
LACC General Board Meeting 10/20/13
The MINUTES of Loudon Avenue Christian Church
Meeting date: September 16, 2013
Call to order: A regular meeting of the General Board of the Loudon Avenue Christian
Church was held in Roanoke, VA on September 16, 2013. The meeting convened at
7:00 PM. Moderator Benecia-Hale Hilton presiding, and Denise Williams, clerk.
Members in Attendance: Brenda Chapman, Calvin Curry, Paula Garnett, Janice Hale
Pat Hill, Benecia Hale-Hilton, Barbara Holland, Regina Jones, Anthony Keaton, Cindy
Keaton, Linda Manns, Janie Ollie, Shirlene Richardson, Robert Sparrow, Calvin Webb,
and Denise Williams.
Members not in attendance: Eunice Becker, Carlton Bell, Becky Cooper, Brian
Garnett, Benda Hale, Carolyn Harris, Ethan Hilton John Tiggle, LaVerne Tiggle and
Melissa West
Note: Sister Taniya Jones attended in the absence of Sister LaVerne Tiggle and
Minister Calvin Curry of Alfreda Sparrow respectively.
Adoption of the agenda: Motion made by Sister Barbara Holland to accept the
agenda; seconded, carried.
Adoption of the Consent Agenda items: Motion made by Sister Barbara Holland to
approve the Consent Agenda items; seconded; carried.
Approval of Minutes: The Minutes of the July 22, 2013 adopted as printed.
Officer reports:
1. Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer Shirleen Richardson presented the July 2013 and
August, 2013 Treasurer’s Reports which will be filed for review.
Church Total income and expenses:
Balance Forward Including Auxiliaries:
July: $74,960.86
August: $67,578.50
Church Total Income Including Auxiliaries:
July: $25,991.46
August: $34,537.53
Church Total Income Balance Forward and Total Income including Auxiliaries:
July: $100,932.32
August: $102,116.03
Total Expenses including Auxiliaries:
July: $33,353.82
August: $43,007.30
Church Operating Income Including Auxiliaries: July: $67,578.5
August: $59,108.73
Benevolence Fund: Income:
July: $764.85
August: $827.00
LACC General Board Meeting 10/20/13
Capital Campaign Income:
July: $1,477.00
August: $6,617.00
Building Fund:
July: $105,177.51
;August: $108,671.15
July: $3,494.64
August: $1,888.69
August: $1.00
July: $108,671.15
August: $110,558.84
August: unchanged
July: $124,831.48
August: $126,719.17
Total Money Market Savings:
Church Board CD:
Total All Savings:
Capital Campaign:
July: $8,042.16
August: $10,361.08
July: $5,459.25
August: $8,094.00
August: (-9,268.33)
Total Capital Campaign Balance:
Commercial Loan:
Original Loan Balance: $150,000.00;
Commercial Loan Payments
July: $33,409.54
August: $34,583.87
July: $120,470.47
August: $119,776.01
Current Balance:
Church Expenses Greater Than $1500:
Capital Campaign:
August: $1,632.55
August: $8,094.00
July:$ 2,500.00
July: $1,532.00
August: $1,885.00
Building Repairs:
Building Fund:
Committee Reports
Homecoming: Chair Sister Lynn Smith updated the General Board on the schedule of
events to be held during Homecoming Weekend. Announcements will be printed inThe
Roanoke Tribune and aired on radio station Vibe 100.
Worship Time Committee: Chair Sister Pat Hill informed the General Board of the
announcements to the congregation requesting their input as to the proposed time
LACC General Board Meeting 10/20/13
change of the worship service. If there is a 75% favorable response, the committee will
move forward. Voting cards will be going out to members.
Commission on Communication: Chair Sister Pat Hill reported on her attendance to
the General Assembly held in Orlando, FL. Sister Hill attended the Disney Multimedia
seminar providing demonstrations of using social media outlets such as FaceBook,
Twitter, Instagram, the usage of smartphone and tablet apps and the QR code for
members to access the LACC webpage. Ongoing changes to the webpage are currently
taking place.
Policy Committee: Brother Robert Sparrow made the motion to accept the Constitution
and Policy Committee presented by Chair Sister Cindy Keaton recommendation of fees
to charge prior members to use the church for weddings; seconded and carried. Sisters
Brenda Chapman as Trustee and Lynn Smith as Finance member were appointed as
Chair and Co-Chair of a newly formed wedding committee. Moderator Benecia Hale
Hilton charged Parliamentarian Cindy Keaton to convene the committee to review the
Bereavement policy in its entirety as board members addressed several concerns.
Unfinished Business:
New Business:
Volunteers to staff church office:
Policy Reminder: Wedding Fees
Use of Facility
Minister’s Fee
Facility Manager:
Wedding and Rehearsal
Rehearsal Dinner
Non Members
No charge
No charge
Use of facility
Minister’s Fee
Facility Manager:
Wedding and rehearsal
Rehearsal Dinner
Sound Tech. (wedding and rehearsal)
**All nonmembers are required to pay $100 nonrefundable deposit to hold the date requested. The deposit will be applied to facility fee.
**All fees should be paid in full 3 days prior to the event.
**Additional fees may be assessed for damages to church property that occur during the wedding rehearsal or ceremony. These fees will be
based on market value and determined by the Board of Trustees.
Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 8:15 PM.
Date of approval