2015 CAIS Conference Notes Template

2015 CAIS Business Officers Conference Notes
DATE: Monday, May 4 • 8:45am - 10:00am
TOPIC: Emerging Trends in Education – Donna Orem
CONTENT: This presentation will cover the landscape of important trends in private
education across North America and promises to be quite insightful. Donna will discuss:
 A review of the market and major factors influencing supply and demand.
 Changes in the educational workforce such as numbers, attitudes and generational
issues, particularly with the new teaching force.
 Challenges in our current business models and new experiments in non-tuition
revenues ventures.
 Trends in philanthropy, including the changing face of donors and the effects of
social media on giving.
 Higher education—trends in higher ed that could impact K-12.
DATE: Monday, May 4 • 10:15am - 11:45am
TOPIC: Your greatest asset? IDENTITY. Leveraging who you are into your
healthiest financial future. – Patti Crane
CONTENT: As a business officer, you control your bottom line every day.
But what if your school’s most potent weapon didn’t lie in the moves you
make, but in the very idea your institution embodies? Join Patti Crane,
Founder & President of Crane MetaMarketing, as she shares immediate and
actionable tools and techniques to leverage your school’s one-of-a-kind
identity—your Category of One—into long-term financial health.
DATE: Tuesday, May 5 • 8:30am – 10:00am
TOPIC: Financial Sustainability: Balancing Tuition, Enrolment and
Financial Assistance – Terry Moore
CONTENT: In this thought provoking session, Terry will challenge the
position of tuition being tied to CPI indices and will review research that
shows tuition levels are not directly tied to enrolment. He will review the
need for schools to understand their positioning in the marketplace, on what
basis they are competing and how this should tie into financial decisionmaking processes. Terry will further explore other important variables such
as financial aid, discounting and staffing in the overall context of financial
DATE: Tuesday, May 5 • 9:00am - 9:30am
TOPIC: Optional Session - Knowing Your Insurance Basics. – Sean
CONTENT: This session will review the basics of education insurance,
what is crucial as far as coverage and what is a nice to have. Sean will also
review key areas of document retention and claims processing. This will be
an excellent and informative sessions for newer Business Officers or those
just wanting a refresher.
DATE: Tuesday, May 5 • 9:00am - 9:30am
TOPIC: Optional Session - Privacy Breach Losses in Education - Lessons
Learnt and Risks Reduced – Jane Dalton & Adam Brikyln
CONTENT: This session will focus on privacy breaches that have occurred
in the education sector. Participants who attend this session will walk away
with an understanding of how previous privacy breaches occurred and the
monetary impact of these privacy breaches. We will also provide the
audience with details on the increase in liability associated with third party
IT contracts and finally, risk measures that a school can implement in an
effort to address as well as reduce their exposure to a privacy breach.
DATE: Tuesday, May 5 • 10:15am - 11:15am (Session A)
TOPIC: ISM Stability Markers 4th Iteration – Terry Moore
CONTENT: Since 1995, ISM has been researching and tracking metrics
that best predict a school’s ability to sustain mission excellence into the
future. Now in their 4th iteration, 18 key metrics have been identified and
grouped for significance. In this workshop, Terry will review the markers,
provide an understanding of how each should be used and will demonstrate
application through an actual business case. Join Terry for an interactive
session which promises to enhance your understanding of the markers.
DATE: Tuesday, May 5 • 10:15am -11:15am & 11:15am –12:15pm
(Session B)
TOPIC: Thriving Under Pressure: Resiliency At Work – Renee Charles
DATE: Tuesday, May 5 • 10:15am - 11:15am & 11:15am –12:15pm
(Session C)
TOPIC: Best Practices in Crisis Response - Donna Gingera & Aaron
DATE: Tuesday, May 5 • 11:15am - 12:15pm (Session A)
TOPIC: Summer Programs: Present Challenges, Future Outlook – Simon
CONTENT: Join Simon as he discusses trends in summer programs across
North American private schools. See how schools are using summer
programs to drive income, recruit students and faculty and utilize facilities
more effectively.
DATE: Tuesday, May 5 • 1:00pm - 2:15pm
TOPIC: Preparing Your School for the Future – Simon Jeynes
CONTENT: Simon Jeynes is the lead writer in the 21st century school
series published by ISM in I&P. In this session, Simon will discuss the
changes underway in education and challenge our conventional thinking.
From schedule, to year round schooling, to the role of teachers, to the place
of video games, to the elimination of grades and graduations, this
presentation will offer a detailed and persuasive picture of the 21st century
school that is dependent on the skills and agility of technology
experts. Simon will also discuss how the Business Officer can most
effectively support the Head of School in this changing environment.
DATE: Wednesday, May 6 • 8:30am - 10:00am
TOPIC: The CFO as a Leader and Strategist – Larry Ginsberg
DATE: Wednesday, May 6 • 10:30am - 12:00pm
TOPIC: People Leadership: Mental Health in the Education Workplace –
Dr. Cole Cohen
DATE: Wednesday, May 6 • 1:00pm - 2:30pm
TOPIC: The Boarding School Landscape: an Update from TABS – Pete
CONTENT: Pete will offer a fast-moving presentation and a guided
discussion. Topics will include high-level takeaways from research about the
North American boarding market, observations about emerging trends in
educational practice and business model design in boarding schools and an
update on the association’s services and programs, current projects, and
future priorities, with a focus on the forthcoming North American Boarding
DATE: Wednesday, May 6 • 3:00pm - 4:00pm
TOPIC: CAIS Collaborative Boarding Project Update – Janice
CONTENT: Janice will provide an update on collaborative projects
researching the boarding market in Canada and activities to promote CAIS
boarding schools.