Instructions for authors – conference

Notice for publication
Papers from the conference will be published in a separate peer-reviewed conference
proceedings. Each article will be submitted to an independent reviewer to assess. Paper
presentation at the conference shall not constitute an obligation to publish an article in the
proceedings, if the contribution in the review process rejected.
Contact and deadline
Contributions, suggestions and comments should be sent to the attention of Eva Procházková,
at the address no later than 20 November 2012.
Article requirements
Range: maximum 8 standard pages (1 standard page = 1800 symbols, incl. interspaces), in
case of a bigger amount of pictures or graphs less pages are required.
Form: electronic; articles ought
to be
sent please as a .doc, .rtf, .txt files on
Languages: Czech, English, Russian, German, other languages possible after an agreement.
Structure of the article
• Name of the article in the primary language – concise, brief and clearly informative, in the
language of the article
• Full name of the author, possibly a full name of the co-author/s – without a degree. The
surname can be indexed.
• Employment of author/s
• Abstract (in primary language) – The goal and methods of the research are clearly
determined, trials, surveys, researches, conclusions are briefly described. Range of 100–200
words (15–20 rows). Do not repeat the name of the article. Do not include generally known
• Keywords (in primary language) – 4–7 words. They are supposed to be ordered from general
to specific, separated by commas, first letters are small, behind the last word there is no fullstop.
• First chapter, mostly “Introduction” – Contains the aim of the work and reasoning its
conduction, brief summary of contemporary state of topic or topic’s specifics, it is possible to
include quotations of works focusing on the same topic, esp. from the last years.
• Second chapter, mostly “Materials and methods” – Second chapter should describe the
process of data gaining, methodology selection and reasoning of chosen method. Original
methodology should be described; adopted method should be cited by literature reference.
• Third chapter, mostly “Results” – Third chapter should exactly and objectively describe the
results of the research (nor author’s opinion, nor interpretation). Text is likely to be
accompanied by graphs, tables and other background data; however they should not duplicate
the information given in text.
• Fourth chapter, mostly “Discussion” – Fourth chapter should interpret received results in
the context of contemporary science and knowledge in related branches and also should
discuss possible objections.
• Last chapter, mostly “Conclusion” (can be added to previous chapter) – Last chapter
summarizes used materials and methods and essential features that focuses on the new
• References – Only really quoted sources are to be mentioned. The quotation must be written
according to valid regulations (watch esp. laws and internet sources quotation). The list is
ordered by occurrence in text.
• Name of the article in the secondary language (in Czech, if English is the primary language;
in English, if the primary language is Czech or other)
• Abstract in the secondary language
• Keywords in the secondary language
• First author contact:
Whole name, incl. academic degree
Name of employment
The reviewers will evaluate:
Appropriateness of topic for the journal,
Practical contribution,
Level of argumentation and use of logic,
Focusing on a main problem,
New thoughts (the article does not just summarize known facts).
We therefore recommend:
To choose current topic,
To process the work briefly, clearly and well-arranged
To maintain the logical structure of text,
To verify the conclusions with argumentation
To focus on main problem,
To enlist all used sources by truth,
To mention the methods,
To describe the results objectively, do not arbitrarily deduce,
To take your own view in discussion,
To summarize in a conclusion important or new features
Form of article
Try to reduce text-formatting to minimum.
If you need to highlight some phrases, do it solely by bolding the font, do not
underline, change colours or resize the letters.
Explicitly show multileveled structure of titles, subtitles and lists.
For indenting use tabulator, not spacebar.
Graphs and tables:
Do not duplicate graphs and tables – if they give the same information, choose one of
them, which is more appropriate and concise.
Please be aware of the fact that the printing is black and white only.
Photos, drawings:
Only photos and drawings in electronic form will be accepted, in a sufficient
resolution. Scanned materials must be in 300 DPI at least.
Do not insert these materials into a text itself. Enclose them in separated files, which
are referred to in a text. (Name the photo-file “Photo 1”, in text write “Photo 1: legend,
Quote according to the standards ČSN ISO 690 and ČSN ISO 690-2 from march 2011
– Harvard system. Quatation in text is: Novák (2003) or (Novák 2003), in reference
list are full bibliographic citations sorted aplhabetically.
..., by Novák (2003), it is possible to rely on the variable. Other authors
(Sovák, 2003)...
[1] NOVÁK, J., 2003. Název knihy. 2. vyd. Město: Nakladatel. ISBN 80-00000-00-0.
[2] SOVÁK, J., 2003. Název knihy. 1. vyd. Město: Nakladatel. ISBN 80-00000-00-0.
[3] PLOVÁK, J., 2003. Název knihy. 1. vyd. Město: Nakladatel. ISBN 80-00000-00-0.
All authors are responsible for a proper language and grammar use. Optionally, we offer a
Czech professional proofreading (English and Slovak after mutual agreement); changes in
texts will be sent for an approval before publishing.
Warning about the copyright law
Editors reserve the right to refuse articles, which do not meet the requirements and
instructions or which break the ethical standards or law, especially the copyright law.
By sending an article for publishing, every author declares to be an only author of a submitted
text, declares mentioning of a single used source and declares that his / her text being pursuant
to copyright law. Each author also declares knowing the consequences in case of false
statements of previous declaration.
The right of demanding proof of authors´ copyright ownership of used photos and pictures is
reserved. Authorship can be validated by statutory declaration of being author of these
documents, by contract governing copyright ownership on behalf the author or by written
agreement of true photos´ and pictures´ author with publishing their photos and pictures in