Academic Senate May 13, 2014 Present: Tony Anderson, Carol Kimbrough, Christopher Moss, Nancy Schur-Beymer, Melissa Hornstein, Steve Triano, Peggy Mayfield, Melissa Stave, Liz Estrella, Lisa Storm, Ann Wright Absent: Carol King, Hetty Yelland Guests: Jackie Cruz, Margie Wiebusch 1. Call to Order 3:03 p.m. 2. Adopt Agenda--MSA 3. Approval of Minutes--MSA 4. Public Comments: none 5. President’s Report: Tony Anderson stressed that faculty voices are needed on committees/councils so Senate/faculty can receive timely information. He stated that union elections were taking place; some discussion and clarification of election procedures followed. Pam Wiese is concerned about the role of the Faculty Professional Development Committee and how it will operate with the new Professional Develop Committee that will determine who gets funds. Mark Sanchez, Megan Blevins, Terri Pyer, Shannon Bliss currently make up that group. Pam feels that the FPDC should be a one-stop shop for everything. The new committee has developed multiple (often duplicate) forms, which shows a lack of respect for all of the work put into the FDPC by Pam and others over the last few years. Pam has requested a meeting with that group, but it has not occurred yet. Many senators expressed their concern; a possible resolution from the senate was discussed. Tony thanked everyone for their support and help during his tenure as AS president. Senators formally acknowledged their appreciation of his service. A. Multiple Measures—Liz Estrella reported that the FIG group (Liz, LaVerne Cook, Carol King, with Mark Sanchez) had completed their work and the new procedure would be used for Fall 2014 registration; outcomes will be tracked. B. Foster Care Presentation—Margie Wiebusch stated that Hartnell is the sole source of training for prospective foster parents in the county. Cuesta College is a partner; Title IV provides financial support, and other grant money helps with outreach. C. Grant Update—Jackie Cruz is working with Margie on a new Foster and Kinship Care Grant. Jackie also said the Career Pathways Grant will be submitted May 27. Tony asked who Mike Thomas was. D. 16-week calendar – Ann Wright stated that a survey shows many faculty want to switch. (See survey in docs on CPC website.) Scheduling will be complicated. Senators had questions on timeline for implementation, effects on enrollments, and teaching conditions. Ann said a winter inter-session would be possible. E. AP 3430 & BP 3430 – The board policy and academic procedure deal with sexual harassment, but the Senate previously objected to the language around academic freedom. MSA (SchurBeymer/Storm) to strike the section on academic freedom as it contained language that would have been overly restrictive to some instructors. 6. Action Items A. 16 week calendar – MSA (Wright/Kimbrough) to endorse the 16-week calendar. B. Hiring Committee Handbook MSA (Schur-Beymer/Moss)to accept with amendment to language. C. Transfer power to the Steering Committee for the summer MSA (Stave/Storm) D. Constitution/Bylaws—MSA (Stave/Schur-Beymer) to accept the revisions to the Senate Constitution to present to faculty for vote. MSA (Moss/Estrella) to accept the revised bylaws of the Academic Senate. E. Selection Committees Stipends will be paid for participating in summer. MSA (Schur-Beymer/Moss) to accept all of the following committees. 1. Sociology—Yoshiko Matsushita-Arao, Liz Estrella 2. Communication/Theater Arts—Carol Kimbrough, Jason Hough 3. Diesel Technology—Val Rodriguez, Nancy Schur-Beymer, Al Graham 4. Respiratory Care Practitioner—Tanya Ho, Melissa Stave 5. Sustainable Construction—Melissa Hornstein, John Anderson, Parvis Entekhabi 6. Math—Leti Contreras, Pam Wiese, Mohammed Hussain 7. Discussion Items Melissa Hornstein again requested advice/help with the grant for which she is listed as the principal investigator when others are not following guidelines. A. Review AS Goals for 2013 – 2014 - TABLED B. Release Time for standing committees - TABLED 8. Announcements: none 9. Adjournment 5:00 p.m. "In accordance with the Ralph M. Brown Act and SB 751, minutes of the HC Academic Senate record the votes of all committee members as follows. (1) Members recorded as absent are presumed not to have voted; (2) the names of members voting in the minority or abstaining are recorded; (3) all other members are presumed to have voted in the majority."