Notes over Section 3 and 4

Section 3 and 4 from Imperialism
Acquiring New Lands
A) Ruling Puerto Rico
a. Many Puerto Ricans had dreams of independence or
statehood; the ___________ had different plans for the
island’s future.
b. Puerto Rico was important to the US because it
maintained a US ________________ in the Caribbean and
for protecting a future ____________ in Panama.
B) Cuba and the United States
a. The US had no intentions of taking over __________.
b. America would not leave Cuba until Cuba had
adopted the ________________________.
c. The US wanted a strong political presence in Cuba to
protect American ______________________.
C) Filipinos Rebel
a. In the Treaty of Paris the US was allowed to annex
b. The US assumed almost the same role that ___________
had played.
c. The US was practicing the same acts they had
condemned ____________ for.
d. The war between the US and the Filipinos cost more
than the US paid for the __________________.
e. The Philippines finally received independence in
D) Foreign Influence in China
a. US imperialists saw the Philippines as a gateway to
the rest of ____________, particularly ________________.
b. The US proposed an _______________________ policy with
China hoping that nations would share their trading
rights with the US
c. The _________________________ Policy reflected 3 deeply
held American Beliefs:
i. Americans believed the growth of the US
economy depended on ______________.
ii. They felt the US had a right to __________________
abroad to keep foreign ________________ open
iii. They feared that the closing of an area to
American products, citizens or ideas
threatened US _____________________.
E) Impact of US territorial Gains
a. McKinley, who represented the ___________________,
defeated ___________________, who was against
b. People in the Anti-Imperialism movement were
_______________________, Andrew Carnegie and
c. Future President’s _________________________ and
_____________________ would continue to exert power
around the globe.
America as a World Power
A) Teddy Roosevelt and the World
a. A canal was needed cutting across
b. US had to get permission from
_______________________, which controlled Panama
to build the canal
c. Negotiations did not go well so the US backed
an overthrow of the Columbian government
and set up and independent country called
B) Roosevelt Corollary
a. Roosevelt was worried Latin American
countries were going to default on _____________
they took from ___________________ countries.
b. Roosevelt reminded the European countries
about the __________________________, which said
European countries stay out of the affairs of
c. Roosevelt based his Latin American policy of
the quote ___________________________________________.
d. Roosevelt added the ____________________________ to
the Monroe Doctrine, which stated that
disorder in Latin America might force the US
to exercise an international
C) Dollar Diplomacy
a. During the next decade the US exercised its
_________________ power often.
b. The _________ administration used a policy
called _____________________________, used US
government to guarantee loans made to
foreign countries by American business
D) Woodrow Wilson’s Missionary Diplomacy
a. According to Wilson’s “________________________”
the US had a moral responsibility to deny
recognition to any Latin American
government it viewed as ___________________,
undemocratic, or ________________ to US interests
b. This pressured nations to establish a
________________________ government.