Professional Learning & Growth Plan PROGRAM FOR STUDENTS WITH EXCEPTIONALITIES (PSE) Document Overview This document is intended to provide an overview of the learning priorities for the 2015-2016 schools year, as well as information about our approach to support professional learning and growth for all stakeholders who provide service to our students with disabilities, including administrators, special education teachers, general education teachers, paraprofessionals, counselors, psychologists, etc. If you have any questions or feedback, please forward them to Amy Filipowski ( PSE Vision Pittsburgh Public School students will be meaningful members of our school communities. All students with disabilities will receive an equitable education that addresses individual needs in order to achieve their fullest potential academically, socially, emotionally, and vocationally. Students are expected to achieve and succeed so that they can be productive, self-motivated citizens. PSE Mission Each student has a right to a welcoming environment that is accessible, emotionally nourishing, culturally responsive, physically safe, purposefully engaging, and intellectually challenging. Achieving this goal will require: research-based curriculum and instruction in the least restrictive environment driven by high expectations for all students with disabilities collaboration and shared responsibility of all stakeholders, including students, families, PPS staff, and community members optimizing student achievement through data-driven decisions that inform assessment, instruction, and progress monitoring providing teachers with professional learning, instructional support, and resources to impact student achievement Approach to Learning & Growth The Whole Child, Whole Community Initiative ensures that ALL children will graduate prepared for life-readiness. PSE supports this initiative through our specific departmental goals. PSE has a Neighborhood School Initiative to educate our students with disabilities close to their neighborhood schools as possible, provided there are appropriate supports and services in place. We will work to strengthen and improve existing community partner relationships as well as build new partnerships. In an effort to increase student achievement, we have developed a robust learning and growth plan as outlined below. In this learning and growth plan, our focus is on “Using the IEP as an Instructional Tool.” It is our belief that grounding our work in the IEP to drive planning and instruction will accelerate student learning and provide a rich, comprehensive educational experience for each and every student. 1 Professional Learning & Growth Plan PROGRAM FOR STUDENTS WITH EXCEPTIONALITIES (PSE) We know that educators learn in a variety of ways. As such, we are committed to providing learning opportunities across four modalities: Modality Examples Formal Training District In-Service, Curriculum Training, Content-Focused Workshops, Courses of Study Professional Learning Communities (In and Across Schools and Networks), Collaborative Planning, Instructional Rounds Team-Based Learning Opportunities 1-to-1 Coaching and Support Formal Observation Cycles, Job-Embedded Coaching, Peer Support Model, Co-Teaching Independent Learning Opportunities Online Resources, Professional Literature (Books, Articles, etc.) We also know that the learning process is ongoing. As such, we are committed to supporting cycles of learning for teachers throughout the school year. Each cycle will include the following phases: Learn: Educators learn new techniques and instructional strategies to support the district learning priorities. Implement: “Safe Space” is provided for participants to implement new techniques and instructional strategies. During this time no formal evaluations are conducted; however, peer observation and formative feedback are highly encouraged. Reflect: Participants reflect on the application of new techniques and instructional strategies by considering feedback, outcomes and next steps. Share: Educators present their work to peers and instructional leaders in the form of promising practices, lessons learning, challenges and/or discussion of student learning. This can be supported by the evaluation process. Feedback: At all points of the professional learning cycle, participants receive meaningful feedback from instructional leaders and peers. Overarching Learning Goals for 2015-2016 Learning Goal Student Learning & Growth What will teachers know and be able to do as a result of their learning and implementation this year? TOPIC: USING THE IEP AS AN INSTRUCTIONAL TOOL What will students know and be able to do based on the changes in teacher practice? How does this goal connect to student data, teacher data, and/or research-based best practices? Students will be able to understand their IEP goals, the benchmarks they are expected to meet at the end of the year, and their progress throughout the year. Observational data has shown that a large percentage of IEPs are not appropriately aligned to the student’s individual needs or are lacking necessary data to formulate standard-aligned IEP goals. ALL PSE teachers need to know how to develop an IEP that is an instructional tool used to guide the student’s learning throughout the year. This involves knowing the standards, how to align the standards to the child’s individual needs, and developing rigorous and appropriate IEP goals. Research notes that an effective teacher is the number one factor in determining whether a child will grow academically. Therefore, developing teachers’ practice will ultimately impact student growth. Research-based instructional strategies need to be used in order for students to achieve success. Teachers will understand what the IEP as an instructional tool looks like and be able to develop IEPs that reflect the individual needs of students and provide a rigorous instructional plan for learning. TOPIC: IMPLEMENTING EFFECTIVE INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES ALIGNED TO STUDENTS’ NEEDS Teachers will use the standard-aligned IEP goals to plan effective instruction for their students. During instruction, teachers will use researchbased best practices to instruct students and monitor student progress which will result in student growth. Students will be able to use self-determination and self-advocacy to voice their needs. Students will be able to develop critical thinking and problem solving skills while obtaining strategies that they can use across all contents and in college and career. Rationale 2 Professional Learning & Growth Plan PROGRAM FOR STUDENTS WITH EXCEPTIONALITIES (PSE) Learning Opportunities District In-Service: These are large sessions where teachers attend for the entire day for professional learning. Focus Application Reflection Date What will participants bring back as a What will participants learn? How will participants apply their learning? August 3rd & 4th Administrators will understand the teacher and student look-fors when the IEP is being implemented as an instructional tool. Administrators will apply the new knowledge of how an IEP should be implemented as an instructional tool as well as ask teachers for progress monitoring and look for connections to RISE. August 18th Administrators will understand what the MTSS model is as well as the referral system in order to best support our students. Administrators and Teachers will learn how Dyslexia and other disabilities affect a student’s ability to access general education curriculum. The participants will learn how to use “Learning Ally”, which provides human-narrated text to accommodate students. Using the IEP as an Instructional Tool Administrators will apply the MTSS and referral process to support students. They will also use the data collection tools in their schools to monitor student progress. Administrators and Teachers will utilize their knowledge of the software to provide accommodations for students who are in need of this support. August 24th August 26th Teachers will understand what an IEP as an instructional tool looks like November 11th Special Education Teachers November 11th General Education Teachers January 26th Using the IEP as an Instructional Tool Part 2: Writing Standards aligned goals and progress Monitoring. Special Education Teachers will strengthen knowledge of standards and how to develop IEP goals aligned to standards as well as how to measure progress on goals. Teachers may elect to develop SLOs aligned to IEP goals as well during this session. Supporting Students with Disabilities in the General Education Classroom General Education Teachers will learn how to address the needs of a diverse group of students in the general education classroom. Implementing effective instructional strategies aligned to students’ needs. Teacher will understand the pedagogy and purpose of strategies and use to address needs appropriately. Teachers will develop IEPs that reflect the individual needs of students and provide a rigorous instructional plan for learning. Teacher will create authentic standard-aligned IEP goals using the standards and learning progressions. Teachers will collaborate with peers across the district. reflection of learning & application? Administrators will reflect on the new teacher expectations and ensure they are observing teachers using the RISE connections for special education teachers as well asking questions around planning and instruction. Administrators will reflect on the new process and bring back data collection tools to MDE team when applicable. Administrators and Teachers will reflect on their students and make recommendations for utilization of the Learning Ally Software. Teachers will have information and resources from the session to implement when they return to their classrooms. Teachers will reflect on practice and meet with program officer to review newly written IEP when applicable. Teachers will analyze IEP goals of their students and ensure goals are aligned to standards and match the individual student needs. Teachers will also reflect on how they will progress monitor these goals. Teachers will plan and implement instruction using the theory and principles of Universal Design for Learning to meet the needs of all students in the classroom. Teachers will implement authentic learning tasks from the curriculum using the theory and principles of Universal Design of Learning. Teachers will use the standard-aligned IEP goals to plan effective instruction for their students. During instruction, teachers will use research-based best practices to instruct students which will result in student growth. Teachers will reflect on instructional practice and compare to observational data received from observers to see if instruction is improving based on learning. NOTE: Large District In-Service Professional Development Sessions launch the new learning. However, there are professional development sessions held throughout the year to continue the learning. In addition, PSE Support Staff ensure the learning is applied in the classrooms with students through instructional coaching during regularly scheduled school-based support sessions. 3 Professional Learning & Growth Plan PROGRAM FOR STUDENTS WITH EXCEPTIONALITIES (PSE) Formal Training: These are additional formal professional development sessions held throughout the school year that support our professional learning goal to “Implement the IEP as an Instructional Tool.” Title Description Date, Time & Audience Participation Location Service Delivery Model: What is it and how does it service our students? Neighborhood School Initiative Supporting students in Wilson Reading within the general education classroom Deconstructing the Common Core Standards Session will focus on giving an overview of the PSE Service Delivery Model and how service is provided to students with disabilities. 10/7/2015 Webinar 4:00-5:00 Session will provide an overview of the Neighborhood School initiative and implementation timeline. 10/14/2015 Webinar 4:00-5:00 Session will focus on strategies to use in the general education classroom with students who are enrolled in the Wilson Reading support program. 9/30/2015 Oliver PD Suite 4:00-6:00 Session will focus on how to use the deconstructed standards to develop IEP goals and plan instruction on the students’ present levels. 10/20/2015 Oliver PD Suite 4:00-6:00 Setting Learning Targets and Formative Assessment Session will focus on setting learning targets through formative assessment in order to establish present levels and guide instruction. 11/17/2015 Oliver PD Suite 4:00-6:00 Universal Design for Learning Part 1 Session will focus on what Universal Design for Learning means and how one can address multiple needs of students in one classroom at the same time. 12/9/2015 Oliver PD Suite 4:00-6:00 Effective Lesson Planning Using Backward Design Session will focus on lesson planning using backward design keeping in mind the needs of individual students. Universal Design for Learning (UDL) Part 2 Co-Teaching: What is my role? Session will focus on UDL and how it addresses the needs of all learners. UDL strategies will be given to teachers. 2/16/16 Oliver PD Suite 4:00-6:00 4/19/16 Oliver PD Suite 4:00-6:00 5/17/16 Oliver PD Suite 4:00-6:00 PA Special Education Laws Supporting Students who are Medically Fragile Session will focus on the co-teaching model in the inclusive setting and how teachers can work together to enhance the learning experience for students. Session will focus on the Special Education Laws and legal obligations we are bound to under IDEA and Chapter 14. Session will focus on how personal care assistants can successfully support medically fragile students. Ongoing, As Needed 2/27/16 Oliver PD Suite 9-11 or 1-3 Administrators, PSE Teachers, General Ed Teachers, Paraprofessionals, Parents & Families Administrators, PSE Teachers, General Ed Teachers, Paraprofessionals, Parents & Families Administrators, PSE Teachers, General Ed Teachers, Paraprofessionals Administrators, PSE Teachers, General Ed Teachers, Paraprofessionals, Parents & Families Administrators, PSE Teachers, General Ed Teachers, Paraprofessionals, Parents & Families Administrators, PSE Teachers, General Ed Teachers, Paraprofessionals, Parents & Families PSE Teachers PSE and General Ed Teachers, Parents & Families PSE and General Ed Teachers, Parents & Families Administrators, PSE Teachers, General Ed Teachers, Paraprofessionals, Parents & Families Personal Care Aides Strongly Recommended Strongly Recommended Strongly Recommended Strongly Recommended Strongly Recommended Strongly Recommended Strongly Recommended Strongly Recommended Strongly Recommended Strongly Recommended Mandatory Other Supports/Services Offered: PSE has many programs to meet the needs of our students with disabilities. Therefore, many additional professional development sessions are focused on topics that meet the needs of specific audiences. Date(s), Time(s) & Learning Opportunity Audience Facilitator(s) Registration Location Include a description of the learning opportunity. IEP Writer List the target audience, including specific teacher groups, schools, grade levels, etc. PSE Teacher, Transition Counselors, General Ed Teachers, If applicable, include a schedule for support to specific schools, teams, etc. List Facilitator(s) Provide information about how teachers and/or teams can access the learning opportunity. New User September 17th Greenway 4-6 IEP Writer Clinic: Becky Tress PD Registration Calendar 4 Professional Learning & Growth Plan PROGRAM FOR STUDENTS WITH EXCEPTIONALITIES (PSE) Learning Opportunity Include a description of the learning opportunity. Audience List the target audience, including specific teacher groups, schools, grade levels, etc. Date(s), Time(s) & Location If applicable, include a schedule for support to specific schools, teams, etc. Facilitator(s) Registration List Facilitator(s) Provide information about how teachers and/or teams can access the learning opportunity. Administrators Year-round as needed PSE Transition Counselors Bi-Monthly Crystal Evans Sign-in sheets PSE Teachers, Transition Counselors, Administrators at targeted schools Ongoing Crystal Evans Schools will be selected to participate based on prior training needs Technical assistance and professional development will be provided as needed Secondary Transition (Transition Assessments, Timeline of Responsibilities, Supporting Students, New Initiatives & Data Collection) Successful Practices / Indicator 13 (Assessment, Present Ed. Levels, Agency Linkages, Transition Services/Activities, Measurable Annual Goals, Progress Monitoring) Secondary Transition (New laws & regulations; WIOA) RENEW Training (Targets transition-age youth with ED/BD who are at-risk of dropping out of school) Lesson Planning/Curriculum Improving Post-School Employment Outcomes MTSS-RtII training BloomBoard Educational Resources Data and Progress Monitoring DIBELS Next Progress Monitoring Evidence-based practice PD, case study sessions, departmental updates Evidence-based practice PD, case study sessions, departmental updates Evidence-based practice PD, case study sessions, departmental updates Charter School Special Education Training Social Skills Training Working with Para Professionals Alternative Eligible Content Visual Cues and Supports Team Building/Classroom Management PSE Transition Counselors, SOS Teachers, CITY Connections Teachers TBD Crystal Evans PSE Teachers, Transition Counselors, Administrators at targeted schools Ongoing Crystal Evans Ashley McFall PaTTAN Consultant Start On Success Teachers Bi-Monthly Start On Success Teachers Bi-Monthly General Ed. teachers, Special Ed. Teachers, Paraprofessionals, Administrators Teachers and Administrators Teachers, Paraprofessionals, Parents & Families Wilson Itinerants RtII Intervention Blitz & School-Based PD (As needed) Web-based (As needed) Virtual- Webinar October and January 4-5 and 7P-8P 10/01/15 Oliver PD Suite 4:00-5:00 Ashley McFall Ashley McFall Schools will be selected to participate based on administration participation and need Sign in Sheets Sign in Sheets Patty Falk & KtO Literacy Specialists Sign-In sheets in sessions NA NA Amy Filipowski, Mindy Moody, Christina Wier PD Registration Calendar Mindy Moody NA Speech and Language Specialists Bi-Monthly Kelly Papst Sign-in sheets in sessions Deaf/Hearing Itinerant Teachers Bi-Monthly Kelly Papst Sign-in sheets in sessions Bi-Monthly Cynthia McKenzie Sign-in sheets in sessions Charter School Leadership Teams Four times per year Kelly Papst Thomas Rea Autistic Support Teachers Life Skills Support Teachers Autistic Support Teachers Life Skills Support Teachers Autistic Support Teachers Life Skills Support Teachers Autistic Support Teachers Life Skills Support Teachers Bi-Monthly Thomas Rea Sign-in sheets in sessions Emails sent to contacts at charter schools Sign In Sheets Bi-Monthly Thomas Rea Sign In Sheets Bi-Monthly Thomas Rea Sign In Sheets Bi-Monthly Thomas Rea Sign In Sheets 8/24/15 8:00-12:00 Dr. Lillian Wright Vision Itinerant Teachers Emotional Support Teachers Sign In Sheets 5 Professional Learning & Growth Plan PROGRAM FOR STUDENTS WITH EXCEPTIONALITIES (PSE) Learning Opportunity Include a description of the learning opportunity. Audience List the target audience, including specific teacher groups, schools, grade levels, etc. Date(s), Time(s) & Location If applicable, include a schedule for support to specific schools, teams, etc. Facilitator(s) Registration List Facilitator(s) Provide information about how teachers and/or teams can access the learning opportunity. Dr. Lillian Wright Sign In Sheets Dr. Lillian Wright Sign In Sheets Dr. Lillian Wright Log In at Webinar Dr. Lillian Wright Log In at Webinar Dr. Lillian Wright Sign In Sheets Dr. Lillian Wright Sign In Sheets Dr. Lillian Wright Sign In Sheets Dr. Bryson Bresnahan Sign in sheets Data Collection Emotional Support Teachers De-escalation and Positive Behavior Supports Emotional Support Teachers Lesson Planning/Curriculum Emotional Support Teachers Parent Engagement Emotional Support Teachers Trauma and Grief/Loss Emotional Support Teachers Systems of Care Emotional Support Teachers Strengthening Emotional Support in PPS Emotional Support Teachers Common Core and Assessment BloomBoard/MA Billing/Completing Functional Behavior Assessments Strength-Based Assessment Positive Behavioral Support framework Wilson 3-day Introduction Workshop Psychologists Location: Oliver PD Suite 10/14/15 2:30-5:30 Location: Greenway Lab 208 11/4/15 2:30-5:30 Location: Oliver PD Suite 11/18/15 2:30-5:30 Location: Webinar 12/9/15 2:30-5:30 Location: Webinar 1/26/16 2:30-5:30 Location: Oliver PD Suite 2/10/16 2:30-5:30 Location: Oliver PD Suite 5/11/16 2:30-5:30 Location: Oliver PD Suite August 26th August 28h Alyssa Ford-Heyward Nora Jays Dr. Bryson Bresnahan Sign in sheets Psychologists Psychologists October 16 Dr. Bryson Bresnahan Sign in Sheets Psychologists January 25 Dr. Bryson Bresnahan Sign in sheets Teachers new to Wilson Reading 9/29, 9/30, and 10/01/2015 8:00 -3:00 Oliver Citywide Academy PSE PD Suite May 17, 18, and 19, 2016 8:00 – 3:00 Oliver Citywide Academy PSE PD Suite 10/5/16 8:00 – 3:00 10/27, 12/10. 2/2, 4/5, 5/17 4:00 -6:00 Oliver Citywide Academy PSE PD Suite TBD Greenway & Virtual Webinars 8/26/15 8:00 – 11:00 CITY Connections West 8/26/15 12:00-3:00 CITY Connections West Becky Tress PD Registration Calendar Becky Tress PD Registration Calendar Becky Tress PD Registration Calendar Tim Knight and AJ Parks from Apple PD Registration Calendar WRS Group Mastery Workshop Wilson certified teachers (optional) or current certification candidates (required) Wilson Certification Current teachers seeking Wilson Certification Apple and Assistive Technologies Administrators, Teachers, Paraprofessionals CPR Recertification CITY Connections Teachers, Paraprofessionals Transition Outcome Collaborative Planning for 2015-2016 CITY Connections Teachers, Paraprofessionals, Employment Specialists, Transition Counselor Gayle Bair Gayle Bair Sign in Sheets Sign in Sheets 8/28/15 8:00-3:00 6 Professional Learning & Growth Plan PROGRAM FOR STUDENTS WITH EXCEPTIONALITIES (PSE) Learning Opportunity Include a description of the learning opportunity. Audience List the target audience, including specific teacher groups, schools, grade levels, etc. Date(s), Time(s) & Location If applicable, include a schedule for support to specific schools, teams, etc. Facilitator(s) Registration List Facilitator(s) Provide information about how teachers and/or teams can access the learning opportunity. CITY Connections East Paraprofessional and Personal Care Assistants Formal Training: Paraprofessionals are required to earn 20 hours of continuing education each school year. PSE offers monthly trainings to assist in fulfilling this requirement. Title Description Date, Time & Audience Participation Location DIBELS Next Survey Assessment and Progress Monitoring Fostering Peer Supports and Relationships in Schools Secondary Transition: Working with Students to Prepare Them for Adult Life Supporting Independence for Students with Disabilities Implementing effective instructional strategies aligned to students’ needs. Students Expectations and Students Achievement Using Mobile Devices as Classroom Tools: Basics and Beyond This session Supporting Teachers with Instructional Planning Social Emotional Development in the Early Years This session will examine the purpose of DIBELS Next Survey and how it is used to determine out of level progress monitoring levels. Participants will learn how to administer and record student progress. This session will focus on the paraprofessionals’ role in helping students with disabilities fully participate both academically and socially with their non-disabled peers in our schools and classrooms. The session will focus on foundational supports students with disabilities may need to make academic gains and develop meaningful relationships. Students with disabilities and the IEP team develop goals in the areas of postsecondary education and training, postsecondary employment and, if appropriate, independent living. Paraprofessionals have a key role working with students to achieve their goals as they prepare for life after high school. This session will describe how paraprofessionals can support students to develop the specific skills they need to be successful in both work and college settings. This session will focus on strategies paraprofessionals can use to foster independence in the classroom and throughout the school day. This will include the paraprofessional’s role in facilitating mobility, access to instruction, communication and interaction with others. Paraprofessionals need to be able to implement strategies which promote self-determination through building choice-making, organizational and selfmonitoring skills; and using appropriate levels of cues and prompts. This session will focus on effective instructional strategies for individual students. This session will focus on establishing high expectations for students and holding them accountable through effective strategies such as questioning, wait time, etc. This session will focus on provide an introduction to tools frequently used in today’s classrooms, beginning by clarifying the basic vocabulary and ending with resources and ideas. The presenter will explore types of devices, how they can be used to enhance access and engagement in instruction, provide reinforcement, and build student independence. This session will provide information on how paraprofessionals can support classroom teachers by following written plans and seeking clarification, as needed. In addition, information will be offered pertaining to the preparation and organization of materials to support teaching and learning. This session will focus on students in early childhood classrooms and will provide strategies paraprofessionals can implement to support young children’s social and emotional 9/24/2015 Greenway 4:00-6:00 Paraprofessionals 10/21/2015 Greenway 4:00-6:00 Paraprofessionals 11/ 18/2015 Greenway 4:00-6:00 Paraprofessionals Strongly Recommended 12/16/15 Greenway 4:00-6:00 Paraprofessionals Strongly Recommended 1/26/16 Location: TBD 8:00-3:00 Paraprofessionals Strongly Recommended 2/17/16 Greenway 4:00-6:00 Paraprofessionals Strongly Recommended 3/16/16 Greenway 4:00-6:00 Paraprofessionals Strongly Recommended 4/13/16 Greenway 4:00-6:00 Paraprofessionals Strongly Recommended Paraprofessionals Strongly Recommended 5/18/16 Greenway Strongly Recommended Strongly Recommended 7 Professional Learning & Growth Plan PROGRAM FOR STUDENTS WITH EXCEPTIONALITIES (PSE) Title Description Date, Time & Location growth. Specific topics will include acknowledging appropriate behavior, helping young children recognize and manage their emotions, and helping children practice friendship skills. 4:00-6:00 Audience Participation Targeted School-Based Support: PSE Support Staff provides school-level and individual teacher support through professional development offerings, consultations as well as any other supports the school may request. School Support Team Rational for Selection Proposed Schedule Suggested Activities (Team/Grade) Member All Schools All Schools All Schools Amy Filipowski, Mindy Moody, Christina Wier, Becky Tress, and Program Officers Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment Central Office Team Dr. Lillian Wright Jamie Crowell Peggy Feldman TBD Emotional Support Central Office Team Thomas Rea Joyce Dzadovsky Amiee Tenerovich TBD Autistic Support, Life Skills Support, & Multiple Disabilities Support Programs Central Office Team Throughout the school year the team will support teachers with lesson planning, assessing student needs, instruction, developing standard-aligned IEP goals, progress monitoring, etc. Throughout the school year the team will support teachers with lesson planning, assessing student needs, instruction, developing standard-aligned IEP goals, progress monitoring, etc. Throughout the school year the team will support teachers with lesson planning, assessing student needs, instruction, developing standard-aligned IEP goals, progress monitoring, etc. PSE central office team is able to plan, co-teach, and debrief with teachers. They are able to work with individual teachers as well as school teams to deliver professional learning sessions based on observational data and teacher requests. PSE central office team is able to plan, co-teach, and debrief with teachers. They are able to work with individual teachers as well as school teams to deliver professional learning sessions based on observational data and teacher requests. PSE central office team is able to plan, co-teach, and debrief with teachers. They are able to work with individual teachers as well as school teams to deliver professional learning sessions based on observational data and teacher requests. Targeted Teacher Instructional Support at the Classroom Level: PSE Support Staff provides intensive support for teachers with unique challenges, which includes instructional coaching, consulting on IEP meetings, compliancy, etc. Support Team Proposed School(s) Rational for Selection Suggested Activities Member Schedule All Schools- Curriculum Support POA & Gifted IEP Support Amy Filipowski Teachers “Failing” or “Needs Improvement” Mindy Moody, Christina Wier, & Mindy Moody Teachers who need additional support at the classroom instructional level Allderdice, CAPA, Perry, SciTech, Westinghouse, SAC Amber Dean Teachers “Failing” or “Needs Improvement” or upon request UPrep, Carrick, Brashear, Obama, South Hills Nicole Seddon Teachers “Failing” or “Needs Improvement” or upon request As Needed Morrow, Fulton, Greenfield, Manchester, Montessori, Woolslair, Schiller Minadeo, Faison, Dilworth. Liberty, Linden. Lincoln, Miller, Weil Allegheny K-5 & 6-8, Arsenal K-5 & 6-8, Arlington K-8, King Vision Itinerants, Carmalt, Sterrett, Mifflin, Sunnyside, Tara McCrohan Teachers “Failing” or “Needs Improvement” or upon request As Needed Kellan Thompson Teachers “Failing” or “Needs Improvement” or upon request As Needed Amira Wolfson Teachers “Failing” or “Needs Improvement” or upon request As Needed Cynthia McKenzie Teachers “Failing” or “Needs Improvement” or upon request As Needed All K-5 and K-8 schools Once a semester formally and support As needed Instructional Coaching Support As needed As Needed Formally observe with pre and post conference, provide curriculum support, provide resources, co-teach. etc. Coaching cycle, review of student work and recommendations for instructional strategies and interventions Observe teachers, conference with teachers and provide feedback as well as resources Observe teachers, conference with teachers and provide feedback as well as resources Observe teachers, conference with teachers and provide feedback as well as resources Observe teachers, conference with teachers and provide feedback as well as resources Observe teachers, conference with teachers and provide feedback as well as resources Observe teachers, conference with teachers and provide feedback as well as 8 Professional Learning & Growth Plan PROGRAM FOR STUDENTS WITH EXCEPTIONALITIES (PSE) Support Team Member School(s) Colfax, Banksville, Beechwood, Concord, Grandview, Phillips, Roosevelt, Spring Hill Brookline, Classical, Langley, South Brook, West Liberty, Westwood, Whittier All Schools with CFY candidates, City Connections, Speech & Language, & Hearing All Schools Kim Zangrilli As Needed Teachers “Failing” or “Needs Improvement” or upon request As Needed TBD Kelly Papst Speech/ Language Clinical Fellows Minimum of 18 hours required Jamie Crowell Peggy Feldman Supporting Students who are Medically Fragile Proposed Schedule Teachers “Failing” or “Needs Improvement” or upon request Joyce Dzadovsky Amiee Tenerovich All Schools Rational for Selection Amy Filipowski Regina Wagner Teachers in need of additional support with student with autism at the classroom instructional level Teachers in need of additional support with behavior management Session will focus on how personal care assistants can successfully support medically fragile students 2/27/16 Oliver PD Suite 9-11 or 1-3 As Needed Suggested Activities resources Observe teachers, conference with teachers and provide feedback as well as resources Observe teachers, conference with teachers and provide feedback as well as resources Observe teachers, conference with teachers and provide feedback as well as resources Autistic Coaching Support As Needed Behavioral Coaching Support Personal Care Assistants Mandatory PSE Leadership Professional Learning Community Support: These sessions are for PSE Administrators and Support Staff which provide consistent, ongoing professional development for professional growth. Session Title/Focus Application Date What will participant learn? Week of June 8th What does the Common Core mean for Students with Disabilities? Week of June 15th Week of August 17th What are the ELA Standards and Instructional Shifts? How do we use the standards to develop standards-aligned IEP goals Developing standards-aligned IEP goals using standards, learning progressions, and present levels What are the Math Practices and Instructional Shifts? How do we use the standards to develop standards-aligned IEP goals What is the district curriculum and how do we use the curriculum as a planning tool? Danielson Rubric: How do we use our learning to observe and provide feedback to teachers? Shifting Instruction in the Classroom: How do the shifts show up in the classrooms? What are effective instructional strategies that assist students with disabilities in meeting the rigor of the Common Core Standards? Interventions: What is their purpose and what student needs do they meet? Leadership Week- Using an IEP as an Instructional Tool for Administrators Referral Process: What is the process and how do we support schools with referral process? Train- the-Trainer Professional Learning Week of August 24th Back to School PD Month of September 2015 Month of October 2015 Month of November Center for Leadership (CEL) coaching Support/ Instructional Rounds Week of June 22nd Week of June 29th Week of July 6th Week of July 13th Week of July 20th Week of July 27th Week of Aug 3rd Week of August 10th Supporting teachers with lesson planning Examining Student work: Student work protocol How will participant apply their learning? Participants will use the knowledge gained to support their work with teachers. Participants will use the knowledge gained to support their work with teachers. Participants will use the knowledge gained to support their work with teachers. Participants will use the knowledge gained to support their work with teachers. Participants will use the knowledge gained to support their work with teachers. Participants will use the knowledge gained to support their work with teachers. Participants will use the knowledge gained to support their work with teachers. Participants will use the knowledge gained to support their work with teachers. Participants will gain understanding of district initiatives and apply to their role in PSE. Participants will use the knowledge gained to support their work with teachers. Participants will use information and resources to train their PSE teachers. Participants will use information and resources to train their PSE teachers. Participants will use the knowledge gained to support their work with teachers. Participants will use the knowledge gained to support their work with teachers. Participants will use the knowledge gained to support their 9 Professional Learning & Growth Plan PROGRAM FOR STUDENTS WITH EXCEPTIONALITIES (PSE) Session Title/Focus Date 2015 Month of December 2015 Month of January 2016 Month of February 2016 Month of March 2016 Month of April 2016 Month of May 2016 Center for Leadership Yearlong Coaching and Professional Learning Application What will participant learn? Assessment Progress monitoring Train- the-Trainer Professional Learning Supporting PSE teachers with their role as a co-teacher in an inclusion setting PSSA Monitoring Examining Student work: Student work protocol- Are we progressing? Celebrate success stories within our schools for students with disabilities CEL will provide professional learning around RISE and other topics. CEL will conduct instructional rounds with PSE Program Officers to strengthen their skills in observations and coaching support for teachers. How will participant apply their learning? work with teachers. Participants will use the knowledge gained to support their work with teachers. Participants will use information and resources to train their PSE teachers. Participants will use the knowledge gained to support their work with teachers. NA Participants will use the knowledge gained to support their work with teachers. Participants will use the knowledge gained to support their work with teachers. Participants will apply learning to support teachers in the classroom through observations and coaching. Participants will use the RISE tool as guidance for teachers. PSE Support Structure: Team Member Donna Westbrooks-Martin Amy Filipowski Kelly Papst Thomas Rea Dr. Lillian Wright Crystal Evans Dr. Bryson Bresnahan Cynthia McKenzie Contact Information Name & Email Executive Director of Program for Students with Exceptionalities 412-529-3135 Director of CIAPD for PSE 412-600-8659 412-529-3149 Director of Speech, & Hearing 412-529-3164 Director of Low Incidence Disabilities 412-529-3162 Key Responsibilities Areas of Expertise and/or Specialty Oversees the operations of Program with Students with Exceptionalities Professional Learning, Special Ed Laws and Regulations, Instruction. Assessment, Curriculum, Data Analysis, Operations, School Services Supervision and management of Curriculum, Instruction, Assessment, and Professional Learning for PSE Department Supervision and coordination of Speech, Hearing, and Assistive Technology Curriculum, Instruction, Assessment, developing standard-aligned IEP goals, Interventions, Compass, Discovery Education, Data Analysis, Library Services, etc. Management of Low Incidence Program and ESY Low Incidence, Life Skills, Autistic Support, Multiple Disabilities, ESY, PASA Emotional Support Program Officer 412-529-3148 Management of Emotional Support Program Emotional Support Program Officer Transitions Facilitator 412-529-3143 Management of Transitions Services, SOS, CBVE, City Connections Transition Services Supervisor of School Psychologists 412-529-3146 Management of School Psychologists Psychological Evaluations, Staffing, Referral Process, etc. Supervisor of Visually Impaired Itinerants 412-529-3169 Management of Visually Impaired Itinerants Visual Impairment Speech, Language, and Hearing Impaired 10