Dear Member HONORARY TREASURER – RE-ELECTION The Honorary Treasurer is a member of the National Executive Council, the NHF’s governing body. There will be a vacancy from May 2016 when the current Honorary Treasurer, Viren Voralia, finishes his first term of office in May 2016. Viren is willing to serve for a second 1-year term, but the position is open to anyone within the NHF membership who wishes to stand for election. If you would like to help grow and develop the NHF, setting our future direction, making sure we achieve our targets and keeping an eye on our finances, we’d love to hear from you. A brief description of the role and what’s involved is enclosed. If you would like to stand for election, all you need to do is complete a short statement about yourself, why you’d like to be the Honorary Treasurer and the skills you would bring, and send it to me by no later than 5pm Friday 19 February 2016. The election statements for all the candidates, including Viren Voralia, will be sent to members for voting. The successful candidate will be appointed at the Annual General Meeting to be held in London on the afternoon of Sunday 15 May 2016. If no-one else wishes to stand for election, Viren Voralia will be re-appointed for a second 1-year term. If you’d like to talk informally about the role do get in touch. My direct line is 01234 834380 and my email address is I look forward to hearing from you. Yours sincerely Hilary Hall Chief Executive National Hairdressers Federation HONORARY TREASURER – ROLE PROFILE Along with the President, Vice President and Immediate Past President, the Honorary Treasurer is an Officer of the National Hairdressers’ Federation (NHF), and is a member of the National Executive Council (NEC), the NHF’s governing body. He/she is also a member of the Remuneration Committee and may be invited by the Chief Executive to attend other meetings where significant financial issues are to be discussed. The NEC as a whole has final responsibility for NHF’s finances which are under the day-today control of the Director of Finance. The NHF is supported by its auditors, Grant Thornton. The position of Honorary Treasurer is voluntary, although reasonable expenses will be reimbursed in accordance with the NHF’s expenses policy. The Honorary Treasurer’s specific priorities are to: Oversee the accounts of the Federation Work with the Director of Finance to prepare and present a report to the AGM Determine any disputes arising from expenses claims, in consultation with the President Act as a ‘critical friend’ to the Director of Finance and provide a link between the NHF’s senior management team and the NEC in: o Ensuring the timely preparation of budgets, accounts and other financial statements for the NEC and explain them to other NEC members if needed. Presentations to NEC will be made by the Director of Finance. o Ensuring that robust financial systems and controls are in place o Ensuring that accepted recommendations of the auditors are implemented o Ensuring that the NEC is advised on the financial implications of any strategic decisions o Understanding the cash requirements of the business and advising the NEC as appropriate Work collaboratively with the Director of Finance, Chief Executive, other officers and the NEC To achieve these priorities the Honorary Treasurer will: Have a good understanding of business finance, including profit and loss accounts, cash flow statements, balance sheets, statutory accounts and investments, although it is not necessary to have a financial qualification Support the Director of Finance in ensuring that financial procedures and key internal controls are maintained Review the 3 year strategy, the business plan and budget for the following year with the Chief Executive and the Director of Finance before they are presented to the NEC. This will give the Honorary Treasurer an understanding of the overall financial strategy, including targets, any assumptions made, the money to be invested in recruiting and retaining members, the provision of membership services or other services, and any opportunities for cost reduction Review progress on the strategy, the half year management accounts (including reforecasts) and the year end management accounts with the Chief Executive and Director of Finance, before they are presented to NEC to give the Honorary Treasurer an overview of the Federation’s financial performance In consultation with the President, Chief Executive and Director of Finance, adjudicate on any disputes arising from the Federation’s expenses policy (and refer to the Disciplinary Committee if necessary) With the Director of Finance, attend meetings with the Federation’s auditors as required Be available to maintain contact with the Director of Finance as needed. Term of office The Honorary Treasurer is elected by the membership each year and he/she is installed at the Annual General Meeting. The term of office lasts for 1 year, with a maximum of 3 terms. The NEC meets 6 times a year. Meetings are usually held on Sunday mornings between 9.30am and 2pm (including lunch), but occasionally meetings are on Mondays. Meeting dates from May 2016 are: Sunday 15 May Sunday 17 July Sunday 18 September Monday 14 November NEC meeting plus Annual General Meeting NEC meeting NEC meeting NEC meeting The Honorary Treasurer may also need to attend meetings with the auditors (usually immediately before an NEC meeting) and occasional meetings with the Chief Executive and/or Director of Finance – Bedford or by phone/teleconferencing or prior to an NEC meeting. Expenses Travel expenses are paid and overnight accommodation is provided where necessary, in line with the NHF’s expenses policy. ELECTION STATEMENT – HONORARY TREASURER I …………………………………………………………………………………. [insert your name] wish to put my name forward for election to the post of Honorary Treasurer. My membership number is ……………………………… I am over 18. I understand that if there is more than one nomination, the selection of the Honorary Treasurer will be carried out by NHF members taking part in a vote. If there is only one nomination, I understand the Remuneration Committee will review my application to check my suitability for the role. I will not exceed the word limit in my election statement and I understand that if I do, any words over the limit will be discarded before circulation to members for voting to ensure fairness for all candidates. Signed …………………………………………………………. Please complete your statement below: 1 About me and my business (max 150 words) Date ……………………… Why I would like to be the Honorary Treasurer and the skills I bring (max 200 words) You can complete the statement by filling it in by hand or contact for an electronic copy. You may include a head and shoulders photo of yourself (optional). Please post or email your statement and photo (if desired) to Hilary Hall, Chief Executive no later than 5pm Friday 19 February 2016. Elections (if required) will be carried out during March / April 2016. The appointment of the successful candidate will start on Sunday 15 May 2016 with formal installation at the Annual General Meeting in London. The successful candidate will also be invited to attend the NEC meeting as an observer on the morning of 15 May as part of their induction. January 2016