ANNOUNCEMENT: NOMINATION OF HONORARY TREASURER 2012/2013 At its meeting on 2 September 2011 Council nominated Orla Fitzgerald as Honorary Treasurer of the RIAI for the period 2012/2013. Under the terms of By-Law 15 and 17 if no other nominations are received within seven days, Orla Fitzgerald will be deemed elected as Honorary Treasurer. BY-LAW 15 When a President is to be elected, the Council shall, at or before the ordinary Council meeting in October, nominate a Fellow or Member of the Institute as President to remain in Office for two years from the following first day of January. If the Council cannot agree as to the Fellow or Member to be nominated a vote of the person forming the Council shall be taken by ballot or ballots as the case may be at said meeting and the Fellow or Member receiving a majority of votes shall be nominated. Notice of the Fellow or Member nominated shall be sent to all Registered Members of the Institute entitled to vote three weeks before the preparation of the Council House List as approved for in ByLaw 19 and within seven days from the date of sending out such notice any five registered members may propose another Fellow or Member not being the President in Office, as a candidate or candidates for the position, by lodging with the Honorary Secretary within seven days a proposal form setting out the name or names of the person or persons proposed said form to be signed by five registered members together with a letter signed by each person proposed stating that each such person is willing to accept the Office of President if elected. If within seven days no other Fellow or Member be proposed for the Office, then the Fellow or Member nominated by the Council shall, at the next General Meeting of the Institute, be declared elected as President, but if any other name or names be proposed ballot papers shall be issued to the Registered Members entitled to vote seven days before the ordinary Council Meeting in November with the name and address thereon of the candidate nominated by the Council and the other candidate or candidates duly proposed. A scrutiny shall take place at or before the ordinary Council Meeting in November, using the single transferable method of voting as provided for in By-Law 14, and the candidate who first achieves the quota shall be declared elected. All Registered Members shall be entitled to vote in the election of President, Honorary Secretary, Honorary Treasurer and Ordinary Members of Council. In the case of the election of Regional Members of Council only Registered Members resident in that region shall be entitled to vote. BY-LAW 17 When an Honorary Secretary or an Honorary Treasurer, or both, are to be elected, such election shall be carried out in the manner prescribed for the election of the President. The President, the Honorary Secretary, and the Honorary Treasurer, though elected in November, shall enter upon their duties on the 1st January following and shall continue in office for the full term of two years from that date. John Graby Director Date: 8th September 2011 See Link to Nomination Form