Bellwork 11-5-12 "Let us speak courteously, deal fairly, and keep

Bellwork 11-5-12
"Let us speak courteously, deal fairly, and keep ourselves armed and ready."
"Don't hit at all if you can help it; don't hit a man if you can possibly avoid it; but
if you do hit him, put him to sleep."
1. Who said the quotes above?
2. Translate the quotes into the saying commonly accredited to this president.
Describing his foreign policy, as president, Theodore Roosevelt used "big stick diplomacy" to seize the initiative
in handling foreign relations, which helped transform the United States into one of the most powerful nations in the
However, Roosevelt also disregarded the Constitution’s limitations on federal power by making the executive
branch supreme in foreign policy matters. This set a precedent that still exists today. Examples of Roosevelt’s
disregard included:
Converting the U.S. military into the "policeman of the world"
Committing the U.S. military to foreign countries without congressional consent
Negotiating agreements with foreign dignitaries without Senate ratification
Explain each bullet point:
1."policeman of the world", _____________________________________________________.
2. Commitment of troops, ______________________________________________________.
3. Non-Senate approved agreement, ______________________________________________.
The Roosevelt Corollary
As European nations began expanding their spheres of influence, many attempted to interfere in Latin America.
Germany had threatened to force Venezuela to pay its debts, and other European nations were pressuring the
Dominican Republic to do the same.
Roosevelt responded to European pressure by declaring that only the U.S. had the authority to intervene in Latin
America, effectively becoming "an international police power." This declaration stemmed from Roosevelt’s
belief that the U.S. should protect weaker nations in the Western Hemisphere. This became known as the Roosevelt
Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine.
When the French could no longer afford the canal project in Columbia, Roosevelt wanted to
take it over to speed trade and military travel between oceans. America did not enjoy good
diplomatic relations with Columbia and the asking price was way too high.
When Panama revolted against ruling Colombia, Roosevelt sent warships without Congress's
consent to support the Panamanians. Roosevelt recognized the hastily created Republic of
Panama and a treaty was negotiated giving the U.S. the right to build the Panama Canal.
Securing the Panama Canal was Roosevelt’s greatest foreign policy achievement, but the way it
was done was most likely unconstitutional. Roosevelt defended his actions by later stating: "I
took the Canal Zone and let Congress debate; and while the debate goes on the Canal does also."
Roosevelt's deployment of warships is known as "gunboat diplomacy."
Roosevelt was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1906 for his work in the negotiations that led to the
Treaty of Portsmouth ending the Russo-Japanese War in 1905. This made him the first American to
win a Nobel Prize in any of the categories.
1. What did Roosevelt mean by the following quote?
"I took the Canal Zone and let Congress debate; and while the debate goes on the Canal does
2. Why were Roosevelt’s actions in Panama considered unconstitutional?