LESSON PLAN – Lesson ___ (Date, __________ 201___)
Title: _____________________ (descriptor)
Grade Level:
Date Taught:
3rd Grade
March 11th 2015-March 17th 2015, Second Set March 18th-26th 2015
Aim/Goal of the Lesson/Unit:
 What is the purpose of the lesson/unit?
o Unit: Chronological Art History
 My cooperating teacher uses art history to explain various art movements. I will be
working through contemporary artists and art movements. I will explain the importance
of the art movement and the contribution it has made the world and history.
o Lesson: Dale Chihuly
 Dale Chihuly is a currently working contemporary artist based in Seattle, Washington.
He primarily works with glass blowing and creates sculptures piece by piece to create
the final product. Students will be inspired by his presentation, color schemes and use
of shape. We have previously studied him and his glass techniques and created a class
project. I want students to have something to take away individually from this lesson.
We will be studying his baskets and bowls and manipulating clay pieces to create the
same forms and fusing hot glass in the bottoms of the vessels.
Fine Arts Goals Met by the Objectives:
 25.A.1d Identify the elements of line, shape, space, color and texture; the principles of repetition and
pattern; and the expressive qualities of mood, emotion and pictorial representation.
 25.B.1 Identify similarities in and among the arts (e.g. pattern, sequence, and mood.)
 26.A.1e Identify media and tools and how to use them in a safe and responsible manner when painting,
drawing and constructing.
 26.B.1d Demonstrate knowledge and skills to create visual works of art using manipulation, eye-hand
coordination, building and imagination.
 27.A.1b Identify how the arts contribute to communication, celebrations, occupations, and recreation.
Objectives: Students will…
 Students will….
o Measurable criteria:
 Students will plan and design a color scheme through glazing and glass fusing.
 Students will construct a ceramic sculpture and shape of pinch pots to be inspired by
Chihuly’s baskets and bowls.
 Students will demonstrate proper material usage and craftsmanship.
(Word): (definition)
Glassblowing: the craft of making glassware by blowing air through a tube of semi-molten glass.
Manipulation: the skillful handling or contouring of something
Form: the visible shape or configuration of something.
Color Scheme: colors based upon an orderly arrangement of colors on the color wheel used within a
piece of artwork.
Ceramics- using clay to create functional and decorative 3 dimensional pieces.
Pinch Pot- a bowl made from clay through the motion of pinching the walls to desired thickness.
Frit- small pieces of hot glass that can be fused to add color to glass pieces.
Teacher Materials: (30 students plus demos)
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LESSON PLAN – Lesson ___ (Date, __________ 201___)
Title: _____________________ (descriptor)
Demo materials:
o Clay-Stoneware
o Clay Cloth
o Clay Tools
o Glass Frit
o Glaze
o Paint Brushes
For Student:
o Clay-Stoneware
o Clay Cloth
o Clay Tools
o Glass Frit
o Glaze
o Paint Brushes
Teacher made exemplar
o I will have an exemplar of
 A stoneware piece
 A glazed fused glass dish
Presentation materials (power point, etc)
o Students and I will look through Chihuly’s website focusing on his work on baskets.
Learner Materials:
Motivation/Activities and Prompts:
 Discussion Board
o Discussion on form and Chihuly’s basket forms.
o Discussion on color schemes
 Interactive demos and teacher-made exemplars
 A stoneware piece
 A glazed fused glass dish
 Art Images/Exemplars
o Chihuly’s Baskets on artist website
 DISCUSSION: (8 minutes)
o We will review what we learned about Chihuly.
o I will explain I felt bad that we learned all about hot glass but never were able to make
something with hot glass.
o I will explain the difference between fused glass and blown glass.
 Fused glass is not manipulated in any way. Heat is used to melt pieces of glass or frit
together into one solid piece.
 Blown glass is manipulated with tools and breath to create different forms.
o For our next project we will be manipulating clay pieces into form reminiscent of Chihuly’s
baskets and fusing glass in the bottom of our vessels.
o Show completed exemplar.
o So we learned about Chihuly’s chandeliers and now we are going to talk a look at his baskets.
 Pull up website and shut off lights.
o I will ask students to describe the forms, ask how many pieces are in, how they differ from the
chandeliers, and the colors that are used
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LESSON PLAN – Lesson ___ (Date, __________ 201___)
Title: _____________________ (descriptor)
DEMONSTRATION: (4 minutes)
o I will demonstrate/review with students the importance of wedging clay to get all the air
bubbles out.
o I will demonstrate how to create a pinch pot. This is how create a base for our manipulated
o To create a pinch pot, after wedging clay create ball of clay. You will stick your thumb into the
middle of the form.
o Starting at the bottom of the ball of clay use your thumb to pinch up the sides of the clay to
form a basket shape.
o Rule for the thickness of your clay should be as thick as your pinky finger. I will demonstrate
measuring with my pinky finger and ask students if it is too thick or too thin.
o After you have your base, use your hands to manipulate the shape of the basket.
o Put your initials and 3 and class initial on the bottom of the clay vessel.
o I will distribute clay to the students.
o I will dismiss table by table for students to get supplies in the back of the classroom.
o Students will be working on pinch pots, manipulation, and smoothing.
o I will give ten minute warnings for students to switch focuses to ensure we are able to complete
this step of the project.
CLEANUP (7 minutes)
o Clay tools will be put back.
o Tables will be whipped down.
o Clay pieces with initials written on them will be put on the shelf to dry and be bisque fired.
CLOSURE: (2 minute)
o (List dialogue and/or what you plan to do to wrap up the lesson.)
o I will dismiss the quietest and cleanest table.
o Next class we will start our next project and then we will glaze at a later date.
o If students earned a point, I will pick someone that has not filled in a point to fill in our point.
Day 2 (to be completed when all students pieces have been dried out and bisque fired)
DISCUSSION: (6 minutes)
o We will look at more baskets and review color schemes.
o Color theory and contrasting colors, analogous colors, complimentary colors will all be
discussed as schemes.
o Review fusing glass. I will show fused necklace pieces and my finished exemplar to show how
the frit will turn into smooth and rounded edges.
o I will have planned out my color scheme and I will be using a analogous color schemes with
yellow and golden glazes.
o The first step will to glaze the vessel. We want to do at least 2 even coats and as many as three
to make sure our color comes out.
o After you are done glazing and adding your colors, you will come over to the middle table and
select a Dixie cup of glass frit.
o They are organized by color, some are one color, others will be mixes.
o Dump the Dixie cup frit into the bottom of the clay piece put on the shelf.
o I will distribute bisque vessels, instructing students to handle their work with two hands.
o Students will use paint trays to portion their glaze.
CLEAN UP: (5 minutes)
o Students will place their completed pieces on the shelf.
o Students will wash out paintbrushes.
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LESSON PLAN – Lesson ___ (Date, __________ 201___)
Title: _____________________ (descriptor)
Students will wash off their tables.
Quietest and cleanest tables will be dismissed to line up.
Assessment: At this school, students are not graded with letter grades. Instead, there are checks, check pluses
and pluses. I have a rubric from my cooperating teacher that grade on following: project directions, staying on
task/effort, using materials and tools wisely/craftsmanship, and use of creativity/ problem solving skills. When
grading, the final symbol they receive is determined by the amount of pluses they receive.
Time allotted for lesson (100 minutes total):
Design/Work Session
14 mins.
12 mins.
64 mins.
12 mins.
2 mins.
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