Pupil Premium Funding 2015-16

Pupil Premium Grant Expenditure – Report to Parents 2015-16
In 2011-12 the Government launched Pupil Premium Funding. This funding is allocated to schools to support children from low-income families
(previously known to be eligible for Free School Meals), and children who have been looked after continuously for more than six months (including those
children who are adopted or under a Special Guardianship Order).
The rate for the year is £1,320 per child for low-income families, and £1,900 for LAC/Adopted/SGO children and the funding depends on the number of
children currently known to be eligible for Pupil Premium Grant. Schools also receive £1,320 funding for families who were eligible to receive Free School
Meals within the last 6 years (known as Ever-6). A premium is also available for those children whose parents are currently serving in the armed forces,
or have been within the last 3 years. The current rate is £300.
Schools are free to spend the Pupil Premium as they see fit. However, we will be held accountable for how we have used the additional funding to
support pupils and how the children receiving this report are chosen. Schools are required to publish online information about how we have used the
Pupil Premium. This will ensure that parents and others are made fully aware of the attainment of pupils covered by the Premium and the extra support
they receive.
Overview of the School
Number of Pupils and Pupil Premium Grant Received
Total number of pupils on role (on Census day)
Total number of pupils eligible for Pupil Premium
Grant (including FSM in last 6 years)
Amount of Pupil Premium Received per pupil
£1,320 or £1,900
Total Pupil Premium Grant Received
Carry forward from last year (additional LAC
received in March)
Total Pupil Premium Funding
In 2015-16, Limpsfield C. E. Infant School has a total of £19,510 Pupil Premium Funding. Other funding may be added to this to ensure that we can
support all of the children identified for extra support. This money has been allocated to ensure that targeted children make sufficient academic progress
to meet nationally expected end of key stage levels or their own expected target if higher, as well as addressing the emotional and social well-being of
other pupils identified as needing extra support in this area.
The school plans to spend its Pupil Premium Funding in the following ways:
Pupil Premium Used For
(including amount)
Aims, intended outcomes and
To support pupils’ self-esteem, attitudes
to learning, sense of well-being and
enjoyment of school.
These children are referred to the
Learning Mentors by their class teacher
or by their families through the class
Children whose emotional or social
problems are creating barriers to their
emotional stability and therefore their
Tandridge Education
progress at school are targeted. Learning
Partnership support (including
Mentor support can be planned for one
clinical supervision of Learning
session or a series of sessions
Mentors, access to integrative child depending on the need of the child.
psychotherapist, access to
specialised support and subsidised
Allocated: £500
Learning Mentors
(Learning Support Assistants) Our
Learning Mentors have been
trained by Stuart Lane (integrative
child psychotherapist) to support
children with mild to moderate
emotional and social difficulties.
(continued activity)
Allocated: £5,600
The main aim of this intervention is to support children’s selfesteem, attitudes to learning and enjoyment of school.
The impact of this intervention is measured partly through a pre and
post intervention assessment of social and emotional skills in
addition to the observations of the staff involved with the child. The
academic progress of these children is also monitored as an
identified group to ensure that we are meeting their needs to enable
them to learn.
Contribution to Educational
Trips and Visits and funding
club activities and school milk
Allocated: £346
To enhance the curriculum and to give all
children the opportunity to experience
new and challenging activities.
To ensure children identified for support
can access school milk.
High Needs Learning Support
Allocated: £13,064
We have a number of children with high
levels of social and emotional needs who
are eligible for Pupil Premium funding
and also have significant Special Needs.
These children are supported through
individual, group and in class
interventions using our Assess, Plan, Do,
Review cycle to maximise achievement
and well-being.
Learning beyond the classroom has a significant impact on the
achievement and well-being of pupils. Ensuring that all children can
access these experiences ensures equality of opportunity for each
child to fulfil their potential.
Many of our children benefit from the access to school milk at
playtimes. Funding school milk for children identified for support
ensures they can access this benefit.
Our High Needs Learning Support Assistants are used to provide
extra support for these children to ensure that their social and
emotional needs are addressed so that they are ready to learn as
well as providing interventions to meet their learning needs.
This also supports all our children by fostering a positive learning
environment for everyone.
Total Funding: £19,510
Total Allocated: £19,510
If you think your child may be eligible to receive Pupil Premium Funding (due to your family circumstances), please contact the school office,
in confidence, to register. Alternatively you may speak to Mrs Baird for further information.