Muscle Wksht Key

Muscle structure/function worksheet
name ____KEY___________________
Matching Exercises: Matching only within each group, write the answers to the spaces provided:
Group A
Isotonic Contractility
Neuromuscular Junction Action Potential Tonus Isometric
1.The capacity of a muscle fiber to transmit electrical current: _____excitabilty___________
2.The point where a motor nerve fiber contacts a muscle cell: ________neuromuscular Junction__________
3.The electrical charge transmitted along the muscle cell membrane after stimulation: __action potential___
4.Term for muscle contractions in which the tone remains constant while the muscle shortens: _____ isometric
5.The capacity of a muscle fiber to undergo shortening: __ contractility_
6.The normal partially contracted state of muscles: ____tone (tonus)
7.Term for muscle contractions in which there is a great increase in muscle tension without change in muscle length:
_____ isotonic (resistance against an immovable force, i.e. pushing against a wall.)
Group B
Myoglobin ATP
Lactic Acid
1.The compound that stores oxygen in muscle cells: ____ myoglobin
2.The ion that must be released into the muscle cell before contraction: ____ Ca++
3.A protein filament needed for contraction in muscle cells: ____ actin
4.The substance that accumulates in muscles working without enough oxygen: ____ lactic acid________
5.The immediate source of energy for muscle contraction: __ ATP ( or CP-creatine phosphate) _______
6.The compound that stores glucose in muscle cells:____ glycogen_____
Group C
Origin Myosin Prime Mover Vasodilation
1.Name for the muscle that must relax during a given movement: ______antagonist____________
2.The muscle attachment joined to a moving part of the body: ____ insertion____
3.Widening of a blood vessel: _____ vasodilation____
4.The muscle attachment joined to a more fixed part fo the body: ___ origin_____
5.A protein needed for contraction in muscle cells: ____ myosin___
6.The muscle that produces a given movement: ____ agonist
Group D
Deltoid Triceps
Latissimus Dorsi Trapezoid
1. A triangular muscle over the back and neck that moves the shoulder: ___ trapezoid____
2.The muscle of the middle and lower back that is powerful extensor of the arm (at the shoulder):_Latissimus Dorsi__
3.The muscle capping the shoulder and upper arm: ___ Deltoid ___
4.A muscle on the front of the arm that acts as a flexor of the elbow and supinator of the hand: biceps_______
5.The large muscle of the upper chest that flexes the arm across the body: ___ pectoralis _______
6.The large muscle on the back of the arm that extends the elbow, as when delivering a blow: ____ triceps____
Group E
Rotator Cuff Deep facia
Diaphragm Gastrocnemius
1.A cordlike structure that attaches a muscle to bone:____ tendon___
2.A connective tissue sheath enclosing an entire muscle: __ deep facia_____
3.The chief muscle of the calf of the leg: ___ gastrocnemius______
4.The chief muscle of respiration: ___ the diaphragm________
5.A sheet of connective tissue that attaches certain muscles to bone or other muscles: ___ tendon_________
6.A muscle group that supports the shoulder joint: ____ rotator cuff
Group F
Intercostal Gluteus Maximus
1.The muscle that extends the leg at the knee, as in kicking a ball:____ sartorius_____
2.The muscle that forms much of the fleshy part of the buttock:___ gluteus maximus_______
3.Muscles located between the ribs that aid in respiration:___ intercostals muscles_______
4:The powerful muscle of the thigh: ___ quadripceps______
Group G:
Bursitis Myositis Atrophy Muscular Dystrophy Myalgia
1.A group of disorders, seen more frequently in male children, that causes progressive weakness and paralysis:
muscular dystrophy_____
2.A term that means muscular pain: ____ myalgia_____
3.Inflammation of a fluid-filled sac near a bone:___bursitis__________
4.A wasting or decrease in the size of a muscle, usually from lack of activity:___ atrophy________
5.Acute inflammation of muscle tissue:__ myositis________