Topological Spaces and Phenotype-genotype Spaces M.E.Abd El-Monsef* ; A.M.Kozae*:M.Shokry**;M.S.Badr* *Mathematics Department,Faculty of Science,Tanta University **Department of Physics and Engineering Mathematics,Faculty of Engineering,Tanta University Tanta, EGYPT Abstract: Researchers hope that establishing a notion of proximity using topology will help to clarify the biological processes underlying the evolution of living organisms. The simple model presented here, using RNA shapes, can carry over to more general and complex genotype-phenotype systems. Proximity is an important component of continuity, in both real-world and topological terms. Consequently, phenotype spaces provide an appropriate setting for modeling and investigating continuous and discontinuous evolutionary change. Key words: RNA shapes, phenotype, topology, genotype 1.1Introduction According to the Darwinian theory of evolution .adaptation results from spontaneously generated genetic variation and natural selection. Mathematical models of this process can be seen as describing a dynamics on an algebraic structure which in turn is defined by the processes which generate genetic variation (mutation and / or recombination) .The theory of complex adaptive system has shown that the properties of the algebraic structure induced by mutation and recombination is more important for understanding the dynamics than the differential equations themselves. This has motivated new directions in the mathematical analysis of evolutionary models in which the algebraic properties induced by mutation and recombination are at the center of interest [8]. In this chapter we summarize some new results on the algebraic properties of mutation spaces. It is shown that the algebraic structures induced by crossover can be represented by a map from the pairs of types to the power set of the pair of types. The aim of this paper is to give, first, a relation between mutation (genotype and phenotype) programming to generated topological spaces. Second, studying applied the metric space in DNA. The main goal of 1.2 is to spot light on genotype and phenotype. We studied the Mutations and net work1.3. The main goal of 1.4 is to define mutation and programming, genotype and phenotype, 1.5 Metric of DNA . 1.2 Genotype and Phenotype [3] The concepts of genotype and Phenotype are important in evolutionary biology. Every living organism is the physical realization (Phenotype) of internally coded, inheritable information (genotype). Evolutionary change from one Phenotype to anther occurs by change, called mutations, in their corresponding genotypes. We would like to have a nation of how close one Phenotype is to another, reflecting how likely it is that a genotype mutation transforms one Phenotype to other, we describe how molecular biologists establish a notion of evolutionary proximity by constructing a Topological Space from a set of Phenotypes. Recent computational work on a biophysical genotype-phenotype model Based on the folding on RNA sequences into their secondary structures, surges a rather different pictures [1, 10]. If phenotypes are organized according to Genetic accessibility, the resulting space lacks a metric and is formalized by an unfamiliar structure in the simplest case, a pretopology [1]. Topological Spaces and Phenotype Spaces: the objects that we study in Topology are called Topological Spaces. These are sets of points on which a notion of proximity between points is established by specifying a collection of subsets called open sets. The line, the circle, the plane, the sphere, the torus, and the mobius band are all examples of Topological Spaces. And we will see how to construct Topological Spaces in a variety of setting and situations. Definition1.2.1[3] The set of all genotype sequences that result in a particular RNA shape s is called the neutral net work of s and is denoted N(s). 1.2.1Genetic mutation[3, 6] In a general biological setting genetic mutation is a random process by which the genotype changes. As a result of the many-to-one nature of the genotype-phenotype mapping, many genetic mutations do not alter the resulting phenotype. On the other hand, there are occasional mutations that result in new phenotypes, and then process of natural selection determines whether or not the new phenotype persists. Now, suppose that we have a specific genotype, and let π be its corresponding RNA shape. In this setting, a genetic mutation is a random change in the entries in the genotype sequence. As these random changes occur, we many remain within the neutral network of π “drifting” through genotype sequences that all result in RNA shape π at some point, however, a change in one entry in a genotype sequence might take us out of the neutral network of π Into that of another RAN shape π We say that π has mutated to π .see figure 1.2.1 FIGURE 1.2.1 Genetic mutations from secondary structure π to secondary structure π . Given RAN shapes r and s , we would like to know how likely it is for r to mutate to s as a result of a single-entry change in a genotype sequence in the neutral net work of r .We can define and quantify a probability to make this precise. We will use this probability to define phenotype-space topologies on sets of RNA shapes. Before defining and using the probability, however, we introduce several quantities that play a role in its definition. By a point mutation we mean a mutation from one genotype sequence to another obtained by changing a single entry in sequence. As in Example 1.2.1. Example 1.2.1[12] Consider the following three genotype sequences: 1. GGGCAGUCUC CUCCCAUCCA CCGGCGUUUA AGGGAUCCUG - AACUUCGUCG AUCAGUCCGC CUCACGGAUG 2. GGGCAGUCUC CUCCCAUCCA 3. GGGCAGUCUC AACUUCGUCG GAGUUG CCGGCGUUUA AGGAAUCCUG - AACUUCGUCG AUCAGUCCGC CUCACGGAUG- CCGGCCUUUA GAGUUG AGGGAUCCUG- CUCCCAUCCA AUCAGUCCGC CUCACGGAUGGAGUUG sequence 2 is obtained by a point mutation from sequence 1, and vice versa (similarly for sequences 1 and 3). 1.3 Mutations and net work For RNA shapes ππππ π , πππ‘ ππ,π are the numbers of point mutations that change a sequence in π(π) to a sequence in π(π ), we calculate the mutation (a point mutation). A common method of implementing the mutation operator involves generating a random variable for each bit in a sequence. This random variable tells whether or not a particular bit will be modified. This mutation procedure, based on the biological point mutation, is called single point mutation [1,3,7, 10,11] . And thus result in a mutation from r to s note that ππ,π = ππ ,π because each point mutation changing a sequence in π(π) to one in π(π ) has a corresponding inverse point mutation that changes a sequence in π(π ) to one in π(π). Let ππ,∗ be the number of point mutation that changes a sequence in π(π) to a sequence in any another neutral net work. We can think of ππ,∗ as the number of point mutation that takes us out of π(π). DEFINITION1.3.1.[3] The mutation probability, ππ,π is defined by ππ,π = ππ,π ππ,∗ Even though ππ,π = ππ ,π , it need not to be case that ππ,π = ππ π since the values of ππ,∗ and ππ ,∗ might be different. For example, if ππ,∗ is greater than ππ ,∗ then there are more point mutation out of π(π) than there are out ofπ(π ) , and there for the proportions of mutations ππ,π ππ,∗ is smaller than ππ ,π ππ ,∗ We will see this asymmetry reflected in the phenotype-space topologies –while RNA shape s might be close to RNA shape π, π need not be close to s. Because of the asymmetry in these probabilities, a distance function cannot provide a means of determining the proximity of two RNA shapes. A distance function is necessarily symmetric; the distance between π and π must equal the distance between πππ π . Since a distance function will not serve for this purpose, a topological space is a natural alternative to consider. EXAMPLE 1.3.1 [3]In order to clarify how the asymmetry arises in the mutation probabilities, in this example we consider probabilities that are defined like the mutation probabilities, but in a very different setting. Consider the following scenario In Figure 1.2.1 we show the eight different RNA shapes. The set of RNA shapes of genotype sequences of length 10 made up of guanine (G) and cytosine (C) only. There are 210 = 1024 possible genotype sequences, and, upon folding and bonding. We consider a topology on GC 10, the set of RNA shapes of genotypes of length 10. The forthcoming process used in defining a topology from mutation probabilities carries over to RNA shapes associated with genotype sequences of any fixed length. FIGURE 1.3.1: The set GC1O We use the associated mutation probabilities in Figure 1.3, which are derived from numbers of mutations as previously described Figure 1.3.2. The mutation probabilities for GC10 Figure 1.3.2. The entry in the πth row and jth column is the probability that a point mutation out of the neutral network of Si results in a sequence in the neutral network of Sj. The notion of proximity that we define on the set of RNA shapes is based on the likelihood of a mutation from one RNA shape to another. Since there are eight RNA shapes in GC10, each can potentially mutate to seven others Hence if Pi, j > 1/7, we think of Si as having more than the average likelihood of mutating to Sj For each i = 1,... ,8, define Ri = {Si} U {Sj} I Pi, j > 1/7}. Thus Ri consists of Si along with all of the RNA shapes to which Si has more than the average likelihood of mutating. The collection R1/7 = {Ri }8i=1 I is not itself a topology, but we extend it to one, defining π1/7 to be the minimal topology on GC1O containing RI/7. The topology π1/7 is generated by a basis formed by taking finite intersections of the sets in R 1/7. The resulting topological space is referred to as a phenotype space. A topology on a finite set has a unique minimal basis that generates the topology. If for each Si we take all of the sets Rj that contain Si, and let Bi be their intersection, then the collection B 1/7= {Bi }8i is the minimal basis for π1/7 From the probability table for GC10, it is easy to determine this minimal basis B1/7. To begin, as shown in Figure 4.4, we put a check mark in each diagonal table entry and in each table entry where Pi, j > 1/7 . FIGURE 1.4.1. The GC10 probability-table entries with Pi,j > 1/7 For each i, the checkmarks in row π correspond to the elements in Ri. For example, R 1 = {s 1 , S3, S8} and R2 = {S2, S3, S6, S8}. To determine the basis element Bi we take the intersection of the rows that contain a check mark in the ith column. For example, the S6 column is checked in the second and sixth rows. Intersecting R2 and R6 results in B6 = {S2, S6, S8}. Researchers hope that establishing a notion of proximity using topology will help to clarify the biological processes underlying the evolution of living organisms. The simple model presented here, using RNA shapes, can carry over to more general and complex genotype-phenotype systems. Proximity is an important component of continuity, in both real-world and topological terms. Consequently, phenotype spaces provide an appropriate setting for modeling and investigating continuous and discontinuous evolutionary change 1.4 mutation and programming While this method did not show mutation rate is not where you came to these numbers so we will work program calculate these figures and it shows the proportion of mutations. We calculate the mutation in this chapter by program ,The idea of this program that calculates the change or difference between the element and the element or a group and that by calculating the change between each element of the first group With the elements of the second group in the sense we take the first element of the group with the first elements of the second group + second element with the elements of the second group and so on for the rest of the group the first and so we have calculated the change between the first and the second group and so on for groups. And the account is based on the number of elements unequal any different. 1.4.1The program Public Class Form1 Dim s As Integer Dim l = 1 Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click If l = 1 Then Me.ListBox1.Items.Add(Me.TextBox1.Text) Me.TextBox1.Clear() Me.TextBox1.Focus() s = Me.ListBox1.Items(0).length l = 2 Me.Button2.Enabled = True Else If Me.TextBox1.Text.Length <> s Then MsgBox("The length Of the text must be the same") Else Me.ListBox1.Items.Add(Me.TextBox1.Text) Me.TextBox1.Clear() Me.TextBox1.Focus() End If End If End Sub Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click Me.ListBox2.Items.Add(Me.TextBox2.Text) Me.TextBox2.Text = "" Me.TextBox2.Focus() End Sub Private Sub Button3_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button3.Click Me.Close() End Sub Private Sub Button4_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button4.Click Dim i, j, k, counter As Integer Dim c1, c2 As String For i = 0 To Me.ListBox1.Items.Count - 1 For j = 0 To Me.ListBox2.Items.Count - 1 For k = 0 To Me.ListBox1.Items(i).Length - 1 c1 = Me.ListBox1.Items(i).Substring(k, 1) c2 = Me.ListBox2.Items(j).Substring(k, 1) If c1 <> c2 Then counter = counter + 1 End If Next Next Next Me.Label1.Text = counter End Sub Private Sub Button5_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button5.Click Me.ListBox1.Items.Remove(Me.ListBox1.SelectedItem) End Sub Private Sub Button8_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button8.Click Me.ListBox2.Items.Remove(Me.ListBox2.SelectedItem) End Sub Private Sub Button6_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button6.Click Me.ListBox1.Items.Clear() Me.Label1.Text = "" End Sub Private Sub Button7_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button7.Click Me.ListBox2.Items.Clear() Me.Label1.Text = "" End Sub Private Sub TextBox1_KeyDown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs) Handles TextBox1.KeyDown If e.KeyCode = Keys.Enter Then If l = 1 Then Me.ListBox1.Items.Add(Me.TextBox1.Text) Me.TextBox1.Clear() Me.TextBox1.Focus() s = Me.ListBox1.Items(0).length l = 2 Me.Button2.Enabled = True Else If Me.TextBox1.Text.Length <> s Then MsgBox("The length Of the text must be the same") Else Me.ListBox1.Items.Add(Me.TextBox1.Text) Me.TextBox1.Clear() Me.TextBox1.Focus() End If End If End If End Sub Private Sub TextBox2_KeyDown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs) Handles TextBox2.KeyDown If e.KeyCode = Keys.Enter Then Me.ListBox2.Items.Add(Me.TextBox2.Text) Me.TextBox2.Clear() Me.TextBox2.Focus() End If End Sub Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load End Sub End Class Example 1.4.1 Suppose our genotypes are four-element sequences made up of the letters N and S, and we have four phenotypes with neutral networks π1 =(N, N, N, N), π2 = (N, N, N, S), π3 =(N, N, S, N) , π4 = (N, N, S, S) π1,2 = 1 , π1,3 = 1 , π1,4 = 2 , π2,3 = 2 , π2,4 = 1 , π3,4 =1 π1,∗ =π2,∗ =π2,∗ =π4,∗ = 4 π1,2 = .25 , π1,3 = .25, π1,4 = .5,π2,1 = .25, π2,3 = .25 , .25 ,π4,1 = .25 ,π4,2 = .25 π4,2 = .25, π4,3 = .25 π2,4 = .25 ,π3,1 = π1 π2 – π1 .25 – π2 .25 π3 .25 .25 π4 .5 .25 If ππ,π = .25 π3 π4 .25 .5 .25 .25 – .25 .25 – π2 π3 there for π1 π1 ο ο ο π4 π2 ο ο ο ο π3 ο ο ο ο ο ο π4 ο Example 1.4.2 Suppose our genotypes are four-element sequences made up of the letters N and S, and we have three phenotypes with neutral networks : N1 = {(N, N, N, N), (N, N, N, S), (N, N, S, N), (N, N, S, S)} N2 = {(N, S, N, N), (N, S, N, S), (N, S, S, N), (N, S, S, S), (S, N, N, N), (S, N, N, S)} N3 = {(S, N, S, N), (S, N, S, S), (S, S, N, N), (S, S, N, S), (S, S, S, N), (S, S, S, S)} π1 =(N, N, N, N), π2 = (N, N, N, S), π3 =(N, N, S, N) , π4 = (N, N, S, S) π1,2 = 48 , π1,3 = 64, π1,∗ = 112 , π2,1 = 48, π2,3 = 78, π3,∗ =126 π3,1 =64 , π12 =78,π3,∗ = 142 π1 π2 π3 π1 – .423 .571 π2 .378 – .622 π3 .448 .557 – If ππ,π > .4 there for π1 π1 ο π2 π3 ο π2 π3 ο ο ο ο ο ο R1 = {S1 , S2 , S3 } π 2 = {π2 , π3 } π 3 = {π1 , π2 , π3 } π΅1 = π 1 ∩ π 3 = {π1 , π2 , π3 } π΅2 = π 1 ∩ π 2 ∩ π 3 = π΅3 = {π2 , π3 } π1 = {{π1 , π2 , π3 }, {π2 , π3 }, ∅} If Pi,j > .5 there for π1 π2 ο π1 π3 ο π2 ο ο π3 ο ο π2 π3 ο ο π 1 = {π1 , π3 } π 2 = {π2 , π3 } π 3 = {π2 , π3 } π΅1 = π 1 = {π1 , π3 } π΅2 = π 2 ∩ π 3 = {π2 , π3 } π΅3 = π 1 ∩ π 2 ∩ π 3 = {π3 } π2 = {{π1 , π2 , π3 }, {π2 , π3 }, {π3 }, {π1 , π3 }, ∅} . πβππ π1 ⊆ π2 If ππ,π ≥ .6 there for π1 π1 π2 π3 π 1 = {π1 } π 2 = {π2 , π3 } π 3 = {π3 } π΅1 = π 1 = {π1 } π΅2 = π 2 ∩ π 3 = {π3 } ο ο π΅3 = {π3 } π3 = {{π1 }, {π3 }, {π1 , π3 }, ∅} If ππ,π ≥ .7 there for π1 π2 π3 ο π1 ο π2 ο π3 π 1 = {π1 } π 2 = {π2 } π 3 = {π3 } π΅1 = {π1 } π΅2 = {π2 } π΅3 = {π3 } π4 = {{π1 , π2 , π3 }, {π2 , π3 }, {π1 } , {π2 } , {π3 }, {π1 , π2 }, {π1 , π3 }, ∅} Proposition1.4.1 πΌ1 If α1≤α2 then π 1 πΌ ⊇ π 2 2 . Proof Let N1 ∈ π 2πΌ1 , α1 ≤ α2 . When we provide the value of ∝ less than the number of times the mutation reduces the number of groups involved with the seasons, and found the resulting class must have a number of mutations to achieve minimum and maximum for that. Then N1 ∈ π 1πΌ1 , implies π 1πΌ1 ⊇ π 2πΌ2 Proposition1.2.2 If α1≤α2thenThen π πΌ1 ⊆ π πΌ2 Proof. Obvious from Proposition4.4.1 Remark1.4.1 If ∝= 0 the result topology is indiscrete topology. Remark 1.4.1 If ∝= 1 the result topology is discrete topology. 1.5 Metric of DNA[3] One of the most important problems in DNA research is how to compare distinct DNA sequences. How different is one sequence of DNA from another in some sense, this is a measure of the evolutionary distance between the two sequences (and, by extension, between the organisms from which they were derived). When a species splits into two new species, resulting in fork in the evolutionary tree, the species' initially identical DNA sequences begin to accumulate unique changes. Measuring the distance between the two sequences as a function of these differences provides insight into the nature of the evolutionary history of each species. One of the most common and useful types of topological space is the so-called metric space. Metric spaces are topological spaces that result from having a means for measuring distance between points in the underlying set. This notion of measuring distance goes beyond stretching out a measuring tape to see how far apart two objects are. For example, as we will see, we can measure the distance between two functions by considering the area bounded between their graphs, and we can measure the distance between two words by considering how many letter changes take us from one to the other. The ability to measure and compare distances between elements of a set is often crucial, and it provides more structure than a general topological space possesses Metric spaces play a major role in the mathematical field of analysis, and they appear in a variety of interesting applications. 1.5.1 Multiplying DNA D(x, y) = π(π₯,π¦) π Crossings occur during the process of multiplying DNA There are 3 enzymes are the Officials from multiplying DNA. And so could crossings occur for the same chromosome and occurs changes in the properties of cryptographic rules (switch base, add a rule, delete a rule, additions to large), but with all this, the incidence of processing very large There is this 20 to the enzyme. In the absence of a repair call this case the mutation and thus may be a change in the length and characteristics of the chromosome. And this change to be possible also in the order of the rules (genotypes). To determine the proportion of mutation there are several ways. To determine the change in the chromosome and the difference and similarities between a set of chromosomes must define the function. To know the percentage of change between the groups of chromosomes different and the change in the length of the chromosome and the percentage of the boom and the similarity between the chromosomes and differences will know two functions measure of how differences and similarities between genotypes and dependence and lack of dependence between phenotypes. And also the ratio of the occurrence of this character in future generations and the expectation of the future generations and to know the contrary, if this was the status of the parents or Grandparents. Theorem 1.5.1 Let X be an non empty set of "types" and A, B be non- empty subsets of X and the distance between A,B is |ππΏ(π΄ )∩ππ(π΅)| µ (A, B) =1-max{|ππ(π΄)|,|cl(π΅ )|} Then (P(X), µ) is a metric space. Proof 1- Since A⊆ CL(A) πππ CL(A) ∩ CL(B) ⊆ CL(A) ππ CL(B) |πΆπΏ(π΄ )∩ππ(π΅)| π΄ = π΅ π‘βππ πΆπΏ(π΄) = πΆπΏ(π΅) πβππ πππ₯{|ππ(π΄)|,|ππ(π΅ )|} ≤ 1π‘βππ µ(A, B) ≥0 If and max{|ππ(π΄)|, |cl(π΅)|} = |ππ(π΄)| There for |πΆπΏ(π΄ ) ∩ ππ(π΅)| = |ππ(π΄)| |πΆπΏ(π΄ )∩ππ(π΅)| πβππ πππ₯{|ππ(π΄)|,|ππ(π΅ )|} = 1π‘βππ µ(A, B) =0 |πΆπΏ(π΄ )∩ππ(π΅)| |πΆπΏ(π΅ )∩ππ(π΄)| 2-since µ (A, B)= 1-max{|ππ(π΄)|,|cl(π΅ )|}=1 − max{|ππ(π΅)|,|cl(π΄ )|}= µ(B, A) Hence µ(A, B)= µ(B, A) 3-since (A ∩ π΅) ∩ πΆ = (π΄ ∩ πΆ) ∩ (π΅ ∩ πΆ) , and take closure for two side ⊆ CL ((A ∩ π΅) πΆπΏ(π΄ ∩ πΆ) ∩ πΆπΏ(π΅ ∩ πΆ) Since if A⊆ B implise CL(A) ⊆ CL(B). CL ((A ∩ π΅) ∩ πΆ)) = πΆπΏ((π΄ ∩ πΆ) ∩ (π΅ ∩ πΆ)) ⊆ πΆπΏ(π΄ ∩ πΆ) ∩ πΆπΏ(π΅ ∩ πΆ), And take cardinality for two sides |CL ((A ∩ π΅) ∩ πΆ))| ≤ |πΆπΏ(π΄ ∩ πΆ)| + |πΆπΏ(π΅ ∩ πΆ)| ≤ |πΆπΏ(π΄ ) ∩ ππ(πΆ)| + |πΆπΏ(π΅) ∩ ππ(πΆ)| Dividing two sides the max{cl|(πΆ)|, cl|(π΅ )|} + max{cl|(πΆ)|, cl|π΄|} |CL ((A ∩π΅) ∩πΆ))| There for max{|ππ(πΆ)|,|ππ(π΅ )|}+max{cl|(πΆ)|,|ππ(π΄)|} ≤ |πΆπΏ(π΄ )∩ππ(πΆ)|+|πΆπΏ(π΅) ∩ππ(πΆ)| max{|ππ(πΆ)|,|ππ(π΅ )|}+max{cl|(πΆ)|,|ππ(π΄)|} And Max{|cl(A) |, |cl(B ) | }≤max{|ππ(πΆ)|, cl|(π΅ )|} + max{cl|(πΆ)|, cl|π΄|} |CL ((A ∩π΅) ∩πΆ))| |πΆπΏ(π΄ )∩ππ(πΆ)|+|πΆπΏ(π΅) ∩ππ(πΆ)| Since max{|ππ(πΆ)|,|ππ(π΅ )|}+max{|ππ(πΆ)|,|ππ(π΄)|}≤max{|ππ(πΆ)|,|ππ(π΅ )|}+max{|ππ(πΆ)|,|ππ(π΄)|} There for Hence |CL ((A ∩π΅) ∩πΆ))| ≤ max{|ππ(πΆ)|,|ππ(π΅ )|}+max{|ππ(πΆ)|,|ππ(π΄)|} |πΆπΏ(π΄ )∩ππ(πΆ)| max{|ππ(πΆ)|,|ππ(π΅ )|}+max{|ππ(πΆ)|,|ππ(π΄)|} |πΆπΏ(π΅ )∩ππ(πΆ)| max{|ππ(πΆ)|,|ππ(π΅ )|}+max{|ππ(πΆ)|,|ππ(π΄)|} |CL ((A ∩π΅) ∩πΆ))| ≤ max{|ππ(πΆ)|+|ππ(π΅ )|}+max{|ππ(πΆ)|+|ππ(π΄)|} |πΆπΏ(π΄ )∩ππ(πΆ)| + max{|ππ(πΆ)|+|ππ(π΄)|} |πΆπΏ(π΅ )∩ππ(πΆ)| max{|ππ(πΆ)|+|ππ(π΅ )|} Since CL ((A ∩ π΅) ∩ πΆ)) ⊆ πΆπΏ(π΄ ∩ π΅) ⊆ πΆπΏ(π΄) ∩ πΆπΏ(π΅) ) there for + |CL ((A ∩ π΅) ∩ πΆ))| ≤ |πΆπΏ(π΄ ) ∩ ππ(π΅)| And Hence Max{|ππ(π΄)|, |ππ(π΅ )|} ≤ max{|ππ(πΆ)| + cl|(π΅ )|} + max{cl|(πΆ)| + cl|π΄|} |CL ((A ∩π΅) ∩πΆ))| max{|ππ(πΆ)|+|ππ(π΅ )|}+max{|ππ(πΆ)|+|ππ(π΄)|} ≤ |CL ((A ∩π΅) ∩πΆ))| Max{|ππ(π΄)|,|ππ(π΅ )|} Multiply by (-1) − 1− |CL ((A ∩ π΅) ∩ πΆ))| max{|ππ(πΆ)| + |ππ(π΅ )|} + max{|ππ(πΆ)| + |ππ(π΄)|} |πΆπΏ(π΄ ) ∩ ππ(πΆ)| |πΆπΏ(π΅ ) ∩ ππ(πΆ)| ≥ −{ + } max{|ππ(πΆ)| + |ππ(π΄)|} max{|ππ(πΆ)| + |ππ(π΅ )|} |CL ((A ∩π΅) ∩πΆ))| max{|ππ(πΆ)|+|ππ(π΅ )|}+max{|ππ(πΆ)|+|ππ(π΄)|} 1 −{ 1−{ ≥ |πΆπΏ(π΄ ) ∩ ππ(πΆ)| |πΆπΏ(π΅ ) ∩ ππ(πΆ)| + } max{|ππ(πΆ)| + |ππ(π΄)|} max{|ππ(πΆ)| + |ππ(π΅ )|} |πΆπΏ(π΄ ) ∩ ππ(πΆ)| |πΆπΏ(π΅ ) ∩ ππ(πΆ)| + } < 1πππ max{|(πΆ)| + |π΄|} max{|(πΆ)| + |(π΅ )|} |CL ((A ∩ π΅) ∩ πΆ))| ≤ |πΆπΏ(π΄ ) ∩ ππ(πΆ)| πππ |πΆπΏ(π΅ ) ∩ ππ(πΆ)| 1− |CL ((A ∩π΅) ∩πΆ))| max{|(πΆ)|+|(π΅ )|}+max{|(πΆ)|+|π΄|} |πΆπΏ(π΄ )∩ππ(πΆ)| 2 − { max{|(πΆ)|+|π΄|} + 1− |πΆπΏ(π΅ )∩ππ(πΆ)| max{|(πΆ)|+|(π΅ )|} < 1 πβππ |πΆπΏ(π΅ )∩ππ(πΆ)| max{|(πΆ)|+|(π΅ )|} +1− } ≥ 1− |πΆπΏ(π΄ )∩ππ(πΆ)| max{|(πΆ)|+|π΄|} |CL ((A ∩π΅) ∩πΆ))| max{|(πΆ)|+|(π΅ )|}+max{|(πΆ)|+|π΄|} ≥ 1− |CL ((A ∩π΅) ∩πΆ))| max{|(πΆ)|+|(π΅ )|}+max{|(πΆ)|+|π΄|} Since (A ∩ π΅) ∩ πΆ ⊆ (π΄ ∩ π΅)impliesππ{(A ∩ π΅) ∩ πΆ} ⊆ ππ(π΄ ∩ π΅) |ππ{(A ∩ π΅) ∩ πΆ}| ≤ |ππ(π΄ ∩ π΅)| ≤ |πΆπΏ(π΄ ) ∩ ππ(π΅)| |ππ{(A ∩ π΅) ∩ πΆ}| max{|(πΆ)| + |(π΅ )|} + max{|(πΆ)| + |π΄|} |πΆπΏ(π΄ ) ∩ ππ(π΅)| ≤ max{|ππ(πΆ)| + |cl(π΅ )|} + max{cl|(πΆ)| + |clπ΄|} |πΆπΏ(π΄ )∩ππ(π΅)| ≤ max{|ππ(π΄)|,cl|(π΅ )|} |ππ{(A ∩π΅) ∩πΆ}| ≥ 1− max{|(πΆ)|+|(π΅ )|}+max{|(πΆ)|+|π΄|} There for 1 − |πΆπΏ(π΅ )∩ππ(πΆ)| max{|(πΆ)|,|(π΅ )|} +1− |πΆπΏ(π΄ )∩ππ(π΅)| max{|ππ(π΄)|+|cl(π΅ )|} |πΆπΏ(π΄ )∩ππ(πΆ)| max{|(πΆ)|,|π΄|} ≥ 1− ≥1− |CL ((A ∩π΅) ∩πΆ))| max{|(πΆ)|,|(π΅ )|}+max{|(πΆ)|,|π΄|} |πΆπΏ(π΄ ) ∩ ππ(π΅)| max{|ππ(π΄)| + cl|(π΅ )|} Hence 1 − |πΆπΏ(π΅ )∩ππ(πΆ)| max{|(πΆ)|+|(π΅ +1− )|} |πΆπΏ(π΄ )∩ππ(πΆ)| max{|(πΆ)|+|π΄|} ≥ 1− |πΆπΏ(π΄ )∩ππ(π΅)| max{|ππ(π΄)|+cl|(π΅ )|} There for µ(B, C)+ µ(A, C) ≥ µ(B, A) Proposition1.5.1 Let X be an non empty set of "types" and A, B be non- empty subsets of X and |πΆπΏ(π΄ )∩ππ(π΅)| µ∗ (π΄, π΅) = max{|ππ(π΄)|,|cl(π΅ )|} Then (P(X) µ∗ ) is a metric space? Proof. Obvious Proposition1.5.2 Let A, B, C be non- empty subsets of X. Then (i)µ∗ (π΄ ∩B, C) ≤ µ∗ (A, C) + µ∗ (B, C) (ii)µ (π΄ ∩B, C) ≤ µ (A, C) + µ (B, C) Proof (i) Since (A ∩ π΅) ∩ πΆ = (π΄ ∩ πΆ) ∩ (π΅ ∩ πΆ) CL ((A ∩ π΅) ∩ πΆ) = πΆπΏ((π΄ ∩ πΆ) ∩ (π΅ ∩ πΆ)) ⊆ πΆπΏ(π΄ ∩ πΆ) ∩ πΆπΏ(π΅ ∩ πΆ) Since if A⊆ B IMPLIES CL(A) ⊆ CL(B). CL ((A ∩ π΅) ∩ πΆ)) = πΆπΏ((π΄ ∩ πΆ) ∩ (π΅ ∩ πΆ)) ⊆ πΆπΏ(π΄ ∩ πΆ) ∩ πΆπΏ(π΅ ∩ πΆ), and take cardinality for two sides |CL ((A ∩ π΅) ∩ πΆ))| ≤ |πΆπΏ(π΄ ∩ πΆ)| + |πΆπΏ(π΅ ∩ πΆ)| ≤ |πΆπΏ(π΄ ) ∩ ππ(πΆ)| + |πΆπΏ(π΅) ∩ ππ(πΆ)| Dividing two sides the max{cl|(π΄ ∩ π΅)|, cl|(π)|} |CL ((A ∩π΅) ∩πΆ))| There for max{cl|(π΄∩π΅)|,cl|(π)|} ≤ |πΆπΏ(π΄ )∩ππ(πΆ)|+|πΆπΏ(π΅) ∩ππ(πΆ)| max{cl|(π΄∩π΅)|,cl|(π)|} So that |CL ((A ∩ π΅) ∩ πΆ))| ≤ |πΆπΏ(π΄ ) ∩ ππ(πΆ)| + |πΆπΏ(π΅) ∩ ππ(πΆ)| Then max |CL ((A ∩ π΅) ∩ πΆ))|≤max|πΆπΏ(π΄ ) ∩ ππ(πΆ)| +max|πΆπΏ(π΅) ∩ ππ(πΆ)| Max{|(πΆ)|, |(π΅ ∩ π΄)|} ≤ max{|(πΆ)|, |(π΅ )| + |π΄|} = max{|(πΆ)|, |(π΅ )|} + max{|(πΆ)|, |π΄|} Then Max{|ππ(πΆ)|, |ππ(π΅ ∩ π΄)|}≤ max{|cl(C) |, | cl(B ) | }+max{|cl(πΆ)|, lc|π΄|} Max{|ππ(π΄)|, |ππ(π΅ )|}≤max{|ππ(πΆ)|, cl|(π΅ )|} + max{cl|(πΆ)|, cl|π΄|} |CL ((A ∩π΅) ∩πΆ))| Since max{cl|(π΄∩π΅)|,cl|(π)|} ≤ There for |πΆπΏ(π΄ )∩ππ(πΆ)|+|πΆπΏ(π΅) ∩ππ(πΆ)| |CL ((A ∩π΅) ∩πΆ))| max{cl|(π΄∩π΅)|,cl|(π)|} |CL ((A ∩π΅) ∩πΆ))| Hence max{cl|(π΄∩π΅)|,cl|(π)|} ≤ max{cl|(π΄∩π΅)|,cl|(π)|} |πΆπΏ(π΄ )∩ππ(πΆ)|+|πΆπΏ(π΅) ∩ππ(πΆ)| ≤ max{|ππ(πΆ)|,cl|(π΅ )|}+max{cl|(πΆ)|,cl|π΄|} + |πΆπΏ(π΄ )∩ππ(πΆ)| + max{|ππ(πΆ)|,|ππ(π΄)|} |πΆπΏ(π΅ )∩ππ(πΆ)| max{|ππ(πΆ)|,|ππ(π΅ )|} There for µ∗ (π΄ ∩B, C) ≤ µ∗ (A, C) + µ∗ (B, C) (ii) is obvious from therm4.7.1 Proposition1.5.3 Let (P(X), µ) ,( P(X), µ∗ ) be two metric spaces on a nonempty set X, A⊆ C, A, B and C subsers of X, Then (i) µ(A,B)≥ µ(π΅, πΆ) ii) µ∗ (A,B)≤ µ∗ (π΅, πΆ)where π΅ ⊄ π΄. 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