10/11/2011 THE EARTH INSTITUTE TROPICAL LABS INITIATIVE AT COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY MVG-Net Labs Module Casey Iiams-Hauser, Francis K. Frimpong, Eric Akosah, Yanis Ben Amor Tropical Labs Module for MGV-Net Version 1: Revision3 Labs Module for MVG-Net Purpose: This system will serve as a way for clinics to submit laboratory requisitions using a mobile device. This information will be received by the laboratory in a dashboard, the dashboard will facilitate the organization of pending samples in the laboratory, verify that the samples reach the laboratory and will transmit the results of completed test results back to the originating clinic automatically. It will also act as a repository of test results linked to patient medical records and produce basic reports. The system will require integration with multiple systems and workflows and will therefore be implemented in stages. The first milestone is to be completed by November 8, 2011. Milestone 1: Will enable clinics to send lab requisitions to the Lab, the lab to print a list of Pending Samples, and the Lab to send results via SMS. Issue Date: Sept 12 2011 Author: Casey Iiams-Hauser Document Status: Draft Page |2 Tropical Labs Module for MGV-Net Version 1: Revision3 Workflow: Current: Issue Date: Sept 12 2011 Author: Casey Iiams-Hauser Document Status: Draft Page |3 Tropical Labs Module for MGV-Net Version 1: Revision3 Proposed new workflow with CC+TLI: MVG-Net Issue Date: Sept 12 2011 Author: Casey Iiams-Hauser Document Status: Draft Page |4 Tropical Labs Module for MGV-Net Version 1: Revision3 SMS Based system without lab GUI (Milestone 1): 1. The system will utilize the existing MVG-net IDs used currently for the OpenMRS and ChildCount+ system. 2. See appendix 1 for the lab requisition form CHEWs are already trained on the formatting used for ChildCount+, we should keep the same syntax for SMS and keep the forms in the same format as other CC+ forms. (e.g., for a sickling test for a person with the HealthID of ED1R, sending one blood tube with insurance: ED1R +Q SK +SP 1 0 0 0 0 +INS 42589658745. All data elements are properly encoded in the OpenMRS database through xforms). 3. When a lab requisition is sent, the confirmation should include an automatically generated accession number in the format CLINIC-YEARMONTH-SAMPLENUMBER. So the first monthly sample from Datano sent in Sept 2011 will read DA-1109-001. The code for the clinics is as follows; Keniago KE Assamang AS Datano DA Tontokrom TO Watreso WA Aboaboso AB Akyerekyerekrom AK 4. This means that the second sample from Tontokrom from September, 2011 would return a message saying: ”Lab sample for TEST for PATIENT NAME successfully registered, please label tubes TO-1109-002 and deliver to lab”. The requisition will be pushed over via the xform module to the OpenMRS system for later analysis or reporting. We will link the sample number to the accession number. 5. When the requisition is recorded in the ChildCount+ Database, a “status” flag will be created, this flag will have five states: Incoming, In Progress, Stalled, Cancelled, Result. 6. A new “Labs in Progress” Report will be available which will also be included in an abbreviated way via google docs. This I think would violate our privacy protocols, so I don’t think it would work unless we just display the sample number and no identifying information. Labs in progress report would be available to be run from the CC+ Dashboard, this would look like the report in appendix 2. 7. The result entered into the field +QR would be texted into the CC+ server, the system checks it against a range of possible values and ensures that it is valid, if not, it sends an error back to the phone saying “test result outside of valid range, expected values should be ACCEPTABLE RANGE”, if correct, the result should be sent to the clinic phone which originated the sample. RESULT SMS FORMAT: “Lab result for HEALTHID req REQUISITIONID TESTNAME RESULT” (EG: Lab Result for EG123, req TON-092011-008 Sickling Test: Negative) If the test type has a reference range it should be put after the result, if it is within the reference range, it should read RESULT (REFRANGE), if outside the reference range, it should read RESULT (REFRANGE) H or L for high or low. EG: Lab Result for EG123, req TON-092011-055 HB: 7.0 (12-18) L 8. The lab results will be transferred by a special “lab result” form to OpenMRS via the xforms module. Issue Date: Sept 12 2011 Author: Casey Iiams-Hauser Document Status: Draft Page |5 Tropical Labs Module for MGV-Net Version 1: Revision3 Lab user interface (Milestone II): Functional Requirements To have be able to view easily: Incoming tests (requisitions generated by clinics and not yet received by the lab) and check them in or mark them as having insufficient sample quality/quantity, in progress tests and enter results, and search for past or current test results, a list of stalled lab results and move them back into “in progress” state. The lists should be able to be sorted by health ID, date test originated, requisition ID, originating clinic, Health ID, patient name. 1. The Lab User interface: Functional Specifications: The Lab will have a user/password protected 5 tab user interface, accessed with a browser on any computer on the same LAN as the server, with a universal search feature to find tests in any state, this should be contained within a box in the top right hand side of the screen. 4 of the 5 tabs should be: Incoming, In progress, Results and Stalled These should have 6 columns in them Date of Request, Sample Code, Clinic, Health ID, Test Type, Patient name. These should be sortable by clicking the column header. The 5th tab is Reports. This should have a list of reports which can be generated on demand 1. Incoming: a list of tests requested by a clinic, these should be sorted into 5 sortable columns: Date of Requisition Clinic Patient Test Type Patient Request Number Health ID name When a test is clicked, a box comes up with a checkbox for "received", one checkbox for "cancelled" and a drop down where one can check: Good Insufficient Quantity Bad Quality Wrong type No Sample Sent When "OK" is clicked, if the good button was checked, it moves to "in progress", If one of the other drop down boxes was checked, it is moved to the "Stalled" tab and if it was cancelled it is moved to "results". With the state cancelled in the result field. Also allow cancel for the dialog to return to the list. 2. In Progress: This is where the lab can find the tests that they have in process, these should be sorted into 5 sortable columns: Date of Requisition Clinic Patient Test Type Patient Request Number Health ID name Issue Date: Sept 12 2011 Author: Casey Iiams-Hauser Document Status: Draft Page |6 Tropical Labs Module for MGV-Net Version 1: Revision3 This is where the result of the test is entered, the type of data entry box depends on the type of test (list of test types and expected format of results is in appendix 2). Once the result is entered and Ok is pressed, the system checks it against a range of possible values and ensures that it is valid, creating an error saying “test result outside of valid range, expected values should be ACCEPTABLE RANGE”, the result should be sent to the clinic phone which originated the sample. RESULT SMS FORMAT: “Lab result for HEALTHID req REQUISITIONID TESTNAME RESULT” (EG: Lab Result for EG123, req TON-092011-008 Sickling Test: Negative) If the test type has a reference range it should be put after the result, if it is within the reference range, it should read RESULT (REFRANGE), if outside the reference range, it should read RESULT (REFRANGE) H or L for high or low. EG: Lab Result for EG123, req TON-092011-055 HB: 7.0 (12-18) L 3. Results: An archive of previously completed tests, these should be sorted into 5 sortable columns: Date of Requisition Clinic Patient Test Type Patient Request Number Health ID name when clicked it should display the result and the date requested and date completed, along with an option to resend the result which should have a dropdown that defaults to the original clinic but could be changed to send to a different clinic if need be. 4. Stalled: this tab contains a list of tests which have been stalled for bad sample quality 5. Reports: this tab contains a list of reports which can be run 6. (Future version): Supplies tracker, shows the number of tests utilizing each supply since the last change of the supply. Think of this like the way a printer estimates the usage of ink since the last cartridge change. It would be a simple counter which would raise an alert when a certain set threshold is passed, giving the lab time to ensure that they have a replacement for that consumable. Clinic user interface (Milestone III): Functional Requirements TBD Issue Date: Sept 12 2011 Author: Casey Iiams-Hauser Document Status: Draft Page |7 Tropical Labs Module for MGV-Net Version 1: Revision3 Approvals Prepared By Casey Iiams-Hauser (eHealth Solutions Coordinator) This document requires the following approvals: Approved By __________________________________ (Matt Berg) __________________________________ (Yanis Ben Amor) Approval Date __________________________________ Issue Date: Sept 12 2011 Author: Casey Iiams-Hauser Document Status: Draft Page |8 Tropical Labs Module for MGV-Net Version 1: Revision3 Appendix 1 Issue Date: Sept 12 2011 Author: Casey Iiams-Hauser Document Status: Draft Page |9 Tropical Labs Module for MGV-Net Version 1: Revision3 Appendix 2: Tests in Progress Report Issue Date: Sept 12 2011 Author: Casey Iiams-Hauser Document Status: Draft P a g e | 10 Tropical Labs Module for MGV-Net Version 1: Revision3 Appendix 3: Results Types Test Sickling Test Code SK Results type Units NA Ref Range NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA g/dl cel/ul NA 12-18 [M], 1116 [F] NA NA NA NA Positive Negative Blood group BG A+ AB+ BAB+ ABO+ O- Rhesus factor RF Positive Negative Syphilis (VDRL) SY Hepatitis B- HBsAg HP Haemoglobin (Hb) CD4+ test Malaria Parasites (MPs) HB CD MP G6PD G6 Widal test Fasting Blood Glucose Reactive Non-reactive Poor quality sample Positive/Negative Negative Positive Indeterminate decimal number decimal number not seen/present +++ Negative One plus Two plus Three plus Total defect/partial defect/no defect No defect Partial defect Total defect WT FB Reactive Non-reactive decimal number NA NA mmol/l (3.6-6.4) OMRS Concept ID 160225 703 664 300 690 692 694 696 1230 1231 699 701 160232 703 664 299 1228 1229 1304 159430 664 703 1138 21 5497 1366 664 1362 1363 1364 160226 160233 160234 160235 306 1228 1229 160053 Issue Date: Sept 12 2011 Author: Casey Iiams-Hauser Document Status: Draft P a g e | 11 LOINC c Tropical Labs Module for MGV-Net Version 1: Revision3 Random Blood Glucose ESR (erythrocyte sedimentation rate) RB decimal number mmol/l ES decimal number Platelets White Blood Cells (WBC): T PL decimal number WB decimal number Neutrophils Lymphocytes Monocytes Eosinophils Basophils mm/h x109/l (10e9) x109/l (10e9) % % % % % NA SPUTUM FOR TB (AFB) STOOL R/E URINE R/E TB ST UR Negative One plus Two plus Three plus Short message Short message NA NA (3.2-11.0) 3-5 [M], 4-7 [F] 887 855 729 150-4000 678 (2.5-8.5) (40-75) (25-40) (1-6) (2-10) (0-1) NA 1336 1338 1339 1340 1341 307 664 1362 1363 1364 NA NA Issue Date: Sept 12 2011 Author: Casey Iiams-Hauser Document Status: Draft P a g e | 12