MAKERERE UNIVERSITY GOVERNANCE STRUCTURES 1.0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 COMPOSITION OF UNIVERSITY COUNCIL CURRENT REPRESENTATION IN COUNCIL No. PROPOSED CONCIL REPRESENTATION (AS SUBMITTED TO PARLIAMENT: A maximum of 11-17 people) N o. The Chairperson of the University Council The Vice-Chairperson of the University Council The Vice Chancellor of the Public University The Deputy Vice-Chancellors (Academic Affairs and Finance and Administration) A representative of a sector relevant to the University appointed by the relevant body in that sector One member of the District council elected by the District Council where the Public University is situated A member of the convocation elected by the convocation Two members of the University Senate elected by the Senate Two members of the University Senate elected by the Academic Staff Association of the Public University A senior member of Administrative staff elected by the Senior Administrative Staff A member of the National Union of Education Institutions; support staff elected by the branch of that University Two students of the University, one of whom shall be a woman appointed by the students union Three members appointed by the Minister from the public A representative of the Ministry responsible for finance 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 The Chairperson of the University Council The Vice-Chairperson of the University Council The Vice Chancellor of the Public University A representative of the Ministry responsible for finance at the level of Commissioner and above A member of the Convocation elected by the Convocation 1 One member of the University Senate elected by the Senate 1 1 One member of the Academic Staff Association, elected by the Academic Staff Association A senior member of the Administrative Staff elected by the Administrative Staff Association A member of National Union of education institutions: Support Staff elected by the branch in that University Two students of the University, one of whom shall be a woman appointed by the student’s union A representative of the District Council who should be a University Graduate 1 1 A representative of the Ministry responsible for Higher Education 1 A representative of the Ministry responsible for higher education at the level of a Commissioner and above A representative of the Ministry responsible for Public Service at the level of Commissioner and above One representative of persons with disabilities, who shall be a University Graduate elected by national organization of persons with disabilities A representative from the Private Sector with a proven interest in higher education 1|Page 2 2 1 1 2 3 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 COMMMENTS / RATIONALE / JUSTIFICATION 16 17 2.0 Two representatives of the constituent colleges, schools and institutes Two representatives of persons with disabilities, 2 TOTAL 25 A representative from the legal fraternity at the level of a judge elected by the Uganda Law Society 2 1 7 COMMITTEES OF COUNCIL CURRENT COMMITTEES OF COUNCIL PROPOSED COMMITTEES OF COUNCIL 1 Finance, Planning and Development Committee Finance, Establishment and Administration Committee 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Student Affairs and Disciplinary Committee Establishment and Administration Committee Staff Development Committee Appointments Board Estates and Works Committee Security Committee Information and Communications Technology Retirement Benefits Committee Health Services Committee Audit Committee Staff Tribunal In attendance: Office of the University Secretary Appointments Board Audit Committee Student Affairs and Disciplinary Committee Estates, Security, Infrastructure Committee 3.0 COMMMENTS / RATIONALE / JUSTIFICATION Merging 1, 3, 4,9, 10,12, 13 and 14 Merging 6, 7 and 8, MAKERERE UNIVERSITY SENATE No. PROPOSED REPRESENTATION IN SENATE IN LIGHT OF COLLEGE FORMATION No. 1 1 1 28 The Vice-Chancellor The Deputy Vice-Chancellors (AA) The Deputy Vice-Chancellor (FA) Principles of Colleges & Deans of Stand-alone Schools 1 1 1 10 CURRENT REPRESENTATION IN SENATE 1 2 3 4 1 The Vice-Chancellor The Deputy Vice-Chancellors (AA) The Deputy Vice-Chancellor(FA) Deans and Directors of Faculties or schools as may be established within the University; 2|Page COMMMENTS / RATIONALE / JUSTIFICATION 5 14 One representatives from each college 10 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 The University Librarian University Bursar Dean of Students University Secretary Director Dicts Director Planning and Development Director Quality Assurance Director Human Resources Director Research and Graduate Training Director Gender Mainstreaming Rep. Senior Administrative Staff 2 1 1 Rep Union Members One undergraduate students One post graduate students 1 2 2 17 Representatives of the affiliated and constituent colleges or schools, namely: the Principal; the Chairperson of the Academic Board; and a representative of the Academic staff; Principal, College of the College of Health Sciences Two Representatives from the College of Health sciences Principal, Makerere University Business School The University Librarian University Bursar Dean of Students University Secretary Director Human Resources Rep. Senior Administrative Staff Rep Union Members Two students of the University to be elected by the students in accordance with the Students Union Procedure; Rep. Undergraduate Students Rep. Graduate Students Three persons who are capable of contributing to the academic and social development of the University, appointed by the Minister from the public Government Appointee 3 2 18 Government Representative 1 19 A number of professors and associate professors of the University that the University Council determines, which includes at least one professor or associate professor from each faculty or school elected by the academic staff of the faculty or school; A number of the Non-Academic staff that the University Council determines, which is elected by the Non-Academic staff; 1 Two persons who are capable of contributing to the academic and social development of the University, appointed by the Minister from the public. Director Academi Affairs (Academic Registrar) Director MISR 6 7 8 8 9 10 11 12 12 13 14 15 16 20 1 1 External Representative of the legal fraternity In attendance: Office of the The Academic Registrar and Senate Division TOTAL 3|Page 64 40 One female, one male, from Humanities and Sciences Government Appointees: one woman, one woman. 4.0 COMMITEES OF SENATE CURRENT COMMITTEES OF SENATE No. PROPOSED COMMITTEES OF SENATE No. 1 1 1 Admissions Board (Committee?) Examinations Committee Academic Programmes and Library Committee 1 1 1 4 5 Admissions Board Examinations Committee Academic Programmes and Library Committee Quality Assurance Committee Board of Graduate Studies 1 1 6 7 8 Research and Publications Committee Gender Mainstreaming Committee Anti-Sexual Harassment Committee 1 1 1 8 Board of Graduate Studies (Committee?)/Board Research and Publications Committee/Board - 1 2 3 COMMMENTS / RATIONALE / JUSTIFICATION As a committee of Council and Senate 1 1 As a committee of Council and Senate 5 TOTAL 5.0 1 2 3 4 JOINT COMMITTEES OF COUNCIL AND SENATE CURRENT COMMITTEES OF SENATE AND COUNCIL No. PROPOSED COMMITTEES OF SENATE AND COUNCIL No. Honorary Awards Committee Statutes Committee Quality Assurance Committee - 1 1 1 Honorary Awards Committee Statutes Committee Quality Assurance Committee Gender Mainstreaming Committee 1 1 1 1 TOTAL 3 COMMMENTS / RATIONALE / JUSTIFICATION Combines the Senate Gender Mainstreaming Committee and AntiSexual Harassment Committee 4 Note: The composition of the Senate Committees and the Joint Committees of Senate and Council to be spelt out. 6.0 ADMINISTRATIVE UNITS OF MAKERERE UNIVERSITY CURRENT ADMINISTRATIVE UNITS 4|Page PROPOSED ADMINISTRATIVE UNITS COMMENT / RATIONALE/ JUSTIFICATION 1 2 Office of the Vice-Chancellor Public Relations Office Office of the Vice-Chancellor Directorate of Communication and Public Affairs Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor(s) a) Academic Affairs Management Team Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor(s) Academic Affairs: Library, DAR (Dir. Undergraduate Studies), Directorate of R&GT (R&GT), College Principals Finance & Administration: Office of the US, Directorate of Finance (Bursar), Estates, DHR, GMD, University Hospital, Counseling, PDU, Dean of Students, Quality Assurance, Directorate of Planning, Investments and Resource Mobilisation. Management Committee Departments & Directorates Department of Planning and Development Office of the University Secretary Office of the University Librarian Office of the University Bursar Directorate of Planning, Investments and Resource Mobilisation Office of the University Secretary Office of the University Librarian Department of Finance b) Finance & Administration 3 4 5 6 7 8 a) b) c) Department of the Academic Registrar Senate Division Under Graduate Admissions & Records Division Examinations & Transcripts Division d) Ceremonies & Certificates Division e) Information Systems Unit (ISU) ARIS Division f) Gender Mainstreaming Division Gender Mainstreaming Directorate 9 10 Department of the Dean of Students Estates and Works Department (EWD) Department of the Dean of Students Estates and Works Department (EWD) 5|Page Public Relations Office, International Office, Alumni Office Currently an Adhoc Committee that needs to be formalized (see 7 below) The mandate of the University Bursar is drawn from subsections 36 (1), (2) and (3) of the Universities and Tertiary Institutions Act, 2001. There is need to redesignate the title from University Bursar to Finance Director. Directorate of Academic Affairs Senate Division Under Graduate Admissions & Records Division Examinations, Transcripts, Certificates & Ceremonies Division For efficiency and effectiveness in the process management of examinations right up to graduation these two divisions need to be merged. The Information Systems Units needs to be elevated to a Division To be repositioned as the Gender Mainstreaming Directorate 11 12 7.0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 8.0 Directorate of Information Communications Technology DICTS) Directorate of Human Resources (DoHR) Directorate of Information Communications Technology Directorate of Human Resources MANAGEMENT TEAM: The management team is adhoc and is need for a decision on its formalization and institutionalization . CURRENT MANAGEMENT TEAM COMPOSITION PROPOSED MANAGEMENT TEAM COMPOSITION Vice Chancellor Deputy Vice Chancellor (AA) Deputy Vice Chancellor (FA) University Librarian Bursar University Secretary Director Planning Director Human Resource Dean of Students Academic Registrar Director Quality Assurance Director DICTS Director Investment Manager Estates and Works Department Vice Chancellor Deputy Vice Chancellor (AA) Deputy Vice Chancellor (FA) Principals of Colleges Deans of Stand-alone Schools PROPOSED ORGANISATIONAL STRUCTURE Note: To be compiled based on functions and not titles: 6|Page COMMMENTS / RATIONALE / JUSTIFICATION