Year 56 Ice Rink and visitors to school 2016

Buckingham Road, Shoreham-by-Sea
West Sussex, BN43 5UD
Headteacher: Mrs. Louise Swann B.Ed (Hons)
Telephone: 01273 453515
Fax: 01273 441772
January 6th 2016
Dear Parents / Carers,
As part of Year 5 and 6’s ‘Into the Ice’ topic this term, we have organised the following trips and
On Wednesday 13th January, the Antarctic explorer and adventurer, Jan Meek, will visit our school to talk
to the children about her adventures, show us photographs of her trips to Antarctica and allow the
children to look at and explore the equipment she took with her.
On Wednesday 3rd February, we will be visiting Worthing Ice Rink to road-test the mittens we are going
to make for Antarctic explorers and to give the children the experience of ice skating. We will travel by
coach to Worthing, leaving the school at approximately 9.15am and returning for lunchtime. On the day,
children will need to wear thick tracksuit bottoms and their school sweatshirts. In addition to our school
first aiders, Worthing Ice rink employs their own first aider and stewards to assist the children on the
ice. A thorough risk assessment has taken place. No members of the public will be skating at the same
time as the Buckingham Park children and no spending money is necessary for the trip.
On Thursday 25th February a relative of one of the members of Shackleton’s Trans-Antarctic Expedition
crew will visit to tell us his story and to share artefacts from the expedition with the children.
The combined cost for all these trips/visits to the school will be £12.00 and this covers travel to and
from Worthing Ice Rink, entry on to the Ice Rink, insurance and the costs involved for the two visitors to
the school. To cover the costs we are asking for the amount of £12.00 as a voluntary contribution.
Although the contribution is voluntary, I do need to point out that it is probable that the visits and trip
could not take place unless all parents, who are able, are willing to contribute. I appreciate that some
families might find it difficult to contribute all or part of the suggested sum and if you feel that you are
in such a position, please do not hesitate to contact Mrs Hill in confidence to discuss whether some
suitable arrangement can be made to cover the cost of your child’s participation. I also need to stress
that if a family were unable to contribute and the trip were to proceed, no child with the class will be
disadvantaged and be left out of the activity. The school does not make any profit from the trips that
are organised.
I give permission for my child to visit and skate on Worthing Ice Rink on Wednesday 3rd February 2016
and enclose a Voluntary Contribution of £12.00 towards the cost of the trip and the visits to the school
on January 3rd and February 25th. I will not hold the teacher in charge responsible for any loss, damage
or injury to my child during the trip, unless they are negligent.
Child’s Name: ……………………………..
Class: ………………………………………..
Emergency Contact Tel: …………………………………………………………
Signed: ………………………………………………..