OURAY COUNTY REGIONAL SERVICE AUTHORITY 2013 Board Members: President – Randy Cassingham (arcie@thisistrue.com), Vice President – Christen Williams (christenwilliams@reagan.com), Secretary – Linda Ingo (fisherranch@ridgwayco.net), Harvey Hudson (harvey.hudson@q.com), Dick Gingery (dgingery@q.com); Medical Provider – Dr. Joel Gates (reception@ridgwaymountainmedical.com), Administrator – Diedra Silbert, ouraycountyrsa@gmail.com ________________ December 10, 2013 Ouray County Regional Service Authority REGULAR BOARD MEETING 12:30 PM – Ridgway Town Hall MINUTES ________________ 1. Call to Order: Randy called the meeting to order at 12:40pm. In attendance: Randy Cassingham, Linda Ingo, Harvey Hudson, and Christen Williams. A quorum was declared. 2. Review of Agenda: No changes were made to the agenda. 3. Approval of Minutes From 11/19/13: Linda moved to approve the minutes as submitted. Harvey seconded the motion, and it was approved unanimously. 4. Public Input – None. 5. Discussions with Medical Provider (Dr. Gates): a. Allscripts – Server Options: Dr. Gates reported that a new salesperson from Allscripts has provided Dr. Gates with references to speak with about the hosted server solution, although he can’t show a demo. The salesman said that the comparison Dr. Gates reported at the last meeting in costs for replacement server equipment is an “apples-to-apples” comparison because once all the memory is added that would be required, the costs would be very similar. He also told Dr. Gates that on the hosted version, the Kyocera printers in the clinic were not supported by that system (Randy noted that they might still work with it). Dr. Gates is more comfortable with an in-house server, instead of the hosted server. The current system has been slowing considerably. RAM space is topped out, per a computer consultant who agreed that the server needs to be upgraded, not the memory (just as Allscripts said). It needs to be a 64 bit server, not 32, to function well with the next versions of the software. (He also thought the price was reasonable for this changeover based on his experience.) Allscripts is generally pushing the switch to the hosted server, but the user group is not positive about this. In the event of a breach of security, the hosted version could be very litigation-oriented. Christen asked Dr. Gates to ask Allscripts about this, but he doubts there will be a clear answer. Linda noted that a workshop she just attended pointed out that custodial services and what’s in the trash are the biggest risk to computer security. Randy said that passwords are most commonly stolen by bogus “support” people calling and asking for them. b. Broadband: The process of acquiring broadband at the clinic may be slowed down due to the recent death of the person who was driving that process in Ridgway. c. Computer laptops: Dr. Gates has been researching the notebooks and what will work with the software in use but wanted to know what was in the budget for these. There is $5,000 in the 2013 budget for purchase of these. Dr. Gates will purchase them this month. d. Emergency Room Supplies: MMC ordered a portable oximeter and suture removal tools to replace old supplies. e. Parking Lot Rocks: The bid is now for $650 to provide the larger rocks to cover the fire hydrant area, but with the snow on the ground, it might need to wait until spring. f. Building Maintenance: Dr. Gates said there are some stucco cracks below the east-facing windows. This should be a discussion/action item for the May meeting, as the weather could then allow for fixing them. There is also a crack in the window of the door for the ER entrance that needs to be replaced. Dr. Gates will call about fixing this. 6. Old Business a. 2014 Budget Proposal: The proposal included the amended certification of values amount. No changes were made on the budget proposal (from 12/1/13) that was included in the Board packet. Linda expressed that this is a tremendous deficiency, and we budgeted for worst case scenario, but the RSA can’t actually spend at this level each year. The group discussed savings, deficit spending, 5 and 10 year goals and budget concepts, the sunsetting of the ¼ mil at 10 years. It would be unlikely that all these expenditures would take place in 2014. Randy pointed out that 2013 expenditures are currently half of what was budgeted for 2013. Linda moved, and Christen seconded to approve the 2014 budget as submitted. The motion was approved unanimously. 7. Report from Administrator a. Invoice Review: One invoice had been in dispute from Allscripts for installation of the Practice Manager software that they had never billed until now, confirmed by Dr. Gates and OK to be paid. The building insurance invoice was reduced and re-invoiced. Christen moved and Linda seconded to approve the checks as detailed. The motion was approved unanimously. Checks were signed. b. Correspondence: Diedra again reviewed the receipt of the Amended County Certification of Values with a reduction of $287,000 for the County. This was already noted and included in the prior 2014 budget discussion. c. Financial Statements: The Board discussed the Tabor and Roof line items on the Balance Sheet. Diedra explained that the Tabor line is an annual earmarked amount, but what is different since she met with Scott Middleton, CPA, is that the Tabor and Roof line items are now two parts of the savings account category. 8. New Business a. Resolutions to Set Mill Levy, to Appropriate Sums of Money, and to Adopt 2014 Budget: Linda moved to approve the Resolution to Set Mill Levy, as written. Christen seconded it. The motion was approved unanimously. Harvey moved to approve the Resolution to Adopt 2014 Budget, and Linda seconded it. The motion was approved unanimously. Linda moved to approve the Resolution to Appropriate Sums of Money, and Harvey seconded it. The motion was approved unanimously. Christen moved to approve the Budget Message. Harvey seconded it. It was approved unanimously. b. 2014 Meeting Schedule: The use of the Town Hall conference room will continue until informed otherwise. Meeting on the 3rd Tuesday of the month is problematical for Linda and Harvey. Diedra has standing meetings on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays. Harvey made a motion to approve changing the Board meetings to the 3rd Thursdays for 2014 at 12:30pm. Christen seconded the motion, and it was approved unanimously. Linda asked Diedra to express the Board’s appreciation to the Town for the use of this conference room. c. 2014 Transparency Notice: Diedra will update the meeting schedule and file the Transparency Notice with the County by the deadline of 1/15. d. New Business from Floor: Linda asked Dr. Gates if he was approached again by the Public Health office since Dr. Olsen’s office in Ouray closed. He responded that he did speak with the Public Health director and clarified that he was just open to helping them out with space rental but not looking to expand MMC’s purview. It sounded to him like things would continue as they are for the Public Health office location. Linda also asked about a patient referral from Dr. Sherwood to Dr. Gates for x-ray who Gates sent to Montrose due to poor chemicals and inability to take the x-ray. He reported that the chemicals have been updated and are functional, but MMC is now running out of x-ray film. He continues to see problems with sharing the new radiography equipment in the current building set-up, if the grant does come through to purchase it. 9. Other/Next Meeting: Thursday, January 16, 2014, at 12:30pm at Town Hall 10. Adjourn: Linda moved and Harvey seconded to adjourn the meeting. The motion was unanimously approved at 1:40pm.