February 12, 2013 - Hartnell College

Academic Senate
Tuesday, February 12, 2013
Present: Tony Anderson, Christopher Moss, Carol King, Carol Kimbrough, Nancy Schur-Beymer,
Melissa Hornstein, Peggy Mayfield, Steve Triano, Hetty Yelland
Absent: Theresa Carbajal, Melissa Stave, Mark Weber
Guests: Jason Hough, Larry Adams, Christina Esparza-Luna, Robert Maffei, Liz Estrella, Kathy
Mendelsohn, Ann Wright, Renata Funke, Dr. Willard Lewallen
1. Call to Order -3:05 p.m.
2. Adopt Agenda as amended—MSA (Kimbrough/Schur)
3. Approval of Minutes from 11/27/12, 12/4/12, 12/11/12—MSA (Moss/Schur)
4. Public Comments: Stephanie Low introduced Renata Funke, the new dean at King City
campus. Liz Estrella asked that the institution and students be considered first when
appointing people to committees/task forces; thoughtful faculty are needed to move
the college forward. Larry Adams stated that the Senate should not be a “rubberstamp” body and that there needs to be a clear, consistent procedure for faculty
appointments to committees.
5. President’s Report: Tony Anderson welcomed Hetty Yelland as a new senator. He
reported there is still no official Senate budget, but Dr. Lewallen will approve funds for
senators to attend the Spring Plenary Session, Curriculum Institute, and Leadership
Training. While meeting with the president, Tony reiterated the need for a
reading/writing/math lab at Hartnell. Tony stated there was a lot of confusion as to
where the faculty names for the Strategic Planning Task Force groups had come from.
A consistent, transparent process for appointments must be implemented asap. Nancy
Schur-Beymer announced there will be four town hall meetings to address the
accreditation visit—Feb. 26 and 27 on main campus, Mar.1 at Alisal, and Mar. 6 in King
6. Reports
A. DE Committee—Tina Esparza-Luna distributed proposed addition to the HCFA
contract regarding the evaluation of online courses and a proposed evaluation
form. The committee would like this form (or something similar) used for face-toface classes as well. MSA (Kimbrough/Schur) to bring this back as an action item on
Feb. 26.
B. RCP Hiring Committee Outcome—Nancy Schur reported that the second job hiring
is required for the accreditation body to schedule a visit in spring.
C. AP 4231--Chris Moss reported this grade change process has been updated.
7. Action Items
A. Curriculum Committee: Silvia Millan-Vossler MSA (King/Mayfield)
8. Discussion Items
A. Appointments “Strategic Planning Task Forces”
Goals and Outcomes—Dr. Lewallen explained these groups will meet for a very
short time and are based on Board goals. Groups will provide process or goals in
each of six areas by June 1, 2013.
1. Student Access: Silvia Millan-Vossler, Mitzi Alexander, Alejandra Gutierrez
2. Student Success: Kelly Locke, Kathy Mendelsohn, Jason Hough, LaVerne Cook
3. Employee Diversity and Development: Lindsey Bertomen, Millicent Madrigal,
Liz Estrella
4. Effective Utilization of Resources: Ron Waddy, Nancy Schur
5. Innovation: Larry Adams, David Beymer
6. Partnerships with Industry: Robert Maffei, Virginia Williams, John Anderson
7. Other interested faculty--Mary Cousineau (Tony will contact her.)
MSA (Moss/Triano) to allow the steering committee to approve these appointments at
Feb. 19 meeting after each person has been contacted.
B. Sixteen Week Calendar Task Force--Janeen Whitmore, Amy Taketomo, and Ann
Wright have volunteered. MSA (Kimbrough/Triano) to allow steering committee to
approve these at the Feb. 19 meeting.
C. Governance Planning Task Force—Tony will serve on this group. Lety Contreras,
Ann deJesus-Riley, and Nancy Schur are also interested. Tony will clarify how many
faculty slots are available. Ann Wright pointed out that the Academic Senate wrote
the Shared Governance Handbook; this has always been a Senate responsibility.
D. Evaluation of Online Courses—Nancy Schur gave a history of tenured faculty
evaluation process. MSA (Kimbrough/Schur) to add numbers to the proposed
evaluation form before bringing it back as action item on 2/26/13.
E. Future Hiring Committees—Chris Moss pointed out that there is an agreed-upon
procedure at Hartnell despite the fact that the Senate is constantly being asked for
faculty appointments at the last minute. Tony asked if we need a resolution to
have all involved follow that process. Tony will discuss the shared governance role
in our hiring process with Dr. Lewallen before further steps are considered.
9. Announcements--none
10. Adjournment –5:00 p.m.