summer reading assignments for english advanced class

Foley Middle School Advanced English
2015 Summer Reading Assignment
Teacher contact information:
8th grade teacher contact: Mrs. Kim Frank,
7th grade teacher contact: Mrs. Annie Shoots,
Summer Reading Assignment Components & Grading:
A. Reading Log= 10%
B. Graphic Organizer (Essay Map)= 20%
C. Informative Essay=30%
D. Art Project=30%
E. *AR test=10%
The total project is worth 100 points.
Project Directions for Book Selection:
1. Log-on to ABDO Digital website using the following url
Username: foleypublic
Password: books
2. Enter the following words in the search bar:
8th Graders ONLY: “Essential Lives”
7th Graders ONLY: “Essential Events”
3. Select one of the ebooks from the above selection (according to
your grade level). If you do not have access to the internet at home,
you may use your local public library.
Directions of Individual PROJECT COMPONENTS:
A. Reading Log
Students are required to maintain a reading log as he/she reads text.
Option #1: Print version: As you read, complete the Reading Log with a minimum
of 5 comments.
Option #2: You may create your own reading log (using the “Insert Table”
function) that has at the 3 following columns: date, page numbers read, and
comment. The table should have 3 columns and 11 rows. One row must be a
heading row with the following labels: DATE, PAGE #, COMMENTS.
B. Graphic Organizer (Essay Map)
Option #1: Print version: Complete the printed version of the Essay
Option #2: Digital version: Log onto the url below and fill in
information. Remember to print the finished copy.
C. Expository Essay
Students are required to compose a five-paragraph essay with the following
1st Paragraph= Introduction paragraph where thesis statement (main idea) is the
last sentence.
2nd Paragraph= Body #1 paragraph- begins with a topic sentence and has at least
4 supporting details
3rd Paragraph= Body #2 paragraph- begins with a topic sentence and has at least
4 supporting details
4th Paragraph= Body #3 paragraph- begins with a topic sentence and has at least
4 supporting details
5th Paragraph= Conclusion paragraph- first sentence is thesis statement
rewritten followed by a summary sentence for each body paragraph. Last
sentence should be an applicable quote.
D. Art Project
Option #1- Print or Digital (Powerpoint, Prezi, Keynote, iMovie, etc.)
Presentation: Create a print or digital presentation containing the following:
Slide 1/Page 1: Book Title, Author, Student First & Last Name, Date,
Presentation Title
Slide 2/Page 2: Description of event or person
Slide 3/Page 3: Venn Diagram comparing event/person to another
Famous person or event. Each section of the Venn
Diagram should have at least 4 bulleted items
Slide 4/Page 4: Timeline presenting 5 pertinent elements in text (timeline
May be horizontal or vertical)
Slide 5/Page 5: Description of event/person’s effect on society
Option #2- Collage: On a poster, create a collage of at least 15 important items
from text, and number each item. The collage must have the
Book Title & Author across the top, and the student’s
name and date should appear on the bottom of the collage.
The collage should cover most of the poster front.
On the back, students should create a list of numbered items
from the front, identify each numbered item, and explain its
significance to the text.
Option #3-It’s All in the Bag project: Use a large brown paper bag (larger than a
sandwich bag). Decorate the front of the bag as if it was the new book
cover. The front must contain the book title and author. On the back
of the bag, the student’s name and date must be written. Inside the
bag, place 15 items symbolic to the text. A list that explains the
significance of each item should also be inside the bag.
Option #4- Musically Inclined project: Choose a song that expresses the overall
topic of your text. You must provide the lyrics to the song. You must
highlight at least 10 lyrical lines from the song that relate to the text.
You will need to place a superscript above each highlighted lyric. On a
separate piece of paper, write the corresponding numbers and
explain the significance of each line to the text read.
E. AR Test
Students will log onto Welcome to Renaissance Place and
take the AR test to the selected text by the end of the 1st week
of school in August!
The digital art project must be saved to a flashdrive and teacher will
upload it the first day of school. Student must name file as the
following: their first name, underscore (_) last name, underscore (_),
summer, underscore (_), project.
Example: Jane_Smith_summer_project
Foley Middle School 2015 Summer Reading Essay Rubric
ELA 7th/8th Rubric Alignment to CCSS
Alabama Course of Study Reading
7th Grade
8th Grade
7th Grade Essential Question & Essay Prompt:
How might one event shape the course of history including its
effect on people and society? Use evidence from the ABDO
Digital ebook to support your claim. Don’t forget to utilize the
Essay map for ease of writing and guidance.
8th Grade Essential Question & Essay Prompt:
How might the life of one person shape the course of history
including his/her effect on people and society? Use evidence
from the ABDO Digital ebook to support your claim. Don’t
forget to utilize the Essay map for ease of writing and guidance.
Foley Middle School
2015 Advanced English Summer Reading Log
Student Name:________________________________________________________________________________
Starting Page # Ending Page #
(What really impressed you/something you
found interesting/something you didn’t
know, etc.)
ABDO Digital Essential Events Book Selections:
Sets 5-9
For 7th Grade Summer Reading
ABDO Digital Essential Lives Book Selections: Sets
For 8th Grade Summer Reading