
to time.
(i) [Omitted by G.O.Ms. 36, dt. 15-2-1997."
(ii) [Omitted by G.O.Ms. 36, dt. 15-2-1997."
(iii) [Omitted by G.O.Ms. 36, dt. 15-2-1997."
(vi) [Omitted by G.O.Ms. 36, dt. 15-2-1997."
(vii) Date of announcement of results;
(viii) Norms for payment of remuneration for different items of works connected with Entrance Test;
(ix) Fees to be collected from the candidates; and
(x) Such other issue or issues as may be referred to it by the Chairman of the State Council of Higher Education
from time to time.
(b) The Chairman
(i) The Chairman of the Committee shall preside over the meetings of the committee. In the absence of the
Chairman at the meeting, he may nominate one of the members to preside over the Committee Meetings.
(ii) The Chairman of the Committee shall be the ... authority to appoint paper setters and moderators for the
entrance test and to decide upon the printing press or presses at which the papers are to be got printed.
(iii) The Chairman may appoint a Competent Officer to assist the Convenor of Committee for Admissions;
(iv) The Chairman of the Committee shall issue the notification inviting applications for the Entrance Test; and
(v) The Chairman of the Committee shall publish the results and despatch of rank cards to the qualified
(c) The Convenor of Entrance Test The Convenor of Entrance Test shall, subject to such directions as may be
issued by the Chairman, discharge his duties in connection with the Entrance Test. He shall be responsible for
discharging the following functions:
(i) Printing of application forms, instructions etc., to candidates;
(ii) Issuing the notification inviting applications for the Entrance Test;
(iii) Sale of application forms and issue of hall tickets;
(iv) Appointment of Coordinators and Chief Superintendents and Observers for various centres of the test;
(v) Coding and De-coding of answer scripts;
(vi) Appointment of examiners for the valuation of the answer scripts in consultation with the Chairman;
(vii) Evaluation by spot valuations of the answer script;
(viii) Payment of remuneration for various items of work relating to the Entrance Test and maintenance and
submission of accounts to the State Council of Higher Education;
(ix) Publication of results and despatch of Rank Cards to the qualified candidates;
(x) To assist Committee of Admissions in making admissions.
(xi)Preparation of key answers through a Committee consisting of Professors of Universities, teachers of undergraduate colleges and teachers of intermediate colleges in consultation with the Chairman.
(3) Funds for the conduct of the Test:
(a) The amounts collected from the candidates appearing for the Entrance Test towards cost of application form
and the examination fee shall be directly credited to the account of the State Council of Higher Education.
(b) The Convenor will draw advance from the State Council to meet the expenditure for the conduct of the test.
(c) The Convenor of Entrance Test shall draw advance from the State Council to meet the expenditure for
conduct of the common Entrance Test and shall submit accounts audited by local fund immediately after the
completion of the process.
In exercise of the powers conferred by Section 3 read with Section 15 of the Andhra Pradesh Educational
Institutions (Regulation of Admission and Prohibition of Capitation Fee) Act of 1983 (A.P. Act No.5 of 1983)
and in supersession of the rules issued in G.O. Ms. No.119, Education (EC-2) Department, dated 28-4-1996 and
orders issued in G.O. Ms. No.26, Higher Education (EC-2) Department, dated 19-4-2001 the Governor of
Andhra Pradesh hereby makes the following rules for the conduct of Integrated Common Entrance Test for
admission into Post-Graduate Professional Courses of MBA and MCA offered by the University Colleges,
Constituents Colleges, Affiliated Colleges including the Colleges, Institutions established and administered by
the Minorities and Statewide institutions and rules for making admissions into the aforesaid courses.
Rule 1 Short tile and Applicability
(i) These rules may be called the Andhra Pradesh "Integrated Common Entrance Test" for admission into MBA
and MCA Professional Courses, Rules 2002.
(ii) These rules shall apply to all the institutions/colleges imparting Post-Graduate Professional Courses in MBA
and MCA.
(iii) They shall come into force with immediate effect.
Rule 2 Definitions
(i) In these rules, unless the context otherwise requires;
(a) "Act" means the Andhra Pradesh Educational Institutions (Regulation of Admission and Prohibition of
Capitation Fee) Act, 1983.
(b) "Chairman" means the Vice-Chancellor of any University or Principal of the Regional Engineering College,
Warangal in the State as nominated by the Chairman of the State Council of Higher Education for each academic
year for the purpose of conducting and discharging the functions as specified relating to Integrated Common
Entrance Test for making admission into MBA and MCA Post-Graduate Professional Courses.
(c) "Competent Authority" means the Chairman of the Andhra Pradesh State Council Higher Education.
(d) "Committee of ICET" means the committee empowered to conduct Integrated Common Entrance Test for
MBA and MCA Courses and to prepare the merit list of the candidates in the order of marks obtained in the test
for the purpose of making admission into MBA and MCA Courses.
(e) "Convener" means a person, not below the rank of a Professor, appointed by the Competent Authority for
conducting the Integrated Common Entrance Test and performing such other functions relating to the test as
entrusted to him by the Competent Authority in consultation with the Chairman of the Integrated Common
Entrance Test Committee.
(f) "Institutions" means unless otherwise specifically mentioned, all the colleges including those of University
campus/constituent and affiliated colleges including those established and administered by monority
communities and the Statewise institutions, if any, imparting MBA and MCA Courses.
(g) "Integrated Common Entrance Test" (hereinafter called ICET) means examination conducted for assigning
ranking in the order of merit to the candidates for admission into MBA and MCA Courses.
(h) "Qualified Candidate" means a candidate who has appeared for the Integrated Common Entrance Test and
assigned ranking in the common merit list and has the eligibility as per the criteria laid down under Rule 4.
(i) "Qualifying Examination" means the passing of Degree Examination as laid down under Rule 3.
(j) "State Council" means the Andhra Pradesh State Council of Higher Education constituted under Andhra
Pradesh State Council of Higher Education Act, 1988 (Act 16 of 1988).
(k) "University" means the University concerned or the Regional Engineering College, Warangal.
(l) Words and Expressions used but not defined in these rules shall have the same meaning assigned to them
under the Andhra Pradesh Educational Institution (Regulation of Admission and Prohibition of Capitation Fee)
Act, 1983 (Act 5 of 1983).
Rule 3 Eligibility
The eligibility for appearing to the ICET are as follows:
(i) The candidate should be an Indian National and should satisfy the requirement of local or non-local status as
laid down in the Andhra Pradesh Educational Institutions (Regulation of Admissions) Order, 1974 as
subsequently amended.
(ii) The candidates seeking to appear for ICET for admission into MBA and MCA courses should have passed a
Bachelor Degree Examination of any recognised University or equivalent thereof besides passing SSC or
equivalent with Mathematics as one of the subjects : Provided that a candidate who has appeared for the above
Degree Examination shall also appear for the ICET.
(iii) For the purpose of admission the candidate shall get a rank as per the merit besides passing the qualifying
Rule 4 Entrance Test
(i) The Integrated Common Entrance Test (ICET) shall be conducted by a Convener, appointed by the competent
authority and shall be held on such date and centers and decided by Entrance Test Committee of ICET.
(a) the Converner of ICET shall give a notification in the popular daily News Papers as decided by Test
Committee calling for the applications in the prescribed form from the candidates satisfying eligibility criteria as
laid down in Rule 3.
(b) the notification, among other things shall indicate the application fee, Entrance Test Fee, the last date for
receipt of the duly filled in applications and the date of conduct of ICET. Explanation :-The application as noted
above shall be common for both the Entrance Test and Admission.
(c) the date of the entrance test as notified above shall not be revised without the prior approval of the
(ii) The medium of ICET shall be English and Telugu Languages only.
(iii) The subjects and syllabus for ICET shall be as prescribed by the ICET Committee.
(iv) The qualifying marks for ranking in the ICET shall be 30% of the total marks provided that there shall be no
minimum qualifying marks for the candidates belonging to the category of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled
Tribes for ranking.
(v) There is no provision for re-totalling, re-valuation or Personal Identification of answer scripts of the Entrance
(vi) Mere appearance at the Entrance Test does not automatically entitle a candidate to be considered for
admission into MBA/MCA Courses unless the candidate satisfies the requirement of eligibility as laid down
under Rule 3 and other criteria as laid down in the instructions to the candidates supplied along with the
application. Admission is also subject to the availability of seats.
(vii) If any ambiguity or doubt arises in the interpretation or implementation of any of the rules, the decision of
Chairman of ICET Committee shall be final.
Rule 5 Preparation of the Merit List and assigning ranking
The Convener shall follow the following rules in preparing the merit list and assigning the ranking.
(i) The candidates who have secured qualifying marks in ICET and candidates belonging to the category of
Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe to whom qualifying marks have not been prescribed shall be assigned the
ranking in the order of the merit on the basis of marks obtained in the ICET.
(ii) For the preparation of merit list, in case of more than one student scoring the same marks at ICET, the tie will
be resolved as follows:
(a) by considering the marks scored in Section A.
(b) If the tie persists marks obtained by a student in Section B, will be taken into consideration.
(c) if the tie still persists the tie will be resolved by taking into account age of the candidate giving the older
candidate as priority.
(iii) The following rank lists shall be prepared by the Converner:
(a) State-wide Common Merit List: The list shall include candidates irrespective of whether one belongs to any
category of reservation quota or not, basing on the marks obtained in the ICET.
(b) Region-wise Common Merit List: The list includes candidates belonging to the particular local area
irrespective of whether one belongs to any category of reservation quota or not basing on the marks obtained in
the ICET.
(c) Minority Community Merit Lists : They include merit lists, containing the candidates belonging to the
different Minority Communities arranged in the merit ranking assigned in the ICET, both the State-wide and
(d) Community-wise Merit Lists:- There shall be separate Community-wise merit lists for the Scheduled Castes,
Scheduled Tribes and Backward Classes Communities, both as State-wide and Region-wise; and
(e) Merit list of other categories of reservations: There shall be separate lists for other categories of Reservations
as per the orders in force for Physically Handicapped, NCC, Games and Sports, Children of Ex-servicemen and
for Women both State-wide and Region-wise.
(f) Rank Card: Every candidate who has been assigned ranking in the merit list shall be issued Rank Card by the
Convener. The Rank Card, among other things, include the marks obtained in the ICET and the rank assigned in
the State-wide merit, Region-wise merit, Community-wise merit etc.
Rule 6 Constitution and functions of ICET Committee
The competent authority shall constitute the ICET committee to deal with the matters connected with the test and
admissions into MBA and MCA Courses.
(i) Composition of the Committee : The Committee shall consists of the following:
(a) Chairman, who shall be the Vice-Chancellor of any University or the Principal of the Regional Engineering
College nominated by the competent authority for each academic year for the purpose of conducting ICET.
(b) One representative of each of the University to be nominated by the Competent Authority in consultation
with the Vice-Chancellor concerned or Principal of Regional Engineering College as the case may be,
(c) The Director of Technical Education, Andhra Pradesh or his nominee not below the rank of Joint Secretary;
(d) One representative of Andhra Pradesh State Council of Higher Education nominated by the competent
(e) Convener or Conveners of the Entrance Test of the preceding year;
(f) Convener, who should be the rank of a Professor of the University concrened be appointed by the competent
authority in consultation with Chairman of the ICET Committee;
(g) Two principals, one each from a private MBA or MCA College to the nominated by the competent authority
for each academic year;
(ii) Functions of the ICET Committee: The committee shall take decisions on the following issues relating to the
ICET:(a) Instructions to the candidates and format of the application;
(b) pattern of the question paper;
(c) duration of the test;
(d) weightage and marks to be assigned for each question;
(e) cost of the application and fee to be collected from the candidates of ICET:
(f) norms for the payment of remuneration for different items/services undertaken in connection with ICET
(g) such other issues as may be referred by the Chairman of the Committee and competent authority;
(iii) Functions of the Chairman of the Committee:
(a) Chairman of the Committee shall preside over all the meetings of the committee and in his absence he may
nominate one of the members of the committee to preside over the meetings.
(b) The Chairman of the Committee shall appoint paper setters, moderators for the ICET and decide upon the
printing press or presses where the confidential material of the test shall be printed.
(iv) Function of the Convener: The Convener of the ICET shall subject to such directions as may be issued by
the Chairman discharge his duties in the matters relating to the ICET. The Converner, is specifically responsible
for discharging the following functions:
(a) getting the printing of application form, instruction booklets of ICET:
(b) issuing the notification inviting application for the Entrance Test:
(c) sale of application forms and issue of Hall Tickets;
(d) appointment of Coordinators/Chief Superintendents/ Observers of various Test Centres;
(e) payment of remuneration for various items/services utilized for the purpose of ICET;
(f) maintenance and submission of accounts to the Andhra Pradesh State Council of Higher Education;
(g) publication of results and despatch of Rank Cards to the qualified candidates;
(h) such other duties as entrusted by the Chairman;
Rule 7 Funds for the conduct of the Test
(a) the amounts that are collected from the candidates towards cost of application and the examination fee shall
be directly credited into the account of the Secretary, Andhra Pradesh State Council of Higher Educational,
(b) The Convener shall draw advances from the Andhra Pradesh State Council of Higher Eduction to incur
necessary expenditure for items or services connected with the ICET and submit for audit to the Local Fund
Audit and submit report thereof to the Andhra Pradesh State Council of Higher Education.
Rule 8 Special directions from the Government
In the event of any malpractice or leakage of question paper/ in any other circumstances leading to the stopping
of ICET as scheduled, the Government may for the reasons to be recorded in writing direct the conduct of a reexamination of the ICET. In such a event the Andhra Pradesh State Council of Higher Education or any other
body so nominated by the Government shall cause the re-examination conducted by appointing or nominating
such functionaries or committees as considered necessary. Rules regarding procedure for admission etc. will be
issued separately.
In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of section 3 read with section 15 of the Andhra Pradesh
Educational Institutions (Regulation of Admissions and Prohibition of Capitation Fee) Act, 1983 (Act No. 5 of
1983), and in supresession of all the rules in force on the subject, the Governor of Andhra Pradesh hereby makes
the following rules relating to admission of students possessing Intermediate and Degree qualifications, into five
years and three years under- Graduate courses in Law respectively through a Common Entrance Test called
"Law Entrance Test (LAWCET)"
Rule 1 Short title, Application and commencement
(1) These rules may be called the Andhra Pradesh Institutions of Law (Regulation of admissions into course in
Law through Common entrance Test) Rules, 1989.
(2) They shall apply to all the Colleges including those established and administered by the minority
communities, imparting legal Education.
(3) They shall come into force with effect from the Academic year 1989-1990.
Rule 2 Definitions
(1) In these rules, unless the con otherwise requires:
(a) "Act" means the Andhra Pradesh Educational Institutions (Regulation of Admission and Prohibition of
Capitation Fee) Act, 1983 (Act No. 5 of 1983);
(b) "Common Entrance Test" means the examination conducted for assigning merit ranking to the candidates
which will be the basis for admission to 5 year Degree Course in Law and 3 year Degree Course in Law and for
Intermediate and Degree holders respectively;
(c) "Chairman" means the Vice-Chancellor of any University in the State nominated by the State Council for
each Academic Year for the purpose of conducting the Common Entrance Test;
(d) "Convenor" means the authority/officer appointed by the State Council for conducting the Common Entrance
Test and for performing such other functions relating to the said examination as entrusted to him by the State
Council in consultation with the Chairman;
(e) "Entrance Test Committee" means the Committee empowered to conduct the Common Entrance Test and to
prepare the merit lists of candidates in the order of marks obtained in the Entrance Test basing on which
admissions into these courses will be made;
(f) "Institution" means, unless other wise specifically mentioned all the Colleges, including those administered
by the Minority Communities and those declared as State-wide Institutions, if any, imparting legal education
(L.L.B. and B.L. Courses) either exclusively in Law Colleges or as a Course in a Degree College etc.;
(g) "Inspecting Authority" means the authority/officer appointed by the Chairman for inspecting and scrutinising
the admissions of the students made in the institutions including those belonging to the Minority Communities;
(h) "Local Candidate" means the candidate in relation to the Local area as specified in Rule 10;
(i) "Qualified Candidate" means the candidate who has appeared for the Common Entrance Test and has been
assigned ranking in the Common Merit List;
(j) "Qualifying Examination" means the examination of the minimum qualification prescribed
passing/appearance of which entitles one to seek admission into the relevant courses;
(k) "State Council" means the Andhra Pradesh State Council of Higher Education constituted under sub-section
(1) of section 3 of the Andhra Pradesh State Council of Higher Education Act, 1988 (Act No. 16 of 1988);
(l) "University" means the University concerned to which the campus/constituent College relates or the College
is affiliated as the case may be, imparting legal Education (L.L.B. and B.L. Course).
(2) Words and expressions used but not defined in these rules shall have the same meaning assigned to them in
the Andhra Pradesh Educational Institutions (Regulation of Admission and Prohibition of Capitation) Fee Act,
Rule 3 Method of Admission
The Under-graduate Courses in Law, namely, L.L.B. and B.L. will be of 3 years duration for the candidates
possessing Degree Qualification in any faculty and 5 years duration for the candidates possessing Intermediate
Qualification. The general guidelines for admission into these courses shall be as laid down below;
(1) The admissions shall be made in the order of merit on the basis of the ranking assigned to the students in the
Common Entrance Test conducted for the purpose called the "Law Common Entrance Test (LAWCET)".
(2) The Principals of all the Private Colleges, including those administered by the Minority Communities, shall
also admit candidates on the basis of the ranking assigned to them in the Common Entrance Test as allotted to
them by the Entrance Test Committee.
(3) The total number of candidates to be admitted in each Course, in each of the Institutions shall not exceed the
strength sanctioned by the concerned competent authorities.
(4) The admission of students made in various Private Institutions, shall be subject to scrutiny by the inspecting
authority appointed for the purpose.
(5) In respect of State-wide Institutions 85% of the seats in each Course in each institution shall be allocated
among the three Regions of the State, namely, Andhra University Area (Andhra), Osmania University Area
(Telangana) and Sri Venkateswara University Area (Rayalaseema) in the ratio 42:36:22 respectively and the
balance of 15% seats shall be left for open competition. If any seats are unfilled in any region they may be filled
up with other candidates in the order of merit ranking assigned in State wide merit list.
Rule 4 Eligibility Criteria for Admission
Admission into Law Courses shall be governed by the rules of admission of respective Universities, in addition
to the rules and regulations prescribed herein. The eligibility criteria for admission into Law Courses shall be as
(1) Nationality and Domicile: The Candidates should be Indian Nationals and should satisfy local/non-local
status requirement as laid down in the Andhra Pradesh Educational Institutions (Regulation of Admission) Order
1974 and the amendments made thereon.
(2) Educational qualifications for admission to Common Entrance Test :
(a) 3 Year Law Courses:- Candidates seeking admission to Common Entrance Test for 3 year Law Course should
have obtained degree qualification in any faculty awarded by the Universities in the State of Andhra Pradesh (or)
should have appeared for the final year Degree Examination at the time of making application for the Common
Entrance Test (or) any other examination recognised by any of the Universities in the State as equivalent to 3
years Degree (10 2 3);
(b) 5 Year Law Course: Candidates seeking admission to Common Entrance Test for 5 Yeas Law Course should
have acquired any one of the following educational qualifications or should have appeared for the qualifying
examinations at the time of making the application for the Common Entrance Test.
(i) 2 year Intermediate Examination (10 Plus 2 Pattern); (OR)
(ii) Any other examination recognised by any of the Universities in this State or the Board of Intermediate
Education, Andhra Pradesh, as equivalent to the Intermediate Course (10 Plus 2 Pattern).
Rule 5 The Common Entrance Test
(1) The Common Entrance Test shall be conducted by the Convenor, appointed by the State Council, on such
dates, at such centres as may be decided by the Entrance Test Committee.
(a) The Convenor shall make advertisement in the popular daily News Papers calling for applications, in the
form prescribed by the Entrance Test Committee, from the candidates satisfying the eligilibility criteria laid
down under rule 4. The advertisement, among other things, shall indicate the application fee payable, entrance
test fee payable, the last date for the receipt of the filled in applications and the date of conduct of the Entrance
(b) The date for conduct of the entrance test as notified by the Entrance Test Committee shall not be revised
without the prior approval of the Government.
(3) The media of Entrance Test shall be English and Telugu.
(4) The qualifying marks in the Entrance Test for general category of candidates shall be 35%. However, there
shall be no minimum qualifying marks in respect of candidates belonging to the Scheduled Castes and the
Scheduled Tribes.
(5) The subjects for the Entrance Test and the syllabus for the Entrance Test shall be as prescribed by the
Entrance Test Committee, from time to time.
(6) No requests for re-totalling or revaluation or personal identification of the answer scripts of the Entrance Test
shall be entertained.
(7) Mere appearance at the Entrance Test does not entitle a candidate to be considered for admission into any
course automatically unless the candidate
(a) applies to the University concerned/Convenor as the case may be, and
(b) satisfies all the conditions of admissions stipulated by the concerned University/Authority/Government.
(8) If any ambiguity or doubt arises in interpretation or implementation of these rules, the decision of the
Chairman of the Committee shall be final.
(9) The Entrance Test fee, i.e., the fee to be collected from the students desirous of appearing for the Entrance
Test shall be as prescribed by the Entrance Test Committee, from time to time.
Rule 6 Preparation of merit list and assigning Ranking
The candidates who have secured qualifying marks in the Entrance Test and the candidates belonging to the
Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Communities to whom qualifying marks have not been prescribed, shall
be assigned the ranking in the order of merit on the basis of the marks obtained in the Common Entrance Test;
(1) For convenience at the time of making admissions the Entrance Test Committee shall prepare the following
categories of merit lists for 5 years Courses and 3 year Courses separately;
(a) State-wide Common Merit List:- This list shall include candidates irrespective whether one belongs to any
category of reservation quota or not, basing on the marks obtained in the Common Entrance Test;
(b) Region-wise Common Merit List:- This list includes candidates belonging to the particular local area
irrespective of whether one belongs to any category of reservation quota or not basing on the marks obtained in
the Common entrance Test;
(c) Concerned Minority Community Merit List: They include merit list, containing the candidates belonging to
the concerned Minority Community arranged in the merit ranking assigned in the Common Entrance Test both
State-wide and Region-wise;
(d) Community-wise Merit Lists:- There shall be separate Community wise merit lists for the Scheduled Castes,
Scheduled Tribes and Back-ward Classes Communities, both as State wide and Region wide lists;
(e) Merit lists for other categories of reservation:- There shall be separate merit lists for other categories of
reservations mentioned under sub-rule (6) of rule 10, both State-wide and Region-wise.
(2) While preparing the merit lists, the following shall be the criteria:(a) In case of tie in the marks obtained in the Entrance Test, marks obtained in the qualifying examination shall
be taken into account to decide relative ranking;
(b) In the case of the candidates getting equal marks in the qualifying examination causing further tie, they shall
be braketed for the purpose of awarding of rank. At the time of admission, age should be taken into consideration
for relative ranking among the braketed candidates and the older candidate shall be given priority.
(3) The candidates who have been assigned ranking in the Merit List shall be issued "Rank Card". The Rank
Card, among other things, shall contain the details of the category of Course to which the candidate is qualified
and the rank assigned in the State-wide Merit Lists.
Rule 7 Procedure for admission into Government Colleges and Campus/constituent colleges of the
(1) The University concerned shall make advertisements in the popular daily News Papers calling for
applications from the candidates who have been assigned ranking in the Common Entrance Test, clearly
indicating the last date for the receipt of the filled-in applications and the registration fee payable.
(2) The candidates desirous of getting their names considered both as local and non-local candidates shall make
applications separately to the University to which he is a local candidate and the other Universities to which he is
a non-local candidate respectively.
(3) No separate application is required for the consideration of admission into the State-wide Institutions, if any.
The application made to the University for consideration as local candidate will also be considered for the
Rule 8 Procedure for Admission into private institutions
(1) The Convenor of the Common Entrance Test shall make advertisement in the popular daily News Papers
calling for applications in the prescribed form from the qualified candidates who have been assigned ranking in
the Common Entrance Test, desirous of seeking admission into the Private Institutions including Minority
Educational Institutions imparting 3 years Degree Course and 5 Years Degree Course.
(a) The advertisement, among other things, shall indicate various documents to be enclosed along with the
application, and various fees payable in favour of the concerned institution;
(b) The advertisement shall also make it clear that the candidates belonging to the concerned community alone
will be admitted into the Minority Educational Institutions basing on the ranking assigned to them in the
Common Entrance Test and that the candidates belonging to the other Communities shall be admitted only
against the left over seats, in the order of ranking assigned to them in the Common Entrance Test and further
that, while admitting these candidates, the rule of reservation as laid down under rule 10 shall be followed.
(2) The candidates who are qualified to seek admission as a consequence of obtaining ranking in the Common
Entrance Test and desirous of seeking admission into the Private Institutions, including Minority Educational
Institutions shall make application to the Convenor either in person or by "Registered Post Acknowledgment
Due" enclosing all the relevant documents including a copy of the Rank Card issued to him. The applications
shall be acknowledged.
(3) The Convenor shall scrutinise all the applications received from the candidates desirous of seeking admission
into the Private Institutions, including the Minority Educational Institutions. After scrutiny, the Convenor shall
prepare two categories of merit lists namely:(a) Common Merit List :- Containing the names of all the candidates, including those belonging to the Minority
Community, arranged in the order of merit ranking assigned to them in the Common Entrance Test;
(b) Community-wise Merit List :- Containing the names of the candidates belonging to the concerned community
arranged in the order of merit ranking assigned to them in the Common Entrance Test, prepared separately for
each of the concerned community taking into account the community to which the Minority Institution claims to
belong. The candidates belonging to Minority Communities, other than the concerned Minority Community,
shall be treated as of belonging to other non-minority communities for the purposes of admission into Minority
(4) The seats in each of the private college shall be pooled up course wise and distributed among the three
regions of the State as provided under sub-rule (1) (c) of rule 10.
Rule 9 Allotment of candidates for admission
(1) Candidates who have secured higher ranks at the Entrance Test will be called for an interview in the order of
merit for selection and allotment of Institutions, namely Government, Campus/Constituent Colleges of
Universities and Private. For the convenience of the candidates, re-presentatives of all the Universities concerned
and Principals of all Colleges concerned shall sit at a Common Table. As and when each candidate gets his turn
for interview in the order of merit, choice of Institution will be given to him depending upon availability at that
point of time with due regard to the eligibility of the candidate for a seat in a particular local area for a particular
reserved/unreserved category.
(2) The Convenor of the Entrance Test Committee shall be the Competent Authority to select and allot
candidates for admissions into various institutions on the basis of the ranking assigned to them in the Common
Entrance Test and subject to final approval by the Chairman.
(a) In respect of the Minority Institutions, candidates belonging to the concerned communities alone shall be
admitted by following the provisions under sub-rule (1) (c) of Rule 10;
(b) If candidates belonging to the concerned community from a local area fall short for making admissions in the
prescribed ratio, candidates belonging to the concerned community belonging to other local areas can be
admitted in the order of ranking in the concerned State-wise Merit List;
(c) If there are no candidates belonging to the concerned community, in any local area, candidates belonging to
other communities from the respective local area in order of merit, can be admitted, in which case, the rule of
reservation as provided under rule 10, shall be followed.
(4) The selection of candidates and allotment of Institutions in respect of the Private Colleges including those
administered by Minority Communities, shall also be solely on the basis of merit as adjudged by the rank
obtained in the Entrance Test subject to the condition that the candidates should have passed the qualifying
examination, with the minimum marks prescribed for the Entrance Test. However, mere appearance at the
Entrance Test and obtaining of high rank in the merit lists does not entitle a candidate to be considered for
admission automatically into any Institution unless he also satisfies the rules and regulations of admission
prescribed by the the concerned University and the Government including marks to be obtained in the qualifying
(5) The nature of Courses (3 years or 5 Years) and the total number of candidates to be admitted, shall be as
decided by the Government, from time to time.
Rule 10 Rules of Reservation for admission
They shall apply to all Institutions including Private Institutions.
(1) Region-wise reservation of seats:(a) Admission to 85% of the seats in each course, excluding the seats which are exempted from the need of
Common Entrance Test in any, shall be reserved for the local candidates and 15% of the seats shall be left over
for Open Competition as specified in the Andhra Pradesh Educational Institutions (Regulation of Admission)
Order, 1974 and the amendments made thereon;
(b) In respect of State-wide Institutions, admission to 85% seats, excluding the seats which are exempted from
the need of Common Entrance Test, in each Course, shall be reserved for the candidates belonging to the three
local areas in the State, namely, Andhra University Area (Andhra), Osmania University Area (Telangana) and
Sri Venkateswara University Area (Rayalaseema) in the ratio of 42:36:22 respectively and the balance of 15% of
seats shall be left for open competition as specified in the Andhra Pradesh Educational Institutions (Regulation
of Admission) Order, 1974 and the amendments made thereon. If any seats are unfilled they may be filled up
with other candidates in the order of merit ranking assigned in the State wide Merit List.
(c) (i) The seats in each private institution (including minority institutions) shall be pooled up course-wise and
distributed among the three regions of the State namely Andhra University local Area (Andhra), Osmania
University Local Area (Telangana) and Sri Venkateswara University Local Area (Rayalaseema) in the ratio
42:36:22 respectively. If seats belonging to any local area are left over, they may be filled up with other
candidates in the order of merit ranking assigned in the State-wide Merit List.
(ii) In respect of minority Institutions, candidates belonging to the concerned minority community from the
respective local area shall be admitted. If sufficient number of candidates belonging to the concerned minority
community from the respective local area are not available candidates belonging to the concerned minority in the
order of merit ranking assigned in the State-wide Merit List, can be admitted. If any seats are still left over, they
may be filled up with the candidates belonging to other communities from the respective local areas in the order
of merit ranking, in which case the rule of reservation as prescribed under these rules shall be followed.
(I) The Local Area :(a) The part of the State comprising the Districts of Adilabad, Hyderabad (including Twin Cities) Rangareddy,
Karimnagar, Khammam, Medak, Mahaboobnagar, Nalgonda, Nizamabad and Warangal shall be regarded as the
Osmania University Local Area (Telangana).
(b) The part of the State comprising the Districts of Srikakulam, Vizianagaram, Visakhapatnam, East Godavari,
West Godavari, Krishna, Guntur and Prakasham shall be regarded as the Andhra University Local Area
(c) The part of the State comprising the Districts of Ananthapur, Kurnool, Chittoor, Cuddapah and Nellore shall
be regarded as the Sri Venkateswara University Local Area (Rayalaseema).
(II) The Local Candidate:(A) A candidate for admission shall be regarded as a local candidate in relation to the local area:(a) If he has studied in an Educational Institution or Education Institutions in such local area for a period of not
less than four consecutive academic years ending with the academic year in which he appeared or, as the case
may be, appeared in the relevant qualifying examination; or
(b) Where, during the whole or any part of the four consecutive academic years ending with the academic year in
which he appeared or as the case may be appeared for the relevant qualifying examination he has not studied in
any Educational Institution, if he has resided in that local area for a period of not less than four years
immediately preceeding the date of commencement of the relevant qualifying examination in which he appeared
or, as the case may be, appeared.
(B) A candidate for admission to the course who is not regarded as a local candidate under Clause (a) in relation
to any local area shall
(a) If he has studied in Educational Institutions in the State for a period of not less than seven consecutive
academic years ending with the academic year in which he appeared or, as the case may be, appeared for the
relevant qualifying examination, be regarded as a local candidate in relation to
(i) such local area where he has studied for the maximum period out of said period of seven years; or
(ii) where the period of his study in two or more local areas are equal, such local area where he has resided last in
such equal period; or
(b) It, during the whole or any part of seven consecutive academic years, ending with the academic year in which
he appeared or, as the case may be, appeared for the relevant qualifying examination, he has not studied in the
Educational Institutions in any local area but has resided in the State during the whole of the said period of seven
years, be regarded as a local candidate in relation to
(i) such local area where he has resided for the maximum period out of the said period of seven years; or
(ii) where the periods of his residence in two or more local areas are equal, such local area where he has resided
last in such equal periods;
(C) The following categories of candidates are eligible to apply for admission to the remaining 15% of unreserved seats;
(a) All the candidates eligible to the declared as local candidates;
(b) Candidates who have resided in the State for a total period of Ten Years, excluding periods of study outside
the State, or either of whose parents have resided in the State for a period of ten years excluding periods of
employment outsides the State;
(c) Candidates who are children of parents who are in the employment of this State or Central Government,
Public Sector Corporations, Local Bodies, Universities and other similar Quasi- public Institutions, within the
(d) Candidates who are spouses of those in the employment of the State or Central Government, Public Sector
Corporation, Local Bodies, Universities and similar other Quasi-Government Institutions within the State and
Educational Institutions recognised by the Competent Authority.
(D) If a local candidate in respect of a local area is not available to fill any seat reserved or allocated in favour of
a local candidate in respect of that local area, such seat shall be filled in as if it has been unreserved. For details,
see the Andhra Pradesh Educational Institutions (Regulation of Admission) Order, 1974 and the amendments
made thereon.
(2) Reservation of Seats for S.C./S.T./B.C., communities :
(a) 15% and 6% of seats in each course in each Institution shall be reserved for the candidates belonging to the
Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes respectively. The seats reserved for Scheduled Castes shall be made
available to Scheduled Tribes and Vice-Versa, if qualified candidates are not available in the category. If
qualified candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Communities are not available, the left
over seats reserved for them shall be treated as unreserved seats and shall be filled by the candidates of general
(b) 25% seats in each course in each Institution shall be reserved for the candidates belonging to the backward
classes and shall be allocated among the four group of Backward Classes as shown below;
Group : A'........... 7%
Group : B'........... 10%
Group : C'........... 1%
Group : D'........... 7%
(3) Reservation of Seats for Women: (a) Subject to permissibility in the rules and regulations of admission of the
respective Universities, 30% of the seats in each Course in each Institution shall be reserved in favour of Women
Candidates for all categories, i.e., Open Competition, Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Backward Classes
Groups A', B' C', D' and Army Quota. This rule of reservation shall not be applicable if women candidates
selected on merit in each category form 30% or more of the seats therein. When the number of women
candidates falls short of this percentage, it would be made up by replacing the last selected male candidates by
women candidates in that category; (b) In the absence of suitable women candidates the seats shall be filled in
with men candidates.
(4) Other Categories of Reservations: Seats shall also be reserved in each Institution in respect of the following
categories to the extent indicated against each of them. However if suitable candidates are not available in any
category, they shall be filled in with the candidates in Open Competition: 1% for physically Handicapped,1% for
National Cadet Corps,1% for Games and Sports, 4% for the Children of Ex-servicemen and Defence personnel
including the children of Border Security Force and the Central Reserved Police Force residing in Andhra
Rule 11 Constitution and Functions of the Entrance Test Committee
The State Council shall constitute an Entrance Test Committee for conducting the Common Entrance Test for
Selection of Candidates for admission into under graduate courses in Law of 3 Years and 5 years duration for
which Degree and Intermediate are the qualifying examinations respectively. The Entrance Test shall be known
as "Law Common Entrance Test" (LAWCET). The constitution and the functions of the Entrance Test
Committee shall be as specified below:(1) Constitution of the Committee: The Committee shall consist of the following:(a) Chairman, who shall be Vice-Chancellor of any University, nominated by the State Council for each
academic year for the purpose of conducting the Entrance Test;
(b) One representative of each of the Universities to be nominated by the concerned Vice-Chancellor;
(c) The Director of Higher Education, Andhra Pradesh, or his nominee not below the rank of a joint Director;
(d) One Member to be nominated by the State Council;
(e) Convenor of the Common Entrance test for the preceding year;
(f) Convenor who should be of the rank of professor to be nominated by the State Council in consultation with
the Chairman of the Common Entrance test Committee;
(g) One Principal of a private Law College, to be nominated by the State Council, every year by turn.
(2) Functions of the Entrance Test Committee:
(a) The Committee: The Committee shall take decisions, on the following aspects of the Entrance Test, from
time to time:-
(i) Pattern of question Papers;
(ii) Duration of the Test;
(iii) Weightage and marks to be assigned to each paper;
(iv) Syllabus content;
(v) Centres for conducting the test;
(vi) Dates of the test;
(vii) Date of announcement of results;
(viii) Norms for payment of remuneration for different items of works connected with entrance test;
(ix) Fees to be collected from the candidates; and
(x) such other issue or issues as may be referred to it by the Chairman of the State Council from time to time.
(b) The Chairman:
(i) The Chairman of the Committee shall preside over the meetings of the Committee. In the absence of the
Chairman at the meeting, he may nominate one of the members to preside over the Committee Meetings;
(ii) The Chairman of the Committee shall be the competent authority to appoint paper setters and moderators for
the entrance test and to decide upon the printing press or presses at which papers are to be got printed.
(c) The Convenor: The Convenor shall, subject to such directions as may be issued by the Chairman, discharge
his duties in connection with the Entrance test. He shall be responsible for discharging the following functions.
(i) Printing of application forms, instructions etc., to candidates;
(ii) Issuing the notification inviting applications for the Entrance test;
(iv) Appointment of Co-ordinators and Chief Superintendents and Observers for various centres of the Test;
(v) Coding and De-coding of answer scripts;
(vi) Appointment of examiners for the valuation of the answer scripts in consultation with the Chairman;
(vii) Evaluation by spot valuations of the answer scripts;
(viii) Payment of remuneration for various items of work relating to the Entrance Test and maintenance and
submission of accounts to the State Council;
(ix) Publication of results and despatch of Rank Cards to the qualified candidates;
(x) Selecting candidates for admission into private Institutions.
(3) Funds for the conduct of the Test:
(a) The amounts collected from the candidates appearing for the Entrance Test towards cost of application form
and the examination fee shall be directly credited to the Account of the State Council of Higher Education;
(b) The Convenor will draw advance from the State Council to meet the expenditure for the conduct of the test
and submit audited accounts after the admissions are completed.
In exercise of the powers conferred by section 3 read with sub- section (1) of section 15 of the Andhra Pradesh
Educational Institutions (Regulation of Admission and Prohibition of Capitation Fee) Act, 1983, (A.P. Act. No.5
of 1983), the Governor of Andhra Pradesh hereby makes the following rules for the admission to the M.Sc.
(Nursing) Course in the State of Andhra Pradesh.
Rule 1 Short title, Extent and Commencement
(1) These rules may be called Andhra Pradesh Admission into M.Sc.(Nursing) Course Rules, 1985.
(2) The admission shall be made in accordance with the orders issued in G.O. (P) No.646, dated 10th July, 1979
and as regulated in the Andhra Pradesh Educational Institutions (Regulation of Admission) Order, 1974.
Rule 2 Number of Seats
The total number of seats for admission into the 1st year of M.Sc., (Nursing) Course shall be such as may be
specified in the notification to be issued inviting the applications for such admission.
Rule 3 Allocation of seats
(1) Admission to 85% of the seats specified in the notification shall be reserved in favour of and allocated among
the local candidates in relation to the local area in respect of the Andhra University and Nagarjuna University
areas, Osmania University and Kakatiya University areas and Sri.Venkateswara university area in the ratio of
42:36:22 respectively The allocation of seats shall be as follows in the case of unit of 5 seats:- Total Seats 5 OC
3, SC 1, BC 1, (Unreserved for Non-local).
(2) Local area:(i) Part of the State comprising the Districts of Srikakulam, Vizianagaram, Visakhapatnam, East Godavari, West
Godavari, Krishna, Guntur and Prakasam shall be regarded as the local area for the purpose of admission to the
seats reserved in favour of candidates from the Andhra University and Nagarjuna University areas.
(ii) Part of the State comprising the Districts of Adilabad, Hyderabad (including twin cities) Rangareddy,
Karimnagar, Khammam, Medak, Mahaboobnagar, Nalgonda, Nizamabad and Warangal shall be regarded as the
local area for the purpose of admission to the seats reserved in favour of candidates from the Osmania University
and Kakatiya University areas.
(iii) Part of the State comprising the Districts of Anantapur, Kurnool, Chittor, Cuddapah and Nellor shall be
regarded as the local area for the purpose of admission to the seats reserved in favour of candidates from Sri
Venkateswara University area.
(3) Local candidates:- A candidate for admission shall be regarded as local candidate in relation to a local area.
(a) if she has studied in educational institution or educational institutions in such local area for a period of not
less than four consecutive academic years ending with the academic year in which she appeared; or as the case
may be first appeared in the relevant qualifying examination; or
(b) where, during the whole or any part of the four consecutive academic years ending with the academic year in
which she appeared or as the case may be first appeared for the relevant qualifying examination, she has not
studied in any Educational Institution if she has resided in that local area for a period of not less than four years
immediately preceding the date of commencement of relevant qualifying examination in which she appeared or
as the case may be appeared.
(4) A candidate for admission to the course who is not regarded as local candidate under sub-rule (3) in relation
to any local area shall
(a) if she has studied in Educational Institutions in the State for a period of not less than seven consecutive
academic years ending with the academic year in which she appeared or as the case may be first appeared for the
relevant qualifying examination be regarded as a Local candidate in relation to:
(i) such local area where she has studied for the maximum period out of the period of seven years;or
(ii) where the periods of her study in two or more local areas are equal, such local area where she has studied last
in such equal periods;or
(b) if during the whole or any part of the seven consecutive academic years ending with the academic year in
which she appeared or as the case may be, first appeared for the relevant qualifying examination, she has not
studied in the Educational Institutions in any local area, but has resided in the State during the whole of the said
period of seven years be regarded as a local candidate in relation to;
(i) such local area where she has resided for the maximum period out of the said period of seven years; or
(ii) where the periods of her residence in two or more local areas are equal, such local area where she has resided
last in such equal periods.
Explanation:- For purpose of this sub-rule - (i) Educational Institution means, a School, a College, a University
or any Educational Institution recognised by the State Government or University or other competent authority.
(ii) Relevant qualifying examination in relation to admission to any course of study means the examination a
pass in which is the minimum Educational Qualification for admission to such course of study.
(a) In reckoning the consecutive academic years during which a candidate has justified any period of interruption
of her study by reason of her failure to pass any examinations; and
(b) any period of her study in State-wide University or a State wide Educational Institution shall be disregarded
[G.O.Ms.No.678 G.A. (SPF.B) dated 20-10-1975].
(iv) The question whether any candidate for admission to any course of study has resided in any local area shall
be determined with reference to the places where the candidate actually resided and not with reference to the
residence of her parent or other guardian.
(5) While determining the number of seats, to be reserved in favour of local candidates under sub-rule 3 (1) any
fraction of a seat shall be counted as one, provided that there shall be atleast one unreserved seat.
(6) If a local candidate in respect of local area is not available to fill any seat reserved or allocated in favour of
local candidate in respect of that local area such seat shall be filled in as if it has not been reserved.
(a) Applicants who claim to be local candidates under sub- rule (3) (a) shall produce evidence in the form of
study certificate/certificates issued by the Heads of the Educational Institutions concerned, indicating the details
of the year or years in which the candidate has studied in Educational Institution in such local area for a period of
not less than four consecutive academic years ending with the academic year in which she appeared or as case
the may be first appeared for the final year B.Sc. (Nursing) Examination. Those who do not qualify as local
candidates under sub-rule (3) (a) but claim to qualify by virtue of residence under sub-rule (3) (b) shall produce a
certificate issued by an officer of Revenue Department not below the rank of a Thasildar or Deputy Thasildar in
independent charge of sub-taluk in the form annexed in G.O.Ms.No.628, Education, dated the 25th July, 1974
which may be appended to the application.
(b) Applicants who claim to be local candidates under sub-rule (4) (a) shall produce evidence in the form of
Study Certificates issued by the Head of Educational Institution/Educational Institutions concerned indicating the
details of the year or years in which the candidate has studied in the respective Educational Institutions, for a
period of not less than seven consecutive academic years ending with the academic year in which she appeared
or as the case may be first appeared for the Final year of B.Sc., (Nursing) Examination. Those who do not
qualify as Local Candidates under sub-rule (4) (a) but claim to qualify by virtue of residence under sub-rule (4)
(b) shall produce a certificate of residence issued by an officer of the Revenue Department not below the rank of
a Tahsildar or a Deputy Tahsildar in independent charge of Sub-Taluk in the form similar to that annexed to
G.O.Ms.No.628, Education, dated the 25th July, 1974 with necessary modifications which may be appended to
the application.
(8) The following categories of candidates are eligible to apply for admission to the 15% of unreserved seats.
(a) all candidates defined under sub-rule (3) and (4) (Study Certificate/residence certificate should be enclosed).
(b) Candidates who have resided in the State for a total period of ten years excluding periods of study outside the
State or either of whose parents has resided in the State for a period of ten years excluding period of
Employment outside the State; Certificate to the effect from Revenue Official not below the rank of Tahsildar or
Deputy Tahsildar in case of Independent sub-Taluk from where the candidate is claiming eligibility shall be
(c) Candidates who are children of the parents who are in the employment of this State or Central Government,
Public Sector Corporation, Local Bodies, Universities and other similar quasi- public Institutions within the
State. (Certificate from the Head of the Institution/Department should be enclosed.)
(d) Candidates who are spouses to those in the Employment of State or Central Government Public Sector
Corporation, Local Bodies, Universities and Educational Institutions recognised by the State or Central
Government, a University or other competent authority and similar other quasi Government Institutions within
the State.
Rule 4 Duration of the course
The Duration of the Course shall be two years.
Rule 5 Entrance Test
(1) There shall be an Entrance Test. The entrance test shall be Objective type (Multiple choice);
(2) The centre of Examination shall be the College of Nursing, Hyderabad;
(3) All candidates shall appear for Entrance Test and shall qualify themselves therein to be eligible for admission
into M.Sc. (Nursing) Course;
(4) The Syllabus for the Entrance Test shall be that of B.Sc. (Nursing) standard of any of the Universities of the
Andhra Pradesh State;
(5) The questions for the Entrance Test shall be one hundred and fifty which are objective type - Multiple choice
covering all the subjects prescribed for B.Sc (Nursing)a except English. The duration of test shall be two and half
Rule 6 Qualifications and Eligibility for admission
(a) The Minimum General Educational Qualification required for admission into this Course shall be B.Sc.,
(Nursing) from any University or Institution recognised or established under any State or Central Act.
(b) Age limit:- Candidate should have not completed the age of 45 years as on 31st December of the year of
admission. For candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes the maximum age limit shall be
48 years and they must not have completed 48 years of age as on 31st December of the year of admission.
(c) Only Women Candidates are eligible to apply for the M.Sc. (Nursing).
(d) A candidate applying for M.Sc.,(Nursing) should be an employee of the Government of Andhra Pradesh and
shall have put in not less than two years of service in any Department or in any Institution of the State
Government in any capacity in Nursing.
(e) Must have secured not less than * [40%] of marks in the Entrance Test and * [35%] of marks in the case of
Candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes and Scheduled/Tribes.
Rule 7 Notification
The Director of Medical Education, Andhra Pradesh Hyderabad shall publish the Notification inviting the
applications from the candidates for admission into 1st year M.Sc.,(Nursing) Course.
Rule 8 Issue and Receipt of applications
(a) Issue of applications :- Candidates may obtain the application forms prescribed in Appendix I to these rules
on requisition made to the Principal, College of Nursing, Hyderabad either in person or by post by producing a
challan for Rs.5- credited under the Head of Account "058- Stationery and Printing 010 Sale of Gazette etc.,"
Those who wish to obtain the application forms by post may send along with Treasury receipt,. a self addressed
envelope of 30 cms x 8 cms duly affixing stamps worth Rs.5/(b) Receipt of Applicants:(1) All application forms duly filled in and with all necessary documents shall be delivered either in person or
sent by post to the Principal, College of Nursing, Hyderabad so as to reach on or before the last date and time as
prescribed in the notification.
(2) The application forms duly filled in received after the date and time notified shall not be considered.
(3) The Principal, College of Nursing, Hyderabad will not be responsible for non-receipt of applications or delay
in postal transit and hence the candidates are advised either to send them by post sufficiently in advance or
handover them in person on or before the last date and time notified.
Rule 9 Documents to be produced by the Candidates
The following documents shall be submitted by the Candidates alongwith the application form.
(i) The Original Treasury receipt of Rs.10/- (Rupees ten only) being the Registration fee for application credited
under the Head of Account "080- Medical-A. Allopathy(a) Tuition fee and other fees for medical Education".
(ii) Attested copy of the Secondary School Certificate for identity and date of Birth.
(iii) Bonafide Certificates of study as issued by the authorities of the concerned educational institution or a
certificate in the form prescribed and annexed to the application form.
(iv) A certified copy of the Statement of marks obtained by the Candidate at the qualifying examination i.e.,
B.Sc. (Nursing).
(v) Two conduct certificates one from the head of the institution in which the candidate last studied and other
from a responsible officer of the State Government or from any other respectable person.
(vi) Certified copy of the transcript
(vii) A certificate of Social Status in case of candidates belonging to Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribes and
Backward Classes annexed to the application form.
(viii) Service certificate indicating the years of service signed by the Head of Institution/employer. If the
application of a candidate is defective for want of any of the above certificates or documents or if the documents
or certificates produced are found defective in any respect the application shall not be considered.
Rule 10 Selection Committee
(a) Selection Committee shall consist of (1) Principal College of Nursing, Hyderabad (2) Professor, College of
Nursing, Hyderabad (3) One Assistant Professor, College of Nursing, Hyderabad. The Principal shall be the
(b) The Selection Committee after completion of valuation of Entrance Test papers shall prepare a Master Merit
list on the basis of marks obtained at the Entrance Test, subject to the procedure of reservation prescribed in the
(c) In case of equality of marks in the Entrance Test, the total percent of marks in B.Sc., (Nursing) upto 2
decimal places shall be taken into consideration for fixing the merit of the candidates. If the Entrance Test marks
and B.Sc., (Nursing) marks are equal, the candidate who is elder in age shall be given the higher place.
(d) If, at the time of selection of candidates the selection Committee becomes aware of any irregularity, it may
reject the application of a candidate for the reasons to be recorded in writing.
(e) The Selection Committee has the right to review the Selection in case of any errors, misrepresentation, fraud
or glaring injustice done. In all matters relating to selections and admission the decision of the Selection
Committee shall be final and binding on the candidate and selection cannot be questioned after admissions are
Rule 11 Publication of the list of selected candidates
(a) The Principal, College of Nursing Hyderabad shall put on the Notice Board names of the provisonally
selected candidates to be admitted, alongwith marks and shall intimate them of such selection by Registered Post
with Acknowledgment due to the address given in the application forms. The candidates shall be instructed to
produce all original certificates at the time of reporting.
(b) The Principal, shall verify the correctness of the certificates and Marks with the Originals before admission.
Rule 12 Joining time
The selected candidates shall join the College within the specified time. Failure to join the course in time shall
result in cancellation of admission automatically.
Rule 13 Filling up the vacancies
If any vacancy arises owing to the failure of candidates to join the college within the time specified by the
College authorities or for other reasons the Principal, College of Nursing, Hyderabad shall allot from the reserve
list and intimate candidates.
Rule 14
All admission shall be completed within * [two months] from the date of publication of 1st list of candidates
Rule 15 Payment of Fees
All candidates joining the M.Sc., (Nursing) course shall pay the following fees:Rule 16 Discontinuance of Course
(a) All candidates joining the M.Sc., (Nursing) shall execute a bond on Non-judicial Stamp Paper of value of
Rs.5/- as prescribed in annexure-I to the rules to ensure completion of the prescribed period of training on any
account except ill health or in default to pay Rs.1,000/- by remitting the amount to the Head of Account "080Medical -A Allopathy (a) Tuition fees and Fees for Medical Education (b) other remittances" and submit the
Treasury receipt to the Principal, College of Nursing Hyderabad and the Principal, shall relieve the candidate on
receipt of the Challan.
Rule 17 Deputation
Regular in-service candidates of Medical and Health Department shall be on deputation.
Rule 18 Bond to Serve the Government
All In-service candidates of Medical and Health Department on admission have to execute a bond on a NonJudicial Stamp paper worth Rs.20/- (Rupees twenty only) (Annexure II), embodying the conditions of training
and agreeing to serve the State government for a period of atleast 3 years on successful completion of the course
in any capacity as the Government may consider suitable and in default they shall pay Rs.10,000.
Rule 19 Powers of Principal
Notwithstanding anything contained in these rules, the Principal, College of Nursing, Hyderabad may at any time
before the completion of the Post-Graduate course either on her own motion or on the application of any person
after due and proper enquiry and after giving the person two weeks time from the date of receipt of the showcause notice to submit a written explanation and/or a personal hearing order the cancellation of admission of the
candidate, if in their opinion, such candidates had furnished fraudulent or incorrect particulars in the application
forms or in the documents attached thereto, or in the Statements made either before the authority in-charge of
admission or the Principal or on any other manner. Against any such order of the Principal, an appeal shall be
made to the Director of Medical Education.
Rule 20 Power of the Government
Notwithstanding anything contained in these rules, the Government may either suo-moto or on an application
made to them call for and examine records relating to any selection or admission or cancellation thereof made by
the authority incharge of Selection or admission for the purpose of satisfying themselves as to the legality or
regularity of such selection or admission orders in relation thereto as they deem fit including cancellation of
selection already published or admission already made ;
provided that the Government may before cancelling such selection or admission give an opportunity to the
authority in-charge of the Selection or admission and to the person effected to show cause against such
Rule 21 Finality of Selection
All selections under these rules shall be subject to any general rules or orders that may be made by the
Government from time to time.
N.B:-Application not accompanied by the required certificates shall be rejected
(a) Application shall be filled-in in English by the Candidate in her own hand writing.
Please Read the Rules Carefully before filling the form.
1. Name in full (in Block letters)
2. (a) Full Postal Address to which communication should be sent
(in block letters)
(b) Permanent Address..
3. Name of Father/Guardian and address in full
4. Date of Birth
5. Age on 31st December of the year of admission
6. Sex
7. Is the candidate an employee of State Government of Andhra Pradesh.
8. Service Particulars of the posts held upto date in the Columns mentioned below.
Name of the Department
Place of working
Employer's name
9. (a) Indicate whether candidate studied 2-Year B.Sc. (Nursing) or 4- Year B.Sc. (Nursing)
(b) Name of the College where candidate studied B.Sc. (Nursing)
(c) Year of passing B.Sc. (Nursing)
(d) Month and year of appearance in B.Sc. (Nursing) Examination of final year.
10. Does the Candidate belong to Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribe or Backward Classes declared by the State
Government, as such, if so, please specify the categories.
11. Specify the University area to which the Candidate belongs and furnish certificate about local candidature in
the prescribed form.
Local Candidates :
(a) Indicate the month and year of appearance in B.Sc. (Nursing) Examination of final year.
(b) furnish the following details for the four/seven consecutive academic years immediately preceding the month
and year mentioned in the Col. (a) above. Bonafide certificate from Head (s) of Institution (s) should be enclosed
as proof.
Class in which studied during the year (if did not study in any year state so and specify the reasons in the
remarks column)
Name of the Institution in which studied (mention also the name of the District in which the Institution is
VI Class
VII Class
VIII Class
IX Class
X Class
Intermediate (Junior)
Intermediate (Senior)
B.Sc. (Nursing)
Note:- In reckoning consecutive academic years of study any period of interruption of study by reason of her
failure to pass any examination other than the .. Examination (here enter the name of the Examination in Column
(a) above) shall be disregarded. In such cases information of the earlier academic year should also be furnished
till information for four/seven academic years is furnished.
(c) If the four/seven consecutive academic years mentioned in Col (b) above, you did not study during the whole
or any part of the four/seven consecutive academic years in any educational Institution, furnish particulars of
your residence as shown below for the four/seven years period immediately preceding the month and year
mentioned in Column (a) (A Certificate from a Revenue Officer not below the Rank of Thasildar or Deputy
Thasildar in independent charge of sub-taluk, certifying your residence for the above period should be enclosed).
Period during which resided Village, Town, Taluk, District in which resided.
12. I hereby solemnly affirm that the statements made and information furnished by me in the application form
and also in all the enclosures thereto submitted by me are true and correct. I have not kept any information
secret. Should it however be found that any information furnished therein is fraudulent, incorrect or untrue in
materials particulars, I realise that I am liable to criminal prosecution and also agree to forego my seat in the
College. Further, that the Selection and Admission to the course is liable to be cancelled.
I shall abide by the decision of the Examination Board/Selection Committee and of the Director of Medical
Education. The decision shall be final and binding on me.
Specimen Signature of the Candidate :
Signature of the Candidate
Date :
Note :No Application will be deemed complete unless this declaration is signed by the Candidate.
13. Documents to be submitted alongwith the application form:
(i) The Treasury receipt of Rs.10/- being the Registration Fee for the application credited to the Head of Account
"080. Medical (A) Allopathy(a) Tution Fee and other Fee for Medical Education".
(ii)(a) Certified copy of the page of the S.S.L.C., Register or of the H.S.C. as the case may be showing identity
the date of birth etc., of the candidate.
(b) A certificate of Social status (in case of Candidate belonging to scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe/Backward
Class in the form prescribed vide Appendix II of the these rules.)
(iii)Bonafide Certificates of study or a certificate as the case may be in the form prescribed in the application
(iv) A certificate copy of the statement of marks obtained in the B.Sc. (Nursing) Examination.
(v) Two conduct certificates, one from the Head of the Institution in which the candidate last studied and the
other from a responsible officer of the State Government or any other respective person
(vi) Certified copy of the transcript.
This is to certify that Kum Daughter ofvillage/towna candidate for admission to the 1st year M.Sc. (Nursing)
Course in the College of Nursing, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, belongs toCaste/Tribe which is recognised as a
Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe under.
The Constitution (Scheduled Castes)Order, 1950.
The Constitution (Scheduled Tribes) Order, 1950.
The Constitution (Scheduled Castes) Union Territories Order.
The 1951 Constitution (Scheduled Tribes) Union Territories Act.
(As amended by the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes List, (Modification) Order, 1956, the Bombay
Reorganisation Act, 1960 the Punjab Reorganisation Act, 1966, the State of Himachal Pradesh Act, 1970, the
North-Eastern Areas (Reorganisation) Act, 1971 and the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Order
(Amendment Act 1976).
The Constitution (Jammu & Kashmir) Scheduled Caste, Order, 1956,
The Constitution (Andaman & Nicobar) Scheduled Tribes, Order, 1959,
As amended by the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Order, (Amendment) Act, 1976.
The Constitution (Dadar and Nagar Haveli) Scheduled Caste Order, 1962.
The Constitution (Dadar and Nagar Haveli) Scheduled Tribe Order, 1962.
The Constitution (Pondicherry) Scheduled Castes Order, 1964.
The Constitution (Scheduled Tribes) Uttar Pradesh Order, 1976.
The Constitution (Goa, Daman and Diu) Scheduled Castes Order, 1968.
The Constitution (Goa, Daman and Diu) Scheduled Tribes Order 1968.
The Constitution (Nagaland) Scheduled Tribes, Order, 1970.
2. Kumand or her family ordinarily reside in Village Town District /Division of theState Union Territory of place
State Signature Desgination
(With seal of office).
Union Territory
Please delete the words which are not applicable.
Note:- The term ordinarily resides' used here will have the same meaning as in Section 20 of the Representation
of Peoples' Act, 1950.
Note:- 1. This Certificate shall be signed by any Gazetted Officer of any Department serving under the State
Government including Gazetted officers of all Municipalities and Municipal Corporations of Hyderabad and
2. Candidates belonging to Scheduled Tribe Community i.e., (i) Konda Kapus (ii) Konda Reddies (iii) Hill
Reddies (iv) Goudor Goud (v) Kotia Bontho Oriya, Barika Dhulia or Dulia Holva, Paiko, Potia, Sanroho, Sidho
Paike, (vi) Kammara, (vii) Malis (viii) Reddy Doras (ix) Konda Doras (x) Thoti (xi) Nayaka (xii) Valmikies
(xiii) Manna Dora, should obtain community Certificate from the Revenue Officer not below the rank of
Tahsildar of the Taluk from which the candidate claims nativity vide G.O.Ms.No.147 S.W., Department, dated
the 27th April, 1977.
3. Officers issuing caste certificates to the Scheduled Tribe candidate shall invariably follow the guidelines
issued in G.O.Ms.No.245, S.W.Department, dated 30th June, 1977 read with G.O.Ms.No.44, S.W. Dept., dated
23rd February, 1979.
4. Candidates claiming Scheduled Caste Status on reconversion from Christianity to Hinduism shall obtain a
certificate from Revenue Officials not below the rank of a Tahsildar duly countersigned from Director of Social
Welfare or any Officer of his Directorate authorised by him. The Certifying Officer shall follow the guidelines
issued in G.O.Ms.No.185, S.W., Deptt., dated 4th December 1979 and G.O.Ms.No.89, S.W., dated 3rd April,
1980 as follows:(i) A notice shall be issued to the residents of the locality in which the claimant for caste certificate ordinarily
residses and belonging to be community about which the claim is made calling for objections, if any, regarding
the claim for a Caste Certificate.
(ii) After a spot enquiry and necessary investigation a ruling shall be given by the concerned Officer regarding
the genuineness of conversion or reconversion as the case may be, and caste certificate issued only if the claim
made is found to be genuine.
(iii) Wherever a person has been recorded as Harijan throughout her school career she should be deemed to be a
Harijan and no further verification should be called for.
(iv) Wherever it is noticed that a person has been shown as Harijan and Harijan Christian at different times in her
educational records and/or the change to Hinduism is towards the completion of the course of study immediately
preceding the application for a certificate enquiry should be conducted to arrive at his status.
(v) Needless to say any certificate of conversion or reconversion produced only for purposes of a seat in an
Institution as can be known by the timing of the fact or conversion or reconversion should be thoroughly
5. No candidate other than a Hindu including a Sikh can claim to belong to a Scheduled Caste.
6. That Social Status of Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe or Backward classes by virtue of adoption should be
certified by the respective Directors.
Certified that Kumdaughter ofa candidate for admission to the 1st year M.Sc., (Nursing) Course in the College of
Nursing, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh State belongs tocommunity which has been recognised by the State
Government as Backward Class/GroupSl. Nounder the Educational Rules in force.
Place :
Dated :
Signature :
Rank :
Note:- 1. (a) This certificate shall be signed by Gazetted Officer of any Department serving under the State
Government including Gazetted Officers of all Municipalities and Municipal Corporation of Hyderabad.
(b) When once a Certificate of Social Statues is submitted with the original application form this shall be binding
on the candidate and no subsequent changes are permissible.
2. The Certifying Officer before issuing the Social Status Certificates to Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribe and
Backward Class candidates require the candidate or her parent as the case may be to produce documentary and
social living proof regarding the caste to which they belong. The documentary and other proof so produced by
the Candidate or her parent should be attached to the certificate while submitting the application.
[Non-Judicial Stamped Paper of Rs. 5/-]
I, Kum/Smt............................................................................Daughter of/Wife of
Sri..........................................Selected for M.Sc., (Nursing) Course in the College of Nursing, Hyderabad, do
hereby undertake to complete the said course as per the requirements of the Institute. In the event of my leaving
the studies in mid-term, I undertake to pay the Government of Andhra Pradesh a sum of Rs.1,000/- (Rupees one
thousand only).
Signature of the Candidate.
Date :
Signed by the above bounden in the presence of
Signature of the Sureties :
Witnesses :
N.B. - Sureties should be two permanent Gazetted Officers.
(Bond Proforma)
The Candidate should sign on each page of the Bond bottom. The back page of the Bond paper should not be
used. The sureties must be permanent Government Servants and of equal cadre. The Bond should be worth of
Rs.20/- Two Signatures of Sureties and Two signatures of witnesses alongwith the Signature of attesting
authority should be there. If the Bond does not contain all the information it will be construed defective one.
KNOWN ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS THAT WE resident ofin the district of employed as in the
Department of/Office of (hereinafter called the Obliger) and Srison of (hereinafter called the surities) do hereby
jointly and severally bind ourselves and our respective heirs, executors, and administrators to pay to the
Government of Andhra Pradesh his successors and assigns (hereinafter called the Government) on demand the
sum of Rs (Rupees)together with interest thereon from the date of demand at Government rates for the time
being in force for Government loans or if the payment is made in country other than India, the equivalent of the
said amount in the currency of that country and India and together will all costs payable by the Government to
the Attorney and the charges and expenses that shall or may have been incurred by the Government; and.
WHEREAS, the Government have at the request of the above bounden Sri/Smt/Kumemployed as a granted her
Deputation for a period of year(s) with effect from in order to enable her to study M.Sc. (Nursing) at....................
AND, WHEREAS, for the better protection of the Government the obliger has agreed to execute this bond with
two sureties with such condition as hereunder written.
AND, WHEREAS, the said sureties have agreed to execute this Bond as sureties on behalf of the obliger.
obliger Smt/Kumfailing to join on the expiry of the period of deputation, the post originally held by her and
serve the Government after rejoining for such period not exceeding period of (3) three years as the Government
require or refusing to serve the Government in any other capacity as may be required by the Government on a
salary to which she would be entitled under the rules the said Sri/Smt. Kumor his heirs, executors and
administrators shall forthwith pay to the Government on demand the said sum Rs together with interest thereon
from the date of demand at Government rates for the time being in force on Government loans.
AND UPON THE OBLIGER Sri/Smt./Kumand or Sri/Smt./Kum and Sri/Smt./Kumthe sureties aforesaid making
such payment the above written obligation shall be void and of no effect otherwise it shall be and remain inforce
and virtue.
PROVIDED always that the liability of the sureties hereunder shall not be impaired or discharged by reasons of
time being granted or by an forbearance act or omission of the Government or any person authorised by them
(wherever with or without the consent or knowledge of the sureties) nor shall it be necessary for the Government
to issue the obliger before suing the sureties Sriand Srior any of them for amounts due hereunder.
THE BOND shall in all respects to be governed by the Laws of India for the time-being in force and the rights
and liabilities hereunder shall where necessary be accordingly determined by the appropriate courts in India.
The Stamp duty on this deed shall be borne and paid by the Government servant.
Signed and dated this day of one thousand nine hundred and
Signed and delivered by the Obliger above named
() Signature.
In the Presence of
() Signature.
(Signed and delivered by the surety above named.)
Signature of 1st surety
In the presence of
Signed and delivered by the surety abovenamed
Signature of 2nd surety.
In the presence of
() (Attested)
Accepted for and on behalf of the Government of Andhra Pradesh.
In exercise of the powers conferred by Section 3 read with sub-section (1) of Section 15 of the Andhra Pradesh
Educational Institutions (Regulation of Admission and Prohibition of Capitation Fee) Act, 1983 (AP Act No. 5
of 1983) and in supersession of all the rules in force governing the admissions into Post-Graduate courses, the
Governor of Andhra Pradesh hereby makes the following rules for admission into the Post-Graduate Medical
Courses in the State of Andhra Pradesh.
Rule 1
These rules may be called the Andhra Pradesh Medical Colleges (Admission into Post-Graduate Medical
Courses) Rules, 1997.
Rule 2 Number of seats
The number of seats in Post-Graduate Degree and Diploma Courses in the various disciplines in each Medical
College which shall be notified by University of Health Sciences every year.
Rule 3 Reservations
(1) 15%, 6%, 25% of the total number of seats notified in each group for Degree and Diploma Courses separately
shall be reserved for Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribes and Backward Classes respectively.
(2) 15% of seats in Clinical subjects i.e., in Medicine, Surgery, Obstetrics and Gynaecology Groups and 30% of
the seats in non-clinical subjects in each group for Degree and Diploma Courses separately are reserved for inservice candidates in each category under service quota. Candidates selected on merit in respective categories
shall be however counted against service quota. Service rendered shall be calculated as per date specified by
University of Health Sciences.
Explanation 1 It is hereby clarified that "in-service candidates" means a candidate who has put in,-(a) two years of continuous regular tribal service;
(b) three years of continuous regular rural service; or
(c) six years of continuous regular service.
Explanation 2
(a) 'Tribal service' means service in tribal institutions recognised by Government of Andhra Pradesh.
(b) 'Rural service' means service in Primary Health Centres, Subsidiary Health Centres, Dispensaries, Taluk
Hospitals, Mobile Medical Units, Leprosy Control Units or the Sample Survey-cum-Assessment Units, under
Leprosy Temporary Hospitalisation Wards situated in Taluks and Leprosy Training Centre at Pogiri, (Ref : G.O.
Ms. No. 31, HM and FW (B2) Department, dt. 11-2-1997).
(c) 'Continuous regular service' means regular service in Andhra Pradesh in the following services, namely
(a) Andhra Pradesh Medical and Health Services;
(b) Andhra Pradesh Insurance Medical Services;
(c) Andhra Pradesh Vaidhya Vidhana Parishad; or
(d) University of Health Sciences.
Rule 4
(1) Reservation in favour of the local candidates
(A) Admission to 85% of the seats shall be reserved in favour of the local candidates in relation to the local area
as provided in Andhra Pradesh Educational Institutions (Regulations of Admission) Order, 1974 as amended
from time to time. State-wide Course : M.D. (R.T) is State-wide course and admission to this course shall be
regulated as per the provisions in the Andhra Pradesh Educational Institutions (Regulation of Admission) Order,
1974 for State-wide course.
(B) Local Area :(i) The part of the State comprising the Districts of Srikakulam, Vizianagaram, Visakhapatnam, East Godavari,
West Godavari, Krishna, Guntur and Prakasam (Andhra University and Nagarjuna University area) shall be
regarded as the local area for the purposes of admission to the Andhra Medical College, Visakhapatnam,
Rangaraya Medical College, Kakinada and Guntur Medical College, Guntur.
(ii) The part of the State comprising the Districts of Adilabad, Hyderabad including cities of Hyderabad and
Secunderabad Rangareddy, Karimnagar, Khammam, Medak, Mahaboobnagar, Nalgonda, Nizamabad and
Warangal (Osmania University and Kakatiya University area) shall be regarded as local area for the purpose of
admission to the Osmania Medical College, Hyderabad, Gandhi Medical College, Hyderabad and Kakatiya
Medical College, Warangal.
(iii) The part of the State comprising the Districts of Ananthapur, Kurnool, Chittoor, Cuddapah and Nellore i.e.,
Sri Venkateswara University area shall be regarded as local area for the purpose of admission to the Kurnool
Medical College, Kurnool and Sri Venkateswara Medical College, Tirupathi.
(C) Local Candidates :(I) A candidate for admission shall be regarded as local candidate in relation to a local area,--
(i) If the candidate studied in an Educational Institution or Educational Institutions in such local area for a period
of not less than four consecutive academic years ending with the academic year in which the candidate appeared
or as the case may be first appeared in the relevant qualifying examination, or
(ii) Where during the whole or any part of the four consecutive academic year ending with the academic year in
which the candidate appeared or as the case may be first appeared for the relevant qualifying examination, the
candidate has not studied in educational institutions, if the candidate had resided in that local area for a period of
not less than four years immediately preceding the date of commencement of the relevant qualifying
examination, in which the candidate appeared or as the case may be first appeared.
(2). A candidate for admission to any course of study who is not regarded as a local candidate under sub-rule (I)
above in relation to any local area shall,-(i) If the candidate has studied in educational institutions in the State for a period of not less than seven
consecutive academic years ending with academic year in which the candidate appeared or as the case may be
first appeared for the relevant qualifying examination be regarded as local candidate in relation to,-(a) such local area where the candidate has studied for the maximum period out of the said period of seven years;
(b) where the period of the candidate's study in two or more local areas are equal, such local area where the
candidate has last studied in such equal periods; or
(ii) If during the whole or any part of the seven consecutive academic years ending with the academic year in
which the candidate appeared, or as the case may be first appeared for the relevant qualifying examination, the
candidate has not studied in the educational institution in any local area, but the candidate has resided in the State
during the whole of the said period of seven years be regarded as a local candidate in relation to-(a) such local area where the candidate has resided for the maximum period out of the said period of seven years;
(b) where the period of the candidates residence in two or more local areas are equal, such local area where the
candidate has resided last in such equal periods.
Explanation It is hereby clarified that for the purpose of this sub-regulation,-(i) "Educational Institutions" means a University or any Educational Institution recognised by the State
Government, a University or any other competent authority.
(ii) "Relevant qualifying examination" in relation to an admission to any course of study" means a pass in an
examination which is the minimum educational qualification for admission to such course of study.
(a) in reckoning the consecutive academic years during which a candidate has studied any period or had an
interruption of his study by reason of his failure to pass any examination and any period of his study in a Statewide University or a State-wide educational institution shall be disregarded.
(b) the status of candidate who passed the MBBS examination from Siddhartha Medical College will be decided
basing on their study period prior to their admission into MBBS course at Siddartha Medical College for arriving
at the local and non-local status, since it is a State-wide institution.
(iv) The question whether any candidate for admission to any course of study has resided in any local area shall
be determined with reference to the places where the candidate actually resided and not with reference to the
residence of his parent or guardian.
(D) While determining the status under clause (A) of sub-rule (1) the number of seats to be reserved in favour of
local candidates, any fraction of seat shall be counted as one provided that there shall be one unreserved seat.
(E) If a local candidate in respect of a local area is not available to fill any seat reserved or allocated in favour of
local candidate in respect of that local area such seats shall be filled in as if it had not been reserved.
(F) The applicant who claims to be a local candidate with reference to sub-rule 4(C)(I)(i) or 4(C) (II) (i) shall
produce study certificate or certificates issued by the Head of the Educational Institution or Institutions
concerned in a format indicating the details of the year or years in which the candidate has studied in educational
institution in such local area for a period of not less than four or as the case may be seven consecutive academic
years ending with the academic year in which the candidate appeared or as the case may be, first appeared for the
Part II of final MBBS examination. Those who did not qualify as local candidate under sub-rule 4(C) (I) (i) and
4(C) (II) (i) but claim to qualify by virtue of residence shall produce a certificate issued by an officer of the
Revenue Department not below the rank of Mandal Revenue Officer of independent charge of a sub-taluk or
Mandal in the form annexed to G.O. P. No. 628, Education, dt. 25-7-74 appended to the application form with
necessary modification.
(G) The following categories are eligible to apply for admission to the remaining 15% of unreserved seats
(i) All candidates defined under sub-rule (C) of Rule 4.
(ii) Candidates who have resided in the State for total period of ten years excluding the period of study outside
the State or either of those parents have resided in the State for a total period of ten years excluding the period of
employment outside the State.
(iii) Candidates who are children of parents who are in the employment of the State or Central Government,
Public Sector Corporations, Local bodies, Universities and other similar quasi-Public Institutions in the State.
(iv) Candidates, who are spouses of those in employment of the State or Central Government, Public Sector
Corporations, Local Bodies, Universities and Educational Institutions recognised by the Government or a
University or other competent authority and similar other quasi-Government institutions within the State.
(v) Candidates who are employed in the State Government undertakings, Public Sector, Corporations, Local
bodies, Universities and other similar quasi-public institutions within the State.
(vi) Candidates who are spouses of the local candidates as per Rule 4(C).
Rule 5 Applications
(i) Candidates may obtain the application forms and regulations governing the admissions in person by
submitting a D.D. for the amount specified by University of Health Sciences Regulations.
(ii) Applications duly filled in and with all necessary documents shall be submitted as per the Regulations of
University of Health Sciences.
(iii) The applications received after the prescribed date and time shall not be considered. The Principal of the
Medical College will not be responsible for non-receipt of applications on account of any delay or loss in postal
(iv) Filled in application forms sent to a particular Medical College shall be deemed to be purporting to the local
area to which the Medical College belongs and the candidate shall be treated as local or non-local, as the facts of
the candidate case warrant with respect to the Medical College and will be considered for selection to the seats
available in that local area only.
(v) The Registration fee for Entrance Test shall be paid through a Demand Draft as prescribed by the University
of Health Sciences according to the Regulations of University of Health Sciences.
Rule 6 Eligibility
(i) Candidates who have passed the MBBS examination recognised by the Indian Medical Council and who will
complete internship on or before the date specified in Regulations of UHS are eligible to apply subject to the
fulfilment of the conditions stipulated in Rule 4.
(ii) Candidates who are already admitted and studying Post-Graduate Degree or Diploma courses shall not be
permitted to appear for Entrance Test until they complete the course or discontinue the course by remitting the
bond amount and stipend taken upto that date before submitting the application form for Entrance Test and such
candidates shall submit the discontinuance certificate issued by the Head of the institution along with the
application form.
Rule 7 Notification
Notification shall be issued by the University of Health Sciences, inviting applications from the eligible
candidates to appear for the Entrance Test to the P.G. Degree or for the Diploma courses in the Medical
Rule 8 Entrance test
There shall be a Common Entrance Test for clinical, pre-clinical and para-clinical subjects.
(i) The test shall consist of 200 multiple choice questions to be answered in three hours duration. Each question
carries one mark. The approximate distribution of questions will be as follows :
S. No.
No. of question
Para-clinical including SPM
Surgery & Allied Specialities
Medical & Allied Specialities
Obstetrics & Gynacology
The syllabus for Entrance Test shall be that of the MBBS examination standard of the University of Health
(ii) The test shall be conducted on the date notified by University of Health Science, at Osmania Medical
College, Hyderabad (2) Gandhi Medical College, Hyderabad, and (3) Kakatiya Medical College, Warangal and
for the Osmania University or Kakatiya University areas; and (1) Andhra Medical College, Visakhapatnam (2)
Rangaraya Medical College, Kakinada and (3) Guntur Medical College, Guntur for the AU/NU area and (1) S.V.
Medical College, Tirupathi, and (2) Kurnool Medical College, Kurnool for the SVU area; for the local areas as
defined under Regulation 4 and subject Regulation 5 (IV). The candidate will be considered for selection to the
University area local area wise.
(iii) The candidates shall collect their Hall Tickets as notified by the University of Health Sciences at their
respective centres chosen by them by producing State Medical Council Registration Certificate in original for
identification purpose alongwith application or as the case may be, the Registration Acknowledgment card.
(iv) The test centre once chosen by the candidate shall not be changed under any circumstances.
(v) All the candidates who appear for the Entrance Test and qualify themselves are eligible for admission into
Post-Graduate Courses for that academic year only.
(vi) The minimum marks required to pass the Entrance Test are 80 marks for Scheduled Caste and Scheduled
Tribes candidates and 100 marks for others. (vii) Candidates already registered and are studying Post-Graduate
Degree and Diploma Courses are not eligible.
Rule 9 Merit lists
(i) The examination board constituted by the NTR University of Health Sciences shall get the Entrance Test
papers valued either manually or mechanically and prepare a common master merit list of the passed candidates
on the basis of marks obtained in the Entrance Test subject to sub-rule (II). Marks of the candidates in order of
merit and in order of hall ticket numbers will be displayed on the notice boards of the respective colleges and in
the office of NTR University of Health Sciences.(Subs. by G.O.Ms.335 dt. 12-10-2000)
(ii) In case of equality of marks in the Entrance Test, the total percentage of marks in MBBS excluding preprofessional course non-medical subjects of 1st year integrated MBBS course upto 2 decimal places shall be
taken into consideration for fixing the merit of the candidates. If the Entrance Test marks and MBBS marks are
equal, marks obtained in the concerned subject in MBBS shall be taken into consideration if the candidates opt
for the same subject.
(iii) Any candidate who wishes to have re-totalling of marks, should pay a fee specified by the UHS to enable the
University to verify the same. Such application shall be submitted within 5 days after announcement of the
results of the Registrar, University of Health Sciences, Vijayawada.
Rule 10 Selections
(i) Provisional selection shall be made by the Selection Committee constituted by the University of Health
Sciences subject to these rules.
(ii) The University of Health Sciences will announce the dates and centre or centres at which selections will be
(iii) The Selection Committee shall display the charts showing the allocation of seats to Scheduled Castes.
Schedule Tribes and Backward Classes in the Medical Colleges of the University area local area wise at the time
of selections.
(iv) On the dates notified the candidates shall be called in order of merit by the Selection Committees and ask
them to opt for subject of the candidates choice in them available subjects in the college. The Selection
Committee will issue the selection order immediately. The selection will be made only from among the
candidates who physically present themselves when their hall ticket numbers are called out in order of merit.
(a) Claims of the candidates will not be considered if they are absent when called at the time of selection and the
next in the merit would be selected. The selected candidate shall submit the original certificates to the Selection
Committee and pay fees immediately at the counters available at the centre. The candidates shall submit required
bond on or before the date fixed for the same.
(b) If a candidate after choosing the subject fails to pay the fees or after paying the fees fails to submit the bond
the selection of such candidate stands cancelled automatically.
(c) The candidates shall be called to appear before the Selection Committee one after the other and they shall not
enter the Selection Committee room in groups.
(d) Any person who obstructs the proceedings of the Selection Committee or otherwise misbehaves or causes
disturbance at the Selection Committee meetings and obstructs or causes obstruction to its peaceful functioning
shall be liable for such disciplinary action as may be taken by the University.
(e) Candidates shall be present till the end of the selections and be available in case if they are recalled for any
(a) Vacancies after the 1st selection shall be displayed on the date notified in all the Medical Colleges. These
vacancies shall be filled by the Selection Committee on the dates at the centres to be notified by the University as
per merit, subject to these rules.
(b) Resultant vacancies will be open to all the candidates with ranks below the rank of the candidate who vacated
the seat for that speciality, in that area and also those candidates who were absent in the earlier selections.
(vii) The Selection Committee shall have power to review the provisional selection in case of any errors,
misrepresentation, fraud or gross injustice. In all matters relating to the selections and admissions the decision of
the Selection Committee shall be final and binding on the candidates and selection shall not be questioned after
closure of admission.
(viii) The vacant seats in non-clinical subjects pre and para-clinical subjects at the end of 3rd selection in each
region shall be filled from among the applicants who are in service candidates who have applied through their
respective heads of departments on a separate proforma, available at University of Health Sciences in advance to
the Registrar, University of Health Sciences. The selections shall be done on the basis of merit basing on MBBS
marks. These applicants need not appear to the Post- Graduate Medical Entrance Test. The candidates so selected
in non-clinical subjects pre and para-clinical subjects shall submit an undertaking that the candidate shall serve
the Government for a period of 10 years and execute a bond to the effect that in default an amount of Rs.
50,000/- (Rupees fifty thousand only) shall be paid by the candidate to the Government of A.P.
Rule 11 Admission rules
(i) The dates of admission of selected candidates will be the dates as communicated to them in the letter of
(ii) All the candidates joining the post graduate degree or diploma courses should execute the bond on a nonjudicial stamped paper of Rs. 100/- value as prescribed in Annexure I to ensure completion of the prescribed
period of training or in default or for any other reason has to pay Rs. 20,000/- (Rupees Twenty thousand only) or
such amount as specified by the University of Health Sciences to the University of Health Sciences and shall
refund the amount received as stipend upto that date to the Government.
(iii) The original certificates submitted by the candidates shall not be returned to the candidates till they complete
their courses of study and appear for the University examination subject to sub-rule (ii) above.
(iv) Attendance Candidates selected to the various courses should be whole time students. Service candidates
will have to apply for leave to prosecute study and required to produce the leave sanction order from the
competent authority not later than three months after joining the course.
(a) Leave The post-graduates are eligible for 30 days leave in the academic year and they can avail a maximum
10 days at a time. If they avail more than 10 days at a time, the stipend shall be deducted proportionately. The
balance of leave in a year if any shall not be carried forward to the next academic year.
(b) Maternity leave Post-graduate students are eligible for maternity leave not exceeding 30 days without loss of
(vi) Sanction of leave of absence beyond 3 months and termination of studentship Every candidate after his
admission shall attend the classes (Theory, Practical and Clinical) on all the working days unless the candidate is
granted leave of absence by the Principal. If a student absents continuously for a period of 91 days or more and
seeks permission to attend the course before one year after discontinuation the candidates application shall be
forwarded to the Registrar with the recommendations of the Principal. If the Vice-Chancellor is satisfied with the
reasons, he may grant leave of absence attaching such conditions as may be deemed necessary. Candidates who
are absent for a continuous period of one year or more without permission, shall be deemed to have forfeited the
admission into the course and the studentship shall stand cancelled without any further notice.
(vii) Private practice No post-graduate is allowed to do any private practice or consultation and should not accept
any part time employment in any State or Central or quasi Government or Private organisations during the postgraduation.
(viii) Accommodation Candidates selected are required to stay in hostel wherever accommodation is available.
(ix) College regulations Candidates are required to follow the rules and regulations of the college and should also
abide by the regulations of the University, under no circumstances they should have any correspondence with the
higher authorities directly without prior permission of the principal.
(x) Fees :
(a) Tuition fee All the candidates selected are required to pay the tuition fee as prescribed by the Government
immediately. If any of the candidates who joined in a course is allotted to another Medical College the tuition
fees paid by the candidate will be adjusted to the newly selected course and the tution fee paid already shall not
be refunded under any circumstances.
(b) Registration fee All the candidates selected are required to pay registration fee for the course as specified by
the University of Health Sciences at the time of admission by Demand Draft obtained from a nationalised Bank
drawn in favour of Registrar, University of Health Sciences payable at Vijayawada, or cash paid at the selection
(xi) Stipends Stipends will be paid to the post-graduates as long as the Government continue the existing
schemes for such payment and who are regular in attendance and show good progress every month. The total
period during which the students are paid stipends shall not exceed 36 months for degree course and 24 months
for diploma course.
(a) No post-graduate degree holder who enjoyed the stipend earlier for 36 months is eligible for further stipend
either to study post-graduate degree or diploma in any speciality if selected.
(b) No post-graduate diploma holder who enjoyed the stipend earlier for 24 months is eligible for further stipend
to study another post-graduate diploma in any speciality. However, the post-graduate diploma holder if selected
for P.G. Degree is eligible for stipend for another 12 months only and no candidate shall be eligible for stipend
for more than 36 months for entire P.G. study period.
(xii) Deputation to in-service candidates selected under service quota shall be restricted to 3 years only i.e., (36
months). The candidates selected to prosecute post-graduate courses under in service quota shall be sanctioned
deputation for not more than one course in his service or life time. The candidate selected under service quota
shall be deputed only to such branches specified by concerned Director or Registrar, University of Health
(a) As a special measure the S.T. candidates who are eligible to be considered as inservice candidates as per Rule
3(2) if selected to the PG course either under inservice seats or non-service seats on merit are eligible for
deputation for not more than one course in his service or life time.
(b) In case, if a service candidate is selected under in-service quota for diploma course the candidate may be
given deputation if the candidate is otherwise eligible for a period of 2 years. If the candidate is selected for a
degree course in the same subject the candidate may be allowed deputation for another period of 12 months. But
no candidate shall be allowed deputation for studying 2nd post graduate diploma course under service quota.
(c) In-service candidates shall join the course on or before the commencement of the course after getting relieved
from the concerned Head of the Institution. The Heads of the Medical Institutions shall relieve them if they apply
for relief enclosing a copy of the selection and allotment order issued by the Chairman, Selection Committee.
(d) Any candidate in Government service other than, the In-service candidate as defined under Rule 3(2) if
selected for any post-graduate course shall not be entitled for any kind of leave including extraordinary leave
without allowances for prosecuting post courses unless the candidate has put in a minimum service specified in
Rule 3(2).
Rule 12 Closure of admissions
(i) The admissions shall be closed one month after commencement of course.
(ii) Any vacancy existing as on the date of closure of admission or arising after the closure of admissions shall
not be filled.
Rule 13 Duration of course
(i) The duration of post graduate diploma and degree courses are of 2 years and 3 years a respectively. No
exemptions shall be given from the above period of training either for doing housemanship or any other
experience or service or diploma.
(ii) A candidate registered for MD/MS Degree examinations should clear the examination within four (4) years
from the date of completion of course and the candidates registered for P.G. Diploma course should clear
examination within two (2) years from the date of completion of course. If the candidate fails to pass the
examination within the period specified above, the candidate shall not be permitted to appear to the examination
thereafter and qualify for the award of MD/MS Degree or P.G. Diploma.
Rule 14 Commencement of the courses
The course shall normally commence with effect from the date notified by UHS. The duration of the course shall
be calculated from the date of commencement of the courses and shall be uniform to all the candidates
irrespective of their individual dates of admission for each local area.
Rule 15 Mutual transfers or transfers
Mutual transfers or transfers against clear vacancies in the same subject as that of the applicant from one college
to another shall not ordinarily be permitted and if permitted in exceptional circumstances they shall be at the
discretion of the University. The candidates shall apply through proper channel after closure of admissions. The
transfers shall not be permitted beyond one month from the date of closure of admission. No transfer shall be
claimed as a matter of right.
Rule 16 Powers of the Principals of Medical Colleges
Notwithstanding anything contained in these rules, the Principals of Medical Colleges in the State may at any
time before completion of the post-graduate course either on their own or on the application of any person after
due and proper enquiry and after giving the person two weeks time from the date of the receipt of the show cause
notice to submit written explanation and on a personal hearing, order, cancellation of admission to the 1st year
post-graduate degree or diploma course if in their opinion, such candidate had furnished fraudulent or incorrect
particulars in the application form or in the documents attached thereto or in the statements made either before
the authority incharge of admission or the Principals or in any other manner. Against any such order of the
Principal an appeal will lie with the Registrar, University of Health Sciences, A.P., Vijayawada.
Rule 17 Powers of University of Health Sciences
The University of Health Sciences may either suo motu or on an application made to them call for and examine
the records relating to any selection or admission or cancellation thereof, made by the Selection Committee for
the purpose of satisfying themselves as to the legality or regularity of such selection of admission orders, as they
deem fit including cancellation of the selection already published or admission already made :
Provide that University of Health Sciences may before cancelling such selection of admission given an
opportunity to Selection Committee and to the individual effected to show cause against such cancellation.
Rule 18
These rules shall supercede the earlier rules/orders issued by the Government with reference to admission into
P.G. Medical Courses in the Medical Colleges in the State of A.P. affiliated to University of Health Sciences.
(Non-judicial stamped paper for Rs. 100/-)
I Dr..selected for Post-graduate Diploma/Degree for the academic year 1996-97 in in the Medical College, do
hereby undertake to complete the said course as per the requirement of the University. In the event of my leaving
the studies in midterm, I undertake to pay to the University of Health Sciences a sum of Rs. 20,000/- (Rupees
twenty thousand only) or such amount as specified by UHS and refund the amount received as stipend upto that
Dated :
Signature of Candidate
Signed by the above bounded in the presence of :
1. Signature
Name & Address in full
2. Signature
Name & Address in full
1. Signature
Name & Address in full
2. Signature
Name & Address in full
Documents to be submitted along with the application form
1. Demand draft for amount as specified by UHS drawn on SBI or Andhra Bank in favour of the Registrar,
University of Health Sciences. Payable at Vijayawada, towards registration fee (which will not be refunded).
2. Clear and legibly typed and attested by Gazetted Officer or clearly visible attested xerox copies of all marks
statements from 1st MBBS to final MBBS.
3. Attested copy of Medical Registration.
4. Attested copy of the Compulsory Rotating Internship Certificate mentioning date of completion/likely date of
completion of Internship.
5. Attested copy of Provisional or Original Degree Certificate by those who completed internship by date of
submission of application.
6. Attested copy of conduct and character certificate from the colleges in which last studied.
7. Attested copy of study certificate of MBBS course.
8. If the applicant has not studied MBBS in the State shall submit the relevant certificate as per regulation 4G(ii)
to (vi) whichever is applicable to the applicant.
9. If the candidate passed MBBS from SMC, Vijayawada, he/she to produce study certificate from 6th to
Intermediate or if not studied in any institution, residence certificate for that period.
10. Social status certificate (fresh certificate as in the application form proforma Annexure I).
11. Eligibility service certificate, (certified by Directorate/Commissionarate/Registrar, UHS as in the application
form proforma Annexure IV).
12. Discontinuance certificate as in Annexure II issued by the concerned Principal, if he/she in P.G.
Degree/Diploma student.
13. Attested copy of provisional or original certificate of P.G. Diploma or Degree.
In exercise of the powers conferred by Section 3 read with Sub- Section(1) of Section 15 of Andhra Pradesh
Educational Institutions (Regulation of Admission and Prohibition of Captitation Fee) Act, 1983 (Andhra
Pradesh Act No. 5 of 1983), the Governor of Andhra Pradesh hereby makes the following rules for admission to
Post Graduate Medical Courses (Unani) in the State of Andhra Pradesh.
Rule 1
These rules may be called the Andhra Pradesh Admission to the Post Graduate Courses (Unani) in the
Government Nizamia Tibbi College Hyderabad Rules, 1985.
Rule 2 Number of seats
(1) Admission to the Post Graduate Degree Course in Unani in Government Nizamia Tibbi college shall be made
once in a year. The number of seats allotted to different specialities for post graduate degree course shall be as
specified in Annexure I (A), to these rules.
(2) The Government reserve the right to increase or decrease the number of seats from time to time consistent
with the University and Central Council for Indian Medicine Rules.
Rule 3 Reservation
(i) 14%, 4% and 25% of the total number of seats available in each department shall be reserved for Scheduled
Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Backward Classes respectively as specified in Clause IV of sub rule (3) of this
(ii) A candidate claiming reservation under clause (i) shall produce a certificate of social status in the form
specified in the Annexure II appended to the application.
(2) The seats reserved for the Scheduled Castes shall be made available to the Scheduled Tribes and vice-versa if
qualified candidates are not available in the category. The seats reserved for both Scheduled Castes and
Scheduled Tribes shall be made available to the candidate in general pool, if qualified candidates belonging to
the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes are not available.
(i) Fifty percent of seats for M.D. (Unani) in the speciality of Amraze-Niswan and Amraz-e Aftal are open for
candidates from outside the State so long as the course is run under a Centrally Sponsored Scheme.
(ii) The number of candidates selected against Other Caste, Backward Class and Scheduled Caste, Scheduled
Tribe quota from outside the State shall not be more than 3, 1 and 1 respectively in Amraz-e-Niswan and Amraze-Aftal.
(iii) In case seats reserved for the candidates from outside the State are not filled up,such seats shall be
reallocated to the overall total seats and to the particular category viz. Open competition, Backward Classes and
Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes.
(iv) Number and Allocation of Seats in different Specialities: The number of seats in different specialities shall
be as specified in the table below.
Rule 4 Reservation in favour of Local Candidates
Admission to 85% of the seats, after excluding the seats reserved for candidates from outside the State shall be
reserved in favour of and allocated among the local candidates in relation to the local areas in respect of the
Andhra University including the Nagarjuna University area, the Osmania University including the Kakitiya
University area and the Sri Venkateswara University including the Sri Krishna Devaraya University area in the
ratio of 42:36:22 respectively and this rule shall not apply in relation to any course of study in which the total
number of available seats does not exceed three. While determining the number of seats to be reserved in favour
of local candidates, any fraction of 0.5 and above shall be counted as one provided that there shall be atleast one
un-reserved seat.
Rule 5 Local Area
(a) The part of State comprising the districts of Srikakulam, Vizinagaram, Visakhapatnam, East Godavari, West
Godavari, Krishna, Guntur and Prakasam shall be regarded as the local area in respect of the Andhra University
and Nagarjuna University.
(b) The part of the State comprising the districts of Adilabad, Hyderabad (including the twin cities of Hyderabad
and Secunderabad), Rangareddy, Karimnagar, Khammam, Medak, Mahaboobnagar, Nalgonda, Nizamabad and
Warangal shall be regarded as the local area in respect of the Osmania University and Kakatiya University.
(c) The part of the State comprising the districts of Anantapur, Kurnool, Chittoor, Cuddapah and Nellore shall be
regarded as local area in respect of Sri Venkateswara University and Sri Krishna Devaraya University.
Rule 6 Local Candidate
(1) A candidate for admission to any course of study shall be regarded as local candidate in relation to a local
(a) if he/she has studied in an educational institution or institutions in such local area for a period of not less than
four consecutive academic years ending with the academic year in which he appeared or as the case may be,
appeared in the relevant qualifying examination; or
(b) where, during the whole or any part of the four consecutive academic years ending with the academic year in
which he appeared or, as the case may be, appeared for the relevant qualifying examination, if he has resided in
that local area for a period of not less than four years immediately preceding the date of commencement of the
relevant qualifying examination in which he appeared or as the case may be, appeared.
(2) A candidate for admission to any course of study who is not regarded as a local candidate under sub-rule (1)
above in relation to any local area shall:
(a) if he/she has studied in an educational institution in the State for a period of not less than seven consecutive
academic years ending with the academic year in which he/she appeared or, as the case may be, appeared for the
relevant qualifying examination be regarded as a local a candidate in relation to
(i) such local area where he/she has studied for the maximum period out of the said period of seven years; or
(ii) Where the periods of his/her study in two or more local areas are equal, such local area where he/she has
studied last in such equal periods, or
(b) If during the whole or any part of the seven consecutive academic years ending with the academic year in
which he/she appeared or, as the case may be, appeared for the relevant qualifying examination, he/she had not
studied in the educational institutions in any local area, but has resided in the State during the whole of the said
period of seven years, be regarded as a local candidate in relation to:
(i) such local area where he has resided for the maximum period out of the said period of seven years; or
(ii) where the periods of his residence in two or more local areas are equal, such local area where he/she has
resided last in such equal period.
Provided that clause (2) will not apply to those applying for 50% of quota from outside the State and All India
basis for Amraz-e-Niswan and Amraz-e-Aftal speciality which are presently Centrally Sponsored Schemes.
Explanations For the purpose of this rule;
(i) "Educational Institutions" means a University or any educational institution recognised as such by this State
Government, a University or other authority competent in that behalf;
(ii) "Relevant qualifying examination" in relation to admission to any course of study, means the examination, a
pass in which is the minimum educational qualification for admission to such course of study.
(a) In reckoning the consecutive academic years during which a candidate has studied, any period of interruption
of his study by reason of his failure to pass any examination shall be disregarded; and
(b) Any period of his study in a State-wide University or a State-wide educational institution, shall disregarded.
(iv) (a) The question whether any candidate for admission to any course of study has resided in any local area
shall be determined with reference to the place where the candidate actually resided and not with reference to the
residence of his/her parent or other guardian.
(3) If a local candidate in respect of a local area is not available to fill in any seat reserved or allotted in favour of
a local candidate in respect of that local areas. such seat shall be filled as if it had not been reserved.
Rule 7 following categories of candidates are eligible to apply for admission to the remaining 15% of
unreserved seats
(i) All candidates defined under rule 6.
(ii) Candidates, who have resided in the State for total period of ten years excluding periods of study outside the
State, or either whose parents have resided in the State for a total period of ten years excluding periods of
employment outside the State; and
(iii) Candidates who are children of parents who are in the employment of this State or Central Govt. Public
Sector Corporations, Local Bodies Universities and other similar quasi public Institutions within the State.
(iv) Candidates who are spouses of those in employment of this State or Central Government's Public Sector,
Corporation, Local Bodies, Universities and Educational Institutution recognised by the Government, a
University or other competent authority and similar other competent authority and similar other quasi
Government Institutions within the State.
(v) Candidates who are employed in the State Government undertaking public sector Corporations, Local
Bodies, Universities and other similar quasi public institutions within the State.
(vi) Candidates who are spouses of the local candidates as per rule 6.
Rule 8
Selection of candidates shall be made by an entrance test conducted by the selection Committee, which shall be
constituted by the Government for the purpose.
Rule 9 Notification
Notification shall be issued by the Director of Indian Medicine and Homeopathy inviting application from the
eligible candidates for admission to post Graduate Degree Courses in Unani.
9(A) Applications
(a) Form of application for admission along with a copy of prospectus will be supplied to the candidates on
receipt of written request addressed to the Principal, Government Nizamia Tibbi College, Charminar, Hyderabad
Andhra Pradesh (ANNEXURE -I.B),
(b) An amount of Rs. 10/- being the cost of application form and prospectus, shall be paid at the State Bank of
Hyderabad Andhra Pradesh or in any Treasury and shall be credited to/the following head of account. "080Medical B. Other systems of Medicine, M.H. 15-Unani, S.H. (03) other Receipts.". and the challan in support of
such payment shall be enclosed to the written request for an application form. Candidates from outside the
Andhra Pradesh State may remit the amount through a Postal Order in favour of the Principal, Government
Nizamia Tibbi College, Hyderabad payable at Jubilee Post Office Hyderabad and enclose the Postal Order with a
written request for application form.
(c) A self addressed envelope of 11 c.m. x 25 c.m. size with stamps affixed to the value of Rs.5.00 should be
enclosed with a request for application, if the candidate wishes to receive the application form and prospectus by
(d) All applications duly filled in and with all necessary documents may be delivered in person or sent by
Registered post with Acknowledgement Due to the Principal, Government Nizamia Tibbi College, Charminar,
Hyderabad-Andhra Pradesh, so as to reach him on or before the last date of submission of application.
(e) The filled in application forms received after the prescribed date shall be rejected. The principal shall not be
responsible for non-receipt of application or delay in postal transit.
(f) If the candidate wishes to appear for more than one subject of speciality, he should submit application for
each subject of speciality along with the prescribed Registration Fee separately.
(g) An amount of Rs.100/- for each speciality shall be credited to the following Head of Account. "080- Medical
B. Other Systems of Medicine, M.H. 15 Unani, S.H. (03) Other receipts". through challan towards registration
fees. Candidates from outside of Andhra Pradesh State may remit the amount by Postal Order in favour of the
Principal, Government Nizamia Tibbi college, Hyderabad payable at Jubilee Post Office, Hyderabad.
(h) The following documents shall be attached to the filled in applications.
(i) Challan or postal order for Rs.100/(ii) A certified copy of the certificate of the qualifying examination.
(iii) A certified copy of the Memorandum of marks obtained in the qualifying examination (from 1st year to final
(iv) A valid certificate of caste or social status, and
(v) Two passport size photos of the Candidates attested by a Gazetted Officer.
Rule 10 Eligibility for Admission
(1) The Post Graduate Courses in Unani Medical Sciences are open to holders of a degree or diploma in Unani
obtained after under going a regular institutional course of study in Unani, both theory and practical of not less
than four years duration of a University established in India by a State, Provincial or a Central Act or of an
institution or a Board recognised by, University Grants Commission or by a State Government or incorporated,
under a Central or a State Act.
(2) The candidates should either have undergone six months' training as Internees/House Officer or have two
years' Professional experience after passing the qualifying examination.
(3) Applicants who are already holding a Post Graduate Degree in a subject or already admitted and registered
for Post Graduate Degree in a subject shall not be considered for selection for Post Graduate Degree in another
Rule 11 Entrance Test
(a) Selection of the candidate shall be made by an entrance test, conducted by the Selection Committee,
constituted by the Government.
(b) The Entrance Test shall be held at Hyderabad. The syllabus for the Entrance Test shall be that of the
qualifying examination in Unani and shall consist of two papers of two hours duration each. Selection of
candidates shall be made on the basis of total marks obtained in both the papers.
Paper-IThis paper shall be common to all the Post Graduate courses and shall consist of 100 questions of
objective type in the subject noted below "Teshreeh, Munafual Aza, Illmut Jarasim-vo-Marziyath, Illmul advia
and Kulliyat." One mark shall be allotted to each question and there shall be no negative marks.
Paper II
(i) This paper shall consist of the concerned speciality consisting of five questions in each speciality carrying 100
(ii) The Entrance Test for different specialities shall be held on different dates.
(ii) The candidates may appear for more than one paper of speciality at a time.
Rule 12 Marks
Minimum marks required for pass in the Entrance Test are as follows
(i) 45% marks for S.C. and S.T. candidates.
(ii) 50% marks for all other candidates.
Rule 13 Constitution of Selection Committee
The following members shall constitute Selection Committee
Rule 14 Basis and method of selection
(1) Selection shall be made by the Selection Committee.
(2) The Selection Committee shall, after completion of valuation of Entrance Test papers, cause a Master Merit
List for various categories prepared either manually or mechanically.
(3) Merit list shall be prepared on the basis of marks obtained in the Entrance Test subject to reservations, as the
State Government may by order direct from time to time in this behalf.
(4) In the case of equality of marks in the Entrance Test the total percentage of marks in the qualifying
examination shall be taken into consideration for fixing the merit of candidates. If the Entrance Test marks and
the qualifying examination marks are equal, marks obtained in the concerned subject of qualifying examination
shall be taken into consideration, if the candidate opted for the same subject.
(5) Weightage of 3 marks will be added to each of the following categories. However not more than 3 marks
shall be added to any one candidate.
(i) P.H.C. services or rural service of 2 years or more and
(ii) Service experience of 2 years or more.
(6) The Selection Committee shall provisionally select the candidates as per reservations specified for the seats
available in the subjects. The Selection Committee shall also select 25% of the candidates in each category as
reserve for "on the spot" selection and admission to fill up the vacancies.
(7) The member Secretary shall send intimation by registered post with acknowledgment due to all the
provisionally selected candidates and also to the reserve candidates to report to the Principal, Government
Nizamia Tibbi College, Hyderabad on the date decided by the Selection Committee for verification of original
(8) The option of the candidates regarding the subject of Post Graduate course as written in their application is
(i) The candidates who do not report before the Principal Nizamia Tibbi College, Hyderabad on the specified
date and time for whatever reasons, shall be deemed to have been not reported and their provisional selection
shall automatically stand cancelled without any further intimation or notification and the candidate next in merit
shall be admitted in his place. The same procedure shall be adopted in respect of the candidates who are under
reserve list.
(9) Marks of the candidates in order of merit and in order of Roll Number also will be displayed on the notice
Board of the College after 15 days of the actual date of Selection List.
(10) On the dates notified, the candidate shall be selected at the centres till all the seats are filled. The selection
will be made only from among the candidates who physically present themselves when their roll numbers are
called out in the order of merit.
(11) Claims of the candidates will not be considered if they are found absent when called at the time of selection.
If a candidate on merit is, absent for selection when he/she is called, the next in the merit list shall be selected in
his place. The selected candidates shall submit their original certificates to the Principal, Nizamia Tibbi College,
Hyderabad and pay fees immediately. The candidate can submit bond within 5 days from the date of
commencement of course.
(12) The Selection committee shall have the right to review the selection in case of any error, misrepresentation,
fraud or glaring injustice done.
(13) The Selection Committee or the Principal, Nizamia Tibbi College shall not be responsible for undelivered
letters by the postal authorities or late receipt etc.
(14) In all matters relating to selection and admission, the decision of the Selection Committee shall be final and
binding on the candidates.
Rule 15 Conditions of Admission
(1) Candidates joining the course shall have to execute a bond on stamped of value of Rs.5/-as prescribed in
Annexure to complete the prescribed period of training or in default to pay a sum of Rs. 10,000/- or the stipend
that was received during the course of training with penal interest whichever is higher
(2)Candidates selected shall have to submit their original certifucates at the time of admission into the course to
Principal, Government Nizamia Tibbi College, Hyderabad Their certificates hsall not be returned till they
complete their course and appear for the final University Examination. However the candidates can withdraw
from the course within thirty days from the date of reporting for admission and bonds will not be considered for
selection to any other subject during that academic year.
(3) The Principal, Government Nizamia Tibbi College, Hyderabad, Shall verify the Correctness of the
documents. On his satisfaction he shall direct the candidate to credit the college fee etc., immediately.
Rule 16 Attendance
(1) Candidates selected to the various courses shall be whole time students. In service candidates may have to
apply for study leave and are required to produce the orders in which such leave has been granted from the
competent authority before joining the course.
(2) The Post Graduate students shall complete seventy five percent attendance in all before they appear for the
examination in the subjects separately. However, ten percent of attendance may be relaxed on production of
Medical certificate by the Vice Chancellor of Osmania University, Hyderabad.
(3) If any candidate discontinues his studies on any ground in any year of the Post Graduate course for more than
six months he shall forfeit has seat in the course and shall not be re admitted. If the candidate rejoins the course
within six months of his absence, his course shall be extended to that extent. Such re-admission shall be once in
an entire course of study.
Rule 17 Private Practice
(a) No post Graduate student is allowed to do any private practice or consultation and shall not accept any parttime employment during his course of study.
(b) Candidates are required to follow the rules and regulations of the college and should also abide by the
regulations of the University. Under no circumstances they should have any correspondence with higher
authorities directly without prior permission of the Professor of the concerned unit.
Rule 18 Stipends
(1) Stipends may be paid to the post graduate students based on their attendance. The total period during which
the stipends are paid to the students shall not exceed thirty six months for the course.
(2) In service candidates shall not be paid stipends, if they draw leave salary.
(3) All the selected candidates are required to pay the admission fees, tuition fees, deposite etc., as per rules in
Rule 19 Closure of Admission
(1) No further selection for admission shall be made after sixty days from the date of notification of list of
(2) Any vacancy arising after closure of admission shall not be filled up.
Rule 20 Commencement of the Course
The course shall be commenced with effect from the last date of admission fixed for the first list of selected
candidates. The duration of the course shall be calculated from this date of commencement of the course and
shall be uniform for all the candidates irrespective of their individual dates of admission.
Rule 21 Inservice Candidates
(a) Inservice candidates who are selected will be given paid postings subject to the availability of vacancies in
the concerned department of the College in the order of seniority.
(b) All temporary candidates selected for Post Graduate courses who could not get paid postings have to resign
their jobs as they will not be entitled for sufficient leave for prosecuting Post Graduate Courses as per Andhra
Pradesh Leave Rules.
Rule 22 Period of Study
(1) The period of training of M.D. (Unani) shall be three years in the Department concerned.
(2) The course shall comprise of two parts viz.,
(a) the part consists of a pre-registration course of one academic year duration, during which period students
undergo training in the subjects for M.D. (Unani) Part -I examination and take part in seminars, group
discussions, Herbal and Educational Tours, Clinical meetings, Extension Lecturers etc., and
(b) the second part consists of subsequent two years course, when the student will have an intensive training and
specialisation in the subject concerned.
Rule 23 Medium of Instruction
Urdu/English shall be the medium of instruction and examination at the post graduate level.
Rule 24 Admission Fees Deposits Etc
Every candidate admitted to the course shall have to credit the following fees in the relevant Head of Account
within a week's time of submission of original certificates, failing which the admissions shall be cancelled and
chance will be given to others.
Rule 25 Power of Principals
Notwithstanding anything contained in these rules, the Principal of the Nizamia Tibbi College, Hyderabad may
at any time before completion of the post Graduate Course either on his own motion or on the application of any
person after due and proper enquiry and after giving the person two weeks time from the date of the receipt of
the show-cause notice to submit a written explanation and/or a personal hearing, order the cancellation of
admission to the year Post Graduate Degree if in his opinion such candidate had furnished fraudulent or incorrect
particulars in the application form or in the documents attached thereto, or in the statements made either before
the authority incharge of admissions or the Principals or in any other manner. Against any such order of the
Principal an appeal shall lie to the Director. Indian Medicine and Homeopathy, Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad.
Rule 26 Power to amend rules and Review selection or Admission of Candidates
(1) The Government shall have the power to add or to delete or amend or alter these rules from time to time.
(2) The Government many either suo-moto or on an application made to them call for and examine records
relating to any selection or admission or cancellation thereof made by the authority incharge of selection or
admission for the purpose of satisfying themselves as to the legality or regularity of such selection or admission
orders in relation thereto as they deem fit including cancellation of the selection already published or admissions
already made provided that Government may before cancelling such selection or admission give an opportunity
to the authority incharge of selection or admission and to the person affected to show cause against such
Rule 27 Finality of Selection
All selections under these rules shall be subject to any general rule or order that may be made by the Government
from time to time.
Rule 28 Bond
The selected candidates shall have to execute a bond with the Government ensuring the prosecution of study for
three years in the prescribed form specified in Annexure-III.
Rule 2 (1)
Nizamia Tibbi College Hyderabad
Amraz-e-Niswan and Amraz-e-Atfal
Sl. No.
Form of application for admission to Post Graduate Degree Moalajat, Amraz-e-Niswan and Amraz-e-Atfal in
Nizamia Tibbi College, Hyderabad.
Subject opted for P.G.Course in Block Letters.
Photo of Candidate duly signed by him
Note:- "Moalajat", Amraaz-e-Niswan and "Amraaz-e-Atfal" are the three separate subjects of speciality.
(To reach not later than )
(1) The application form should be filled legibly and correctly in the candidate's own hand-writing. :
(2) Incomplete application will be summarily rejected. :
(3) Any mis-statement made in the application will disqualify the applicant for admission. :
(4) Application not accompanied by the required certificates will be rejected. :
(5) Woman candidates shall add "Woman"after the name in column (1)
1. Name of the candidate in full (in Block letters) :
2. Permanent address (all communications will be sent to this address only) :
3. Name of father/guardian :
4. Age & Date of Birth (Christian era) :
5. Caste (together with sub-caste to be filled by candidate belonging to S.C., or S.T., or Backward classes) :
Institution with address
Year of passing % of marks in the qualifying Marks of the concerned subjects
7. Do you hold a P.G.Qualification in Unani :
8. If so, the subject of specialisation :
9. Are you in Govt. Service Temporary/Regular :
10. Service experience (in years) :
11. House Surgency period (Certificate to be enclosed) :
12. No. and date of the Treasury receipt/Postal order. :
13. Enclosures :
(i) Treasury Receipt/P.O.
(ii) Certified copy of the qualifying examination.
(iii) Certified copy of Memo. of Marks of all subjects in all examinations of the qualifying Examination.
(iv) Date of birth certificate.
(v) Two conduct certificates (one should be from the Head of the Institution where he/she studied for the
qualifying examination).
(vi) House-Surgency certificate
(vii) Three Pass-port size photos of the candidates.
I, Sri. hereby solemnly and sincerely affirm that the statements made and information furnished in my/my son's
or ward's application form as also in all other enclosures thereto submitted by me/him are true. Should it
however be found that any information furnished therein is untrue in material particulars, I realise that I am liable
to criminal prosecution and I also agree to forego my seat/that he should forego his seat in the college.
Signature of the Candidate.
(Form of caste certificates for S.C./S.T. Candidates).
This is to certify that Sri/Kum S/o, D/o . Village/town . in the District/Division . of the State/Union Territory a
candidate for admission to 1st year Post Graduate Course in Government Nizamia Tibbi College, Hyderabad in
Andhra Pradesh belongs to. ......
The Constitution (Scheduled Castes) Order 1950.
The Constitution (Scheduled Tribes) Order 1950.
The Constitution. (Scheduled Tribes) Union Territories Order 1951.
The Constitution (Scheduled Castes) Union Territories Order 1951.
(As amended by the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes List Modification) Order 1956, the Bombay
Reorganisation Act 1960 the Punjab Reorganisation Act, 1966, the State of Himachal Pradesh Act, 1970 the
North Eastern Areas (Regionalisation) Act, 1971 and the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Order
Amendment Act, 1976).
The Constitution (Jammu & Kashmir) Scheduled Castes Order 1956.
The Constitution (Andaman & Nicobar) Scheduled Tribes Order (Amendment) Act, 1959.
As amended by the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes, Order (Amendment) Act 1976.
The Constitution (Dadra and Nagar Haveli) Scheduled Castes Order 1962.
The Constitution (Pondichery) Scheduled Castes, Order 1964.
The Constitution (Scheduled Tribes) Uttar Pradesh, Order 1967
The Constitution (Goa, Daman and Diu) Scheduled Castes Order 1968.
The Constitution (Goa, Daman and Diu) Scheduled Tribes, Order 1968
The Constitution (Nagaland) Scheduled Tribes Order 1970.
2. Sri/Smt./Kum .. and or his/her family ordinarily reside in village/town/..of District/Division of the.
State/Union Torritory of..Place............ (Union Territory).
(With office seal)
Please delete the words which are not applicable.
(Certificate of Social Status).
(To be furnished by B.C.Candidates).
Certified that Sri/Kum. . S/o, D/o . a candidate for admission to Post Graduate Degree Course in the Government
Nizamia Tibbi College, Hyderabad in the State of Andhra Pradesh belongs to .. community which has been
recognised by the State Government as one of the Backward Classes/Group .. S.No. under the Educational Rules
in force.
Place :
Date :
(Rule 28)
Bond to be executed by the Post Graduates who are studying at Government Nizamia Tibbi College, Hyderabad,
Andhra Pradesh.
Know by all men present that We .. S/o, D/o .. . Residing at .. and . .
(1). S/o, D/o . . residing at .. .. and . .
(2). S/o, D/o . . residing at . are held and firmly bound upto the Governor of Andhra Pradesh (hereinafter called
the Government which expression shall include his certain attorney successors and assigns) in the sum of and the
stipend received by the Post Graduate in Course together with penal interest till his discontinuance, for which
payment to be well and truely made we bind ourselves, our heirs executors, administrators and legal
representatives firmly by these presents.
As witness our hands this (date) of (whereas the above bounden Dr S/o, D/o has been selected as a stipendary
Post Graduate at the expense of the Government and whereas the Government requires that he/she should
execute a bond with two sufficient sureties and whereas the said has agreed to execute as such surety the above
mentioned bond with such condition as is hereunder written.
Now the condition of the above written bond is that if the said .. shall undergo at the Government Nizamia Tibbi
College, Hyderabad the full course of training prescribed by the Government for Post Graduate and shall during
such course of training abide by all the rules and regulations laid down by the Government with respect to the
stipendary student at the said training centre and shall during such courses of training abstain from engaging in
any other avocation or private practice or attending any other institution except with the permission of the
Government and shall after the completion of such course of training appear for the next ensuing examination for
necessary qualifications in the event of failure to pass such examination appear for the succeeding examination
with a view to his becoming qualified, as aforesaid and shall as required by the Government either immediately
or after within six months of completing his/her course of training.
In case of discontinuing the studies shall refund an amount drawn by the said bounden as stipend till the date of
discontinuance together with penal interest or an amount of Rs.10,000/- whichever is higher.
In case of failure to serve the Government for period equal to the period spent for the degree course as the case
may be in view of securing paid posting for the period of study refund the said amount.
Then this bond shall be void otherwise and no breach or failure in the performance of any part of the condition
the bond shall remain in full force and vital, and the Government may without prejudice to any other right that
they may have recover all money paid on his/her account
Provided always that the liability of the surety here-under shall not be impaired or discharged by reason of the
time being granted or any forbearance act or permission of the Government or any person authorised by it
(Whether with or without consent or knowledge of the surety) nor shall it be necessary for the Government to
said before suing the said surety for the amounts due hereunder.
In witness to the above bond and the condition therefore we. and . have hereinto set out hands this day of ..
Signature of the Post Graduate.
Signed by the above bounden in the presence of
Signed by the above bounden in the presence of
Signature of the Sureties.
Signature of the witnesses :
Station :
Date :
N.B :- Sureties should be of two permanent Gazetted Officer.
Hall Ticket No
Name of the Exam. Centre.
Dates of Examination ..
Timings from to
Name of the Candidate . S/o, D/o., W/o . Address
Identification Marks : 1.
Signature of the Candidate.
Photo of the Candidate to be affixed with the signature and official seal of the Gazetted Officer.
I hereby attest that the candidates has signed before me.
Signature of the Gazetted Officer.
1. The Hall Ticket shall be preserved and shall be presented to the Supervising Officer of the Entrance Test
2. The candidates without the valid Hall Ticket shall not be allowed to sit for the Entrance Test.
3. This Hall Ticket shall be preserved till the admissions to the college is over or other wise.
4. No travelling expenses will be paid for the journey for appearing the Entrance Test.
5. Violation of any instructions and adoption of any malpractice in the examination Hall shall render the
candidate liable for cancellation of his script and for failure of his claim for appearing to the Entrance Test. The
decision of the Chief Superintendent for the Entrance Test of the Centre shall be final in all these matters.
Signature of the Principal/Director.
Script No.
Signature of the Candidate.
Initial of
In exercise of the powers conferred by Sections 3 and 15 of the Andhra Pradesh Educational Institutions
(Regulation of Admission and Prohibition of Capitation fee) Act, 1983 (Andhra Pradesh Act 5 of 1983) and in
supercession of the rules issued in G.O.Ms.No. 14, Education (EC) Dept., dated the 26th March 2002, the
Governor of Andhra Pradesh hereby makes the following rules for the conduct of Integrated Common Entrance
Test for admission into Post Graduate Professional Courses of MBA and MCA.
Rule 1 Short title, Applicability and Commencement
(i) These rules may be called the Andhra Pradesh "Integrated Common Entrance Test" for admission into MBA
and MCA Professional Courses 2003.
(ii) They shall apply to all Post Graduate Professional Courses in MBA and MCA.
(iii) They shall come into force with immediate effect.
Rule 2 Definitions
(i) In these rules, unless the context otherwise requires;
(a) "Act" means the Andhra Pradesh Educational Institutions (Regulation of Admission and Prohibition of
Capitation fee) Act, 1983
(b) "Chairman" means the Vice- Chancellors of any University nominated by the "Competent Authority" for the
purpose of conducting ICET for admission into MBA and MCA Post Graduate Professional Courses,
(c) "Committee of ICET" means the committee empowered to conduct Integrated Common Entrance Test for
admission into MBA and MCA Courses and to prepare the merit list of the candidates as per the marks obtained
in the above test.
(d) "Competent Authority" means the Chairman of the Andhra Pradesh State Council of Higher Education.
(e) "Convenor" means, a person, not below the rank of a Professor, appointed by the Competent Authority for
conducting the Integrated Common Entrance Test and performing such other functions relating to the said test
and entrusted to him by the Competent Authority in consultation with the Chairman of the Integrated Common
Entrance Test Committee.
(f) "Integrated Common Entrance Test" (herein after called ICET) means examination conducted for assigning
ranking by merit to the candidates for admission into MBA and MCA Courses.
(g) "Qualified Candidate" means the candidate who has appeared for the ICET and has been assigned ranking in
the common merit list and has the eligibility as per the criteria laid under Rule 3.
(h) "Qualifying Examination" means the passing of Degree examination as laid down under Rule 3.
(i) "State Council" means the Andhra Pradesh State Council of Higher Education constituted under Andhra
Pradesh State Council of Higher Education Act, 1988 (Andhra Pradesh Act 16 of 1988).
(j) "University" Means the University concerned only.
Rule 3 Eligibility
The Eligibility for a appearing to the ICET shall be as follows:
(i) The candidates should be an Indian National and should satisfy the requirement of local or non local status as
laid down in the Andhra Pradesh Educational Institutions (Regulation of Admissions) Order, 1974 as
subsequently amended from time to time.
(ii) The Candidates should have passed a Bachelor Degree Examination of any recognized University or
equivalent thereof besides passing SSC or equivalent with Mathematics as one of the subjects:
provided that a candidate who has appeared, for the above Degree Examination shall also appear for the ICET.
(iii) The candidate shall get a rank as per the merit besides passing the qualifying examination for admission into
the courses.
Rule 4 Entrance Test
(a) The Integrated Common En trance Test (ICET) shall be conducted by a Convener, appointed by the
competent authority and shall be held on such date and at such centers as decided by the Entrance Test
committee of ICET.
(b) The Convener of ICET shall give a notification in the popular daily News Papers as decided by Test
Committee calling for the applications in the prescribed form from the candidates satisfying eligibility criteria as
laid down in Rule 3.
(c) the notification, among other things, shall indicate the application fee, Entrance Test Fee, the last date for
receipt of the duly filled in applications and the date of conduct of ICET.
(d) the date of the entrance test as notified above shall not be revised with out the prior approval of the
(ii) The medium of ICET shall be English and Telugu Languages only,
(iii) The subjects and Syllabus for ICET shall be as prescribed by the ICET Committee,
(iv) The qualifying marks for ranking in the ICET shall be 30% of the total marks.
Provided that there shall be no minimum qualifying marks for the candidates belonging to the category of
Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribes for ranking.
(v) There is no provision for re-totaling, re-valuation or Personal identification of answer scripts of the Entrance
(vi) Mare appearance at the Entrance Test does not automatically entitle a candidate to be considered for
admission into MBA/MCA courses unless the candidate satisfies the requirement of eligibility as laid down
under rule 3 and other criteria as laid down in the instructions to the candidates supplied along with the
Rule 5 Preparation of the Merit List and assigning ranking
The convener shall follow the following rules in preparing the merit list and assigning the ranking:
(i) The candidate, who have secured qualifying the marks in ICET and candidates belonging to the category of
Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe, to whom qualifying marks have not been prescribed, shall be assigned the
ranking in the order of the merit on the basis of marks obtained in the ICET.
(ii) For the preparation of merit list, in case of more than one candidate scoring the same marks at IECT, the tie
will be resolved as follows:
(a) by considering the marks scored in Section-A.
(b) if the tie persists marks obtained by a candidate in Section-B, will be taken into consideration.
(c) if the tie still persists the tie will be resolved by taking into account age of the candidate giving the older
candidate as priority.
(iii)The following rank lists shall be prepared by the Convenor:
(a) State-wide Common Merit List The list shall include candidates irrespective of whether one belongs to any
category of reservation quota or not, basing on the marks obtained in the ICET.
(b) Region-wise Common Merit List The list includes candidates belonging to the particular local area
irrespective of whether one belongs to any category of reservation quota or not, basing on the marks obtained in
the ICET.
(c) Minority Community Merit Lists The Merit lists, containing the candidates belonging to the different
Minority Communities arranged in the Merit ranking assigned in the ICET, both the State wide and Region-wise.
(d) Community-wise Merit Lists There shall be separate Community-wise merit lists for the scheduled castes.
Scheduled tribes and Back-ward classes Communities, both as State-wide and Region-wise; and
(e) Merit List for other categories of Reservations There shall be separate lists for other categories of reservations
as per the orders in force for physically handicapped, NCC, Games and Sports, Children of ex-servicemen and
for women both State-wide and Region-wise.
(f) Rank Card Every candidate who has been assigned ranking in the merit list shall be issued Rank card by the
Convener. The Rank Card, among other things, include the marks obtained in the ICET and the rank assigned in
the state wide merit, region-wise merit, Community- wise merit etc.,
Rule 6 Constitution and functions of ICET Committee
The competent authority shall constitute the ICET committee to deal with the matters conducted with the test and
admission into MBA and MCA courses.
(i) Composition of the Committee:-The committee shall consist of the following:
(a) Chairman, who shall be the Vice- Chancellor of any University College nominated by the competent
authority for each academic year for the purpose of conducting ICET.
(b) One representative of each of the University to be nominated by the Competent Authority in consultation
with the Vice- Chancellor concerned.
(c) The Director of Technical Education, Andhra Pradesh or his nominee not below the rank of joint Director.
(d) The senior officer of Higher Education Department, Secretariat dealing with the subject.
(e) One representative of Andhra Pradesh State Council of Higher Education nominated by the competent
(f) Convenor(s) of the Entrance Test of the preceding year.
(g) Convenor, who should be the rank of a Professor of the University concerned be appointed by the competent
authority in consultation with Chairman of the ICET committee.
(h) Two Principals, one each from a private MBA or MCA College to be nominated by the competent authority
for each academic year;
(ii) Functions of the ICET Committee: The Committee shall take decisions on following issues relating to the
(a) Instructions to the candidates and format of the application;
(b) pattern of the question paper;
(c) Duration of the test;
(d) Weightage and marks to be assigned for each question;
(e) Cost of the application and fee to be collected from the candidates of ICET;
(f) Norms for the payment of remuneration for different items/ services under taken in connection with ICET
(g) such other Issues as may be referred to by the Chairman of the committee and competent authority;
(iii) Functions of the Chairman of the Committee:
(a) The Chairman of the Committee shall preside over all the meetings of the committee and in his absence he
may nominate one of the members of the committee to preside over the meetings.
(b) The Chairman of the committee shall appoint paper setters, moderators for the ICET and decide upon the
printing press or presses where the confidential material of the Test shall be printed.
(iv) Functions oYthe Convener of the Committee: The Convener of the ICET shall subject to such directions as
may be issued by the Chairman discharge his duties in the matters relating to the ICET. The convener is
specifically responsible for discharging the following functions;
(a) getting the printing of application forms, instruction booklets of ICET;
(b) issuing the notification inviting applications for the Entrance test;
(c) sale of application forms and issue of Hall-Tickets;
(d) appointment of Co-ordinators/ Chief Superintendents/Observers of various Test Centers;
(e) payment of remuneration for various items/services utilized for the purpose of ICET;
(f) maintenance and submission of accounts to the Andhra Pradesh State council of Higher Education;
(g) publication of results and dispatch of Rank Cards to the qualified candidates;
(h) such other duties as entrusted by the Chairman;
Rule 7 Funds for the conduct of the Test
(a) The amounts that are collected from the candidates towards cost of the application and the examination fee
shall be directly credited into the account of the Secretary, Andhra Pradesh State Council of Higher Education,
(b) The Convener shall draw advances from the Andhra Pradesh State Council of Higher Education to incur
necessary expenditure for items services connected with the ICET and submit for audit to the Local Fund Audit
and submit report thereof to the Andhra Pradesh State Council of Higher Education.
Rule 8 Removal of Doubts
If any ambiguity or doubt arise on the interpretation or implementation of the any of the rules, the decision of the
Chairman of ICET Committee shall final.
Rule 9 Special directions from the Government
(1) in the event of any malpractice or leakage of question paper/in any other circumstances leading to the
stopping of ICET as schedule, the Government may for the reasons to be recorded in writing direct to conduct of
a re- examination of the ICET. In such an event the Andhra Pradesh State Council of Higher Education of any
other body so nominated by the Government shall cause the re-examination conducted by appointing or
nominating such functionaries or committees as considered necessary.
(2) Rules regarding procedure for admission etc. will be issued separately.
In exercise of powers conferred by section 3 read with sub- section (1) of section 15 of the Andhra Pradesh
Educational Institutions (Regulation of Admission and Prohibition of Capitation Fee) Act, 1983 (Andhra Pradesh
Act 5 of 1983), and in supersession of the orders issued in G.O.Ms.No. 217, Labour, Employment, Nutrition and
Technical Education Department, dated the 28th May, 1985 and published in part I of the Andhra Pradesh
Gazette, dated the 1st August, 1985, the Governor of Andhra Pradesh hereby makes the following rules relating
to the admission of candidates into the Advanced Technician Courses in Engineering and Technology in
Government Polytechnics and institutions.
Rule 1 Short title and Commencement
(a) These rules may be called the Andhra Pradesh Regulation of Admission of students into Advanced
Technician Courses (in Engineering and Technology) Rules, 1986.
(b) They shall come into force at once.
Rule 2 Applicability
(1) These rules shall apply to the candidates who seek admission into semester of the Advanced Technician
Courses in Engineering and Technology conducted by the Department of Technical Education, Andhra Pradesh
in the institutions meant exclusively for the purposes or in the Polytechnics in Andhra Pradesh.
(2) These courses shall be treated as State-wide courses and candidates shall be admitted as per the Andhra
Pradesh Educational Institutions (Regulation of Admission) Order 1974.
(3) The course offered and their duration are mentioned in the Annexure.
Rule 3 Eligibility for admission
Candidates satisfying the following requirements shall be eligible for admission, namely:(a) A candidate should be of Indian National and shall fall under the category of LOCAL/NON-LOCAL as
defined in G.O.P. 646, Education dated the 10th July, 1979:
(b) A candidate should have passed the examination in the relevant diploma conducted by State Board of
Technical Education, Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad or any other examination recognised as equivalent thereto as
shown in the Annexure: and
(c) A candidate satisfying the requirements in clauses (a) and (b), shall be considered for admission on the basis
of the aggregate marks obtained in the qualifying examination. (The total marks considered for award of a class
at the qualifying examination only be considered for the purpose).
Rule 4 Age Limit
There shall be no age limit for admission into the courses.
Rule 5 Application forms etc.
(a) Application forms and prospectus for admission into advanced technician Courses may be obtained from the
Head of the institution where such courses are offered or from any other Institution as may be specified in the
notification inviting applications on payment of fee as prescribed.
(b) Application form duly filled in and accompanied by such fee and certificates as may be specified shall be
submitted within the specified time to such authority as may be determined by the Director of Technical
Education. Applications made on forms other than prescribed and the application form which do not contain
required information or not accompanied by necessary Certificates shall automatically stands rejected without
any notice or correspondence.
Rule 6 Selection of candidates
The following procedure shall be adopted for selection of candidates for admission:(i) the total marks secured at the qualifying examination and were considered for awarding a class at such
examination by the concerned authority shall only be taken into consideration for selection of candidates for
(ii) the candidates who have passed the qualifying examination compartmentally and the certificates produced by
them prove such fact, they shall be considered for admission into unfilled seats on the basis of merit obtained
among such candidates.
(iii) in case of equality of marks among the applicants the marks secured at the final year of the qualifying
examination shall be considered for fixing the merit. In case of further tie the candidate older in age shall be
considered for fixing the merit.
Rule 7 Authority Competent to make admissions
Admission of candidates into 1st semester of advanced technician course shall be made by the head of the
institution where such courses are offered in accordance with these rules.
Rule 8 Fee Structure
The candidates selected for admission into Post Diploma Course in Government Polytechnic/Private Aided
Polytechnics shall pay the following fee per Semester:Rule 9 Reservations
(1) The percentage of seats reserved for candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes/Backward
Classes BC-A,BC-B, BC-C, BC-D/National Cadet Corps(NCC)/Games and Sports (SP)/Physically
Handicapped(PH)/Children of the Armed personnel (CAP), for admission into the Post Diploma Courses shall be
as follows:- Scheduled Castes Candidates 15% Scheduled Tribe Candidates 6% Backward Class Candidates
(Group-A.) 7% Backward Class Candidates (Group-B.) 10% Backward Class Candidates (Group-C.) 1%
Backward Class Candidates (Group-D.) 7% Physically Handicapped candidates (PH) 1 / 2 % (0.5%) Children of
Armed Personnel/Ex-servicemen candidates 2% National Cadet Corps candidates (NCC) 1% Sports and Games
(SP) candidates 1 / 2 % (0.5%) The priorities in respect of the above categories shall be as fixed by the
Government G.O's read at (3) to (6) above and as amended from time to time.
(2) 21% of the available seats shall be reserved for the candidates belonging to scheduled Castes/Scheduled
Tribes with the distinct reservations of 15% for Scheduled Castes and 6% for Scheduled Tribes. This reservation
is inter-changeable, i.e. if sufficient number of candidates are not available to fill the seats reserved for the
Scheduled Castes candidates, they may be filled up by qualified candidates belonging to Scheduled Tribes and
Vice-versa. The communities included under the Scheduled castes and Scheduled Tribes shall be as decided by
the Government from time to time.
(3) 25% of the availabel seats in each course in each institution shall be reserved for the candidates belonging to
the Backward Class of all Groups (BC-A, BC-B, BC-C, BC-D) and shall be allocated among the four groups. If
qualified candidates belonging to Backward Class of a particular group are not available, the left over seats can
be adjusted for the candidates of next group. If qualified candidates belonging to Backward Classes are not
available to fill up the 25% seats reserved for them, the left over seats shall be treated as unreserved and shall be
filled up with the candidates of general pool.
(4) Reservation of seats for women :- 30% of overall seats shall be reserved in favour of women candidates in
Post Diploma Courses in the Polytechnics in each category of OC, SC, ST, BC-A, BC-B, BC-C, BC-D,
Physically Handicapped, NCC, Sprots and Games and Army Personnel : Provided that for the purpose of
calculation of the 30% reservation, the seats available exclusively for women in Women Polytechnics shall also
be taken into consideration. Provided further that in Co-education Polytechnics if adequate number of women
candidates are not available those seats shall be allotted to the Male Candidates of the same category, i.e., OC,
SC, ST, BC-A, BC-B, BC-C, BC-D, Physically Handicapped, NCC, Sports and Games and Army Personnel.
Rule 10 General
(a) The State Government may amend, alter or revise the rules, from time to time, without any notice. Such
amendments alteration or revision shall not be to the dis advantage of any candidate selected or admitted in
accordance with these rules.
(b) If any ambiguity or doubt arises in the application or implementation or interpretation of these rules, the
decision of the Director of Technical Education shall be final.
(Rule 2 (3)
List of Advanced Technician Courses in Engineering & Technology.
Sl. No.
Name of course
Refrigeration and Air conditioning.
1 year
Industrial Engineering and Management
1 year
Fermentation Technology (Distillation and Breweries).
1 year
L.Chem. E.
L.Sug. Tech.
Environmental Engineering
1 year
Instrument Technology
1 year
DME/D.Chem. E.
Petrochemical Technology
1 Year
D.Chem. E
Foundry Technology
1 year
Welding Technology
1 year
Plant Engineering Maintenance and
1 year
Plastics (Polymer) Technology
1 year
D.Chem. E/
Computer Application
1/ 2 year
Dip. in Engg.
(Any discipline)
Mine Surveying
1 year
D.Min. E/DCE.
Prosthetics Orthotics (Orthopedic equipment)
1 year
Agricultural Farm equipment
1 year
Ground Water Engineering
1 year
In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-Section (1) of Section 3 read with Section 15 of the Andhra Pradesh
Educational Institutions (Regulation of Admissions and Prohibition of Capitation Fee) Act, 1983 (Act No. 5 of
1983), the Governor of Andhra Pradesh hereby makes the following rules relating to admission of diploma
qualified students into year of the under graduate courses in Engineering (Part-time) through a Common
Entrance Test called the "Engineering Common Entrance Test for Diploma Holders (ECETFDH).
Rule 1 Short title, Applicability and Commencement
(1) These rules may be called the Andhra Pradesh Engineering Educational Institutions (Admission into Parttime Under-graduate course in Engineering) Rules, 1989.
(2) They shall apply to all the Engineering educational institutions, including those administered by the minority
Communities imparting Engineering Education, for the year under-graduate courses (of four years) Part-time,
three years full time under-graduate courses of which admissions shall be made through a common Entrance
Examination called "Engineering Common Entrance Test for diploma Holders (ECET-FDH)
(3) They shall come into force with effect from the Academic Year 1989-1990
Rule 2 Definitions
(1) In these rules, unless the con otherwise requires:(a) "Act" means the Andhra Pradesh Educational Institutions (Regulation of Admission and Prohibition of
Capitation Fee) Act, 1983 (Act No.5 of 1983).
(b) "Common Entrance Test" means the examination conducted for assigning merit ranking to students which
will be the basis for admission of students into the 4 year Part-time Degree Courses and 3 Year Full-time Degree
Courses in Engineering/Technology for Diploma holders, in various Engineering Educational Institutions in this
(c) "Entrance Test Committee" means the Committee empowered to conduct the Common Entrance Test and to
prepare the merit list of candidates in the order of marks obtained in the Entrance test basing on which
admissions into various courses will be made.
(d) "Chairman" means the Vice-Chancellor of any University in the State or the Principal of the Regional
Engineering College, Warangal, as the case may be, as nominated by the State Council for each Academic Year
for the purpose of conducting the Common Entrance Test;
(e) "Convener" means the Authority/Officer appointed by the State Council, for conducting the Common
Entrance Test and such other functions relating to the said examinations as entrusted to him by the State Council,
in consultation with the Chairman, nominated to conduct Entrance Test:
(f) "Institutions" means, unless otherwise specifically mentioned, all the educational Institutions (including those
detailed as, State-wide Institutions and those administered by the minority communities imparting Part-time and
Full-time Courses for Diploma Holders in Engineering and Technology:
(g) "Inspecting Authority", means the Authority/Officer appointed by the Chairman of the Entrance Test
Committee for inspecting and scrutinising the admissions of the students made in the Private Institutions.
(h) "Local Candidates" means the Candidates in relation to the local area as specified in rule 9:
(i) 'Local Area" means the territorial jurisdiction prescribed for identifying the local candidates;
(j) "Qualified Candidates" means the candidates who have appeared for the Common Entrance Test and have
been assigned ranking in the Common Merit List:
(k) "State Council" means the Andhra Pradesh State Council of Higher Education, constituted under sub-section
(1) of Section 3 of the Andhra Pradesh State Council of Higher Education Act, 1988 (Act No.16 of 1988). (1)
"University" means the University concerned or the Regional Engineering College, Warangal, as the case may
be, in which the particular courses are offered;
(m) "Qualifying Examination" means the examination of the minimum qualification prescribed,
appearance/passing of which entitles one to seek admission into the relevant courses.
(n) "Competent Authority" means the Chairman of the Andhra Pradesh State Council of Higher Education who
will make admissions into all Professional Institutions in the State.
(2) Words and expressions used but not defined in these rules shall have the meaning respectively assigned to
them in the Andhra Pradesh Educational Institutions (Regulation of Admission and Prohibition of Capitation
Fee) Act, 1983 (Act No.5 of 1983).
Rule 3 Method of Admission
The general guidelines for the admission of students into various year under-graduate courses (Part-time) in
Engineering and Technology for Diploma Holders, shall be as laid down below:(1) The admissions shall be made in the order of merit on the basis of the ranking assigned to the students in the
Common Entrance Test called the "Engineering Common Entrance Test for Diploma Holders (ECETFDH)
conducted for the purpose;.
(2) The Principals of Private institutions including those administered by the minority communities shall admit
candidates as allotted by the Common Entrance Test Committee on the basis of the ranking assigned to them in
the Common Entrance Test;
(3) The total number of candidates to be admitted in each Course, in the Private institutions, shall not exceed the
limits prescribed by the Government, from time to time;
(4) The admission of students made in various Private Institutions including those administered by the minority
communities shall be subject to scrutiny by the Inspecting Authority appointed for the purpose;
(5) In respect of Regional Engineering College, Warangal, constitutent Colleges of Jawaharlal Nehru
Technological University and the Private Engineering Colleges, the seats in each Engineering Branch shall be
allocated among the three regions of the State, namely, Andhra University Area (Andhra), Osmania university
Area (Telangana) and Sri Venkateswara University Area (Rayalaseema) in the ratio 42:36 :22 respectively.
Rule 4 Eligibility criteria for admission
Admission into various B.E/B.Tech. Courses for Diploma Holders in different Engineering Educational
Institutions shall be governed by the Rules of Admission of the respective Universities, in addition to the Rules
and Regulations prescribed herein. The eligibility criteria for admission into various Courses shall be as follows:
(1) Nationality and Domicile: The candidates should be Indian Nationals and should satisfy Local/Non-local
Status requirement as laid down in the A.P.Educational Institutions (Regulation of Admissions) Order, 1974 as
amended in G.O.P.No.646, Education (W) Department dated the 10th July, 1979.
(2) Educational Qualifications:-(a) Only those candidates who have obtained diploma or have appeared for final year annual Diploma
examination (including semester examination) shall be eligible to appear for ECET(FDH) examination to be
conducted for admission into corresponding Engineering Degree Course shown in the Table below:
Provided that the final Diploma students who have appeared for annual examination shall be considered for
admission into Engineering Degree course only if they had passed the Diploma examination and shall produce
pass certificate at the time of counselling or admission for that particular academic year, in showing that they
have passed the Diploma examination to which they have appeared while making application.
Provided further that the passing of the supplementary examination subsequently does not entitle them to seek
admission even though they secure higher rank in ECET (FDH) examination
Name of the Degree Course offered in Engineering Colleges
Corresponding Diploma Courses Eligible for admission
Civil Engineering (CE)
Diploma in Civil Engineering.
Civil Environmental Engineering
Mechanical Engineering (ME)
1. Diploma in Mechanical Engineering.
Production Engineering (PE)
2. Diploma in Automobile Engineering.
Industrial Production Engineering (IPE)
3. Diploma in Mechanical Engineering (Sandwich).
Mechanical Production Industrial Engineering (MPIE)
4. Diploma in Packing Technology.
Mechanical and Marine Engineering (MME)
1. Diploma in Mechanical Engineering.
2. Diploma in Electronics and Communication Engineering and Special Diploma in Industrial Electronics and
Instrumentation Engineering.
In the ratio of 1: 1 among ECE : ME.
Instrumentation Engineering (IE)
1. Diploma in Mechanical Engineering.
2. Diploma in Electrical and Electronics.
3. Special Diploma in Industrial Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering.
In the ratio of 1:1:1 among ME. EEE. EIE.
Electrical and Electronics (EEE)
Diploma in Electrical and Electronics.
Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE)
1. Diploma in Electronics and Communication Engineering.
2. Diploma in ETE
3. Special Diploma in Electronics and Communication Engineering.
4. Special Diploma in Electronics and Industrial Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering.
5. Special Diploma in TV Sound Technology.
6. Special Diploma in Bio-Medical Engineering and Diploma in Bio-Medical Engineering.
Information Technology
1. (a) Diploma in Electronics and Communication Engineering.
(b) Special Diploma in Electronics and Communication Engineering.
2. Diploma in Computer Engineering
In 1:1 ratio among Sl. No.1 (a&b) and Sl.No.2.
Electronics Instrumentation Engineering (EIE)
1. Diploma in Electronics Instrumentation Engineering.
2. Special Diploma in Electronics Specialisation in Industrial Electronics and Industrial Electronics and
Instrumentation Engineering.
Computer Science Engineering (CSE)
1. Diploma in Computer Engineering
2. Special Diploma in Electronics Specialisation in Computer Science.
Computer Science and System Engineering (CS&ST)
Computer Science and Information Technology (CS&IT)
Chemical Engineering
1. Diploma in Chemical Engineering (SW)
2. Diploma in Chemical Engineering (SW) (Plastics & Polymers)
3. Diploma in Chemical Engineering (SW) (Petro Chemicals).
4. Diploma in Chemical Engineering (SW) Oil Technology.
5. Diploma in Sugar Technology (SW)
6. Diploma in Textile Technology (Sandwich)
7. Diploma in Leather Technology (Sandwich).
Metallurgy (MET)
1. Diploma in Metallurgy.
Metallurgy and Materiel Science (Met & MS)
Mining Engineering (MIN)
1. Diploma in Mining Engineering.
1. Diploma in Architecture.
Textile Engineering (TT)
1. Diploma in (Sandwich) Textile Technology.
Bio-Medical Engineering
1. Diploma in Bio-Medical Engineering/Special Diploma in Bio-Medical Engineering (Sandwich)
Printing Technology (PT)
1. Printing Technology (Sandwich)]
(b) The candidates with Diploma in Automobile Engineering of the State Board of Technical Education, Andhra
Pradesh are also eligible for admission to the 4 Year Part-time B.E./B.Tech. and 3 year Full-time B.E./B.Tech
Degree Courses in Mechanical Engineering.
(c) The Candidates with Sandwich pattern diploma course shall be eligible to the relevant B.E./B. Tech. Degree
Course subject to the following conditions:
(i) They shall have completed the three years theory part of the Sandwich Course;
(ii) They shall not be considered for admission, unless they have completed the Practical Training for the
Sandwich Course before the close of admissions in these Courses;
Rule 5 The Common Entrance Test
(1) The Common Entrance Test shall be conducted by the convenor, on such dates and at such centres as may be
specified by the State Council in consultation with the chairman of the Entrance Test Committee.
(2)(a) The Convenor shall make advertisement in the popular daily newspapers calling for applications in the
form prescribed by the Entrance Test Committee, from the candidates satisfying the eligibility criteria laid down
under rule 4. The advertisement, among other things, shall indicate the application fee payable, entrance test fee
payable, the last date for submission of the filled in applications and the date of conduct of the Entrance Test. (b)
The date of conduct of the Entrance test as announced by the Entrance Test Committee shall not be revised
without the prior approval of the Government.
(3) The syllabus for the Entrance Tests shall be as specified by the Entrance Test Committee from time to time.
(4) The medium of Entrance Test shall be English.
(a) The subjects in which the Common Entrance Test shall be conducted and the maximum marks allotted to
each of them shall be as detailed below: (i)
50 Marks
50 Marks
50 Marks
Engineering Paper-I
75 Marks
Engineering Paper-II
75 Marks
(b) The candidates seeking admission in any particular course shall have to appear in Mathematics, Physics and
Chemistry and the two relevant Engineering papers.(c) Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry subjects shall be
common for all the Engineering disciplines.(6) The qualifying marks in the Entrance Test for general category of
candidates shall be 30% of the aggregate marks in the five subjects. However, there shall be no minimum
qualifying marks in respect of candidates belonging to the Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes.(7) No
requests for retotalling or revaluation or personal identification of the answer scripts of the Entrance Test shall be
entertained.(8) Mere appearance at the Entrance Test does not entitle a candidate to be considered for admission
into any course automatically unless the candidate (a) applies - to the Competent Authority for admission; and(b)
satisfies all the conditions of admission stipulated by the concerned University/Institutions/Government.(9) If
any ambiguity or doubt arises in the interpretation or implementation of these rules, the decision of the Chairman
of the Entrance Test Committee shall be final.(10) The Entrance Test fee, the fee to be collected from the
students desirous of appearing for the Entrance Test shall be prescribed by the Entrance Test Committee from
time to time.
Rule 6 Preparation of merit list and assigning ranking
The candidates who have secured qualifying marks in the Entrance Test and the candidates belonging to the
Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribes communities to whom qualifying marks have not been prescribed, shall
be assigned the ranking in the order of merit on the basis of the aggregate marks obtained in all the five relevant
subjects, namely Engineering Paper-I, Engineering Paper- II, Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry.
(1) For convenience at the time of making admissions the Common Entrance Test Committee shall prepare the
following categories of merit lists separately for each of the Engineering/Technology branches.
(a) State-wide Common Merit List :- This list shall include candidates irrespective of whether one belongs to any
category of reservation quota or not, basing on the marks obtained in the Common Entrance Test.
(b) Region-wise Common Merit lists : - This list includes candidates belonging to the particular local area
irrespective of whether one belongs to any category of reservation quota or not basing on the marks obtained in
the Common Entrance Test.
(c) Concerned Minority Community Merit Lists : - They include merit lists, containing the candidates belonging
to the concerned minority community arranged in the merit ranking assigned in the Common Entrance Test both
State -Wide and Region-wise.
(d) Caste-wise Common Merit Lists:- There shall be separate Caste-wise Merit lists for Scheduled Castes,
Scheduled Tribes and Backward Classes communities both as State-wide lists and region- wise lists.
(e) Merit-list for other categories of reservations :- There shall be separate merit lists for other categories of
reservation mentioned under sub-rule (4) of rule 9, statewide and region- wise.
(2) While preparing the merit lists, the following shall be criteria.
(a) The candidates shall be assigned the ranking for each Engineering Branch in the order of merit in the
Entrance Test on the basis of the aggregate marks obtained in all the five subjects put together.
(b) In case of tie in the aggregate, marks obtained in Engineering Paper-I, and in case of further tie, marks
obtained in Engineering Paper-II and in case of a further tie again marks obtained in Mathematics, Physics and
Chemistry in that order shall be taken into account to decide relative ranking.
(c) In the case of candidates getting equal marks in each of the five subjects, they shall be bracketed for the
purpose of award of rank. At the time of admission, age shall be taken into consideration for relative ranking
among the bracketed candidates, and the older candidates shall be given priority.
(3) The candidates who have been assigned ranking in the Entrance Test shall be issued Rank Cards. The Rank
Cards, among other things, shall contain the details of the category of course to which the candidate is qualified,
the rank assigned in the State- wide Merit List.
Rule 7 Procedure for admission into Government Colleges, Campus/Constituent Colleges of Universities
and Regional Engineering College, Warangal
(1) The University concerned as also the Regional Engineering College, Warangal, shall make advertisements in
the popular daily news papers calling for applications from the candidates who have been assigned ranking in the
Common Entrance Test, clearly indicating the last date for receipt of the filled in applications and the registration
fee payable.
(2) The Candidates desirous of getting their names considered both as local and non-local candidates shall make
applications separately to the University to which he is a local candidate and the other Universities to which he is
a non-local candidate, respectively.
(3) No separate application is required for the consideration of admission into the Statewide institutions. The
application made to the University for consideration as local candidate will also be utilised for the purpose.
(4) The Candidates desirous of getting their names considered for admission in the courses in the Regional
Engineering College, Warangal, shall make applications to the Principal of the Regional Engineering College,
Warangal in response to the notification issued by him separately calling for the applications from the candidates
who have been assigned ranking in the Common Entrance Test.
Rule 8 Procedure for admission into Private Institutions
(1) The Convenor of the Common Entrance Test shall make advertisements in the popular daily news papers
calling for applications in the prescribed form from the qualified candidates who has been assigned ranking in
the Common Entrance Test, desirous of seeking admission into the private institutions, including minority
educational institutions, imparting courses in Engineering.
(a) The Advertisement, among other things, shall indicate various documents to be enclosed with the application,
the application fee payable to the State Council of Higher Education and various fees payable in favour of the
convener, to be transferred to the concerned institution at the appropriate stage.
(b) The advertisement shall also make it amply clear that the candidates belonging to the concerned community
alone will be admitted into the minority educational institutions basing on the ranking assigned to them in the
Common Entrance Test and that the candidates belonging to the other communities will be admitted only against
the left over seats, in the order of ranking assigned to them in the Common Entrance Test and further that, while
admitting the candidates belonging to other communities the rule of reservation as laid down under rule 9 will be
(2) The candidates who are qualified to seek admission as a consequence of obtaining ranking in the Common
Entrance Test and desirous of seeking admission into the private institutions, including minority educational
institutions shall make application to the Convenor either in person or by "Registered Post Acknowledgment
Due" enclosing all the relevant documents including a copy of the Rank card issued to him. The applications
shall be acknowledged.
(3) The convenor shall scrutinise all the applications received from the candidates desirous of seeking admission
into the private institutions, including the minority educational institutions. After scrutiny, the Convenor shall
prepare two categories of merit lists namely.
(a) Common Merit List - Containing the names of all the candidates, including those belonging to the minority
community, arranged in the order of merit ranking assigned to them in the Common Entrance Test;
(b) Community wise merit list - containing the names of the candidates belonging to the concerned community
arranged in the order of merit ranking assigned to them in the Common Entrance Test, prepared separately for
each of the concerned community taking into account the community to which the minority institution claims to
belong. The candidate belonging to minority communities other than the concerned minority community, shall
be treated as of belonging to other non-minority communities for the purposes of admission into the minority
(a) The seats in all the private colleges shall be pooled up course-wise and distributed among the three regions of
the State namely, Andhra University area (Andhra), Osmania University (Telangana) and Sri Venkateswara
University area (Rayalaseema) in the ratio 42:36:22 respectively, in accordance with the provisions contained in
the Andhra Pradesh Educational Institutions (Regulation of Admission) Order, 1974, as amended in the
G.O.P.No.646, Education (W) Department, dt.10th July, 1979. The left over seats in any particular region may
be filled up with the candidates belonging to other regions in the order of merit ranking.
(b) The seats in all the minority institutions shall also be pooled up course-wise and distributed among the three
regions of the State as detailed under Clause (a) above.
(5) The candidates who have secured higher ranks at the Entrance Test will be called for an interview in the
order of merit for selection and allotment of institution. For the convenience of the candidates, representatives of
all private Colleges in the State including those of minority institutions, shall sit at a common table. As and when
each candidate gets his turn for interview in the order of merit, choice of institution will be given to him
depending upon availability at that point of time with due regard to the eligibility of the candidate for a seat in a
particular local area for a particular reserved category.
(6) The Convenor of the Entrance Test Committee shall be the Competent Authority to select and allot
candidates for admission into various courses in various private Engineering Institutions including minority
institutions on the basis of the ranking assigned to them in the Common Entrance Test and subject to final
approval by the Chairman.
(a) In respect of the minority institutions, candidates belonging to the concerned communities alone shall be
admitted by following the provisions under sub-rule (4)
(b) If candidates belonging to the concerned community from a local area fall short for making admissions in the
prescribed ratio, candidates belonging to the concerned community belonging to other local areas can be
admitted in the order of ranking in the concerned State wide merit list.
(c) If there are no candidates belonging to the concerned community, in any local area, candidates belonging to
other communities from the respective local areas in the order of merit, can be admitted, in which case, the rule
of reservation as provided under rule 9, shall be followed.
(8) The selection of candidates and allotment of institutions in respect of the private colleges shall also be solely
on the basis of merit as adjudged by the rank obtained in the Entrance Test subject to the condition that the
candidates should have passed the qualifying examination, with the minimum marks prescribed for the Entrance
Test. However, mere appearance at the entrance test and obtaining of high rank in the Merit Lists does not entitle
a candidate to be considered for admission automatically into any Institutions unless he also satisfies the rules
and regulations of admission prescribed by the concerned University/Institution/Government including marks to
be obtained in the qualifying examination.
(9) The number of branches, courses of study and the total number of candidates to be admitted, shall be as
decided by the Government, from time to time.
(10) The Inspecting Authority appointed by the Chairman, Common Entrance Test Committee is also
empowered to scrutinise the applications received from the candidates and the admissions made by the
Rule 9 Rules of reservation for admission
They shall apply to all institutions including Private Institutions.
(1) Region-wise reservation of seats :(a) Admission to 85% of the seats in each course, excluding the seats which are exempted from the need of
Common Entrance Test, shall be reserved for the local candidates and 15% of the seats shall be left over for open
competition as specified in the Andhra Pradesh Educational Institutions (Regulations and Admission) Order,
1974 as amended in G.O.P.No.646, Education (W) Department, dated the 10th July, 1979.
(b) In respect of State-wide Institutions, admission to 85% of seats, excluding the seats which are exempted from
the need of Common Entrance Test, in each course, shall be reserved for the candidates belonging to the three
Local Areas in the State, namely, Osmania University Area (Telangana), Andhra University Area (Andhra) and
Sri Venkateswara University Area (Rayalaseema) in the ratio of 42: 36: 22 respectively.
(i) The part of the State comprising the Districts of Adilabad, Hyderabad (including twin cities), Rangareddy,
Karimnagar, Khammam, Medak, Mahaboobnagar, Nalgonda, Nizambad and Warangal shall be regarded as the
Osmania university local area (Telangana).
(ii) The part of the State comprising the Districts of Srikakulam, Vizianagaram, Visakhapatnam, East Godavari,
West Godavari, Krishna, Guntur and Prakasam shall be regarded as the Andhra University Local Area (Andhra).
(iii) The part of the State comprising the Districts of Ananthapur, Kurnool, Chittoor, Cuddapah and Nellore shall
be regarded as the Sri Venkateswara University Local area (Rayalaseema).
(2) The Local Candidates :(A) A candidate for admission shall be regarded as a Local candidate in relation to a local area
(a) If he has studied in educational institution or educational institutions in such local area for a period of not less
than four consecutive academic years ending with the academic year in which he appeared or as the case may be,
appeared in the relevant qualifying examination; or
(b) Where, during the whole or any part of the four consecutive academic years ending with the academic year in
which he appeared or as the case may be appeared for the relevant qualifying examination he has not studied in
any educational institution, if he has resided in that local area for a period of not less than four years immediately
preceeding. the date of commencement of the relevant qualifying examination in which he appeared or as the
case may be appeared.
(B) A candidate for admission to the course who is not regarded as a local candidate under Clause (a) in relation
to any local area shall;(a) If he has studied in the educational institution in the State for a period of not less than seven consecutive
academic years ending with the academic year in which he appeared or as the case may be, appeared for the
relevant qualifying examination be regarded as a local candidates in relation to(i) Such local area where he has studied for the maximum period out of said period of seven years; or
(ii) where the period of his study in two or more local areas are equal such local area where he has resided last in
such equal period; or
(b) If, during the whole or any part of seven consecutive academic years, ending with the academic year in which
he appeared; or, as the case may be appeared for the relevant qualifying examination, he has not studied in the
educational institutions in any local area but has resided in the State during the whole of the said period of seven
years, be regarded as a local candidate in relation to:-
(i) such local area where he has studied for the maximum period out of the said period of seven years; or
(ii) where the periods of his residence in two or more local areas are equal, such local area where he has resided
last in such equal periods.
(c) The following categories of candidates are eligible to apply for admission to the remaining 15% of unreserved seats:
(a) All the candidates eligible to be declared as local candidates.
(ii) The candidates who have resided in the State for a total period of ten years excluding periods of study outside
the State or either of whose parents have resided in the State for a period of ten years excluding periods of
employment outside the State.
(iii) Candidates who are children of parents who are in the employment of this State or Central Government,
Public Sector Corporations, Local Bodies,
(iv) Candidate who are spouses of those in the employment of the State or Central Government, Public Sector
Corporations, Local Bodies, Universities and Educational Institutions recognised by the Government or the
Competent Authority and similar other Quasi-Government Institutions within the State.
(d) In respect of Institutions like Regional Engineering College, Warangal, which is declared as State-wide
Institutions, the allotment of seats available in each course in each Institution among the three local areas,
namely Andhra University Area (Andhra), Osmania University Area (Telangana), and Sri Venkateswara
University Area (Rayalaseema), shall be in the ratio 42: 36: 22 respectively.
(e) If a local candidate in respect of a local area is not available to fill any seat reserved or allocated in favour of
a local candidates in respect of that local area, such seat shall be filled in as if it has been unreserved. For details,
see the Andhra Pradesh Educational Institutions (Regulation of Admission) Order, 1974 and as amended in
G.O.P.No.646, Edn/ (W) Department dated the 10th July, 1979.
(3) Reservation of seats for S.C./S.T/B.C Communities :
(a) 15% and 6% of seats in each course in each Institution shall be reserved for the candidates belonging to the
Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes respectively. The seats reserved for Scheduled Castes shall be made
available to Scheduled Tribes and Vice-versa, if qualified candidates are not available in the category. If
qualified candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Communities are not available, the left
over seats reserved for them shall be treated as unreserved seats and shall be filled by the candidates of general
(b) 25% seats in each course in each Institution shall be reserved for the candidates belonging to the Backward
Classes and shall be allocated among the four groups of Backward Classes as shown below:Group: 'A' . . . 7%
Group 'B' . . . 10%
Group: 'C' . . . 1%
Group: 'D' . . . 7%
(4) Reservation of seats for Women: (a) 30% of the seats in each course in each Institution shall be reserved in favour of Women candidates from all
categories, i.e., Open Competition, Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Backward Classes Groups A' B', C', D'
and Army quota, N.C.C. Physically Handicapped and Games and Sports. This rule of reservation shall not be
applicable if women candidates selected on merit in each category are 30% or more of the seats therein. When
the number of women candidates falls short of this percentage, it would be made up by replacing the last selected
male candidates by Women candidates in that category.
(b) In the absence of suitable women candidates the seats shall be filled in with men candidates.
(5) Other Categories of Reservations :- Seats shall also be reserved in each Institution in respect of the following
categories to the extent indicated against each of them. However, if suitable candidates are not available in any
category, they shall be filled in with the candidates in Open Competition. 1/2% for Physically Handicapped.
1/2% for Sports and Games 2% for Children of Armed Personnel 1% for National Cadet Corps. The orders
issued in the Government orders read above for priorities in Children of Armed Personnel, Physically
Handicapped, N.C.C. and Games and Sports shall be adopted.
Rule 10 Constitution and functions of the Entrance Test Committee
The State Council of Higher Education shall constitute an Entrance Test Committee, for conducting the Common
Entrance Test for Diploma Holder (ECET FDH) annually. The Constitution and functions of the Entrance Test
Committee shall be as specified below:
(1) Constitution of the Committee :- The Committee shall consist of the following
(a) Chairman, who shall be Vice-Chancellor of any University or the Principal, Regional Engineering College,
Warangal, as the case may be as nominated by the State Council of Higher Education for each Academic Year
for the purpose of conducting the Entrance Test.
(b) One representative of each of the Universities to be nominated by the concerned Vice-Chancellor;
(c) One representative of the Regional Engineering College, Warangal, to be nominated by the Principal,
Regional Engineering College, Warangal;
(d) The Director of Technical Education, Andhra Pradesh or his nominee not below the rank of a joint Director;
(e) One Member - to be nominated by the State Council of Higher Education;
(g) Convenor - who should be of the rank of Professor to be nominated by the State Council of Higher Education
in consultation with the Chairman of the Common Entrance Test Committee:
(h) One Principal of a Private Engineering College, to be nominated by the State Council, every year by turn.
(2) Functions of the Entrance Test Committee :(a) The Committee :- The Committee shall take decisions, on the following aspects of the Entrance Test, from
time to time:
(i) Pattern of question papers:
(ii) Duration of the test:
(iii) Weightage and marks to be assigned to each paper.
(iv) Syllabus content;
(v) Centres for conducting the test:
(vi) Dates of the test;
(vii) Date of announcement of results;
(viii) Norms for payment of remuneration for different items of works connected with Entrance Test:
(ix) Fees to be collected from the candidates and
(x) Such other issues or issue as may be referred to it by the Chairman of the State Council of Higher Education
from time to time.
(b) The Chairman:(i) The Chairman of the Committee shall preside over the meetings of the Committee. In the absence of the
Chairman at the meeting, he may nominate one of the members to preside over the Committee Meetings;
(ii) The Chairman of the Committee shall be the competent authority to appoint paper setters and moderators for
the Entrance Test and to decide upon the printing press or presses at which the papers are to be got printed.
(c) The Convenor:- The Convenor shall, subject to such directions as may be issued by the Chairman, discharge
his duties in connection with the entrance test. He shall be responsible for discharging the following functions.
(i) Printing of application forms, instructions etc., to candidates;
(ii) Issuing the notification inviting applications for the Entrance Test;
(iv) Appointment of Co-ordinators and Chief Superintendents and Observers for various centres of the test;
(v) Coding and De-coding of answer scripts;
(vi) Appointment of examiners for the valuation of the answer scripts in consultation with the Chairman;
(vii) Evaluation by spot valuations of the answer scripts;
(viii) Payment of remuneration for various items of work relating to the Entrance Test and maintenance and
submission of accounts to the State Council of Higher Education;
(ix) Publication of results and despatch, of Rank Cards to the qualified candidates;
(x) Selecting candidates for admission into private Institutions.
(3) Funds for the conduct of the Test :
(a) The amounts collected from the candidates appearing for the Entrance Test towards cost of application form
and examination fee shall be directly credited to the account of the State Council of Higher Education;
(b) The Convenor will draw advance from the State Council to meet the expenditure for the conduct of the test
and submit audited accounts after the admissions are completed.
In exercise of the powers conferred by Section 3 read with sub-section (1) of Section 15 of the Andhra Pradesh
Educational Institutions (Regulation of Admission and Prohibition of Capitation Fee) Act, 1983 (Act 5 of 1983)
and in supersession of the rules issued in G.O.Ms.No.110. Medical and Health (H.I.), dated the 15th February,
1985 and published at pages 41-83 of the Andhra Pradesh Gazette, Rules Supplement to Part-I, dated the 4th
April, 1985, the Governor of Andhra Pradesh hereby makes the following rules for admission to the
Multipurpose Health Workers (Male) in Regional Health and Family Welfare Training Centres in Andhra
Rule 1 Short title
These rules may be called the Andhra Pradesh Admission to the Multipurpose Health Workers (Male) Training
Course Rules, 1987.
Rule 2
They shall apply to all the Government Training Institutions in the State.
Rule 3 Number of Seats
(1) The number of seats for admission of candidates to the Multipurpose Health Workers (Male) Training
Courses in the Regional Health and Family Welfare Training Courses shall be as follows:TABLE
(a) Regional Health and Family Welfare Training Centre, Hyderabad
(b) Regional Health and Family Welfare Training Centre, Kurnool.
(c) Regional Health and Family Welfare Training Centre, Guntur.
(d) Regional Health and Family Welfare Training Centre, Visakhapatnam.
(2) The Government may, for the reasons to be recorded, increase or reduce the number of seats in any
Rule 4 Rules of special reservation
(1) 15% and 6% of the total seats in each Training Centre shall be reserved for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled
Tribes candidates respectively as per the orders issued in G.O.Ms.No.167, Social Welfare (P) Department, dated
15th July, 1986. If any of the seats reserved for Scheduled Tribes are not filled up, such seats will be thrown
open to candidates belonging to the Scheduled Castes and Vice-versa.
(2) If the candidates belonging to the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes are not available, the seats reserved
for such candidates shall be allotted to the candidates of other classes for selection as specified in Rule 5. The
candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes shall, in support of their claim furnish a
Certificate signed by an authorised person for the purpose in the prescribed form (Annexure-II).
(3) Out of the total number of seats in each Training Centre in the Course, 25% of seats shall be reserved for
candidates belonging to backward classes as per the orders issued in G.O.Ms.No.1793, Education, dated 25th
September, 1970. The candidates belonging to Socially and Educationally backward classes shall in support of
their claim furnish a Certificate as shown in Annexure-II, from the persons authorised for issue of such
(4) 2% of the seats shall be reserved for the children of Ex- servicemen and Armed forces personnel of various
categories in the following order of priority.
(i) Children of Armed Forces personnel killed in action.
(ii) Children of Ex-servicemen and Armed Forces personnel disabled in action and permanently incapacitated, as
a result thereof and in receipt of disability pension.
(iii) Children of Ex-servicemen and Armed Forces personnel who have received one of the gallantry awards. A
list of the gallantry awards is appended to these rules as Annexure-IV.
(iv) Children of other Ex-servicemen and Armed Forces personnel (combatant) irrespective of the rank held by
him/her at the time of retirement or discharge.
Rule 5 Reservation in favour of local candidates
A minimum of 85% of the seats allotted for each Training Centre shall be reserved in favour of local candidates.
The Districts comprising the local areas for each training centre are defined in these rules.
Rule 6 Local Areas
(i) The parts of the State of Andhra Pradesh consisting the Districts of Srikakulam,, Vizianagaram,
Visakhapatnam, East Godavari, West Godavari, Krishna, Guntur and Prakasam shall be regarded as local area
for the purpose of admission into the Multipurpose Health Workers (Male) Training Course conducted by the
Regional Health and Family Welfare Training Centre, Visakhapatnam and Regional Health and Family Welfare
Training Centre, Guntur.
(ii) The parts of the State of Andhra Pradesh consisting of the Districts of Cuddapah, Chittoor, Kurnool,
Anantapur and Nellore shall be regarded as local area for the purpose of admission to the Multipurpose Health
Workers (Male) Training Course conducted by the Regional Health and Family Welfare Training Centre,
(iii) The parts of the State of Andhra Pradesh consisting of the Districts of Adilabad, Nizamabad, Khammam,
Karimnagar, Medak, Warangal, Nalgonda, Mahaboobnagar, Rangareddy and twin cities of Hyderabad and
Secunderabad shall be regarded as local area for the purpose of admission of Multipurpose Health Workers
(Male) Training Course conducted by the Regional Health and Family Welfare Training Centre, Hyderabad.
Rule 7 Local candidates
A candidate for admission shall be regarded as a local candidate in relation to a local area :
(i) If he has studied in an Educational Institution/Institutions in such local area as defined in Rule 6 for a period
of not less than four consecutive years ending with the academic year in which %-2 he appeared or as the case
may be, appeared for the relevant qualifying Examination %0 ;
(ii) In case he has not studied in any Educational Institution/Institutions during the whole or any part of the four
consecutive academic years ending with the academic year in which he appeared or, as the case may be,
appeared for the relevant qualifying examination, if he has resided in that local area as defined in the Rule 6 for a
period of not less than four years immediately preceding the date of commencement of the relevant Qualifying
examination for which he appeared or, as the case may be, appeared;
(iii) A candidate for admission to the course who is not regarded as a local candidate under Rule 5 (2) in relation
to any local area shall:(a) if he has studied in educational Insitutions in the State for a period of not less than seven consecutive
academic years ending with the academic year in which he appeared or as the case may be, appeared for the
relevant qualifying examination be regarded as the local candidate in relation to (i) such local area where he has studied for the maximum period out of the said period of seven years; or
(ii) Where the period of his study in two or more local areas are equal, such local area where he has studied last
in such equal periods; or
(b) If, during the whole or any part of seven consecutive academic years ending with the academic year in which
he appeared or, as the case may be, appeared for the relevant qualifying examination, he has not studied in the
educational institutions in any local area, but has resided in the State during the whole of the said period of seven
years, be regarded as local candidate in relation to
(i) such local area where he has resided for the maximum period out of the said period of seven years; or
(ii) where the periods of his residence in two or more local areas are equal, such local area where he has resided
last in such equal periods.
Explanation:(i) "Educational Institution" means a University or an Educational Institution recognised as such by the State
Government or by a University, or by any other competent authority under any law for the time being in force.
(ii) Relevant Qualifying examination in relation to the admission to the Multipurpose Health Workers (Male)
Training Course means the examination, a pass in which is required as minimum educational qualification for
admission to such a course of study.
(iii) In reckoning the consecutive academic years during which a candidate studied, any period of interruption of
his studies by reason of his failure to pass any examination shall be disregarded.
(iv) The question whether any candidate for admission to any course of study has resided in any local area shall
be determined with reference to the place where the candidate actually resided and not with reference to the
residence of his parent or other guardian.
(2) The following categories are eligible for admission to remaining 15% of un-reserved seats
(i) All candidates defined under Rule 6.
(ii) Candidates who have resided in the State for a total period of 10 years excluding period of study outside the
State for a period of 10 years excluding periods of employment outside the State.
(iii) Candidates who are children of parents who are in the employment of this State, or Central Government,
Public Sector Corporations. Local Bodies, Universities and other similar Quasi- Government Public Institutions
within the State.
(iv) Candidates who are Male spouses of those in the Employment of the State or Central Government, Public
Sector Corporations, Local Bodies, Universities, Educational Institutions of the Government or University, or
other competent authority and similar Quasi-Government Institutions within the State. (Certificate from the
heads of the Institutions/Department should be enclosed).
(3) Applicants who claim to be local candidates with reference to Rule 6 shall produce a Study Certificate or
Certificates issued by the Head of the Educational Institution/Institutions concerned, indicating the details of the
year or years in which the candidate studies in an Educational Institution/Institutions in which such local areas
for a period of not less than four consecutive academic years ending with the academic year in which they
appeared or as the case may be, appeared for the qualifying examination. A candidate who does not qualify as a
local candidate under Rule 6 but claims to qualify by virtue of residence under Rule 6 (3) shall produce a
Certificate issued by the Revenue Officer as per the Annexure-VI appended to these rules.
Rule 8
(a) Age Limit:- Candidates, for admission should have completed 18 years but not completed 25 years of age on
the day of July of the year of admission. For candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes, the
maximum age shall be extended by five years.
(b) Sex :- Male candidates only are eligible to apply.
Rule 9 Educational Qualifications
Candidates who have passed Intermediate Examination or its equivalent examination and recognised by the
Board of Intermediate Examination or any other such Board recognized by the Government of Andhra Pradesh
with Biological Sciences as one of the group subjects and who have secured a minimum of 45% marks on
aggregate only are eligible to apply for admission to the Multipurpose Health Workers (Male) Training Course.
Preference shall be given to candidates who have passed the qualifying examination in one attempt.
Rule 10 Nationality
Only Indian Nationals possessing the qualifications mentioned in Rule 9 are eligible for admission to the
Multipurpose Health Workers (Male) Training Course.
Rule 11 Procedure for submission of application
(1) Prescribed application form and a copy of the rules governing admission can be obtained from the Principal,
Regional Health and Family Welfare Training Centres concerned, by sending a Challan for an amount of Rs.5/remitted in the State Bank of Hyderabad/State Bank of India or any other Government Treasury crediting the
amount to the Head of Account "0058-Stationery and Printing -102. Sale of Gazettes etc.", along with a selfaddressed envelope with affixing stamps of the value of Rs.5/- or value notified from time to time. Candidates
who desire to obtain the application form in person shall do so on a written requisition to the Principal, Regional
Health and Family Welfare Training Centre concerned duly enclosing the Challan as stated above. The
application should be submitted in the form as in Annexure V. The fees once remitted and paid shall not be
refunded or transferred.
(2) All application forms duly filled in and with all necessary documents shall be delivered in person or sent by
post to the Principal, Regional Health and Family Welfare Training Centre concerned by Registered Post.
(3) Documents to be submitted along with the filled in application form. - Each application shall accompanied
by:- Challan for Rs.20/- towards Registration fees paid into the Government Treasury/State Bank of
Hyderabad/India. The amount shall be credited to the Head of Account "0210-Medical and Public Health-04.
PH-104-Fees, Fines etc. Fees for application for admission into Multipurpose Health Workers (Male) Training
Rule 12 Procedure for Selection
The Additional Director of Medical and Health Services (CD) will be the Chairman of the Selection Committee
for the selection of the candidates. The Deputy Director of Medical and Health Services (National Small-pox,
Eradication Programme) will be the Convenor of all the meetings of the State level and will look after printing of
application forms, rules, syllabus and question papers and conduct of examinations etc., at each of the Four
Regional Health and Family Welfare Training Centres.
Rule 13 Selection Committees
Selection Committees for admission to the course at Regional Health and Family Welfare Training Centres.
Visakhapatnam and Guntur shall consist of:
(2) Selection Committee for admission to the Course at Regional Health and Family Welfare Training Centre,
Kurnool shall consist of:
(3) Selection Committee for the admission to the Course of Regional Health and Family Welfare Training
Centre, Hyderabad shall consist of:
Rule 14 Method of Selection
(a) Selection of Local Candidates shall be as laid down in G.O.Ms.No.749, Education, dated 22-4-1974.
(b) Selection for admission shall be based only on the basis of merit on the total number of marks obtained by the
candidate in the qualifying examination. Preference shall be given to the candidates who passed the qualifying
examination in one attempt.
(c) In respect of two or more candidates merit as determined under Rule 12 is found to be equal, the candidate or
candidates whose age is more than the others shall be given preference. If in respect of two or more candidates
merit as well as age are found to be equal marks obtained in the 1st language at the qualifying examination shall
be taken into account.
(d) None of the documents submitted along with the application with the exception of the Certificate relating to
the qualifying examination, shall be returned to the candidate in the event of his selection.
(e) The Principal, Regional Health and Family Welfare Training Centre concerned shall cause all the application
forms received as in Rule 9 to be scrutinised by the Members of the Faculty and Ministerial Staff of the Regional
Health and Family Welfare Training Centre shall prepare a Master merit list for selection of candidates by the
Selection Committee concerned.
(f) The Master Merit list so prepared by such Regional Health and Family Welfare Training Centre shall be got
cross-checked by the Ministerial staff of the Rural Health Service/Section of the Directorate as per the directions
of the Chairman Selection Committee, before the merit list of each Regional Health and Family Welfare Training
Centre are placed before the respective Selection Committees.
(2) Application shall be summarily rejected if :(a) they are not in the prescribed form as in Annexure-V and they are not accompanied by the documents
mentioned in Rule 11 in the prescribed form/forms;
(b) the applicant does not possess the qualification prescribed in Rule 9;
(c) the candidates for the admission to the course attempt to canvass or to bring influence to bear upon the
Chairman or any other member of the Selection Committee;
(d) the filled in application form is submitted to the Principal, Regional Health and Family Welfare Training
Centre other than the training centre from where the application form was originally obtained;
(e) the filled in application form is received later than the prescribed date and time; or
(f) during the scrutiny of the Certificate submitted by a candidate, defects are noticed that the Certificates are not
obtained in the prescribed form or from the prescribed authorities.
Rule 15 Publication of the list of Selected Candidates
(a) After Selection and approval by the Selection Committee the list of provisionally Selected candidates shall be
displayed in the Notice Board of the Regional Health and Family Welfare Centre concerned.
(b) Intimation regarding the provisional selection of candidates shall be made by the Principals concerned by the
Registered Post. The Provisional Selection shall not confer any right on the candidate for admission into the
Rule 16 Reserve lists
(a) The Selection Committee shall prepare reserve list of atleast 10 candidates on the basis of Merit under each
category of the Reservations mentioned in Rule 6 and in accordance with Rules 4, 8, 9 and 10.
(b) The Principals of the Training Centres concerned shall be responsible for admission into all the prescribed
number of seats with candidates in accordance with the list of the selected candidates including the reserve list.
The admissions of the candidates from the reserve list shall come into operation only, if selected candidates
included in the main list of selected candidates do not join within the prescribed time.
Rule 17 Verification of documents and admission to the Training Course
(1) The selected candidates shall report for admission before the Principal, Regional Health and Family Welfare
Training Centre concerned with all the originals of the documents submitted by him along with the application
form and also along with a Physical fitness Certificate obtained from a Medical Practioner not below the rank of
a Civil Assistant Surgeon. The Physical fitness Certificate should contain information on the following points:TABLE
(a) Height in Cms.
(b) Weight in Kgs.
(c) Chest measurements :
On full Expiration.
On full Inspiration.
(d) Appearance.
(e) Vision.
(f) Fitness for strenuous outdoor work.
(2) The Principal of the Regional Health and Family Welfare Training Centre concerned where the candidate is
allotted for admission shall verify the authenticity of the documents. On his being satisfied, he shall admit the
candidate to the Training Course and direct the candidate to remit caution money deposit and mess deposit and
other deposits, if any, immediately.
(3) All orginal documents and declaration in Annexure-II, V and VI shall be preserved in the safe personal
custody of the principal concerned to facilitate verification, if necessary in future.
Rule 18 Deposits, Rents, Stipends and Execution of Bond
(1) Deposits:(a) Selected candidates should each deposit an amount of Rs.100/- as caution money deposit with the Principal of
the concerned Training Centre. This amount after deduction of the stoppages, if any, will be refunded at the end
of the Training Course to the candidate by the Principal.
(b) Each selected candidate provided a seat in the Hostel of the Training Centre shall deposit a mess deposit of
Rs.150/- with the Principal of the Training Centre concerned. The amount will be refunded after deduction of
dues, if any, at the time of leaving the Hostel.
(c) Each selected candidate undergoing training shall deposit an amount of Rs.250/- with the Principal, Regional
Health and Family Welfare Training Centre concerned for expenses towards study tour prescribed during the one
year Training Course and the amount shall be kept in the personal Deposit Account of the Principal, Regional
Health and Family Welfare Training Centre concerned and utilised for the study tour. The unspent balance
amount if any repayable to the Trainee after deducting the expenditure incurred during the study tour shall be
refunded by the Principal, Regional Health and Family Welfare Training Centre to the Trainee at the end of the
Training Course. Similarly if any extra expenditure over and above the deposited amount is incurred such
amount shall be paid by the candidate.
(2) Rents:- Each candidate who is provided with Hostel Accommodation in the Training Centre shall have to pay
an amount of Rs.10/- (Rupees ten only) per month as Hostel maintenance charges. The amount so collected shall
be kept in a Personal Deposit Account of the Principal, Regional Health and Family Welfare Training Centre
concerned for day to day maintenance of Hostel and Training Centre.
(3) Stipends:(a) Every candidate admitted to the Multipurpose Health Workers (Male) Training Course as per the rules above
shall be paid by the principals, Regional Health and Family Welfare Training Centres concerned a stipend of
Rs.125/- (Rupees one hundred and twenty five only) per month or at the rate as may be prescribed by the
Government from time to time during the period of training of 12 months.
(b) Every candidate admitted to the Multipurpose Health Workers (Male) Training Course as per the rules above
and undergoing training shall be paid an amount of Rs.125/- (Rupees one hundred and twenty five only) per
month or at the rate prescribed by Government from time to time, in addition to the stipends as mentioned in
Rule 18 (3) (a) above, towards rent as permitted by the Government of India for a total period not exceeding 16
weeks (4 months or a lesser period during the field placement of the trainees at Primary Health Centres/SubCentres in the 1st and 2nd Semesters as prescribed in the curriculum. The said amount being drawn and paid to
the trainees by the Principal, Regional Health and Family Welfare Training Centre concerned provided it is
certified by the Principal that no rent free Hostel accommodation is provided to any of the trainees during the
period of field placement. The provision of payment should not be made to candidate if rent-fee accommodation
or accommodation in Government Hostel is provided during the periods of 6 weeks and 10 weeks field
placement for the candidates in Primary Health Centre, Sub-Centre during 1st and 2nd semesters respectively.
(4) Execution of bond :The selected candidate for admission to the Multipurpose Health Workers (Male) Training Course shall execute
a Bond with surety on non-judicial stamped paper of value Rs.5/- in the prescribed form given in Annexure-VII
of these rules, which is binding on the candidate. In case of minors who are below the age of 18 years the Bond
should be executed by the Parent/Guardian of the candidate along with the Surety.
(b) The Principal of the Regional Health and Family Welfare Training Centre concerned, shall get the Bond
executed on admission of the candidate to the Training course and keep the Bond in safe custody. The candidates
shall not be admitted or shall be discharged from the Training Centre as the case may be if he fails to execute the
Bond or if the parents/Guardian of the candidate fails to execute the Bond, in case candidate is a minor.
(c) Failure to comply with the provisions of the Bond, either by the Trainee or by the Parent/Guardian/Surety,
shall necessiate taking action by the Principal, Regional Health and Family Welfare Training Centre/District
Medical and Health Officer of District concerned to recover the stipulated amount in the bond or any other
amount that may be due under Revenue Recovery Act.
Rule 19 Leave to the Multipurpose health Workers(Male) Trainees
(1) Every candidate admitted to the Multipurpose Health Workers (Male) Training Course as per the rules above
may be granted leave with stipends by the Principal Regional Health and Family Welfare Training Centre
concerned for a period not exceeding 12 days in a year excluding Public Holidays.
(2) The Multipurpose Health Workers (Male) Trainee can be granted sick leave with stipends, for a period of not
exceeding 30 days in all during the period of 12 months Training on the basis of an application from the
candidate accompanied by a Sickness Certificate issued by Resident Medical Officer or Medical Officer of a
Government Hospital not below the rank of a Civil Assistant Surgeon.
(3) It the trainee does not resume for training after such absence on leave, he is deemed to have been discharged
from Training and further action will be taken as per the provisions in the Bond executed under Rule 18 (4) (a)
(b) and (c) above.
Rule 20 Dismissal on misbehavior and misconduct and discharge from Training
(1) The Multipurpose Health Workers (Male) Trainee who persists in breach of rules or any conduct or
behaviour which in the opinion of the Head of the Institution may be contrary to the orders of discipline or who
either in or outside the Training Centre conducts himself in a manner which in opinion of the Head of the
Institution, is unworthy and likely to be discreditable to the profession or shows neglect or indifference to studies
shall be dismissed from the training and further action against the trainees will be regulated as per the provisions
in the Bond executed under Rule 18 (4) (a) (b) and (c).
(2) If a Multipurpose Health Works (Male) Trainee proceeds on leave on account of ill health and he had been
discharged or dismissed from training as per provisions in Rule 14.3 such a candidate may be re-admitted by the
Chairman, Selection Committee of the respective Regional Health and Family Welfare Training Centre
concerned for the training provided there is a vacancy and provided the candidate is found to be in sound health.
On such re-admission the candidate may be credited with such period of previous training by the Chairman,
Selection Committee of the Regional health and Family Welfare Training Centre Concerned.
(3) If a Multipurpose Health Workers (Male) Trainee discontinues or resigns from the training after having been
admitted to the training course, or is discharged or dismissed from training by the competent authority as per
these rules, the candidate shall refund entire stipendiary amount received from the Government by him and or
such amount of pecuniary loss sustained by Government during the period of training failing which action will
be taken against him or parent or Guardian and/or surety.
(4) No Male Multipurpose Workers Training candidate who has been discharged or dismissed from training on
account of misconduct, inefficiency or discontinued or resigned or failed under provisions of these Rules shall be
re-admitted to any of the Training Courses in future, unless otherwise provided for under these Rules.
Rule 21 Notification for inviting applications for admission
(1) The Additional Director of Medical and Health Services (Communicable Diseases) shall publish a
notification in Annexure- VIII inviting applications from eligible candidates for admission to the Multipurpose
Workers (Male) Training Course.
(2) All the Principals of Regional Health and Family Welfare Training Centres shall on receipt of such
applications cause entries in a register in the following Proforma to be made and take action for selection of
Candidates for admission as prescribed in these Rules.
Application No
Name of the Applicant
Date of Despatch
Sale of Application Form to the Candidate
Date of receipts of the filled in application
Remarks with
Rule 22 Form of Application
Specimen form of application is appended to these Rules as Annexure V.
Rule 23
In all matters relating to admissions and selections, the decision of the Additional Director (Communicable
Diseases) and the Chairman Selection Committee shall be final and binding on the candidates.
Rule 24 Joining Time and Uniform
All selected candidates shall join in the Training Centre to which they are allotted on or before specified dates
intimated to them by the Principal, Regional Health and Family Welfare Training Centre concerned. Any failure
to join within the time specified shall automatically result in the cancellation of the selection of such candidates.
No request for extension of time shall be entertained under any circumstances.
Rule 25 Finality of Selection
(1) All selections under these rules shall be subject to any other rules or orders that may be made or passed by
the Government from time to time.
Rule 26 Power to amend Rules
(1) The Government shall have the power to amend these rules from time tome.
(2) Notwithstanding anything contained in Rule 25, the Government may either suo moto or on an application
made to them call for and examine the records relating to any selection or admission made by the authority
incharge of selection or admission for the purpose of satisfying themselves as to the legality or regularity of such
selection or admission and pass such order in relation thereto as they deem fit, including cancellation of the
selection already published or admission already made provided that the Government may before cancelling such
selection or admission give an opportunity to the authority incharge of selection or admission and/or to the
candidate to show cause why such selection or admission shall not be cancelled or why such orders shall not be
Rule 27 Powers of Additional Director of Medical and Health Services (Communicable Diseases) and
Principals of Regional Health and Family Welfare Training Centres
(1) Notwithstanding anything contained in these rules, the Principals of the Regional Health and Family Welfare
Training Centres in the State may, either suo moto or on application of any person after due and proper enquiry
and after giving the person concerned an opportunity of being heard within period of two weeks from the date of
the application, order the withholding of publication of the name of the candidate who has been provisionally
selected or cancel admission of the candidate if already made, or debar him from applying for admission to the
course permanently or for a specified period, if in his opinion such candidate has furnished fradulent or incorrect
particulars in the application form or in the documents attached thereto, or in the statement made either before
the authority in charge of admission or the Principals or otherwise. Against such an order of a Principal, an
appeal shall lie with the Additional Director of Medical and Health Services (Communicable Diseases).
(2) Where any Principal has in his possession any information making any candidate ineligible for a seat already
secured, the Principal shall suo moto institute proceedings under this rule against such a candidate.
(3) Notwithstanding anything contained in these rules, the Additional Director of Medical and Health Services
(Communicable Diseases) either suo moto or on the application of any person, after due and proper enquiry and
after giving the person concerned an opportunity of being heard within the period of two weeks from the date of
the application order the withholding of publication of the name of the candidate who has been provisionally
selected, or cancel the admission of a candidate, if already made, or debar the candidate from applying for
admission to the course permanently or for specified period if in his opinion, such a candidate has furnished
fraudulent or incorrect particulars in the application form or in the documents attached thereto, or in the
Statements made either before the authority incharge of admission or the Director of Health and Family Welfare
or in any other manner. Any such order of the Additional Director of Medical and Health Services
(Communicable Diseases) shall be final.
(4) Where the Additional Director of Medical and Health Services (Communicable Diseases) has in his
possession any information making any candidate ineligible for a seat already secured, the Additional Director of
Medical and Health Services (Communicable Diseases) shall suo moto institute proceedings under this rule
against such a candidate.
Rule 28 Attendance
Students will not ordinarily be granted leave during the working days of the training period except as provided
for in these Rules. They will not be allowed to sit for the examinations, unless they produce a Certificate of
attendance from the Principal of the Training Centre concerned. No certificate of attendance will be issued to
those who have not put in a minimum of 85% class attendance and 85% field attendance and the candidates must
have attended the course for a minimum of 44 weeks during the 1 year training course.
Rule 29 Course of training
The Course is of twelve months duration. It shall consist of two semesters each of approximately of 26 weeks
duration. The course shall consist of theoretical and practical training according to the syllabus prescribed as per
Rule 28 or as may be modified from time to time. The subjects to be studied for the said course are shown
below:Rule 30 Scheme of Examinations and Supplementary Examinations
(a) The Examination shall consist of a total of 8 papers in the two semesters for theory, practical, and orals as
detailed below:
1st Semester:
(i) Paper I,Sciences I
Anatomy, Physiology, Microbiology & Hygiene.
50 marks (Part A & B to carry 25 marks each)
(ii) Paper II, Sciences II
Behavioral Sciences Nutrition and Nutrition Education.
(iii) Paper III, Public Health I
Introduction to Public Health,Public Health Problems in India, Factors affecting Health & Introduction to Family
(iv) Paper IV, Public Health II
National Health Programme and Communicable Diseases.
(v) Paper V, Community Health I
(A) Maternity, Child Health, Family Planning and Family Welfare.
(vi) Paper VI, community Health I
(B) Environmental Sanitation.
(vii) Paper VII, Community Health II
Communications skills and Audio-visual aids, Health Education, Health Statistics.
50 marks (Part A & B to Carry 25 marks each
(viii)Paper VIII, Community Health III
Basic Medicine and Treatment, Emergency and Aid, Mental Diseases, Disabilities.
(b) Each Paper shall be valued for 100 marks as shown below:
(b) Each Paper shall be valued for 100 marks as shown below:
(i) Theory:
50 Marks
Part A External Examiner. 25 Marks
Part B Internal Examiner. 25 marks
(ii) Practical & Record Books
10 marks
Valued by both the examiners as per record books submitted in examinations concerned.
(iii) Viva-Voce(Orals)
20 marks
To be allotted by both examiners for 10 marks each.
(b) Internal Assessment
20 marks
Average marks of the 2 Internal assessment examinations conducted during each Semester period in the subjects
of the paper at Regional Health and Family Welfare Training Centre concerned by the respective Faculty are to
be furnished to the examiners at the time of practical and oral examinations for tabulation in the result sheet.
(c) Each Theory question shall have parts A and B respectively, each for 25 marks and shall be of descriptive
type only. One short notes in each part is to be compulsory and one question only in each part of the paper may
have a choice. Duration of the papers will be for 3 hours.
(d) The quarterly internal assessment examinations will be conducted in each paper of the Semester for a total of
20 marks in each subject and the average of these Internal assessment marks in the subject obtained by the
trainee shall be furnished by the concerned faculty to the Principal, Regional Health and Family Welfare
Training Centre atleast 10 days before the commencement of the Examination, so that these Internal assessment
marks can be supplied by the Principal to the Examiners at the time of Examinations. The total value of marks of
this Internal assessment examination in each paper shall be for 20 marks only and shall be incorporated in the
total marks statement of the candidate in the examinations of that particular paper.
(e) Each candidate shall obtain 50% out of the total allotted marks (i) Under Theory (Parts A and B combined).
(ii) Under Practicals and Records, (iii) Under viva Voce, (iv) Under Internal assessment, and (v) Under field
record maintenance for the 16 weeks supervised field placement in Primary Health Centre/Sub-Centre in order to
declare the Trainee as having passed the examinations in that paper prescribed and shall be declared as failed if
he does not secure 50% in each as above noted.
(f) The record work of the candidate during the 16 weeks of field placement i.e., 6 weeks in 1st Semester and 10
weeks in 2nd Semester at the Primary Health Centre/Sub-Centre shall be assessed at the time of second Semester
examination only and allotted marks out of a total 100 marks maximum. Thus the break up of the total marks for
the examinations will be as shown below:-
1st Semester
2nd Semester
(1) Eight Papers
(2) Record of 16 weeks supervised field placement
(2) The Multipurpose Health Workers (Male) Trainee who fails in any or all the subjects in the Semester
examinations conducted after the prescribed period of Training shall be allowed to continue the training course
for the second Semester, shall appear for the subjects under second Semester Examination along with any or all
the subjects of the Semester Examinations in which he has failed.
(a) The Multipurpose Health Workers (Male) Trainee who has completed the training course fully as prescribed
but who has failed in any or all subjects in the examinations conducted as per these Rules, will be given 4
chances of consecutive reappearance in supplementary examinations to appear and pass any or all the subjects in
which he has failed, provided, he submits an application to the Chairman, Board of Examinations, Hyderabad
enclosing original challan of remittance of the prescribed examination fee as per the rules under copy to the
Principal, Regional health and Family Welfare Training Centre concerned where he had undergone training and
appeared for the examinations.
Explanation:(a) Candidate who has completed the training course fully, but who failed in any or all the subjects in which
examinations were conducted for him, shall not be permitted to appear for any or all the examinations beyond the
stipulated 4 chances of appearance allowed for passing in any or all the examinations after completion of his
training course in the Regional health and Family Welfare Training Centre. The 4 chances allowed shall be
consecutive immediately on completion of the training course of 12 months and shall be completed in 2 years at
6 monthly intervals.
(b) The Multipurpose Health Workers (Male) Trainee who appears for and passes in all the subjects in the
examinations held as per these rules within the 4 consecutive chances stipulated after completion of the full
training course, shall be issued with the Certificate in Annexure-IX as per procedure laid down in these Rules.
(c) The Multipurpose Health Workers (Male) Trainee who fails to pass in any or all the subjects of the Training
course within the prescribed limit of 4 consecutive appearances allowed to him after completion of the full
training course as laid down in these Rules shall not be readmitted to the training Course, and shall not be
granted any extension of permission to appear for the subjects in which he has failed beyond the stipulated 4
consecutive chances allowed.
(i) The Additional Director of Medical and Health Services (Communicable Diseases) shall be the Chairman of
Board of Examinations for conducting all the examinations of the Multipurpose Health Workers (Male) Training
Course in all the Regional Health and Family Welfare Training Centres. The Board of Examinations shall consist
of the following members:
1. Additional Director of Medical and Health Chairman Services (Communicable Diseases)
2. Deputy Director of Medical and Health Ser- Member and vices (National Small pox Eradication Convenor
3. Principals of 4 Regional Health and Family Members Welfare Training Centres.
(ii) The Chairman, Board of Examinations shall nominate the Examiners for each of the Regional Health and
Family Welfare Training Centres for the examinations to be conducted as per these rules and the faculty
members of the 4 Regional Health and Family Welfare Training Centres shall also be nominated as Internal or
External Examiners as the case may be in respect of Examinations in any of the Regional Health and Family
Welfare Training Centres in the State.
(iii) The Chairman, Board of Examination, Multipurpose Health Workers (Male) Training Course shall notify to
the Principal, Regional Health and Family Welfare Training Centres concerned all necessary and connected
instructions regarding the conduct of 1st and 2nd Semester Examinations and Supplementary Examinations
along with the setting up of question papers, despatch of examination material, declaration of Examination
results and other executive instructions etc.
(b) Supplementary Examinations for candidates who have failed in any or all the subjects shall be held as
notified by the Chairman, Board of Examinations and the Scheme of Examinations as per Rule 25 (1) shall be
(c) The examination in each subject shall consist of a written paper of 3 hours duration and oral and practical
examinations as shown below:
Maximum Marks
Minimum Marks for Pass
(i) Written or Theory (50)
Part A
Part B
(ii) Practicals & Record Books
(iii) Internal Assessment
(iv) Orals
(d) Separate marks are allotted for Internal assessment and maintenance of records. Internal assessment is to be
conducted every quarter in each subject for a maximum of 20 marks in each subject and at the end of the
Semester, the average of the marks obtained during two quarterly assessment tests conducted during that
semester should be calculated for in the final tabulation and shall be furnished to the Principal, Regional Health
and Family Welfare Training Centre concerned atleast 10 days before the Semester Examinations are due to
(e) Candidates shall take the examination in all the subjects. Candidates obtaining a minimum of 50% marks or
more in each subject shall, provided that the minimum marks required for pass in the written, oral examinations,
Internal assessment, maintenance of records and practicals and 16 weeks field placement record maintenance
separately are obtained as indicated in these Rules, be declared to have passed that subject in examination. All
other candidates shall be declared to have failed. Candidates who have, at the end of the twelve months course,
passed all the subjects individually and scored aggregate marks of 50% to less than 65% shall be declared to
have passed in the second or ordinary class, such of those who have secured an aggregate percentage of 66% or
more shall be declared to have passed in the first class, and if a candidate has secured in any individual
subject/subjects 75% of marks or more shall be declared to have secured distinction in that particular
Rule 31 Examination Fees
The examination fees for all the papers in each of the two semesters is Rs.60/- thus making the total examination
fee payable for the full course Rs.120/- . The examination fee for each subject (Paper) is Rs.15/- . The
examination fees should be credited within the stipulated time in any Government Treasury or State Bank of
Hyderabad/India to the head of account "0210-Medical and Public Health -04- Public Health 104 - Fees, Fines
etc. Fees for Examination for Multipurpose Health Workers (Male) Training". Examination fees once paid shall
not be refunded or adjusted for future examination under any circumstances.
Rule 32 Award of Certificates
(a) A Candidate who passes the Multipurpose Health Workers (Male) Training Course examination in the 4
Regional health and Family Welfare Training Centres shall be designated as a qualified Multipurpose Health
Worker (Male) and awarded a Government Certificate by the Principal of the Regional Health and Family
Welfare Training Centre concerned and countersigned by the Chairman, Board of Examinations as appended in
(b) Certificate will be issued to the candidates through the Principal of the Regional Health and Family Welfare
Training Centre where he has undergone the training course.
(c) After the results of the Final (2nd Semester) Examinations are declared, the Principal of each Regional Health
and Family Welfare Training Centre shall forward to the Chairman, Board of Examinations, the Certificates in
duplicate of all the successfully passed candidates in the Proforma as in Annexure-IX duly observing the
following procedure.
(i) A passport size photo of the candidate shall be affixed on both the original and Office copy to the Certificate
form and attested by the Principal, Regional Health and Family Welfare Training Centre, concerned.
(ii) The identification marks of the candidate shall be filled in the relevant column and the signature of the
Principal should be affixed along with his seal, duly obtaining the signature of the candidate in the relevant
column of the Certificate.
(iii) The filled in Certificates as above and signed by the Principal, Regional Health and Family Welfare Training
Centre concerned in the relevant column shall be forwarded to the Chairman, Board of Examinations who will
counter-sign and return all the originals to the Principal, Regional Health and Family Welfare Training Centre
concerned retaining the duplicate as Office copy in permanent safe custody.
(iv) On receipt of the counter-signed Certificates the Principal, Regional Health and Family Welfare Training
Centre concerned shall cause the despatch/distribution of the same to the candidate concerned under proper
(2) Duplicate Certificate:(a) Every qualified candidate who desires to obtain a duplicate Certificate of the Multipurpose Health Workers
(Male) Training Course should submit an application furnishing the correct Roll number, year of passing the
course and the Examination Centre, Registered Serial number of the Certificate expalaining the circumstances in
which the original Certificate was lost and could not be traced. The application should be submitted to the
Chairman, Board of Examinations, through the Principal, Regional Health and Family Welfare Training Centre
where he underwent training.
(b) Every such applicant should remit an amount of Rs.25/- (Rupees twenty five only) through challan in any
Government Treasury or in any branch of State Bank of Hyderabad/India to the following head of account "0210
- Medical and Public Health -04- Public Health - 104 - Fees, Fines etc., for issue of duplicate certificate of
Multipurpose Health Workers (Male) Training Course" and send the Challan along with the application.
(c) The Principal, Regional Health and Family Welfare Training Centre concerned shall forward the above
application and challan along with one attested passport-size photo after due verification as to the correctness of
the contents of the application to the Chairman, Board of Examinations for issuing a Duplicate Certificate.
(d) On receipt of the duly forwarded application, a Certificate on which it shall be clearly superscribed that it is
"Duplicate Certificate" shall be sent to the Principal, Regional Health and Family Welfare Training Centre who
will verify the identification marks filled in the Certificate, append his signature with proper seal and obtain the
signature of the candidate and then issue the Certificate to the candidate under proper acknowledgment.
Rule 33 Syllabus
The course of training for the award of Multipurpose Health Workers (Male) Training Course Certificate shall
consist of theoretical and practical and field training according to the prescribed syllabus. The theoretical
instructions shall be given in the Regional Health and Family Welfare Training Centres in the State and the
practical and field training shall be given in Government Institutions in the town concerned or in the Field
Practice Demonstration Area of the respective Regional Health and Family Welfare Training Centres, or Primary
Health Centres or Sub- Centres that may be identified or in any other Institutions or Areas identified for this
purpose. Syllabus for Training of Multipurpose Health Workers (Male) Theory and Practical Hours and Field
[The Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Order (Amendment) Act, 1976 (Central Act 108 of 1976)]
List of Scheduled Castes
1. Adi Andhra
2. Adi Dravida
3. Anmuk
4. Arya Mala
5. Arundhatiya
6. Arva Mala
7. Bariki
8. Bavuri
9. Bedajangam Budga Jangam
10. Bindla
11. Byagara
12. Chachati
13. Chalavadi
14. Chambar, Mochi, Muchi
15. Chambar
16. Chandala
17. Chakal, Dokkalwar
18. Dansari
19. Dhor
20. Dom, Dombara Paidi,Pano
21. Ellammalwar, Yellammal Wandlu
22. Ghasi, Baddi, Relli, Chachandi
23. Godagalli
24. Godari
25. Gosangi
26. Holeya
27. Holeya Dasari
28. Jaggali
29. Jumbuvulu
30. Kolupulvandlu
31. Madasi Kuruva, Madari Kuruva
32. Madiga
33. Madiga Dasu, Mashteen
34. Mahar
35. Mala
36. Mala Dasari
37. Mala Dasu
38. Mala Hannai
39. Malajangam.
40. Mala Masti
41. Mala Sale, Netkani
42. Mala Sanyasi
43. Mang
44. Mang Garodi
45. Manne
46. Mashti
47. Matangi
48. Mehtar
49. Mitha Ayyalvar
50. Mundala
51. Paky, Moti, Thoti
52. Pambada, Pambanda
53. Pamidi
54. Panchama, Parioh
55. Relli
56. Samagara
57. Sanban
58. Sapru
59. Singdullu, Chindollu,
II List of Scheduled Tribes
1. Andh
2. Bagata
3. Bhil
4. Chanchu, Chehwar
5. Gadadas
6. Gond, Naikpod, Rajgon
7. Godu (in the Agency tract)
8. Hill Reddies
9. Jatapus
10. Kammara
11. Kattunayakan
12. Kolam, Mannervarlu
13. Konda Dhoras
14. Kond Kapus
15. Kond reddis
16. Kondhs, Kodi, Kodhs, Dasaya Kondhs, Dongria Kondhs, Kuttiya Kondhs, Tikiria Kondhs, Yenity Kondhs
17. Kotia, Bentho, Oriya, Bartiya, Dhulia, Dulia, Holva, Paiko, Putiya, Sanrona, Sidhopaiko
18. Koya, Goud, Rajah, Rasha Koya, Lingadhari Koya (ordinary) Koth Koya, Bhin Koya, Rajkoya.
19. Kulia
20. Malis (excluding Adilabad, Hyderabad, Karimanagar, Khammam, Mahaboobnagar, Medak, Nalgonda,
Nizamabad and Warangal Districts).
21. Manna Dhora
22. Mukha Dhora, Nooka Dhora
23. Nayaks (in the agency tracts)
24. Pardhan
25. Porja, Parangiperja
26. Reddi Dhoras
27. Rona, Rana
28. Sevaras. Kapu Savaras, Maliya Savaras, Khutto Savaras.
29. Sugalis, Lambadis
30. Thoti (in Adilabad, Hyderabad, Karimnagar, Khammam, Mahaboobnagar) Medak, Nalgonda, Nizamabad
and Warangal Districts)
31. Valmiki (in the Agency tracts)
32. Yanadis
33. Yerukulas
Certificate of Social Status
Certified that Sri.. candidate for admission to Multipurpose Health Workers (Male) Training Course for 12
months in the Regional Health and Family Welfare Training Centre. in the State of Andhra Pradesh belongs
to.Community, which has been recognised by the State Government as one of the Scheduled Caste/Scheduled
Tribe/Backward classes Group. S.No.under the Educational Rules in force.
(a) When once a Certificate of Social status is submitted with the original application form this shall be binding
on the candidate and no subsequent changes are permissible.
(b) No candidate other than a Hindu including a Sikh can claim to belong to a Scheduled Caste.
(c) The Certifying Officers should before issuing the above Certificate require the candidate or his parents, as the
case may be, to produce documentary evidence regarding the caste to which they belong. The documents so
produced by the Candidate or the parents shall be attached to the Certificate while submitting the application.
List of Socially and Educationally Backward Classes
Group A - Aboriginal Tribes, Vimukthajathis, Nomadic and Semi-nomadic Tribes etc.
1. Agnikulakshatriya, Palli, Vadha-balija, Bestha, Jalari, Gangavar, Gangaputra, Goondla, Vanyakula Kshatriya
(Vannekapu, Vennereddi, Pallikapu, Pallireddi).
2. Balasanthu. Bahurupi
3. Bandara
4. Budabukkala
5. Rajaka (Chakali, Vannar)
6. Desari (formerly addicted to crimes and beggary)
7. Dommara
8. Gangircdlavaru
9. Jangam whose traditional occupation is begging
10. Jogi
11. Katipapala
12. Korcha
13. Medari or Mahendra
14. Mondivaru, Mondibanda Banda
15. Nayi Brahamin (Mangali)
16. Nakkala
17. Pitchiguntala
18. Pamula
19. Pardhi (Nishikari)
20. Pambala
21. Peddammavandlu, Devaravandlu, Yellammavandlu, Mutyakalammavandlu
22. Veeramusti (Nettikotala)
23. Valmiki, Boya (Bedar, Kirataka, Nisabadi, Yellapi, Pedda Boya) Talayari and Chunduvallu
24. Gudala
25. Kanjara Bhatta
26. Kanthala Kalinga
27. Kopmare or Reddika
28. Mondipatta
29. Nokkan
30. Parki Muggula
31. Yata
32. Chopemari
33. Kaikadi
34. Joshinandiwalas
35. Odde (Oddilu, Vaddi, Vaddelu)
36. Mandula
37. Mehtar (Muslim)
38. Kanupuli
Group B - Vocational
1. Achukatlavandlu
2. Aryakshtriya Muchi (Telugu speaking Chittari ginyar Chitrakaranakhas)
3. Devuga
4. Ediga Gowda (Gamella Kalalee) Goondla Settibalija of Visakhapatnam, East Godavari, West Godavari and
Krishna Districts.
5. Dudekulu ladd of Pinjari or noorbash
6. Gandla, Telikula
7. Jandra
8. Kummara or Kulala
9. Karikhalabhakthula, Kikolan or Kaikalal Sengudan or Sangunther.
10. Karanbhakthulu
11. Karuba or Kuruma
12. Nagavaddilu
13. Neelakhanthi'
14. Pathkar (Khatri)
15. Parika(Perika, Balija, Puragirikshtriya)
16. Neesi or Kurni
17. Padmasali (Saliyan) Pattusali, Senapathulu, Thogatesali
18. Srisayana (Segidi)
19. Swakulasali
20. Thogata, Thogati or Thogataveerakshitriya
21. Viswabrahmin (Auslase of Kamsali, Kammari, Kanchari Vadla or vadra or Vadrangi and Solpis)
Group C - Harijan Converts
1. Scheduled Castes convert themselves to Christianity and Children.
Group D - Other Classes
1. Agaru
2. Arekatika Katika
3. Atagara
4. Bhatraju
5. Chippolu (Mora)
6. Gavara
7. Godaba
8. Netkar
9. jakkala
10. jingar
11. Kandra
12. Koshti
13. Kachi
14. Kalavanthula Ganika
15. Krishnabalija (Dasari Bukka)
16. Koppulavelama
17. Mathura
18. Mali
19. Mudiraj, Motrasi, Tenugollu
20. Munnurukapu (Telangana)
21. Nagavasam (Nagavama)
22. Nelli
23. Polinativelamas of Srikakulam and Visaklhapatnam, Vizianagaram.
24. Poosala
25. Passi
26. Rangrez or Bhavasara Kshatriya
27. Sandhuchetty
28. Satani (Chattadastivasishnava)
29. Tammali
30. Turupukapus or Gajulakapu of Srikakulam and Visakhapatnam, districts who are subject to social customs of
divorce and remarriage among their women.
31. Uppara or Sagara
32. Vanjara (Vanjari)
33. Yadavava (Golla)
The following are the Gallantry awards in order of preference
1. Victoria Cross Param Vir Chakra
2. Distinguished services order Maha Vir Chakra
3. Military Cross Vir Chakra
4. Ashok Chakra
5. Kirti Chakra
6. Param Vishist Seva Medal
7. Shourya Chakra
8. Ati Vishist Seva Medal
9. Vishist Seva Medal, Sena Medal, Nav Sena Medal, Vayu Sena Medal
10. Mention of despatches
Application Form for Admission to the Multipurpose Health Worker (Male) Training Course in the Regional
Health and Family Welfare Training Centre in State during 19 .
Serial No
N.B. (a) Application not accompanied by the required Certificates shall be rejected.
(b) Application form shall be filled in English by the candidate in his own hand writing.
(c) Application form shall be submitted to the Principal, Regional Health and Family Welfare Training Centre
concerned on or before the last date notified.
Space for affixing Pass-port size Photograph.
Nativity Certificate
Admission for Multipurpose Health Workers (Male) Training Course
1. It is hereby certified that
That Sri..S/o..
..candidate for admission to Multipurpose Health Workers (Male) Training Course appeared for the time for the
Intermediate with Biological Sciences or its equivalent (specify) ..being the minimum qualifying examination for
admission to the above mentioned course in..month ...........................................year.
(b) That in the 4/7 years immediately preceding the commencement of the aforesaid examination he has resided
in the following place/places falling within the local area in respect of the..district namely: ..
2. The above candidate is, therefore a local candidate in relation to the local area specified in paragraphs 4 (1), 4
(2), (3) of the A.P. Educational Institutions (Regulation of Admission) Order, 1974 as amended.
Official Seal
Mandal Officer of Revenue Department.
Note:- In cases governed by Sub-rule (3) (b) of Rule 5 particulars of Residence will be furnished for four years
as indicated and in cases governed by sub-rules (3) (a) of Rule 5 particulars will be furnished for seven years.
Model Form of Bond by Candidates for Training of Male Multipurpose Workers.
Know all men these presents that I ..son of...through his guardian (in case of minor below 18 years) and.%..
(hereinafter called surety) S/ hereby bind ourselves and our respective heirs, executors and administrators,
to pay to the Governor of Andhra Pradesh represented by the Director of Health and Family Welfare, A.P.,
Hyderabad (hereinafter called the Government) on demand all monies paid to him and all other expenses
incurred on his account in connection with training under the Scheme for the Training of Multipurpose Workers
Sealed with our seals dated this.. day of..
Whereas the above nominated to a Government stipend and Whereas Government have agreed to
pay the above nominee of such stipend a sum of Rs.125-00 p.m. in connection with the said training.
Now the condition of the Above Written obligation is that in The Event of the Bounden.
(a) Not confirming to rules issued in G.O. instructions regarding training or studies conveyed to him by an
authorised agent of Government;or
(b) being reported on adversely during the training period in respect of his studies or conduct; or
(c) failing to pass an examination or complete the course of training without reasonable excuse (of which the
Government shall be the deciding authority) or
(d) failing or refusing to serve Government, if called upon to do so on completion of the tra ining in any post
under Multipurpose Workers Programme or elsewhere, considered suitable by the Government (whose decision
in this behalf shall be final) having due regard to the training obtained by him, for a period of not less than two
years from the date of the offer made by the Government within six months from the date of his completion of
the training or
(e) being reported adversely in respect of his work; or
(f) discontinuing from the training or absenting himself from the training except for reasons of ill-health certified
by the Head of the training Institution or Government Hospital;
(g) being dismissed or discharged or deemed to have been discharged from training under these Rules; shall
forthwith refund to the Government on demand a sum of Rs.3,000 (Rupees three thousand only).
Provided also that upon his rendering service satisfactorily under Government under these presents, the liability
of refund shall be reduced proportionately according to the years of service, to one half for one completed year
of service. Provided further that no exemption from refund will be allowed for the period of service which are
not completed years.
And upon his making such refund the above written obligation shall be void and no effect otherwise it shall be
and remain in force and virtue:
Provided always that the liability of the surety..
..hereunder shall not be impaired or discharged by reasons of time being granted or by variation of terms of
training or service or by any forbear act or omission of the Government or any person authorised by him whether
with or without the consent or knowledge of the said surety nor shall be necessary for the Government to sue or
take any steps proceedings against said %..before suing or taking any steps or proceedings against the decision of
the Government shall be final and binding.
Signed and delivered
Signature by the above bounden.
Full address
In the presence of
Full Address
Signed and delivered by the above bounden.
In the presence of
N.B.:-Please insert the blank speace as indicated below.
Full name of the stipendiary.
Fullname of the guardian may be given instead of minors.
Full name of the surety.
Name, designation and full address of the attesting Officer with his official seal, if any. The Officer attesting the
bond should be Gazetted Officer in the employment of Government.
Notification under Rule 16. 1 of Rules for Admission to the Multipurpose Health Workers (Male) Training
Course for the Academic Year in the Regional Health and Family Welfare Training Centres in the State of
Andhra Pradesh .
1. Applications in the prescribed form are invited for admission of the candidates to the Multipurpose Health
Workers Training Course for the academic year in the Regional Health and Family Welfare Training Centres in
Andhra Pradesh State from the candidates who are eligible for admission to the same as per the conditions
stipulated under the Rules prescribed therefor.
2. Procedure for obtaining the Application Forms:2.1 Application forms along with the Rules governing the admissions may be obtained from the principal,
Regional Health and Family Welfare Training Centres in the State prescribed therefor.
2.2. Every candidate who desires to obtain the application form personally should send a written requisition
enclosing a challan for Rs.5/- remitted in the State Bank of Hyderabad/State Bank of India or any Government
Treasury crediting the said amount to the head of account '0058 - Stationery & Printing -102 Sales of Gazettes
etc." Self addressed envelope of size 11 cm x 25 cm with affixed postal stamps of the value of Rs.5/- for the
candidates who desire to obtain the application form by post.
3. Seats:- Seats reserved for the candidates in each of the Regional Health and Family Welfare Training Centre in
the State.
4. Educational Qualifications:- Candidates possessing the Intermediate with Biological Sciences qualification of
the Board of Intermediate Examination of Andhra Pradesh or of any other Board recognised by the Government
of Andhra Pradesh are eligible to apply. Pre ference shall be given to candidates who have passed the above
qualifying examinations in one attempt. Candidates securing a minimum of 45 % marks on aggregate in
Intermediate with Biological Sciences only are eligible to apply.
5. Age:- Candidates for admission should have completed 18 years but should not have completed 25 years age
on 1st july of the year of admission. For candidates belonging to Scheduled Caste/Tribe the maximum age shall
be extended by five years.
6. For further particulars, candidates are requested to refer to the Rules for admission to the Male Multipurpose
Training Course in Regional Health and Family Welfare Training Centres in Andhra Pradesh State vide
G.O.Ms.No.. and published in Andhra Pradesh Gazette.
7. Last date of receiving application:- The last date of receiving the completed application forms by the
Principals, Regional Health and Family Welfare Training Centre, is
Board of Selection Committee,
(Male Multipurpose Workers Training Course).
Government of A.P. (Emblem)
Government of Andhra Pradesh Multipurpose Health Workers Training Certificate
Serial No
Space for (Male) Photo
(issued as per G.O.Ms.No..)
This is to Certify that Sri.S/o.has satisfactorily completed the course of Theoretical and Practical Training for
Multipurpose Health Workers (Male) from .to Regional Health and Family Welfare Training Centre, .and
has passed the examination prescribed for the course as given hereunder.
Month & Year
of passing
Roll No
1st Semester
1. Paper I : Anatomy, Physiology, Microbiology and
2. Paper II: Behavioural Sciences, Nutrition and Nutrition Education.
3. Paper III: Introduction to Public Health, Public Health problems in India, Factors affecting Health &
Introduction to Family Health.
4. Paper IV: National Health Programme & Communicable diseases.
5. Paper V: Maternal & Child Health, Family Planning & F.W.
6. Paper VI : Environmental Sanitation
7. Paper VII: Communication, Audi-visual aids, Health Education & Health Statistics
8. Paper VIII: Basic Medicine and Treatment, Emergency Care aid, Mental diseases and Disabilities.
9. Record maintenance for 16 weeks of Field placement in PHC/Sub- Centre.
Board of Examinations
Regl.Health & Family Welfare
Training Centre.
Marks of Identification
Signature of the Candidate
Signature and Designation of the officer recording the
Marks of Identification.
In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of Section 15 read with Section 3 of the Andhra Pradesh
Educational Institutions (Regulation of Admission and Prohibition of Capitation fee) Act, 1983 (A.P.Act No. 5
of 1983} and in supersession of all the rules issued earlier in respect of the admissions into Post Graduate
Courses Ayurveda/Unani/Homoeopathy in Department of Ayurveda, Yoga and Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha and
Homoeopathy (AYUSH), the Governor of Andhra Pradesh hereby makes the following rules for admission in to
the Post Graduate Medical courses in Ayurveda, Unani and Homoeopathy in the State of Andhra Pradesh.
Rule 1 Short title and applicability
(i) These rules may be called the "Rules for admission into M.D. courses Ayurveda, Unani and Homoeopathy in
the colleges of Indian Systems of Medfcine and Homoeopathy in the State of Andhra Pradesh".
(ii) They shall apply to M.D. courses Ayurveda, Unani and Homoeopathy in the Medical Colleges of Indian
System of Medicine and Homoeopathy in the State of Andhra Pradesh.
(iii) They shall come into force with immediate effect.
Rule 2 Number of Seats
(a) Seats In M.D. Courses in Ayurveda, Unani and Homoeopathy Medical Colleges shall be notified by the
Commissioner, Department of Ayurveda, Yoga and Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha and Homoeopathy, Andhra
(b) 50% of seats for M.D. (Ayurveda, Homoeopathy and Unani) are open for candidates from outside the State
and only for such courses as directed by Government of India and is run as a Central Sponsored Scheme. The
Commissioner, Indian Medicines and Homoeopathy will notify every year to the Nandamuri Taraka Rama Rao
University of Health Sciences, the number of seats and the name of the course for which such 50% of seats are
Rule 3 Reservations
(i) 15%, 6% and 25% of the seats available in each course shall be reserved for S.C., S.T., and B.C. respectively,
(ii) A candidate claiming reservation under clause (i) above shall produce a certificate of his/her social status in
the form specified in the Annexure-II appended to the application.
(iii) In the subjects, where the No. of seats are 4 or more, the reservation to Scheduled caste. Scheduled Tribe
and Backward Class shall be followed. If the No. of seats are less than 4, the reservation whatsoever shall not be
made applicable.
(iv) The seats reserved for the Scheduled Caste shall be made available to the Scheduled Tribes and vice-versa. if
qualified candidates are not available in these categories. The seats reserved for both Scheduled Caste, and
Scheduled Tribes shall be made available to the candidate in general pool, if qualified candidates belonging to
the Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribes are not available.
(v) All the seats in respect of Salya. salakya and Prasuthi thantra (SSP) will be treated as one unit for the purpose
of Rule of Reservation as per Roster system.
(vi) The candidates will be allotted speciality subject at the time of admission by the selection committee based
on the marks and higher ranking.
(vii) 15% of seats in clinical subjects and 30% of seats in non-clinical subjects are reserved for in-service
candidates in each category. Candidates selected on merit in the respective categories shall be counted against inservice quota, candidates working on contract basis, consolidated pay basis, daily honorarium and ad-hoc basis
are not considered as regular service candidates.
Explanation:An in-service candidate is one who has put-in a minimum of three years of regular service under
"Andhra Pradesh Indian Medicines and Homoeopathy Service Rules".
Rule 4 Reservation in favour of local candidates
Admission to 85% of the seats shall be reserved in favour of and allocated among the local candidates in relation
to the local area in respect of the Andhra University including the Nagarjuna University area, the Osmania
University including the kakatiya University area and S.V. University including the Sri Krishna Devaraya
University area in the ratio of 42:36:22 respectively. While determining the number of seats to be reserved in
favour of local candidates, in respect of local area any fraction of 0.5 and above shall be counted as one provided
that there shall be at least one unreserved seat.
Rule 5 Local Area
(i) The part of the State comprising the Districts of Srikakulam, Vizianagaram, Visakhapatnam, East Godavari,
West Godavari, Krishna, Guntur and Prakasham shall be regarded as the local area in respect of the Andhra
University and the Nagarjuna University.
(ii) The part of the State comprising the Districts of Adilabad, Hyderabad (including the twin cities of Hyderabad
and Secunderabad), Rangareddy, Karimnagar, Khammam, Medak, Mahaboobnagar, Nalgonda, Nizamabad and
Warangal shall be regarded as the local area in respect of the Osmania University and the Kakatiya University.
(iii) The part of the State comprising the Districts of Ananthapur, Kurnool, Chittoor, Cuddapah and Nellore shall
be regarded as local area in respect of S.V. University and Sri Krishna Devaraya University.
Rule 6 Local Candidate
(i) Acandidate foradmission to any course of study shall be regarded as local candidate in relation to local area:
(a) If he/she has studied in any educational institution(s) in such local area for a period of not less than four
consecutive academic years ending with the academic year in which he/she appeared or as the case may be, first
appeared in the relevant qualifying examination; or
(b) Where, during the whole or any part of the four consecutive academic years ending with the academic year in
which he/she appeared or, as the case may be, first appeared for the relevant qualifying examination, if he/she
has not studied in any educational institution, if he/she has resided in that local area for a period of not less than
four years immediately preceding the date of commencement of the relevant qualifying examination in which
he/she appeared or as the case may be, first appeared.
(ii) A candidate for admission to any course of study who is not regarded as a local candidate under sub-rule (i)
above in relation to any local area shall:
(a) If he/she has studied in an educational institution in the State of a period of not less than seven consecutive
academic years ending with the academic year in which he/she appeared or as the case may be, first appeared for
the relevant qualifying examination be regarded as a local candidate In relation to:
(i) such local area where he/she has studied for the maximum period out of the said period of seven years; or
(ii) where the period of his/he study in two or more local areas are equal, such local area where he/she studied
last in such equal periods, or
(b) If during the whole or any part of the seven consecutive academic years ending with the academic year In
which he/she appeared or, as the case may be. first appeared for the relevant qualifying Examination, he/she had
not studied in the educational institutions In any local area, but has resided in the State during the whole of said
period of seven years, be regarded as local candidate in relation to:
(i) Such localareawherehe/shehas resided for the maximum period out of the said period of seven years; or
(ii) Where the periods of his/her residence in two or more local areas are equal, such local area where he/she
resided last in such equal periods.
(i) "Educational institutions" means a University or any educational institution recognized by the State
Government, a University or any other authority competent on that behalf:
(ii) "Relevant qualifying examination" means the minimum educational qualification required for admission in to
the relevant course of study.
(a) In reckoning the consecutive academic years during which a candidate has studied any period of interruption
of his/her study by reasons of his/her failure to pass any examination shall be disregarded; and
(b) Any period of his/her study in a State-wide University or a State wide educational institution shall be
(iv) The question whether any candidate for admission to any course of study has resided in any local area shall
be determined with reference to the places where the candidate actually resided and not with reference to the
residence of his/her parent or guardian.
(v) If a local candidate in respect of a local area is not available to fill up any seat reserved or allotted in favour
of local candidate in respect of that local area, such seat shall be filled as if it has not been reserved.
Rule 7 The following categories of candidates are eligible to apply for admission to the 15% of Unreserved
(i) All candidates defined under Rule 6.
(ii) Candidates, who have resided in the State for a total period of ten years excluding periods of study outside
the state, or either whose parents have resided in the State for a total period of ten years excluding periods of
employment outside the State.
(iii) Candidates whose parents are in the employment of this State or Central Government. Public Sector
Corporations, Local Bodies, Universities and other similar quasi- public institutions within the State.
(iv) Candidates who are spouses of those in employment of this State or Central Government. Public Sector
Corporations, Local Bodies. Universities and educational institutions recognized by the Government, a
University or other competent authority and similar other quasi Government institutions within the State.
(v) Candidates who are employees in the State Government undertakings, Public Sector Corporation, Local
Bodies, Universities and other similar quasi-public institutions within the State.
(vi) Candidates who are the spouses of the local candidates as per Rule 6.
Rule 8 Notification
A notification shall be issued by the N.T.R. University of Health Sciences, A. P. Vijayawada inviting
applications from the, eligible candidates to appear for the entrance test for admission to Post Graduate Degree
Courses in Ayurveda/Unani/Homoeo.
Rule 8A Applications
(a) The candidate may obtain the application form and prospectus governing the rules of admission either in
person by submitting a Demand Draft as fixed by the N.T.R. University of Health Sciences, Vijayawada in
favour of the Registrar, N.T.R. University of Health Sciences, Vijayawada on any nationalized bank payable at
Vijayawada OR by post enclosing a self-addressed envelope of 20 cms x 25 cms duly affixing adequate stamps.
(b) The entire procedure of admission i.e.. calling for application, receipt of application, scrutiny of eligibility,
issue of Hall tickets, conduct of entrance examination, declaration of results list etc., shall be dealt with by the
N.T.R. University of Health Sciences, Vijayawada.
(c) The filled in application forms received after the time and the date shall be rejected. The N.T.R. University of
Health Sciences shall not be responsible for non-receipt of application or for its delay in postal transit.
(d) Application forms without required certificates, incomplete entries and form ineligible candidates will be
summarily rejected.
(e) The following shall be enclosed to the filled-in application form:
(i) Attested copy of the provisional/ Original Degree Certificate of the qualifying examination,
(ii) Attested copies of memo of marks obtained in all examinations of the qualifying examination (from 1st year
to final year)
(iii) Attested copy of Date of Birth Certificate.
(iv) Two conduct certificates (one should be from the head of the Institution, where he/she studied the qualifying
(v) Attested copy of House Surgency/ Interneeship Certificate,
(vi) Certificate of Caste or Social Status as in proforma Issued by Mandal Revenue Officer concerned,
(vii} Study certificate/Residence certificate in support of local/Non-local status where applicable,
(viii) Nativity Certificate issued by Revenue Official not below the rank of District Revenue Authority by the
candidates claiming the seat under the seats reserved for outside the State candidates.
(ix) Attested copy of Medical Registration Certificate,
(x) Service certificate if he/she is in-service issued by the concerned Directorate.
(xi) Any other certificate as may be prescribed by the N.T.R. University of Health Sciences, Vijayawada.
Rule 9 Eligibility for Admission
(i) The Post Graduate Course leading to Doctor of Medicines in Ayurveda/ Unani/Homoeopathy are open to the
holders of BAMS/BUMS/BHMS/MBS (H)Degree of N.T.R. University of Health Sciences and holders of
Degree of any other University/Statutory body included in the 2nd schedule to the Indian Medicines Central
Council Act, 1970, the candidates who have joined BAMS/Course after 15-7-1995 shall pass the subject concern
at degree level in first attempt.
(ii) The candidate should have completed training as Internee/House Surgency as on the date of notification,
(iii) For In-service candidates (3) years of regular service shall be calculated, as on the date of notified by the
N.T.R. University of Health Sciences. Vijayawada.
(iv) "Candidates coming from within the State who are already admitted and studying M.D. (Ayurveda/Unani/
Homoeopathy) Courses shall not be permitted to appear for M.D. (Ayurveda/Unani/Homoeopathy) entrance test
unless they discontinue the course by the remitting the bond amount and the stipend taken up to that date before
submitting application form and such candidates shall submit the discontinuance certificate issued by the head of
the institution along with the application.
(v) Candidates who are already holding a Post Graduate Degree in Ayurveda/ Unani/Homoeopathy in any
subject shall not be eligible to appear for Entrance Test for admission into another Post Graduate (Ayurveda/
Rule 10 Entrance Test
(i) The Entrance Test will be conducted at venue to be notified by the NTR UHS and the modalities of
conducting entrance test shall also be notified by 8 the NTR UHS from time to time for admission of candidates.
The merit obtained by the candidate in the Entrance Test shall be considered for admission into the same
academic year.
(ii) The syllabus for the Entrance Test shall be that of the qualifying examination in Ayurveda, i.e. BAMS, Unani
i.e., BUMS and Homoeopathy I.e. BHMS N.T.R. University of Health Sciences, Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh.
(iii) The question paper will be in English, Telugu and Urdu.
(iv) Marks: Minimum marks required for pass in the entrance test are as follows:
(i) 40 per cent for SC and ST candidates and
(ii) 50% for all other candidates.
Rule 11 Constitution of Entrance Test Committee
The Vice-Chancellor, N.T.R. University of Health Sciences, Andhra Pradesh shall constitute Entrance Test
Committee for conduct of Entrance Test.
Rule 12 Constitution of Valuation Committee
The Vice-Chancellor of Nandamuri Taraka Rama Rao University of Health Sciences, Andhra Pradesh, shall
constitute a valuation committee for valuation of scripts of Entrance Test and for preparation of merit list as per
Rule 13 Merit List
(i) The valuation committee shall, after completion valuation of entrance test papers prepare a master merit list
for various categories prepared either manually or mechanically.
(ii) Merit list shall be prepared on the basis of marks obtained in the Entrance Test, subject to sub-rule (iii) of this
(iii) In the case of equal number of marks In the Entrance Test, the total percentage of marks in the qualifying
examination shall be taken into consideration for fixing the merit of candidate, if the Entrance Test marks and the
qualifying examination marks are also equal, marks obtained in the concerned subject of the qualifying
examination shall be taken into consideration, if the candidate opts for the same subject.
(iv) Marks of the candidates in order of merit and in order of Hall Ticket number will be displayed on the notice
board of the University and at respective Colleges of Indian Systems of Medicine and Homoeopathy.
(v) Re-totalling of marks: Any candidate who wishes to have re-totalling of marks, should apply to the Registrar,
N.T.R. University of Health Sciences, Vijayawada within (5) days of announcement of the results enclosing a fee
of Rs. 500/- or as may be prescribed from time to time by N.T.R. University of Health Sciences, Vijayawada by
crossed D.D. drawn in favour of Registrar N.T.R. University of Health Sciences. Vijayawada payable at
Rule 14 Constitution of Selection Committee
(i) The Vice-Chancellor shall constitute a Selection Committee,
(ii) The Selection Committee shall provisionally select the candidates as per these Rules from among the
candidates who passed the entrance Test and as per merit list.
(iii) On the dates notified the Candidates shall be called in order of merit by the Committee and selection and
allotment of courses will be done based on the option excesised by the candidates in order of merit at the time of
counseling. The selection will be made only from among the candidates who are physically present, when their
hall- ticket numbers are called out in order of merit.
(iv) The claims of the candidates will not be considered, if they are absent when called at the time of selection. If
a candidate on merit is absent for selection, when he/she is called, then next in the merit would be selected. The
selected candidates shall submit their original certificates to the Selection Committee,
(v) The candidates shall be called to appear before the Selection Committee one after another and they shall not
enter the Selection Committee room in groups. Any person who obstructs the proceedings of the Selection
Committee or otherwise misbehaves or causes disturbance at the Selection Committee meeting will be liable for
disciplinary action as may be taken by the University.
(vi) The Selection Committee shall have power to review the provisional selection in case of any errors,
misrepresentation, fraud, or glaring injustice. In all matters relating to selection and admissions the decision of
the Selection Committee shall be final and binding on the candidates and selections cannot be questioned after
admissions are closed.
(vii) If a candidate after choosing the subject fails to pay fees or after paying the fees fails to submit the bond,
his/her selection stands cancelled automatically. He/she shall not be considered for selection for the same or any
subject on the basis of merit in the .entrance test during the same academic year. If a candidate is absent at the
first selection, he/she will be considered for selection at the subsequent selection in the available courses.
Rule 15 Conditions of Admission
(i) The respective Principals of Indian Systenis of Medicine and Homoeopathy shall very the correctness of
documents. On his satisfaction he shall direct the candidates to credit the College fee etc. immediately.
(ii) Candidates Joining courses shall exepute a bond a non-Judicial stamp paper of value of Rs. 100/- in the form
specified in Annexure-I to complete the prescribed period of training or in default to pay Rs. 10.000/- or an
amount as may be prescribed by N.T. R University of Health Sciences, Vijayawada and refund the stipend
received up to that date to Government.
(iii) The Original Certificates submitted shall not be returned to the candidates till they complete their course and
appear for the Final University
Examination. However, the candidates may withdraw from the course before the second/final selections and the
bonds executed by them shall be returned to them.
(vi) Payment of Fees:
(a) Tuition Fee: The selected candidates have to pay tuition fee and other constituent fee. special fee and caution
money deposits at the rates laid down for the purpose from time to time subject to the conditions laid therein at
the time of admission. The regulations governing the same will be In formed.
(b) All the selected candidates shall pay the following fee or as may be revised from time to time by N.T.R.
University of Health Sciences payable at Vijayawada in form of crossed demand draft on ANY
NATIONALISED BANK in favour of the Registrar N.T.R University of Health Sciences, Vijayawada payable at
Vijayawada on the date of selection. The fee once paid shall not be refund under any circumstances.
(i) Registration Fee Rs. 2000/(ii) Admisstion Fee RS. 700/(iii) I.U.T/Sports Fee Rs. 200/- per annum
(iv) Student welfare Fund Rs.100/-per annum
Rule 16 Attendance
(i) Candidates selected to various courses shall be whole time students. Service candidates may apply for study
leave and are require to produce the orders where in such leave has been sanctioned to them, from the competent
authority within three months after joining the course.
(ii) The post graduate students shall put- in 85% of attendence in all subjects separately before they appear for
final examination. However, 10% of attendance may be relaxed by the Vice-Chancellor on production of medical
certificate in deserving cases.
(iii) Sanction of leave of absence beyond (3) months and termination of studentship: Every student shall attend
his/her classes (Theory, Practicals and Clinical) on all working days unless he/she is granted leave of absence by
the Principal. If a student is absent continuously for a period of (91) days or more and seeks permission to attend
the course before one year after discontinuation his/her application shall be forwarded to the Registrar with the
recommendation of the Principal. If the Vice-Chancellor is satisfied with the reasons, he may grant leave of
absence attaching such conditions as he may deem necessary, candidates who are absent for a continuous period
of one year or more without permission shall be deemed to have forfeited the admission into the course and
his/her studentship shall stand cancelled without any further notice.
(iv) 15 days of vacation may be given to post-graduate students at the end of each academic year, during the
course of study with stipend. However, this shall not apply to in-service candidates.
(v) Maternity Leave: Post Graduate students are eligible for Maternity Leave not exceeding (30) days without
loss of stipend.
Rule 17 Private Practices
(i) No Post Graduate student shall do any private practice, or consultation practice and shall not accept any part
time employment during the Post Graduate course.
(ii) Candidates are required to follow the rules and regulations of the College and should also abide by the
regulations of the University and they shall not make any correspondence with higher authorities directly without
prior permission of the Professon of the concerned Unit and Principal.
Rule 18 Accommodation
Candidates selected are required to stay in the Hostel wherever accommodation is available.
Rule 19 Stipends
(i) Stipends may be paid to the Post Graduate students who are regular in attendance and show good progress
every month in their academic pursuits. The total period during which the stipends may be paid to the students
shall not exceed thirty six (36) months- for the course. No candidates will be eligible to draw the stipend for
more than thirty six (36) months during the entire Post Graduate study period.
(ii) In-service candidates shall not be paid stipend if they draw leave salary or salary.
(iii) All the selected candidates are required to pay the admission fee, tuition fees, deposits etc., as per rules in
Rule 20 Commencement of the Course
The course shall be commenced as per the date mentioned by the respective colleges of Indian Systems of
Medicine and Homoeopathy. The duration of the course shall be calculated from the date of commencement of
the course and shall be uniform for all the candidates Irrespective of their individual dates of admission.
Rule 21 Closure of Admission
(i) Admissions shall be closed one month after commencement of the course.
(ii) Any vacancy arising as on the day of closure of admissions or after closure of admissions shall not be filledup.
Rule 22 Period of Study
(i) The period of training of Doctor of Medicine in Ayurveda/Unani/ Homoeopathy Post Graduate Degree shall
be of three (3) years duration in the system concerned.
(ii) The course shall comprise of two parts:
(a) A pre-registration course of one academic year duration, during which period a student undergoes training in
the subjects for Doctor of Medicine in Ayurveda/Unani/ Homoeopathy Degree Part-I Examination and take part
in seminars, group discussions, herbal and education tours, clinical meetings, extension lectures etc.
(b) In the subsequent two years course, the student will have intensive training and specialization in the subject
Rule 23 Medium of Instruction
Telugu/English/Urdu shall be the medium of Instruction and examination at the Post Graduate level.
Rule 24 Powers of the Principal
Not withstanding anything contained in these rules, the Principal of the respective Colleges of Indian Systems of
Medicine and Homoeopathy may at any time before completion of the Post Graduate course either on his own
motion or on the application of any person after due and proper enquiry and after giving the person two weeks
time from the date of the receipt of the show cause notice to submit a written application and or a personal
hearing, order the cancellation of admission to the first Post Graduate course if in his opinion such candidates has
furnished fraudulent or incorrect information in the application form or in the documents attached, certificates
enclosed thereto, or in any other fraudulent manner, obtained admission into such course. Against any such order
of the Principal an appeal shall lie to the N.T.R. University of Health Sciences, Andhra Pradesh, Vijayawada.
Rule 25 Power to amend Rules and Review Selection or Cancellation of Admission of candidates
(i) The Government shall have the power to add or to delete or amend or alter these rules from time to time.
(ii) The University may either suo motu or on an application made to them, call for and examine records relating
to any selection or admission or cancellation thereof made by the authority in charge of selection or admission
for the purpose of satistying themselves as to the legality or regularity of such selection or admission orders in
relation thereto, as they deem fit including cancellation of the selections already published or admissions already
made provided that the University may before cancelling such selection or admission give an opportunity to the
authority in charge of selection or admission and to the person effected to show cause against such cancellation.
Rule 26 In-Service candidates
(i) In-service candidates shall join the course on or before the commencement of course after getting relief from
the concerned Institution. The Commissioner of Department of AYUSH., shall relieve them if they apply for
relief enclosing a copy of the selection and allotment order issued by the Member Secretary.
(ii) In-service candidates of Indian System of Medicine and Homoeopathy Department who have put-in three (3)
years of regular service or more and are selected as in-service candidate for admission in Clinical subjects and
non-clinical subjects will be deputed with full pay and allowances in the teaching institutions or In the Hospitals
attached to the teaching Institutions to prosecute post graduate studies for a period of three (3) years. On
selection and allotment the Commissioner, Indian Medicines and Homoeopathy Department shall Issue relief
orders to the in-service candidates and permit to join the course.
(iii) Any candidate In Government service other than the "in-service" candidate if selected for any Post-Graduate
course, shall not be entitled for allowances or any kind of leave including extraordinary leave for prosecuting
Post Graduate course unless he has put in minimum of three (3) years of service, on duty, in the respective
(G.O.Ms.No. HM & FW (R2) Department, dated 28-12-2004)
(Non-Judicial Stamped Paper for Rs. 100/-)
I, DrS/o or D/o...................selected for Post Graduate Degree in M.D. (Ayurveda/Unani/Homoeopathy) course hereby undertake to complete the said course as per the requirement of the University in
case of discontinuing studies, I undertake to pay to the N.T.R. University of Health Sciences a sum of Rs.
10,000/- (Rupee ten thousand only) and refund the amount received as stipend up to that date.
Signature of the candidate
Signed by the above bounded in the presence of:
1. Signature:
Name and
Address in full:
...Name and
...Address in full:
2. Signature:
...Name and
...Address in full:
2. Signature:
...Name and
...Address in full:
(G.O.Ms.No. 603, HM and FW (R2) Department, dated 28-12-2004)
No. of Seats
(a) Kayachikista
(b) Salya. Salakya and Prasuthi, Tantr a
+l B.C. or S.C.
@ B.C.-2, B.C. (B)-l, B.C. (A} or (D)-1
B.C. (A.BJ and (D) shall be limited to 1 seat each in each subject
One (1) extra seat each in K.C. and S.S.P shall be allotted to either to B.C. (A or D) or
S.C. on merit basis.
(e) Dravyaguna
(d) Rasasatra
..3 seats in Dravyaguna are reserved for candidates from outside the State, candidates who are eligible to appear
for Entrance Test either as local or Non-local are not eligible to seek admission for the seats reserved for the
candidates from outside the State. Candidates seeking admissions under this quota shall produce a certificate
from a Revenue Official not below the rank of District Revenue Authority from the State from which he/she
belongs or clalms nationality.
..2 seats in Rasasastra reserved for candidates from out side the State, for first admission and 3 seats for local
candidates like-wise.
(G.O.Ms.No. 603, HM & FW (R2) Department, dated 28-12-2004)
No. of Seats
(a) Moulajet
(b) Qabalath-e.
*+l B.C. orS.C
@ B.C-2. B.C. (B)-l. B.C. (A) or (D)-1
B.C. (A. B) and (D) shall be limited to 1 seat each in each subject
***One (1) extra seat each in Moulajat and Qabalath-e-Amraj -e-Niswan shall be allotted to either to B.C. (A or
D) or S.C, on merit basis.
(e) Advia
..3 seats in Dravyaguna are reserved for candidates from outside the State. Candidates who are eligible to appear
for Entrance Test either as local or Non-local are not eligible to seek admission for the seats reserved for the
candidates from outside the State, candidates seeking admissions under this quota shall produce a certificate
from a Revenue Official not below the rank of District Revenue Authority from the State from which he/she
belongs or claims nationality.
(G.O.Ms.No. 603. H.M & F.W. (R2) Department, dated 28-12-2004)
1 . Homeopathy
reserved for
reserved for
candidates of
candidates of
outside the State.
a. Repertory....
b. Materia Medica,,...
c. Phloslophy and Organon
..The candidates who satisfy local or non-local status as per G.O.P.No. 646, Education Department, dated 10-071979 are eligible for admission into the seats reserved for the candidates of A.P. The two (2) seats in each subject
shall be filled by open competition and no reservation shall apply to these seats.
.. (i) candidates who are eligible to appear for Entrance Test either as Local or Non-local are not eligible to seek
admission for the seats reserved for candidates from outside the State. Candidates Seeking admissions under this
quota shall produce a certificate from a Revenue Official not below rank of District Revenue Authority from the
State from which he/she belongs or claims nativity.
.. (ii) All the seats are open to the candidates from outside the State and no reservation for these seats.
Rule 1 Short title applicability and Commencement
(1) These rules may be called "the Andhra Pradesh Physical Education Conduct of Common Entrance Test for
admission into Bachelor of Physical Education (B.P.Ed.) and Under Graduation Diploma in Physical Education
Courses Rules, 2004".
(2) They shall apply for Admission into Bachelor of Physical Education (B.P.Ed.) and Under Graduation
Diploma in Physical Education Courses offered by the Colleges of Physical Education in the State.
(3) They shall come into force with immediate effect.
(4) Rules of Admission in the above courses in Physical Education shall be issued separately.
Rule 2 Definitions
(1) In these rules, unless the context otherwise requires;
(i) "Act" means the Andhra Pradesh Educational Institutions (Regulation of Admission and prohibition of
capitation fee) Act, 1983. (Andhra Pradesh Act No. 5 of 1983).
(ii) "Association of Colleges" means the Association of Colleges formed for the purpose of conducting Physical
Education Common Entrance Test referred to in Clause (XII) and recognised by the Andhra Pradesh State
Council of Higher Education consisting of Management representatives for which the eligibility criteria is as
mentioned in R.3 OF THE Andhra Pradesh Educational Institutions (Regulation of Admission and prohibition of
capitation fee) Act, 1983.
(iii) "Chairperson" means the Vice- chancellor of any University in the State nominated by the Chairperson of
the Andhra Pradesh State Council of Higher Education for each academic year for conducting and discharging
the functions relating to Physical Education Common Entrance Test (PECET) held by the State. He/She shall
also be the Chairperson of the GET Committee.
(iv) "Committee of PECET" means the Committee empowered to conduct PECET and to prepare the merit list of
the candidates as per the marks obtained in the PECET for admission into Convener Seats and also management
Seats in Colleges of Physical Education which agree to make Admissions into Bachelor of Physical Education
(B.P.Ed.)/ Under Graduation Diploma in Physical Education (U.G.D.P.Ed.) Course based on ranking in PECET.
(v) Committee of PECET-AC means the Committee empowered by the Association of Colleges to conduct
PECET-AC for Admission into Bachelor of Physical Education (B.P.Ed.) and Under Graduation Diploma in
Physical Education (U.G.D.P.Ed.) Courses and to prepare the merit list of the candidates as per the marks
obtained in the above test for admission into Management seats in B.P.Ed, and U.G.D.P.Ed. Courses, subject to
the supervision of Permanent Committee,
(vi) "Competent Authority" means the Chairperson of the Andhra Pradesh State Council of Higher Education.
(vii) "Convener" means a person, not below the rank of a Professor or Head of Department of Physical Education
of a University, appointed by the Competent Authority in consultation with Chairperson for conducting the
Physical Education Common Entrance Test and performing such other functions relating to the said test as
entrusted to him by the Competent Authority.
(viii) "Convener Seats" means the seats earmarked from out of the sanctioned Intake of seats in each institution
to be filled by the Convener.
(ix) "Management Seats" means the seats earmarked from out of the sanctioned intake of seats to be - filled by
the management of the Private Un-Aided Colleges of Physical Education including the Management seats
earmarked for concerned Minority candidates in Minority Colleges offering Bachelor of Physical Education
(C.B.P.Ed) and Under Graduation Diploma in Physical Education (U.G.D.P.Ed) Courses.
(x) "Permanent Committee" means the Committee constituted by the Government.
(xi) "Physical Education Common Entrance Test" (herein after called PECET) means test conducted for
assigning rank by merit to the candidates which will be the basis for entry into Bachelor of Physical Education
(B.P.Ed) and under Graduation Diploma in Physical Education (U.G.D.P.Ed.) Courses.
(xii) "Physical Education Common Entrance Test of Association of Colleges", (herein after called PECET-AC)
means the Test conducted by Association of all Colleges for assigning merit ranking to Candidates which shall
be the basis for admission of candidates to the extent of seats provided for the managements of Colleges of
physical Education in the State offering Bachelor of Physical Education (B.P.Ed) and Under Graduation
Diploma in Physical Education (U.G.D.P.Ed) Courses.
(xiii) "Qualified Candidate" means a candidate who appeared for the Physical Education Common Entrance Test
(PECET)/Physical Education Common Entrance Test- Association of Colleges (PECET-AC) and had been
assigned rank in the common merit list and has eligibility as per the criteria laid under Rule 3.
(xiv) "Qualifying Education"meansthe examination of the minimum qualification prescribed, appearance or
passing as laid down under Rule 3.
(xv) "State Council" means the Andhra Pradesh State Council of Higher Education constituted under Andhra
Pradesh State Council of Higher Education Act, 1988 (Andhra Pradesh Act 16 of 1988).
(xvi) "University" means the University concerned in which the particular courses are offered.
2. Words and Expressions used but not defined in these rules shall have the same meaning assigned to them
under the Andhra Pradesh Educational Institution (Regulation of Admission and Prohibition of Capition fee) Act,
1983 (Andhra Pradesh Act 5 of 1983).
Rule 3 Eligibility for appearing to the PECET/PECET-AC
Candidates satisfying the following requirements shall be eligible to appear for PECET/PECET-AC.
(i) Candidates should be of Indian Nationality.
(ii) Candidates should belong to the State of Andhra Pradesh. The candidates should satisfy local/non-local status
requirements as laid down in the Andhra Pradesh Educational Institutions (Regulation of Admission) Order,
1974, as subsequently amended.
(A) For Bachelor of Physical Education Course
(i) Candidates should have passed the three year Bachelor Degree examination in any faculty (10 plus 2 plus 3
pattern) or any examination recognized as equivalent thereto by the Universities in Andhra Pradesh. However,
the candidates who appeared for the final year degree examination are also eligible to appear for the test but such
candidates should produce the pass certificate at the time of admission,
(ii) Age Limit: Candidates should have completed 19 years of age on the date of commencement of admissions
as announced by the Entrance Test Committee or on such other date as may be notified by the Entrance Test
Committee. There is no upper age limit;
(B) For Under Graduation Diploma in Physical Education Course
(i) Educational Qualifications: Candidates seeking admission should have acquired any one of the following
educational qualifications. Those who appear for the final year of the qualifying examination are also eligible to
appear for the test. However such candidates should produce the pass certificate at the time of admission.
(a) 2-year Intermediate Course (1) plus 2 Pattern).
(b) Intermediate Vocational Course in any field Conducted by the Board of Intermediate Education, Andhra
(c) Any other examination recognized as equivalent to the above examinations by the respective bodies in
Andhra Pradesh.
(ii) Age Limit: Candidates should have completed 16 years of age on the date of commencement of admissions
as announced by the Entrance Test Committee or on such other date as may be notified by the Entrance Test
Committee there is no upper age limit.
(C) In_Service Candidates In the case of In service Physical Education Teacher's (PETs) candidates for
admission to B.P.Ed. Course only length of service is the main criterion. They need not appear for any Entrance
Test but only a limited number of candidates to be nominated by Director of School Education each year for each
Rule 4 Scheme for the Conduct of PECET
The Common Entrance Test for admission into the Bachelor of Physical Education and Under Graduate Diploma
in Physical Education. The Entrance Test for admission of students into these courses shall consist of two parts,
namely, (i) Physical Efficiency Test and (ii) Skill test in Games. They shall be conducted as follows;
1. Physical Efficiency Test: Maximum 4OO marks: for each of the events marks shall be awarded taking into
account the conversion tables approved by the PECET Committee.
Rule 5 Scheme for award of incentive marks: Maximum 100 marks
The candidates possessing the following distinctions and additional qualifications with the certificates issued by
the authorities/bodies mentioned shall be entitled to additional incentive marks as mentioned against each
category and these marks shall be added to the marks scored in PECETi.e. 4(1) and 4(2) above:
Rule 6 Physical Education Common Entrance Test (PECET)
(1) The PECET shall be conduct by the Convenor, appointed by the competent authority and shall be held on
such date and center(s) as may be specified by State Council in consultation with the PECET Committee.
(2) The Convenor of PECET shall give a notification in the widely circulated daily News Papers as decided by
CET Committee calling for the applications in the prescribed form from the candidates satisfying eligibility
criteria as laid down in Rule 3.
(3) The notification, among other things, shall indicate the Cost of application, Registration fee and Entrance
Test Fee, the last date for receipt of the duly filled in applications and the date of conduct of PECET.
(4) The Date of the entrance test as notified above shall not be revised without the prior approval of the
5) The qualifying marks in the PECET shall be 30% of the aggregate marks obtained In the actual Test Items i.e.
Physical Efficiency Test of 400 marks and Skill Test in Games of 100 Marks. (Total of 500 Marks) (excluding
incentive marks) provided that there shall be no minimum qualifying marks for the candidates belonging to the
category of Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribes.
(6) There shall be no re-totaling, revaluation or Personal identification of Response sheets (Answer Scripts) of
the Entrance Test.
(7) Mere appearance at the Entrance Test does not automatically entitle a candidate to be considered for
admission into Physical Education Courses unless the candidate satisfies the requirement of eligibility as laid
down under Rule 3 and other criteria laid down in the Rules for Admission that shall be issued separately.
(8) If any ambiguity or doubt arises in the interpretation or implementation of any of the rules, the decision of
Chairperson shall be final.
Rule 7 Preparation of the Merit List and assigning rank for PECET
The Convenor shall follow the following rules in preparing the merit list and assigning the ranking.
(1) The candidate who have secured qualifying marks in PECET and candidates belonging to the category of
Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe to whom qualifying marks have not been prescribed, shall be assigned the
ranking in the order of merit on the basis of the aggregate marks obtained In all tests put together including
incentive marks.
(2) For the preparation of merit list, In case of more than one student scoring the same aggregate marks, the tie
shall be resolved to decide the relative ranking as follows:
(i) By considering the marks scored In Physical efficiency test,
(ii) In case of further tie, marks scored in skill test in Games shall be taken into consideration,
(iii) In case of further tie, marks scored in skill test in Games shall be taken into consideration.
(iv) In case of candidates getting equal marks at the qualifying examination also older candidates shall be given
priority basing on age.
(3) The following rank lists shall be prepared by the Convenor:
(i) State-wide Common Merit List: The list shall include candidates irrespective of whether one belongs to any
category of reservation quota or not, basing on the marks obtained in the PECET.
(ii) Local area-wise Common Merit Lists: The list includes candidates belonging to the particular local area
irrespective of whether one belongs to any category of reservation quota or not basing on the marks obtained in
the PECET.
{iii) Concerned minority Community Merit Lists: They include merit lists, containing the candidates belonging
to the different Minority Communities arranged in the Merit ranking assigned in the PECET, both State-wise and
Local area- wise.
(iv) Community-wise Merit Lists: There shall be separate Community-wise merit lists for the Scheduled Castes,
Scheduled Tribes and Backward classes Communities, both as State-wide and Local area-wise; and
(v) Merit for other categories of reservations: There shall be separate lists for other categories of reservations as
per the orders in force for NCC, Children of ex- serviceman and for women both State-wide and Local area-wise.
Rule 8 Rank Cards for PECET
Every candidate who has been assigned rank in the merit list shall be issued Rank Card by the Convenor. The
Rank Card; among other things, include the details of the category of course to which the candidates is qualified
viz., B.P.Ed./U.G.D.P.Ed. the rank assigned in the State-wide/Local area-wise, lists and the category-wise
reservation lists, if any.
Rule 9 Constitution of PECET Committee
The competent authority shall constitute the PECET Committee to deal with the matters connected with the test.
The Composition of the Committee shall consist of the following.
(1) Chairperson, who shall be the Vice- Chancellor of any University nominated by the competent authority for
each academic year for the purpose of conducting PECET.
(2) One representative belonging to the Physical Education Dept., of each of the University to be nominated by
the Competent Authority in consultation with the Vice-Chancellor concerned.
(3) The Commissioner of School Education A.P. or his nominee not below the rank of Joint Director.
(4) One representative of Andhra Pradesh State Council of Higher Education nominated by the competent
(5) Convenor of the Entrance Test of the preceding year.
(6) Convenor, who should be in the rank of a Professor or Head of the Department of Physical Education of the
University concerned be appointed by the competent authority in consultation with Chairperson of the PECET
(7) One Principal, of a private Physical Education college to be nominated by the competent authority for each
academic year by turn.
Rule 10 Functions of the PECET Committee
The PECET Committee shall take decisions on the following issues relating to the PECET.
(1) Cost of the application and fee to be collected from the candidates of PECET.
(2) Norms for the payment of remuneration for different items/ services under taken in connection with PECET
(3) Date of announcement of results.
(4) Date if Test.
(5) Such other issues as may be referred by the Chairman of the committee and competent authority.
Rule 11 Functions of the Chairperson of the PECET Committee
The Chairperson will be discharge the following functions,
(1) He shall preside over all the meetings of the committee. In his absence, he may nominate on of the members
of the committee to preside over the meetings.
(2) He shall point the required committees for the smooth conduct of the Tests.
(3) He may appoint a competent Officer to assist the Convenor.
Rule 12 Functions of the Convenor of the Committee
The Convenor of the PECET shall subject to such directions as may be issued by the Chairperson has to
discharge duties in the matters relating to the PECET. The Convenor, is specifically responsible for discharging
the following functions:
(1) The printing of application form of PECET.
(2) Issuing the notification inviting application for the Entrance Test.
(3) Sale of application forms and issue of Hall Tickets.
(4) Appointment of Testers/Co- ordinators/Observers.
(5) Payment of remuneration for various items/services utilized for the purpose of PECET.
(6) Maintenance and submission of accounts to the A.P.State Council.
(7) Publication of results and dispatch of Rank Cards to the qualified candidates.
(8) Such other duties as entrusted by the Chairperson.
Rule 13 Funds for the conduct of PECET
(1) The amounts, that are collected from the candidates towards cost of the application and the examination fee,
shall be directly credited into the account of the secretary,'Andhra Pradesh State Council of Higher Education.
(2) The Convenor shall draw advances from the Andhra Pradesh State Council of Higher Education to meet
necessary expenditure for items/services connected with the PECET and submit for audit to the Local fund
Audit, he shall also submit a report thereof be submitted to the Andhra Pradesh State Council of Higher
Rule 14 Re-Examination of PECET
In the event of any malpractice or for any other circumstance leading to the stopping of PECET as scheduled, the
Government may for the reasons to be recorded in writing, direct the conduct of a re-examination of the PECET.
In such an event, the Andhra Pradesh State Council of Higher Education or any other body so nominated by the
Government shall cause the PECET Re-examination to be conducted by appointing/nominating such
functionaries of committee as considered necessary, without levying any extra charge from the candidates for
this purpose.
Rule 15 Physical Education Common Entrance Test - Conducted by Association of Colleges of Physical
Education {PECET - AC)
(1) Association of Colleges of Physical Education - Formation and its Functions: (i) There may be an
Association of colleges of Physical Education recognized by the State Council as defined in Clause (ii) of Rule 2
to conduct PECET-AC. (ii) The Secretary of Association of Colleges formed in Clause (i) above shall intimate
its formation, rules and bye-laws and the names of the Officer bearers, before a stipulated date, to the competent
authority and Chairman of Permanent Committee. (iii) The competent authority shall communicate inviting
options from the Managements of all professional Colleges for admitting students against management Seats
either through PECET or PECET-AC. (iv) The option of choosing, between PECET or PECET-AC shall be
exercised by the Managements of the colleges to fill Management Seats and shall be intimated in writing before
a stipulated date to the Competent Authority and the permanent Committee. In case of failure on the part of any
management to exercise their option it shall be construed that they shall admit the candidates into their colleges
for the Management Seats only on the basis of the rank at PECET conducted by the Convener in which case the
Convener for admission shall approve the above admissions.
(2) Constitution of Committee of PECET-AC: The Association of Colleges shall constituted a Committee of
PECET-AC with eminent members and academicians concerned to Physical Education. Amember of this
committee shall be appointed as Convener of the Committee of PECET-AC to discharge functions as assigned
by the Committee of PECET-AC.
(3) Functions of Committee of PECET- AC:
(i) The Committee shall PECET-AC in fair and transparent manner subject to supervision of the permanent
committee and it shall submit the proposed question papers, the names of the paper setter and examiners and the
method adopted to ensure papers are not leaked, whenever the Permanent Committee calls for such information.
(ii) The Committee of PECET-AC shall preserve the question paper and the answer papers for the period as
indicated by the Permanent committee.
(iii) Committee of PECET-AC shall also communicate a copy of the merit list forthwith to the competent
authority and the Permanen Committee.
(iv) Committee of PECET-Ac shall follow the same eligibility criteria as prescribed in Rule 3 and the same
scheme for conduct of test minimum-qualifying mark etc. declaration of results and assigning merit ranks in Rule
4, Rule 5, Rule 6 and Rule 7 of these Rules.
(v) Preparation of the Merit List and assigning rank.The Committee of PECET-AC shall follow the guidelines
prescribed in Rule 7 under these Rules in preparing the merit list and assigning the rank, tie break in case of
more than one student scoring the same marks at PECET-AC, preparation of Rank lists and issuing of Rank
Rule 16 Results
After holding PECET-AC and declaration ofResults of PECET-AC, each member college of Association of
Colleges merit lists on the notice Board.
Rule 17
The records of an Institution which has been established and which has been permitted to adopt its own
admission procedure for the last, at least, 25 years shall be examined by the permanent Committee and permit
such an Institute to adopt its own admission procedure.
Rule 18 Funds for the conduct of PECET AC
The amounts that are collected from the candidates towards cost of application and examination fee shall be
utilized to meet the expenditure for items/services connected with the PECET-AC. Accounts shall be subjected
to audit and report thereof shall be submitted to the competent authority and Permanent Committee.
Rule 19 Re-Examination of PECET-AC
In the event of any malpractice or for any other circumstance leading to the stopping of PECET as scheduled, the
Permanent Committee may issue necessary directions to the committee of PECET-AC to conduct reexamination for the reasons to be recorded in writing without collecting any fees for such re-examination.
Rule 20 Percentage of Seats to be filled by the Convener and the Management
The percentage of seats of the sanctioned intake in the colleges of Physical Education, prescribed to be filled by
the Convener, PECET and the Managements of Un-Aided Non- Minority and Minority Colleges of Physical
Educations shall be as fixed by the Government from time to time.
Andhra Pradesh Planning and Architecture Common Entrance lest (PACET) for entry into 5 year B.Arch. and 4
year B.Plng. and other related courses Rules, 2004
In exercise of the powers conferred by Sections 3 and 15 of the Andhra Pradesh Educational Institutions
(Regulation of Admission and Prohibition of Capitation Fee) Act, 1983 and in supersession of the Andhra
Pradesh Common Entrance Test for enter into Engineering, Architecture, Pharmacy, Agriculture, Medical and
Dental Courses Rules, 2003 issued in G.O.Ms.No. 3, Higher Education Department, dated 7th February 2003 as
amended subsequently, the Governor of Andhra Pradesh hereby makes the following Rules for the conduct of
Planning and Architecture Common Entrance Test (PACED for entry into Under Graduate B Arch, B. Plng and
related Courses.
Rule 1 Short title, applicability and Commencement
(i) These rules may be called The Andhra Pradesh Planning and Architecture Common Entrance lest (PACET)
for entry into 5 year B.Arch. and 4 year B.Plng. and other related courses Rules, 2004".
(ii) They shall apply to Under Graduate, 5 year B.Arch, 4 year B.Plng and other related courses.
(iii) They shall come into force with immediate effect.
Rule 2 Definitions
(1) In these rules, unless the context otherwise requires;
(i) "Act" means The Andhra Pradesh Educational Institutions (Regulation of Admission and Prohibition of
Capitation Fee) Act, 1983 (Andhra Pradesh Act No. 5 of 1983).
(ii) "Association of Colleges" means the Association of Colleges formed for the purpose of conducting the Test
mentioned in Rule 11, and recognised by the Andhra Pradesh State Council of Higher Education consisting of
representatives of Management, representatives of Architecture and Planning colleges offering B.Arch., B. Ping,
and other related Courses for which the eligibility criteria is as mentioned in Rule 3 of these Rules.
(iii) "Chairman" means the Vice- Chancellor of any University in the State nominated by the Chairman of the
Andhra Pradesh State Council of Higher Education for each academic year for conducting and discharging the
functions as specified relating to Planning and Architecture Common Entrance Test (PACET) held by the State.
(iv) "Committee of PACET" means the committee empowered to conduct PACET for admission into B.Arch,
B.Plng. and other related courses into Convener Seats and Management Seats in Colleges which agree to make
admission based on PACET.
(v) "Committee of PACET-AC" means the committee empowered by the Association of Colleges to conduct
PACET-AC for admission into B. Arch., B.Plng. and other related Courses into Management quota seats, subject
to the supervision of permanent committee.
(vi) "Competent Authority" means the Chairman of the Andhra Pradesh State Council of Higher Education.
(vii) "Convener" means a person, not below the rank of a Professor, appointed by the Competent Authority in
consultation with Chairman for conducting the PACET and performing such other functions relating to the said
test as entrusted to him by the Competent Authority.
(viii) "Convener Seats" means the seats earmarked from out of the sanctioned Intake of seats in each institution
to be filled by the Convener.
(ix) "Entrance Test of Association of Colleges (Hereinafter called PACET-AC)" means the test conducted by
Association of all Private Un-aided colleges on assigning merit ranking to candidates which shall be the basis for
admission of candidates to the extent of seats provided for the Managements of Colleges in the State offering
B.Arch., B.Plng. and other related courses.
(x) 'Management Seats' means the seats earmarked from out of the sanctioned intake of seats to be filled by the
Management of the Private Un-Aided Colleges including the Management seats earmarked for concerned
Minority candidates in Minority Colleges offering B.Arch., B.Plng and other related Courses.
(xi) "Permanent Committee" means the committee constituted by the Government to ensure that the PACET-AC
conducted by the Association of Colleges is fair and transparent.
(xii) "Planning and Architecture Common Entrance Test" (herein after called PACET) means test conducted by
Government agency for assigning merit ranking to candidates which will be the basis for admission into B.Arch.,
B.Plng. and other related Courses.
(xiii) "Qualified Candidate" means the candidate who has appeared for the PACET/PACET-AC and has
eligibility as per the criteria laid under Rule 3.
(xiv) "Qualifying Examination" means the passing of 10+2 Examination conducted by the Board of Intermediate
Education, Andhra Pradesh or its equivalent or Diploma examination in Architecture and related courses
conducted by State Board of Technical Education and Training (SBTET), Andhra Pradesh or any other
examination recognized as equivalent there to by State Board of Technical Education and Training, Andhra
Pradesh, as laid down under Rule 3.
(xv) "State Council" means the Andhra Pradesh State Council of Higher Education constituted under Andhra
Pradesh State Council of Higher Education Act, 1988 (Andhra Pradesh Act 16 of 1988).
(xvi) "University" means the University concerned in which the particular courses are offered.
(2) Words and expressions used but not defined in these rules shall have the same meaning assigned to them
under the Andhra Pradesh Educational Institutions (Regulation of Admission and Prohibition of Capitation Fee)
Act, 1983 (Andhra Pradesh Act 5 of 1983).
Rule 3 Eligibility Criteria for appearing thePACET and PACET-AC
Candidates satisfying the following requirements shall be eligible to appear for PACET and PACET-AC.
(i) Candidates should be of Indian Nationality.
(ii) candidates should belong to the State of Andhra Pradesh. The candidates should satisfy local/non-local status
requirements as laid down in the Andhra Pradesh Educational Institutions (Regulation of Admission) Order,
1974 as subsequently amended.
(a) Candidates should have passed 10+2 examination conducted by Board of Intermediate Education, Andhra
Pradesh or related Vocational Courses conducted by Board of Intermediate Education, Andhra Pradesh along
with bridge course(s) conducted by it for candidates enrolled during 2000-2002 and subsequent batches or any
other examination recognized as equivalent there to by the Board of Intermediate Education, Andhra Pradesh,
and should have secured not less than 50% marks in the aggregate with Mathematics and English as subjects of
examination for admission into 5 year B.Arch degree course and not less than 50% marks in the aggregate with
any subjects for admission into 4 year B.Plng. degree course; or
(b) candidates should have passed Diploma in Architecture or related Courses conducted by the State Board of
Technical Education and Training, Andhra Pradesh or its equivalent there to as recognised by State Board of
Technical Education and Training, Andhra Pradesh and should have secured not less than 50% marks in the
aggregate with Mathematics and English as subjects of examination for admission into 5 year B.Arch degree
course and not less than 50% marks with any subject for admission into 4 year B.Plng degree course; or,
(c) Candidates appearing for 10+2 final examination or equivalent or final year Diploma examination are also
eligible to apply. However, they shall fulfill the criteria stipulated in 3 clauses (a) or (b) above to be eligible for
Rule 4 Planning and Architecture Common Entrance Test (PACET)
(i) The PACET shall be conducted by the Convener, appointed by the competent authority and shall be held on
such date and centers as may be specified by State Council in consultation with the PACET Committee.
(ii) The Convener of PACET shall give a notification in the widely circulated daily News Papers as decided by
PACET Committee calling for the applications in the prescribed form from the candidates satisfying eligibility
criteria as laid down in Rule 3.
(iii) The notification, among other things, shall indicate the cost of application, entrance test fee, the last date for
receipt of the duly filled in applications and the date of conduct of PACET.
(iv) The date of Entrance test as notified above shall not be revised without the prior approval of Government.
(v) The Medium of PACET shall be English only.
(vi) The subjects and Syllabus of PACET shall be as per the guidelines prescribed by Council of Architecture,
New Delhi and as detailed in the Annexure.
(vii) There shall be no re-totaling, revaluation or Personal identification as the case may be of the Answer Sheet
(viii) Mere appearance at the PACET does not automatically entitle a candidate to be considered for admission
into Planning, Architecture and related Courses unless the candidate satisfies the requirement of eligibility as laid
down under Rule 9 and other criteria laid down in the Rules for Admission that shall be issued separately.
(ix) If any ambiguity of doubt arises in the interpretation or implementation of any of the Rules, the decision of
Chairman shall be final.
Rule 5 Preparation of the Merit List and Assigning Rank
The Convener of PACET shall follow the following, in preparing the merit list and assigning the rank.
(i) Weightage: The following shall be weightage for assigning the rank and preparing the merit list for admission
into B.Arch., B.Plng. and other related courses.
(a) PACET For B. Arch-Part A only and For B.Plng - Part B only - 50%
(b) Qualifying examination i.e. 10+2 and / or any other examination as laid down in Rule 3 - 50%
(ii) The Convenor of PACET shall call for the submission of Marks sheet of the qualifying examination from the
candidates by way of a notification immediately after publication of the results of the qualifying examination and
by giving a reasonable time frame for submission of the same which in any case shall not be less than 15 days. In
special cases the Convenor of PACET shall also have the option of obtaining the marks of qualifying
examination of the candidates who have appeared for the PACET from concerned examination Boards.
(iii) The merit list for admission into 5 - year B.Arch. degree course and 4 year B.Plng. degree course shall be
prepared separately.
(iv) For the preparation of merit list, in case of more than one student scoring the same marks at PACET and
qualifying examination put together. the tie shall be resolved to decide the relative rank as follows:
(a) By considering the marks scored in PACET.
(b) If the tie still continues to persists then it shall be resolved by taking into consideration the age of candidate,
giving the older candidate priority.
(v) The following rank lists shall be prepared by the Convener, separately for B.Arch and B.Plng.
(a) State-wide Common Merit List: The list shall include candidates irrespective of whether one belongs to any
category of reservation quota or not.
(b) Region-wise Common Merit List: The list includes candidates belonging to the particular local area
irrespective of whether one belongs to any category of reservation quota or not.
(c) Minority Community Merit Lists : They include merit lists, containing the candidates belonging to the
different Minority Communities arranged in the Merit ranking, both State wide and Region-wise.
(d) Community-wise Merit Lists: There shall be separate. Community-wise merit lists for the Scheduled Castes.
Scheduled Tribes and Back-ward classes Communities, both as State-wide and Region - wise; and
(e) Merit list for other categories of reservations : There shall be separate lists for other categories of reservations
as per the orders in force for physically handicapped, N.C.C. Games and Sports, Children of ex-servicemen and
for women both State-wise and Region-wise.
(vi) Every candidate who has been assigned rank in the merit list shall be issued Rank Card by the Convener.
The Rank Card, among other things shall include the marks obtained in PACET, besides 50% of the aggregate
marks secured by the candidate in the qualifying examination and the rank assigned in the state wide merit,
region-wise merit, Community-wise merit etc.
Rule 6 Constitution of PACET Committee
The competent authority shall constitute the PACET committee to deal with the matters connected with the test.
The Composition of the Committee shall consist of the following:
(i) Chairman, who shall be the Vice- Chancellor of any University nominated by the Competent Authority for
each academic year for the purpose of conducting PACET.
(ii) One representative of each of the University, to be nominated by the Competent Authority in consultation
with the Vice-Chancellor Concerned.
(iii) The Commissioner and Director of Technical Education, Andhra Pradesh or his nominee not below the rank
of Joint Director.
(iv) Representative of Higher Education Department in Government dealing with Technical Education, not
below the rank of Joint Secretary.
(v) One representative of Andhra Pradesh State Council of Higher Education nominated by the Competent
(vi) Convener of the Entrance Test of the preceding year.
(vii) Convener, who should be the rank of a Professor of the University concerned be appointed by the competent
authority in consultation with Chairman of the PACET committee.
(viii) On Principal/Director, of a private Architecture and/or Planning college to be nominated by the competent
authority for each academic year by turn.
(ix) Secretary, State Board of Technical Education and Training, Andhra Pradesh.
Rule 7 Functions of the PACET Committee
The PACET Committee shall take decisions on the following issues relating to the PACET.
(a) Cost of the application and Registration fee to be collected from the candidates of PACET.
(b) Norms for the payment of remuneration for different items/services under taken in connection with PACET
(c) Date of announcement of results.
(d) Such other issues as may be referred by the Chairman of the committee and competent authority.
Rule 8 Functions of the Chairman of the PACET Committee
The Chairman of the Committee:
(a) shall preside over all the meeti'ngs of the committee and in his absence, he may nominate one of the
members' of the committee to preside over the meetings.
(b) shall appoint paper setters, moderators for the PACET and decide upon the printing press or presses where
the confidential material of the Test shall be printed.
(c) may appoint a competent officer to assist the Convener.
Rule 9 Functions of the Convener of the PACET Committee
The Convener of the PACET shall, subject to such directions as may be issued by the Chairman discharge his
duties in the matters relating to the PACET. The Convener, is specifically responsible for discharging the
following functions:
(a) The printing of application form of PACET.
(b) Issuing the notification inviting application for the Entrance Test.
(c) Sale of application forms and issue of Hall-Tickets.
(d) Appointment of Co-ordinators, Chief Superintendents and Observers of various Test Centers.
(e) Coding and decoding of Response sheets (Answer Scripts).
(f) Appointment of Members of confidential team for valuing answer scripts and preparation of merit lists.
(g) Payment of remuneration for various items/ services utilised for the purpose of PACET.
(h) Maintenance and submission of accounts to the Andhra Pradesh State Council of Higher Education.
(i) Preparation of answers of the question papers through a committee consisting of Professors of Universities
and Teachers of Under Graduate Colleges offering B.Arch., B.Plng. and other related Courses in consultation
with the Chairman.
(j) Publication of results and despatch of Rank Cards to all the candidates.
(k) Such other duties as entrusted by the Chairman.
Rule 10 Funds for the Conduct of the PACET
(a) The amounts that are collected from the candidates towards cost of the application and the examination fee
shall be directly credited into the account of the Secretary, Andhra Pradesh State Council of Higher Education,
(b) The Convener of PACET shall draw advances from the Andhra Pradesh State Council of Higher Education.
Necessary expenditure for items/ services connected with the PACET and submit for audit to the Local Fund
Audit and report thereof be submitted to the Andhra Pradesh State Council of Higher Education.
Rule 11 Planning and Architecture Common Entrance Test
Conducted by Association of Colleges PACET-AC.
(a) Association of Colleges - Formation and its Functions:
(i) There may be a separate Association of Colleges recognized by Andhra Pradesh State Council of Higher
Education representing all the Private Planning and Architecture Colleges as defined in Rule (2)(1)(ii) of these
Rules to conduct PACET- AC.
(ii) The Secretary of Association of Colleges formed for each type of Colleges as in sub-rule (i) above shall
intimate its formation, rules and bye-laws and the names of the office bearers, before a stipulated date, to the
competent authority and Chairman of Permanent Committee.
(iii) The competent authority shall issue notification inviting options from the Managements of all Private
Unaided Professional Colleges for admitting their students either through PACET or PACET-AC.
(iv) The option of choosing, between PACET or PACET-AC shall be exercised by the Managements of the
Private Un-aided Colleges to fill Management seats and shall be intimated in writing before a stipulated date to
the Competent Authority and the Permanent Committee. In case of failure on the part of any management to
exercise their option it shall be construed that they shall admit the candidates into their colleges for the
Management Seats only on the basis of the rank at PACET.
(b) Constitution of Committee of PACET-AC: The Committee of PACET- AC shall be constituted by the
Association of Private Un-Aided Colleges with eminent members and academicians representing the discipline
Included for the test. A member of this committee shall be appointed as Convener of the Committee of PACETAC to discharge functions as assigned by the Committee of PACET-AC.
(c) Functions of Committee of PACET- AC:
(i) PACET-AC shall be conducted in a fair and transparent manner subject to supervision of the Permanent
Committee and it shall submit the proposed question papers, the names of the paper setter and examiners and the
method adopted to ensure papers are not leaked, whenever such information is called for by the Permanent
(ii) The committee of PACET-AC shall preserve the question paper and the answer papers for the period as
indicated by the Permanent Committee.
(iii) The records of an Institution which has been established and which has been permitted to adopt its own
admission procedure for the last, at least, 25 years shall be examined by the permanent Committee and may
permit such an Institute to adopt its own admission procedure.
(iv) PACET-AC shall be conducted in English Medium only and as per the subject and syllabus specified in subrule (vi) of Rule 4 of these rules.
(v) Committee of PACET-AC shall prepare the merit list as specified in Rule 5 of these rules.
(vi) The merit list of the candidates shall be displayed immediately after publication of results by all the
members of Association of Colleges, who have chosen to admit the students based on PACET-AC on their
College Notice Boards.
(vii) The Committee of PACET-AC shall also communicate a copy of the merit list of the candidates forthwith to
the Competent Authority and the Permanent Committee.
(viii) Preparation of the Merit List and assigning rank: The committee of PACET-AC shall follow the same
guidelines as prescribed in Rule 5 of these rules for preparation of Merit List, (common merit list, Region-wise,
Community-wise merit lists etc.) and assigning Rank and for issue of Rank Cards.
Rule 12 Funds for the Conduct of PACET- AC
The amounts that are collected from the candidates towards cost of application and examination fee shall be
utilized to meet the expenditure for items/services connected with the PACET-AC. Accounts shall be subjected
to audit and report thereof shall be submitted to the Competent Authority and Permanent Committee.
Rule 13 Removal of Doubts
If any ambiguity or doubt arises of the interpretation or implementation of these Rules, the decision of the
Chairman of the Committee of PACET or Committee of PACET-AC as the case may be shall be final.
Rule 14 Special Direction from the Government
(i) In the event of any malpractice or leakage of question paper or in any other circumstances leading to the
stopping of PACET as scheduled, the Government may for the reasons to be recorded in writing, direct the
conduct of a re-examination of the PACET. In such an event the Andhra Pradesh State Council of Higher
Education or any other body so nominated by the Government shall cause the PACET Re-examination by
appointing/ non mating such functionaries or committees as considered necessary, without collecting any fees for
such re-examination.
(ii) In respect of PACET-AC the Permanent Committee may issue necessary directions to the Committee of
PACET- AC to conduct re-examination for the reasons to be recorded in writing without collecting any fee for
such re-examination.
ANNEXURE 1 Syllabus for Planning and Architecture Common Entrance Test
Syllabus for Planning and Architecture Common Entrance Test.
The test shall consist of 2 Parts
Candidates seeking admission to 5 - year B.Arch. Degree shall take part-A of the Test and candidates seeking
admission to 4 year B.Plan. Degree shall take Part-B of the Test.
(i) Test-I-Aesthetic Sensitivity
100 Marks - Duration of Test - 2 hours.
(ii) Test-II-Drawing - 100 Marks
- Duration of Test - 2 hours.
Test-I-Aesthetic Sensitivity
Aesthetic Sensitivity is to evaluate candidate's perception, imagination and observation, creativity and
communication; and Architectural awareness.
The test shall comprise of:
(i) Visualising three dimensional objects from two dimensional drawings.
(ii) Visualising different sides of three dimensional object.
(iii) Identifying commonly used materials and objects based on their textural qualities.
(iv) Analytical Reasoning.
(v) Mental Ability.
(vi) Imaginative comprehension and expression.
(vii) Architectural awareness.
The drawing aptitude of the candidate shall be judged on the following aspects:
(i) Ability to sketch a given object proportionately and rendering the same in visually appealing manner.
(ii) Visualizing and drawing the effects of light on the object and shadows cast on the surroundings.
(iii) Sense of perspective drawing.
(iv) Combining and composing given three dimensional elements to form a building or structural form.
(v) Creating interesting two dimensional composition using given shapes or forms.
(vi) Creating visual harmony using colours in given composition.
(vii) Understanding of scale and sense of proportion.
(viii) Drawing from memory through pencil sketch on themes from day to day experiences.
Test is in terms of perception, ability to comprehend, interpret and represent
Planning - 100 marks - Duration of Test - 2 hours
(1) Graphic representation and communication - recognition and identification of symbols, graphic
(2) Pattern recognition - numerical, verbal, geometrical, graphic.
(3) Logical thinking/analytical reasoning - matching concepts to situations, interpreting situations.
(4) Imaginative comprehension and expression - description of situations in cities/town/villages.
(5) Planning and development general knowledge - National and local plans, policies, books, authors, planners.
(6) Community awareness - Income groups, poverty groups and problems, Local governance practices,
community associations and action, community amenities.
(7) Geography - Indian, A.P.State -physical, economic, political.
(8) Environment and Public Health -Indian, and A.P.State, problems, concerns, issues - sanitation, environmental
impacts of economic activities.
(9) Quantitative abilities - numerical, geometrical.
(10) Scientific thinking - Fundamental principles and laws of physics. chemistry, biology - 'Scientific method'.
Andhra Pradesh Engineering Common Entrance Test for diploma holders for admission into B.E.,
B.Tech. and B.Pharm Courses Rules, 2004
In exercise of the powers conferred by Section 3 and 15 of the Andhra Pradesh Educational Institutions
(Regulation of Admission and Prohibition of Capitation Fee) Act, 1983 (Andhra Pradesh Act 5 of 1983) and in
supercession of the Andhra Pradesh Engineering common Entrance Test for Diploma Holders (ECET-FDH)
Rules, 2003 issued in G.O.Ms.No. 15, Education (EC) Department, dated 15th March, 2003 and as amended
subsequently the Governor of Andhra Pradesh hereby makes the following Rules for the conduct of Engineering
Common Entrance Test. (1) For lateral admission through Common Entrance Test into 2nd year regular B.E. and
B.Tech Courses in All India Council for Technical Education approved Un-Aided Private Professsional
institutions (Minority and non-Minority). (2) For admission through Common Entrance Test into 1st year
Regular B.E. and B.Tec. Courses in University Engineering Colleges for the seats specifically earmarked for
Diploma holders. (3) For lateral admission through Common Entrance Test into 2nd year Regular B.Pharmacy
Courses in both University and private un-Aided professional/Institutions (Minority and Non-Minority) approved
by Pharmacy Council of India.
Rule 1 Short Title, Commencement and applicability
(i) These rules may be called the "Andhra Pradesh Engineering Common Entrance Test for diploma holders for
admission into B.E., B.Tech. and B.Pharm Courses Rules, 2004."
(ii) They shall apply to all Engineering, Pharmacy Courses for admission into regular B.E., B.Tech and B.Pharm
Courses in All India Council for Technical Education, Pharmacy Council of India approved Institutions.
(iii) They shall come into force with immediate effect.
Rule 2 Definitions
(1) In these rules, unless the context otherwise requires;
(i) "Act" means the Andhra Pradesh Educational Institutions (Regulation of Admission and Prohibition of
Capitation Fee) Act, 1983. (Andhra Pradesh Act No 5 of 1983).
(ii) "Association of Colleges" means the Association of the Un-Aided Minority Professional Colleges formed for
the purpose of conducting Engineering Common Entrance Test referred to in sub-rule (x) and recognised by
A.P.State Council of Higher Education consisting of Management representatives.
(iii) "Chairman" means the Vice- Chancellor of any University in the State nominated by the Competent
Authority for each academic year for conducting and discharging the functions as specified relating to Under
Graduate Engineering, Pharmacy Courses through Engineering Common Entrance Test for Diploma Holders.
(iv) "Committee of ECET-FDH" means the committee empowered to conduct (ECET-FDH) and to prepare the
merit list of the candidates as per the marks obtained in the above test for enabling admission into Convener
Seats and Management Seats in the Colleges which agree to make admission based on ranking in ECET-FDH
into Under Graduate Engineering and Pharmacy Courses.
(v) "Committee of ECET-FDH-AC" means the committee empowered by the Association of the Un-Aided
Minority Professional Colleges to conduct ECET-FDH-AC for admission of Diploma Holders into 2nd year of
Engineering and Pharmacy Courses and to prepare the merit lists of the candidates as per the marks obtained in
the above test for admission into management seats in Engineering and Pharmacy Courses, subject to the
supervision of the permanent committee.
(vi) "Competent authority" means the Chairman of the Andhra Pradesh State Council of Higher Education.
(vii) "Convener" means the authority/ officer appointed by the Competent Authority in consultation with
Chairman for conducting the Engineering Common Entrance Test for Diploma holders and for performing such
other functions relating to the said test as entrusted to him by the Competent Authority.
(viii) "Convener Seats" means the seats earmarked from out of the sanctioned Intake of seats in each institution
to be filled by the Convener.
(ix) "Engineering Common Entrance test for Diploma Holders" (herein after called ECET-FDH) means
examination conducted for assigning ranks on merit to the candidates which will be the basis for admission into
B.E., B.Tech and B.Pha Courses in All India Council for Technical Education/ Pharmacy Council of India
approved institutions for Diploma Holders.
(x) "Engineering Common Entrance test for Diploma Holders conducted by Association of Colleges" (herein
after called as ECET-FDH-AC). means examination conducted for assigning ranks on merit to the candidates
which will be the basis for admission of candidates to the extent of seats provided for the Managements of UnAided Minority Professional Colleges into 2nd year B.E.. B.Tech and B.Pharm Courses in All India Council for
Technical Education/Pharmacy Council of India approved institutions for Diploma Holders.
(xi) "Management Seats" means the seats earmarked from out of the sanctioned intake of seats to be filled by the
Management of the Private Un-Aided Minority Professional Engineering and Pharmacy Colleges earmarked for
diploma holders for lateral entry into 2nd year including the seats earmarked for concerned Minority candidates
in Minority Colleges offering Engineering and Pharmacy Courses.
(xii) "Permanent Committee" means the committee constituted by the Government to ensure that the ECETFDH-AC conducted by the Association of Colleges is fair and transparent.
(xiii) "Qualified Candidate" means the candidate who has appeared for the ECET-FDH/ECET-FDH-AC and has
been assigned rank in the common merit list and has the eligibility as per the criteria laid down under Rule 3.
(xiv) "Qualifying Examination" means the examination of the minimum qualification prescribed, appearance or
passing of which entitles one to seek entry into the relevant courses as laid down under Rule 3.
(xv) "State Council" means the Andhra Pradesh State Council of Higher Education constituted under Andhra
Pradesh State Council of Higher Education Act, 1988 (Andhra Pradesh Act 16 of 1988).
(xvi) "University" means the University concerned in which the particular courses are offered.
(2) Words and expressions used but not defined in these rules shall have the same meaning assigned to them
under the Andhra Pradesh Educational Institutions (Regulation of Admission and Prohibition of Capitation Fee)
Act, 1983 (Andhra Pradesh Act 5 of 1983).
Rule 3 Eligibility Criteria for appearing the ECET-FDH/ECET-FDH-AC
Candidates satisfying the following requirements shall be eligible to appear for ECET-FDH/ECET- FDH-AC.
(i) Candidates should be of India Nationality.
(ii) Candidates should belong to the State of Andhra Pradesh. The candidates should satisfy local/non-local status
requirements as laid down in the Andhra Pradesh Educational Institutions (Regulation of Admission) Order,
1974 as subsequently amended.
(iii) Candidates should have obtained a Diploma in Engineering and Technology/Pharmacy from the State Board
of Technical Education of Andhra Pradesh State or any other Diploma recognised by the Government of Andhra
Pradesh as equivalent thereto for admission into the relevant B.E., B.Tech and B.Pharmacy courses into the
Courses corresponding to the Diplomas as given in the Annexure to this order.
(iv) Candidates who are pursuing a Diploma course under sandwich pattern shall be eligible for entry into the
relevant B.E., B.Tech and B.Pharmacy courses provided they have completed the practical training for the
sandwich course before close of Counselling for entry into the relevant course.
Rule 4 The Engineering Common Entrance Test (Ecet-FDH)
(i) The ECET-FDH shall be conducted by the Convener, and shall be held on such date and centers as may be
specified by the ECET-FDH Committee.
(a) The Convener of ECET-FDH shall give a notification in the widely circulated daily News Papers as decided
by the Committee of ECET- FDH calling for the applications in the prescribed form from the candidates
satisfying eligibility criteria as laid down in Rule 3. The advertisement, among other things, shall indicate the
cost of application fee payable, entrance test fee payable, the last date for receipt of the filled in applications and
the date of conduct of the entrance test.
(b) The date of the entrance test as notified above shall not be revised with out the prior permission of the
(iii) The syllabus for the Entrance test shall be as specified by the committee of ECET-FDH from time to time.
(iv) The Medium of ECET-FDH shall be English only.
(v) The qualifying marks in the Entrance Test for general category of candidates shall be 30% of the aggregate
marks. However, there shall be no minimum qualifying marks in respect of candidates belonging to the
Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes.
(vi) No requests for re-totaling or revaluation or personal identification of the answer scripts of the Entrance Test
shall be entertained.
(vii) Mere appearance at the Entrance Test does not automatically entitle a candidate to be considered for entry
into any course unless the candidate satisfies the requirement of eligibility as laid down under Rule 3 and other
criteria laid down in the Rules for Admission that shall be issued separately.
(viii) If any ambiguity or doubt arises in the interpretation or implementation of any of the Rules, the decision of
Chairman shall be final.
(ix) The Entrance Test Fee, to be collected from the students desirous of appearing for Entrance test shall be as
prescribed by the Entrance Test Committee from time to time.
Rule 5 Subjects for Common Entrance Test
(i) Engineering:
(a) The subjects in which the Common Entrance Test shall be conducted and the maximum marks allotted to
each of them shall be as detailed below:
(i) Mathematics 50 Marks
(ii) Physics
25 Marks
(iii) Chemistry 25 Marks
(iv) Engineering 100 Marks
(b) The candidate seeking entry in any particular course shall have to appear in Mathematics, Physics and
Chemistry and the relevant Engineering papers.
(c) Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry subjects shall be common for all the Engineering disciplines.
(ii) Pharmacy: For Pharmacy the Common Entrance Test shall be for 200 marks based on the subjects studied in
Diploma in Pharmacy.
Rule 6 Preparation of the Merit List and Assigning ranks in ECET (FDH)
The Convener shall observe the following rules in preparing the merit list and assigning the rank separately for
Engineering and Pharmacy.
(i) The candidates who have secured qualifying marks in the Entrance Test and the candidates belonging to the
Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe communities to whom qualifying marks have not been prescribed, shall be
assigned the rank in the order of merit on the basis of the aggregate marks obtained. An integrated rank taking all
branches of Engineering/ Technology into consideration shall also be generated.
(ii) In case of a tie in the aggregate marks, marks obtained in Engineering Paper and Incase of a further tie again,
marks obtained in Mathematics, Physics and chemistry in the order shall be taken into account to decide relative
rank. In case of Pharmacy, marks obtained in qualifying examination shall be taken into account to resolve the
(iii) In the case of candidates getting equal marks in each of the above subjects they shall be bracketed for
purpose of award of rank and at the time of admissions, age shall be taken into consideration for relative rank
among the bracketed candidates and the older candidates shall be given priority.
(iv) The following rank lists shall be prepared by the Convener separately for Engineering and Pharmacy.
(a) State-wide Common Merit List: The list shall include candidates irrespective of whether one belongs to any
category of reservation quota or not, basing on the marks obtained in the ECET-FDH.
(b) Integrated Merit List for entry into IT and other relevant Courses.
(c) Region-wise Common Merit List: The list includes candidates belonging to the particular local area
irrespective of whether one belongs to any category of reservation quota or not basing on the marks obtained in
the ECET- FDH.
(d) Minority Community Merit Lists: They include merit lists, containing the candidates belonging to the
different Minority Communities arranged in the Merit ranking assigned in the ECET-FDH, both State wide and
(e) Community-wise Merit Lists: There shall be separate, Community-wise merit lists for the Scheduled Castes,
Scheduled Tribes and Back-ward classes Communities, both as State-wide and Region-wise; and
(f) Merit list for other categories of reservation: There shall be separate lists for other categories of reservations
as per the orders in force for Physically handicapped, NCC, Games and Sports, Children of ex-servicemen and
for women, both State-wide and Region-wise.
(v) Every candidate who has been assigned rank in the merit list shall be issued Rank Card by the Convener. The
Rank Card, among other things, include the marks obtained in the ECET-FDH and the rank assigned in the state
wide merit, region-wise merit. Integrated Rank, Community-wise merit etc.
Rule 7 Constitution of ECET-FDH Committee
The Competent authority shall constitute the ECET-FDH committee to deal with the matters connected with the
test. The Composition of the Committee shall consist of the following:
(i) Chairman, who shall be the Vice- Chancellor of any University nominated by the competent authority for
each academic year for the purpose of conducting ECET-FDH.
(ii) One representative of each of the University to be nominated by the competent authority in consultation with
the Vice-Chancellor Concerned.
(iii) The Commissioner and Director of Technical Education A.P. or his nominee not below the rank of Joint
(iv) One representative of Andhra Pradesh State Council of Higher Education nominated by the competent
(v) A senior Officer of Education Department not below the rank of Deputy Secretary who deals with the
(vi) Convener of the Entrance Test of the preceding year.
(vii) Convener, who should be the rank of a Professor of the University concerned be appointed by the competent
authority in consultation with Chairman of the ECET-FDH committee.
(viii) One Principal, of a Private Engineering/ Pharmacy College to be nominated by the competent authority for
each academic year by turn.
(ix) Secretary, State Board of Technical Education and Training, Government of A.P. Hyderabad.
Rule 8 Functions of the ECET-FDH Committee
The ECET-FDH Committee shall take decisions on the following issues relating to the ECET-FDH:
(i) Pattern of Question papers.
(ii) Duration of the test.
(iii) Weightage and marks to be assigned to each paper.
(iv) Syllabus content.
(v) Centres for conducting the test.
(vi) Dates of the Test
(vii) Cost of the application and Registration Fee to be collected from the candidates of ECET-FDH.
(viii) Norms for the payment of remuneration for different items/services undertaken in connection with ECETFDH work.
(ix) Date of announcement of results.
(x) Such other issues as may be referred by the Chairman of the committee and competent authority.
Rule 9 Functions of the Chairman of the ECET-FDH Committee
Chairman of the Committee
(i) shall preside over all the meetings of the committee in his absence he may nominate one of the members of
the committee to preside over the meetings.
(ii) shall appoint paper setters, moderators for the ECET-FDH and decide upon the printing press or presses
where the confidential material of the Test shall be printed.
(iii) may appoint a competent officer to assist the Convener.
Rule 10 Functions of the Convener of the ECET-FDH Committee
The Convener of the ECET-FDH shall, subject to such directions as may be issued by the Chairman discharge
his duties in the matters relating to the ECET-FDH. The Convener, is specifically responsible for discharging the
following functions:
(i) The printing of application form of ECET-FDH.
(ii) Issuing the notification inviting application for the Entrance Test
(iii) Sale of application forms and issue of Hall-Tickets.
(iv) Appointment of Co-ordinators, Chief Superintendents and Observers of various Test Centers.
(v) Coding and decoding of Response sheets (Answer Scripts)
(vi) Appointment of Members of confidential team for assisting computer process in valuation of answer scripts
(vii) Payment of remuneration for various items/services utilised for the purpose of ECET-FDH.
(viii) Maintenance and submission of audited accounts to the Andhra Pradesh State Council of Higher Education.
(ix) Publication of results and despatch of Rank cards to the qualified candidates.
(x) Such other duties as entrusted by the Chairman.
Rule 11 Funds for the conduct of the ECET- FDH
(i) The amounts that are collected from the candidates towards cost of the application and the examination fee
shall be directly credited into the account of the Secretary, Andhra Pradesh State Council of Higher Education,
(ii) The Convener shall draw advances from the Andhra Pradesh State Council of Higher Education necessary
expenditure for items/services connected with the ECET-FDH and submit for audit to the Local fund Audit and
report thereof be submitted to the Andhra Pradesh State Council of Higher Education.
Rule 12 Engineering Common Entrance Test for Diploma Holders Conducted by Association of CollegesECET-FDH-AC
(a) Association of Colleges-Formation and its Functions:
(i) There shall be an association of Un-Aided Minority Professional Colleges recognised by Andhra Pradesh
State Council of Higher Education as defined in clause (ii) of Rule 2(1) of these Rules to conduct ECET-FDHAC.
(ii) The Secretary of Association of Un- Aided Minority Professional Colleges formed as in (i) above shall
intimate its formation, rules and bye-laws and the names of the office bearers, before a stipulated date, to the
competent authority and Chairman of Permanent Committee.
(iii) The competent authority shall communicate, inviting options from the Managements of all Un-Aided
Minority Professional Colleges for admitting their students either through ECET-FDH or ECET-FDH- AC.
(iv) The option of choosing, between ECET-FDH or ECET-FDH-AC shall be exercised by the Managements of
the Un-Aided Minority Professional colleges to fill Management seats and shall be intimated in writing before a
stipulated date to the Competent Authority and the permanent committee. In case of failure on the part of any
management to exercise their option it shall be construed that they shall admit the candidates into their colleges
for the Management Seats only on the basis of the rank at ECET-FDH conducted by the Convener, in which case
the convener for admission will approve the above admissions.
Rule 13 Constitution of Committee of ECET-FDH-AC
The Committee of ECET-FDH- AC shall be constituted by the Association of Un-Aided Private Professional
Colleges with eminent members and academicians representing all the disciplines included for the test. A
member of this committee shall be appointed as Convener of the Committee of ECET-FDH-AC to discharge
functions as assigned by the Committee of ECET-FDH- AC.
Rule 14 Functions of Committee of ECET-FDH-AC
(i) ECET-FDH-AC shall be conducted in a fair and transparent manner subject to supervision of the permanent
committee and it shall submit the proposed question papers, the names of the paper setter and examiners and the
method adopted to ensure papers are not leaked, whenever such information is called for by the permanent
(ii) The committee of ECET-FDH-AC shall preserve the question paper and the answer papers for the period as
indicated by the Permanent Committee.
(iii) The records of an Institution which has been established and which has been permitted to adopt its own
admission procedure for the last, at least, 25 years shall be examined by the Permanent Committee and may
permit such an Institute to adopt its own admission procedure.
(iv) After holding ECET-FDH-AC and declaration of Results of ECET-FDH- AC , each member college of
Association of Colleges shall immediately display the merit lists on the notice Board of all colleges which have
chosen to admit Students on the basis of rank obtained at ECET-FDH-AC.
(v) Committee of ECET-FDH-AC shall also communicate a copy of the merit list forthwith to the competent
authority and the Permanent Committee.
(vi) Committee of ECET-FDH-AC shall follow the same guidelines as prescribed in Rule 4, Rule 5 and Rule 6 of
these Rules for conduct of test, minimum qualifying mark etc., for declaration of results and assigning merit
(vii) Preparation of the Merit List and assigning rank: The committee of ECET-FDH-AC shall follow the
guidelines prescribed in Rule 6 under these Rules in preparing the merit list and assigning the rank, tie break in
case of more than one candidate scoring the same marks at ECET-FDH-AC, preparation of Rank lists and
issuing of Rank Cards.
Rule 15 Funds for the conduct of ECET- FDH-AC
The amounts that are collected from the candidates towards cost of application and examination fee shall be
utilized to meet the expenditure for items/ services connected with the ECET-FDH-AC. Accounts shall be
subjected to audit and report thereof shall be submitted to the competent authority and Permanent Committee.
Rule 16 Special Direction from the Government
(i) In the event of any malpractice or leakage of question paper or in any other circumstances leading to the
stopping of ECET-FDH as scheduled, the Government may for the reasons to be recorded in writing, direct to
conduct of a re-examination of the ECET-FDH. In such an event the Andhra Pradesh State Council of Higher
Education or any other body so nominated by the Government shall cause the ECET-FDH Re-examination to be
conducted by appointing/ nominating such functionaries or committees as considered necessary, without levying
any extra charge from the candidates for this purpose.
(ii) In respect of ECET-FDH-AC. the permanent committee constituted, may issue necessary directions to the
committee of ECET-FDH-AC to conduct re-examination for the reasons to be recorded in writing without
collecting any fees for such re-examination.
RULES, 2005
In exercise of the powers conferred by of Section 3 read with Section 15 of the Andhra Pradesh Educational
Institutions (Regulation of Admission and Prohibition of Capitation Fee) Act, 1983 (Andhra Pradesh Act No. 5
of 1983), and in supercession of all the rules in force on the subject, the Governor of Andhra Pradesh hereby
makes the following Rules relating to admission of students into B.Ed, course offered in various private aided
and un-aided minority Colleges of Education in the State through Common Entrance Test.
Rule 1 Short title, applicability and commencement
(a) These Rules may be cailed the Andhra Pradesh Private Minority (Aided/Unaided) Colleges of Education
(Regulation of Admissions into B.Ed. Course through Common Entrance Test), Rules, 2005.
(a) They shall apply for selection and allotment of candidates for admission into all Private Aided/ Un-Aided
Minority Colleges of Education offering B.Ed. Course in the State.
(b) They shall come into force with effect from the academic year 2004-2005.
Rule 2 Definitions
(1) In these rules, unless the contest otherwise requires;
(i) "Act" means the Andhra Pradesh Educational Institutions (Regulation of Admission and Prohibition of
Capitation Fee) Act, 1983 (Andhra Pradesh Act No. 5 of 1983)
(ii) "Common Entrance Test (Ed. CET)" means the test conducted by Government for assigning merit ranking to
students which will be the basis for admission of students into the B.Ed, course offered in various Colleges of
Education in the State.
(iii) "Common Entrance Test-AC (Ed.CET-Ac)" means the test conducted by the Association of Colleges of
Education under Private. Management for admission of students into the B.Ed course offered in various Private
Colleges of Education under Management Quota as per their option.
(iv) "Committee of Entrance Test" means the committee empowered to conduct EdCET for B.Ed. Course and to
prepare the merit list of the candidates as per the marks obtained in the above test for Admission into Convenor
seats and Management seats in Colleges which agree to make admissions based on ranking in EdCET for B.Ed.
(v) "Competent Authority" means the Chairman of the Andhra Pradesh State Council of Higher Education.
(vi) "Convenor" means the authority/ officer nominated by the competent authority, not below the rank of a
Professor/Regional Joint Director (RJD), School Education Dept., for the conduct of Ed.CET and also to make
allotment of candidates for admission into B.Ed Course in all the Colleges of Education in the State.
(vii) "Convenor Seats" means the seats earmarked from out of the sanctioned intake of seats in each institution to
be filled by the Convenor.
(viii) "Local Area" means the territorial jurisdiction prescribed for identifying the local candidate.
(ix) "Local Candidate" means the candidates in relation to the local area as specified in Annexure-1
(x) "Management Seats" means the seats earmarked from out of the sanctioned intake of seats to be filled by the
Management of the Private Aided/Un-Aided Minority Colleges of Education including the Management seats
earmarked for concerned Minority candidates.
(xi) "Permanent Committee" means the committee constituted by the Government to ensure that the EdCET-AC
conducted by the Association of Colleges of Education is fair and transparent.
(xii) "Qualified Candidate" means the candidate who has appeared for the EdCET/EdCET-AC and has been
assigned rank in the common merit list and has the eligibility as per the criteria laid down in Rule 3.
(xiii) "Qualifying Examination" means the examination of the minimum qualification prescribed for
appearance/passing of which entitles one to seek admission into the B.Ed. Course as laid down in Rule 3.
(xiv) "State Council" means the Andhra Pradesh State Council of Higher Education constituted under Andhra
Pradesh State Council of Higher Education Act, 1988 (Andhra Pradesh Act 16 of 1988).
(xv) "University" means the University concerned in which the particular courses are offered.
(2) Words and Expressions used but not defined in these rules shall have the same meaning assigned to them
under the Andhra Pradesh Educational Institutions (Regulation of Admission and Prohibition of Capitation Fee)
Act, 1983 (Andhra Pradesh Act 5 of 1983).
Rule 3 Eligibility Criteria for Admission
The eligibility criteria for admission into B.Ed. Courses shall be as mentioned below:
(i) The candidates should be of Indian nationality and should satisfy the Local/Non-Local status requirements as
laid down in the Andhra Pradesh Educational Institutions (Regulation of Admissions) Order, 1974 as
subsequently amended.
(ii) The candidates should have obtained a Degree from any recognized university in India.
(iii) The candidates who have passed the qualifying examination i.e., B.A./ B.Sc./B.Com/B.Sc (Home Science)/
BCA/BBM with an aggregate of 45% marks and above in Part-II (group subjects) are alone eligible. However, in
case of SC/ST candidates a mere pass is sufficient.
(iv) The candidates possessing B.E./ B.Tech./M.B.B.S./Ag.B.Sc./BVSC/ BHMT/B.Pharmacy Degree and such
other professional and job oriented Degree like LLB are not eligible for admission into B.Ed. courses,
Candidates possessing Master Degree without undergraduate Study are also not eligible for admission.
(v) Candidates should have obtained a merit rank either at EdCET or EdCET-AC conducted for the academic
year concerned and should satisfy the eligibility qualifications prescribed as below for each methodology.
B.A./B.Sc with Mathematics as one of the group subjects and BCA candidates with Mathematics at Intermediate
level in optional Mathematics stream
Physical Sciences
Candidates with B.Sc., who have studied Physics and Chemistry OR allied material sciences under Part-II group
subjects. BCA candidates with Physical Sciences (Physics and Chemistry) at Intermediate level as group subjects
Biological Sciences
candidates with B.Sc/B.Sc (Home Science) who have studied Botany and Zoology OR allied life science under
Part-II group subjects and BCA students with Biological Sciences background at Intermediate with Optional
Social Studies
All candidates with B.A./B.Com/B.B.M/B.C.A students with Social Sciences background at Intermediate level
as group subjects.
(a) Candidates belonging to "OC" and "BC" communities shall secure 35% marks (53/150) in common entrance
test to become eligible for admission. However there shall be no minimum qualifying marks in respect of SC/ST
candidates for allotment of seats under their own respective categories. Also there shall be no minimum
qualifying marks in respect of women candidates who appeared for Mathematics/Physical Science subject for
allotment of Seat,
(b) However, the candidates belonging to SC/ST communities and women candidates who appeared for
Mathematics/Physical Science subject in EdCET, shall secure the minimum qualifying marks of 35% i.e., 53
marks out of 150 in the EdCET/EdCET-AC to claim a seat under NCC/SP/PHC/CAP quota.
(vii) Candidates should have completed the age of 19 years as on 1st July of the year in which notification is
issued. There shall be no maximum age limit.
Rule 4 Method of Admissions
The following guidelines shall be applicable to both the Private Aided/Un-Aided Minority Colleges of
(i) Mere appearance at the common entrance test and obtaining a rank does not entitle a candidate to, be
considered for admission automatically into any subject (methodology)/ institution unless he/she also satisfies
the rules and regulations of the admissions prescribed by the concerned University/Government including marks
to be obtained in the qualifying examination.
(ii) The admissions shall be made in the order of merit on the basis of the rank assigned in the Common Entrance
Test EdCET (Ed. CET) Common Entrance Test-AC (Ed. CET-AC) and to the extent of intake capacity.
(iii) The minority institutions shall admit the candidates as selected and allotted by the "Convener" under
Convener seats as prescribed in these Rules.
(iv) The percentage of number of candidates to be admitted In each methodology (subject) in the Institutions
shall be as follows: (a) Mathematics 30% (b) Physical Sciences 15% (c) Biological Sciences 25% (d) Social
Studies 30% (v) The methodology-wise percentages should be followed strictly as prescribed above for-all the
seats either to be allotted by the Convener, EdCET, or to be filled by the managements under management seats.
(vi) For arriving at the number of seats under 15% management quota, the fraction above 0.5 only should be
taken as (1) and fraction of 0.5 and below should be ignored.
(vii) Minority status of a candidate who is seeking admission in Private Aided/ Un-aided Minority Colleges of
Education, shall be decided as per the orders Issued by Minority Welfare Department from time to time.
Rule 5 Aided-Minority Colleges of Education
(i) The management of private aided minority colleges shall admit the candidates to the extent of 70%,
methodology-wise belonging to concerned minority community, who are eligible and qualified in common
entrance - test conducted by Government(Ed.CET) or Common Entrance Test conducted by Association of
Managements of Colleges of Education (EdCET-AC) as per the option already exercised by them with the
Permanent Committee.
(ii) If seats are vacant in any methodology due to non-availability of minority candidates, such vacant seats may
be filled with the Minority candidates belonging to other methodology as per merit in EdCET/EdCET-AC (As
per the option exercised already) with prior permission of the Regional Joint Director of School Education
concerned duly producing all relevant records.
(iii) The remaining 30% of the seats shall be filled by the Convener EdCET from the common merit list of
EdCET as per rules.
Rule 6 Un-aided Minority Colleges of Education
(1) 55% - Management Seats - to be filled with Minority candidates only The management of private un-aided
Minority Colleges of Education shall admit the candidates to the extent of 55% of intake belonging to concerned
minority community who are eligible and qualified in Common Entrance Test conducted by Government
(EdCET) or common entrance Test conducted by Association of Managements of Colleges of Education
(EdCET-AC) as per the option already exercised by them with the Permanent Committee.
(a) The admissions to the "55% Management seats" shall be methodology wise as per merit ranking among the
Minority candidates applied to the college duly following the transparent method prescribed in the rules.
(b) the existing rules of reservation for special categories i.e., NCC/Sports/ CAP/PHC/PHC and Women are to be
followed as prescribed in the rules.
(c) If seats are vacant in any methodology due to non-availability of minority candidates in that methodology,
such vacant seats shall be filled with the Minority candidates belonging to other methodology as per merit with
prior permission of Regional Joint Director of School Education Concerned duly producing all relevant records.
(d) Still, if the management is unable to get sufficient number of concerned minority candidates, such seats can
be filled with non-minority candidates who are qualified in the EdCET/EdCET-AC, (As per the option exercised
already) duly following the merit and rules of reservation with prior approval of the Regional Joint Director of
School Education concerned. However, the provisions of G.O.Ms.No. 1, Minorities Welfare (MandR),
Department, dated 16-01-2004 has to be fulfilled if the minority status of the College is to be retained
(e) 85% of the seats covered under "55% Management seats" in each methodology shall be allocated to the local
candidates and remaining 15% of the seats shall be unreserved for which Andhra University, Osmania
University, Sri Venkateswara University local candidates and non-local candidates of Andhra Pradesh can
compete in combined merit order of concerned minority.
(ii) 15% - Management Seats - to be filled with Minority or Non-Minority candidates The Management shall fill
15 % of seats with eligible and qualified candidates as per merit in EdCET/EdCET-AC (As per the option
exercised already)
(iii) 30% - Convener Seats - to be filled by the Convener The remaining 30% of seats shall be filled by the
Convener, EdCET from the common merit list of EdCET as per Rules.
Rule 7 Admission Process to fill up the Convener's seats
(i) An Admission Committee shall be constituted with the following members to advise the Convener in the
matter relating to admissions and on such other matters necessary for smooth conduct of admissions.
(1) Chairman, Andhra Pradesh State Council of Higher Education, Hyderabad (Chairman of the Admission
(2} Secretary. Andhra Pradesh State Council of Higher Education, Hyderabad.
(3) Convener of Admissions (Member Convener) who shall be the convener-EdCET.
(4) Software Specialist in Computer/ On-Line systems of admissions nominated by the State Council.
(5) Two nominees of the Universities as nominated by the State Council of Higher Education, Hyderabad.
(6) Commissioner of Technical Education or his nominee.
(7) Commissioner of School Education or his nominee.
(8) Special invitees nominated by the State Council of Higher Education, Hyderabad
(ii) The Convener (admissions) shall adopt On-Line computerised system of counselling either by following
Centralised or Decentralised counselling at various centers for the convenience of the candidates and shall
prepare the seat matrix of the University/Government/Private colleges for which he will be conducting
admissions. He shall prepare the programme of schedule for admissions and shall make all the necessary
arrangements for Notification Manpower, admission venues, scrurity staff, fee collection, Networking facilities
for On-Line counselling at various centers, mobillzatior of software etc., in consultation with the Admission
(iii) Private Minority colleges or it managements shall not call for application for admission separately or
individually for the Convene/s seats under any circumstances.
(iv) Candidates shall be cafied for counselling and provisional allotment of subjects (methodologies)/ institutions
shall be made in order of merit assigned at Common Entrance Test following the rules of reservations issued by
the Government from time to time and such allotment is only provisional.
(v) The selection and allotment of candidates for various subjects (methodologies)/institutions in respect of
Private minority colieges shall be solely on the basis of merit as adjudged by the rank obtained in the entrance
test subject to condition that the candidate should have passed the qualifying examination and secured the
required marks in the group subjects as stipulated in the admission rules.
(vi) Admission shall be made in accordance with the instructions contained in G.O.Ms.No. 550, Education (EC2) Department, dated 30-07-2001.
(vii) Once, a candidate secures admission to a particular subject (methodology)/ institution based on his/her
option, no more claim for admission into other colleges be entertained except as ordered by the Convener,
(viii) The candidate admitted in private aided minority college shall pay tuition fee, special fee and other fee if
any at the time of admission, as prescribed per annum by the Government.
(ix) The candidates admitted in Private Un-Aided Colleges (Minority) shall pay tuition fees, special fees and
other fees, if any, as approved by the fee committee.
(x) The Convener, EdCET shall prepare the final list of candidates admitted subject wise (methodology wise)
and institution wise and send the same to various universities to which the private colleges are affiliated and also
to the Regional Joint Director of School Educations concerned.
(xi) The Convener, EdCET in consultation with the Admission committee shall fix the cut off dates for each
stage of admissions.
(xii) All the candidates called for counselling shall produce the specified original Certificates along with the duly
attested photocopies and the Convener (admissions) shall be entitled to cause verification of all the Certificates
produced by the candidates,
(xiii) The Chairman of Admission Committee is the competent authority to clarify any doubts and his decision is
final with regard to interpretation of the rules mentioned in various orders pertaining to admissions.
Rule 8 Admission process to fill up Management Seats in Minority Colleges
The following transparency measures shall be followed for filling up Management seats of 55% /70% seats by
the Managements of unaided/Aided Minority Colleges of Education respectively.
(i) The Directorof School Education shall issue admission schedule to nake admission in Private Aided and OnAided Minority Colleges of Education.
(ii) Subsequently, a notification is to be issued by the management in the local newspapers (at least in two
Newspapers) duly mentioning the number of seats available methodology wise inviting applications from the
candidates eligible and qualified in EdCET/EdCET-AC as per the option already exercised. Copies of
notification should be submitted to the District Educational Officer concerned.
(iii) The Managements of Minority Colleges of Education shall supply application forms to the candidates in
duplicate. The list of certificates to be submitted along with the application should be mentioned clearly in the
application form. The application forms shall also indicate the CET option (EdCET/ EdCET-AC) exercised by
the Management.
(iv) The Managements of minority colleges of education shall also make application forms available in the
concerned District Education Officer's Office.
(v) The candidates have to submit the original applications in the college and duplicate applications in the
respective, District Education Officer's Qffice.
(vi) Acknowledgement should be issued to the applicants by the management duly verifying whether the
candidate has submitted all the Certificates required along with the application and if any Certificate is not
enclosed the candidate should be advised to submit the application along with the required Certificate, which is
not enclosed. In respect of the applications submitted along with all the required Certificates acknowledgement
should be given on the spot at the time of submission instead of sending by post at a later date.
(vii) After the last date for receipt of the applications the District Education Officers concerned shall prepare the
total list of all the applicants and shall forward the applications along with the list to the college under proper
(viii) The college shall prepare the merit list making into account all the applications ie., forwarded by the
District Education Officer and also received in the college. The merit list has to be submitted to the District
Education Officer concerned who shall verify and enture that all the applications sent by him are included in the
merit list,
(ix) The merit list should be displayed at the college. District Education Officer's Office concerned and also on
www. by the District Education Office concerned one week before the admission of the
candidates in the following proforma.
(x) Regarding admission of the candidates to the special categories i.e. NCC/ Sports and Games/PHC/CAP the
certificates have to be got verified, and confirmed by the respective authorities as mentioned in this G.O. vide
Annexures II to V to this rules.
(xi) The minority status of the candidates should be determined as per the provisions in the Rule 4(7) of these
(xii) The following aspects shall be verified by the District Educational Officer concerned before approving the
list of provisionally selected candidates for admission.
(a) Whether merit order has been followed.
(b) Eligibility of candidates as per eligibility criteria laid down,
(c) Whether methodology wise percentage has been followed.
(d) Whether Rules of Reservation wherever applicable have been followed.
(xiii) The first list of candidates provisionally selected methodology wise should be displayed on the notice
board and also at the office of the District Educational Officer concerned and also made available on
wwe.apponline.goy, in The candidates should be informed telegraphically well in advance.
(xiv) In case all the candidates selected have not reported for taking admission on the scheduled date, the unfilled seats may be filled up through 2nd and 3rd lists respectively as per rules strictly.
(xv) Even if in the 3rd list also if all the seats could not be filled they should be filled through spot admissions on
the scheduled date issued by the Regional Joint Director of School Education concerned.
(xvi) Management shall not reject the application on flimsy grounds or small rectifiable mistakes. Opportunity
should be given to the candidate for rectifying the mistakes.
Rule 9 Approval of Admissions
The admissions made by the managements of private aided and unaided minority colleges of Education under
Management Seats shall be got approved by the competent authority i.e., Andhra Pradesh State Council of
Higher Education (APSCHE) duly submitting all the relevant records as called for on the date prescribed.
Rule 10 Reservation of Seats For SC/ST/ BC Communities
(i) 15% of the seats in each methodology (subject) shall be reserved for the candidates belonging to Scheduled
Caste. If qualified Scheduled Caste candidates are not available in a local area then the vacancies available in
that local area shall be allotted to the SC category candidates of other local areas in the order of merit.
(ii) 6% of the seats in each methodology (subject) shall be reserved for the candidates belonging to Scheduled
Tribes. If qualified Schedule Tribe candidates are not available in a local area then the vacancies available in that
local area shall be allotted to the same category candidates (ST candidates) of other local areas in the order of
merit. If the seats reserved for Scheduled Tribe candidates are still vacant after exhausting all the candidates in
the merit list then they shall be allotted in the merit order to the Scheduled Caste candidates of the respective
regions and vice versa. If qualified candidates belonging to Scheduled castes and Scheduled Tribe communities
are not available in all the regions then the left over seats reserved for them shall be treated as unreserved seats
and shall be filled by the candidates of the general pool of the respective local areas.
(iii) 25% of the seats in each methodology (subject) shall be reserved for the candidates belonging to Backward
Classes and shall be allocated among the four groups of Backward Classes as shown below: BC-A : 7%; BC-B :
10%; BC-C : 1%; BC-D : 7% If qualified candidates belonging to Backward class of a particular group are not
available, the left over seats can be adjusted for the candidates of the next group in the cyclic order. If qualified
candidates belonging to Backward classes are not available to fill up the 25% of the seats reserved for them in a
particular local area, the left over seats shall be treated as unreserved and shall be filed up with the candidates of
the general pool of the same local area.
(iv) No candidate seeking reservation for admission under the above categories be allowed to participate in the
counselling for admission unless he/ she produces the integrated community certificate prescribed by the
Government and issued by the revenue authorities vide G.O.Ms. No. 58 Social Welfare (J) Department, dt. 1205-1997.
Rule 11 Reservation for Special Categories (NCC/Sports/CAP/PH)
Seats shall also be reserved in each methodology (subject) in an institution for the following categories to the
extent indicated against them.
(1) National Cadet Corps (NCC): 1% (One percent) for national Cadet Corps candidates possessing "C", "B" and
"A" certificates. Candidates holding "C" certificate shall be given priority over "B" certificate holders and "B"
certificate holders over "A" certificate holders. Priorities under NCC are given in Annexure-II.
(ii) Sports and Games (SP): 1% (One Percent) for Games and Sports candidates. Priorities under Sports and
Games are given in Annexure-III. (iii) Children of Armed Persons (CAP): 3% (Three percent) for the Children of
Armed person i.e., Ex-Service men, Defence Personnel including the children of Border Security Forces and
Central Reserve Police residing in Andhra Pradesh for a minimum period of 5 years. Priorities under CAP are
given in Annexure-IV (iv) Physically Handicapped (PH): There shall be 3% (three percent) horizontal
reservation in each category (OC/BC/SC/ST) for Visually Handicapped/Hearing Impaired/ Orthopaedically
Handicapped candidates (each 1%) Guidelines for priorities under PHC are given in Annexure-V. (v) (a) If
qualified candidates belonging to NCC/SP/CAP categories are not available, the left over seats shall be filled up
with the candidates of general pool of the same local area, (b) If qualified candidates belongingto "PH" category
are not available the left over seats shall be diverted to their respective categories (OC/ BC/SC/ST) of the same
local area. (vi) To claim a seat under NCC/SP/CAP/ PH (OC category) the candidates belonging to SC/ST
communities should secure the minimum qualifying marks (prescribed for OC/BC candidates in the Common
Entrance Test (Ed.CET) Conducted.
(vii) Reservation of Seats for Women: There shall be a reservation 33 1/3 % of seats in favour of Women
candidates in each methodology (subject) and in each category (OC/BC/SC/ST/NCC/SP/ - CPA/PH). The above
reservation shall not be made applicable if the number of women candidates selected on merit basis in each
methodology (subject) and in each category exceeds 33 1/3 %. If sufficient number of women candidates are not
available in some categories, these seats shall be diverted to the men candidates of the same category.
Rule 12 Penalty for irregular admission made under Management Quota
In case irregular admissions are made under management seats without following eligibility criteria and other
admission rules, the following penalty shall be imposed on the Principal/Correspondent responsible for such
irregular admissions, and action can be taken.
(i) Penal action would be initiated as per S.9 of the Andhra Pradesh Educational Institutions (Recognition of
Admission and Prohibition of Capitation Fee) Act, 1983 (Act No. 5 of 1983).
(ii) The "No Objection Certificate" (NOC) issued to the society for establishment of the College shall be
withdrawn and thereby the college looses its affiliation issued by the University concerned and recognition
granted by NCTE.
(iii) Minority Welfare Department may be recommended for withdrawal of the Minority status of the Institution
permanently. The Director of NCC, Andhra Pradesh To the Vice-Chairman and Managing Director, Sports
Authority of Andhra Pradesh (SAAP). To the Director, Medical and Health Services Andhra Pradesh To the
Director, Sainik Welfare Board, Andhra Pradesh.
A. The Local Areas means :
(1) The part of the State comprising the districts of Adilabad, Hyderabad including Twin Cities) Ranga Reddy,
Karimnagar, Khammam, Medak, Mahaboobnagar, Nalgonda, Nizamabad and Warangal shall be regarded as the
Osmania University Local area (Telangana).
(2) The part of the State Comprising the districts of Srikakulam, Vizianagaram, Visakhapatnam, East Godavari.
West Godavari, Krishna, Guntur and Prakasam shall be regarded as the Andhra University Local area (Andhra).
(3) The part of the State Comprising the districts of Anantapur, Kurnool, Chittoor, Kadapa and Nellore shall be
regarded as the Sri Venkateswara University Local area (Rayalaseema).
B. The Local Candidate means:
(1) A candidate for admission shall be regarded as a local candidate in relation to a local area.
(a) If he has studied in Educational Institution or Educational Institutions in such local area for a
period of not less than four consecutive academic years ending with the academic year in which he appeared or
as the case may be, first appeared in the relevant qualifying examination
(b) Where, during the whole or any part of the four consecutive academic years ending with the academic year in
which he appeared or as the case may be first appeared for the relevant qualifying examination he has not studied
in any Educational Institutions, if he has resided in that local area for a period of not less than four years
immediately preceding the date of commencement of the relevant qualifying examination which he appeared or
as the case may be first appeared.
2. A candidate for admission to the Course who is not regarded as local candidate under clauses (a) and (b)
above, in relation to any local area shall.
(a) If he has studied in Educational Institutions in the State for a period of not less than seven consecutive
academic years ending with the academic year in which he appeared or as the case may be first appeared for the
relevant qualifying examination be regarded as a local candidate in relation to :
(i) Such local area where he has studied for the maximum period out of said period of seven years.
(ii) Where the period of his study in two or more local areas are equal such local area where he has studied last in
such equal period.
(b) If, during the whole or any part of seven consecutive academic years ending with the academic year in which
he appeared or as case may be first appeared for the relevant qualifying examination he has not studied In the
Educational Institutions in any local area but has resided in the State during the whole of the said period of seven
years, be regarded as a local candidate In relation to:
(i) Such local area where he has resided for the maximum period out of the said period of seven years.
(ii) Where the periods of his residence in two or more local areas are equal, such local area where he has resided
last in such equal periods.
C. The following categories of candidates are eligible to apply for admission to the remaining 15% of unreserved
seats :
(a) All the candidates eligible to be declared as local candidates
(b) Candidates who have resided in the State for a total period of 10 years excluding periods of study outside the
State or either of whose parent have resided in the State for a total period of ten years excluding period of
employment outside the State.
(c) Candidates who are children of parents who are in the employment of this State or Central Government,
Public Sector Corporations, Local Bodies, Universities and other similar quasi public Institutions, within the
(d) Candidates who are spouses of those In the employment of the State of Central Government Public Sector
Corporations, Local Bodies, Universities and Educational Institutions recognized by the Government or
University OR other competent authority and similar quasi Government Institutions within the State.
D. If a local candidate in respect of a local area is not available to fill any seat reserved or allocated in favour of a
local candidate in respect of that local area, such seats shall be filled if it had not been reserved.
(In terms of G.O.Ms. No. 155, Higher Education (Ec-2) Department, dated 17-11-2000) Priorities Under NCC
Priority-I: NCC Cadets participating at International level for Youth Exchange Programme (Priority within
selected candidates will be given in order of seniority of certificates i.e. "C", "B" and "A" certificates).
Priority-II: NCC Cadets participating at National level in the following order of priority :
(a) Republic Day camp at New Delhi.
(b) All India Thal Sainik Camp/NavSainik Camp/Vayu Sainik Camp for Republic Day banner competition.
(c) National Integration Camp at Andaman and Nicobar Islands.
(d) participants of Para jumps/ Sky diving/ Mountaineering at national level/ Medal winners at National Level
Shooting competition with National Rifle Association/Award winner in NCC Games at National level.
(Priority within selected students In each category will be given in order of seniority of certificates i.e., "C", "B"
and "A" certificates).
Priority-III: The priority in descending order will be as follows:
(a) Participants at Republic Day Parade at State level.
(b) Participants at Independence Day at State level.
(c) C, B and A certificate holders
(Priority within selected students in each category will be given in order of seniority of certificates i.e., "C", "B"
and "A" certificates).
In terms of G.O.Ms. No. 103 and
G.O.Ms. No. 149 HE (CE-II) Dept. dt. 15-7-2000 and 28-10-2000 respectively, and
G.O.Rt. No. 449 Edn. SE (Trg-1) Dept., dt.
(1) Representing National In approved World Competitions and winning first place in Men/Women Section.
(2) Representing National in approved World Competitions and winning second place in Men/Women Section.
(3) Representing National in approved World Competitions and winning third place in Men/Women Section.
(4) Representing National in approved World Competitions.
(5) Representing National in approved World University Competitions and winning first place.
(6) Representing National in approved World Competitions for Junior/Youth and winning first place.
(7) Representing National in approved World Competitions and winning second place.
(8) Representing National in approved World Competitions for Junior/Youth and winning second place,
(9) Representing National in approved World University Competitions and winning third place.
(10) Representing National in approved World Competitions for Junior/Youth and winning third place.
(11) Representing Nation in World University Competitions.
(12) Representing Nation in approved World Competitions for Junior/Youth.
(13) Representing Nation in the World School Games and Winning first place.
(14) Representing Nation in the World School Games and Winning second place.
(15) Representing Nation in the World School Games and Winning third place.
(16) Representing Nation in the World School Games.
(17) Representing the State in the National Championship for Men/Women and winning first place.
(18) Representing the State in the National Championship for Men/Women and winning second place.
(19) Representing the State in the National Championship for Men/Women and winning third place.
(20) Representing University in Intervarsity Competitions and winning first place.
(21) Representing the State in National Championship for Juniors and winning the first place.
(22) Representing University in Intervarsity Competitions and winning the second place.
(23) Representing the State in National Championship for Juniors and winning the second place.
(24) Representing University in Intervarsity Competitions and winning third place.
(25) Representing the State in National Championships for Juniors and winning third place.
(26) Representing State Schools in All India School Games and winning first place.
(27) Representing State Schools in All India School Games and winning second place.
(28) Representing State Schools in All India School Games and winning third place.
(29) Representing State in South Zone Championships for Men/women and winning the first place.
(30) Representing State in South Zone Championships for Men/women and winning the second place.
(31) Representing State in South Zone Championships for Men/women and winning the third place.
(32) Representing State in South Zone Championships for Juniors and winning first place/Representing
University in Zonal Competitions and winning first place.
(33) Representing State in South Zone Championships for Juniors and winning first place/Representing
University in Zonal Competitions and winning second place.
(34) Representing State in South Zone Championships for Juniors and winning first place/Representing
University in Zonal Competitions and winning third place.
(35) Representing the State in Senior National Championship for Men/ Women
(36) Representing University in Intervarsity Competitions.
(37) Representing the State in National Championships for Juniors.
(38) Representing state Schools in All India School Games.
(39) Representing State in South Zone Championship for Men/Women
(40) Representing State in South Zone Championship for Juniors/ Representing University in Zonal
(41) Representing District in Inter Districts Championships for Seniors and Winning the first place.
(42) Representing District in Inter Districts Championships for Seniors and Winning the second place.
(43) Representing District in Inter Districts Championships for Seniors and Winning the third place.
(44) Winning First place in University Inter-zone competitions/inter-collegiate Competitions.
(45) Representing District in Inter Districts competitions for juniors and winning the first place.
(46) Winning second place in University inter-zone competitions/Inter-Collegiate Competitions.
(47) Representing District in inter Districts competitions for juniors and winning the second place.
(48) Winning third place in University Inter-zone competitions/Inter-Collegiate Competitions.
(49) Representing District in Inter-Districts competitions for juniors and winning the third place.
(50) Representing Educational Districts In State School Games and winning the First place.
(51) Representing Educational Districts in State School Games and winning the second place.
(52) Representing Educational Districts in State School Games and winning the third place.
(53) Representing District in Inter District Competitions for Men/Women
(54) Representing District In Inter District Competitions for Juniors
(55) Representing Educational District in State School Games
Wherever National Games are mentioned, they shall be read as "National Games and recognized equivalent
School Games of the ICSE and CBSE Boards"
The participation in the following Games and Sports will only be considered under this category:
Roller Skating
Table Tennis
Ball Badminton
Sepak Takraw
Weight Lifting
Kayaking and
Shuttle Badminton
In terms of G.O.Ms. No. 103 and
G.O.Ms. No. 149 HE (CE-II) Dept. dt. 15-7-2000 and 28-10-2000 respectively, and
G.O.Rt. No. 449 Edn. SE (Trg-1) Dept., dt. 22-4-2004.
(1) Representing National In approved World Competitions and winning first place in Men/Women Section.
(2) Representing National in approved World Competitions and winning second place in Men/Women Section.
(3) Representing National in approved World Competitions and winning third place in Men/Women Section.
(4) Representing National in approved World Competitions.
(5) Representing National in approved World University Competitions and winning first place.
(6) Representing National in approved World Competitions for Junior/Youth and winning first place.
(7) Representing National in approved World Competitions and winning second place.
(8) Representing National in approved World Competitions for Junior/Youth and winning second place,
(9) Representing National in approved World University Competitions and winning third place.
(10) Representing National in approved World Competitions for Junior/Youth and winning third place.
(11) Representing Nation in World University Competitions.
(12) Representing Nation in approved World Competitions for Junior/Youth.
(13) Representing Nation in the World School Games and Winning first place.
(14) Representing Nation in the World School Games and Winning second place.
(15) Representing Nation in the World School Games and Winning third place.
(16) Representing Nation in the World School Games.
(17) Representing the State in the National Championship for Men/Women and winning first place.
(18) Representing the State in the National Championship for Men/Women and winning second place.
(19) Representing the State in the National Championship for Men/Women and winning third place.
(20) Representing University in Intervarsity Competitions and winning first place.
(21) Representing the State in National Championship for Juniors and winning the first place.
(22) Representing University in Intervarsity Competitions and winning the second place.
(23) Representing the State in National Championship for Juniors and winning the second place.
(24) Representing University in Intervarsity Competitions and winning third place.
(25) Representing the State in National Championships for Juniors and winning third place.
(26) Representing State Schools in All India School Games and winning first place.
(27) Representing State Schools in All India School Games and winning second place.
(28) Representing State Schools in All India School Games and winning third place.
(29) Representing State in South Zone Championships for Men/women and winning the first place.
(30) Representing State in South Zone Championships for Men/women and winning the second place.
(31) Representing State in South Zone Championships for Men/women and winning the third place.
(32) Representing State in South Zone Championships for Juniors and winning first place/Representing
University in Zonal Competitions and winning first place.
(33) Representing State in South Zone Championships for Juniors and winning first place/Representing
University in Zonal Competitions and winning second place.
(34) Representing State in South Zone Championships for Juniors and winning first place/Representing
University in Zonal Competitions and winning third place.
(35) Representing the State in Senior National Championship for Men/ Women
(36) Representing University in Intervarsity Competitions.
(37) Representing the State in National Championships for Juniors.
(38) Representing state Schools in All India School Games.
(39) Representing State in South Zone Championship for Men/Women
(40) Representing State in South Zone Championship for Juniors/ Representing University in Zonal
(41) Representing District in Inter Districts Championships for Seniors and Winning the first place.
(42) Representing District in Inter Districts Championships for Seniors and Winning the second place.
(43) Representing District in Inter Districts Championships for Seniors and Winning the third place.
(44) Winning First place in University Inter-zone competitions/inter-collegiate Competitions.
(45) Representing District in Inter Districts competitions for juniors and winning the first place.
(46) Winning second place in University inter-zone competitions/Inter-Collegiate Competitions.
(47) Representing District in inter Districts competitions for juniors and winning the second place.
(48) Winning third place in University Inter-zone competitions/Inter-Collegiate Competitions.
(49) Representing District in Inter-Districts competitions for juniors and winning the third place.
(50) Representing Educational Districts In State School Games and winning the First place.
(51) Representing Educational Districts in State School Games and winning the second place.
(52) Representing Educational Districts in State School Games and winning the third place.
(53) Representing District in Inter District Competitions for Men/Women
(54) Representing District In Inter District Competitions for Juniors
(55) Representing Educational District in State School Games
Wherever National Games are mentioned, they shall be read as "National Games and recognized equivalent
School Games of the ICSE and CBSE Boards"
The participation in the following Games and Sports will only be considered under this category:
Roller Skating
Table Tennis
Ball Badminton
Sepak Takraw
Weight Lifting
Kayaking and
Shuttle Badminton
(Interms of Section 39 of Persons with disabilities (Equal opportunities, full participation and protection of
rights) Act. 1995, G.O.Ms.No. 109 Womens
Development and Child Welfare and Labour (WH) Dept, dt. 15-06-1992 and
G.O.Ms. No. 110 School Education (Trg. 1)
Dept., dt. 06-09-2001)
Priorities Under Physically Handicapped Candidates (PHC) Quota 3% of seats in each methodology and in each
group i.e. OCs, BCs, SCs and STs in the cyclic order (G.O.Ms. No. 110 School Education (Trg. 1) Dept., dt. 0609-2001 shall be reserved for Physically Handicapped persons as detailed below :
(i) 1% for Visually Handicapped.
(ii) 1% for Hearing Impaired.
(iii) 1% for Orthopaedically Handicapped.
In exercise of the powers conferred by Section 3 read with Section 15 of the Andhra Pradesh Educational
Institutions (Regulation of Admissions and Prohibition of Capitation Fee) Act, 1983 (Andhra Pradesh Act No. 5
of 1983), and in supercession of all the rules in force on the subject, the Governor of Andhra Pradesh hereby
makes the following rules relating to admission of students into B.Ed, course in Government/Universities and
Private aided and Un-aided non-minority Colleges of Education in the State, through Common Entrance Test.
Rule 1 Short title, applicability and commencement
(a) These Rules may be called the Andhra Pradesh Colleges of Education (Regulation of Admissions into B.Ed.
Course through Common Entrance Test), Rules, 2005
(b) They shall apply for selection and allotment of candidates for admission into all
University/Government/Aided, Un-Aided Non-Minority Colleges of Education offering B.Ed. Course in the
(c) They shall come Into force with effect from the academic year 2004-2005.
Rule 2 Definitions
In these rules, unless the contest other wise requires;
(i) "Act" means the Andhra Pradesh Educational Institutions (Regulation of Admission and Prohibition of
Capitation Fee) Act, 1983, (Andhra Pradesh Act No. 5 of 1983)
(ii) "Common Entrance Test (Ed.CET)" means the test conducted by Government for assigning merit ranking to
students which will be the basis for admission of students into the B.Ed, course offered in various Colleges of
Education in the State.
(iii) "Common Entrance Test-AC (EdCET-AC)" means the test conducted by the Association of Colleges of
Education under Private Management for admission of students into the B.Ed. course offered in various Private
Colleges of Education under Management Quota as per their option.
(iv) "Committee of Entrance Test" means the committee empowered to conduct EdCET for B.Ed. Course and to
prepare the merit list of the candidates as per the marks obtained in the above test for Admission into Convenor
seats and Management seats in Colleges which agree to make admissions based on ranking In EdCET for B.Ed.
(v) "Competent Authority" means the Chairman of the Andhra Pradesh State Council of Higher Education.
(vi) "Convenor" means the authority/ officer nominated by the competent authority, not below the rank of a
Professor/Regional Joint Director (RJD), School Education Department, for the conduct of Ed.CET and also to
make allotment of candidates for admission into B.Ed Course in all the Colleges of Education in the State.
(vii) "Convenor Seats" means the seats earmarked from out of the sanctioned intake of seats in each institution to
be filled by the Convenor.
(viii) "Local Area" means the territorial jurisdiction prescribed for identifying the local candidate.
(ix) "Local Candidate" means the candidates In relation to the local area as specified in Annexure-I.
(x) "Management Seats" means the seats earmarked from out of the sanctioned intake of seats of be filled by the
Management of the Private Aided/Un- Aided non-Minority Colleges of Education.
(xi) "Permanent Committee" means the committee constituted by Government to ensure that the EdCET-AC
conducted by the Association of Colleges of Education is fair and transparent.
(xii) "Qualified Candidate" means the candidate who has appeared for the EdCET/EdCET-AC and has been
assigned rank in the common merit list and has the eligibility as per the Criteria laid down in Rule 3.
(xiii) "Qualifying Examination" means the examination of the minimum qualification prescribed for
appearance/passing of which entitles one to seek admission into the B.Ed. Course as laid down in Rule 3.
(xiv) "State Council" means the Andhra Pradesh State Council of Higher Education constituted under Andhra
Pradesh State Council of Higher Education Act, 1988 (Andhra Pradesh Act 16 of 1988).
(xv) "University" means the University concerned in which the particular courses are offered.
Rule 3 Eligibility Criteria for Admission
The eligibility criteria for admission into B.Ed., Courses shall be as mentioned below:
(i) The candidates should be of Indian nationality and should satisfy the Local/Non-Local status requirements as
laid down in the Andhra Pradesh Educational Institutions (Regulation of Admissions) Order, 1974 as
subsequently amended.
(ii) The candidates should have obtained a Degree from any recognized University in India.
(iii) The candidates who have passed the qualifying examination i.e., B.A./ B.Sc./B.Com./B.Sc. (Home Science)/
BCA/BBM with an aggregate of 45% marks and above in par-II (group subjects) are alone eligible for admission
into B.Ed, course. However in case of SC/ST candidates a mere pass is sufficient.
(iv) The candidates possessing B.E./ B.Tech./M.B.B.S./Ag.B.Sc/BVSC/ BHMT/B.Pharmacy Degrees and such
other professional and Job oriented Degree like LLB are not eligible for admission into B.Ed, courses.
Candidates possessing Master Degree without undergraduate study are also not eligible for admission.
(v) The candidates should have obtained a merit rank either at EdCET or EdCET-AC conducted for the academic
year concerned and should satisfy the eligibility qualifications prescribed as below for each methodology.
(a) Candidates belonging to "OC" and "BC" communities shall secure 35% marks (53/150) in common entrance
test to become eligible for admission. However there shall be no minimum qualifying marks in respect of SC/ST
candidates for allotment of seats under their own respective categories. Also there shall be no minimum
qualifying marks in respect of women candidates who appeared for Mathematics/Physical Science subject for
allotment of Seat,
(b) However, the candidates belonging to SC/ST communities and women candidates who appeared for
Mathematics/Physical Science subject in EdCET, shall secure the minimum qualifying marks of 35% i.e., 53
marks out of 150 in the EdCET/EdCET-AC to claim a seat under NCC/SP/PHC/CAP quota,
(vii) Candidates should have completed the age of 19 years as on 1st July of the year in which notification is
issued. There shall be no maximum age limit.
Rule 4 Method of Admissions
The following guidelines shall be applicable to both the Private Aided/Un-Aided Minority Colleges of
(i) Mere appearance at the common entrance test and obtaining a rank does not entitle a candidate to be
considered for admission automatically into any subject (methodology)/ institution unless he/she also satisfies
the rules and regulations of the admissions prescribed by the concerned University/Government including marks
to be obtained in the qualifying examination.
(ii) The admissions shall be made in the order of merit on the basis of the rank assigned in the Common Entrance
Test EdCET (Ed.GET) Common Entrance Test-AC (EdCET-AC) and to the extent of intake capacity.
(iii) The minority institutions shall admit the candidates as selected and allotted by the "Convener" under
Convener seats as prescribed in these Rules.
(iv) The percentage of number of candidates to be admitted in each methodology (subject) in the institutions
shall be as follows:
(a) Mathematics 30%
(b) Physical Sciences 15%
(c) Biological Sciences 25%
(d) Social Studies 30%
(v) The methodology-wise percentages should be followed strictly as prescribed above for all the seats either to
be allotted by the Convener, EdCET. or to be filled by the managements under management quota.
(vi) For arriving at the number of seats under 15% management quota, the fraction above 0.5 only should be
taken as (1) and fraction of 0.5 and below should be ignored.
Rule 5 Aided Non-Minority Colleges
The Convener, Ed-CET shall allot candidates to all the seats (100%) In all aided non-minority colleges from the
common merit list of EdCET as per rules.
Rule 6 Un-aided non-Minority Colleges
The Convener, Ed. CET, shall allot candidates to the un-aided non-minority colleges to the extent of 85% of
seats (Convenor seats) from the common merit list of Ed. CET as per rules. The Management shall fill-up 15%
of the remaining seats, methodology wise, following Rule 4(6) of these rules.
Rule 7 University/Government Colleges of Education
The Convener, Ed.CET, shall allot candidates to all the seats (100%) in the University/Government Colleges of
Education from the common merit list of Ed.CET as per rules.
Rule 8 State Vide Institutions
In respect of statewide institutions 85% of the seats in each methodology (subject) shall be allocated among the
three regions (local areas) of the state (viz) AU Local Area, OU Local Area, and S.V.U. Local Area in the ratio
of 42:36:22 respectively and the remaining 15% seats shall be "Unreserved" for which AU/OU/SVU local area
candidates and nonlocal candidates of Andhra Pradesh can compete in combined merit order.
Rule 9 Admission Process to fill up the Convener's seats
(i) An Admission Committee shall be constituted with the following members to advise the Convener of
admissions in the matter relating to admissions and on such other matters necessary for smooth conduct of
(1) Chairman, Andhra Pradesh State Council of Higher Education, Hyderabad, (Chairman of the Admission
(2) Secretary, Andhra Pradesh State Council of Higher Education, Hyderabad.
(3) Convener of Admissions (Member Convener) who shall be the convener-Ed.CET.
(4) Software Specialist in Computer/ On-Line systems of admissions nominated by the State Council.
(5) Two nominees of the Universities as nominated by the State Council for Higher Education, Hyderabad.
(6) Commissioner of Technical Education or his nominee.
(7) Commissioner of School Education or his nominee.
(8) Special invitees nominated by the State Council for Higher Education, Hyderabad.
(ii) The Convener (admissions) shall adopt On-Line computerised system of counselling either by following
Centralised or Decentralised counselling at various centers for the convenience of the candidates and shall
prepare the seat matrix of the University/Government/Private colleges for which he will be conducting
admissions. He shall prepare the programme of schedule for admissions and shall make all the necessary
arrangements for Notification Manpower, admission venues, scrutiny staff, fee collection, Networking facilities
for On-Line counselling at various centers, mobilization of software etc., in consultation with the Admission
(iii) Private Minority colleges or it managements shall not call for application for admission separately or
individually for the Convener's seats under any circumstances.
(iv) Candidates shall be called for counselling and provisional allotment of subjects (methodologies)/ institutions
shall be made in order of merit assigned at Common Entrance Test following the rules of reservations issued by
the Government from time to time and such allotment is only provisional.
(v) The selection and allotment of candidates for various subjects (methodologies)/institutions in respect of
Private minority colleges shall be solely on the basis of merit as adjudged by the rank obtained in the entrance
test subject to condition that the candidate should have passed the qualifying examination and secured the
required marks in the group subjects as stipulated in the admission rules.
(vi) Admission shall be made in accordance with the Instructions contained in G.O.Ms.No. 550, Education (EC2) Department, dated 30-07-2001.
(vii) Once, a candidate secures admission to a particular subject (methodology)/ institution based on his/her
option, no more claim for admission into other colleges be entertained except as ordered by the Convener,
(viii) The candidate admitted in private aided minority college shall pay tuition fee, special fee and other fee if
any at the time of admission, as prescribed per annum by the Government.
(ix) The candidates admitted in Private Un-Aided Colleges (Minority) shall pay tuition fees, special fees and
other fees, if any, as approved by the fee committee.
(x) The Convener, EdCET shall prepare the final list of candidates admitted subject wise (methodology wise)
and institution wise and send the same to various universities to which the private colleges are affiliated and also
to the Regional Joint Director of School Educations concerned.
(xi) The Convener, EdCET in consultation with the Admission committee shall fix the cut off dates for each
stage of admissions.
(xii) All the candidates called for counselling shall produce the specified original Certificates along with the duly
attested photocopies and the Convener (admissions) shall be entitled to cause verification of all the Certificates
produced by the candidates.
(xiii) The Chairman of Admission Committee is the competent authority to clarify any doubts and his decision is
final with regard to interpretation of the rules mentioned in various orders pertaining to admissions.
Rule 10 Admission Process to fill up Management Seats in Un-Aided Non-Minority Colleges
The Managements of un-aided non- minority colleges shall fill up 15% of seats with eligible and qualified
candidates as per merit in EdCET/EdCET-AC as per the option already exercise.
Rule 11 Approval of Admissions
The admissions made by the managements of un-aided non-minority colleges under their quota shall be got
approved by the competent authority i.e. Andhra Pradesh State Council of Higher Education (APSCHE) duly
submitting all the relevant records as called for on the date prescribed.
Rule 12 Categories exempted from Ed.CET
The requirement of qualifying at the Common Entrance Test shall not be applicable to the candidates for
admission against the following categories of seats reserved in accordance with the rules in force.
(i) The departmental candidates for whom B.Ed, qualification is prescribed as a must for service regularization/
declaration of probation/promotion and deputed by the department, shall be given admission in any recognized
private colleges of education located nearer to their working place without any reference to the entrance
examination. These admissions will be made over and above the sanctioned intake by the Director of School of
(ii) Five seats over and above intake capacity shall be reserved for the candidates sponsored by other State
Governments and Union Territories for admission into all Government Colleges of Education in the State and as
approved by the Commissioner and Director of School Education, Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad without any
reference to the entrance examination on reciprocal basis.
Rule 13 Reservation of seats for in-service candidates
Ten seats in each Government Institutes of Advanced Study in Education/Government Colleges of Teacher
Education shall be reserved for Section Officers, and other non-Gazetted Officials including Record Assistants
and Attenders working in the Education Department of Andhra Pradesh Secretariat as permitted by the
Government and Ministerial staff including the Record Assistants and Attenders working in the offices under the
control of the Director of School of Education and the ministerial staff including Record Assistants and
Attenders working in the recognized non-Government Institutions like the Zilla Parishads, Mandal Parishads,
Municipalities, Private Institutions under the Administrative control of the Director of School Education, Andhra
Pradesh, Hyderabad as permitted by the Director of School Education. Their selection for admission will be
made by the Director of School Education purely on the basis of rank assigned in the Common Entrance Test. If
sufficient number of candidates are not available under this quota they may be filled in by the candidates from
the general pool.
Rule 14 Reservation of Seats for SC/ST/BC Communities
(i) 15% of the seats in each methodology (subject) shall be reserved for the candidates belonging to Scheduled
Caste. If qualified Scheduled Caste candidates are not available in a local area then the vacancies available in
that local area shall be allotted to the SC category candidates of other local areas in the order of merit.
(ii) 6% of the seats in each methodology (subject) shall be reserved for the candidates belonging to Scheduled
Tribes. If qualified Schedule Tribe candidates are not available in a local area then the vacancies available in that
local area shall be allotted to the same category candidates (ST candidates) of other local areas in the order of
merit. If the seats reserved for Scheduled Tribe candidates are still vacant after exhausting all the candidates in
the merit list then they shall be allotted in the merit order to the Scheduled Caste candidates of the respective
regions and vice versa. If qualified candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribe communities
are not available in all the regions then the left over seats reserved for them shall be treated as unreserved seats
and shall be filled by the candidates of the general pool of the respective local areas.
(iii) 25% of the seats In each methodology (subject) shall be reserved for the candidates belonging to Backward
Classes and shall be allocated among the four groups of Backward Classes as shown below: BC-A : 7%; BC-B :
10%; BC-C : 1%; BC-D : 7% If qualified candidates belonging to Backward class of a particular group are not
available, the left over seats can be adjusted for the candidates of the next group in the cyclic order. If qualified
candidates belonging to Backward classes are not available to fill up the 25% of the seals reserved for them in a
particular local area, the left over seats shall be treated as unreserved and shall be filed up with the candidates of
the general pool of the same local area.
(iv) No candidate seeking reservation for admission under the above categories be allowed to participate in the
counselling for admission unless he/ she produces the integrated community certificate prescribed by the
Government and Issued by the revenue authorities vide G.O.Ms. No. 58 Social Welfare (J) Department, dt. 1205-1997.
Rule 15 Reservation for Special Categories (NCC/Sports/CAP/PH)
Seats shall also be reserved in each methodology (subject) in an Institution for the following categories to the
extent indicated against them.
(i) National Cadet Corps (NCC): 1% (One percent) for National Cadet Corps candidates possessing "C", "B" and
"A" certificates. Candidates holding "C" certificate shall be given priority over "B" certificate holders and "B"
certificate holders over "A" certificate holders. Priorities under NCC are given in Annexure-II.
(ii) Sports and Games (SP): 1% (One Percent) for Games and Sports candidates. Priorities under Sports and
Games are given in Annexure-III.
(iii) Children of Armed Persons (CAP): 3% (Three percent) for the Children of Armed person i.e., Ex-Service
men. Defence Personnel Including the children of Border Security Forces and Central Reserve Police residing In
Andhra Pradesh for a minimum period of 5 years. Priorities under CAP are given in Annexure-IV
(iv) Physically Handicapped (PH): There shall be 3% (three percent) horizontal reservation in each category
(OC/BC/SC/ST) for Visually Handicapped/Hearing Impaired/ Orthopaedically Handicapped candidates (each
1%) Guidelines for priorities under PHC are given in Annexure-V.
(v) (a) If qualified candidates belonging to NCC/SP/CAP categories are not available, the left over seats shall be
filled up with the candidates of general pool of the same local area. (b) If qualified candidates belonging to "PH"
category are not available the left over seats shall be diverted to their respective categories (OC/BC/ SC/ST) of
the same local area.
(vi) To claim a seat under NCC/SP/CAP/ PH {OC category) the candidates (i) NCC : (i) Sports and Games : (iii)
Physically Handicapped: : (iv) CAP :
(vii) Reservation of Seats for Women: There shall be a reservation 33 1/3% of seats in favour of Women
candidates in each methodology (subject) and in each category (OC/BC/SC/ST/NCC/ SP/CPA/PH). The above
reservation shall not be made applicable if the number of women candidates selected on merit basis in each
methodology (subject) and in each category exceeds 33 1/3%. If sufficient number of women candidates are not
available in some categories, these seats shall be diverted to the men candidates of the same category.
Rule 16 Penalty for Irregular admission made under Management Quota
In case irregular admissions are made under management seats without following eligibility criteria and other
admission rules, the following penalty shall be imposed on the Principal/Correspondent responsible for such
irregular admissions, and action can be taken. belonging to SC/ST communities should secure the minimum
qualifying marks (prescribed for OC/BC candidates in the Common Entrance Test (Ed.CET) Conducted. Note:
(a) The candidates claiming reservation benefit under the above categories (NCC/SP/CAP/PH) shall produce
original documents in support in their claim to the convener (admissions) and he shall be entitled to refer the
original documents of the candidates claim reservation for scrutiny and confirmation to the following authorities;
To the Director of NCC, Andhra Pradesh To the Vice-Chairman and Managing Director, Sports Authority of
Andhra Pradesh (SAAP). To the Director, Medical and Health Services Andhra Pradesh To the Director, Sainik
Welfare Board, Andhra Pradesh
(i) Penal action would be initiated as per S.9 of the Andhra Pradesh Educational Institutions (Recognition of
Admission and Prohibition of Capitation fee) Act, 1983 (Act No. 5 of 1983).
(ii) The "No Objection Certificate" (NOC) issued to the society for establishment of the College shall be
withdrawn and thereby the college looses its affiliation issued by the University concerned and recognition
granted by NCTE.
Annexure to G.O. Ms. No. 27
School Education (Trg. A1) Department dated 3-02-2005.
A. The Local Areas means:
(1) The part of the State comprising the districts of Adilabad, Hyderabad including Twin Cities) Ranga Reddy,
Karimnagar, Khammam, Medak, Mahaboobnagar, Nalgonda, Nizamabad and Warangal shall be regarded as the
Osmanta University Local area (Telangana).
(2) The part of the State Comprising the districts of Srikakulam, Vizianagaram, Visakhapatnam, East Godavari,
West Godavari, Krishna, Guntur and Prakasam shall be regarded as the Andhra University Local area (Andhra).
(3) The part of the State Comprising the districts of Anantapur, Kurnool, Chittoor, Kadapa and Nellore shall be
regarded as the Sri Venkateswara University Local area (Rayalaseema).
B. The Local Candidate means :
(1) A candidate for admission shall be regarded as a local candidate in relation to a local area.
(a) If he has studied in Educational Institution or Educational Institutions in such local area for a period of not
less than four consecutive academic years ending with the academic year in which he appeared or as the case
may be, first appeared in the relevant qualifying examination.
(b) Where, during the whole or any part of the four consecutive academic years ending with the academic year in
which he appeared or as the case may be first appeared for the relevant qualifying examination he has not studied
In any Educational Institutions, if he has resided in that local area for a period of not less than four years
Immediately preceding the date of commencement of the relevant qualifying examination which he appeared or
as the case may be first appeared.
2. A candidate for admission to the Course who is not regarded as local candidate under clauses (a) and (b)
above, in relation to any local area shall.
(a) If he has studied in educational Institutions in the State for a period of not less than seven consecutive
academic years ending with the academic year in which he appeared or as the case may be first appeared for the
relevant qualifying examination be regarded as a local candidate in relation to :
(i) Such local area where he has studied for the maximum period out of said period of seven years.
(ii) Where the period of his study in two or more local areas are equal such local area where he has studied last in
such equal period.
(b) if, during the whole or any part of seven consecutive academic years ending with the academic year in which
he appeared or as case may be first appeared for the relevant qualifying examination he has not studied in the
Educational Institutions in any local area but has resided in the State during the whole of the said period of seven
years, be regarded as a local candidate in relation to :
(i) Such local area where he has resided for the maximum period out of the said period of seven years.
(ii) Where the periods of his residence in two or more local areas are equal, such local area where he has resided
last in such equal periods.
C. The following categories of candidates are eligible to apply for admission to the remaining 15% of unreserved
seats :
(a) All the candidates eligible to be declared as local candidates
(b) Candidates who have resided in the State for a total period of 10 years excluding periods of study outside the
State or either of whose parent have resided in the State for a total period of ten years excluding period of
employment outside the State.
(c) Candidates who are children of parents who are in the employment of this State or Central Government,
Public Sector Corporations. Local Bodies, Universities and other similar quasipublic Institutions, within the
(d) Candidates who are spouses of those in the employment of the State of Central Government Public Sector
Corporations. Local Bodies, Universities and Educational Institutions recognized by the Government or
University OR other competent authority and similar quasi Government Institutions within the State.
D. If a local candidate in respect of a local area is not available to fill any seat reserved or allocated in favour of a
local candidate in respect of that local area, such seats shall be filled if it had not been reserved.
Annexure to G.O.Ms. No. 27 School Education (Trg. A1) Department dated 3-02-2005.
Priorities Under NCC Quota
Priority-I : NCC Cadets participating at International level for Youth Exchange Programme (Priority within
selected candidates will be given in order of seniority of certificates i.e. "C", "B" and "A" certificates).
Priority-II: NCC Cadets participating at National level in the following order of priority :
(a) Republic Day camp at New Delhi.
(b) All India Thal Sainik Camp/Nav Sainik Camp/Vayu Sainik Camp for Republic Day banner competition.
(c) National Integration Camp at Andaman and Nicobar Islands.
(d) participants of Para jumps/Sky diving/ Mountaineering at national level/ Medal winners at National Level
Shooting competition with National Rifle Association/Award winner in NCC Games at National level.
(Priority within selected students in each category will be given in order of seniority of certificates i.e., "C", "B"
and "A" certificates).
Priority-III: The priority in descending order will be as follows:
(a) Participants at Republic Day Parade at State level.
(b) Participants at Independence Day at State level.
(c) C, B and A certificate holders
(Priority within selected students in each category will be given in order of seniority of certificates i.e., "C", "B"
and "A" certificates).
Annexure to G.O.Ms.No. 27 School Education (Trg. Al) Department dated 3-O2-2005.
In terms of G.O.Ms.No. 103 and G.O.Ms.No. 149 HE (CE-II) Dept. dt. 15-7-2000 and 28-10-2000 respectively,
and G.O.Rt. No. 449 Edn. SE (Trg-1) Dept., dt. 22-4-2004.
Priorities Under Sports and Games Quota
(1) Representing National in approved World Competitions and winning first place In Men/Women Section.
(2) Representing National in approved World Competitions and winning second place in Men/Women Section.
(3) Representing National in approved World Competitions and winning third place in Men/Women Section.
(4) Representing National in approved World Competitions.
(5) Representing National in approved World University Competitions and winning first place.
(6) Representing National in approved World Competitions for Junior/Youth and winning first place.
(7) Representing National in approved World Competitions and winning second place.
(8) Representing National in approved World Competitions for Junior/Youth hand winning second place.
(9) Representing National in approved World University Competitions and winning third place.
(10) Representing National in approved World Competitions for Junior/Youth and winning third place.
(11) Representing Nation in World University Competitions.
(12) Representing Nation in approved World Competitions for Junior/Youth.
(13) Representing Nation in the World School Games and Winning first place.
(14) Representing Nation in the World School Games and Winning second place.
(15) Representing Nation in the World School Games and Winning third place.
(16) Representing Nation in the World School Games.
(17) Representing the State in the National Championship for Men/Women and winning first place.
(18) Representing the State in the National Championship for Men/Women and winning second place.
(19) Representing the State in the National Championship for Men/Women and winning third place.
(20) Representing University in Intervarsity Competitions and winning first place.
(21) Representing the State in National Championship for Juniors and winning the first place.
(22) Representing University in Intervarsity Competitions and winning the second place.
(23) Representing the State In National Championship for Juniors and winning the second place.
(24) Representing University in Intervarsity Competitions and winning third place.
(25) Representing the State In National Championships for Juniors and winning third place.
(26) Representing State Schools in All India School Games and winning first place.
(27) Representing State Schools in All India School Games and winning second place.
(28) Representing State Schools in All India School Games and winning third place.
(29) Representing State In South Zone Championships for Men/women and winning the first place.
(30) Representing State in South Zone Championships for Men/women and winning the second place.
(31) Representing State in South Zone Championships for Men/women and winning the third place.
(32) Representing State In South Zone Championships for Juniors and winning first place/Representing
University in Zonal Competitions and winning first place.
(33) Representing State in South Zone Championships for Juniors and winning first place/Representing
University in Zonal Competitions and winning second place.
(34) Representing State in South Zone Championships for Juniors and winning first place/Representing
University in Zonal Competitions and winning third place.
(35) Representing the State in Senior National Championship for Men/ Women
(36) Representing University in Intervarsity Competitions.
(37) Representing the State in national Championships for Juniors.
(38) Representing state Schools in All India School Games.
(39) Representing State to South Zone Championship for Men/Women
(40) Representing State in South Zone Championship for Juniors/ Representing University in Zonal
(41) Representing District in Inter Districts Championships for Seniors and Winning the first place.
(42) Representing District in Inter Districts Championships for Seniors and Winning the second place.
(43) Representing District in Inter Districts Championships for Seniors and Winning the third place.
(44) Winning First place in University Inter-zone competitions/inter-collegiate Competitions.
(45) Representing District in Inter Districts competitions for juniors and winning the first place.
(46) Winning second place in University Inter-zone competitions/Inter-Collegiate Competitions.
(47) Representing District in inter Districts competitions for juniors and winning the second place.
(48) Winning third place in University Inter-zone competitions/Inter-Collegiate Competitions.
(49) Representing District in Inter-Districts competitions for juniors and winning the third place.
(50) Representing Educational Districts in State School Games and winning the First place.
(51) Representing Educational Districts in State School Games and winning the second place.
(52) Representing Educational Districts in State School Games and winning the third place.
(53) Representing District in Inter District Competitions for Men/Women
(54) Representing District In Inter District Competitions for Juniors
(55) Representing Educational District in State School Games
Wherever National Games are mentioned, they shall be read as "National Games and recognized equivalent
School Games of the ICSE and CBSE Boards"
The participation in the following Games and Sports will only be considered under this category:
Roller Skating
Table Tennis
Ball Badminton
Sepak Takraw
Weight Lifting
Kayaking and
Shuttle Badminton
Annexure to G.O.Ms. No. 27 School Education (Trg. A1) Department dated 3-02-2005.
(Interms of G.O.Ms. No. 192, Higher Education (EC-2) Department dated 26-08-1993)
Priorities Under Children of Armed Personnel (CAP) Quota
Priority 1 : Children of Armed Forces personnel, B.S.F. Personnel and C.R.P.F. personnel killed in action
Priority 2 : Children of Armed Forces personnel, B.S.F. personnel and C.R.P.F. personnel disabled in action and
Invalidated out from services on medical grounds.
Priority 3 : Children of Armed Forces personnel, B.S.F. personnel and C.R.P.F. personnel who are In receipt of
Gallantry Awards, the order of merit for consideration of the Gallantry Awards being as given below:
(a) Armed Forces Personnel
(1) Param Vir Chakra
(2) Ashok Chakra
(3) Sarvotham Yudha Seva Medal
(4) Mahavir Chakra
(5) Kirti Chakra
(6) Utham Yudha Seva Medal
(7) Vir Chakra
(8) Shourya Chakra
(9) Yudha Seva Medal
(10) Sena/Nau Sena/Vayu Sena Medal
(11) Mention in dispatches
(b) BSF/CRPF Personnel
(1) President's Police and Fire Services Medal for Gallantry
(2) President's Police Medal for Gallantry
(3) Police Medal for Gallantry
Priority 4 : Children of other Armed Forces Personnel, Ex-Service men, B.S.F. Personnel and C.R.P.F.
Annexure to G.O.Ms. No. 27 School Education (Trg. A1) Department dated 3-02-2005.
(Interms of Section 39 of Persons with disabilities (Equal opportunities, full participation and protection of
rights) Act. 1995, G.O.Ms. No. 109 Womens Development and Child Welfare and Labour (WH) Dept., dt. 1506-1992 and G.O.Ms. No. 110 School Education (Trg. 1) Dept., dt. 06-09-2001)
Priorities Under Physically Handicapped Candidates (PHC) Quota 3% of seats in each methodology and in each
group i.e. OCs, BCs, SCs and STs in the cyclic order (G.O.Ms.No. 110 School Education (Trg. 1) Dept., dt. 06-
09-2001 shall be reserved for Physically Handicapped persons as detailed below:
(i) 1% for Visually Handicapped.
(ii) 1% for Hearing Impaired.
(iii) 1% for Orthopaedically Handicapped.
In exercise of the powers conferred by Sections 3 and 15 of the Andhra Pradesh Educational Institutions
(Regulation of Admission and Prohibition of Capitation Fee) Act, 1983 (A.P. Act No. 5 of 1983) the Governor of
Andhra Pradesh hereby makes the following Rules for admission into the Graduate Professional Courses in
Medical and Dental in Un-aided Non-Minority Professional Institutions in the State:
Rule 1 Short title, applicability and commencement
(i) These rules may be called the Andhra Pradesh Un-aided Non-Minority Professional Institutions (Regulation
of Admissions into Post Graduate Medical and Dental Professional Courses) Rules, 2003.
(ii) They shall apply to all Un-aided Non-Minority Professional Institutions imparting Post Graduate Professional
Education in Medical and Dental courses for which admissions shall be made to the "Competent authority seats",
and "Management seats" in such manner as prescribed herein.
(iii) These Rules shall come into force from the academic year 2003-2004.
Rule 2 Definitions
1. In these rules, unless the context otherwise, requires;
(i) "Act" means the Andhra Pradesh Educational Institutions (Regulation of Admission and Prohibition of
Capitation Fee) Act, 1983 (A.P.Act No. 5 of 1983).
(ii) "CompetentAuthority" means the Vice-Chancellor, NTR University of Health Sciences, Andhra Pradesh,
(iii) "Committee for Admissions" means the Committee nominated by the Competent Authority to select and
make allotment of candidates to Professional Institutions offering P.G. Medical and Dental Courses in the State
for Admissions in accordance with the rules laid down.
(iv) "Common Entrance Test" means, the examination conducted by NTR UHS for assigning rank or merit to
candidates, which will be the basis for admission of the candidates into the Post Graduate Courses concerned in
various Un-aided Non-Minority Professional Institutions in the State.
(v) "Competent Authority Seats" means the seats earmarked from out of the sanctioned intake of seats in each
course and in each college to be filled by the Committee for Admissions.
(vi) "Management Seats" means the seats earmarked from out of the sanctioned intake of seats in each course to
be filled by the Management of the Unaided Non-Minority Professional Institutions in such manner as may be
prescribed by the Government or by the Committee of admissions constituted by the competent authority.
(vii) "Inspecting Authority" means the Authority appointed by the Competent Authority for inspecting and
scrutinising the Admissions of the candidates made in the Un-aided Non- Minority Professional Institutions.
(viii) "Institutions" means, unless otherwise specifically mentioned, all the Un-aided Non-Minority Professional
Institutions imparting Professional Education in Medical and Dental courses.
(ix) "Local Area" means the territorial jurisdiction prescribed for Identifying the local candidate.
(x) "Local Candidate" means the candidate in relation to the local area as specified in Presidential Order.
(xi) "Qualified Candidate" in respect of seats to be filled by the 'Competent Authority' means the candidate who
has appeared for the Entrance Test for Post Graduate course admission and has been assigned ranking in the
Common merit list.
(xii) "Qualifying Examination" means the examination of the minimum qualification prescribed which entitles
one to seek admission into the relevant Professional Post Graduate Course.
(xiii) Rule of reservation as defined by Social Welfare Department.
2. Words and expressions used but not defined in these rules shall have the same meaning as assigned to them in
the Andhra Pradesh Educational Institutions (Regulation of Admission and Prohibition of capitation fee) Act,
1983 (Act No. 5 of 1983) unless otherwise defined by the Government in Health Medical and Family Welfare
Department or by the Competent Authority.
Rule 3 Allotment of seats
The seats to be allotted in each Un-aided Non-Minority Professional Institution under these Rules for Admission
of Candidates shall be classified as:
(i) "Competent Authority Seats" (50% of the sanctioned in take of the seats) These seats shall be filled up by the
Competent Authority, duly following the Andhra Pradesh Private Medical/Dental Colleges (Admissions into
Post Graduate Medical/Dental Courses) Rules, 2003, and as amended from time to time.
(ii) "Management Seats" (50% of the sanctioned intake of the seats) 50% of seats shall be reserved for allotment
by the Management. The seats shall be filled by the Committee on admissions of the competent authority based
on merit in the entrance test held by the NTR UHS for that year and with candidates who have applied to the
Colleges/Institutions concerned for admission. In the Committee a representative of the managements of the
Colleges concerned, will be a Member Allotment of 50% of management seats will be done by this Joint
Committee purely on the basis of merit in the entrance test.
Rule 4 Allotment of seats on rotation basis
If only one seat is sanctioned in the first year, this seat will go to the Management. The next year this seat will go
to the Competent Authority quota. Similarly, if one seat is approved for Degree and one seat for diploma in the
same college, in the first year, the degree course will go to the Management and diploma course will go to the
Competent Authority. Next year it will be vice-versa. If there are 3 seats sanctioned or any other odd number, an
equal number of seats will go to the Management and Competent Authority quotas and the odd seat will rotate
between the Management quota and Government quota every year.
Rule 5 Un-filled seats
The Un-filled seats will go to Competent Authority/NTR University of Health Sciences for filling up as per
Rule 6 Authority for Admissions
(i) Competent Authority Seats (50% of the sanctioned in take of the seats) These seats shall be filled by the
Committee for Admissions appointed by the "Competent Authority" under these Rules.
(ii) Management Seats (50% of the total Intake of the seats) These seats shall be filled by the committee
constituted by the Managements of all the private Un-aided Non-minority Professional Colleges/Institution(s) as
per the rules laid down or by the committee of admissions constituted by the competent authority.
Rule 7 Service Seats
Service seats will be offered at Private College as per the service quota rules of State Government. In-service
candidate will draw salary from his/her parent Department. The In-service candidate will however pay the tuition
fee as any other non- service student is paying to the Private College.
Rule 8 Fees Structure
(i) Competent Authority seats:
Per annum
(a) Clinical P.G. Degree or Diploma Courses
Rs.27,500/(b) Para Clinical P.G. Degree/Diploma Courses
Rs.75,000/(c) Non-clinical P.G. Degree/Diploma Courses
Rs.25,000/(ii) Management seats These seats will be filled by the Management. No specific fee is suggested by the
Government. The Management of the Institution concerned shall fix a reasonable fee, taking into consideration
the recurring and non-recurring expenditure.
Rule 9 Capitation fees
The Management shall not charge any Capitation fee or resort to collect any other amount in any form, other
than fixed under rule 8(i)
Rule 10 Procedure to regulate, in case the 50% ceiling exceeds
If the admission to a course in a Private Medical/Dental College exceeds 50% of the management quota for any
reason beyond the control the Management of the said College/Institute, such as by instructions of a Court Order,
then the management shall surrender an equal number of seats from its management quota to the Government
quota for the next year. The surrender of seats shall however, be from the same course (for example: If the
management of a Private Medical/Dental College has to appoint any candidate beyond its quota of 50% by
Instructions of a Court Order in a Course to any student, it shall surrender a seat out of its 50% quota to the
Government quota in the next academic year).
Rule 11 Stipend
No stipend will be paid to the P.G. students admitted in private Medical/Dental Colleges, by the Management.
The Management also shall not collect any amount as one time lumpsum stipend fee. They will be nonstipendary seats. However, students of in- service quota shall be eligible to get the stipend as per the existing
rules of Government.
Rule 12 Submission of Bond by P.G. Student
The Post Graduate student admitted shall give a bond to the Management for payment of total course fee of
two/three years, if he/ she discontinues the course midstream.
Rule 13 Cut off date for admissions
The Competent Authority, the Committee of Private Un-aided Non-Minority management of the concerned
Private Colleges shall close the admission process on such date as notified by the Competent Authority i.e. NTR
UHS. Subsequent to this date no admissions in the Private Unaided Professional Institutions shall be made.
In exercise of the powers conferred by Sections 3 and 15 of the Andhra Pradesh Educational Institutions
(Regulation of Admission and Prohibition of Capitation Fee) Act, 1983 (A.P.Act No. 5 of 1983) the Governor of
Andhra Pradesh hereby makes the following Rules for admission into the Post Graduate Professional Courses in
Medical and Dental in Un-aided Minority Professional Institutions in the State:
Rule 1 Short title, applicability and Commencement
(i) These rules may be called the Andhra Pradesh un aided, Minority Professional Institutions (Regulation of
Admissions into Post Graduate Medical and Dentral Professional Courses) Rules, 2003
(ii) They shall apply to all Un-aided Minority Professional Institutions imparting Post Graduate Professional
Education in Medical and Dental courses for which admissions shall be made to the "Competent authority seats",
and "Management seats" in such manner as prescribed herein.
(iii) These Rules shall come into force from the academic year 2003-2004.
Rule 2 Definitions
1. In these rules, unless the context otherwise requires;
(i) "Act" means the Andhra Pradesh Educational Institutions (Regulation of Admission and Prohibition of
Capitation Fee) Act, 1983 (A.P.Act No. 5 of 1983).
(ii) "Competent Authority" means the Vice Chancellor, NTR University of Health Sciences, Andhra Pradesh,
(iii) "Committee for Admissions" means the Committee nominated by the Competent Authority to select and
make allotment of candidates to Professional Institutions offering P.G. Medical and Dental Courses in the State
for Admissions in accordance with the rules laid down.
(iv) "Common Entrance Test" means, the examination conducted by NTR UHS for assigning rank or merit to
candidates, which will be the basis for admission of the candidates into the Post Graduate Courses concerned in
various Un-aided Minority Professional Institutions in the State.
(v) "Competent Authority Seats" means the seats earmarked from out of the sanctioned intake of seats in each
course and in each College to be filled by the Committee for Admissions.
(vi) "Management Seats" means the seats earmarked from out of the sanctioned intake of seats in each course to
be filled by the Management of the Un-aided Minority Professional Institutions in such manner as may be
prescribed by the Government or by the committee of admissions constituted by the competent authority.
(vii) "Inspecting Authority" means the Authority appointed by the Competent Authority for inspecting and
scrutinising the Admissions of the candidates made in the Un-aided Minority Professional Institutions.
(viii) "Institutions" means, unless otherwise specifically mentioned, all the Un-aided Minority Professional
Institutions imparting Professional Education in Medical and Dental courses.
(ix) "Local Area" means the territorial jurisdiction prescribed for identifying the local candidate.
(x) "Local Candidate" means the candidate in relation to the local area as specified in Presidential Order.
(xi) "Qualified Candidate" in respect of seats to be filled by the 'Competent Authority' means the candidate who
has appeared for the Entrance Test for Post Graduate course admission and has been assigned ranking in the
Common merit list.
(xii) "Qualifying Examination" means the examination of the minimum qualification prescribed which entitles
one to seek admission into the relevant Professional Post Graduate Course.
(xiii) Rule of reservation as defined by Social Welfare Department.
2. Words and expressions used but not defined in these rules shall have the same meaning as assigned to them in
the Andhra Pradesh Educational Institutions (Regulation of Admission and Prohibition of Capitation fee) 4, 1983
(Act No. 5 of 1983) unless otherwise defined by the Government in Health Medical and Family Welfare
Department or by the Competent Authority.
Rule 3 Allotment of seats
The seats to be allotted in each Un-aided Minority Professional Institution under these Rules for Admission of
Candidates shall be classified as follows, for the current academic year i.e. 2003-2004 only.
(i) "Competent Authority Seats" (25% of the sanctioned in take of the seats): These seats shall be filled up by the
Competent Authority, duly following the Andhra Pradesh Private Medical/Dental Colleges (Admissions into
Post Graduate Medical/Dental Courses) Rules, 2003, and as amended from time to time.
(ii) "Management Seats" (75% of the sanctioned intake of the seats): 75% of seats shall be reserved for allotment
by the Management. The seats shall be filled by the Management, with the eligible candidates from amongst the
Minorities only.
Rule 4 Allotment of seats
The seat allotment cycle is appended to the G.O. as Annexure.
Rule 5 Un-filled seats
The Un-filled seats will go to Competent Authority/NTR University of Health Sciences for filling up as per
Rule 6 Authority for Admissions
(i) Competent Authority Seats (25% of the total intake of the seats): These seats shall be filled by the Committee
for Admissions appointed by the "Competent Authority" under these Rules.
(ii) Management Seats (75% of the total intake of the seats): These seats shall be filled by the Management of the
Minority Colleges.
Rule 7 Service Seats
Service seats will be offered at Private College as per the service quota rules of State Government. In-service
candidate will draw salary from his/her parent Department. The in-service candidate will, however, pay the
tuition fee as any other non-service student is paying to the Private College.
Rule 8 Fees structure as follows for the current academic year 2003-2004 is only
(ii) Management seats: These seats will be filled by the Management. No specific fee is suggested by the
Government. The Management of the Institutions concerned shall fix a reasonable fee, taking into consideration
the recurring and non-recurring expenditure.
Rule 9 Capitation fees
The Management shall not charge any capitation fee or resort to collect any other amount in any form; other than
fixed under rule 8(i)
Rule 10 Stipend
No stipend will be paid to the P.G. students admitted in Private Medical/Dental Colleges, by the Management.
The Management also shall not collect any amount as one time lumpsum stipend fee. They will be nonstipendary seats. However, students of in- service quota shall be eligible to get the stipend as per the existing
rules of Government.
Rule 11 Submission of Bond by P.G. Student
The Post Graduate student admitted shall give a bond to the Management for payment of total course fee of
two/three years, if he/ she discontinues the course midstream.
Rule 12 Cut off date for admissions
The Competent Authority, the Management of the concerned Private Un-aided Minority Colleges shall close the
admission process on such date as notified by the Competent Authority i.e. NTR UHS. Subsequent to this date
no admissions in the Private Un-aided Minority Professional Institutions shall be made.
ANNEXURE 1 Seat Allotment Matrix
3rd Year
Competent Authority
4th Year
Competent Authority
If Two Seats are Sanctioned
1st Year
Competent Authority
2nd Year
Competent Authority
3rd Year
Competent Authority
4th Year
Competent Authority
If three Seats are Sanctioned
1st Year
Competent Authority
2nd Year
Competent Authority
3rd Year
Competent Authority
4th Year
Competent Authority
If Four Seats are Sanctioned
1st Year
Competent Authority
2nd Year
Competent Authority
3rd Year
Competent Authority
4th Year
Competent Authority
In exercise of the powers conferred by Section 3 read with subsection (1) of Section 15 of the Andhra Pradesh
Educational Institutions (Regulation of Admissions and Prohibition of Capitation Fee) Act, 1983 (Andhra
Pradesh Act 5 of 1983), and in supersession of the rules issued with the G.O.Ms.No.741, M and H, dated 22nd
November, 1983 the Governor of Andhra Pradesh hereby makes the rules relating to Admission of students into
Post Graduate Degree (Dental) Courses in the Medical Colleges of the State of Andhra Pradesh. These rules shall
come into force on and with effect from the academic year 1985-86.
Rule 1 Short title
(i) These Rules may be called the Andhra Pradesh Regulation of Admission to the M.D.S course in the
Government Dental College and Hospital, Hyderabad, Rules, 1985.
(ii) They shall apply to the M.D.S Course in Government Dental College and Hospital, Hyderabad.
Rule 2 Number of Seats
The number of seats available in M.D.S. Course in the Government Dental College and Hospital, Hyderabad
shall be as follows:(1) Orthodontia - 1 seat
(2) Peridontiology - 1 seat
(3) Oral Medicine and Radiology - I seat
(4) Presthetic Dentistry - 1 seat
Rule 3 Allotment of Seats
Courses specified in Rule 2 are State Wide Courses. Admission to these courses shall be regulated as per the
Andhra Pradesh Educational Institutions (Regulations of Admissions) Order 1974 as amended from time to time.
(1) The rule of reservation shall be observed for seats in various specialities of Master of Dental Surgery in the
order of rotation as specified below:Rule 5 Eligibility
(1) A candidate for admission to the Post Graduate Degree in Dental Surgery must have a B.D.S. Degree
(Bachelor of Dental Surgery) of a University established or incorporated by or under a Central Act or a State Act
or an equivalent qualification recognised by the Dental Council of India and must have atleast one year
experience after registration with Andhra Pradesh Dental Council.
(2) Applicants who are already Post-Graduate Degree holders in a subject or admitted and registered for PostGraduate Degree shall not be considered for selection for Post Graduate Degree course in another subject.
Rule 6 Notification
Notification shall be issued by the Director of Medical Education inviting applications from the eligible
candidates for admission to the Post Graduate Degree courses in the Dental College and Hospital, Hyderabad.
Rule 7 Applications
(1) Candidates may obtain the application forms and rules governing the admissions by submitting a challan for
Rs.5.00 with a self-addressed envelope of 11 c.m.x 25 c.m., size with stamps affixed to the value of Rs.5.00 to
the Principal, Government Dental College/Hospital, Hyderabad. The amount of Rs.5.00 shall be credited in a
Government Treasury/State Bank under the following Head of Account; "080 Medical:- A Allopathy (a) Tuition
and other fees for Medical Education."
(2) All applications duly filled in and with all necessary documents shall be delivered in person or sent by post to
the Principal from whom the application forms were obtained so as to reach him on or before the last date of
submission of applications. Applications unaccompanied by required certificates and applications with
incomplete entries shall stand rejected automatically.
(3) The filled in application forms received after the prescribed date and time shall not be considered. The
Principal of the Dental College will not be responsible for Non-receipt of applications or delay in postal transit.
(4) A registration fee of Rs.50.00 shall be credited to the Head of Account "080" Medical -A. Allopathy (a)
Tuition and other fees for Medical Education" through Challan and the Challan shall be enclosed to the
application form.. Fees once paid shall not be refunded.
Rule 8 Entrance Test
(1) The Entrance Test shall be objective type (multiple choice 100 questions) to be answered in 1 1/2 hours
(2) The test shall be conducted at Government Dental College, Hyderabad.
(3) All the candidates shall appear for Entrance Test and shall qualify themselves therein to be eligible for
admission into Post-Graduate courses.
(4) The standard of the test shall be that of B.D.S. Examination conducted by the Osmania University of Andhra
(5) Minimum marks required to pass in the Entrance Test are as follows:-
(i) 30 Marks for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribe candidates.
(ii) 40 marks for all other candidates.
Rule 9 Merit List
(1) The examination Board constituted by the Government shall get the Entrance Test papers valued either
manually or mechanically and prepare a Master Merit List on the basis of marks obtained in the entrance test.
(2) In case of equality of marks in the Entrance Test, the total percentage of marks in B.D.S. upto second decimal
place shall be taken into consideration for fixing the merit of the candidates. If the Entrance Test marks and
B.D.S. marks are equal, marks obtained in the concerned subject shall be taken into consideration if the
candidates opted for the same subject.
(3) No request for retotalling or revaluation or personal identification of the answer sheets of the entrance test
shall be entertained.
Rule 10 Selections
(1) Provisional selections shall be made by the Selection Committee constituted by the Government.
(2) Marks of the candidates in order of merit and in order of roll number also will be displayed on the Notice
Board of the Dental College 5 days before the actual date of selection.
(3) On the dates notified, the candidates shall be called according to Master Merit List and the candidates shall
be asked to select the subject of his choice, till all the seats are filled. The selection will be only from among the
candidates who physically present themselves when their Roll Numbers are called out, in the order of merit.
(4) Claims of the candidates will not be considered, if they are found absent when called at the time of selection.
If a candidate on merit is absent for selection when he is called, the next in merit would be selected in his place.
The selected candidates shall submit their original certificates to the selection committees and pay fees
immediately. The candidates can submit the prescribed bond on or before the date of commencement of course.
Candidates who opt for a subject and do not join the course are not eligible to be considered for subsequent
selection in the vacancies in the same academic year.
(5) The Selection Committee shall have power to review the selection in case of any errors, misrepresentation,
fraud or glaring injustice. In all matters relating to selections and admissions the decision of the Selection
Committee shall be final and binding on the candidate and Selections cannot be questioned after admissions are
(6) Vacancies of the 1st list shall be notified in the Dental College on 2nd day of the commencement of the
course. These vacancies shall be filled by the Principal Government Dental College and Hospital on the date
notified as per merit subject to these rules. The Selected candidates have to pay the fees and submit the original
certificates and other documents immediately.
Rule 11 Admission Rules
(1) All candidates joining the Post Graduate Degree Courses shall execute the bond on a stamped paper of the
value Rs.5.00 (Rupees five only) to ensure completion of the prescribed period of training or in default to pay
Rs,1,000.00 to Government i.e., the amount mentioned in the bond and shall have to refund the amount received
as stipend up to that date. But the candidates, who discontinued the course under this clause shall not be
considered for any other subject during the same academic year. The course imparted prior to discontinuance
shall not be counted for any other purpose.
(2) The certificates, shall not be returned to the candidate till they complete their course and appear for the
University Examination subject to clause (1).
(3) Attendance:- Candidates selected to the various courses shall be whole time students. Service candidates i.e.,
State, Central Quasi Government or any other organisation who are in employment will have to apply for leave
and are required to produce the leave sanction orders from the competent authority before joining the course.
(4) Private Practice:- No Post-Graduate shall be allowed to have any private practice or consultation and shall not
accept any part-time employment in any State, Central or Quasi Government, or Private Organisations during
their Post Graduation Course.
(5) College Regulations :- Candidates are required to follow the rules and regulations of the college and should
also abide by the regulations of the University. Under no circumstances they should have any correspondence
with higher authorities directly without prior permission of the Principal.
(6) Stipends:- Stipends will be paid to the Post-Graduates who are regular in attendance and show good progress
every month, (as long as the Government continue the existing scheme). The total period during which the
stipends are paid to the students shall not exceed 30 months for degree courses.
(7) Service candidates will not be paid stipends, if they draw leave salary, but they will be paid stipend if they are
prepared to proceed on extra-ordinary leave keeping the leave at their credit, provided they give an undertaking
to the Director of Medical Education or the authority competent in writing that they are availing such extraordinary leave.
(8) Fees:- All the selected candidates are required to pay the tuition fees immediately. If any of the candidate
who joined in a course if selected subsequently for another course, the Government fees paid already by the
candidates will be adjusted to the newly selected course.
Rule 12 Closure of Admissions
The Admissions stand closed at the end of 30 days from the commencement of the course.
Rule 13 Commencement of the Course
The course shall normally commence with effect from the date decided by the selection committee. The duration
of the course shall be calculated from the date of commencement of the course and shall be uniform for all the
candidates irrespective of individual dates of admission.
Rule 14 Powers of Principal
Notwithstanding any thing contained in these rules, the Principal of Dental College in the State may at any time
before completion of the Post-Graduate Course either on their own motion or on the application of any person
after due and proper enquiry and after giving the person two weeks time from the date of the receipt of the show
cause notice to submit a written explanation and or on a personal hearing, order the cancellation of admission to
the 1st year course, if in his opinion, such candidate had furnished incorrect particulars/or false information in
the application form or in the documents attached thereto or in the Statements made either before the authority
incharge of admissions or the Principal or in any other manner. Against any such order of the Principal, an
appeal shall lie to the Director of Medical Education.
Rule 15 Power of Government
The Government may either suo-moto or on an application made to them call for and examine records relating to
any selection or admission or cancellation thereof made by the authority incharge of selection or admission for
the purpose of satisfying themselves as to the legality or regularity of such selection or admission orders in
relation thereto as they deem fit including cancellation of the selection already published or admission already
made provided that Government may before cancelling such selection or admission give an opportunity to the
authority in-charge of selection or admission and to the person affected to show cause against such cancellation.
(Non-Judicial Stamped Paper for Rs.5.00]
I,Dr............................................................................ selected for Post Graduate Diploma/Degree/Second Post
Graduate Degree Course in the
......................................................................................Medical College, do hereby undertake to complete the said
course as per the requirements of the Institute. In the event of my leaving the studies in mid-term, I undertake to
pay to the Government of Andhra Pradesh a sum of Rs.1,000/- (Rupees One thousand only) and my emoluments
for the month in which the course is discontinued shall be liable to be forfeited.
(Signature of the Candidate)
Signed by the above bounden in presence of:
1. Signature ....................................
(Name and Full Address)
2. Signature
(Name and Full Address)
Signature of the Sureties:
Andhra Pradesh Common Entrance Test for entry into Engineering, Architecture, Pharmacy,
Agriculture, Medical and Dental Courses Rules, 2004
In exercise of the powers conferred by Sections 3 and 15 of the Andhra Pradesh Educational Institutions
(Regulation of Admission and Prohibition of Capitation Fee) Act, 1983 and in supercession of the Andhra
Pradesh Common Entrance Test for entry into Engineering, Architecture, Pharmacy, Agriculture, Medical and
Dental Courses Rules 2003 issued in G.O.Ms.No. 3, Education (E.C.) Department, dated 07-02-2003, the
Governor of Andhra Pradesh hereby makes the following Rules for the conduct of Common Entrance Tests for
entry into Under Graduate Professional Courses (Engineering, Architecture, Pharmacy, Agriculture, Medical and
Dental Courses).
Rule 1 Short Title Commencement and applicability
(1) These rules may be called "the Andhra Pradesh Common Entrance Test for entry into Engineering,
Architecture, Pharmacy, Agriculture, Medical and Dental Courses Rules, 2004.
(2) They shall apply to Professional Courses in Engineering (including Technology, Architecture), Pharmacy,
Agriculture (including Veterinary) and Medical and Dental Courses for entry into the first year Under-Graduate
(3) They shall come into force with immediate effect.
(4) Rules of Admission into the above Courses shall be issued separately.
Rule 2 Definitions
(1) In these rules, unless the context otherwise requires;
(i) "Act" means The Andhra Pradesh Educational Institutions (Regulation of Admission and Prohibition of
Capitation Fee) Act, 1983 (Andhra Pradesh Act No. 5 of 1983).
(ii) "CHAIRMAN" means the Vice-Chancellor of any University in the State nominated by the Chairman of the
Andhra Pradesh State Council of Higher Education for each academic year for conducting and discharging the
functions as specified relating to Engineering (including Technology/ Architecture), Agriculture (including
Veterinary) and Medical (all systems of Medicine including Dental) Common Entrance Test {EAMCET) HELD
BY THE STATE. He shall also be the Chairman of the Common Entrance Test Committee.
(iii) "Committee of EAMCET" means the committee empowered to conduct EAMCET for Engineering,
Architecture, Pharmacy, Agriculture, Medical and Dental Courses and to prepare the merit list of the candidates
as per the marks obtained in the above test for Admission into Convenor seats and Management seats in the
Colleges, which agree to make admissions based on ranking in EAMCET for Engineering, Architecture,
Pharmacy, Agriculture, Medical and Dental Courses.
(iv) "Competent Authority" means the Chairman of the Andhra Pradesh State Council of Higher Education,
(v) "Convenor" means a person, not below the rank of a Professor, appointed by the Competent Authority in
consultation with Chairman for conducting the Engineering (including Technology/Architecture). Agriculture
(including Veterinary), Medical (all systems of Medicine including Dental) Common Entrance Test (EAMCET)
and performing such other functions relating to the said test as entrusted to him by the Competent Authority.
(vi) "Engineering, Agriculture and Medical Common Entrance Test" (herein after called EAMCET) means
examination conducted by Government agency for assigning ranks on merit to the candidates which will be the
basis for admission into Engineering (including Technology/Architecture), Pharmacy, Agriculture, Medical and
Dental Courses.
(vii) "Common Entrance Test of Association of Colleges" herein after called EAMCET-AC means the
Examination conducted by Association of all Colleges for assigning merit ranking to Candidates which shall be
the basis for admission of candidates to the extent of seats provided for the managements of Colleges in the State
offering courses in Engineering (including Technology/Architecture), Pharmacy, Agriculture (including
Veterinary), Medical (all systems of Medicine including Dental).
(viii) "Committee of Eamcet-AC" means the committee empowered by the Association of Colleges to conduct
EAMCET-AC for Engineering (including Technology/Architecture), Pharmacy, Agriculture, Medical and Dental
Courses and to prepare the merit list of the candidates as per the marks obtained in the above test for Admission
into Management seats in Engineering (including Technology/Architecture), Pharmacy, Agriculture, Medical
and Dental Courses, subject to the supervision of Permanent Committee.
(ix) "Association of Colleges" means the Association of Colleges formed for the purpose of conducting Common
Entrance Test referred to in (vii) above, and recognized by Andhra Pradesh State Council of Higher Education
consisting of Management representatives with one type of colleges offering Medical and allied subjects for
which the eligibility criteria is as mentioned In Rule 3(4), Rule 3(5) and Rule 3(6) of these rules or the other type
of colleges offering Engineering and allied subjects for which the eligibility criteria is as mentioned in Rule 3(3)
of these rules.
(x) "Convenor Seats" means the seats earmarked from out of the sanctioned Intake of seats in each institution to
be filled by the Convenor.
(xi) "Management Seats" means the seats earmarked from out of the sanctioned Intake of seats to be filled by the
Management of the Private Un-Aided Engineering (includingTechnology), Agriculture (including Veterinary),
Medical (all systems of Medicine including Dental) Colleges including the Management seats earmarked for
concerned Minority candidates in Minority Colleges offering Engineering (including Technology/Architecture),
Pharmacy, Agriculture (including Veterinary), Medical (all systems of Medicine including Dental) Courses.
(xii) "Permanent Committee" means the committee constituted in G.O.Ms.No. 91, Higher Education (EC) Deptt.,
dated 22nd December, 2003 in compliance with the orders of the Hon'ble Supreme Court to ensure that the
EAMCET-AC conducted by the Association of Colleges is fair and transparent.
(xiii) -Qualified Candidate" means the candidate who has appeared for the EAMCET/EAMCET-AC and has
been assigned rank in the common merit list and has the eligibility as per the criteria laid under Rule 3.
(xiv) "Qualifying Examination" means the passing of 10=2 Examination conducted by the Board of Intermediate
Education, Andhra Pradesh or its equivalent as laid down under Rule 3.
(xv) "State Council" means the Andhra Pradesh State Council of Higher Education constituted under Andhra
Pradesh State Council of Higher Education Act, 1988 (Andhra Pradesh Act 16 of 1988).
(xvi) "University" means the University concerned in which the particular courses are offered.
(2) Words and Expressions used but not defined in these rules shall have the same meaning assigned to them
under the Andhra Pradesh Educational Institutions (Regulation of Admission and Prohibition of Capitation Fee)
Act, 1983 (Andhra Pradesh Act 5 of 1983).
Rule 3 Eligibility Criteria for appearing the EAMCET/EAMCET-AC
Candidates satisfying the following requirements shall be eligible to appear for Eamcet/Eamcet-AC.
(1) Candidates should be of Indian Nationality.
(2) Candidates should belong to the State of Andhra Pradesh. The candidates should satisfy local/non-local status
requirements as laid down in the Andhra Pradesh Educational Institutions (regulation of Admission) Order, 1974
as subsequently amended.
(3) For Engineering, Bio-Technology (M.P.C.), Architecture, pharmacy (M.P.C.), B.Tech Dairying, B.Tech (Ag.
Engineering) B.Tech (Food, Science and Technology (FST)/B.Sc. (Commercial Agrl. and Business Mgt. (CA
and BM) Courses:
(i) Candidates should have passed or appeared for the final year of Intermediate Examination (10+2 pattern) with
Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry as optionals or elated vocational courses in the fields of Engineering and
Technology, conducted by the Board of Intermediate Education, Andhra Pradesh along with bridge course or
courses conducted by it for candidates enrolled during 2000-2002 and subsequent batches, or any other
examination recognised as equivalent thereto by the Board of Intermediate Education, Andhra Pradesh. OR
Candidates should have passed or appeared at the final year of the Diploma examination in Engineering/
Architecture conducted by the Andhra Pradesh State Board of Technical Education and Training, or any other
examination recognized as equivalent thereto by the Andhra Pradesh State Board of Technical Education and
(a) In the case of Engineering, Pharmacy and Architecture courses, candidates should have completed 16 years
of age by the date of commencement of Admissions or on such other date as may be notified by the Common
Entrance Test Committee. There is no upper age limit.
(b) In the case of B.Tech Dairying, B.Tech (Ag. Engineering), B.Tech (FST) and B.Sc. (CA and BM) offered in
Acharya N.G. Ranga Agricultural University, candidates should have completed 17 years of age as on 31st
December of the year of admission and an upper age limit of 22 years for all the candidates and 25 years in
respect of schedule caste and scheduled tribe candidates as on 31st December of the year of Admissions.
(4) For B.Sc. (Ag.)/B.Sc. (Hort.J/B.V.Sc. and A.H./B.F.Sc./B.Tech(FST)/B.Sc. (CA and BM) Courses: (i)
Candidates should have passed or appeared for the final year of Intermediate Examination (10+2 pattern) or any
examination recognised as equivalent thereto by the Board of Intermediate Education, Andhra Pradesh with any
two/three of the subjects indicated against each course noted below:
With any two of the subjects:
(a) B.Sc. (Ag.)
(i) (ii) (iii) (iv)
Physical Sciences
Biological or Natural Sciences Agriculture
Vocational Course in Agriculture.
(b) B.Sc. (Hort.)
(i) (ii) (iii) (iv)
Physical Sciences
Biological or Natural Sciences Agriculture
Vocational Course in Agriculture
(c) B.V.Sc. & A.H.
(i) (ii) (iii)
Physical Sciences Biological or Natural Sciences Vocational Courses in Veterinary Sciences
(d) B.F.Sc.
(ii) (iii)
Physical Sciences Biological or Natural Sciences Vocational Course in Fishery Sciences
(e) B. Tech (Food Science)
Physical Sciences or Physical Sciences Biological or Natural Sciences (f) B.Sc. (CA & BM)
Mathematics Physical Sciences or Physical Sciences Biological or Natural Sciences.
(ii) Candidates should have completed 17 years of age as on 31st December of the year of admission and an
upper age limited of 22 years for all the candidates and 25 years in respect of scheduled caste and scheduled tribe
candidates as on 31st December of the year of Admissions.
(5) for MBBS/BDS/BAMS/BHMS/BNYS Courses:
(i) Candidates should have passed or appeared for the final year of the Intermediate Examination (10+2 pattern)
with Physics, Chemistry and Biology as optionals which shall include a practical test in these subjects, OR any
examination (10+2 pattern) with Physics, Chemistry and Biology including practical test in each of these
subjects, recognised as equivalent to Intermediate by the University or by the Board of Intermediate Education.
(ii) Candidates should have completed 17 years of age as on 31 st December of the year of admission and an
upper age limit of 22 years for all the candidates and 25 years in respect of scheduled caste and scheduled tribe
candidates as on 31st December of the year of Admissions.
(6) For B.Pharm. B.Tech (Bio-Technology) (Bi.P.C.) Course:
(i) candidates should have passed or appeared for the final year of the Intermediate Examination (10+2 pattern)
with Physics, Chemistry and Biology optionals conducted by the Board of Intermediate Education, Andhra
Pradesh or any other examination recognised by the University as equivalent thereto.
(ii) Candidates should have completed 16 years of age by the date of commencement of Admissions or on such
other date as may be notified by the CET Committee. There is no upper age limit.
Rule 4 Engineering
Agricultural and Medical Common Entrance Test (EAMCET):
(1) The EAMCET shall be conducted by a Convenor, appointed by the competent authority and shall be held on
such date and centers as may be specified by State Council in consultation with the EAMCET Committee.
(2) The Convenor of EAMCET shall give a notification in the widely circulated daily News Papers as decided by
CET Committee calling for the applications in the prescribed form from the candidates satisfying eligibility
criteria as laid down in Rule 3.
(3) The notification, among other things, shall indicate the Cost of application, Entrance Test Fee, the last date
for receipt of the duly filled in applications and the date of conduct of EAMCET.
(4) The Date of the entrance test as notified above shall not be revised without the prior approval of the
(5) The Medium of EAMCET shall be English and Telugu Languages only. However, candidates opting to write
the test in Urdu medium may do so and the center for the Test will be at Hyderabad only. For the benefit of such
candidates facilities for translation shall be provided.
(6) The subjects and Syllabus of EAMCET shall be as prescribed by EAMCET Committee.
(7) The qualifying marks for ranking in the EAMCET shall be 30% of the total marks Provided that there shall
be no minimum qualifying marks for the candidates belonging to the category of Scheduled Caste and Scheduled
Tribes for ranking.
(8) There is no provision for re-totaling, re-valuation or Personal Identification of Response Sheets (Answer
Scripts) of the Entrance Test.
(9) Mere appearance at the Entrance Test does not automatically entitle a candidate to be considered for
admission into Engineering, Architecture, Pharmacy, Agriculture, Medical and Dental Courses unless the
candidate satisfies the requirement of eligibility as laid down under Rule 3 and other criteria laid down in the
Rules for Admission that shall be issued separately.
(10) If any ambiguity or doubt arises in the interpretation or implementation of any of the rules, the decision of
Chairman shall be final.
Rule 5 Preparation of the Merit List and assigning ranking
The Convenor of EAMCET shall follow the following rules in preparing the merit list and assigning the ranking.
(1) The candidate who have secured qualifying marks in EAMCET and candidates belonging to the category of
Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe to whom qualifying marks have not been prescribed, shall......assigned the
ranking in the order of the merit on the basis of............ obtained in the EAMCET.
(2) For the preparation of merit list, in case of more than one student scoring the same marks at EAMCET, the tie
shall be resolved to decide the relative ranking as follows:
(i) By considering the marks scored in Mathematics/Biology as the case may be at EAMCET.
(ii) If the tie persists marks obtained by a student in Physics - shall be taken into consideration.
(iii) In case of candidates getting equal marks in each of the three subjects they shall be bracketed for purpose of
award of ranking and at the time of admissions, the total percentage of marks secured by the candidates in the
qualifying examination shall be taken into consideration.
(iv) If the tie still persists the tie will be resolved by taking into account the age of the candidate, giving the older
candidate priority.
(3) The following rank lists shall be prepared by the Convenor:
(i) State-wide Common Merit List: The list shall include candidates irrespective of whether one belongs to any
category of reservation quota or not, basing on the marks obtained in the EAMCET.
(ii) Region-wise Common Merit List : The list includes candidates belonging to the particular local area
irrespective of whether one belongs to any category of reservation quota or not basing on the marks obtained in
(iii) Minority Community Merit Lists: They include merit lists, containing the candidates belonging to the
different Minority Communities arranged in the Merit ranking assigned in the EAMCET, both State-wide and
(iv) Community-wise Merit Lists: There shall be separate Community-wise merit lists for the Scheduled Castes,
Scheduled Tribes and Backward Classes Communities, both as State-wide and Region-wise; and
(v) Merit list for other categories of reservations : There shall be separate lists for other categories of reservations
as per the orders in force for physically handicapped, NCC, Games and Sports, Children of Ex-Servicemen and
for women both State-wide and Region-wise.
(4) Every candidate who has been assigned rank in the merit list shall be issued Rank card by the Convenor. The
Rank Card, among other things, include the marks obtained in the EAMCET and the rank assigned in the State-
wide merit. Region-wise merit. Community-wise merit etc.
Rule 6 Constitution of EAMCET Committee
The competent authority shall constitute the EAMCET committee to deal with the matters connected with the
test. The Composition of the Committee shall consist of the following:
(1) Chairman, who shall be the Vice-Chancellor of any University nominated by the Competent Authority for
each academic year for the purpose of conducting EAMCET.
(2) One representative of each of the University to be nominated by the Competent Authority in consultation
with the Vice-Chancellor Concerned.
(3) The Commissioner and Director of Technical Education, A.P. or his nominee not below the rank of Joint
(4) The Director, Medical Education, A.P. or his nominee not below the rank of a Joint Director.
(5) Representative of High Education Department in Government dealing with Technical Education, not below
the rank of Deputy Secretary.
(6) One representative of Andhra Pradesh State Council of Higher Education nominated by the competent
(7) Convenor of the Entrance Test of the proceeding year.
(8) Convenor, who should be the rank of a Professor of the University concerned be appointed by the competent
authority in consultation with Chairman of the EAMCET Committee.
(9) One Principal, of a private Engineering College to be nominated by the Competent Authority for each
academic year by turn.
(10) Director, Telugu Akademi.
Rule 7 Functions of the BAMCET Committee
The EAMCET Committee shall take decisions on the following issues relating to the EAMCET:
(1) Cost of the application and fee to be collected from the candidates of EAMCET.
(2) Norms for the payment of remuneration for different items/ services undertaken in connection with EAMCET
(3) Date of announcement of results.
(4) Such other issues as may be referred by the Chairman of the Committee and Competent Authority.
Rule 8 Functions of the Chairman of the EAMCET Committee
Chairman of the Committee:
(1) shall preside over all the meetings of the committee and in his absence he may nominate one of the members
of the committee to preside over the meetings.
(2) shall appointpaper setters, moderators for the EAMCET and decide upon the printing press or presses where
the confidential material of the Test shall be printed.
(3) may appoint a competent officer to assist the Convenor.
Rule 9 Functions of the Convenor of the EAMCET Committee
The Convenor of the EAMCET shall subject to such directions as may be issued by the Chairman to discharge
his duties in the matters relating to the EAMCET. The Convenor is specifically responsible for discharging the
following functions:
(1) The printing of application form of EAMCET.
(2) Issuing the notification inviting application for the Entrance Test.
(3) Sale of application forms and issue of Hall-Tickets.
(4) Appointment' of Co-ordinators/Chief Superintendents/Observers of various Test Centers.
(5) Coding and decoding of Response sheets (Answer Scripts).
(6) Appointment of Members of confidential team for assisting computer process in valuation of answer scripts.
(7) payment of remuneration for various items/services utilized for the purpose of EAMCET.
(8) Maintenance and submission of accounts to the Andhra Pradesh State Council of Higher Education.
(9) Preparation of Key answers through a committee consisting of Professors of Universities, Teachers of Under
Graduate Colleges and Teachers of Intermediate Colleges In consultation with the Chairperson.
(10) Publication of results and dispatch of Rank Cards to the qualified candidates.
(11) Such other duties as entrusted by the chairman.
Rule 10 Funds for the Conduct of the EAMCET
(1) The amounts that are collected from the candidates towards cost of the application and the examination fee
shall be directly credited into the account of the Secretary, Andhra Pradesh State Council of Higher Education,
(2) The Convenor of EAMCET shall draw advances from the Andhra Pradesh State Council of Higher
Education. Necessary expenditure for items/ services connected with the EAMCET and submit for audit to the
Local Fund Audit and report thereof be submitted to the Andhra Pradesh State Council of Higher Education.
Rule 11 Engineering, Agricultural and Medical Common Entrance Test-Conducted by Association of
(a) Association of Colleges - Formation and its Functions:
(1) There may be Separate Association of colleges recognized by APSCHE representing the two types of
Professional Colleges as defined in Rule 2(9) of these Rules to conduct EAMCET-AC.
(2) The Secretary of Association of Colleges formed for each type of Colleges as in (1) above shall intimate its
formation, rules and bye-laws and the names of the office bearers, before a stipulated date, to the competent
authority and Chairman of Permanent Committee.
(3) The Competent Authority shall issue notification, inviting options from the Managements of all Professional
Colleges for admitting their students either through EAMCET or EAMCET-AC.
(4) The option of choosing, between either of EAMCET or EAMCET-AC shall be exercised by the
Managements of the colleges and shall be intimated before a stipulated date to the Competent Authority and the
Permanent Committee. In case failure on the part of any management to exercise their option it shall be
construed that they shall admit the candidates into their colleges for the Management Seats only on the basis of
the rank at Eamcet.
(b) Constitution of Committee of EAMCET-AC The Committee of EAMCET-AC shall be constituted by the
Association of Colleges with eminent members academicians representing all the disciplines included for the
tests. A member of this committee shall be appointed as Convnor of the Committee of Eamcet-AC to discharge
functions as assigned by the Committee of EAMCET-AC.
Rule 12 Functions of Committee of Eamcet-AC
(1) EAMCET-AC shall be conducted in a fair and transparent manner subject to supervision of the permanent
committee and it shall submit the proposed question papers, the names of the paper setter and examiners and the
method adopted to ensure papers are not leaked, whenever such information is called for by the Permanent
(2) The committee of EAMCET-AC shall preserve the question paper and the answer papers for the period as
indicated by the Permanent Committee.
(3) The records of an Institution which has been established and which has been permitted to adopt its own
admission procedure for the last, at least, 25 years shall be examined by the Permanent Committee and the
Committee may permit such an Institute to adopt its own admission procedure.
(4) After holding EAMCET-AC and declaration of Results of Eamcet-AC, each member college of Association
of Colleges shall immediately display the merit lists on the Notice Board of all colleges which have chosen to
admit Students on the basis of rank obtained at EAMCET-AC.
(5) Committee of EAMCET-AC shall also communicate a copy of the merit list forthwith to the Competent
Authority and the permanent Committee.
(6) Committee of EAMCET-AC shall follow the same guidelines as prescribed in Rule 4 of these rules for
conduct of test, minimum qualifying marks etc. for declaration of results and assigning Merit Ranks.
(7) Preparation of the Merit List and assigning ranking: The Committee of EAMCET-AC shall follow the
following rules in preparing the merit list and assigning the ranking:
(a) The candidates who have secured qualifying marks in EAMCET-AC and candidates belonging to the
category shall be assigned the ranking in the order of the merit on the basis of marks obtained in the EAMCETAC.
(b) For the preparation of merit list, in case of more than one student scoring the same marks at EAMCET-AC,
the tie shall be resolved to decide the relative ranking as follows:
(i) By considering the marks scored in mathematics/Biology as the case may be at EAMCET-AC.
(ii) If the tie persists marks obtained by a student in Physics-shall be taken into consideration.
(iii) In case of candidates getting equal marks in each of the three subjects they shall be bracketed for purpose of
award of ranking and at the time of admissions, the total percentage of marks secured by the candidates in the
qualifying examination shall be taken into consideration.
(iv) If the tie still persists the tie will be resolved by taking into account the age of the candidate, giving the older
candidate priority,
(c) The following rank lists shall be prepared by the committee of EAMCET-AC:
(i) State-wide Common Merit List: The list shall include candidates irrespective of whether one belongs to any
category of reservation quota or not, basing on the marks obtained in the EAMCET-AC.
(ii) Region-wise Common Merit List: The list includes candidates belonging to the particular local area
irrespective of whether one belongs to any category of reservation quota or not basing on the marks obtained in
(iii) Minority Community Merit Lists; They include merit lists, containing the candidates belonging to the
different Minority Communities arranged in the Merit ranking assigned in the EAMCET-AC, both State-wise
and Region-wise.
(iv) Community-wise Merit Lists: There shall be separate Community-wise merit lists for the Scheduled Castes,
Scheduled Tribes and Backward classes Communities, both as State-wide and Region-wise; and
(v) Merit list for other categories of reservations: There shall be separate lists for other categories of reservations
as per the orders in force for physically handicapped, NCC, Games and Sports, Children of ex-servicemen and
for women both State-wise and Region-wise.
Rule 13 Funds for the conduct of EAMCET-AC
The amounts that are collected from the candidates towards cost of application and examination fee shall be
utilised to meet expenditure for items/sen Ices connected with the EAMCET-AC. Accounts shall be subjected to
audit and report thereof shall be submitted to the Competent Authority.
Rule 14 Special Direction from the Government
(i) In the event of any malpractice or leakage of question paper or in any other circumstances leading to the
stopping of EAMCET as scheduled the Government may for the reasons to be recorded in writing direct the
conduct of a re-examination of the EAMCET- EAMCET-AC. In such a event the Andhra Pradesh State Council
of Higher Education or any other body so nominated by the Government shall cause the EAMCET reexamination by appointing/nominating such functionaries or committees as considered necessary, without
collecting any fees for such re-examination.
(ii) In respect of EAMCET-AC, the Permanent Committee constituted in G.O.Ms.No. 91, Higher Education (EC)
Department, dated 22nd December, 2003, may issue necessary directions to the Committee of EAMCET-AC to
conduct re-examination for the reasons to be recorded in writing without collecting any fee for such reexamination.
Andhra Pradesh Colleges of Physical Education Admissions through Common Entrance Test Rules, 2003
In exercise of the powers conferred by Section 3 and 15 of the Andhra Pradesh Educational Institutions
(Regulation of Admission and Prohibition of Capitation Fee) Act, 1983, Andhra Pradesh Act.No. 5 of 1983 by
the proviso to Article 309 of the Constitution of India, and in superssion of all the Rules inforce on the subject,
the Governor of Andhra Pradesh hereby makes the following rules for Regulation of Admissions into B.P.Ed.,/
UGDPED., courses offered in Colleges of Physical Education in the State of Andhra Pradesh through Common
Entrance Test Rules - 2003 issued in G.O.Ms.No. 39, Education (Trg. 2) Department, dated 27-3-2003:
Rule 1 Short title and applicability
(1) These rules may be called the Andhra Pradesh Colleges of Physical Education Admissions through Common
Entrance Test Rules, 2003
(2) They shall apply for selection and allotment of candidates for admission into University/Government/Private
Aided/Private Un-Aided/Aided Minority/Un-Aided Minority Colleges of Physical Education in the State of
Andhra Pradesh for which admissions shall be made through Common Entrance Test held by the State or its
agency designated as PECET vide Ref (5) cited.
(3) These Rules shall be applicable for the academic year 2003-2004 only.
Rule 2 Definitions
(1) In these rules, unless the context otherwise requires.
(a) "Act" means the Andhra Pradesh Educational Institutions (Regulation of Admission and Prohibition of
Capitation Fee) Act, 1983 (Act No. 5 of 1983).
(b) "Committee for Admissions" means the Committee nominated by the Competent Authority to select and
make allotment of candidates to B.P.Ed/U.G D.P.Ed Course in University / Government/Private-Aided/ Private
Un-Aided/Aided Minority/Un-Aided Minority Colleges of Physical Education in the State of Andhra Pradesh for
Admissions to the extent of seats earmarked to the State Agency in accordance with the provisions laid down".
(c) "Commissioner" means Commissioner of School Education, Government of Andhra Pradesh empowered to
decide the Admission and Academic Programme of Colleges of Physical Education.
(d) "Common Entrance Test" means Physical Education Common Entrance Test the examination conducted for
assigning merit ranking to condldates, which will be the basis for admission of the candidates into the B.P.Ed/
U.G.D.P.Ed Course in various University /Government/Private Aided/Private Un-Aided Colleges of Physical
Education in the State.
(e) "Common Entrance Test of Association of Colleges of Physical Education" means Physical Education
Common Entrance Test, Adhoc Committee the Examination conducted for assigning merit ranking to candidates
which will be the basis for admission of candidates to the extent of seats provided in B.P.Ed/U.G.D.P.Ed.
Courses for the managements of Colleges of Physical Education in the State.
(f) "Competent Authority" means the Chairman, Andhra Pradesh State Council of Higher Education.
(g) "Convenor" means a person not below the rank of a Professor or Head of Department of Physical Education
of a University or Director of Physical Education of a University who is the Member Convener of the committee
of Admissions for the conduct of Physical Education Common Entrance Test and also to make allotment of
candidates to B.P.Ed/ U.G.U.P.Ed Course for all the Convener Seats earmarked in Colleges of Physical
Education in the State.
(h) "Convenor Seats" means the Government seats earmarked from out of the sanctioned Intake of seats in each
institution to be filled by the Convenor.
(i) "Management Seats" means the seats earmarked from out of the sanctioned intake of seats to be filled by the
Management of the Private Un-Aided Colleges of Physical Education and Un-Aided Minority Colleges of
Physical Education.
(j) "Institutions" means, unless otherwise specifically mentioned, all the University /Government/ Private
Aided/Private Un-Aided/ Aided Minority/Un-Aided Minority Colleges of Physical Education (including those
detailed as State-wise institutions) imparting B.P.Ed/U.G.D.P.Ed Course.
(k) "Fee Committee" means the committee constituted with the following to fix the fees for professional courses.
(i) Retired High Court Judge nominated by the Chief Justice, as Chairman of the Committee.
(ii) Chartered Accountant nominated by the Chairman of the Committee.
(iii) A representative of NCTE.
(iv) Secretary to State Government in-charge of School Education, A.P. Secretariat. Hyd.
(v) Independent person of repute nominated by the committee
(l) "Permanent Committee" means the committee, constituted to ensure that the PECET-AC conducted by the
Association of Colleges is fair and transparent and the Committee constituted with the following members:
(i) Retired High Court Judge nominated by the Chieff Justice
(ii) Educationist of eminence,
(iii) Secretary to State Government in-charge of School Education, A.P.Sectt, Hyd.
(iv) Independent person of repute in the field of Education nominated by the committee.
(v) Vice-Chancellor of University nominated by the Committee.
(m) "Local area" means the territorial jurisdiction prescribed for identifying the local candidate:
(n) "Local Candidate" means the Candidate in relation to the local area as specified in Rule 6 of these Rules.
(o) "Qualified Candidate" means the candidate who has appeared for the Common Entrance Test for admission
into B.P.Ed/U.G.D.PEd Course and has been assigned ranking in the Common Merit List vide Rule 6 in
G.O.Ms.No. 39 dt. 27th March 2003.
(p) "Qualifying Examination" means the examination of the minimum qualification prescribed for appearance;
passing of which entitles one to seek admission into the B.PEd/U.G.D.P.Ed Course as prescribed in the Andhra
Pradesh Common Entrance Test for entry into Under Graduate Diploma in Education (UGDPD), Batchlor of
Physical Education (B.P.Ed.)Common Rules, 2003 is issued in G.O.Ms.No. 39, Education (Trg) Deptt., dated
(q) "State Council" means the Andhra Pradesh State Council of Higher Education, constituted under the Andhra
Pradesh Council of Higher Education Act, 1988 (Act No. 16 of 1988).
(r) "University" means the University concerned in which the particular course is offered:
(s) "Inspecting Authority" means such an authority nominated by the competent Authority for the purpose of
verification of admission.
2. Words and expressions used but not defined in these rules shall have the same meaning assigned to them in the
Rule 3 Method of Admission
(i) The admissions shall be made in the order of merit on the basis of the ranking assigned in PECET, or PECETAC:
(ii) The total number of candidates to be admitted in B.P.Ed/U.G.D.P.Ed in the University /Government /Private
Aided/Private Un-Aided/Aided Minority/ Un-Aided Minority Colleges of Physical Education shall not exceed
the intake prescribed by the Government/University from time to time.
Rule 4 Eligibility for Admission
The eligibility criteria in respect of Nationality and Domicile, age limit, Educational Qualifications etc., for
admission into B.PEd/ U.G.D.P.Ed Course shall be as mentioned below:
(1) Candidates should be of Indian Nationality.
(2) Candidates should belong to the State of Andhra Pradesh. The candidates should satisfy local/non-local status
requirements as laid down in the Andhra Pradesh Educational Institutions (Regulation of Admission) Order,
1974 as amended from time to time.
(3) Educational Qualifications and age limit:
(i) For U.G.D.Ed. Course
(a) candidates seeking Admissions should have passed 2-year Intermediate Course (10 plus 2 pattern). OR
Intermediate Vocational Course in any field prescribed by the Board of Intermediate Education, Andhra Pradesh;
OR Any other examination recognized as equivalent to the above examinations by the respective bodies in
Andhra Pradesh.
(b) Candidates should have completed 16 years of age on the date of commencement of admissions.
(ii) For B.P.Ed. Course
(a) The candidates seeking Admission should have passed three year Degree examination in any faculty (10 plus
2 plus 3 pattern) or any examination recognised as equivalent thereto by the Universities in Andhra Pradesh.
(b) Candidates should have completed 19 years of age on the date of commencement of admissions.
(iii) In Service Candidates: In the case of admissions of in-service Physical Education Teacher candidates
(including Physical Director) working in the Educational Institutions under all categories of Managements,
namely Government, Local Bodies and Private, the selection shall be made on the basis of the length of service.
They need not appear for Entrance Test.
Rule 5 Allotment of Seats and Procedure of Admissions for the year 2003-2004 only
(A) Convenor Seats: The Convener shall fill the following percentage of seats of the sanctioned intake in the
colleges of Physical Education as mentioned below
(a) Govt./ University /Private Aided Non-Minority - 100% Seats
(b) Private Un-Aided Non-Minority - 85% of Seats;
Private Aided Minority - 30%
(i) The seats shall be allotted to eligible candidates under these Rules on the basis of rank obtained at PECET,
PECET-AC and by following Rules of reservation laid down by the Government from time to time,
(ii) A committee of Admissions may be constituted, by competent authority with the following members to
advise the Convenor in the matters relating to admission and on such other matters necessary for the smooth
conduct of Admissions Members:
(a) Convener
(b) representative from each of the affiliating University in the State
(c) Special invitees nominated by the Chairman of the Committee.
(iii) The Convenor shall prepare the seat matrix of the available seats in University /Government /Private Aided
Non-Minority/Private Un-Aided Non- Minority / Private Un-Aided Minority Colleges of Physical Education in
the state. He shall prepare the programme of schedule for admissions, notify the programme of admissions after
due approval of the commissioner and shall make all the necessary arrangements for Admission.
(iv) candidates shall be called for Counselling and provisional allotment to the Institutions shall be made in the
order of merit assigned at PECET by following the Rules of Reservation issued by the Govt., from time to time .
and such allotment is only provisional.
(v) The selection of candidates against the Convener Seats and the allotment in respect of University
/Government/ Private Aided Non-Minority/Private Un-Aided Non-Minority Colleges of Physical Education shall
be solely on the basis of merit as adjudged by the rank obtained in the Entrance Test subject to the condition that
the candidate should have passed the qualifying examination. However, mere appearance at the Entrance Test
and obtaining rank in the merit list does not entitle a candidate to be considered for admission automatically into
any B.P.Ed/U.G. D.P.Ed Programme offered by the Colleges of Physical Education in the State unless he/she
also satisfies the rules and regulations of admission prescribed by the concerned University/Government
Including marks to be obtained in the qualifying examination.
(vi) Once a candidate secures admission to a particular College/Institution based on his/her option, no more
claim for admission into other Colleges shall be entertained.
(vii) The candidates admitted against the convener seats in the University/ Government/private Aided NonMinority/Private Un-Aided Non- Minority/Private Un-Aided Minority Colleges of Physical Education shall pay
the fee at the time of admission as prescribed by the Government/ respective Universities from time to time.
(viii) The Convener shall prepare the final list of candidates admitted institution wise and send the same to the
Registrar of affiliating Universities, Commissioner of School Education and The Secretary, APSCHE.
(ix) All the candidates called for counselling shall produce the specified original documents along with duly
attested photocopies and the Convenor shall be entitled to cause verification of all the documents produced by
the candidates.
(i) Category A: Aided Non-Minority Colleges The Convenor, PE.CET.,-2003 shall allot candidates to all the
seats (100%) in all aided Non-Minority Colleges from the common merit list of the candidates as per rules.
Category B: Un-aided Non-Minority Colleges The Convenor, PE.CET-2003 shall allot candidates to the extent
of 85% of seats from the Common merit list of PECET-2003 as per rules. The Management shall fill up 15% of
the remaining seats, from out of the candidates eligible and qualified in PECET-2003/Common Entrance Test
conducted by association of Managements of Colleges of PECET-AC.
Category C: Government Physical Education Colleges. The Convener, PE-CET-2003, shall allot candidates to all
the seats (100%) from the common merit list of PE-CET-2003 as per rules. In respect of State wide Institutions
85% of the seats shall be allocated among the three regions (Local areas) of the state (viz) in the ratio of 42:36:22
respectively and the remaining 15% seats shall be unreserved for which local area candidates and non-local
candidates of A.P., can compete in combined merit order. (ii) Category A: Aided Minority Colleges: The
Management of Aided Minority Colleges shall admit the Candidates to the extent of 70% belonging to concerned
Minority Community who are eligible and qualified in PE-CET-2003 or Common Entrance Test (CET-AC)
conducted by the Association of Managements of Colleges duly following the transperancy measures prescribed
in this G.O., The remaining 30% of the seats shall be filled by the Convenor admissions from the common merit
list of the (PE-CET) candidates
Rule 6 Rules of Reservation for admission
The seats shall be reserved to the following categories in Admissions to B.P.Ed/ U.G.D.P.Ed. courses:
1. Region-wise reservation of seats:
(a) Admission to 85% of the "Convenor seats" and "Management seats" shall be reserved for the local
candidates. The remaining 15% of the "Convenor seats" and "Management Seats" shall be un-reserved seats as
specified in the Andhra Pradesh Educational Institutions (Regulations and Admissions) Order, 1979 as amended
in G.O.P.No. 646 Education (W) Department, dated 10-07-1979.
(b) In respect of State-wide Institutions, admissions into 85% of seats, shall be reserved for the candidates
belonging to the three local areas in the State specified in this sub-rule namely, Andhra University area (Andhra),
Osmania University area (Telangana) and Sri Venkateswara University area (Rayalaseema) in the ratio of
42:36:22 respectively and the balance of 15% seats shall be left for open competition.
A. EXPLANATION: For purpose of these rules
(1) The Local Areas means:
(a) The part of the State comprising the districts of Adilabad, Hyderabad (including Twin Cities) Ranga Reddy,
Karimnagar, Khammam, Medak, Mahaboobnagar, Nalgonda, Nizamabad and Warangal shall be regarded as the
Osmania University Local area (Telangana).
(b) The part of the State Comprising the districts of Srikakulam, Vizianagaram, Visakhapatnam, East Godavari,
West Godavari, Krishna, Guntur and Prakasam shall be regarded as the Andhra University Local Area (Andhra).
(c) The part of the State Comprising the districts of Anantapur, Kurnool, Chittoor, Kadapa and Nellore shall be
regarded as the Sri Venkateswara University Local area (Rayalaseema).
(a) A candidate for admission shall be regarded as a local candidate in relation to a local area. If he has studied in
Educational Institution or Educational Institutions in such local area for a period of not less than four consecutive
academic years ending with the academic year in which he appeared or as the case may be, first appeared in the
relevant qualifying examination.
(b) Where, during the whole or any part of the four consecutive academic years ending with the academic year in
which he appeared or as the case may be first appeared for the relevant qualifying examination he has not studied
in any Educational Institutions, if he has resided in that local area for a period of not less than four years
immediately preceding the date of commencement of the relevant qualifying examination which he appeared or
as the case may be first appeared
(B) A candidate for admission to the Course who is not regarded as local candidate under clause (a) in relation to
any local area shall.
(a) If he has studied In Educational Institutions in the State for a period of not less than seven consecutive
academic years ending with the academic year in which he appeared or as the case may be first appeared for the
relevant qualifying examination be regarded as a local candidate in relation to........
(i) Such local area where he has studied for the maximum period out of said period of seven years.
(ii) Where the period of his study in two or more local areas are equal such ocal area where he has studied last in
such equal period.
(b) If, during the whole or any part of seven consecutive academic years ending with the academic year in which
he appeared or as case may be first appeared for the relevant qualifying examination he has not studied in the
Educational Institutions in any local area but has resided in the State during the whole of the said period of seven
years, be regarded as a local candidate in relation to.....
(i) Such local area where he has resided for the maximum period out of the said period of seven years
(ii) Where the periods of his residence in two or more local areas are equal, such local area where he has resided
last in such equal periods.
(B) The following categories of candidates are eligible to apply for admission to the remaining 15% of unreserved seats:
(a) All the candidates eligible to be declared as local candidates
(b) candidates who have resided in the State for a total period of 10 years excluding periods of study outside the
State or either or whose parent have resided in the State for if total period of ten years excluding period of
employment outside the State.
(c) Candidates who are children of parents who are in the employment of this State or Central Government,
Public Sector Corporations, Local Bodies, Universities and other similar quasi-public Institutions, within the
(d) Candidates who are spouses of those in the employment of the State or Central Government Public Sector
Corporations, Local Bodies, Universities and Educational Institutions recognised by the Government or
University OR Other competent authority and similar quasi Government Institutions within the State.
(C) If a local candidate in respect of a local area is not available to fill any seat reserved or allocated in favour of
a local candidate in respect of that local area, such seat shall be filled as if it had not been reserved. Note: For
details, see the Andhra Pradesh Educational Institutions (Regulations of Admission) Order, 1974 as amended in
G.O.P.No. 646. Edn. (W) Department, dt. 10-07-1979.
(2) Reservation of seats for SC/ST/BC Communities:
(a) 15% of seats in each institution shall be reserved for the candidates belonging to Schedule Caste as shown
below: SC-A-1% SC-B-7% SC-C-6% SC-D-1% (Vide G.O.Ms.No. 116 Social Welfare (CV.l) dt. 10-12-1999
read with A.P. Ordinance No. 6/1999 (Gazette Notification dt. 9-12-1999 of Govt., of A.P.)
(b) 6% of seats in each Institution shall be reserved for the candidates belonging to the scheduled Tribes. The
seats reserved for Scheduled Tribes shall be made available to Scheduled Castes and Vice-versa, if qualified
candidates are not available in the category. If qualified candidates belong to scheduled castes and scheduled
Tribes communities are not available the left over seats reserved for them shall be treated as reserved and shall
be filled up with candidates of General Pool.
(c) 25% seats in each institution shall be served for the candidates belonging to the Backward classes and shall
be allocated among the four groups of Backward classes as shown below (vide G.O.Ms.No. 1793. Edn., dt. 23-970): Group 'A' - 7% Group 'B' - 10% Group 'C' - 1% Group 'D' - 7% If qualified candidates belonging to
Backward class of a particular group are not available, the leftover seats can be adjusted for the candidates of
next group. If qualified candidates belonging to Backward classes are not available to fill up the 25% seats
reserved for them, the left over seats shall be treated as unreserved and shall be filled up with candidates of
General pool.
(d) No candidate seeking reservation of admission under the above categories be allowed to participate in the
Counselling of admission unless he produces the Integrated Community Certificate prescribed by the Govt., and
issued by the Revenue Authorities in the Govt. (vide G.O.Ms.No. 58, Social Welfare (J) Dept. dt. 12-5-1997)
(3) Reservation for Special Categories:
(a) Seats shall also be reserved in each institution, for the following categories, to the extent indicated against
(i) Children of Armed Persons (CAP) - 4% for the children of Ex- Servicemen and Defence Personnel including
B.S.F. and Central Reserve Police Force residing in Andhra Pradesh.
(ii) National Cadet Corps (NCC) - 1% for National Cadet Corps candidates If qualified candidates belonging to
NCC/CAP categories are not available, the left over seats shall be filled up with candidates of General Pool.
(i) NCC - To the Director of NCC, Andhra Pradesh
(ii) CAP - To The Director, Sainik Welfare Dept., A.P.
(b) The Priorities in respect of the special categories mentioned above shall be in accordance with Government
Orders issued from time to time.
(4) Reservation of seats of women: There shall be a reservation of 331/3 % of seats in favour of women
candidates in each category (OC/SC/ST/BC/CAP/ NCC The above reservation shall not be applicable if women
.candidates are selected on merit in each category even if it exceeds 331/3 %. If sufficient number of women
candidates are not available in the respective categories, those seats shall be diverted to the men candidates of the
same category.
Rule 7 Fee for B.P.Ed./U.G.D.P.Ed Colleges
The fee shall be as prescribed by the Govt., in G.O.Ms.No. 106, Edn., (SE.Trg.II) Dept., dt. 11-9-2000 for the
academic year 2003-2004 which is as follows:
Rule 8 Admission Process In Minority Colleges
Transparency measures to be followed for 8596/7096 seats to be filled by the Managements of un-aided/Aided
Minority Colleges Physical of Education respectively shall be as follows:
(i) A notification is to be issued in the local news paper (at least in two paper) duly mentioning the number of
seats available inviting applications from the candidates eligible and qualified in PE-CET-2003. Copies of
notification should be submitted to the District Educational Officer and also commissioner and Director of
School. Education.
(ii) The Managements of Minority Colleges of Physical Education shall supply application forms to the
candidates in duplicate. The list of certificates to be submitted along with the application should be mentioned
clearly in the application form.
(iii) The Managements of Minority Colleges of Physical Education shall also make application forms available in
the concerned D.E.O. Office.
(iv) The candidates have to submit the original applications in the college and duplicate application in the
respective DEO Office.
(v) Acknowledgement should be issued to the applicants by the management duly verifying whether the
candidate has submitted all the certificates required along with the application and if any Certificate is not
enclosed the candidate should be advised to submit the application along with the required Certificate, which is
not enclosed. In respect of the applications submitted along with all the required Certificates acknowledgement
should be given on the spot at the time of submission instead of sending by post.
(vi) After the last date for receipt of the applications the D.E.Os. shall prepare the total list of all the applicants
and shall forward the applications along with the list to the college under proper acknowledgment.
(vii) The merit list should be displayed at the college, D.E.O's office and also on the
D.E.O. one week before the admission of the candidates.
(viii) The admissions should be made as per the admission schedule to be issued by the Commissioner and
Director of School Education.
(ix) Regarding admission of the candidates to the special categories- i.e. NCC/ Sports and Games/PHS/CAP the
certificates have to be got verified and confirmed by the respective authorities as mentioned in this G.O.
(x) The minority status of the candidates should be determined as per the provisions of the order issued in
G.O.Ms.No. 1, Minorities Welfare (MandR) Dept. dated 16-01-2004.
(xi) The first list of candidates provisionally selected should be displayed on the notice board and also at the
office of the District Educational Officer and also made available on The candidates
should be informed telegraphically well in advance.
(xii) In case all the candidates selected are not reported for taking admission on the schedule date the un-filled
seats may be filled up through 2nd and 3rd lists strictly respectively as per rules.
(xiii} Even If In the 3rd list also if all the seats could not be filled they should be filled through spot admissions
on the scheduled date issued by the Commissioner and Director of School Education.
(xiv) Management shall not reject the application on flimsy grounds or small rectifiable mistake.
(xv) The college shall prepare the merit list taking into account all the applications i.e. supplied by the D.E.O and
received In his office. The merit list has to be submitted to the D.E.O. who shall verify and ensure that all the
applications send by him are included In the merit list. The following aspects shall be verified by the DEOs
before approving the list of provisionally selected candidates for admission.
(a) Whether merit order has been followed.
(b) Eligibility of candidates as per eligibility criteria laid down
(c) Whether rules of reservation, where applicable have been followed.
Rule 9
All the admissions made by all the managements under their quota shall be got approved by the competent
authority i.e. A.P.S.C.H.E. duly submitting all the relevant records as called for.
Rule 10 Penalty for irregular admissions made under Management Quota
In case, irregular admissions are made under management seats without following eligible criteria and other
admission rules the following penalty shall be imposed on the Principal/Correspondent responsible for such
irregular admissions.
(i) Penal action shall be initiated as per S.9 of Andhra Pradesh Educational Institutions (Regulation of Admission
and Prohibition of Capitation Fee) Act, 1983 5 of 1983 of Andhra Pradesh Educational Institutions (regulation of
admission and prohibition of capitation fee) Act, 1983
(ii) The "No Objection Certificate" (NOC) issued to the society for establishment of the College will be
withdraw and thereby the college looses its affiliation issued by the University concerned and recognition
granted by NCTE.
In exercise of powers conferred by Sections 3 and 15 of the Andhra Pradesh Educational Institutions (Regulation
of Admission and Prohibition of Capitation Fee) Act, 1983 (Andhra Pradesh Act 5 of 1983) and in super session
of the Adhoc Rules issued in G.O.Rt.No. 199, Education (SE-Trg.2) Department dated the 12th Feb. 2004, the
Governor of Andhra Pradesh hereby make the following ad hoc rules for admission of students into the
Language Pandit Training Colleges in the State.
Rule 1 Short title and Applicability
(i) These rules may be called the Andhra Pradesh Language Pundits Training Colleges (Regulation of
Admission) Rules, 2005.
(ii) They shall apply to all the colleges offering the Language Pandit Training Courses in the State for the
academic year 2004-05.
Rule 2
(i) The admission of students in the Pandit Training Colleges in the State shall be made as stated below.
(A) Category A: Government/University Pandit Training Colleges : The Convener, LPCET 2004 shall allot
candidates to all the seats (100%) in the Government and University Pandit Training Colleges from the common
merit list of candidates as per rules. In respect of state wide institutions 85% of the seats shall be allocated among
the three regions (Local areas) of the State viz., the Andhra University, the Osmania University and Sri
Venkateswara University in the ratio of 42; 36; 22 respectively and the remaining 15% seats shall be unreserved
for which local candidates and non local candidates of Andhra Pradesh can compete in combined merit order.
(B) Category B: Aided Non-Minority Colleges : The Convenor. LPCET 2004 shall allot candidates to all the
seats (100%) in Private aided Non- Minority colleges from the common merit list of the candidates as per rules.
(C) Category C: Un-Aided Non-Minority Colleges : The Convenor, LPCET 2004 shall allot candidates to the
extent of 85% of seats in Private Un-aided Non-minority Colleges from the Common merit list of candidates as
per rules. The management shall fill up 15% of the remaining seats from out of the candidates eligible and
qualified in LPCET 2004/a Common Entrance Test conducted by Association of Managements of Pandit
Training Colleges i.e., LPCET-AC as per their option.
(D) Category D: Aided Minority Colleges : The managements of Aided Minority colleges shall admit the
candidates to the extent of 70% belonging to concerned Minority Community who are eligible and qualified in
LPCET 2004/or LPCET- AC 2004 conducted by the Association of Managements of Colleges as per their option
and as per merit. The remaining 30% of the seats shall be filled by the Convenor, LPECT 2004 from the
common merit list of the candidates as per rules.
(E) Category E: Un-aided Minority Colleges : The Managements of Unaided Minority Colleges shall admit
(a) 55% of candidates to the extent of intake belonging to concerned Minority Community who are eligible and
qualified in LPCET 2004/LPCET-AC 2004 as per their option and as per merit.
(b) 30% of seats shall be filled by the Convenor LPCET 2004 from the Common merit list of candidates as per
(c) 15% of seats shall be filed with eligible and qualified candidates in LPCET/2004 or LPCET-AC, 2004 as per
the option already exercised by them either by Minority or Non-minority candidates.
(ii) The admissions in Minority colleges shall be as per merit ranking among the candidates applied to the
college duly following the transparent method prescribed in the rules. The existing rules of reservation for
special categories i.e., NCC/SandG/Sports/ Defense Personnel/PH and women shall be followed.
(iii) 85% of the seats shall be allotted to the local candidates and remaining 15% of the seats shall be unreserved
for which local candidates and non-local candidates of Andhra Pradesh can compete in combined merit order of
concerned minority. The local candidature of the candidate is to be determined as per the Andhra Pradesh
Education Institutions (Regulation of Admissions) order, 1974 issued in G.O.Ms.No. 453 General
Administration (SPF. B) Department dated 3-7-1974 as subsequently amended.
(iv) The admission of students in Language Pandit Training Course in the Management quota of the Private
Unaided Colleges shall be governed as per the conditions stipulated by the Permanent Committee constituted in
the G.O.Ms. No. 72 Education (SE-Trg. 1) Department dt. 5-7-2004. Accordingly, the Secretary of the
permanent committee shall issue a notification directing the Management of each Private Minority/Non-minority
Language Pandit Colleges whether an association was formed by them and if so whether the association intends
to conduct LPCET-AC corresponding to LPCET-2004-05 conducted by the Government of Andhra Pradesh and
exercise their option of choosing from either of the aforesaid tests to admit the students under Management quota
for the year 2004-05.
Rule 3 Eligibility criteria for admissions
(i) The candidates shall be admitted into Telugu Pandit Training Courses as per the orders issued in G.O.Ms. No.
53, Edn. dept., dated 27-08-1999 read with G O.Ms.No. 21 Edn., dated 28 02 2003 for Urdu Pandit Tradining
course, G.O.Ms. No. 60, Edn. Dept., dated 04-09-1999 read with G.O.Ms. No. 22, Edn., dated 28-02-2003 for
Hindi Pandit Training Course as per the orders issued n G.O.Ms. No. 954, dated 05-08-1995 for Hindi Pandit
Training Course, (ii) The candidate should have obtained a merit rank either at LPCET or LPCET (AC).
(ii) Qualifying marks in the entrance test for general category of candidates shall be 35%. However, there shall
be no minimum qualifying marks in respect of candidates belonging to the SCs/ STs.
Rule 4 Method of Admissions (General)
The following Common Rules shall be applicable to all the Pandit Training Colleges,
(i) Mere appearance at the common entrance test and obtaining a rank does not entitle a candidate to be
considered for admission automatically into Pandit Training Course unless he/she also satisfies the rules and
regulations of the admission prescribed by the Government including marks to be obtained in the qualifying
(ii) The percentage, number of candidates to be admitted shall not exceed the limit prescribed by the Government
from time to time.
(iii) The Minority and non-minority institutions shall admit the candidates as allotted by the Convenor LPCET
under his quota of seats as per rules.
(iv) Private Pandit Training colleges or its managements shall not call for applications for admission separately
or individually for the Convenor seat's under any circumstances.
(v) For arriving at the number of seats under 15% management quota, the fraction above 0.5 only should be
taken as (1) and fraction of 0.5 and below should be ignored.
Rule 5 Fees
(i) The Government/University Pandit Training Colleges shall collect the fee as prescribed by the
Govt./University respectively.
(ii) Private Pandit Training colleges shall collect the fee as prescribed by the Fee Committee constituted by the
Rule 6 Categories exempted from LPCET 2004
The requirement of qualifying at the common Entrance test shall not be applicable to the departmental candidates
for whom Pandit Training qualification is prescribed as essential for service regularization/declaration of
probation/ promotion and deputed by the department. They shall be given admission in any Govt/ recognized
private colleges located nearer to their working place in the seats reserved to them without any reference to the
Common Entrance Test. These admissions will be made over and above the sanctioned intake by the
Rule 7 Admission process to fill up the Convener's seats
(a) An Admission Committee shall be constituted with the following members to advise the Convener, LPCET in
the matter relating to admissions and on such other matters necessary for smooth conduct of admissions:
1. Director of School Education chairman
2. Director, SCERT Member
3. Convener of LPCET Member Convener
4. Convener of DIET-CET Member
5. Principal IASE Masabtank Hyderabad Member
6. By. Director (Training), O/o the DSE, Hyderabad Member
7. Two subject experts each in the concerned Language Member
8. Special Invitee nominated by D.S.E Member
(b) Private Pandit Training colleges or its managements shall not call for application for admission separately or
individually for the Convener's seats under any circumstances.
(c) Candidates shall be called for counselling and provisional allotment of institutions shall be made in order of
merit assigned at Common Entrance Test following the rule of reservation issued by the Government from time
to time and such allotment is only provisional.
(d) The selection and allotment of candidates for various institutions in respect of Government/Private Colleges
shall be solely on the basis of merit as adjudged by the rank obtained in the entrance test subject to condition that
the candidates should have passed the qualifying examination and secured the required marks as stipulated in the
admission rules.
(e) Admission shall be made in accordance with the instructions contained in G.O.Ms.No. 550, Education (EC-2)
Department, dated 30-7-2001.
(f) Once, a candidate secures admission to a particular institution based on his/her option, no more claim for
admission into other colleges be entertained except as provided by the Convener, LPCET.
(g) The candidates admitted in Government/University Colleges shall pay tuition fee, special fee and other fee if
any at the time of admission, as prescribed per annum, by the Government/ University.
(h) The candidates admitted in Private Un-Aided Colleges (Minority/Non-Minority) shall pay tuition fees,
special fees and other fees, if any, as fixed by the fee committee constituted by the Government.
(i) The Convener, LPCET shall prepare the final list of candidates admitted course-wise and institution wise and
send the same to DSE, DGE, A.P., Hyderabad, and Regional Joint Director of School Education concerned.
(j) The Convener, LPCET in consultation with the Admission Committee shall fix the cut off dates for each stage
of admissions.
(k) All the candidates called for counseling shall produce the specified original certificates along with the duly
attested photocopies and the Convener LPCET shall be entitled to cause verification of all the certificates
produced by the candidates.
(l) The Chairman of Admission Committee is the competent authority to clarify any doubts and his decision is
final with regard to interpretation of the rules mentioned in various G.Os. pertaining to admissions.
Rule 8 Reservation of Seats for SC/ST/BC Communities
(i) 15% of the seats shall be reserved for the candidates belonging to scheduled castes. If qualified scheduled
caste candidates are not available in a local area then the vacancies available in that local area shall be allotted to
the SC category candidates of other local areas in the order of merit.
(ii) 6% of the seats shall be reserved for the candidates belonging to schedule Tribes. If qualified Schedule Tribe
candidates are not available in a local area then the vacancies available in that local area shall be allotted to the
same category candidates (ST candidates) of other local areas in the order of merit.
Provided that if the seats reserved for scheduled Tribe candidates are still vacant after exhausting all the
candidates in the merit list then they shall be allotted in the merit order to the scheduled Caste candidates of the
respective regions and vice versa.
Provided further that if qualified candidates belonging to Scheduled Caste and scheduled Tribe communities are
not available in all the regions then the left over seats reserved for them shall be treated as unreserved seats and
shall be filled by the candidates of the general pool of the respective local areas.
(iii) 25% of the seats shall be reserved for the candidates belonging to Backward Classes and shall be allocated
among the four groups of Backward classes as shown below. BC-A: 7% BC-B: 10% BC-C: 1% BC-D: 7% If
qualified candidates belonging to Backward class of a particular group are not available, the left over seats can
be adjusted for the candidates of the next group in the cyclic order. If qualified candidates belonging to
Backward classes are not available to fill up the 25% of the seats reserved for them in a particulars local area, the
left over seats shall be treated as unreserved and shall be filled up with the candidates of the general pool of the
same local area.
(iv) No candidate seeking reservation for admission under the above categories be allowed to participate in the
counselllng for admission unless he/ she produce the integrated community certificate prescribed by the
Government and issued by the revenue authorities vide G.O.Ms. No. 58 Social Welfare (J) deptt., dated 12-051997.
Rule 9 Reservation for special categories
Seats shall also be reserved in an institution for the following categories to the extent indicated against them.
(i) Reservation of seats for NCC/Scouts and Guide/Sports Candidates : 1% (One percent) of seats in each
institution shall be reserved for the candidates possessing certificates of distinction in NCC/Scouts and Guide/
(ii) Reservation of seats for the Ex-Servicemen, their children and Spouses : 4% (Four Percentage) of the
available seats in each institution shall be reserved for the Ex-servicemen, Border Security Force and Central
Reserve Police Force residing in Andhra Pradesh and/or their children/spouses.
(iii) Physically Handicapped (PH): There shall be 3% (three percent) horizontal reservation in each category
(OC/BC/SC/ST) for Visually Handicapped/Hearing Impaired/ Orthopaedically Handicapped candidates (each
(a) If qualified candidates belonging to NCC/Scouts and guides/sports/Ex-Servicemen categories are not
available, the left over seats shall be filled up with the candidates of general pool of the same local area.
(b) If qualified candidates belonging to "PH" category are not available the left over seats shall be diverted to
their respective categories (OC/BC/SC/ST) of the same local area.
(v) To claim a seat under NCC/SandG/ Sports/Ex-Servicemen and PH (OC/ BC category) the candidates
belonging to SC/ST communities should secure the minimum qualifying marks (prescribed for general category).
Note :
(a) The candidates claiming reservation benefit under the above categories (NCC/SandG/Sports/Ex-Servicemen/
PH) shall produce original documents in support of their claim to the convener (admissions)/management and
they shall be entitled to refer the original documents of the candidates claiming reservation for scrutiny and
confirmation to the following authorities.
(i) NCC To the Director of NCC, Andhra Pradesh
(ii) Sports and Games To the Vice-Chairman and Managing Director Sports Authority of Andhra Pradesh
(iii) Physically Handicapped To the Director, Medical and Health Services Andhra Pradesh
(iv) Ex-Servicemen To the Director, Sainik Welfare Board A.P.
(v) Scouts and Guides Bharath Scouts and Guides, Hyderabad
(iv) Reservation of Seats for Women : There shall be a reservation of 33 1/3% of seats in favour of Women
candidates in each category (OC/BC/ SC/ ST/ NCC/ SandG/ Sports/Ex-Servicemen/ PH). If sufficient number of
women candidates are not available in some categories, these seats shall be diverted to the men candidates of the
same category. The above reservation shall not be made applicable if the no women candidates selected on merit
basis in each category exceeds 33 1/3%.
Rule 10 Admission Process to fill up 55% 70% Seats in Un-aided/Aided Minority Pandit Training
The following transparent measures shall be followed for filling up the 55%/70% seats in un-aided/aided
minority Pandit Training Colleges.
(i) The Director of School Education shall issue admission schedule to make admissions in Private Minority
Pandit Training Colleges. Subsequently, a notification shall be issued by the management in the local newspaper
(at least in two Newspapers) duly mentioning the number of seats to be filled inviting applications from the
candidates eligible and qualified in LPCET/LPCET-AC as per the option already exercised Copies of
notification should be submitted to the District Educational Officer concerned.
(ii) The Managements of Minority Pandit Training Colleges shall supply application forms to the candidates in
duplicate. The list of certificates to be submitted along with the application should be mentioned clearly in the
application form. The application forms shall also indicate the CET option (LPCET/LPCET-AC) exercised by
the Management.
(iii) The Managements of Minority Pandit Training colleges shall also make application forms available in the
concerned District Educational Officer's Office.
(iv) The candidates have to submit the original applications in the college and duplicate applications in the
respective District Educational Officer's Office.
(v) Acknowledgement should be issued to the applicants by the management duly verifying whether the
candidate has submitted all the Certificates required along with the application and if any Certificate is not
enclosed the candidate should be advised to submit the application along with the required Certificate, which is
not enclosed. In respect of the applications submitted along with all the required Certificates acknowledgement
should be given on the spot at the time of submission instead of sending by post at a later date.
(vi) After the last date for receipt of the applications the District Educational Officer's shall prepare the total list
of all the applicants and shall forward the appellations along with the list to the college under proper
(vii) The college shall prepare the merit list taking into account all the applications i.e. forwarded by the District
Educational Officer and also received in the college. The merit list has to be submitted to the DEO concerned
who shall verify and ensure that all the applications sent by him are included in the merit list.
(viii) The merit list should be displayed at the college, District Educational Officer's office and also on
www/aponline. gov. in by the D.E.O. one week before the admission of the candidates in the following
1. Director of School Education Chairman
2. Director, SCERT Member
3. Convener of LPCET Member Convener
4. Convener of DIET-CET Member
5. Principal IASE Masabtank Hyderabad Member
6. By. Director (Training), O/o the DSE, Hyderabad Member
7. Two subject experts each in the concerned Language Member
8. Special Invitee nominated by D.S.E Member
(ix) Regarding admission of the candidates to the special categories i.e. NCC/ Scouts and Guides/Sports and
Games/ Ex-Servicemen/PHC the certificates have to be got verified and confirmed by the respective authorities
as mentioned in these rules.
(ix) regarding admission of the candidates to the special categories i.e. NCC/ Scouts and Guides/Sports and
Games/ Ex-Servlcemen/PHC the certificate have to be got verified and confirmed by the respective authorities as
mentioned in these rules.
(x) The minority status of the candidates should be determined as per the order issued by Minority Welfare
Department from time to time.
(xi) The following aspects shall be verified by the District Educational Officer concerned before approving the
list of provisionally selected candidates for admission :
(a) Whether ment order has been followed.
(b) Eligibility of candidates as per eligibility criteria laid down
(c) Whether Rules of Reservation wherever applicable have been followed.
(xii) The first list of candidates provisionally selected subject wise should be displayed on the notice board and
also at the office of the District Educational Officer and also made available on www. aponline. gov. in. The
candidates should be informed telegraphically well in advance.
(xiii) In case all the candidates selected have not reported for taking admission on the scheduled date the unfilled seats may be filled up through 2nd and 3rd lists respectively as per rules strictly.
(xiv) Even if in the 3rd list also if all the seats could not be filled they should be filled through spot admissions
on the scheduled date issued by the Regional Joint Director of School Education concerned duly producing the
relevant records.
(xv) Management shall not reject the application on flimsy grounds or small rectifiable mistakes. Opportunity
should be given to the candidate for rectifying the mistakes. The admissions made by all the managements under
Management Seats i.e., 15%/ 55%/ 70% seats shall be got approved by the Convenor, LPCET 2004 immediately
after Counseling is completed duly submitting all the relevant records as called for.
Rule 11 Penalty for irregular admissions made by the Private Managements
In case, irregular admissions are made by the management without following eligible criteria and other
admission rules the following penalty shall be imposed on the Principal/Correspondent responsible for such
irregular admissions and actions can be taken.
(i) Penal action would be initiated as per S.9 of the Andhra Pradesh Educational Institutions (Regulation of
admission and prohibition of capitation fee) Act, 1983.
(ii) The No Objection Certificate (NOC) issued to the society for establishment of the College will be withdrawn
and thereby the college looses its recognition granted by NCTE.
(iii) In respect of Minority institutions Minority Welfare Dept., my be recommended for withdrawal of the
Minority status of the Institution permanently.
In exercise of the powers conferred by Sections 3 and 15 of the Andhra Pradesh Educational Institutions
(Regulation of Admission and Prohibition of Capitation Fee) Act, 1983 and in supercession of the Andhra
Pradesh Professional Educational Institutions (Regulation of Admission into Under Graduate Professional
Courses through Common Entrance Test) Rules 1993 issued in G.O.Ms.No. 184, HE (EC-II) Department, dated
the 20th August 1993, the Governor of Andhra Pradesh hereby makes the following Rules for the conduct of
Common Entrance Test for entry into Under Graduate Professional Courses, (Engineering, Architecture,
Pharmacy, Agriculture, Medical and Dental Courses).
Rule 1 Short title Commencement and applicability
(1) These rules may be called "the Andhra Pradesh Common Entrance Test for entry into Engineering,
Architecture, Pharmacy, Agriculture, Medical and Dental Courses Rules, 2003.
(2) They shall apply to Professional Courses in Engineering (including Technology), Architecture, Pharmacy,
Agriculture, (including Veterinary) and Medical and Dental Courses for entry into the first year Under-Graduate
(3) They shall come into force with immediate effect.
(4) Rules of Admission into the above Courses shall be issued separately.
Rule 2 Definitions
(1) In these rules, unless the contest otherwise requires;
(i) "Act" means the Andhra Pradesh Educational Institutions (Regulation of Admission and Prohibition of
Capitation Fee) Act, 1983. (Andhra Pradesh Act No. 5 of 1983)
(ii) "Chairman" means the Vice- Chancellor of any University in the State nominated by the Chairman of the
Andhra Pradesh State Council of Higher Education for each academic year for conducting and discharging the
functions as specified relating to Engineering (including Technology), Agriculture (including veterinary), and
Medical (all systems of Medicine including Dental) Common Entrance Test. He shall also be the Chairman of
the Common Entrance Test Committee.
(iii) "Committee of EAMCET" means the committee empowered to conduct EAMCET for Engineering,
Architecture, Pharmacy, Agriculture, Medical and Dental Courses and to prepare the merit list of the candidates
as per the marks obtained in the above test for enabling entry into Engineering, Architecture, Pharmacy,
Agriculture, Medical and Dental Courses.
(iv) "Competent Authority" means the Chairman of the Andhra Pradesh State Council of Higher Education.
(v) "Convenor" means a person, not below the rank of a Professor, appointed by the Competent Authority in
consultation with Chairman for conducting the Engineering (including Technology), Agriculture (including
Veterinary), Medical (all systems of Medicine including Dental) Common Entrance Test and performing such
other functions relating to the said test as entrusted to him by the Competent Authority.
(vi) "Engineering, Agriculture and Medical Common Entrance Test" (herein after called EAMCET) means
examination conducted for assigning ranks on merit to the candidates which will be the basis for entry into
Engineering, Architecture, Pharmacy, Agriculture, Medical and Dental Courses.
(vii) "Qualified Candidate" means the candidate who has appeared for the EAMCET and has been assigned rank
in the common merit list and has the eligibility as per the criteria laid under Rule 3.
(viii) "Qualifying Examination" means the passing of 10+2 Examination conducted by the Board of Intermediate
Education, Andhra Pradesh or its equivalent as laid down under Rule 3.
(ix) "State Council" means the Andhra Pradesh State Council of Higher Education constituted under Andhra
Pradesh State Council of Higher Education Act, 1988 (Andhra Pradesh Act 16 of 1988).
(x) "University" means the University concerned in which the particular courses are offered.
(2) Words and Expressions used but not defined in these rules shall have the same meaning assigned to them
under the Andhra Pradesh Educational Institutions (Regulation of Admission and Prohibition of Capitation Fee)
Act, 1983 (Andhra Pradesh Act 5 of 1983).
Rule 3 Eligibility Criteria for appearing the EAMCET
Candidates satisfying the following requirements shall be eligible to appear for EAMCET.
(1) Candidates should be of Indian Nationality.
(2) Candidates should belong to the State of Andhra Pradesh. The candidates should satisfy local/non-local status
requirements as laid down in the Andhra Pradesh Educational Institutions (Regulation of Admission) Order,
1974 as subsequently amended.
(3) For Engineering, Architecture, Pharmacy (M.P.C.), B.Tech. Dairying, B.Tech. (Ag. Engineering) B.Tech.
(Food Science and Technology) (FST)/B.Sc. (Commercial Agri. and Business Mgt. (CA and BM) Courses:
(i) Candidates should have passed or appeared for the final year of Intermediate Examination (10+2 pattern) with
Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry as optional or related vocational courses in the fields of Engineering and
Technology, conducted by the Board of Intermediate Education, Andhra Pradesh or any other examination
recognised as equivalent thereto by the respective Universities. OR Candidates should have passed or appeared
at the final year of the Diploma examination in Engineering/Architecture conducted by the Andhra Pradesh State
Board of Technical Education and Training, or any other examination recognized as equivalent thereto by the
Andhra Pradesh State Doard of Technical Education and Training.
(a) In the case of Engineering, Pharmacy and Architecture courses, candidates should have completed 16 years
of age by the date of commencement of Admissions or on such other date as may be notified by the Common
Entrance Test Committee. There is no upper age limit.
(b) In the case of B.Tech. Dairying, B.Tech. (Ag. Engineering), B.Tech. (FST) and B.Sc. (CA and BM) offered
in Acharya N.G. Ranga Agricultural University, candidates should have completed 17 years of age as on 31st
December of the year of admission and an upper age limit of 22 years for all the candidates and 25 years in
respect of scheduled caste and scheduled tribe candidates as on 31 st December of the year of Admissions.
(4) For B.Sc. (Ag.)/B.Sc. (Hort.)/ B.V.Sc.andA.H./B.F.Sc./B.Tech.(FST)/ B.Sc. (CAandBM) Courses:
(i) Candidates should have passed or appeared for the final year of Intermediate Examination (10+2 pattern) or
any examination recognised as equivalent thereto by the Board of Intermediate Education, Andhra Pradesh with
any two/three of the subjects indicated against each course noted below:
With any two of the subjects:
(a) B.Sc. (Ag.)
(i) Physical Sciences
(ii) Biological or Natural Sciences
(iii) Agriculture
(iv) Vocational Course in Agriculture.
(b) B.Sc. (Hort.)
(i) Physical Sciences
(ii) Biological or Natural Sciences
(iii) Agriculture
(iv) Vocational Course in Agriculture.
(c) B.V.Sc. & A.H.
(i) Physical Sciences
(ii) Biological or Natural Sciences
(iii) Vocational Courses in Veterinary Sciences
(d) B.F.Sc.
(i) Physical Sciences With all the three subjects:
(ii) Biological or Natural Sciences
(iii) Vocational Course in Fishery Sciences.
(e) B.Tech. (FST)
(i) Biological or Natural Sciences
(ii) Physical Sciences
(iii) Chemistry
(f) B.Sc. (CA&BM)
(i) Biological or Natural Sciences
(ii) Physical Sciences
(iii) Chemistry.
(ii) Candidates should have completed 17 years of age as on 31st December of the year of admission and an
upper age limit of 22 years for all the candidates and 25 years in respect of scheduled caste and scheduled tribe
candidates as on 31st December of the year of Admissions.
(i) Candidates should have passed or appeared for the final year of the Intermediate Examination (10+2 Pattern)
with Physics, Chemistry and Biology as optionals which shall include a practical test in these subjects, OR any
examination (10+2 pattern) with Physics, Chemistry and Biology including practical test in each of these
subjects, recognised as equivalent to Intermediate by the University or by the Board of Intermediate Education.
(ii) Candidates should have completed 17 years of age as on 31 st December of the year of admission and an
upper age limit of 22 years for all the candidates and 25 years in respect of scheduled caste and scheduled tribe
candidates as on 31st December of the year of Admissions.
(6) For B.Pharm (Bi.P.C.) Course:
(i) Candidates should have passed or appeared for the final year of the Intermediate Examination (10+2 pattern)
with Physics, Chemistry and Biology optionals, conducted by the Board of Intermediate Education, Andhra
Pradesh or any other examination recognised by the University as equivalent thereto.
(ii) Candidates should have completed 16 years of Age by the date of commencement of Admissions or on such
other date as may be notified by the CET Committee. There is no upper age limit.
Rule 4 Engineering, Agricultural and Medical Common Entrance Test (EAMCET)
(1) The EAMCET shall be conducted by a Convenor, appointed by the competent authority and shall be held on
such date and centers as may be specified by State Council in consultation with the EAMCET Committee.
(2) The Convenor of EAMCET shall give a notification in the widely circulated daily News Papers as decided by
CET Committee calling for the applications in the prescribed form from the candidates satisfying eligibility
criteria as laid down in Rule 3.
(3) The notification, among other things, shall indicate the Cost of application. Entrance Test Fee, the last date
for receipt of the duly filled in applications and the date of conduct of EAMCET.
(4) The Date of the entrance test as notified above shall not be revised without the prior approval of the
(5) The Medium of EAMCET shall be English and Telugu Languages only. However, candidates opting to write
the test in URDU medium may do so and the center for the Test will be at Hyderabad only. For the benefit of
such candidates facilities for translation shall be provided.
(6) The subjects and Syllabus of EAMCET shall be as prescribed by EAMCET Committee.
(7) The qualifying marks for ranking in the EAMCET shall be 30% of the total marks Provided that there shall
be no minimum qualifying marks for the candidates belonging to the category of Scheduled Caste and Scheduled
Tribes for ranking.
(8) There is no provision for re-totaling, re-valuation or Personal identification of Response sheets (Answer
Scripts) of the Entrance Test.
(9) Mere appearance at the Entrance Test does not automatically entitle a candidate to be considered for
admission into Engineering, Architecture, Pharmacy, Agriculture, Medical and Dental Courses unless the
candidates satisfies the requirement of eligibility as laid down under Rule 3 and other criteria laid down in the
rules for Admission that shall be issued separately.
(10) If any ambiguity or doubt arises in the interpretation or implementation of any of the rules, the decision of
Chairman shall be final.
Rule 5 Preparation of the Merit List and assigning ranking
The Convenor shall follow the following rules in preparing the merit list and assigning the ranking.
(1) The candidate who have secured qualifying marks in EAMCET and candidates belonging to the category of
Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe to whom qualifying marks have not been prescribed, shall be assigned the
ranking In the order of the merit on the basis of marks obtained in the EAMCET.
(2) For the preparation of merit list, in case of more than one student scoring the same marks at EAMCET, the tie
shall be resolved to decide the relative ranking as follows:
(i) By considering the marks scored in Mathematics/Biology as the case may be at EAMCET.
(ii) If the tie persists marks obtained by a student in Physics - shall be taken into consideration.
(iii) In case of candidates getting equal marks in each of the three subjects they shall be bracketed for purpose of
award of ranking and at the time of admissions, the total percentage of marks secured by the candidates in the
qualifying examination shall be taken into consideration.
(iv) If the tie still persists the tie will be resolved by taking into account the age of the candidate, giving the older
candidate priority.
(3) The following rank lists shall be prepared by the Convenor:
(i) State-wide Common Merit List: The list shall include candidates irrespective of whether one belongs to any
category of reservation quota or not, basing on the marks obtained in the EAMCET.
(ii) Region-wise Common Merit List: The list includes candidates belonging to the particular local area
irrespective of whether one belongs to any category of reservation quota or not basing on the marks obtained in
(iii) Minority Community Merit Lists: They include merit lists, containing the candidates belonging to the
different Minority Communities arranged in the Merit ranking assigned in the EAMCET, both State wide and
(iv) Community-wise Merit Lists: There shall be separate Community-wise merit lists for the Scheduled Castes,
Scheduled Tribes and Backward Classes Communities, both as State-wide and Regional-wise; and
(v) Merit list for other categories of reservations: There shall be separate lists for other categories of reservations
as per the orders in force for physically handicapped, NCC, Games and Sports, Children of ex-service men and
for women both State-wide and Region-wise.
(4) Every candidate who has been assigned rank in the merit list shall be issued Rank Card by the Convenor. The
Rank Card, among other things, include the marks obtained in the EAMCET and the rank assigned in the state
wide merit, region-wise merit, Community- wise merit etc.
Rule 6 Constitution of EAMCET Committee
The Competent authority shall constitute the EAMCET committee to deal with the matters connected with the
test. The Composition of the Committee shall constitute of the following:
(1) Chairman, who shall be the Vice- Chancellor of any University nominated by the competent authority for
each academic year for the purpose of conducting EAMCET.
(2) One representative of each of the University to be nominated by the Competent Authority in consultation
with the Vice-Chancellor Concerned.
(3) The Commissioner and Director of Technical Education A.P. or his nominee not below the rank of Joint
(4) The Director, Medical Education, A.P. or his nominee not below the rank of a Joint Director.
(5) Representative of Higher Education Department in Government dealing with Technical Education, not below
the rank of Joint Secretary.
(6) One representative of Andhra Pradesh State Council of Higher Education nominated by the competent
(7) Convenor of the Entrance Test of the preceding year.
(8) Convenor, who should be the rank of a Professor of the University Concerned be appointed by the competent
authority in consultation with chairman of the EAMCET committee.
(9) One Principal, of a private Engineering college to be nominated by the competent authority for each
academic year by turn.
(10) Director, Telugu Akademi.
Rule 7 Functions of the EAMCET Committee
The EAMCET Committee shall take decisions on the following issues relating to the EAMCET.
(1) Cost of the application and fee to be collected from the candidates of EAMCET.
(2) Norms for the payment of remuneration for different items / services undertaken in connection with
EAMCET work.
(3) Date of announcement of results.
(4) Such other issues as may be referred by the Chairman of the committee and competent authority.
Rule 8 Functions of the Chairman of the Committee
Chairman of the Committee:
(1) shall preside over all the meetings of the committee in his absence he may nominate one of the members of
the committee to preside over the meetings.
(2) shall appoint paper setters. moderators for the EAMCET and decide upon the printing press or presses where
the confidential material of the Test shall be printed.
(3) may appoint a competent officer to assist the Convenor.
Rule 9 Functions of the Convenor of the Committee
The Convenor of the EAMCET shall subject to such directions as may be issued by the Chairman to discharge
his duties in the matters relating to the EAMCET. The Convenor, is specifically responsible for discharging the
following functions:
(1) The printing of application form of EAMCET.
(2) Issuing the notification inviting application for the Entrance Test.
(3) Sale of application forms and issue of Hall-Tickets.
(4) Appointment of Co-ordinators/Chief Superintendents/Observers of various Test Centers.
(5) Coding and decoding of Response sheets (Answer Scripts).
(6) Appointment of Members of confidential team for assisting computer process in valuation of answer scripts.
(7) Payment of remuneration for various items / services utilized for the purpose of EAMCET.
(8) Maintenance and submission of accounts to the APSCHE.
(9) Preparation of Key answers through a committee consisting of professors of Universities, Teachers of Under
Graduate Colleges and Teachers of Intermediate Colleges in consultation with the Chair-person.
(10) Publication of results and dispatch oi Rank Cards to the qualified candidates.
(11) Such other duties as entrusted by the Chairman.
Rule 10 Funds for the conduct of the Test
(1) The amounts that are collected from the candidates towards cost of the application and the examination fee
shall be directly credited into the account of the Secretary, Andhra Pradesh State Council of Higher Education,
(2) The Convenor shall draw advances from the Andhra Pradesh State Council of Higher Education necessary
expenditure for items/services connected with the EAMCET and submit for audit to the Local Fund Audit and
report thereof be submitted to the Andhra Pradesh Council of Higher Education.
Rule11 Special Direction from the Government
In the event of any malpractice or leakage of question paper/in any other circumstances leading to the stopping
of EAMCET as scheduled the Government may for the reasons to be recorded in writing direct the conduct of a
re-examination of the EAMCET. In such an event the Andhra Pradesh State Council of Higher Education or any
other body so nominated by the Government shall cause the re-examination conducted by appointing/nominating
such functionaries or committees as considered necessary.
RULES, 2004
In exercise of powers conferred by Sections 3 and 15 of the Andhra Pradesh Educational Institutions (Regulation
of Admission and Prohibition of Capitation Fee) Act, 1983 (A.P.Act No. 5 of 1983) and in super session of the
Andhra Pradesh Un-aided Minority Professional Institutions (Regulations of Admissions into Under Graduate
Medical and Dental Professional Courses) Rules 2004, issued in G.O.Ms. No. 185, HM and FW (E-1)
Department, dated 30-6-2004 and subsequent amendments made thereto, the Governor of Andhra Pradesh
hereby makes the following Rules for admission into the Under Graduate Professional Courses in Medical and
Dental in Un-aided Minority Professional Institutions in the State.
Rule 1 Short title applicability and commencement
(i) These rules may be called the Andhra Pradesh Un-aided Minority Professional Institutions (Regulations of
Admissions into Under Graduate Medical and Dental professional Courses) Rules 2004.
(ii) They shall apply at all Un-aided Minority Professional Institutions imparting Under-Graduate Professional
Courses in medical and Dental Courses for which admissions shall be made to the "Competent Authority Seats"
"EAMCET ranking based Management Seats" and "Management Seats" in such manner as prescribed here in.
(iii) These rules shall come into the force from the academic year 2004-2005.
Rule 2 Definitions
(i) In these rules, unless the context otherwise requires;
(a) "Act" means the
(b) "Competent Authority" means the Vice Chancellor, NTRUHS, Andhra Pradesh, Vijayawada.
(c) "Committee for admissions" means the Committee nominates by the Competent Authority to select and make
allotment of candidates to professional Institutions offering Medical and Dental Courses in the State for
Admissions accordance with the provisions laid down".
(d) "Common Entrance Test" means EAMCET, the examination conducted for assigning rank or merit to
candidates, which will be the basis for admission of the candidates into Competent Authority Seats etc., except
the Management Seats for the first year of under-Graduate Courses concerned in various Un-aided Minority
Professional Institutions in the State.
(e) "Competent Authority Seats" means the seats earmarked from out of the sanctioned intake of seats in each
course and in each College to be filled by the Committee of Admissions.
(f) "Competent Authority Seats for minority candidates" means the seats earmarked from out of the sanctioned
intake of seats in each course and in each college to be filled by the committee of admissions with the concerned
minority students.
(g) "EAMCET Ranking Based Management Seats for Minority Candidates" means the seats earmarked from out
of the sanctioned Intake of the seats in each course and in each college to be filled by the Minority Institutions
with the Minority Students.
(h) "EAMCET Ranking Based management seats for General Category" means the seats earmarked from out of
the sanctioned intake of seats in each course and in each college to be filled by the Managements of the Minority
(i) "Management Seats" means the seats earmarked from out of the sanctioned intake of seats in each course to
be filled by the Management of the Un-aided Minority Professional Institutions or if the Minority Institution (s)
concerned so desire, by the Committee of admissions constituted by competent authority or by the Minority
management Committee.
(j) "Inspecting Authority" means the Authority appointed by the Competent Authority for inspecting and
scrutinizing the admissions of the candidates made in the Unaided Minority Professional Institutions.
(k) "Institutions" means, unless otherwise specifically mentioned, all the Un-aided Minority Professional
Education imparting professional education in Medical and Dental Courses.
(l) "Local Area" means the territorial jurisdiction prescribed for identifying the local candidate.
(m) "Local candidate" means the candidate in relaxation to the local area as specified in Rule 8B.
(n) "Qualified candidate" in respect of seats to be filled by "Competent Authority" and EAMCET ranking based
Management (Minority and General) Seats means the candidate who has appeared for the Common Entrance
Test for admission into the related Professional Courses and has been assigned ranking in the Common merit List
as per Rule 5 of the A.P.Common Entrance Test for entry into Engineering.Architecture, Pharmacy, Agriculture,
Medical and Dental Courses Rules, 2004 .
(o) "Qualified candidate" in respect of Management seats shall be as specified in Rule 3D.
(p) "Qualifying Examination" means the examination of the minimum qualification prescribed for passing of
which entitles one to seek admission into the relevant Professional Courses.
(ii) Words and expressions used but not defined in these shall have the same meaning as assigned to them in the
Andhra Pradesh Educational Institutions Regulation of Admission and Prohibition of Capitation Fee Act, 1983
(A.P.Act 5 of 1983) unites otherwise defined by Government in Health Medical and Family Welfare Department
of by the Competent Authority.
Rule 3 Eligibility Criteria for Admission
Admission into various courses in different Professional Educational Institutions shall be governed by the rules
of admission prescribed herein. The eligibility criteria for admission into Medical and Dental Courses shall be as
mentioned below:
(a) Nationality and Domicile: The candidates should be Indian Nationals and should satisfy Local, Non-Local
status requirement as laid down in the Andhra Pradesh Educational Institutions (Regulation of Admission) Order,
1974 as amended in G.O.(P) No. 646 Education (W) Department, dated 10-07-1979.
(b) The above clause (a) Nationality and Domicile is not applicable for the Category-E seats filled by the
(c) Age Limit: Candidates should have completed the age of seventeen years on or before 31st December of the
year of admission.
(d) Educational Qualifications: The Candidates should pass two years intermediate examination (10+2 pattern)
or equivalent examination with Physics, chemistry, Botany, Zoology and English individually and must have
obtained a minimum of 50% marks taken together in Physics, Chemistry, Botany and Zoology at the qualifying
examination. In respect of candidates belonging to Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribes and the Backward
Classes, the marks obtained shall be a minimum of 40% marks taken together in Physics, Chemistry, Botany and
Rule 4 Allotment of seats
The seats to be allotted in each Un-aided Minority Professional Institution under these Rules for Admission of
candidates shall be classified as:
(i) Category-A - (25% of the sanctioned in take of the seats) - Competent Authority Seats for General Students:
These seats shall be filled up through counseling by the competent authority as per merit/ ranking following
Rules of Reservation from the students who have passed the common entrance test held by the State (EAMCET)
for that year.
(ii) Category-B - (25% of the sanctioned intake of the seats) - (Competent Authority Seats for Minority
candidates): These seats shall be filled up with the concerned minority candidates through counseling by the
Competent Authority as per merit from the students who have passed the common entrance test held by the State
(EAMCET) for that year.
(iii) Category - C (15% of the sanctioned intake of the seats) - EAMCET Ranking Based Management seats for
the Minority Candidates: Seats should be filled up by the management of the Minority Institution based on merit
in the common entrance test (EAMCET) held by the State for that year and from the Minority candidates
concerned who have applied to the Managements.
(iv) Category - D (10% of the sanctioned intake of the seats) - EAMCET Ranking Based Management seats for
the General Candidates: Seats should be filled up by the management of the Minority Institutions based on merit
in the common entrance test (EAMCET) held by the State for that year and with candidates who have applied to
the Managements of the Minority Institutions by following rule of reservation.
(v) Category - E- (25% of the sanctioned intake of the seats) - Management Seats: Seats shall be filed up the
management of the College/Institution giving preference to minority students concerned through any rational and
transparent method of selection devised by itself subject to fulfillment of the eligibility criteria prescribed by the
Medical Council India/Dental Council of India/Government of India/ State Government.
Rule 5 Authority for Admissions
(a) Category-A and B Seats: All the Competent Authority Seats (Category AandB) shall be filed by the
Committee for Admissions nominated by the Competent Authority under these Rules.
(b) Category-CandD Seats: These Seats shall be filled by the Managements of the Minority Institutions based on
EAMCET ranking.
(c) Category-E Management Seats: These seats shall be filed up by the managements of the concerned College
through a rational and transparent method of selection, subject to fulfillment of the eligibility criteria.
Rule 6 Procedure for Admissions
(A) To fill up Competent Authority Seats: (Category-A and B 50% of the sectioned intake of the seats)
(i) Committee for admissions shall be constituted by the Competent Authority under these rules.
(ii) The committee will made advertisements calling for single application form in the prescribed form from the
eligible qualified candidates who have been assigned ranking in the common entrance test, desirous of seeking
admission in Private unaided Minority colleges and also Private colleges in respect of seats to be filled by the
Competent authority.
(iii) The candidates who are qualified to seek admission as a consequence of obtaining ranking in the common
Entrance test and desirous of seeking admission into the Government/ Unaided Private/Unaided Minority
Professional Institutions shall make application to the Competent Authority enclosing all the relevant documents
including a copy of rank card issued. The application shall be acknowledged.
(iv) The Competent Authority shall scrutinize all the candidates received from the candidates, after scrutiny the
Competent Authority shall prepare the following merit list namely:
(i) Common Merit List: containing the names of all the candidates arranged in the order of merit ranking
assigned to them in the common entrance test.
(ii) Category wise merit list: containing the names of the candidates belonging to the concerned categories
arranged in the order of merit ranking assigned to them in the common entrance test.
(iii) Minority category wise merit list: containing the names of the minority candidates concerned arranged in the
order of merit ranking assigned to them in the common entrance test.
(iv) In case of same rank being obtained by more than one candidate, the marks obtained in Physics, Chemistry,
Botany and Zoology shall be reckoned.
(v) In case of a further tie, the older candidate shall be given the higher place in the merit list.
(v) Candidates will be called for an interview in the order of merit for selection and allotment of course and
(a) All the candidates called for interview shall submit the specified original documents along with one set of
duly attested photocopies and the Committee for admissions shall be entitled to cause verification of all the
documents produced by the candidates.
(b) As and when each candidate gets his turn for interview in the order of merit, choice of institutions and course
will be given to him, depending upon availability at the point of time with due regard to the eligibility of the
candidate for a seat in a particular local area for a particular reserved category.
(c) The selection of candidates and allotment of course/institutions in respect of the seats to be filled by
"Competent Authority" in Government Professional Colleges, Private Unaided Professional Colleges and
Unaided Minority Professional Colleges shall also be solely on the basis of merit as adjudged by the rank
obtained in the Entrance Test subject to the condition that the candidate should have passed the qualifying
examination with the minimum marks prescribed and following the Rule of Reservation.
(d) Mere appearance at the Entrance Test and obtaining high rank in the merit list does not entitle a candidate to
be considered for admission automatically into any course/Institution unless he/she also satisfies the rules and
regulations of admission prescribed by the NTRUHS/Government including marks to be obtained in the
qualifying examination etc.
(vi) The Committee of admissions shall select and allot candidates into various courses in respect of the seats to
be filled by "Competent Authority" in the Government Professional Colleges. Unaided Private Professional
Colleges and Unaided Minority Professional Colleges.
(vii) Once a candidate secures admission to a particular college/Institutions based on his/her option, no further
claim for admission into other college/ institution, to any other kind of seat or any other course will be
entertained, except as provided by the committee for admissions in the subsequent phase of
counseling/subsequent counseling, if any.
(viii) The candidates selected by the Competent Authority for admission into Government Professional
Institutions, Private Unaided Non- Minority Professional Colleges and Private Unaided Minority Professional
Colleges shall pay the prescribed fee in the form of demand draft drawn on any nationalized bank in favour of
Registrar, NTR UHS payable at Vijayawada. If a candidate fails to pay the fee on the day of selection, the
selection will be cancelled forthwith and it will be filled up in the subsequent selections / counseling.
(ix) The fee so collected as mentioned above, shall be kept with the Competent Authority till the entire admission
process is completed. As soon as the admission process is completed, the fees so collected shall be transferred to
the colleges concerned.
(x) A candidate after selection and allotment to a college/course can withdraw from the course only, with in one
day from the date of admission as notified by the Competent Authority i.e., NTR UHS, A.P. Vijayawada, then
the fee paid by the candidate shall be refunded. Resultant vacancies if any shall be filled following the prescribed
procedure, in the final counseling as notified by Competent Authority.
(xi) Candidates are considered for selection only for such categories for which they have claimed reservation in
the application form and have submitted supporting documents. Request for a change to any other category after
submission of application shall not be considered.
(xii) The Selection will be made only from among the candidates who physically present themselves when called
in order of merit. Claims of the candidates will not considered if they are absent when called thrice at the time of
selection and the next in the merit would be called.
(xiii) Resultant vacancies will be open to all candidates below the rank of candidates who have not joined the
course and the candidates who were absent in the earlier selection. Resultant vacancies shall be filled by the
candidates belonging to the same category of the seats as those who have not joined the course or vacated the
(xiv) The selection committee shall have the power to cancel the selection or admission of the candidates at any
stage if it is detected either during selection or before closure of admissions that the selection or admission is
against the regulation.
(xv) All the candidates selected should undergo Medical Examination as directed by the Head of the Institution
concerned. The admission of the candidates shall be subject to their fitness in the Medical examination.
(xvi) The Competent Authority/Committee for admissions shall prepare the final list of candidates, admitted
course wise and Institution wise and send the same to NTR UHS.
(xvii) The Competent Authority in consultation with Committee for admission shall fix the cut off dates for each
stage of admission contemplated above.
(B) To Fill Up category-C and D seats (15% and 10% of the Sanctioned Intake of seats).
(i) Category C and D Seats shall be filled by the Managements of the Minority Institutions in a transparent
manner from among the students who have passed EAMCET based on merit and who have applied to the
institutions/ colleges concerned for admission by duly following rule of reservation in respect of category D seas
only as applicable in the State.
(ii) The Management of Private Un-Aided Minority Professional Institutions shall complete the process of
admissions within the time frame stipulated for making admissions.
(iii) The Managements shall issue a notification in two leading news papers calling for applications for
admission into the above seats informing of the dates and venue of the counseling.
(iv) The Managements of Minority Institutions shall fix a reasonable fee as cost of the application form.
(v) The application forms shall be on sale at the institution and at the Office of Director of Medical Education,
A.P. Hyderabad and at the Office of NTR University of Health Sciences, Vijayawada and Hyderabad.
(vi) The Competent Authority shall pool up the above seats in all the Colleges and shall prepare the seat matrix
separately for each region by following the Rules of Reservation in respect of Category D seats.
(vii) The Admissions shall be made in the following manner:
(a) Managements of the Minority Institutions shall scrutinize the application forms received and shall prepare
merit lists as provided in (b).
(b) The Management of the Minority Institutions shall prepare the following merit lists:
(i) Common merit list: containing the names of the candidates arranged in the order of merit ranking assigned to
them in the common entrance test.
(ii) Category wise merit list: containing the names of the candidates belonging to the concerned categories
arranged in the order of merit ranking assigned to them in the Common Entrance Test for the Category-D Seats.
(iii) Minority Category wise merit list containing the names of the names of the Minority candidates concerned
arranged in the order of merit ranking assigned to them in the Common Entrance Test for the Category-C seats.
(iv) In case of same rank being obtained by more than one candidate, the marks obtained in Physics, Chemistry,
Botany and Zoology shall be reckoned.
(v) In case of a further tie, the older candidate shall be given the higher place in the merit list.
(c) The candidates shall attend the counseling with all their original certificates.
(d) The above Managements shall select the candidates in the counseling by calling for candidates based on
EAMCET ranking.
(e) The Managements shall send a copy of the merit list and list of candidates selected to Competent
Authority/University for approval.
(f) The candidates selected for admission shall pay the fee prescribed and as notified in the form of demand draft
drawn on any Nationalized Bank in favour of the Institution. If a candidate fails to pay the fee on the day of
selection, the selection will be cancelled forthwith and it will be filled up in the subsequent selections by
counseling as per prescribed procedure.
(g) The fee so collected shall be kept with the managements till the entire admission process is completed. As
soon as the admission process is completed only the fees collected payable to the NTRUHS shall be transferred
to the NTRUHS.
(h) "If a candidate after the final selection fails to report to the Principal of the respective College, on or before
the stipulated time, and/or if any seat remains unfilled such seats shall be treated as vacant seats and shall be
filled up by the Management by following EAMCET merit Ranking and Rules of Reservation as applicable". by
following the same method of counseling.
(i) The above rules shall be followed scrupulously. Any violation of the rules shall entail cancellation of
admissions of the candidates concerned and conduct of admissions afresh following the procedure etc.
(C) To Fill up Management seats (E-Category-25% of the sanctioned intake of the seats).
(a) "Management Seats" - the seats shall be filled up by the individual college Managements in the order of merit
in the transparent manner following the procedure as detailed below:
(1) Applications shall be called for from prospective candidates seeking admission in the individual colleges.
(2) The college shall issue a receipt of the application received.
(3) The college shall display the list of application received and prepare a merit list based on the marks obtained
in the qualifying examination.
(4) Admissions shall be made by the college based on merit list so prepared.
(b) The candidates who have passed the qualifying examination not from the State have to submit the
equivalency certificate to NTR University of Health Sciences, A.P., Vijayawada.
Rule 7 Cut off date for admissions
The Managements shall close and complete the admission process as per the schedule fixed by the
MCI/DCI/NTRUHS as the case may be.
Rule 8 Rules of Reservation for Admissions
Seats shall be reserved for the following categories in admissions to professional courses.
(1) Region-wise reservation of seats:
(a) Admission to 85% of the "Competent Authority Seats" in each course shall be reserved for the local
candidates and the remaining 15% of the "Competent Authority Seats" shall be unreserved seats as specified in
the Andhra Pradesh Educational Institutions (Regulations and Admissions) Order, 1974 as subsequently
(b) In respect of State wide Institutions, admissions into 85% of seats in each course shall be reserved for the
candidates, belonging to the three local areas in the State specified in this sub-rule namely, Andhra University
Area (Andhra), Osmania University Area (Telangana) and Sri Venkateswara University area (Rayalaseema) in
the ratio of 42:36:22 respectively and the balance of 15% seats shall be un-reserved seats:
Explanations for purpose of these Rales:
(i) "The Local Areas" means:
(a) The part of the State comprising the Districts of Adilabad, Hyderabad (Including Twin Cities) Rangareddy,
Karimnagar, Khammam, Medak, Mahaboobnagar, Nalgonda, Nizamabad and Warangal shall be regarded as the
Osmania University Local Area (Telangana).
(b) The part of the State comprising the Districts of Srikakulam, Vizianagaram, Visakhapatnam, East Godavari,
West Godavari, Krishna, Guntur and Prakasam shall be regarded as the Andhra University Local Area (Andhra).
(c) The part of the State comprising the Districts of Ananthapur, Kumool, Chittoor, Cuddapah and Nellore shall
be regarded as the Sri Venkateswara University Local Area (Rayalaseema).
(ii) "The Local Candidate" means:
(A) A candidate for admission shall be regarded as local candidate in relation to a local area.
(a) If he has studied in educational Institutions in such local area for a period of not less than four consecutive
academic years ending with the academic year in which he appeared or as the case may be, first appeared in the
relevant qualifying examination.
(b) Where, during the whole or any part of the four consecutive academic years ending with the academic year in
which he appeared or as the case may be first appeared for the relevant qualifying examination, he has not
studied in any Educational Institutions, if he has resided in that local area for a period of not less than four years
immediately preceding the date of commencement of the relevant qualifying examination which he appeared or
as the case may be first appeared.
(B) A Candidate for admission to the course who is not regarded as local candidate under clause (A) in relation
to any local area shall:
(a) If he has studied in Educational Institutions in the State for a period of not less than seven consecutive
academic years ending with the academic year in which he appeared or as the case may be first appeared for the
relevant qualifying examination be regarded as a local candidate in relation to...
(i) Such local area where he has studied for the maximum period out of said period of seven years:
(ii) Where the period of his study in two more local areas are equal, such local area, where he has studied lasting
such equal period.
(b) If, during the whole or any part of seven consecutive academic years ending with the academic year in which
he appeared or as case may be first appeared for the relevant qualifying examination he has not studied in the
Educational Institutions in any local area but has resided in the State during the whole of the said period of seven
years, be regarded as a local candidate in relation to...
(i) Such local area where he has resided for the maximum period out of the said period of seven years.
(ii) Where the periods of his residence in two or more local area are equal, such local area where he has resided
last in such equal periods.
(C) The following categories of candidates are eligible to apply for admission to the remaining 15% of unreserved seats:
(a) All the candidates eligible to be declared as local candidates.
(b) Candidates who have resided in the State for a total period of 10 years excluding periods of study outside the
State or either of whose parent have resided in the State for a total period often years excluding period of
employment outside the State.
(c) Candidates who are children of parents who are in employment of the State or Central Government, Public
Sector Corporations, Local Bodies, Universities and Educational Institutions other similar quasi Public
Institutions within the State.
(d) Candidates who are spouses of those in the employment of the State or Central Government, public Sector
Corporations, Local Bodies, Universities and Educational Institutions recognized by the Government or
University or other Competent Authority and similar quasi Government Institutions within the State.
(D) If a local candidate in respect of a local area in not available to fill any seat reserved or allocated in favour of
a local candidate in respect of that local area, such seat shall be filled if it had not been reserved, in the order of
ranking assigned in the common merit list.
(2) Reservation of seats for SC/ST/BC Communities:
(a) 15% of seats in each course shall be reserved for the candidates belonging to Scheduled Caste as shown
below: SC - A.... 1% SC - B.... 7% SC - C.... 6% SC - D.... 1%
(b) 6% of the seats in each course shall be reserved for the candidates belonging to Scheduled Tribes. The seats
reserved for Scheduled Tribes shall be made available to Scheduled Castes and Vice-Versa, if qualified
candidates are not available in the category. If qualified candidates belongs to Scheduled Castes and Scheduled
Tribes communities are not available, the left over seats reserved for them shall be treated as open competition
seats and shall be filed by the candidates of General pool.
(c) 25% seats in each course shall be reserved for the candidates belonging to the Backward Classes and shall be
allocated among the four groups of Backward Classes as shown below: Group 'A'.... 7% Group 'B'.... 10% Group
'C'.... 1% Group 'D'.... 7% If qualified candidates belonging to Backward Classes of a particular group are not
available, the left over seats can be adjusted for the candidates of next group. If qualified candidates belonging to
backward classes are not available to fill up the 25% seats reserved for them, the left over seats shall be treated
as open competition seats and shall be filled up with candidates of General Pool.
(d) No candidate seeking reservation for admission under the above categories be allowed to participate in the
Counseling for admission unless he produces the Integrated Community Certificate prescribed by the
Government and issued by the Revenue Authorities in the Government (Vide G.O.Ms.No. 58, Social Welfare (J)
Department, dated 12-05-1997).
(3) Reservation for Special Categories:
(a) Seats shall be reserved in each course for the following categories, to the extent indicated against them:
(i) Physically Handicaped = 3% (*)
(ii) National Cadet Corps = ¼% (0.25%)
(iii) Games and Sports = ½% (0.50%)
(iv) 1% for the Children of Ex- servicemen and serving service personnel of the three wings of the Defense
Services i.e., Army, Navy and Airforce, subject to the condition that the Ex-service men etc., and residing for a
minimum of five years in Andhra Pradesh, provided that if suitable candidates are not available equivalent to
fulfill the above reservation, the condition of five year minimum period of residence shall not be insisted upon.
(b) The priorities in respect of the categories mentioned in item (a) above as declared by the Government vide
G.O.Ms.No. 254, HM and FW (E1) Department, dated 28-04-1993 and subsequent amendments thereto from
time to time.
(4) Reservation of seats of women: 331/3% of seats are guaranteed for women candidates in each category. This
regulation of guarantee shall not be applicable if women candidates is selected on merit in each category from
331/3% or more of the seats therein. When the number of women candidates falls short of this percentage, it
shall be made up by replacing the last selected male candidate by women candidate in that category.
Rule 9 Fees for Private Un-aided Minority medical and Dental Colleges
Orders will be issued separately.
In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of Section 15 read with Section 3 of the Andhra Pradesh
Educational Institutions (Regulation of Admissions and Prohibition of Capitation Fee) Act, 1983 (Andhra
Pradesh Act 5 of 1983) and in supersession of the Andhra Pradesh Regulation of Admissions of students into
Polytechnics and State Wide Technical Institution Rules, 1985 issued in G.O.Ms.No.215, Labour, Employment,
Nutrition and Technical Education Department, Dt. the 23rd May, 1985, published in Part I of the Andhra
Pradesh Gazette, issue No.14, Dt. the 18th July, 1985, the Governor of Andhra Pradesh hereby makes the
following Rules relating to admission of candidates into Polytechnics and State wide Technical Institutions in the
Rule 1 Short title, application and commencement
(1) These rules may be called the Andhra Pradesh Regulation of Admission of Candidates into Polytechnics and
State-wide Institution Rules. 1988.
(2) The shall apply to polytechnics, Institutions including State-wide Institutions and Institutions under Private
Managements offering diploma courses in Engineering and Non- Engineering disciplines.
(3) They shall come into force from the academic year 1988-89
Rule 2 Common Entrance Examination for Admission into Polytechnic (CEEP)
(1)There shall be a Committee, hereinafter called "the Common Entrance Examination for Admission into
Polytechnic Committee" constituted for the purpose of laying guidelines for conducting Entrance Test.
(2) The Committee shall consist of the following members:
(a) Director of Technical Education.-Chairman
(b) Secretary. State Board of Technical Education and Member Training, Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad, Convenor
(c) A representative of Government not below the rank of Deputy Secretary from Labour, Employment,
Technical Education Department.-Member
(d) Regional Joint director of Technical Education-Member
(e) Two officers not below the rank of Joint Director of Technical Education.-Members
(f) Three Principals as nominated by the Director of Technical Education-Members
(3) Admissions shall be made on the basis of merit in the entrance Examination.
(4) The Committee shall prescribe Entrance Examination as decided by the Government for various courses from
time to time.
(5) The Entrance Examinations shall be conducted by the State Board of Technical Education and Training,
Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad in such manner as may be prescribed by the Committee.
(6) The Committee shall be competent to prescribe such other guidelines, conditions as deemed necessary in
addition to the merit at Entrance Examination for the purpose of admission.
Rule 3 Eligibility
No candidate shall be eligible to appear for the Entrance Test unless he/she satisfies the following conditions,
namely:(a) The candidate shall be a citizen of India and shall either be a local or non-local candidate as defined in
Andhra Pradesh Educational Institutions (Regulation of Admission) Order, 1974.
(b) The candidate shall either, have passed the Xth class examination or its equivalent examination thereto; or
appeared for such examination or as may be decided by the Committee.
(c) The candidate should have secured 50% of marks in aggregate in such subjects as prescribed by the
Examining authority for deciding the result or second class in the qualifying examination. However in the case of
S.C's and S.Ts. the minimum marks shall be 35%.
(d) The candidates should not have completed the age of 20 years as on 1st July of that year of Common
Entrance Examination for admission into Polytechnics provided that in the case of candidates belonging to
schedule castes and scheduled Tribes, the candidates should not have completed the age of 25 years on the said
date for the said examination.}
Rule 4 Standard of Entrance Examination
The Entrance Examination shall be of Xth class standard prescribed by the Andhra Pradesh Board of Secondary
Rule 5 Procedure for applying for the Entrance Examination
(1) The candidates shall apply for the Entrance Examination to the authority prescribed in the district in which
he/she appears for qualifying examination.
(2) The candidates have to apply on a separate application form for the admission (after receiving the ranks in the
Entrance Examination) (CEEP) to the Admission Officer of local University area and also other University areas
of the State if interested (for 15% of unreserved seats).}
Rule 6 Functions of the Committee
The Committee shall perform the following functions namely:(i) to decide about the mode of conducting the Entrance Examination for each course and to prescribe eligibility
as given in condition (b) of Rule 3 and sub-rule (6) of Rule 2:
(ii) to decide the date and centres of the Entrance Examination;
(iii) to decide about the syllabus, content and the pattern of question paper/form of ranking in case of equal
marks at the entrance examination:
(iv) date of announcement of results;
(v) norms of payment of remuneration for different items of work connected with the entrance examination:
(vi) fees to be collected from the candidates:
(vii) dates of admission;
(viii) to prescribe aptitutde test and its mode of conduct, and extent of marks to be considered along with marks
obtained at Entrance Examination for admission, to any of the courses; and
(ix) such other functions as may be entrusted to it by the Government from time to time.
Rule 7 Functions of the Chairman
The Chairman shall perform the following functions namely:(i) to preside over the meetings of the Committee;
(ii) to appoint paper setters and moderators for the Entrance Examination; and
(iii) to decide upon the printing press or presses at which the papers are to be got printed.
Rule 8 Functions of Convenor
The Convenor shall perform the following functions namely:(i) to take directions from the Chairman in discharging the duties in connection with the conduct of the Entrance
(ii) to arrange for printing of application forms, instructions to candidates, hall-tickets and various other registers,
proforma cards etc., and to supply them to the co-ordinators;
(iii) ..................................regarding the Entrance Examination;
(iv) to appoint the co-ordinators in consultation with the Chairman one for each district and observers for various
Centres of Entrance Examination:
(v) to supply question papers and payment of advance to the Co-ordinators/Chief Superintendents;
(vi) to arrange coding and decoding of answer scripts:
(vii) to appoint examiners for valuation of answer scripts in consultation with the Chairman;
{(viii) to arrange for publication of results, preparation of state ranks, University area ranks and communicating
the same to the Admission Officers and.}
(ix) payment of remuneration for various items of work related to the Entrance Examination and maintenance of
Rule 9 Functions of Co-ordinators
The Co-ordinators appointed in each district by the Convenor shall take directions from the convenor to arrange
for the (i) sale of applications;
(ii) receipt of duly filled in applications;
(iii) scrutiny of applications;
(iv) issue of hal ickets;
(v) despatch of computer cards to the convenor duly verified;
(vi) conducting of the Entrance Examination as per institutions:
(vii) despatch of answer scripts to the convenor.
Rule 10 Funds of the Entrance Test Committee
The amount collected from the candidates appearing for Entrance Examination towards cost of application forms
and Entrance Examination fee shall be credited to the Andhra Pradesh State Board of Technical Education and
Training Fund. The Convenor is authorised to operate the account for incurring such expenditure as approved by
the Board.
Rule 11 Requirements of passing and ranking at the Entrance Examination
(1) The minimum marks for declaring a candidate to have passed the Entrance Examination shall be thirty
percent, provided that, in the case of candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes or the Scheduled Tribes the
minimum marks for declaring him to have passed the Entrance Examination, shall be twenty five percent.
(2) The marks obtained at the Entrance Examination shall be considered for the purpose of assigning rank on the
basis of which selection shall be made for admission into diploma courses.
(3) In case of equality of marks obtained by two or more candidates in the Entrance Examination the procedure
to be adopted for assigning rank to the students shall be as decided by the Committee prior to the conduct of the
Rule 12 Exemption
(1) The requirement of residence in a local area as required under clause(a) of Rule 3 shall not be applicable to
candidate seeking admission against the supernumerary seats reserved in the year of various diploma courses on
the recommendation of Government of India.
(2) The candidates seeking admission against the seat reserved for Intermediate (Vocational Engineering) in the
second year of diploma courses against certain percentage as prescribed by the Government shall not be required
to appear for the Entrance Examination.
Rule 12A Ranking
The ranks obtained by the candidate in the Entrance Examination in the respective University areas shall be
displayed at the respective test centres.
Rule 13 Eligibility for admission
Mere appearance at the Entrance Examination for admission into courses does not entitle a candidate to be
considered for admission automatically into any Polytechnic/Institution unless he satisfies all the conditions of
admission stipulated in these rules.
Rule 14 Method of admission
The candidates seeking admission into the diploma course:
(1) shall secure 50% of marks in aggregate in such subject s as prescribed by the examination authority for
deciding the result or second class at the qualifying examination. The percentage of marks shall be reduced to
35% for %4 candidate %0 s be %2 longing %0 to S.C./S.T. %1 categorie %0 s ;
(2) shall pass the Entrance Examination and the aptitude test in case where it is prescribed; and
(3) the qualifying marks in the Entrance Examination for all candidates to pass the test is 30% of the aggregate
marks in the three subjects, and is reduced to 25% in respect of candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes and
Scheduled Tribes:
Provided that the candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes shall be considered for the
purpose of ranking on the basis of their performance in the Entrance Examination without insisting on the 25%
of marks. However, their admission shall be limited to the extent of the seats reserved for such Scheduled Castes
and Scheduled Tribes respectively.
Rule 15 Admission of students to Polytechnic or Institutions
(1) The candidates shall be admitted into the diploma courses of Polytechnic/ Institution on the basis of rank
secured at the Entrance Examination and such other additional criteria as may be prescribed by the Committee.
(2) The marks secured in the aptitude test shall also be considered in case of courses for which aptitude test is
Rule 16 Competent authority for admission
The Director of Technical Education shall be the competent authority to issue notification for admission, for
prescribing admission procedures, nominate admission staff to select candidates for all the courses in all the
Polytechnics, Institutions in such manner as will be deemed fit.
Rule 16A Procedure for admission into Polytechnics/Institutions including Private Unaided
(a) The Admission Officer will make advertisement calling for a single application in the prescribed form from
the qualified candidates who have been assigned ranking in the CEEP, desirous of seeking admission into
Government Polytechnics/State-wide Institutions/Private Unaided Polytechnics. The advertisement among other
things, shall indicate various documents to be enclosed with the application, fee payable to State Board of
Technical Education and Training and various fees payable to the institutions. This application form will also
have appropriate column in regard to admission, into Private Unaided Polytechnics in respect of Free Seats' and
Payment Seats'.
(b) The Admission Officer shall be the competent authority to select and allot the candidates for admission in
Diploma Courses in Government Polytechnics and State-wide Institutions/Private Unaided Polytechnics on the
basis of the ranking assigned to them in the Entrance Test and as per the rules relating to Local and Non-Local
candidates issued in G.O.(P) No.646, Education (W) Department, dated 10-7-1979 and all other rules of
reservation in respect of Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe/Backward Class and other categories issued by
Government from time to time.
(a) The seats in Unaided Private Polytechnics are divided into two distinct categories known as "Free Seats' and
'Payment Seats'. Fifty percent (50 %) of the total seats shall be "Free Seats' and the Balance 50% shall be the
Payment Seats".
(b) The fee chargeable for Free Seats, shall be equal to the fee charged in Government Polytechnics/Institutions
and the fee chargeable for Payment Seats' shall be at the rates notified by the Government from time to time.
(3) The Admission officer shall be the Competent authority to make admission of students into Private Unaided
Polytechnics both in respect of Free Seats' and Payment Seats'.
(4) No Private Unaided Polytechnic shall call for applications for admission separately or individually.
(5) The admission shall be made by the Admission Officer to the 'Free Seats' and Payment Seats' as two separate
categories. The principles of merit based on the CEEP rank including the rules of reservation shall be followed
while making admissions to the Free Seats' and Payments Seats'.
(6) The admissions into Payment Seats' shall be made by the Admission Officer based on the willingness of the
candidates for admission to such seats. The Admission Officer shall also follow the principle of inter-se-merit
while making admissions within the Free Seats' category as also in the Payment Seats' category. It shall be open
to a higher ranking candidate to opt for a Payment Seat'.
(7) Candidates who have secured higher ranks at the Entrance Test will be called for an interview in the order of
merit for selection and allotment to an institution. For the convenience of the candidates, representatives of all
polytechnics including Private Polytechnics in the State shall sit at a common table. As and when each candidate
gets his turn for interview in the order of merit, choice of branch and institution will be given to him depending
upon availability at that point of time with due regard to the eligibility of the candidate for a seat in a particular
local area for a particular reserved category.
{(8) With regard to admission into payment seats' the Admission Officers, Common Entrance Examination for
Polytechnic will give a least ten days time to the candidates after the "Free Seats" in private Polytechnics are
filled up, to opt to be admitted against 50% of payment seats.
(9) The candidates admitted in Private Unaided Polytechnics against 50% payment seats shall pay the Year fees
at the time of admission. The tuition fee for the remaining years of study, the candidate shall pay at the time of
commencement of second and third years class work as the case may be.}
(10) After completion of this stage of admission, the Admission Officer shall prepare a waiting list of the
candidates based on the CEEP ranking, and publish the same along with the marks obtained by them in the
CEEP. The said list shall be adopted by the Admission Officer for filling up of casual vacancies or dropout
vacancies arising after the above stage of Payment Seats admission are finalised. These vacancies shall be filled
by the Admission Officer until such date as may be prescribed. Any vacancy still remaining after such date can
be filled by managements from the above waiting list only. The Admission officer, upto the above mentioned cut
off date, and the managements after the said cut off date, shall observe the principle of merit, rules of reservation
and other prescribed norms including notification in popular News papers while making the admissions from this
waiting list.
(11) The reservation for Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe/Backward Class shall be made applicable in respect of
both free and payment seats:
Rule 17 Reservations
(1) For the purpose of admission into Diploma courses each Polytechnic/Institution shall be considered as a unit
applying the rules of reservation as prescribed by the Government from time to time in the manner specified in
Annexure- I.
(2) The rule of reservation as prescribed by the Government from time to time shall apply to the
(3) The seats available in each Polytechnic/Institution will be allocated to local candidates as indicated at
paragraph (11) in Annexure-I in accordance with the provisions contained in the Andhra Pradesh Educational
Institutions (Regulation of Admissions) Order, 1974, subject sub-rules (2) and (3).
(4) The seats available in the State-wide Institutions/State-wide Courses as sanctioned by Government from time
to time and also in all the Private Unaided Polytechnics shall be allocated in the ratio of 42:36:22 among the
local candidates of Andhra University, Osmania University and Sri Venkateshwara University respectively}.
(5) The managements of minority institutions offering Diploma courses shall call for applications for admission
into such courses and admit the candidates belonging to that minority group on the basis of merit in the Entrance
Examination restricting such admission to the seats as approved by the Government.
(6) Where any minority Educational Institution intends to admit students not belonging to the concerned minority
, such admission shall only be on the basis of merit in the Entrance Examination and in such manner as may be
prescribed by the Committee.
Rule 18
Rule 18A Admission into Diploma Courses in non-Engineering Disciplines
(i) Candidates asking admission into the First year Diploma Courses in Non-Engineering subjects namely {xxx}
DHMCFT (Diploma in Hotel Management, Catering and Food Technology), D.M.C.D.(Dress Making and
Costume Design), DTSA(Diploma in Traditional Sculpture and Architecture)and DDS(Diploma in Domestic
Science) shall not be required to appear for C.E.E.P. and that the selection shall be made on the basis of marks
obtained in the qualifying examination,namely S.S.C. or its equalent examinations.}
Rule 19 General
Notwithstanding anything contained in these rules the Secretary, State Board of Technical Education and
Training, Andhra Pradesh and Director of Technical Education as the case may be, may either suo muto D or on
an application of any person and after due and proper enquiry, order the withholding of the publication of the
result of the Entrance Test or cancel the admission of the candidate if already made, or debar any candidate from
applying for admission to any of the courses permanently or for specified period, or discharge him from the
course of study, at any stage, etc., if in the opinion of the Secretary, State Board of Technical Education and
Training, Andhra Prades(/Director of Technical Education, as the case may be, such action is warranted on the
basis of guidelines that may be evolved by the State Board of Technical Education.
Rule 20 Decision of the Director of Technical Education
If any ambiguity or doubt arises in the interpretation and implementation of these rules, the decision of the
Director of Technical Education shall be final
Rule 21 Power of Government
The Government shall have the power to increase or decrease the number of seats or cancel a course or introduce
a new course in a polytechnic or institution at any time and amend or alter these rules from time to time without
1. General Reservations:- (i) 21% of the available seats are reserved for the candidates belonging to Scheduled
Castes/Scheduled Tribes with the distinct reservation of 15% for Scheduled Castes and 6% for Scheduled Tribes.
This reservation is inter-changeable i.e., if sufficient number of candidates are not available to fill the seats
reserved for the Scheduled Caste candidates they may be filled up by qualified candidates belonging to
Scheduled Tribes and vice versa D . The communities included under Scheduled Castes & Scheduled Tribes
shall be as decided by the Government from time to time.
(ii) 25% of the available seats are reserved for candidates belonging to Backward Classes as shown below:
Backward Class students belong to Group-A -- 7%
Backward Class students belong to Group-B -- 10%
Backward Class students belong to Group-C -- 1%
Backward Class students belong to Group-D -- 7%
_______________ Total
(iii) 3% horizontally for Physically Handicapped in each group i.e., OCs, BCs, SCs and STs in the following
cyclic order;
(i) 1% for visually handicapped;
(ii) 1% for hearing impaired;
(iii) 1% for Orthopaedically handicapped.
(iv) 1% of the available seats shall be reserved for N.C.C. Candidates. The reservation under this category shall
be allowed on production of certificate from the competent authority. The priorities shall be as prescribed by the
Government in the case of Engineering Colleges from time to time.
(v) 1/2% of the available seats shall be reserved for Sports and Games Candidates. The reservation under this
category shall be allowed on production of Certificate from the competent authority. The priorities shall be as
prescribed by the Government in the case of Engineering Colleges from time to time.
(vi) 2% of the available seats shall be reserved for children of armed personnel. The reservation under this
category shall be allowed on production of certificates from the competent authority. The priorities shall be as
prescribed by the Government in the case of Engineering Colleges from time to time.
(vi-A) Reservation of seats for Women:- 30% of overall seats shall be reserved in favour of Women candidates
in Diploma Courses in the Polytechnics in each category of O.C., S.C., S.T. B.C- A', B.C -B'' B.C. -C', B.C. -D'
physically handicapped, NCC, Sports and Games and Army Personnel.
Provided that for the purpose of calculating the 30% reservation the seats available exclusively for Women in
Women Polytechnics shall also be taken into consideration.
Provided further that in Co-education Polytechnics if adequate number of women candidates are not available
those seats shall be allotted to the male candidates of the same category i.e., O.C., S.C., S.T., B.C-A, B.C.-B,
B.C.-C, B.C.-D, Physically Handicapped, N.C.C., Sports and Games and Army Personnel.
(vi-B) Reservation of Seats for Anglo Indians :- Two (2) seats are reserved in Polytechnics in favour of the
candidates belonging to the Anglo Indian Community from the academic year 1994-95 onwards. The candidates
claiming such reservation shall fulfil all other conditions for getting admission into the polytechnics.
(vii) (a) In respect of admission into Government Residential Polytechnics at Paderu, Bhadrachalam and
Srisailam, the following rules of reservations shall be applicable as prescribed in G.O.Ms.No.28 Labour,
Employment,. Nutrition and Technical Education Department, dated 3rd January, 1984 and G.O.Ms.No.303,
Labour, Employment, Nutrition and Technical Education Department, dated 14-8-85 as amended by
G.O.Ms.No.1190 Education (TE.1) Department, dt.6-7-93.
(a) Scheduled Caste . . . 18%
(b) Scheduled Tribe . . . 75%
(c) Backward Class . . . 5%
(d) Open Competition . . . 2%
(b) In respect of admission into Government Residential Polytechnic at Rajahmundry, Madanapally and Gajwel
the following rules of reservation shall be applicable as follows:(a) Scheduled Castes . . . 75%
(b) Scheduled Tribes . . . 5%
(c) Backward Class . . . 10%
(d) Open Competition . . . 10%
Explanation:- (i) Educational Institutions means any educational institutions recognised by the State
Government, a University or other competent authority.
(ii) relevant qualifying examination in relation to admission to any course of study, means the examination, a
pass in which is the minimum educational qualification for admission to such course of study;
(iii) in reckoning the consecutive academic years during which a candidate has studied:(a) any period of interruption of his study by reason of his failure to pass any examination; and
(b) any period of his study in a state-wide educational institution shall be disregarded.
(iv) The question whether any candidate for admission to any course had resided in any local area shall be
determined with reference to the places where the candidate actually resided and not with reference to the
residence of his parent or other guardians.
Illustrations:- In the case of the admission to the Licentiate to the Engineering course the minimum educational
qualification required is a pass in the secondary school certificate (SSC) Examination. A candidate who
possesses Intermediate qualification will also be eligible. In order to determine whether the candidate is a local
candidate or not, the period of study or residence as the case may be immediately before his appearance for the
S.S.C. examination alone will be taken into consideration. Further in the case of a candidate who did not pass the
minimum qualifying examination in the attempt and therefore appeared for it more than once, the 4 years period
of study or residence has to be computed with reference to his appearance at such examination.
(4) If a local candidate in respect of local area is not available to fill any seat reserved or allocated in favour of a
local candidate in respect of local area such seat should be filled as if it had not been reserved,.
(5) Sub-Paragraphs 1 (1) to (4) of Paragraph II shall not apply to any part-time course of study provided in any
polytechnic solely for the benefit of employed persons.
(6) The following categories of candidates are eligible to apply for admission to the remaining 15% of
unreserved seats:(i) all candidates defined in sub-paragraph S(3) of paragraph-II.
(ii) candidates who have resided in the State for a total period of ten years excluding period of study outside the
State; or either of whose parents have resided in the State for a total period of ten years excluding periods of
employment outside the State;
(iii) Candidates who are children of parents who are in the employment of this State or Central Government,
Public Sector Corporations, Local Bodies, Universities and other similar quasi-public institutions within the
State; and
(iv) Candidates who are spouses of those in the employment of this State or Central Government, Public Sector,
Corporation, Local bodies, Universities and Educational Institutions, recognised by the Government, a
University or other competent authority and similar other Quasi Government Institutions in the State.
ANNEXURE 2 Annexure
Annexure 2
(Omitted by G.O.Ms.No.241 dated 30-10-1993.)
In exercise of the powers conferred by Section 3 read with sub- section (1) of Section 15 of Andhra Pradesh
Educational Institutions (Regulation of Admission and Prohibition of Capitation fee) Act, 1983 (A.P. Act No. 5
of 1983), the Governor of Andhra Pradesh hereby makes the following rules for admission to Post Graduate
Medical Courses (Ayurveda) in the State of Andhra Pradesh.
Rule 1
(1) These rules may be called the Andhra Pradesh Admission to Post Graduate Courses in the Ayurvedic Medical
Colleges Rules, 1985.
(2) They shall apply to all the Government Ayurvedic Medical Colleges in the State.
Rule 2 Number of Seats
(1) Admission to the Post Graduate Degree Courses in Ayurveda shall be made once in a year. The number of
seats allotted to the Medical Colleges in the State for the Post Graduate Degree Courses shall be as specified in
Annexure I, to these rules.
(2) The Government reserve the right to increase or decrease the number of seats from time to time consistent
with the University and Central Council for Indian Medicine Rules.
Rule 3 Reservation
(i) 14%, 4% and 25% of the total number of seats available in each course of study shall be reserved for
Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Backward Classes respectively
(ii) A candidate claiming reservation under clause (i), shall produce a certificate of his social status in the form
specified in the Annexure-II appended to the application.
(2) The seats reserved for the Scheduled Castes shall be made available to the Scheduled Tribes, and vice versa,
if no qualified candidates are available in any of the categories. The seats reserved for both the Scheduled Castes
and the Scheduled Tribe shall be made available to the candidates in general pool, if qualified candidates
belonging to the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes are not available.
No. of seats.
Salya, Salakya and Prasuthi Tantra
B.C. (A)
B.C. (B)
B.C. (C)
B.C. (D)
Atleast one Scheduled Caste candidate in each of the subjects should be selected, if available.
(i) Fifty per cent of seats for M.D. (Ayurveda) in the Speciality of Satya, Salakya and Prasuti Tantra are open for
candidates from outside the State so long as the course is run as a Centrally Sponsored Scheme ;
(ii) the number of candidates selected against open competition, Backward Classes and Scheduled
Castes/Scheduled Tribes quota from outside the State should not be more than 3, 1 and 1 respectively in Salya,
Salakya and Prasuti Tantra put together ; and
(iii) in case any seats reserved for the candidates from outside the State are not filled up, such seats will be
reallocated to the overall total seats and to the particular category viz., open competition reserved for Backward
Classes and Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes.
Rule 4 Reservation in favour of local candidates
Admission to 85% of the seats, excluding the seats reserved for candidates from outside the State in the courses
specified in Annexure I shall be reserved in favour of and allocated among the local candidates in relation to the
local area in respect of the Andhra University including Nagarjuna University area, the Osmania University
including Kakatiya University area and Sree Venkateshwara University including Srikrishna Deveraya
University area in the ratio of 42:36:22 respectively. While determining the number of seats to be reserved in
favour of local candidates in respect of each local area any fraction of 0.5 and above shall be counted as one,
provided that there shall be atleast one un-reserved seat.
Rule 5 Local area
(1) The part of the State comprising the districts of Srikakulam, Vizianagaram, Visakhapatnam, East Godavari,
West Godavari, Krishana, Guntur and Prakasam shall be regarded as the local area in respect of Andhra
University, and Nagarjuna University.
(2) The part of the State comprising the districts of Adilabad, Hyderabad (including the twin cities of Hyderabad
and Secunderabad) Ranga Reddy, Karimnagar, Khamam, Medak, Mahabubnagar, Nalgonda, Nizamabad and
Warangal shall be regarded as the local area in respect of Osmania University and Kakatiya University.
(3) The part of the States comprising the districts of Anantapur, Kurnool, Chittoor, Cuddapah and Nellore shall
be regarded as the local area in respect of Sri Venkateshwara University, and Sri Krishna Devaraya University.
Rule 6 Local candidate
(1) A candidate for admission to any course of study shall be regarded as local candidate in relation to a local
area-(a) If he/she has studied in an educational institution or educational institutions in such local area for a period of
not less than four consecutive academic years ending with the academic year in which he/she appeared or/as the
case may be first appeared in the relevant qualifying examination ; OR
(b) Where, during the whole or any part of the four consecutive academic years ending with the academic year in
which he/she appeared or as the case may be first appeared for the relevant qualifying examination, he/she has
not studied in any educational institution if he/she has resided in that local area for a period of not less than four
years immediately preceding the date of commencement of the relevant qualifying examination in which he/she
appeared or, as the case may be, first appeared :
(2) A candidate for admission to any course of study who is not regarded a local candidate under sub-rule (1), in
relation to any local area shall,
(a) if he/she has studied in an educational institution in the State for a period of not less than seven consecutive
academic years ending with the academic year in which he/she appeared or as the case may be appeared for the
relevant qualifying examination be regarded as a local candidate in relation to
(i) such local area where he/she studied for the maximum period out of the said period of seven years : or
(ii) Where the periods of his/her study in two or more local areas are equal such local area where he/she studied
last in such equal period ; or
(b) if during the whole or any part of the seven consecutive academic years ending with the academic year in
which he/she appeared or as the case may be first appeared for the relevant qualifying examination, he/she has
not studied in the educational institutions in any local area, but has resided in the State during the whole of the
said period of seven years, be regarded as local candidate in relation to :(i) Such local area where he/she has resided for the maximum period out of the said period of seven years OR
(ii) Where the periods of his/her residence in two or more local areas are equal such local area where he/she
resided last in such equal period. Provided that clause (2) will not apply to those applying for 50% of quota for
outside the State on All India basis for Salya, Salakya and Prasuti Tantra which are presently Centrally
Sponsored Schemes.
Explanation :- For purpose of this rule,
(i) "educational institution" means a University or any educational institution recognised as such, by the State
Government, a University or other authority competent in that behalf ;
(ii) "relevant qualifying examination" in relation to admission to any course of study, means the examination, a
pass in which is the minimum educational qualification for admission to such course of study ; The relevant
qualifying examination for admission to M.D. (Ayurveda) being Bachelor of Ayurveda Medicine and Surgery
Examination, the question whether a candidate is a local candidate or not shall be determined with reference to
his/her appearance in the Bachelor of Ayurveda Medicine and Surgery examination.
*(a) In reckoning the consecutive academic years during which a candidate has studied, any period of
interruption of his/her study by reason of his/her failure to pass any examination shall be disregarded, and
* (b) Any period of his study in a State-wide University or a State-wide Educational Institute shall be
(iv) The question whether any candidate for admission to any course of study has resided in any local area shall
be determined with reference to the places where the candidate actually resided and not with reference to the
residence of his/her parent or other guardian.
(3) If a local candidate in respect of a local area is not available to fill up any seat reserved or allotted in favour
of a local candidate in respect of that local areas, such seat shall be filled as if, it had not been reserved.
Rule 7 The following categories of candidates will be eligible to apply for admission to the remaining 15%
of un-reserved seats
(i) all candidates as defined in rule 6;
(ii) candidates, who have resided in the State for a total period of ten years excluding periods of study outside the
State, or either of whose parents have resided in the State for a total period of ten years excluding period of
employment outside the State ;
(iii) candidates whose parents are in the employment of this State or Central Government, Public Sector
Corporations, Local Bodies, Universities and other similar Quasi public Institutions within the State ;
(iv) candidates who are the spouses of those in employment of this State or Central Government, Public Sector
Corporations, Local Bodies, Universities and Educational Institutions recognised by the Government, or a
University or other competent authority and similar other Quasi Government Institutions within the State ;
(v) candidates who are employees in the State Government Undertakings, Public Sector Corporation, Local
Bodies, Universities and other similar Quasi Public Institutions within the State;
(vi) candidates who are the spouses of the local candidates, as per Rule 6. N.B.- Relevant certificate shall be
enclosed to the applications, in respect of their claims. In respect of Residence Certificate it should be from the
Revenue authorities not below the rank of Tahsildar.
Rule 8 Selection of Candidates
Selection of candidates shall be made by an entrance test, conducted by the selection committee, which shall be
constituted by the Government for the purpose.
Rule 9 Notification
Notification shall be issued by the Director, Indian Medicines and Homeopathy inviting applications from the
eligible candidates for admission to Post Graduate Degree Courses in Ayurveda.
(a) Applications :- (a) Form of application for admission along with a copy of prospectus shall be supplied to the
candidates on receipt of a written request addressed to the Principal of the concerned Government Ayurvedic
College in the State, and on payment of Rs. 10 (Rupees ten only);
(b) The amount of Rs. 10 (Rupees ten only) being the cost of application form and prospectus, shall be credited
in the State Bank of Hyderabad, at Gunfoundry Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh or in a Government Treasury under
following Head of Account:- "080 Medical-B. Other Systems of Medicine M.H. (05) Ayurvedic- S.H. (03) Other Receipts. and the challan in support of such payment shall be enclosed to the written request for
application form. Candidates from outside the Andhra Pradesh State may remit the said amount by Postal Order
at such Post Office as may be specified in the notification payable to the Principal of the concerned Government
Ayurvedic College in the State, and enclose such postal order to the written request made to the concerned
principal for application form.
(c) A self addressed envelope of 11cm.x 25cm. size with stamps affixed of the value of Rs. 5.00 should be
enclosed with the request for application if the candidate wishes to receive the application form and prospectus
by post.
(d) All applications duly filled in and with all necessary enclosures may be delivered in person or sent by
Registered Post with Acknowledgment Due to the Principal of the concerned Govt. Ayurvedic College in the
State, so as to reach him at such time and on such date as may be specified in the notification.
(e) The filled in application forms received after the time and the date shall be rejected. The Principal shall not be
responsible for non-receipt of application or for its delay in postal transit.
*(f) If the candidate wishes to appear for more than one subject of speciality, he should submit application for
each subject of speciality along with a prescribed registration fee separately.
*(g) An amount of Rs. 100 * [for each speciality] shall be credited to the Head of account: "080 Medical-B.
Other Systems of Medicine M.H. (05) Ayurvedic- S.H. (03) - Other Receipts. through challan towards
registration fees. Candidates from outside of Andhra Pradesh State may remit the amount by Postal Order
payable to the Principal of the concerned Government Ayurvedic College in the State payable at such Post office
as may be specified in the notification. Fees once paid will not be refunded under any circumstances. However if
a candidate is not admitted to the examination an amount of Rs. 80 shall be refunded.
(h) The following shall be enclosed to the filled in applications :
(i) Challan or the Postal Order as the case may be in support of payment of Rs. 100.
(ii) an attested copy of the certificate of the qualifying examination ;
(iv) a valid certificate of caste or Social Status ; and
(v) two passport size photos of the candidate attested by a Gazetted Officer.
Rule 10 Eligibility for Admission
(1) The Post Graduate courses leading to Doctor of Medicine in Ayurvedic is open to the holders of a degree or
diploma obtained after undergoing a regular institutional course of study in Ayurveda, both theory and practical
of not less than four years duration of a University established in India by a State, Provincial or a Central Act or
of an Institution or a Board recognised by University Grants Commission or by a State Government ; or
incorporated under a Central or a State Act.
(2) The candidate should either have undergone six months' training as Interne/House Officer or have two years'
Professional experience after passing the qualifying examination in Ayurveda.
(3) Applicants who are already holding a Post Graduate Degree in a subject or already admitted and registered
for Post Graduate degree in a subject shall be considered for selection for Post Graduate degree in another
Rule 11 Entrance Test
(1) Entrance Test shall be of objective Type (Multichoice 150 questions) to be answered in 2 1/2 hours duration
and shall consist of two papers.
(i) Paper I, General (Common to all specialities of 100 marks.)
(ii) Paper II, Speciality (0.5 marks separately for Kayachikista and combined S.S.P.) Subjects to be examined in
General Paper.
(a) Sareera
(c) Dravyaguna.
(d) Rasa Tantra and Bhaisajya Kalpana.
(e) Nidana.
(2) One mark shall be awarded to each question and there shall be no deduction of marks for wrong answers.
(3) The Test shall be conducted in English, Hindi and Telugu language.
(4) The Syllabus for the Entrance test shall be that of the qualifying examination in Ayurveda.
Rule 12 Marks
(1) Minimum marks required for pass in the Entrance Test are as follows :
(i) 45% marks for Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe candidates, and
(ii) 50% marks for all other candidates.
Rule 13 Constitution of Selection Committee
The following members shall constitute Selection Committee :
Rule 14 Basis and Method of Selection
(1) Selection shall be made by the Selection Committee.
(2) The Selection Committee shall, after completion of valuation of Entrance Test papers, cause a Master Merit
List for various categories prepared either manually or mechanically.
(3) Merit list shall be prepared on the basis of marks obtained in the Entrance Test subject to such reservations,
as the State Government may by order direct from time to time in this behalf.
(4) In the case of equality of marks in the Entrance Test, the total percentage of marks in the qualifying
examination shall be taken into consideration for fixing the merit of candidates. If the Entrance Test marks and
the qualifying examination marks are equal, marks obtained in the concerned subject of qualifying examination
shall be taken into consideration if the candidate opted for the same subject.
(5) Weightage of 3 marks shall be added to each of the following categories. However, not more than * [3]
marks shall be added to any one candidate.
(i)*Primary Health Centre Service or Rural Service of 2 years or more and
(ii) Service experience of 2 years or more. The claim for such weightage may be made enclosing attested copies
of the relevant certificates to the application and not at a later date.
(6) The Selection Committee shall provisionally select the candidates as per the reservations specified, for the
seats available in the subjects. The Selection Committee may also select 25% of the candidates in each category
as reserve for "on the spot" selection and admission to fill up the vacancies.
(7) The member Secretary shall send intimation by Registered Post with Acknowledgment Due to all the
provisionally elected candidates and also to the reserve candidates to report before the Selection Committee on
the date decided by the Selection Committee for Medical examination etc. Postal delays in receipt of intimation
will not be accepted as reasons for non-appearance on the date fixed for personal appearance for filling up of
(8) The option of the candidates in regard to the subject of Post Graduate Course, made in their applications is
(9) Marks of the candidates in order of merit and in order of Roll number also may be displayed on the notice
Board of the College after the actual date of publication of the Selection list.
(10) On the dates notified, the candidates shall be selected at the centres till all the seats are filled. The selection
shall be only from among the candidates who report themselves when their roll numbers are called out in the
order of merit.
(11) Claims of the candidates will not be considered, if absent at the time of selection. If a candidate on merit is
absent for selection when called for, the next in merit would be selected in his/her place. The selected candidates
shall submit their original certificates to the selection committee and pay the fees immediately. The candidates
may submit the bond within 5 days from the date of commencement of course.
(12) The Selection Committee shall have the to review the selection in case of any error, misrepresentation, fraud
or glaring injustice done.
(a) The Selection Committee shall not be responsible for undelivered letters by the Postal authorities, or late
receipt etc.
(b) Provisionally selected candidates must submit all the original certificates and bond forms at the time or
reporting for admission.
(14) In all matters relating to selection and admission, the decision of the Selection Committee shall be final and
binding on the candidates.
(15) Conditions of Admission :(1) Candidates joining the course shall execute a bond on a non Judicial stamped paper of value of Rs. 5 in the
form specified in Annexure to complete the prescribed period of training or in default to pay Rs. 10,000/- or the
stipend that was received during the course of training with penal interest, which ever is higher.
(2) Candidates selected shall submit their original certificates at the time of admission into the course to the
concerned Principal, Government Ayurvedic College, in the State. Their certificates shall not be returned to the
candidates till they completed their course and appear for the final university examination. However the
candidates may withdraw from the course within * [thirty days] from the date of reporting for admission and the
bonds executed by them shall be returned to them, but their request for selection to any other subject during the
academic year shall not be considered.
(3) The Principal of the concerned Government Ayurvedic College, shall verify the correctness of the
documents. On his satisfaction and after obtaining the bond, he shall direct the candidate to credit college fee
etc., immediately.
(16)Attendance:(1) Candidates selected to the various courses should be whole time students. Service candidates may apply for
study leave and are required to produce the orders where in such leave has been sanctioned to them from the
competent authority before joining the course.
(2) The Post Graduate students shall complete seventy five percentage of attendance in all before they appear
subjects separately, for final examination in the subjects. However ten percentage of attendance may be relaxed
on production of medical certificate by Vice-Chancellor as is being done in the case of Bachelor of Ayurvedic
Medicine and Surgery course.
(3) If any candidate who discontinues his studies on any ground in any year of the Post Graduate Course for
more than six months, he shall forefeit the seat in the course and shall not be re-admitted. If the candidate
rejoining the course within six months of his absence his course may be extended by that extent. However such
re- admission may be entertained once in an entire course of study.
(4) Fifteen days vacation may be given to Post Graduate students at the end of each academic year during the
course of study with stipend. However, this shall not apply to inservice candidates.
(1) Private Practice :- No Post Graduate student shall do any private practice, or consultation practice and should
not accept any part-time employment during his Post Graduation.
(2) Candidates are required to follow the rules and regulations of the college and should also abide by the
regulations of the university, and they shall not make any correspondence with higher authorities directly without
prior permission of the Professor of the concerned unit.
(18) Stipends :(1) Stipends may be paid to the Post Graduate students who are regular in attendance and show good progress
every month in their academic pursuits. The total period during which the stipends may be paid to the students
shall not exceed thirty six months for the course. (a) service candidates shall not be paid stipends if they draw
leave salary ; and (b) all the selected candidates are required to pay the admission fees, tuition fees, deposits etc.
as per rules in force. Fees once paid shall not be refunded under any circumstances.
(19) Closure of Admissions :(1) No further selection for admission shall be made after 60 days from the date of notification of list of
(2) Any vacancy arising after closure of admission shall not be filled up.
(20) Commencement of the Course :- The course shall be commenced with effect from the last date of admission
fixed for the List of selected candidates. The duration of the course shall be calculated from the date of
commencement of the course and shall be uniform for all the candidates irrespective of their individual dates of
(21) Inservice Candidates :(a) In service candidates who are selected in Post Graduate courses in the Government Ayurvedic Medical
College or Colleges may be given paid postings subject to availability of vacancies in the concerned
Departments of the College or Colleges in the order of seniority.
(b) All temporary candidates selected for Post Graduate Courses who could not get paid postings have to resign
their job as they will not be entitled for sufficient leave for prosecuting Post Graduate Course as per Andhra
Pradesh Leave Rules.
(22) Period of Study :(1) The period of training of Doctor of Medicine in Ayurveda Degree shall be of 3 years duration in the
Department, concerned.
(2) The course shall comprise of two parts(a) a pre-registration course of one academic year duration during which period a student undergoes training in
the subjects for Doctor of Medicine in Ayurveda Degree Part-I Examination and take part in seminars Group
discussions, Herbal and Educational Tours, Clinical meetings, Extension Lecturers etc.,
(b) a subsequent two years course when the student will have intensive training and specialisation in the subject
(23) Medium of Instruction :- Hindi/Telugu or English shall be the medium of instruction and examination at the
Post-Graduate level.
(24) Admission Fee, Deposits etc .:- Every candidate admitted to the course shall credit the following fees to the
relevant Head of Account within a week's time from the date of his admission, failing which the admission shall
be cancelled and a chance will be given to the next candidate in the selection list. Sl. No.
Head of Account
Admission Fees
"080 Medical B. Other Systems of Medicine, M.H. 05 Ayurvedic, S.H. (03) Other Receipts."
Caution Money Deposit :
(a) Library .. Rs. 50/100.00
(b) Laboratory ..Rs. 50/(25) Powers of Principals :- Notwithstanding anything contained in these rules, the Principal of the concerned
Ayurvedic Medical College, in the State may at any time before completion of the Post-Graduate Course either
on his motion or on the application of any person, after due and proper enquiry and after giving the person two
weeks time from the date of the receipt of the show cause notice to submit a written application and/or a personal
hearing, order the cancellation of admission to the year Post-Graduate Degree, if in his opinion, such candidates
had furnished false or incorrect information in the application form or in the documents attached, certificates
enclosed thereto, or in the statements made either before the authority in charge of admissions or the Principal or
in any other fraudulent manner, obtained admission into such course. Against any such order of the Principal an
appeal shall lie to the Director of Indian Medicines and Homoeopathy.
(26) Power to amend Rules and Review Selection or Admission of candidates :-
(1) The Government shall have the power to add or to delete or amend or alter these rules from time to time.
(2) The Government may either suo moto or on an application made to them call for and examine records
relating to any selection or admission or cancellation thereof made by the authority incharge of selection or
admission for the purpose of satisfying themselves as to the legality or regularity of such selection or admission
orders in relation thereto, as they deem fit including cancellation of the selections already published or
admissions already made provided that the Government may before cancelling such selection or admission, give
an opportunity to the authority incharge of selection or admission and to the person affected to show cause
against such cancellation.
(27) Finality of Selection:- All selections under these rules shall be subject to any general rule or order that may
be made by the Government from time to time.
(28) Bond:- The selected candidates shall have to executed bond with the Government ensuring the prosecution
of study for three years, in the prescribed from specified in Annexure-III.
Rule 2(1)
Government Ayurvedic College, Hyderabad
Doctor of Medicine in Kayachikitsa
Doctor of Medicine (S.S.P.) (Salya or Salakya or Prasuti Tantra in whichever subject the candidate produces
[Rule 9 (a).]
Subject opted for Post-Graduate Courses
(in Block Letters).
(To reach not later than..........................................)
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Instructions :(1) The application form should be filled legibly and correctly in the candidate's own hand-writing.
(2) Incomplete application will be summarily rejected.
(3) Any mis-statement made in the application will disqualify the applicant for admission.
(4) Application not accompanied by the required certificates will be rejected.
(5) Woman candidates shall add "Woman" after the name in column (1).
1. Name of the candidate in full ..
(in block letters)
2. Permanent address (all communications will be sent to this address only). ..
3. Name of father/guardian ..
4. Age and Date of Birth (Christian era). ..
5. Caste (together with sub-caste to be filled by candidate belonging to SC. Or ST. or Backward Classes.) ..
6. Qualification :Medical Education
Institution with address
Year of passing
Percentage of marks in the qualifying Exam
Marks of the concerned subject
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------7. Do you hold a Post Graduate Qualification in Ayurveda : ..
8. If so, the subject of Specialisation: ..
9. Are you in Govt. service: Temporary /Regular : ..
10. Service experience (in years) : ..
11. House Surgency period (Certificate to be enclosed) : ..
12. Number and date of the Treasury receipt/Postal order : ..
13. Enclosures :
(i) Treasury receipt/P.O. ..
(ii) Certificate copy of the qualifying Examination. ..
(iii) Certified copy of memorandum of marks of all subjects in all examinations of the qualifying examination. ..
(iv) Date of birth certificate : ..
(v) Two conduct certificates (one should be from the Head of the Institution where he/she studied for the
qualifying examination) : ..
(vi) House Surgency certificate. ..
(vii) Two Pass-Port size photos of the candidate. ..
I, Sri....................................................................................hereby solemnly and sincerely affir m that the
statements made and information furnished in my/my son's or ward's application form as also in all other
enclosures thereto submitted by me/him are true. Should it however be found that any information furnished
therein is untrue in material particulars, I realise that I am liable to criminal prosecution and I also agree to
forego my seat/that he should forego his seat in the college.
Signature of the candidate.
(Rule 3).
This is to certify that Sri/Kum................................................................................................... son/daughter
Village/town................................................................................................................. .. in the
District/Division........................................................................................................... of the State/Union
Territory...................................................................................................... a candidate for admission to 1st year
Post-Graduate Course in Ayurvedic Medical College, Hyderabad in Andhra Pradesh belongs
to............................................................ Caste/Tribe which is recognised as Scheduled Tribe under :
The Constitution (Scheduled Castes) Order, 1950.
The Constitution (Scheduled Tribes) Order, 1950.
The Constitution (Scheduled Castes) Union Territories Order, 1951.
The Constitution (Scheduled Tribes) Union Territories Order, 1951.
(As amended by the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Lists Modification) Order, 1956, the Bombay Reorganisation Act, 1960, the Punjab Re-organisation Act, 1966, the State of Himachal Pradesh Act, 1970, the
North Eastern Areas (Reorganisation) Act, 1971 and the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Order
(Amendment) Act, 1976).
The Constitution (Jammu and Kashmir) Scheduled Castes Order, 1956.
The Constitution (Andaman and Nicobar) Scheduled Tribes Order, 1959.
As amended by the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Orders (Amendment) Act, 1976.
The Constitution (Dadra and Nagar Haveli) Scheduled Castes, Order, 1962.
The Constitution (Dadra and Nagar Haveli) Scheduled Tribes, Order, 1962.
The Constitution (Pandicherry) Scheduled Castes, Order, 1964.
The Constitution (Scheduled Tribes) (Uttar Pradesh) Order, 1967.
The Constitution (Goa, Daman and Diu) Scheduled Castes Order, 1968.
The Constitution (Goa, Daman and Diu) Scheduled Tribes Order, 1968.
The Constitution (Nagaland) Scheduled Tribes Order, 1970.
2. Shri/Smt./Kum............................................................................................ and/or/his/her f amily ordinarily
resides in village/town................................................ of
the............................................................................................................... State/Unio n territory
(with seal of office)
Union Territory
Please delete the words which are not applicable.
(to be furnished by B.C. Candidates)
Certified that Sri/Kum......................................................................................... son/daughter
of.................................................................................................................. a candid ate for admission to PostGraduate Degree Course in the Govt. Ayurvedic Medical College, Hyderabad in the State of Andhra Pradesh
belongs to.............................................. community which has been recognised by the State Government as one
of the Backward Classes/Group............................................ Sl. No.................................................. under the
Educational Rules in force.
Place:............ Signature.................
(Rule 26)
Know by all men present that we................................................................................. Son of/daughter
of.................................................................................................... resident of..............................
and................................. (1)................... son of/daughter
of........................................................................................................................... ... residing
at.....................................................................................and (2)........................................................ son of/daughter
of........................................................... residing at ............................................ are held and firmly bound upto
the Governor of Andhra Pradesh (hereinafter called the Government which expression shall include his certain
attorney successors and assigns) in the sum of............................................................... and the stipend received by
the Post-Graduate in............................................................................................. course together with penal
interest till his discontinuance for which payment to be well and truly made we bind ourselves our heirs,
executers, administrators and legal representatives firmly by these presents.
As witness our hands this.................................................................... (date) of...................... ............................
198..... (Whereas the above bounden Dr.......................................................................... son/daughter
of................................................ has been selected as a stipendary post-graduate at the expense of the
Government and whereas the Government requires that he/she should first execute a bond with two sufficient
sureties and whereas the said............................................................................................. has agreed to execute as
such surety the above mentioned bond with such condition as is hereunder written.
Now the condition of the above written bonds is that if the said................................................................... shall
undergo at the Government Ayurvedic Medical College, Hyderabad the full course of training prescribed by the
Government for Post-Graduate and shall during such course of training abide by all the rules and regulations laid
down by the Government with respect to the stipendary student at the said training centre and shall during such
courses of training abstain from engaging in any other avocation of private practice or attending any other
institution except with the permission of the Government and shall after the completion of such course of
training appear for the next ensuing examination necessary for qualification in the event of failure to pass such
examination appear for the succeeding examination with a view to his becoming qualified as aforesaid and shall
as required by the Government either immediately or after within six months of completing his/her course of
In case of discontinuing the studies shall refund an amount drawn by the said bounden as stipend till the date of
dis-continuance together with penal interest or an amount of Rs. 10,000 whichever is higher.
In case of failure to serve the Government for period equal to the period spent for the degree course as the case
may be in view of securing paid posting for the period of study refund the said amount.
Then this bond shall be void otherwise and no breach of failure in the performance of any part of this condition
the bond shall remain in full force and virtual, and the Government may without prejudice to any other they may
have recover all money paid on his/her account................................................ of the expended to the above
bounden in respect of the said training not exceeding in all the sum of
Provided always with the liability of the surety hereunder shall not be impaired or discharged by reason of the
time being granted or any for-bearance act or permission of the Government or any person authorised by it
(whether with or without consent of knowledge of the surety) nor shall it be necessary for the Government to
said before suing the said surety for the amounts due hereunder.
In witness to the above bond and the condition therefore
we................................................................................................................................... and
.......................................................................................................have hereunto set our hands on
this.......................................................................................... day of............................................. 199.....
Signature of the Post Graduate.
Signed by the above bounden in the presence of.......................................
Signed by the above bounden in the presence of.......................................
1. .............................
2. .............................
(Signature of the Sureties).
Signature of Witnesses.
In exercise of the powers conferred by Section 3 read with sub-section (1) of Section 15 of the Andhra Pradesh
Educational Institutions (Regulation of Admission and Prohibition of Capitation Fee) Act, 1983 (Andhra Pradesh
Act No. 5 of 1983), the Governor of Andhra Pradesh hereby makes the following rules for the admission to the
Post Graduate Medical Courses in the State of Andhra Pradesh.
Rule 1
(1) These rules may be called the "Rules for Admission to Post Graduate Courses in the Medical Colleges in the
State of Andhra Pradesh."
(2) They shall apply to Post Graduate Medical Courses in the Medical College in the State.
Rule 2 Number of Seats
(1) Seats in post-graduate degree and diploma courses in such Medical College shall be notified by the
Government separately:
(2) Extra seats for Medical Graduates of other States shall be provided on reciprocal basis. The number of seats
allocated to the respective States will be announced separately. The Government of Andhra Pradesh shall have to
select and nominate candidates of their own choice. These seats shall be excluded from the purview of the
Selection Committee.
(3) Extra seat for I.C.M.R. Sponsored Candidates :- One extra seat shall be provided in M.D. (Obstetrics and
Cynaecology) in any medical college in the State of A.P. to a medical graduate of Andhra Pradesh selected in the
competitive Examination under the Talent Research Scheme conducted by the I.C.M.R.
Rule 3 Reservation
(1) 14%, 4%, 25% of the total number of seats [notified] both in Degree and Diploma Courses shall be reserved
for Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Backward Classes respectively [ ]
(2) 15% of seats in clinical subjects (i.e., in Medicine, surgery, obstetrics and Gynaecology groups) and 30% of
seats in non-clinical subjects or in each group are reserved for inservice candidates. The reservation of inservice
candidates shall be applicable in each category i.e.., O.C., S.C., S.T., and B.C. Candidates selected on merit in
respective categories shall be counted against inservice quota.
Explanation :- For purpose of this rule inservice candidate includes persons who are appointed in the following
(i) Andhra Pradesh Medical and Health Services.
(ii) Andhra Pradesh Insurance Medical Services.
(iii) Andhra Pradesh Municipal Services.
(iv) Andhra Pradesh Panchayat Raj Services.
(v) Andhra Pradesh State Road Transport Corporation Services.
Rule 4 Reservations in favour of Local Candidates
(1) Admission to 85% of the seats shall be reserved in favour of the local candidates in relation to the local area
in respect of the educational Institution as specified in these rules and as provided in Andhra Pradesh Educational
Institutions (Regulations of Admission) Order, 1974 as amended. State wide Course :- M.D. (RT) is a State wide
course and admissions to this course shall be regulated as provided in Andhra Pradesh Educational Institutions
(Regulations of Admission) Order, 1974 for State-wide Course.
(2) Local area :(i) The part of the State comprising the Districts of Srikakulam, Vizianagaram, Visakhapatnam, East Godavari,
West Godavari, Krishna, Guntur and Prakasam (Andhra University and Nagarjuna University area) shall be
regarded as the local area for the purpose of admissions to the Andhra Medical College Viskhapatnam,
Rangaraya Medical College, Kakinada, and Guntur Medical College, Guntur.
(ii)The part of the State comprising the Districts of Adilabad, Hyderabad (including twin cities), Rangareddy,
Karimnagar, Khammam, Medak, Mahaboobnagar, Nalgonda, Nizamabad, Warangal (Osmania University and
Kakatiya University area) shall be regarded as local area for the purpose of admissions to the Osmania Medical
College, Hyderabad, Gandhi Medical College, Hyderabad and Kakatiya Medical College, Warangal.
(iii) The part of the state comprising the Districts of Ananthapur, Kurnool, Chittoor, Cuddapah and Nellore (Sri
Venkateswara university area) shall be regarded as the local area for the purposes of admissions to the Kurnool
Medical College, Kurnool and Sri Venkateswara Medical College, Tirupathi.
(3) Local Candidates :(i) A candidate for admission shall be regarded as local candidate in relation to a local area;
(1) if he has studied in an Educational Institution or Educational Institutions in such local area for a period of not
less than four consecutive academic years ending with the academic year in which he appeared or as the case
may be appeared in the relevant qualifying examination; or
(2) where during the whole or any part of the four consecutive academic years ending with the academic year in
which he appeared or as the case may be appeared for the relevant qualifying examination, he has not studied in
any educational institutions if he has resided in that area for a period of not less than 4 years immediately
preceding the date of commencement of the relevant qualifying examination in which he appeared or as the case
may be appeared.
(ii) A candidate for admission to any course of study who is not regarded as a local candidate under sub-rule (i)
above in relation to any local area shall.
(1) if he as studied in an Educational Institution in the State for a period of not less than 7 consecutive academic
years ending with the academic year in which he appeared or as the case may be first appeared for the relevant
qualifying examination be regarded as a local candidate in relation to;
(a) such local area where he has studied for the maximum period out of the period of 7 years or:
(b) where the periods of his study in two or more local areas are equal, such local area where he has studied last
in such equal period or:
(2) if during the whole or any part of the consecutive seven academic years ending with academic year in which
he appeared or as the case may be, appeared for the relevant qualifying examination he has not studied in the
educational institution in any local area, but has resided in the State during the whole of the said period of 7
years be regarded as a local candidate in relation to;
(a) such local area where he has resided for the maximum period out of the said period of seven years; or
(b) where the periods of his residence in two or more local areas are equal to such local area where he has
resided last in such equal period.
Explanation :-For purpose of this sub-rule;
(i) "Educational Institution" means a University or any Educational Institution recognised by the State
Government, University or any other competent authority.
(ii) 'Relevant qualifying examination in relation to admission to any course of study", means the examination, a
pass in which is the minimum educational qualification for admission to such course of study.
(iii) In reckoning the consecutive academic years during which a candidate has studied, any period of
interruption of his study by reason of his failure to pass any examination shall be disregarded.
(vi) The question whether any candidate for admission to any course of study has resided in any local area shall
be determined with reference to the places where the candidate actually resided and not with reference to the
residence of his parent or other guardian.
(4) While determining under sub-rule (1) the number of seats to be reserved in favour of local candidates, any
fraction of a seat shall be counted as one.
(5) If a local candidate in respect of a local area is not available to fill any seat reserved or allocated in favour of
a candidate in respect of that local area such seat shall be filled in as if it has not been reserved.
(6) Applicants who claim to be local candidates with reference to Rule 4 (3) (i) 1 or 4 (3) (ii) (1) shall produce
evidence in the form of study certificate/certificates issued by the Head of the Educational Institution/Institutions
concerned indicating the details of the year or years in which candidate has studied in Educational Institution in
such local area for a period of not less than 4/7 consecutive academic years ending with the academic year in
which he appeared or as the case may be appeared for the M.B.B.S. examination. Those who do not qualify as
local candidate under Rule 4(3) (i) (1) and 4 (3) (ii) (1) but claim to qualify by virtue of residence shall produce a
certificate issued by an officer of the Revenue Department not below the rank of the Tahsildar or Deputy
Tahsildar in independent charge of sub-taluk in the form annexed to G.O.Ms.No.628, Education, dated 25-71974, appended to application from with necessary modification (Annexure-IV).
(7) The following categories are eligible to apply for admission to the remaining 15% of un-reserved seats.
(i) All candidates defined under sub-rule (3) of Rule 4.
(ii) Candidates, who have resided in the State for a total period of ten years excluding periods of study outside
the State, or either whose parents have resided in the State for a total period of ten years excluding periods of
employment outside the State.
(iii) Candidates who are children of parents who are in the employment of this State or Central Government,
Public Sector Corporations, Local Bodies, Universities and other similar quasi Public Institutions within the
(iv) Candidates who are spouses of those in employment of this State or Central Government, Public Sector
Corporations, Local Bodies, Universities and Educational Institutions recognised by the Government, a
University or other competent authority and similar other quasi Government Institutions, within the State.
(v) Candidates who are employed in the State Government undertakings, Public Sector Corporations, Local
Bodies, Universities and other similar Quasi Public Institutions with in the State.
(vi) Candidates who are spouses of the local candidates, as per Rule 4 (3).
Rule 5 Applications
(1) Candidates may obtain the application forms and rules governing the admissions by submitting a challan for
Rs.5/- with self-addressed envelope of 11 cms x 25 cms, size with stamps affixed to the value of Rs.5/- to the
principals of the respective University area to which he wishes to apply or in person. The amount of Rs.5/- shall
be credited in a Government Treasury/State Bank under the following Head of Account. "058. Stationery and
Printing Sale of Gazette etc.,"
(2) All applications duly filled in and with all necessary documents shall be delivered in person or sent by post to
the principals from whom the application forms obtained so as to reach him on or before the last date of
submission of application. The application form obtained from a particular college shall be posted to the same
college from which it has been obtained. Application forms obtained from one college and posted to the other
college shall be invalidated and will not be transmitted to the other college. [Applications un-accompanied by
required certificate and applications with incomplete entries shall stand rejected automatically;]
(3) The **] application forms received after the prescribed date and time shall not be considered. The Member,
Secretary or Principal of the Medical college as the case may be will not be responsible for non-receipt of
applications or delay in postal transit.
[(4) Applications for both local as well as unreserved seats filled in the University area (local area) will be valid
for admission into the Medical Colleges in that University area (local area)".
(5) A Registration fee of Rs.60/- shall be credited to the Head of Account 080 Medical-A. Allopathy (a) Tuition
and other fees for Medical Education' through challan and the challan shall be enclosed at the time of submission
of application form. Fee once paid shall not be refunded.
Rule 6 Eligibility
(1) Candidates who have passed M.B.B.S. examination of one of the Universities of the State or any other
University recognised as equivalent thereto and who complete Internship on the date to be notified by the
Chairman of the Examination Board are eligible to apply subject to the fulfilment of the conditions stipulated in
Rule 4.
(2) Applicants who are already Post Graduate Degree holders in a subject or admitted and registered for a Post
Graduate Degree in a subject shall not be considered for selection for Post Graduate Degree or diploma] in
another subject.
(3) Applicants who are already Post Graduate Diploma holders in a subject or admitted and Registered for a Post
Graduate Diploma Course in a subject shall not be considered for admission to Post Graduate Degree Course in
the subjects available in another group.
(4) Applicants who are already a Post Graduate Diploma holder in subject to be admitted and Registered for Post
Graduate Diploma Course in a subject shall not be considered for admission to Post Graduate Diploma Course in
any other subject.
Rule 7 Notification
Notification shall be issued by the Director of Medical Education inviting applications from the eligible
candidates for admission to the Post Graduate Degree/Diploma Course in the Medical College.
Rule 8 Entrance test
(1) The entrance test shall be objective type multiple choice not exceeding 200 questions] to be answered in 3
hours duration.
(2) The test shall be conducted at Visakhapatnam, Guntur, Kakinada, Kurnool, Tirupathi, Warangal and
Hyderabad and the candidates will be considered for selection to the University area as defined under Rule 3 in
which he appeared for that Test.
(3) All the candidates shall appear for Entrance Test and shall qualify themselves therein to be eligible for
admission into Post Graduate Course.
(4) The syllabus for the Entrance Test shall be that of M.B.B.S standard of the Universities of Andhra Pradesh
(5) Minimum marks required to pass in the Entrance Test are as follows:- (i) 50 marks for Scheduled Caste and
Scheduled Tribe candidates. (ii) 60 marks for all other candidates. (2) The Selection committee after completion
of valuation of Entrance Test papers cause a Master Merit List for various categories prepared either manually or
Rule 9 Merit Lists
(1) The Examination Board constituted by the Government shall get the entrance test papers valued either
manually or mechanically and prepare a master merit list on the basis of marks obtained in the entrance test].
(2) In case of equality of marks in the Entrance Test, the total percentage of marks in M.B.B.S xxx] upto 2nd
decimal places shall be taken into consideration for fixing the merit of the candidates. If the Entrance Test marks
and M.B.B.S Marks are equal, marks obtained in the concerned subject (M.B.B.S.) xxx] shall be taken into
consideration if the candidates opted for the same subject.
(3) Weightage of Marks:- Candidates under the following categories will be given weightage of marks as shown
against them:- (i) Army Service of six months or more 3 Marks
(ii) Diplomate holders applying or Degree Course in the same subject.
3 Marks
(iii) [xxx] Tutors, with an experience of two years or more applying for Degree Course in the same subject.
3 Marks
(iv) [xxx]
[(4) In service candidates as defined in rule 3 (2)] who have put in two years of rural service in rural areas shall
be given weightage of 10% of marks obtained in the entrance test and who have served for three years or more in
rural areas shall be given weightage of 15% of marks obtained in the Entrance Test. Any fraction of 0.5 and
above will be counted as one mark.
The claim should be supported by certificates along with the applications and not subsequently.](5) In service
candidates who have put in one year service on duty in the Institutions of Medical and Health Department in
Tribal areas as notified by the Government shall be given weightage of 10% of marks in the Entrance Test and
those who have served two years or more shall be given weightage of 15% of marks obtained in the Entrance
test. Any fraction of 0.5 and above will be counted as one mark.]
Rule 10 Selections
(1) Provisional selections shall be made by the Selection Committees constituted by the Government.
(2) Marks of the candidates in order of merit and in order of Roll Number will be displayed on the Notice Boards
of the respective colleges 5 days before the actual date of selection.
(3) The Selection Committee shall display the Charts showing the allocation of seats in Medical Colleges of the
University area (local area) at the time of selections.
(4) On the dates notified, the candidates shall be selected as per merit] at the Centres till all the seats are filled.
The selection will be only from among the candidates who physically present themselves when their Roll
Numbers are called out, in the order of merit.
(5) Claims of the candidates will not be considered, if they are found absent when called at the time of selection.
If a candidate on merit is absent for selection when he is called, the next in merit would be selected. The selected
candidates shall submit their original certificates to the Selection Committees and pay fees immediately. The
candidates can submit the prescribed bond on or before the commencement of course.
(6) The Selection Committee shall have power to review the provisional selection in the case of any errors,
misrepresentation, fraud or glaring injustice. In all matters relating to selections and admissions the decision of
the Selection Committee shall be final and binding on the candidate and selections cannot be questioned after
admissions are closed.
(7) Vacancies of 1st selection list shall be notified on 3rd day from the date of commencement of the course in
all the Medical Colleges. These vacancies shall be filled in by the Member Secretaries on the dates to be notified
as per merit subject to these rules.
Rule 11 Admission Rules
(1) All candidates joining the Post Graduate Degree, Diploma Courses should execute the bond on a stamped
paper Rs.5 value as prescribed in Annexure III to ensure completion of the prescribed period of training or in
default to pay Rs.1,000 to Government the amount mentioned in the bond and shall have to forego stipend due to
him if any in that month. But the candidates who discontinued the course under this class, shall not be considered
for any other subject on the basis of merit in the entrance test during the same academic year. The course
imparted prior to discontinuance shall not be counted for any other purpose.]
(2) The original certificates submitted by the candidates shall not be returned to the candidates till they complete
their course of study and appear for the University examination:, subject to sub-rule (1)].
(3) Attendance:- Candidates selected to the various courses should be whole time students. Service Candidates or
Army Officers or candidates coming from Railways, etc., will have to apply for leave and are required to
produce the leave sanction orders from the competent authority before joining the course.
(4) Leave:- The Post Graduates are eligible for 30 days leave in the academic year and they can avail maximum
10 das at a time. If they avail more than 10 days at a time, the stipend shall be deducted proportionately. The
balance of leave in a year if any shall not be carried forward to the next academic year].
(5) Private Practice :- No Post Graduate is allowed to do any private practice or consultation and should not
accept any part-time employment in any State, Central or Quasi Government, or Private Organisations during
their Post Graduation.
(6) Accommodation :- Candidates selected are required to stay in the hostel wherever accommodation is
(7) College Regulation :- Candidates are required to follow the rules and regulations of the college and should
also abide by the regulations of the University. Under no circumstances they should have any correspondence
with higher authorities directly without prior permission of the Principal.
(8) Stipend :- Stipends will be paid to the Post Graduates as long as the Government continue the existing
schemes and who are regular in attendance and show good progress every month. The total period during which
the stipends are paid to the students shall not exceed 36 months for degree course or 24 months for Diploma
Course. No candidate will be eligible to draw the stipend for more than 36 months during his entire Post
Graduate study period.
(9) Inservice candidates will not be paid stipends if they draw leave salary but they will be paid stipend if they
are sanctioned extraordinary leave].
(10) Fees :- All the selected candidates are required to pay the tuition fees immediately. If any of the candidate
who joined in a course if selected subsequently for another course or allotted to another Medical College the
tuition fees paid already by the candidate will be adjusted to the newly selected course, and the tuition] fees paid
already shall not be refunded under any circumstances.
Rule 12 Closure of Admissions
(1) The admissions stand closed at the end of 30 days from the commencement of the Course.
(2) Any vacancy arising after closure of admission shall not be filled.
Rule 13 Commencement of the Course
The Course shall normally commence with effect from the date decided by the Selection Committee. The
duration of the course shall be calculated from the date of commencement of the course and shall be uniform for
all the candidates irrespective of their individual dates of admission for each local area.
Rule 14 Transfer of Post Graduate students
Applications for transfer of Post Graduate students from One Medical College to another within the State will be
considered only after the closure of admission and before completion of 1st year subject to the availability of
vacancies with the concurrence of the Principals of Medical Colleges and Universities concerned. The Principal
of Medical College who is also a Member-Secretary is the authority to transfer the students within the University
area. No candidate can claim the transfer as a matter of and it is purely left to the discretion of the authorities
Rule 15 Powers of Principals
Notwithstanding anything contained in these Rules, the Principals of Medical colleges in the State may at any
time before completion of the Post Graduate Course either on their own motion or on the application of any
person after due and proper enquiry and after giving the person two weeks time from the date of the receipt of
the show cause notice to submit a written explanation and/or a personal hearing, order the cancellation of
admission to the 1st year Post Graduate Degree/Diploma, if in their opinion, such candidates had furnished
fraudulent or incorrect particulars in the application forms or in the documents attached thereto, or in the
Statements made either before the authority incharge of admissions or the Principals or in any other manner.
Against any such order of the Principal, an appeal shall lie to the Director of Medical Education.
Rule 16 Power of Government
The Government may either suo motu or on an application made to them call for and examine records relating to
any selection or admission or cancellation thereof made by the authority in-charge of selection or admission for
the purpose of satisfying themselves as to the legality or regularity of such selection or admission orders in
relation thereto as they deem fit including cancellation of the selection already published or admission already
made provided that Government may before cancelling such selection or admission give an opportunity to the
authority in-charge of selection or admission and to the person affected to show cause against such cancellation.
Rule 17
All Selections made under these rules shall be subject to the orders that may be passed by the Government under
Rule 16 which shall be final".
"Inservice candidates shall join the course on or before the commencement of the course after getting relief from
the concerned Head of the Institution. The Heads of the Medical Institution shall give them relief if they apply
for relief enclosing a copy of the selection and allotment order issued by the Member Secretary under intimation
to the Director of Medical Education or Director of Health and Family Welfare respectively.]
(1) Inservice candidates (of the Medical and health Department) who have put in a rural service of two years on
duty or more or] one year of service on duty in the Institution of Medical and Health Department in Tribal areas
notified by the Government and are as selected for admission in clinical subjects and non chimical subjects, will
be deputed for the postgraduate studies. Candidates who have been deputed under this rule shall have to execute
a bond on a stamped paper of Rs.5/- value as prescribed in Annexure IV to complete the said course as per the
requirements of the Institution. In the event of his leaving the studies in mid-term or in case of his failure to serve
the Government of Andhra Pradesh for a period of five years after completion of the course, he shall pay to the
Government of Andhra Pradesh, a sum of Rs.20,000/- (Rupees twenty thousand only).
(2) Any candidate in Government service other than the "inservice" candidate defined under Rule 3 (2) if
selected for any Post-Graduated course shall not be entitled for any kind of leave including extraordinary leave
without allowances for prosecuting Post-Graduate courses under he has put in a mininum of two years of service
on duty in the respective service".
Form of caste Certificate for S.C/S.T. Candidates
This is to certify that Sri/Kum Son/Daughter of Village/Town in the District/Division of the State/Union territory
a candidate for admission to 1st year Post Graduate Course in Medical College in Andhra Pradesh belongs to
caste/Tribe which is recognised as a Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe under.
The Constitution (Scheduled Castes) Order, 1950.
The Constitution (Scheduled Tribes) Order, 1950.
The Constitution (Scheduled Castes) Union Territories Order, 1951.
The Constitution (Scheduled Tribes)Union Territories Order, 1951.
(As amended by the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes lists Modification) Order, 1956, the Bombay
Reorganisation Act, 1960, the Punjab Reorganisation Act 1966, the State of Himachal Pradesh Act, 1970 the
North Eastern Areas (Reorganisation) Act, 1971 and the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Order
(Amendment) Act, 1976.
The Constitution (Jammu and Kashmir) Scheduled Castes Orders, 1956.
The Constitution (Andaman & Nicobar) Scheduled Tribes Order, 1959.
As amended by the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Order (Amendment) Act, 1976.
The Constitution (Dadar and Nagar Habeli) Schedule Castes Order, 1962.
The Constitution (Pondicherry) Scheduled Castes Order, 1964.
The Constitution (Scheduled Tribes) Uttar Pradesh Order, 1967.
The Constitution (Goa, Daman and Diu) Scheduled Castes Order, 1968.
The Constitution (Goa, Daman and Diu) Scheduled Tribes Order, 1968.
The Constitution (Nagaland) Scheduled Tribes Order, 1970.
2. Shri/Smt/Kum and/or/his/her Family ordinarily reside in village/town of District. Division of the State union
Territory of
(with seal of Office)
Date: State/Union Territory*
(To be furnished by B.C.Candidate)
Certified that Sri/Kum Son/daughter of a candidate for Admission to Post Graduate Degree/Diploma Course in
the Government Medical College in the State of Andhra Pradesh belongs to Community which has been
recognised by the Government as one of the Backward Classes. Group Sl.No.under the Educational Rules in
Place: Signature:
Date: Rank:
Admission For Course
It is hereby certified
a) That Son of/daughter of a candidate for admission to the course appeared for the time for the Examination
[being the minimum qualifying examination for admission to the course mentioned above] in [month] [Year]
b) That in the 4/7* years immediately preceding the commencement of the aforesaid examination he/she has
resided in the following place/places falling within the local area in respect of the University namely.
2. The above candidate is, therefore, a local candidate in relation to the local area specified in paragraph (Score
off the ones not applicable). Andhra (Nagarjuna) Osmania (Kakatiya) Sri Venkateswara 4 (1)/4(2)/4 (3) of the
Andhra Pradesh Educational Institutional Institutions (Regulation of Admissions) Order, 1974 as amended.
Offical Seal: (Sd.)
Officer of Revenue
Department not below the rank of Tahsildar or Dy.Tahsildar
Independent charge of Sub-taluk.
(Non-Judicial Stamped Paper for Rs.500)
I, Dr. selected for Post Graduate Diploma/Degree/Second Post Graduate Degree Course in in the Medical
College, do hereby undertake to complete the said course as per the requirements of the Institute. In the event of
my leaving the studies in mid-term, I undertake to pay to the Government of Andhra Pradesh a sum of Rs.1,000
(Rupees One thousand only) and * [refund the amount received as stipend upto that date.]
Dated: (Signature of the Candidate)
Signed by the above bounded in the presence of:
1. Signature:
Name & Address in Full
Signature of the Sureties
2. Signature:
Name & Address in Full 2.
N.B. Sureties should be of two permanent Gazetted Officers:
Principal Secretary to Government
[Non-judicial Stamped paper for Rs.5/-]
I, Dr. selected for P.G.Course in the Medical College do hereby undertake to complete the said course as per the
requirements of the Institute. In the event of my leaving the studies in mid-term or in case if I fail to serve the
Government of Andhra Pradesh for a period of 5 years after completion of the said course I undertake to pay to
the Government of Andhra Pradesh a sum of Rs.20,000/- [Rupees twenty thousand only].
Signature of the candidate
Name:Signature and address of Sureties
(1) Signature:
(2) Signature:
N.B. :- Sureties should be of two permanent Gazetted Officers.]
In exercise of the powers conferred by Sub-Section (1) of Section 15 read with Section 3 of the Andhra Pradesh
Educational Institutions (Regulation of Admissions and Prohibition of Capitation Fees Act, 1983 (Andhra
Pradesh Act 5 of 1983) and in modification of the Andhra Pradesh Regulation of admissions of candidates into
Polytechnics and State wide Institutions Rules, 1988 issued in G.O.Ms.No.146, LEN and TE (TE.1) Department,
dated 13-7-1988, the Governor of Andhra Pradesh hereby makes the following rules for admission of candidates
into the I Year Diploma Course in Pharmacy in the Polytechnics and State-wide Institutions in the State.
Rule 1 Short title, application and commencement
(1) These rules may be called the Andhra Pradesh Regulation of Admission of candidates into Diploma Course
in Pharmacy offered in Polytechnics and State-wide Institutions, Rules, 1993.
(2) They shall apply to Polytechnics, Institutions including State-wide Institutions and Institutions under Private
Managements offering Diploma Course in Pharmacy.
(3) They shall come into force from the academic year 1993-94.
Rule 12 Exemption
(1) The requirement of residence in a local area as required under clause sub-rule (1) of Rule 3 shall not be
applicable to candidates seeking admission against the supernumerary seats reserved in the year of Pharmacy
Diploma Course on the recommendation of Government of India.
(2) The children of the Ex-servicemen Defence Personnel including Border Security Forces residing in Andhra
Pradesh are entitled to admissions in all the institutions regardless of the fact that they are residing in a particular
University area.
Rule 13
Rule 14
Rule15 Method of admission
The candidates seeking admission into the Diploma Course
(a) shall secure a pass in all subjects with a minimum of 35% at the qualifying examination;
(b) shall pass the Entrance Examination;
(c) not withstanding the provision contained in sub-rule (1) of rule 11, the candidates belonging to Scheduled
Castes and Scheduled Tribes shall be considered for the purpose of ranking on the basis of their performance in
the Entrance Examination without insisting on the 25% of marks. However, their admission shall be limited to
the extent of the seats reserved for such Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes respectively. Further, if there are
any vacancies in SC/ST category after exhausting all passed candidates, failed candidates of SC/ST will also be
considered for admission according to merit order. Still if there are vacancies, they will be transferred to general
Rule16 Competent authority for admission
The Commissioner and Director of Technical Educational shall be the competent authority to issued Notification
for admission for prescribing admission procedures, nominate Admission Officer and other Admission staff to
select candidates for Pharmacy course in all the Polytechnics/Instructions in such manner as will be deemed fit.
Rule17 Procedure for admission into Polytechnics/Institutions including Private Unaided
(1) The Admission Officer will make advertisement calling for a single application in the prescribed form from
the qualified candidates who have been assigned ranking in the EEPH, desirous of seeking admission into
Government Polytechnics/State-wide Institutions/ Private Unaided Polytechnics. This application form will also
have appropriate column in regard to admission into Private Unaided Polytechnics in respect of "Free Seats" and
"Payment Seats" and which minority religion they belong.
(2) The Admission Officer shall be the competent authority to select and allot the candidates for admission in
Pharmacy Course in Government Polytechnics and State-wide Institutions/Private Unaided Polytechnics on the
basis of the ranking assigned to them in the Entrance Test as per the rules relating to Local and Non- Local
candidates issued in G.O. (P) No.646 Education (W) Department, dated 10-7-1979 and all other rules of
reservation in respect of SC/ ST/BC and other categories issued by Government from time to time.
(3) Procedure for admission into Private Unaided Polytechnics:- The Seats in Unaided Private Polytechnics are
divided into two distinct categories known as "Free seats" and "Payment seats". Fifty percent (50%) of seats are
earmarked for each of the said two categories out of the total number of seats sanctioned by Government for the
Course. The fee chargeable for "Free Seats' shall be equal to the fee charged in Government
Polytechnics/Institutions. The fee chargeable for 'Payment Seats' shall be at the rates notified by the Government
from time to time.
(4) The Admission Officer shall be the competent authority to allot the students into Private Unaided
Polytechnics both in respect of "Free Seats" and "Payment Seats". No Private Unaided Polytechnic shall call for
applications for admission separately or individually.
(5) The allotment of candidates shall be made by the Admission Officer to the "Free Seats" and "Payment Seats"
as two separate categories. The principle of merit based on the [marks in the qualifying examination] shall be
followed while making admissions to the "Free Seats" and "Payment Seats".
(6) The allotment of candidates into "Payment Seats" shall be made by the Admission Officer based on the
willingness of the candidates for admission to such seats. The principle of merit shall be followed to determine
the eligibility of the candidates for "Free Seats" Vis-a-vis "Payment Seats". The Admission Officer shall also
follow the principle of inter-se merit while making admissions within "Free Seats" category as also in the
"Payment Seats" category. It shall be open to a higher ranking candidate to opt for a "Payment Seat".
(7) Candidates who have secure higher ranks [based on marks in the qualifying examination]will be called for an
interview in the order of merit for selection and allotment of Institution. For the convenience of the candidates,
representatives of all polytechnics including Private Polytechnics in the State shall sit at a common table. As and
when each candidate gets his turn for interview in the order of merit, choice of institution will be given to him
depending upon availability at that point of time with due regard to the eligibility of the candidate for a seat in a
particular local area for a particular reserved category.
(8) However, with regard to admission into "Payment Seats", the Admission Officer, EEPH will give atleast (10)
days time to the candidates after the "Free Seats" in Private Polytechnics are filled up, to opt to be admitted
against 50% "Payment Seats" so that the candidates shall comply with the deposit and cash security/bank
Guarantee taking the institution charging the highest fee as the basis within the said ten days. The cash
Security/Bank Guarantee shall be in favour of the Admission Officer who shall transfer the same in favour of the
appropriate College and if the student is admitted in an institution charging less fee, the difference shall be
refunded to the student.
(9) The candidates admitted in a Private Unaided Polytechnic against 50% "Payment Seats" shall pay at
admission time the fee charged by the management for the whole course divided by the number of years of the
course subject to a ceiling prescribed by the Government. The candidates also have to furnish Cash
Security/Bank guarantee towards the fee for the remaining year.
(10) [After completion of admissions, the Admission Officer shall prepare a waiting list of the candidates based
on the EEPH ranking, and publish the same along with the marks obtained by them in the EEPH. The said list
shall be followed by the Admission Officer for filling up of casual vacancies or drop-out vacancies arising after
the admissions are finalised. These vacancies shall be filled by the Admission Officer until such date as may be
prescribed by the competent authority. Any vacancy still remaining after such date can be filled by managements
from the above waiting list. The Admission Officer, upto the above mentioned cut off date, and the managements
after the said cut off date, shall observe the principle of merit, rules of reservation and other prescribed Forms
while making the admissions from this waiting list.
Rule18 Reservations
(1) For the purpose of admission into Pharmacy Diploma Course, each Polytechnic/Institution shall be
considered as a unit applying the rules of reservation as prescribed by the Government from time to time in the
manner specified in Annexure in respect of "Free Seats:/Payment Seats" in all the Institutions.
(2) The rule of reservation as prescribed by the Government from time to time shall apply to the
(3) the seats available in each Polytechnic/Institution will be allocated to local candidates in accordance with the
provision contained in the Andhra Pradesh Educational Institutions (Regulation of Admissions) Order, 1974.
(4) The seats available in State-wide Institutions/State-wide courses as are established or declared from time to
time by the Government and also in all Private Unaided Polytechnics shall be allocated in the ratio of 42:36:22
among the local candidates of Andhra University, Osmania University and Sri Venkateswara University areas
(a) In respect of Minority Institutions 50% of the total seats shall be reserved to the candidates belonging to the
concerned Minority in which half shall be payment [seats] and half shall be free seats. The other 50% seats shall
be open to the non-minorities in which half shall be payment seats and half shall be Free seats,. The rule of
reservation applicable to SC, ST, BC etc., shall be applicable to the free seats and payment seats for those 50%
seats meant for non-minorities.
[(b) The allotment of candidates shall be made by the Admission Officer, according to the merit in the qualifying
Rule19 General
Notwithstanding anything contained in these rules, the Secretary, State Board of Technical Education and
Training, Andhra Pradesh and Director of Technical Education as the case may be, may either suo-moto or on an
application of any person and after due and proper enquiry, order the with holding of the publication of result of
the Entrance Test or cancel the admission of candidate if already made, or debar any candidate from applying for
admission to this course permanently or for specified period, or discharge him from the course of study, at any
stage etc., if in the opinion of the Secretary, State Board of Technical Education and Training, Andhra
Pradesh/Director of Technical Education, as the case may be, such action is warranted on the basis of guidelines
that may be evolved by the State Board of Technical Education and Training.
Rule20 Decision of the Director of Technical Education
If any ambiguity or doubt arises in the interpretation and implementation of these rules, the decision of the
Director of Technical Education shall be final.
Rule21 Power of Government
The Government shall have the power to increase or decrease the number of seats or cancel a course or introduce
a new course in a Polytechnic or Institution at any time.
I. General Reservations:- (1) 21% of the available seats are reserved for the candidates belonging to Scheduled
Castes/Scheduled Tribes with the distinct reservation of 15% for Scheduled Castes and 6% for Scheduled Tribes.
This reservation is inter changeable, i.e. if sufficient number of candidates are not available to fill the seats
reserved for the Scheduled Caste candidates, they may be filled up by qualified candidates belonging to
Scheduled Tribes and vice-versa. The communities included under Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes shall
be as decided by the Government from time to time.
(2) 25% of the available seats are reserved for candidates belonging to Backward Classes as shown below:
Backward Class students belonging to Group-A. - 7%
Backward Class students belonging to Group-B.-10%
Backward Class students belonging to Group-C. -1%
Backward Class students belonging to Group D.- 7%
Total 25%
(3) 1 1/2% of the available seats are reserved for Physically Handicapped students.
(a) The candidates have to produce Certificate from Professor of concerned speciality in which the claim is under
(b) Medical Board to be constituted for scrutinising the applications and the candidates should appear in person
before the Medical Board. The Medical Candidates with the following defects shall not be considered for
selection under this category:
(i) Mentally retarded;
(ii) Blindness;
(iii) Deaf and Dumb:
(iv) Chronic Heart, Lung, Kidney and Liver diseases; and
(v) Muscular Dystrophis.
(c) Once the Physical disability is confirmed, merit in EEPH is to be taken into consideration for allotment of
(4) 1% of the available seats shall be reserved for candidates who have distinguished themselves in N.C.C.
(a) The candidates having International level Certificates (Youth Exchange Programme abroad) with C'
Certificates are given first priority;
(b) The candidates having National Level Certificates (participation in the Republic Day Parade Camp at New
Delhi). are given second priority irrespective of the status of Certificates, viz., C' B' and A' (priority preference
will be given as per rank/marks obtained in the Entrance Examination);
(c) Third Priority is given to state level certificates (Republic Day Parade Camp at State Capital) with "C" "B"
and "A" (Priority/preference will be given as per rank marks obtained in Entrance Examination):
(d) Fourth Priority is given to Certificate holders.
(5) 1 1/2 % of the available seats shall be reserved for candidates who have distinguished themselves in Sports,
i.e., Games and Athletics. Participation in the following games and sports only shall be considered under this
(i) Foot Ball
(ii) Hocky
(iii) Volley-Ball
(iv) Hand-ball
(v) Basket-ball
(vi) Tennis
(vii) Table-Tennis
(viii) Badminton/shuttle
(ix) Khabadi
(x) Athletics
(xi) Swimming
(xii) Gymnastics
(xiii) Weight Lifting
(xiv) Wrestling
(xv) Boxing
(xvi) Cycling
(xvii) Rowing
(xviii) Shooting
(xix) Equistrain
(xx) Fencing
(xxi) Roller Skating
(xxii) Diving
(xxiii) Acrobatic Swimming
(xxiv) Archery.
The order of priority for selection of candidates under the above Sports/Games shall be as under:
1. Representing Nation in approved world Competitions and winning place in Men/Women section.
2. Representing Nation in approved World Competitions and winning second place (Men/Women Section).
3. Representing Nation in approved World Competitions and winning third,place (Men/Women section).
4. Representing Nation in approved world Competitions.
5. Representing Nation in approved World University Competitions and winning place.
6. Representing Nation in approved World Competitions for Junior/Youth and winning place.
7. Representing nation in World University Competitions and winning Second Place.
8. Representing Nation in approved World Competitions.
9. Representing Nation in World University Competitions.
10. Representing Nation in approved World Competitions for Juniors/Youth.
11. Representing nation in the World School Games and winning first place.
12. Representing Nation in the World School Games and winning second place.
13. Representing nation in the World School Games and winning third place.
14. Representing nation in the World School Games.
15. Representing the State in the National Championships for Men/Women and winning place.
16. Representing the State in the National Championships for Men/women and winning second place.
17. Representing the State in the National Championships for Men/Women and winning third place.
18. Representing University in inter University Competitions and winning place.
19. Representing State in National Championships for Junior5s and winning the place.
20. Representing University in Inter- Versity competition and winning the Second Place.
21. Representing the State in National Championships for Juniors and winning the second place.
22. Representing University in Inter-Versity competition and winning third place.
23. Representing State in National Championships for Juniors and winning third place.
24. Representing State Schools in All India School Games and winning place.
25. Representing State Schools in All India School Games and winning second place.
26. Representing State Schools in All India School Games and winning the third place.
27. Representing State in South Zone Championships for Men/Women and winning the place.
28. Representing State in South Zone Championships for Men/Women and winning second place.
29. Representing State in South Zone Championships for Men/Women and winning third place.
30. Representing State in South Zone Championships for Juniors and winning place.
31. Representing State in South Zone Championships for Juniors and winning second place.
32. Representing State in South Zone Championships for Juniors and winning third place.
33. Representing state in National Championships for Men/Women.
34. Representing University in Inter-Versity Competitions.
35. Representing State in National Championships for juniors.
36. Representing State Schools in All India School Games.
37. Representing State in South Zone Championships for Men/Women.
38. Representing State in South Zone Championships for juniors.
39. Representing District in Inter- District Championships for seniors and winning place.
40. Representing District in Inter-District Championships for Seniors and winning second place.
41. Representing District in Inter-District Championships for seniors and winning third place.
42. Winning place in University Inter Zone Competitions.
43. Representing District in Inter District Competitions for Juniors and winning place.
44. Winning Second place in University Inter Zone Competitions.
45. Representing District in Inter-District Competitions for Juniors and winning second place.
46. Winning third place in University Inter Zone Competitions.
47. Representing District in Inter-District Competitions for Juniors and winning third place.
48. Representing Educational District in State school Games and winning place.
49. Representing Educational District in State school Games and winning second place.
50. Representing Educational District in State School Games and winning third place.
(6) 2% of the available seats shall be reserved for the children of Ex-Servicemen and Defence Personnel
including the children of Boarder Security Forces residing in Andhra Pradesh. The order of preference for
selection of candidates under this category shall be as follows:(a) Children of Armed Forces Personnel and Civil Defence Personnel killed in action;
(b) Children of Service men and Civil Defence Personnel disabled in action and permanently incapacitated as a
result thereof and invalidated out of service and in receipt of disability pension;
(c) Children of Ex-Servicemen and Servicemen in receipt of Gallantry awards, the order of merit for
consideration of the Gallantry awards as given below:
(i) Param Vir Chakra.
(ii) Ashok Chakra.
(iii) Sarvotham Yudh Seva Medal.
(iv) Maha Vir Chakra.
(v) Kirti Chakra.
(vi) Uttam Yudh Seva Medal.
(vii) Vir Chakra.
(viii) Shourya Chakra.
(ix) Yudh Seva Medal.
(x) Sena/Nav Sena/Vaya Sena Medal.
(d) Children of other Ex-Servicemen, Servicemen and Civil Defence Personnel.
II. Local Candidates:
(1) For the purpose of admission to the Government Polytechnics in the State the part of the State comprising the
following Districts shall be rewarded as the local area in respect of Polytechnics situated in that part.
(i) the local areas, comprising the District of Srikakulam, Visakhapatnam, Vizianagaram, East Godavari, West
Godawari, Krishna, Guntur and Prakasam;
(ii) the Local areas comprising the Districts of Adilabad, Hyderabad (including the twin - cities), Ranga Reddy,
Kareemnagar, Khammam, Mahaboobnagar, Medak, Nalgonda, Nizamabad and Warangal;
(iii) the local area comprising the Districts of Anantapur, Chittoor, Cudapah, Kurnool and Nellore.
(a) The local area related to the Andhra University shall also be local area in respect of Nagarjuna university.
(b) The local area related to the Osmania University shall also be the local area in respect of Kakatiya University.
(c) The local area related to Sri Venkateswara University shall also be the local area in respect of Sri
Krishnadevaraya University.
(2) Admissions to 85% of the available seats in every course of study in the institutions shall be reserved in
favour of the local candidates in relation to the local area in which that institution is situated.
In these rules "available seats" in relation to a course of study means the number of seats provided in that course
for admission at any time after excluding these reserved for candidates from outside the State.
(3) (1) A candidate for admission to any course of study shall be regarded as a local candidate in relation to a
local area;
(a) if he has studied in any educational institutions in such local areas for a period of not less than four
consecutive academic years ending with academic year in which he appeared or as the case may be appeared in
the relevant qualifying examination, or.
(b) Where during the whole or any part of the four consecutive academic years ending with the academic year in
which he appeared or as the case may be appeared for the relevant qualifying examination, he has not studied in
any educational institution if he has resided in the local area for a period of not less than four years immediately
preceeding the date of commencement of the relevant qualifying examination in which he appeared, or as the
case may be, appeared.
(ii) A candidate for admission to any course of study who is not regarded as a local candidate under paragraph-II
(1) in relation to any local area shall:
(a) if he has studied in an educational institution in the State for a period of not less than seven consecutive
academic years ending with the academic year in which he appeared or as the case may be, appeared for the
relevant qualifying examination, be regarded as a local candidate in relation to(i) such local area where he has studied for the maximum period out of the said seven years; or
(ii) Where the periods of the study in two or more local areas are equal such local areas where he has studied last
in such periods; or
(b) If, during the whole or any part of the seven consecutive academic years ending with the academic year in
which he appeared or as the case may be appeared for the relevant qualifying examination, he has not studied in
the educational institutions in any local area, but he has resided in the State during the whole of the said period of
seven years, be regarded as a local candidate in relation to
(i) such local area where he has resided for the maximum period out of the period of seven years, or
Explanations:- (i) Educational Institutions means any educational institution recognised by the State
Government, a University or other competent authority.
(ii) Relevant qualifying examination in relation to admission to any course of study, means the examination, a
pass in which is the minimum educational qualification for admission to such course of study:
(iii) in reckoning of consecutive academic years during which a candidate has studied:
(a) Any period of interruption of his study by reason of his failure to pass any examination; and
(b) any period of his study in a State-wide educational instruction, shall be disregarded.
(iv) The question whether any candidate for admission to any course has resided in any local area shall be
determined with reference to the places where the candidate actually resided and not with reference to the
residence of his parent or other guardians.
Illustrations:- In the case of the admission to the Pharmacy course, the minimum educational qualification is a
pass in the Intermediate with Biology, Physics and Chemistry. A candidate who possesses other qualification
will also be eligible. In order to determine whether the candidate is local candidate or not, the period of study or
residence as the case may be immediately before his appearance for the Intermediate examination alone will be
taken into consideration. Further, in the case of a candidate who did not pass the minimum qualifying
examination in the attempt and therefore appeared for it more than once, the 4 years period of study or residence
has to be computed with reference to his appearance at such examination.
(4) If a local candidate in respect of local area is not available to fill any seat reserved or allocated in favour of a
local candidate in respect of local area such seat should be filled as if it had not been reserved.
(5) Sub-paragraphs (1) to (4) of Paragraph II shall not apply to any Part-time course of study provided in any
Polytechnic solely for the benefit of employed persons.
(6) The following categories of candidates are eligible to apply for admission to the remaining 15% of
unreserved seats:
(i) all candidates defined in Sub-paragraphs (3) of paragraph - (ii) candidates who have resided in the State for a
total period of ten years excluding periods of study outside the State: or either of whose parents has resided in the
State; for a total period of ten years excluding periods of employment outside the State:
(iii) Candidates who are children of parents who are in the employment of this State or Central Government,
Public sector, Corporations, local bodies, Universities and other similar quasi public institutions within the State;
(iv) Candidates who are spouses of those in the employment of this Stare or Central Government, Public sector,
Corporations, Local Bodies, Universities and Educational institutions recognised by the Government, a
University or other competent authority and similar other quasi-Government Institutions in the State.
In exercise of the powers conferred by Section 3 read with sub- section (1) of Section 15 of the Andhra Pradesh
Educational Institutions (Regulation of Admissions and Prohibition of Capitation Fee) Act, 1983 (Andhra
Pradesh Act 5 of 1983) and in supersession of the orders issued in G.O.Ms.No.307, Education Department, dated
7-3-1975, G.O.Ms.No.600, Labour, Employment Nutrition and Technical Education, Department, dated 20-81981, G.O.Ms.No.669, Labour, Employment, Nutrition and Technical Education, dated 1st September, 1981,
G.O.Ms.No.208, Labour Employment, Nutrition and Technical Education Department, dated 10th August, 1983
and in partial supersession of the orders issued in G.O.Ms.No.9, Labour Employment, Nutrition and Technical
Education Department, dated 7th January, 1982 (Part-time under item No.II in para 2) regarding part-time
evening courses, the Governor of Andhra Pradesh hereby makes the following rules for admission to the 1st year
of the 4 year Part-time Diploma Courses in the Polytechnics in the State.
Rule 1 Short title
These rules may be called the Andhra Pradesh Regulation of admissions of students into Part-time diploma
courses in Polytechnics Rules, 1985. (2) These rules shall come into force at once
Rule 2 Application
These rules shall apply to the candidates who wish to seek admission into Part-time Diploma Courses in any of
the Polytechnics specified in Annexure-I.
Rule 3 Eligibility for admission to Entrance examination for admission into Part time Diploma Courses
Candidates (Men and Women) satisfying the following requirements shall be eligible to appear for the entrance
(a) Candidate shall be an Indian National;
(b) candidates should have completed 20 years of age as on 1st July of the academic year in which admission is
(c) candidates should have passed S.S.C. examination conducted by the Andhra Pradesh State Board of
Secondary Education, Andhra Pradesh, or any other examination recognised as equivalent thereto, with [xxx]
mathematics as one of the subjects at such examination.
(d) The candidates shall be employees of a State Government or the Central Government or, of any Company,
Corporation, Organisation or undertaking incorporated by or under a State or Central Act and owned by the State
or the Central Government.
(i) The Candidates shall put in not less than two years of service/practical experience in the relevant field of
Engineering in such Government or in such Company, Corporation, Organisation or undertaking as on the date
of submission of application.
(ii) the practical experience or service of the candidates in an undertaking or an organisation shall be reckoned
only after she has passed the 10th Class or its equivalent examination.
(iii) The practical experience or service of the candidate put in after attaining the age of 18 years shall only be
(iv) Candidates working as clerks, Telephone Operators etc., and those engaged in non-technical works even in
the Technical organisation are not eligible to appear for the entrance examination.
(v) the apparenticeship period other than that of National Trade Certificate or National Apprentice Certificate
shall not be counted as practical experience.
(f) Candidates who have passed the post matric trades and who possess National Trade Certificate, and National
Apprentice Certificate in the relevant trade and satisfying rule 3 (c) and (d) shall be exempted from rule 3 (c).
Rule 4 How to apply
(a) Application forms and prospectus for admission to entrance examination and for admission into Part- time
Diploma Courses can be had from the Principals of the Polytechnics as per the Annexure by sending the amount
prescribed after the issue of Notification by Secretary, State Board Technical Education and Training, Andhra
Pradesh, Hyderabad.
(b) Applications shall be submitted in such forms accompanied by such documents as may be prescribed by the
Secretary, State Board of Technical Education and Training in the notification and/or prospectus, as the case may
Rule 5 Entrance Examination
(a) An entrance examination shall be conducted for selection of candidates for admission into first year part-time
Diploma course in the Polytechnics specified in the Annexure I.
(b) the entrance examination shall be conducted by State Board of Technical Education and Training, Andhra
Pradesh, Hyderabad.
(c) The entrance examination shall be conducted in one session of 2 hours duration in the subjects of [xxx]
mathematics and Physical sciences from the syllabus prescribed by the Board of Secondary Education for 9th
and 10th Classes.
(d) the said examination shall be conducted at the centres as may be notified, from time to time.
(e) the agency conducting the said entrance examination may in its discretion get the answer papers valued either
manually or mechanically.
(f) the candidates who shall be eligible for appearing for the entrance examination are as shown in rule 3.
(g) no weightage shall be accorded to the candidates who have passed the I.T.I., T.H.S.; H.S.C., Intermediate
(Vocational) courses in the said entrance examination.
Rule 6 Structure of Question Paper
(a) The entrance examination shall consist of objective type of questions and shall be in two parts;
(b) Part-A shall contain questions on physical sciences (Physics and Chemistry only) for 50 marks and Part-B
shall contain questions in [xxx] Mathematics for 50 marks. All the candidates shall answer Part-A and Part-B;
(c) the total marks of question paper shall be 100; and
(d) The question paper of the said examination shall be in English and Telugu languages.
Rule 7 Funds of the Examination Committee
The amounts collected from the candidates towards the cost of application forms and the entrance examination
fee shall be credited to the account of the State Board of Technical Education and Training, and it shall be
operated by such officer as the Board may authorise in this behalf.
Rule 8 Pass requirements and declaration of results
(a) The marks obtained by the candidate in the entrance examination shall be considered for the purpose of fixing
merit ranking on the basis of which selection shall be made.
(b) In order to qualify oneself to seek admission into the first year of the courses one should have obtained at the
common entrance examination a minimum of 30% of total marks.
(c) For Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe candidates the minimum shall be reduced to 25% of the total
marks. However, if the number of Scheduled Tribe candidates appearing for entrance examination for a
particular institution are equal to the number of seats reserved for them, they shall be selected for admission to
the courses straight-way without any reference to the ranking obtained in the entrance examination subject to the
fulfilment of the conditions prescribed in rule 3.
(d) In case of equality of marks obtained by two or more candidates in the entrance examination, for a particular
course in the concerned institution, the elder candidate as per age shall be assigned a higher ranking in the merit
(e) Mere success at the entrance examination does not entitle the candidate to be considered for admission
automatically unless he satisfies all the conditions prescribed in these rules.
(f) The ranks and marks obtained by the candidates selected for admission in the entrance examination shall be
displayed at the respective institutions. No application for retotalling or revaluation of answer scripts of the
entrance examination shall be entertained.
Rule 9 Admissions
(a) Admission of candidates into year of the four year part-time Diploma Courses shall be made by the Principals
of the respective institutions in accordance with these rules.
(b) Candidates seeking admission into part-time Diploma Course in any Polytechnic shall apply in the form
prescribed to the Principal concerned along with attested copies of certificates before the date prescribed in
notification issued by the State Board of Technical Education and Training.
(c) Selection of candidates to a particular Polytechnic shall be restricted to the candidates who are working in
and around the town or the city as the case may be, in which the Polytechnic is situated.
(d) Principals of the concerned Polytechnics may decide whether particular candidate can attend to the classes
from the place of his employment without dislocation of the candidates normal official work.
Rule 10 Reservations
(a) The Andhra Pradesh Educational Institutions (Regulation of Admissions) Order 1974, shall not apply for
admission into the institutions specified in the Annexure for part-time Diploma Courses.
(b) Seats in each Part-time Diploma course in each Polytechnic, shall be reserved as shown below:TABLE
Backward Class Candidates Group-A
Backward Class Candidates Group-B
Backward Class Candidates Group-C
Backward Class Candidates Group-D
Scheduled Caste Candidates
Scheduled Tribe Candidates
Physically handicapped candidates
Children of Armed Personnel
Rule 11 Readmission of Candidates
(a) The requirement of qualifying oneself at the entrance examination shall not apply to the candidates seeking
re-admission against the following categories, namely:(i) candidates who have been detained in the first year Board examinations owing to deficiency in attendance;
(ii) candidates who have not been promoted to second year class for want of prescribed sessional marks in all the
(iii) candidates who have discontinued year course of study owing to prolonged illness or due to any other
reasons with prior permission of the concerned principal;
(b) The Director of Technical Education shall be the authority competent to grant admission to such of the
candidates mentioned in clauses (i), (ii) and (iii) if in his opinion the reasons advanced for such discontinuance
are genuine; and
(c) the Director of Technical Educational shall be the authority competent to grant admission to such of these
candidates seeking admission into classes from II year or any part of the course thereof, having discontinued the
same owing to sickness or any other reason; if, in his opinion the reasons advanced for such discontinuance are
Rule 12 General
(a) Notwithstanding anything contained in these rules, the Director of Technical Education may, either suo moto
, or an an application made by any person and after due and proper enquiry and after giving the person concerned
an opportunity of being heard, order the withholding of the publication of the name of a candidate who has been
provisionally selected, or cancel the admission of a candidate if already made at any time during the course of an
academic year, or thereafter, or debar any candidate from applying for admission to any of the courses
permanently or for a specified period, if in his opinion the candidate had furnished false or incorrect particulars
or suppressed relevant information in the application form or in the documents attached thereto or in the
statements made before the Principals concerned or any other competent authority.
(b) The State Government may amend, alter or vary the rules, from time to time, without any notice, not to the
disadvantage of any candidate selected or admitted in accordance with these rules;
(c) If any ambiguity or doubt arises in the interpretation or implementation of these rules the decision of the
Chairman, State Board of Technical Education and Training, Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad, shall be final
Institutions conducting Part Time Diploma Courses
Sl. No.
Name of the Polytechnic
Courses offered :
Govt. Polytechnic, Hyderabad.
Govt. Polytechnic, Warangal
Govt. Polytechnic, Visakhapatnam
Govt. Polytechnic, Vijayawada
Andhra Polytechnic, Kakinada
S.V. Govt. Polytechnic, Tirupati
In exercise of the powers conferred by Section 3 read with sub- section (1) of Section 15 of the Andhra Pradesh
Educational Institutions (Regulation of Admissions and Prohibition of Capitation Fee) Act, 1983 (Andhra
Pradesh Act 5 of 1983), the Governor of Andhra Pradesh hereby makes the following Rules relating to the
admission of students into the Super Specialities in the Medical Colleges of the State of Andhra Pradesh.
Rule 1
(1) These Rules may be called the Andhra Pradesh Regulation of Admission to Super Specialities in the Medical
Colleges Rules, 1983.
(2) They shall apply to the Course in Super Specialities in the Medical Colleges.
(3) All eligible Candidates under Rule 5 can apply for these courses.
Rule 2 Number of seats
The number of seats available in the Medical Colleges of the State shall be as may be notified by Government by
an order, from time to time.
Rule 3 Reservations
No reservations will be followed for Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Backward Classes, since these are
common to all regions of the State and are less than four in each subject.
Rule 4 Applications
(1) A candidate is permitted to opt only one subject according to his choice.
(2) Candidates may obtain the application forms and rules governing the admissions by submitting a challan for
Rs.5 with a self-addressed envelop of 11cm. x 25 cm. size with stamps affixed to the value of Rs.4 from the
Principal, Osmania Medical College, Hyderabad/Principal, Andhra Medical College, Visakhapatnam. The said
amount of Rs.5 shall be credited to "080 Medical A. Allopathy (a) Tuition and other Fees for Medical
(3) All applications duly filled in and with all necessary document s shall be delivered in person or sent by post
to the Principals from whom the applications forms were obtained so as to reach him on or before the last date of
submission of application. The application form obtained from a particular college shall be posted to the same
college from which it has been obtained. Application forms obtained from one college and posted to the other
college shall be invalidated and will not be transmitted to the other college.
(4) The filled in application forms received after the prescribed date and time shall not be considered. The
Member Secretary or Principal of the Medical College as the case may be will not be responsible for non-receipt
of applications or delay in postal transit.
(5) A Registration fee of Rs.50 shall be credited to the head of Account "080 Medical A. Allopathy (a) Tuition
and other fees for Medical Education" through Challan and the Challan shall be enclosed at the time of
submission of application form. Fees once paid shall not refunded. ......].
Rule 5 Eligibility
(1) Prior qualification required to apply for the courses are shown as noted against each:-
(i) D.M. (Neurology).- M.D. General Medicine or Paediatrics.
(ii) M.S. (Neuro-Surgery) - General Surgery or Orthopaedics.
(iii) D.M. (Cardiology). - M.D. General Medicine or Paediatrics.
(iv) M.Ch. (Cardio-Thoracic-Surgery). - M.S. General Surgery.
(v) M.Ch. (Gentio-Urinary Surgery). - M.S. General Surgery or M.D. [Obst.]
(vi) M.Ch. [Paediatric-Surgery]. - M.S. General Surgery or Orthopaedics.
(vii) M.Ch. [Plastic-Surgery]. - M.S. General Surgery or Orthopaedics to E.N.T.
(viii) D.M. (Gastro-Enterology]. - M.D. General Medicine or Paediatrics.
(2) The candidate should be local/non-local candidate as the case may be as per G.O.P. No. 646, dt.10-7-1979 of
Education (w) Department of Government of Andhra Pradesh.
Rule 6 Entrance Test
(1) Entrance Test for admission to the courses specified in Rule 2 shall be of objective type. Each subject will
have separate paper containing 100 multiple choice questions to be answered in one and half hours duration.
(2) The syllabus for the Entrance Test shall be that of M.D./M.S. standard of the Universities of Andhra Pradesh.
(3) Minimum marks required to pass in the Entrance Test shall be 25 for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes,
and 30 for all others.
Rule 7 Method of selection
[(1) Selection will be made by the Selection Committee constituted by the Government.]
(2) The selection of candidates shall be in accordance with the merit in the Entrance Test.
(3) If two candidates got equal marks in the Entrance Test marks obtained in Medicine in M.B.B.S., for Medical
Specialities and marks obtained in Surgery for Surgical Specialities shall be taken into consideration in fixing the
merit of the candidates.
(4) Marks of the candidates in order of merit and in order of Roll Number also will be displayed on the Notice
Boards of the respective colleges 5 days before the actual date of selection.
(5) On the dates notified, the candidates shall be selected at the Osmania Medical College, Hyderabad till all the
seats are filled. The selection will be only from among the candidates who physically present themselves when
their Roll Numbers are called out, in the order of merit.
(6) Claims of the candidates will not be considered, if they are found absent when called at the time of selection.
If a candidate on merit is absent for selection when he is called, the next in merit would be selected in his place.
The selected candidates shall submit their original certificates to the Selection Committee and pay fees
immediately. The candidate can submit the prescribed bond within 5 days from the date of commencement of
(7) The Selection Committee has got right to review the selection in case of any errors, misrepresentation, fraud
or glaring injustice done. In all matters relating to selections and admissions the decision of the selection
Committee shall be final and binding on the candidate and selections cannot be questioned after admissions are
Rule 8
The vacancies of the 1st list shall be notified in the respective Medical College on 15th day of the
commencement of the course.] The willing candidates who wish to join the vacant courses shall report to the
Member Secretary on the dates notified for admission. The member Secretary shall select the candidates from
among the candidates who physically report according to merit in the Entrance Test. The selected candidates
have to pay the fees and submit the original certificates and other documents immediately.
Rule 9
All the candidates joining in the Second Post Graduate Degree Course (Super-Speciality) should execute a bond
on a stamped paper of Rs.5 value as prescribed in the Annexure to complete the said course as per the
requirements of the Institute. They should serve the Government of Andhra Pradesh for a period of 5 years after
completion of the course. In the event of his leaving the studies in mid-term or in case of his failure to serve the
Government of Andhra Pradesh for a period of 5 years after completion of the course he has to pay to the
Government of Andhra Pradesh a sum of Rs.20,000 (Rupees twenty thousands only).
Rule 10 Closure of admissions
The admissions stand closed at the end of thirty days from the commencement of the course. The course shall
commence with effect from the date to be announced by the Selection Committee. The duration of the course
shall be calculated from the date of commencement of the course without any reference to the admission of any
Rule 11 Power of Principals
Notwithstanding anything contained in these Rules, the Principals of the Medical Colleges in the State may at
any time before completion of the Post Graduate Course either on their own motion or on the application of any
person after due and proper enquiry and after giving the person two weeks time from the date of the receipt of
the show cause notice to submit a written explanation and on personnal hearing, order the cancellation of
admission to the 1st year course, if in their opinion, such candidates had furnished incorrect particulars/or false
information in the application form or in the documents attached thereto; or in the Statements made either before
the authority incharge of admissions or the Principals or in any other manner. Against any such order of the
Principal, an appeal shall lie to the Director of Medical Education.
Rule 12 Power of Government
The Government may either suo motu or on an application made to them call for and examine records relating to
any or valuation of answer scripts, selection or admission or cancellation there of made by the authority incharge
of selection or of admission for the purpose of satisfying themselves as to the legality or regularity of such
selection or admission orders in relation thereto as they deem fit including cancellation of the selection already
published or admission already made provided that Government may before cancelling such selection or
admission give an opportunity to the authority-in-charge of selection or admission and to the person affected to
show cause against cancellation.
(Non-Judicial Stamped Paper for Rs.5-00)
I, Dr. selected for Post Graduate Diploma/Degree/Second Post Graduate Degree Course in.. in the ..Medical
College, do hereby undertake to complete the said course as per the requirements of the Institute. In the event of
my leaving the studies in midterm or in case I fail to serve the Government of Andhra Pradesh for a period of 5
years after completion of the said course I undertake to pay to the Government of the Andhra Pradesh a sum of
Rs.20,000 (Rupees twenty thousands only.)
(Signature of Candidate)
Signed by the above bounded in the presence of :
1. Signature
Name and Full address.
2. Signature
Name and Full Address
Signature of the Sureties.
N.B. Sureties should be of two permanent Gazetted Officers.
For Non-Service candidates
(Non-Judicial stamped paper for Rs.5/-)
I, Dr. selected for second P.G.Degree Course in. in the. Medical College, do hereby undertake to complete the
said course as per the requirements of the institutes. In the event of my leaving the studies in Mid-term I
undertake to pay to the Government of Andhra Pradesh a sum of Rs.20,000 (Rupees twenty thousand only).
Signature of the Candidate
Signed by the above bounded in the presence of :
1. Signature
Name and Full address.
2. Signature
Name and Full Address
Signature of the Sureties.
N.B. Sureties should be two permanent Gazetted Officers.
Act Type : Andhra Pradesh State Acts