Barleyhurst Park Local - Barleyhurst Park Primary School

Barleyhurst Park Primary School
Meeting the Needs of Pupils with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities
The Local Offer
This provides information about the services in the local area and how these can be accessed. With regard to education it provides
information to parents/carers and young people of how schools and colleges will support them and what they can expect from
settings. It will help parents/carers and young people make decisions about how best to support the needs they have.
The School Offer
At Barleyhurst Park School we believe that every pupil is special and deserves to fulfil their full potential. We aim to
provide a safe, secure and stimulating environment where every pupil has access to a rich, broad and balanced
curriculum which provides opportunities to develop intellectually, physically, emotionally and socially. To ensure that
pupils make the best possible progress and feel that they are valued members of the school and wider community.
We aim to meet the needs of individual pupils through quality first teaching, personalised learning, and a targeted
system of intervention programmes and practical provision to support all pupils including those with special
educational needs.
A rigorous system of monitoring and evaluating pupil’s progress is in place which ensures that additional provision is
adjusted to meet the needs of individuals and to enable them to become independent, resilient learners. There is an
emphasis on early identification of needs through supportive and preventative strategies which reduce barriers to
We work in a flexible way to develop effective partnerships, working in a collaborative way. The SENCo and teaching
staff work effectively with pupils and their parents/carers. Specialist teaching staff both within the school and external
professionals such as speech and language therapists and education psychologists to ensure that the school can
meet a broad range of special educational needs.
1. How does Barleyhurst Park know if children need extra help?
We know that a child needs extra help when:
 Parents/Carers and/or teaching staff raise concerns about academic progress or attitudes to learning.
 Previous schools, early years’ settings or other agencies raise concerns.
 There is a lack of progress in learning.
 The child’s behaviour changes and affects their progress or attitude to learning.
 There is a medical diagnosis.
2. What should a parent/carer do if they think their child may have special educational needs and/or disabilities?
We have an open door policy. If Parents/Carers have any concerns about your child’s progress or well-being you can:
 Speak to your child’s class teacher. He/she is normally available after school.
 Ask to meet and make an appointment with our Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCo), Miss Halsey.
3. How will Barleyhurst Park staff support children who are identified as having special educational needs and/or
We support our children by:
 Class teachers provide quality first teaching through an engaging curriculum that is differentiated to meet the children’s needs and
support their progress. Planning and teaching is regularly monitored by the Senior Leadership Team through a programme of
lesson observations, learning walks, pupil interviews and scrutiny of pupils’ work.
 Additional support is provided through targeted intervention groups led by teachers and teaching assistants. They are formally
reviewed at termly Pupil Progress Interviews.
 If a child’s needs are different from or additional to the needs of other children, they may have an Individual Educational Plan (IEP),
Statement of Special Educational Need or Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP). These will be prepared in consultation and
agreement with parents/carers. These children may be in intervention groups and receive additional support for individual targets
through practical classroom provision/resources or one-to-one work with our teaching assistants. IEPs are usually reviewed half
termly. The SENCo monitors the IEPs. The child’s class teacher will provide parents with a copy of their IEP and will review their
progress against these individual targets at IEP review meetings.
Parents/Carers of children with Statements of Special Educational Need are invited to a post-statement planning meeting, annual
reviews and transition reviews as required. This is organised by the SENCo.
The class teacher will explain any intervention groups or additional support in place at our regular Parent Consultation Evenings.
They may invite Parents/Carers into school to discuss any concerns they have at other times throughout the school year.
Specialist teachers may be needed to provide parents/carers and school with specific support and advice. We will ask for
Parents/Carers permission to speak to a specialist teacher or an external agency (for example, a Speech and Language Therapist)
about their child’s needs or to make a referral. If a referral is accepted, further consent and background information is required and
the specialist teacher may ask for a consultation with the parents/carers and school before working with a child. The SENCo coordinates this process.
The Governors of Barleyhurst Park School receive an annual report from the SENCo. They support the school to review and
develop the quality of the provision for pupils with SEN across the school.
4. How will the curriculum be matched to a child who needs extra support or has special educational needs and/or
We match the curriculum to the child by:
 Quality First Teaching in all classes for all pupils. Class teachers adapt the planning and teaching to meet the diverse range of
abilities and needs in each class.
 Differentiation is provided in a variety of ways to support access to the learning and to ensure the children can experience success
and challenge in their learning.
 Ability grouping and additional adult support are organised flexibly to help groups of pupils and individual children meet their
targets. Pupils with similar needs may be grouped together to work with a teacher or teaching assistant, or one-to one support may
be provided to help a child achieve an individual target. Part of this support will be to develop skills to enable the pupil to become a
more independent learner.
 Specialist equipment is provided where appropriate across the school, including: pencil grips, writing slopes, coloured overlays,
laptop, ipads, timers etc.
 For pupils who have emotional difficulties a HLTA (Higher Learning Teaching Assistant) provides Learning Mentor support for
identified pupils.
A Sports Coach provides social group work support as well as 1:1 support for identified pupils to develop social skills as well as
physical awareness.
5. How will Barleyhurst Park and the parent know how the child is progressing and how will the school help the
parent to support child’s learning?
Throughout the year we offer:
 Continuous and rigorous monitoring of the children’s progress. Targets are set against previous attainment, national and school
expectations. Progress will be discussed at the Parent Consultation evenings and class teachers will share strategies for home
and school. Parents/Carers can also request meetings with the class teacher and/or the SENCo.
 Parents Consultation evenings in the autumn and spring terms, and an Open Evening in the summer term.
 A midterm report is sent to parents/cares in the autumn and spring term and a detailed annual report is provided in the summer
 Class teachers are available to meet with parents/carers after school if they have any concerns.
 Meetings can be arranged with our SENCo.
 Extra activities at home in addition to the normal school homework may be used to support specific individual targets (for example,
handwriting practise). The class teacher, SENCO or occasionally external specialists will show you how to complete any additional
activity, explain its importance and be available to give you extra advice.
 If external agencies are supporting a child, a report with recommendations will normally be produced. Parents/Carers will be
provided with a copy and offered an opportunity to discuss the report with the agency and/or the SENCo. This is co-ordinated by
the SENCo.
 Home/school books or a report card may be used in cases of poor behaviour choices.
6. What support is offered from Barleyhurst Park to ensure the well-being of the child who requires extra help or has
special educational needs and/or disabilities?
We may support a child’s well-being through:
 HLTA and Teaching Assistants support in class, small focussed groups or on a one-to-one basis. One-to-one sessions can include
support with dealing with loss, protective behaviours, anger management, social skills, motivation and confidence.
Lunchtime Club with our Sports Coach to support social skills development.
Year 6 Playground Leaders to support and encourage play and friendships at break times.
Home/school books to support and encourage good behaviour choices.
Attendance Officer support: involving calls, and occasionally visits, to home to support school attendance.
We can support a child’s medical needs through:
 Teaching Assistants with first aid training.
 Staff training organised for specific needs (for example, Epi-pen).
 Supervision of inhalers, creams etc.
 Development of care plans with Parents/Carers and health professionals.
 Allergy and dietary awareness.
 School nurse.
7. What specialist services and expertise are available at or accessed by Barleyhurst Park?
We can access support from:
 Teaching Assistants.
 Specialist teachers of communication and interaction, cognition and learning, sensory impairment, visual impairment, mental and
emotional health, behaviour support.
 Educational Psychologists.
 Speech and Language Therapists.
 Occupational Therapists.
 School nurse.
 Children and Families Practice.
 Children’s Social Care.
 Milton Keynes Council SEND case workers.
 Children and Mental Health Service (CAMHS).
EMA Network (Ethnic Minority Achievement Network).
Attendance Officer.
Safety Centre Staff.
West Bletchley Community Officer.
8. What training has been provided at Barleyhurst Park what we are planning to offer for staff to support children with special
educational needs and/or disabilities.
All teaching staff undertake regular training and updates related to SEN and disabilities.
Specialist training accessed to review and develop provision for children who have more complex needs.
9. How will children be included in activities outside the classroom including school trips?
Activities and trips are available to all children.
Risk assessments are completed for every offsite trip and procedures are put in place to enable all children to participate at the
school’s discretion and in consultation with Parents/Carers.
Parents/carers may be asked to accompany their child on a visit if the risk assessment indicates that one-to-one support is required
for a child to access an activity safely and maintain statutory supervision for the other children.
Social Stories may be provided to reduce anxiety about the trip.
10. How accessible is the school environment?
The school is on one level and has wheelchair access.
The school has a well-equipped disabled toilet.
We are happy to discuss individual access requirements and to make reasonable adjustments to meet these needs.
11. How will Barleyhurst Park prepare and support the child who needs extra help or special educational needs and/or
disabilities to join the school, transfer to a new school or the next stage of education and life?
When children join our school:
 Families of children joining our Foundation Stage in September are visited at home by a Foundation Stage teacher and a Teaching
Assistant. Our Foundation Stage staff will also liaise with other pre-school settings where children have been highlighted as having
special education needs.
 Children joining the school during the school year are invited to meet the Headteacher and take a tour of the school. They will
usually have the chance to meet their new teacher and see their new classroom. The Headteacher will meet with parents/carers to
discuss the child’s needs and will contact the previous school to discuss attainment, levels of support and any additional provision
previously in place. The SENCo may contact the previous school to discuss support for children who have more complex needs.
When children transfer between year groups and key stages:
 Transition days are held in the summer term for all children. A child with SEN may visit their new class teacher before the transition
day to reduce anxiety.
 A Social Story may be provided to support children in moving classes and to reduce their anxiety over the summer holidays.
When children transfer to a new primary school:
 The SENCo or Headteacher may contact the new school to discuss a child with more complex needs.
 Records, including any IEPs or specialist reports are sent in a timely fashion.
When children transfer to secondary schools:
 The SENCo or Year 6 Teacher meets with SEN staff from Lord Grey to discuss and plan for SEN children transferring to this local
setting. The SENCo or Year 6 Teacher completes transfer paperwork for children transferring to other secondary schools and will
speak to SEN staff as necessary.
 A transition programme operates for most secondary schools for new Year 7 pupils. We support these programmes by sending
staff when appropriate to support children on visits to the new school and we facilitate visits from secondary colleagues to observe
and work with children in our setting.
12. How are Barleyhurst Park’s resources allocated and matched to children with special educational needs and
The SEN Budget is allocated each financial year to support additional needs throughout the school. The money is used to provide
additional resources or support, dependent on need. It is used to provide:
 Specialist equipment (for example, writing slopes, coloured overlays, ipads, IT equipment).
 Additional intervention programmes and associated resources (for example, numicon, letters and sounds, Better Readers, social
groups, Sir Kits, 1:1 tuition).
 Teaching Assistants to support small group learning.
 To access training for staff to meet specific needs (for example, FACT training, ASD training dyslexia awareness).
13. How is the decision made about what type and how much support a child with special educational needs and/or
disabilities will receive?
Our decision making process includes:
 Regular and rigorous reviews of levels of support through termly Pupil Progress Interviews. Levels of support for academic
progress and well-being will be adjusted accordingly throughout a child’s school life at Barleyhurst Park.
 Children with a Statement of Special Educational Need or Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) will be provided with support
and resources specified.
 Parents/Carers and school will discuss and/or review the support a child receives at Parent Consultation Evenings, IEP meetings,
external agency consultations and any additional meetings that may be necessary.
 Children will normally be asked to share their opinions at discussions and/or reviews. If appropriate, a child may be given the
opportunity to record their opinions using ICT devices to reduce anxiety.
14. Who can a parent/carer contact for further information at Barleyhurst Park?
In school you can contact:
 Class Teacher
 Other lead adults in your child’s education – members of the School Leadership Team.
Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator – Miss Halsey
The School Office Staff.
Other local support services:
Milton Keynes Parent Partnership Service – 01908 254518
This is a service offering confidential and impartial information, advice and support to all families in Milton Keynes who have a child
with special educational needs or disability.
Children and Families Practice South – 01908 657800
This is a team of experienced staff offering early help and family based support and advice.
Details of the local authority’s Local Offer can be found at:
Select the School and Lifelong Learning icon, then the Special Educational Needs and Disabilities icon