Meeting Agenda - Bemidji State University

Meeting Agenda
Nursing Program
Meeting Group : Full faculty
Members Present: Barb Forest, Andrea Nelson , Deb Thorson, Julie Barnes, Ruth Landt, Kay Rodgers
Members Absent: Tami Lindel, Julie Beevor
Date/Time: Friday Aug 21 @10:00
Location: Rm 221
Purpose of Meeting: Routine monthly meeting/Fall start up
Minutes review from
April, 2015
Committee updatesfaculty assigned
ARC-9/4 is first meeting
SAP- Laurie B is co-chair this
year. Meeting today. Deb is
moving to this committee.
Curriculum- goals:
1. Improve utilization and
expense of external
assessment and learning
2. Curriculum change
implementation for PN and
AD program
3. Ongoing Accreditation work
4. Review the SEP and
update- Standard 6 ACEN
5. Strengthen AD program
processes to improve pass
Revised 5.7.2014 Faculty Committee
Force resources
Revised 5.7.2014 Faculty Committee
Ruth attended conference on
accreditation options available.
Concerned with successful
accreditation with ACEN
because of missing data on 6-9
mo graduate surveys and
annual employer surveys and
program pass rates. With data
we have available, we would
likely meet the CNEA standards.
Standards are similar-ACEN has
6, CNEA has 5 (but info from the
6th ACEN std is rolled into one
std with CNEA). ACEN has 50
critera, CNEA has 32 criteria.
You have to meet 100% of
criteria for ACEN. CNEA is
about 3 critical things: core
values, use of NLN framework,
& faculty credentialing
requirements. Application is 10
pages long. CNEA is less
proscriptive on total program
credits. CNEA less concerned
with financial issues ACEN looks
heavily at financial things.
CNEA looks more at the whole
picture, less at the details.
CNEA views it more as a quality
improvement process. They
both look at 3 years of data.
Pass rates are considered
differently- ACEN at or above
natl avg for 3 years, CNEA
averages pass rates and wants
80% for 3 years. CNEA will
accept focus work as input from
employers. ACEN requires MS
in nursing and CNEA will accept
MS in related field.
View Health Force website to
view information on
accreditation options. Many
resources available.
Faculty course
Julie Beevor- Lab and simulation
credits for support. Can’t start
until 9/8. Tracy & Sandy T will
assist in lab prep until Julie is
Andrea N Clinical II DE Sanford
Liz Engum & Tami Lindell both
doing Red Lake DE Clinical II
Allison Hanson, FNP doing DE
Adv Skills Lab 1cr
Judy Hanscom (retired from
Riverland in Austin.
Experienced in PN education).
Clinical partner with Laurie B on
PN Clinical I at Neilson and
Due by 9/15
Foundations campususe of Schoolcraft
Vision and hearing screening on
adolescents at Schoolcraft. Use
as a lab experience. Contract in
place. Would like to continue
this experience.
Installed at NTC private room
with Noelle. He can exude tears,
sweat, urine, wound drainage.
Has multiple parts- 2 suitcases
of accessories.
New one in BSU lab.
Training Oct. 5th & 6th at BSU.
Those who are trained, need to
mentor those who have not
been trained.
Student Nurses Assoc
Kay is going to be the faculty
Professional Dev.
Need to talk about professional
development to improve faculty
expertise for accreditation.
We need to develop a program
plan- specialty areas for psych,
maternal-child health, adulthealth.
Need to reduce copying and
printing. Use the copy center at
BSU for bigger jobs.
Need advising notes in student
folders. One Drive was
suggested as a place to store
advising records.
copying, etc.
Advising changes
Faculty Meeting Dates
for Fall semester
Revised 5.7.2014 Faculty Committee
Sept 21st 8-10
Oct.19th 8-10
Nov. 16 8-10
Dec 14th 9-12, 1-3 Course Evals
Barb and Laurie will be Clinical II DE
leads and work with Sandy and Kay
as Clinical II campus leads.
Sandy is mentor for Laurie
Ruth will find out who to contact to
clean up advising lists
Handbook Revisions
Revised 5.7.2014 Faculty Committee
1) Social Media Policy –
Changes per
recommendations of SAP-C
committee and MnSCU
attorney. It is very strict,
please review.
2) Appeals process was
updated again this spring to
include due process after
being heard by the Dean, if
the Dean denies the appeal,
students can appeal to the
Vice President of the School
of Nursing.
3) Sandy Thole – updated the
Bemidji School of Nursing
Organizational Chart
4) Math policy was added
5) Medical Clearance – a
simple sentence was added
(copy and pasted from the
BSU resource manual,
approved by MnSCU
attorney). The sentence
states: “The student’s
physical and emotional
health, conduct, values, and
attitudes must not threaten
the safety or welfare of self,
clients, students, and others
within the department and
affiliated agencies”.
medical/maternity/psych –
we just need to document
why they are not “safe” .
Further questions for general
1) ATI??? Was there going to
be a policy revision? PN did
a revision this spring
semester – it was not added
to the handbook as not
everyone adopted it. BSU
has a very generic policy for
their ATI – we could change
the wording to something
like what they have – it gives
instructors freedom with ATI,
yet a general idea of what to
expect for
students….Thoughts? I
included the BSU resource
manual for you to review it.
2) There is a whole section on
Test Proctoring, do we want
that changed to Remote
Proctor Now for everyone or
will this still be an option?
Sent updated ATI policy to Sandy T
and attached to minutes. Updated
language in handbook.
No, we still need to have the option
of using an “on site” proctor so
documents related to guidelines for
choosing a proctor should be loaded
in courses along with the newest
proctor form.
3) Progression Policy… See
the attached handbook, I
highlighted a few bullets that
I think need to be deleted or
revised wording. Please
check this out – and provide
feedback, progression is a
huge issue in SAPC and we
need to be able to back our
decisions on policies that
are firm and correct.
4) Simulation confidentiality –
we want all students to fill
out the attached form,
should we include it in the
handbook AND how will we
store this document? It is
cumbersome to add it to
taskstream, other
suggestions? Maybe the lab
coordinator files these in
one group file OR (easiest)
we have them complete and
dropbox in their Clinical
course in D2L.
ATI policy
ATI policy revised in PN, newly
revised spring and adopted in
AD. See attached. New policy
will be added to the handbook.
SJ shared that for Tutorial work
she assigned 1pt, for Practice
assts it was 2 pts, and Proctored
were 10% of total grades.
Discussed making learning
assessments only count as
bonus points and only count if
they are passing the course.
Personal To Dos
Revised 5.7.2014 Faculty Committee
Language was updated and
changes sent to Sandy T
No, include with all the other stuff
they sign at the beginning and
upload to Taskstream.
This language should be added to
syllabi if you are adopting that policy.
Future Issues Bin
ATI Proctored Assessment Grading Policy
Complete Practice Assessment A (2 pts)
Remediation (Active Learning)
• Everyone is required to complete Three hours of remediation as evidenced on
student ATI transcript (2 pts)
4 pts.
Proctored Assessment plus Focused Review
Level 3 = (4 pts.)
Level 2 = (3 pts.)
Level 1 = (2 pts.)
Below Level 1 = (1 pt.)
1 hour Focused Review
2 hour Focused Review
3 hour Focused Review
4 hour Focused Review
Practice Assessment B
Not Required
Practice Assessment B
Practice Assessment B
Practice Assessment B
2 pts.
2 pts.
2 pts.
2 pts.
10 points
9 points
8 points
7 points
STEP THREE (optional)
Practice Assessment B Retake (+ 1 additional point if reach 80% or above)
Dropbox ATI Transcript upon completion of all steps of the Proctored Assessment
Total Points = 11/10
Total Points = 10/10
Total Points = 9/10
Total Points = 8/10
Revised 5.7.2014 Faculty Committee