Newsletter 18.09.15 - Gainsborough Primary and Nursery School

Gainsborough Primary & Nursery School
18th September 2015
Issue 2
Dinner Hall Delights!
The children have been using new
trays, plates and dishes in the dinner
hall this week. If you would like your
child to have school dinners, they
should be ordered at morning
registration and MUST be paid for in
advance. A school meal costs £2.10
per day. Please place all monies in a
sealed envelope stating your child’s
name, class, the amount enclosed
and which day the dinner is for.
Alternatively, you can pay online
using the Cheshire East Council
website. For more information
please contact the School Office.
The school nursing team has
arranged to administer the Fluenz
nasal vaccination in school to all
New trays
in dinner
– describe,
in Years
1 & hall
went if
out on a letter this week – contact
us if you need more details.
Dear Parents,
It has been another busy week in school. Chef Ed and his team,
along with the Midday Assistants have done a great job of
introducing the new trays, plates and bowls at lunchtime – much
nicer than the old single trays we used to have. If your child hasn’t
had a school dinner before and would like try one, the dinner
menus are available from the school office.
A big thank you for all your support this week in making sure that
the children arrive at school on time. This week we have had 4%
fewer children late.
Many thanks for your continued support. Please feel free to contact
the school if you have any questions or queries.
Miss N Hough
Acting Head Teacher
Friends of
Gainsborough (FOG)
We are a friendly bunch of people
made up primarily of parents, but
welcome anyone who shares our
commitment to raising money for
the school. We run events across
the year based on these decisions.
The money raised goes directly into
projects that benefit our children’s
education. If you would like to join
us please contact the School Office
for more information.
Please take a look at the new school website at and let us know what
you think. You can find the children’s homework in
their year group page. We are still adding new
photographs and information but would welcome any
suggestions of things you would like to see.
Cup Winners
The Cup Winners for this week are:
Class 3: Jeffro
Class 4: Laila & Molly
Class 5: Oskar
Class 6: Aayan
Class 7:
Class 8: Harvey
Class 9:
Class 10: Jessica
Class 11: Everyone in the class
Class 12:
Class 13: Tyler
Class 14:
Commando Joe Bear Winner: Theo
Office News
Unfortunately, we are no longer able to sign
passport application forms at school.
Smoking, including E cigarettes, is not allowed on
school premises.
If your child rides a bike or scooter to school then
please make sure that they wear a helmet and that
you have completed a permission form.
There will be a ‘drop in’ session with Miss Robinson
in the Community Room at 2.30pm until 4.00pm
every Monday.
Please write your child’s name in all clothing. We
already have nearly 50 items in Lost Property!
Dates For Your Diary
The Robin Wood visit for Year 4 pupils will take
place on 18th–20th November 2015. The children
are getting very excited!
School choir practice starts on Thursday 8th October
2015. More information is available from the
school office.
Contact us on:
Phone Number: 01270 685328
E Mail:
Term Time Holiday
The Education(Pupil Registration)(England)
Regulations 2006 amendments 2013 state that:
Head teachers may not grant any leave of absence
during term time unless there are exceptional
The amendments give parents no entitlement to
take their child out of school for a holiday in term
School starts at 8.45am – please make sure that
your child is on time every day so that they do not
miss valuable lesson time. If your child cannot
attend school then you should contact us by
9.30am on the first day of absence by telephone,
personally at the office or by appointment. School
should be updated of any on-going absences on a
daily basis. If no reason is received for a pupil’s
absence then the school will send a text message
and telephone the primary contact. If no reason
is received by 10.00am then a home visit may be
Overall school
attendance target
Overall school
attendance last week:
Class 1
Mrs Hampshire
Class 2
Mrs Taylor
Class 3
Miss Witter
Class 4
Miss Eccleston
Class 5
Miss Woolley
Class 6
Mrs Butler
Class 7
Mr Williamson
Class 8
Miss Hodgson
Class 9
Mrs Taylor
Class 10
Miss Garside
Class 11
Mrs Banister
Class 12
Mrs Kelsall
Class 13
Miss Platt
Class 14
Mr Adlington
Please contact either Mrs Proctor or Mrs Harding if
you have any queries about attendance or absence,
who will be happy to help or advise.