
FEBRUARY 19, 2015
A meeting of the Sarpy County Visitors Committee was convened in an open and public session
in the Administrative Conference Room on February 19, 2015.
Notice of the meeting was given in advance thereto by publication in the Suburban Newspaper
on February 11, 2015; proof of publication is on file at the County Tourism Office. Notice of the
meeting was simultaneously given to all members of the Sarpy County Visitors Committee. All
proceedings were taken while the convened meeting was open to the public.
PRESENT: Kyle Fisher, Dave Compton, Margaret White, Jan Vala, Steve Hilton, Bob Hill, Jr.,
Scott Bovick, Don Kelly, and Linda Revis
ABSENT: Michelle Alexander
The meeting was called to order. Minutes of the January meeting were approved by Steve
Hilton, seconded by Jan Vala. Motion carried.
The financials were reviewed and discussed. Motion to approve as presented was made by Dave
Compton, seconded by Steve Hilton. Motion carried.
Directors Report: Linda shared with the Committee the numbers of visitors to the office and the
mailings for the month of January.
Linda reported she had been contacted by a new resident of Sarpy County that expressed an
interest in a barn quilt trail. Following some discussion, the Visitors Committee did not show
much interest in taking on this project themselves so it was decided if she (the lady wanting the
barn quilt trail) could find people interested in serving on the committees which she would
spearhead, the Visitors Committee said she could probably get a grant from us to help with the
startup costs. Several committees would need to be formed i.e. site committee, design
committee, paint committee, etc., as well as finding a company with a boom truck to help mount
them on the barns. Dave Compton said his Company would help hang the quilt design boards
on the various barns, if they could hang them when they had a truck in the area.
Linda reported we will again be doing 21 spots on The Morning Blend Show. We will share the
cost with the participating businesses. Costs will remain the same as last year. Sign-up has
Linda shared some new advertising on various radio stations, and in print publications.
Linda gave a “heads up” that the County might take back the car that we have for Tammy’s use,
and Tourism might have to “buy” another vehicle.
Some general discussion followed: on the possible aquatic center in La Vista; discussion on the
several new housing additions being built along Hwy 370, and other things being built in the
The next meeting is scheduled for March 19, 2015 and it will be held in the County Boardroom.
Meeting adjourned.
Linda Revis, Tourism Director