AUTOMATIC GRASS CUTTING MACHINE BY USING PHOTOVOLTAIC SOURCE AND MOTOR SPEED CONTROL Mr. P. PUGAZHENDIRAN1 Associate professor /HOD OF EEE1 Pugazhifet@gmail.com1 Mr. A. BHARANEETHARAN2 Senior Assistant professor2 barani3e@gmail.com2 N. MOHAMEDNIZAR3 UG Scholar3 mhdnizaaar@gmail.com3 Abstract: This project is mainly proposal for reduce the manpower and usage of electricity. Maximum power point tracking technique is used to improve the efficiency of the solar panel. The DC to DC buck boost converter helps to step up the DC voltage from the photovoltaic panel and store the DC voltage in a battery. It is an automated system for the purpose of grass cutting. The source is drive from the solar energy by using photovoltaic panels. The DC-DC converter is used to convert the low level DC voltage into the high level DC voltage. High level DC voltage helps to operate the whole system. The system control is done by the microcontroller. Automation is achieved by using sensors and microcontrollers. Wheels and cutting operations are done using dc motors. DC battery is utilized for powering and standby mode operation of the system. Introduction: This project is a proposed model of the automatic grass cutting machine by using the non-renewable energy (i.e. solar energy). The automatic grass cutting machine is a machine which is going to perform the grass cutting operation by its own which means no manpower is required. This machine consists of the photovoltaic, dc to dc converter, motor, controller, sonar sensor and microcontroller. The photovoltaic is used to receive the solar energy from the sunlight and output of the photovoltaic panel is varying. So the dc to dc converter is used to convert the low level dc voltage to high level dc voltage. The dc to dc converter is act as buck, boost and buck-boost mode of operation. The step up dc voltage is stored in dc battery. The battery is charge by the dc input which is get from the photovoltaic panel. If the battery is fully charged then the controller is disconnected the contact between dc to dc converter and output voltage from battery is convert the dc voltage as step up and step down voltage by the requirement of the dc motor. Converter’s mode of operation is selected by the controller is fully based on the required of motor and battery. The speed of the motor is maintained constant. If the motor torque is increase then boost mode is activate. If the motor torque is decrease then buck mode is activate. The dc voltage is step up and step down by varying the duty cycle. In this project is only concentrated on the part of control the dc motor with constant speed by the photovoltaic source. Block diagram: PV Panel Types of units: DC TO DC CONVERTER BATTERY DC TO DC CONVERTER DC MOTOR SENSOR Voltage regulated unit Battery low/high voltage sensor unit Battery charging/motor usage switch unit Motor controller unit MICROCONTROLLER General block diagram Photovoltaic panel receives the sunlight generate low level dc output and output is varying by the range of irradiance. So we are using MPPT technique for getting constant output from the photovoltaic panel. The DC to DC converter is used to boost low level voltage to high level voltage supply. The battery charged by the high level voltage getting from the DC to DC converter. The Dc motor is fully run by the battery charge. The supply from battery is not efficient to run the DC motor in constant speed. So the DC to DC converter is used to boost the supply which is going to run the DC motor in constant speed in a loaded condition also. There are four types of units available in the main circuit. Battery low/high voltage sensor unit: When the battery is in charging condition, the connection between battery to DC motor. The Battery level is maintaining in the range of the 8 volt to 12 volt. There are two types of sensing unit is available in the battery controller part. They are low level sensing and high level sensing relay. The low level sensing relay is activate in the voltage range of 8 volt to 10 volt and the high level sensing relay is activated in the voltage range of 8 volt to 12 volt. In the sensing unit both low and high level sensing relay activated at a time. The battery charging, the battery voltage level is reaches 10 volt means the low level sensing relay get deactivate and the voltage level is reaches 12 volt then high level sensing relay is also deactivated. Voltage regulated unit: Basic operating principles: The voltage regulated unit is to regulate the input supply and feed into the battery. The photovoltaic panel output is varying. So the input voltage is maintains constant by the voltage regulator. The working principle of all today solar cells is essentially the same. It is based on the photovoltaic effect. In general, the photovoltaic effect means the generation of a potential difference at the junction of two different materials in response to visible or other radiation. The basic processes behind the photovoltaic effect are: Photovoltaic panel: Solar energy is generally present in the form of solar irradiance. The PV cell works in the principle of Photoelectric effect; light striking on solar cell is converted to electric energy. These cells are made by silicon or other semiconductor materials. A typical silicon solar cell generates about 0.5 volts in normal operation. Large number of solar cells is connected in series, forming a module to meet the voltage requirement of the system. Large number of solar modules is connected to make arrays. The rating of a solar module is given by the maximum output or maximum power it can deliver. The output of a solar module depends on the number of cells in the module, type of cell and the total surface area. The output of a module changes depending on the amount of solar irradiance, the angle of the module with respect to the sun, the temperature of the module and the voltage at which the load is drawing power from the module. 1. Generation of the charge carriers due to the absorption of photons in the materials that form a junction, 2. Subsequent separation of the photogenerated charge carriers in the junction, 3. Collection of the photo-generated charge carriers at the terminals of the junction. Band diagram of an idealized solar cell structure at the open-circuit Band diagram of an idealized solar cell structure at the short-circuit MPPT technique: Maximum Power Point Tracking, frequently referred to as MPPT, is an electronic system that operates the Photovoltaic (PV) modules in a manner that allows the modules to produce all the power they are capable of. MPPT is not a mechanical tracking system that “physically moves” the modules to make them point more directly at the sun. MPPT is a fully electronic system that varies the electrical operating point of the modules so that the modules are able to deliver maximum available power. Additional power harvested from the modules is then made available as increased battery charge current. MPPT can be used in conjunction with a mechanical tracking system, but the two systems are completely different. To understand how MPPT works, let’s first consider the operation of a conventional (non-MPPT) charge controller. When a conventional controller is charging a discharged battery, it simply connects the modules directly to the battery. This forces the modules to operate at battery voltage, typically not the ideal operating voltage at which the modules are able to produce their maximum available power. The PV Module Power/Voltage/Current graph shows the traditional Current/Voltage curve for a typical 75W module at standard test conditions of 25°C cell temperature and 1000W/m2 of insulation. This graph also shows PV module power delivered Vs module voltage. For the example shown, the conventional controller simply connects the module to the battery and therefore forces the module to operate at 12V. By forcing the 75W module to operate at 12V the conventional controller artificially limits power production to≈ 53W. Typical 75W PV Module Power/Voltage/Current At Standard Test Conditions Buck-boost converter: The buck-boost converter is a step down/up DC/DC converter. It works in third-quadrant operation. The output voltage is calculated by the formula, Vo = ton k Vin = Vin T − ton k−1 where T is the repeating period T = 1/f, f is the chopping frequency, ton is the switch-on time, and k is the conduction duty cycle k = ton/T. By using this converter it is easy to obtain the random output voltage, which can be higher or lower than the input voltage. It provides great convenience for industrial applications. Buck boost circuit diagram MPPT technique algorithm: (a) Switch on (b) Switch off Converter simulation: Converter simulation diagram Solar system simulation: Solar system simulation function D = PO(V,I,T) persistent P2 P1 dP d dd n; if isempty(V) V=20; end if isempty(I) I=0; end if isempty(P2) P2=0; end if isempty(P1) P1=0; end if isempty(dP) dP=0; end if isempty(d) d=1; end if isempty(dd) dd=0; end if isempty(n) n=1; end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% if (T > n*0.02) %chu ki lay mau 0.02s n = n + 1; P1=P2; P2=V*I; dP=P2-P1; if (dd==0) if dP>1 dd=0.01; d=d+dd; else if dP<-1 dd=-0.01; d=d+dd; else dd=0; end end else if ((dP<1)&&(dP>-1)) dd=0; d=d+dd; else if ((dP/dd)>0) dd=0.01; d=d+dd; else dd=-0.01; d=d+dd; end end end end D=d/(d+1); if D<0.1 D=0.1; d=D/(1-D); else if D>0.9 D=0.9; d=D/(1-D); else end end end Final simulation diagram: Full simulation diagram Simulation output: Solar system output power Converter output power Working flow chart: This project concludes that the DC motor is control in a constant speed by control circuit. The DC motor maintains in a constant speed in the condition of the load applied. The battery is charged by the photovoltaic panel in a constant voltage. The output of the photovoltaic panel is varying but IC LM317T is act as a voltage regulator and got the varying input from the photovoltaic and gave the output in constant. The battery is sensing by the controller unit continuously it helps to maintain the constant input to DC motor. The DC motor speed can be able to maintain constant and the performance can be done in proper manner. Reference: Conclusion: Due to the power demand we choose the renewable energy. So there is no running cost. The DC motor is operated in low power with high efficiency. DC-DC converter is maintaining the output voltage is constant and high. The sensors are not affected the environment and animals. It will be very much useful for the user. [1] “The Design of Equalizer Windings for Lap-Wound DC Machines”, Alaric Pagel, Member, IEEE, Alan S. 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