K Unit 5 Make a Shape, Build a Block

Unit 5
Make a Shape, Build a Block
Investigation 1 (6 lessons)
K.CC.1 Count to 100 by ones and by tens.
K.CC.2 Count forward beginning from a given number within the known sequence (instead of having to begin at 1).
K.CC.4 Understand the relationship between numbers and quantities; connect counting to cardinality; connect counting to cardinality.
a.) When counting objects, say the number names in the standard order, pairing each object with one and only one number name and each
number name with one and only one object.
b.) Understand that the last number name said tells the number of objects counted. The number of objects is the same regardless of their
arrangement or the order in which they were counted.
c.) Understand that each successive number name refers to a quantity that is one larger.
K.G.1 Describe objects in the environment using names of shapes, and describe the relative positions of these objects using terms such as
above, below, beside, in front of, behind, and next to.
K.G.2 Correctly name shapes regardless of their orientations or overall size.
K.G.3 Identify shapes as two-dimensional (lying in a plane, "flat") or three-dimensional ("solid").
K.G.4 Analyze and compare two-and three-dimensional shapes, in different sizes and orientations, using informal language to
describe their similarities, differences, parts (e.g., number of sides and vertices/"corners") and other attributes (e.g., having sides
of equal length).
K.G.5 Model shapes in the world by building shapes from components (e.g., sticks and clay balls) and drawing shapes.
K.MD.3 Classify objects into given categories; count the numbers of objects in each category and sort the categories by count.
(Note: Limit category counts to be less than or equal to 10.)
Session 1.1
Shape Pictures
Attendance: How
Many Have
Session 1.2
Circles & Rectangles
Routine: Today’s
Question: Dog or Cat
1. Introduce
Math materials
1. Activity: Looking
2. Workshop:
at 2-D Shapes K.G.1
a. Exploring
2. Activity: Introduce
Pattern Blocks
Shape Pictures
b. Exploring
K.G.1, K.G.3,K.G.4
3. Activity: Making a
c. Exploring Clay
Shape (form.assess)
d. Making a
K.G.1, K.G.3,K.G.4
4. Discuss: Checking
In –Share ideas
3. Discuss: Circles
and Rectangles (Is
DP: Math Handbook this still a rectangle
Flip Chart p50
or circle? Discuss
attributes, but know
that it may take
some time.
K.G.2, K.G.1, K.G.3,K.G.4,
DP: Math Handbook
Flip Chart p55-56
Session 1.3
Triangles and Squares
Routine: Calendar –
How Many Days (since
Christmas or New
Year’s Day) K.CC.1,
1. Activity:
2. Workshop:
a. Above game
a. Exploring
Pattern Blocks
b. Exploring
c. Exploring Clay
d. Making a
Shape Picture
K.G.1 K.G.2 K.G.3,K.G.4, K.G.5
3. Discuss: Triangles
and Squares (Is this
still a rectangle or
circle? Probing)
DP: Math Handbook
Flip Chart p53-54
Session 1.4
Clay Shapes
Routine: Calendar –
How many days until
Valentine’s Day?
Session 1.5
Shapes on the
Routine: What If We
Start With …?
K.CC.1, K.CC.2
K.CC.1, K.CC.2, K.CC.4
1. Introduce Making
Clay Shapes
2. Making Clay
Shapes (form.assess.)
3. Discuss: Share Clay
1.Introduce Shapes
on the Geoboard
2. Introduce Pattern
Block Pictures
3. Math Workshop:
Making Shapes and
then Using them to
Make Pictures
a. Shapes on the
b. Pattern Block
c. Clay Shapes
d. Making a
Shape Picture
K.G.2 K.G.3, K.G.4, K.G.5
DP: Math Handbook
Flip Chart p52, 53-56
K.G.1 K.G.2 K.G.3,K.G.4,
DP: Math Handbook
Flip Chart p52, 53-57
Need M11-M19
Session 1.6
Our Book of Shapes
Routine: Today’s
Question – Do you
have an E in your
name? K.MD.3
Session 1.5 / 1.6
Workshop Pattern
Block Pictures:
Have students
describe relative
position. “I see
1.Read the Book of
that you put the
Shapes (Made from
orange square
Students Shape
beneath the green
3. Math Workshop:
triangle. What
Making Shapes,
would it look like if
Designs, and Pictures
you put a yellow
a. Shapes on the
hexagon beside
the orange
b. Pattern Block
square.” (K.G.1)
c. Clay Shapes
d. http://www.s
3. Discuss
strategies used,
K.G.1 K.G.2 K.G.3,K.G.4, K.G.5
DP: Math Handbook
Flip Chart p52, 53-57
Need M11-M19
Investigation 2 (6 lessons)
K.CC.1 Count to 100 by ones and by tens.
K.CC.4 Understand the relationship between numbers and quantities; connect counting to cardinality; connect counting to cardinality.
a.) When counting objects, say the number names in the standard order, pairing each object with one and only one number name and each
number name with one and only one object.
b.) Understand that the last number name said tells the number of objects counted. The number of objects is the same regardless of their
arrangement or the order in which they were counted.
c.) Understand that each successive number name refers to a quantity that is one larger.
K.CC.5 Count to answer “how many?” questions about as many as 20 things arranged in a line, a rectangular array, or a circle, or as many as 10
things in a scattered configuration; given a number from 1–20, count out that many objects
K.G.1 Describe objects in the environment using names of shapes, and describe the relative positions of these objects using terms such as
above, below, beside, in front of, behind, and next to.
K.G.3 Identify shapes as two-dimensional (lying in a plane, "flat") or three-dimensional ("solid").
K.G.4 Analyze and compare two-and three-dimensional shapes, in different sizes and orientations, using informal language to
describe their similarities, differences, parts (e.g., number of sides and vertices/"corners") and other attributes (e.g., having sides
of equal length).
K.G.5 Model shapes in the world by building shapes from components (e.g., sticks and clay balls) and drawing shapes.
K.G.6 Compose simple shapes to form larger shapes
K.MD.3 Classify objects into given categories; count the numbers of objects in each category and sort the categories by count.
(Note: Limit category counts to be less than or equal to 10.)
Session 2.1
Session 2.2
Session 2.3
Shape Mural
Pattern Block Puzzles
Fill the Hexagons
Routine: Calendar:
Routine: Wrap
Routine: Comparing
What’s Missing? K.C.4c Around Patterns: Use Groups K.CC.1, K.CC.4
1. Activity: Introduce terms eighth,
1. Activity: Introduce
The Shape Mural (cut ninth…K.CC.4a
Fill the Hexagons (M31)
out additional shapes 1. Activity:
K.G.3, K.G.4, K.G.6
to expand the sets)
Introducing Pattern
2. Play Fill the
Block Puzzles
2. Workshop: Making
(formatively assess:
Shapes and Pictures
Introduce Shapes
How do they think
a. Shape Mural
about filling the
b. Clay Shapes
space? Can they
c. Shapes on the
m/shapes_geometry_ describe attributes of
the pattern
d. Pattern block
blocks?Do they use
relationships among
e. Shapeville online
a. Pattern Blocks
shapes to place them
game K.G.2
in the hexagon?
b. Shapes
K.G.3, K.G.4, K.G..6
K.G.1, K.G.3,K.G 4,K.G. 5
Game: link above
c. Shape Mural
3. Discussion:
d. Shapes on a
Checking In Making a
Shape (form.assess)
e. Clay Shapes
K.G.1, K.G.3,K.G.4
3. Discuss: check in
4. Discuss: Checking
e. K.G.3,K.G.4,
In (Share ideas)
K.G.5, K.G.6
DP: Math Handbook
Flip Chart p50
DP: Math Handbook
Flip Chart p57-58
Session 2.4
Clay Shapes
Routine: Today’s
Questions: Are You
Wearing Buttons or
Snaps Today? K.MD.3
Session 2.5
Shapes on the
Routine: What If We
Start With …?
1. Introduce The
Counting Jar
1.Math Workshop:
Combining Shapes:
a. Counting Jar
b. Fill the Hexagons
c. Pattern Block
d. Shapes Geometry
Game or
Shapeville (Online
K.CC.1, k.CC.4a-c
2. Workshop:
Combing Shapes
a. Counting Jar
b. Fill the Hexagons
c. Pattern Block
d. Shapes Geometry
Game or
Shapeville (Online
– see sess 2.1/2.2)
e. Shape Mural
3. Discuss: Check in
K.CC.1, K.CC.4, K.CC.5,
K.G.3, K.G.4, K.G.6
DP: Math Handbook
Flip Chart p57
DP: Math WB44
K.CC.1, K.CC.2, K.CC.4
– see sess 2.1/2.2)
f. Shape Mural
2. Discuss: Shape
3. Math
K.CC.1 K.CC.4, K.CC.5
K.G.3,K.G.4, K.G.5, K.G.6
DP: Math Handbook
Flip Chart pg 50, 52
Session 2.6
Ways to Make a
1. Introduce: Patch
2. Workshop: Using
Shapes to Fill Outlines
a. Patch Tool
b. Counting Jar
c. Fill the Hexagons
d. Pattern Block
e. Any other
Geometry games
already introduced
Small group
task:K.G.6 (blackline
Note: To continue
work with K.G.2,
have students
continually using the
correct names of
Investigation 3 (8 lessons)
K.CC.1 Count to 100 by ones and by tens.
K.CC.4 Understand the relationship between numbers and quantities; connect counting to cardinality; connect counting to cardinality.
a.) When counting objects, say the number names in the standard order, pairing each object with one and only one number name and each
number name with one and only one object.
b.) Understand that the last number name said tells the number of objects counted. The number of objects is the same regardless of their
arrangement or the order in which they were counted.
c.) Understand that each successive number name refers to a quantity that is one larger.
K.CC.5 Count to answer “how many?” questions about as many as 20 things arranged in a line, a rectangular array, or a circle, or as many as 10
things in a scattered configuration; given a number from 1–20, count out that many objects
K.G.1 Describe objects in the environment using names of shapes, and describe the relative positions of these objects using terms such as
above, below, beside, in front of, behind, and next to.
K.G.3 Identify shapes as two-dimensional (lying in a plane, "flat") or three-dimensional ("solid").
K.G.4 Analyze and compare two-and three-dimensional shapes, in different sizes and orientations, using informal language to describe their
similarities, differences, parts (e.g., number of sides and vertices/"corners") and other attributes (e.g., having sides of equal length).
K.G.5 Model shapes in the world by building shapes from components (e.g., sticks and clay balls) and drawing shapes.
K.G.6 Compose simple shapes to form larger shapes
K.MD.3 Classify objects into given categories; count the numbers of objects in each category and sort the categories by count. (Note: Limit
category counts to be less than or equal to 10.)
Session 3.1
Make sure students
understand that
they’ve been focused
on 2 D shapes that they
can cut out of paper or
draw. Now they will be
focusing on 3D shapes
that are solid and can
be held in their hands.
Shape Hunt
Routine: Counting
forward and
backward K.CC.1,
1. Looking at 3-D
Shapes (Geoblocks
and poster needed)
2. Introduce Shape
Hunt –Think aloud
3. Activity: Shape
Hunt WB45-46
K.G1, K.G,3, K.G.4,
4. Discuss shapes
Session 3.2
A Close Look at
Routine: Today’s
Question: Would you
rather be an adult or
baby? K.MD.3 or
Number Talk with
Session 3.3
Copying Cubes and
Matching Faces
Routine: Mixed Up
DP Flip Chart 59-63
K.CC.1, K.CC.4a-c, K.CC.5
K.CC.1, K.CC.4a-c
K.CC.1, K.CC.4,
K.CC.5,K.G.1, K.G.3,
Session 3.5
Geoblock Match-Up
Routine: Counting
forward and back
K.CC.1, K.CC.4a-c, K.CC.5
1. Introduce Copying
Cubes (connecting
cubes) and Matching
1. Introduce Exploring Faces (geocubes)
Geoblocks (Again
2. Workshop
discuss the difference
a. copying cubes
between 2D/3D shapes)
b. matching faces
2. Workshop:
c. counting jar
Exploring 3D Shapes
d. shape hunt
a. Exploring
e. Interactive Web
b. Counting Jar
/kindergarten/relatec. Shape Hunt
d. Interactive web
http://www.ixl.com/math 3. Discuss: What
/kindergarten/relateShapes Did You Find?
Go back over poster
3. Discussion: A Close and label the shapes
Look at Geoblocks –
and discuss
Partners compare
geoblocks. Discuss
likenesses and
DP Flip Chart 60-64
K.CC.1, K.CC.4,
K.CC.5,K.G.3, K.G.4
Session 3.4
More Clay Shapes
Routine: Number Talk
1. Introduce Making
Clay Shapes
2. Workshop
a. copying cubes
b. matching faces
c. counting jar
d. clay shapes
e. Interactive Web
names of solid figures
3. Discuss: Find a
Match – Lay out the
10 geocubes and
have students look
for pairs that match.
DP Flip Chart review
K.CC.1, K.CC.4,
K.CC.5,K.G.5, K.G.3,
1. Introduce Geoblock
Match-Up M45-50
2. Workshop
a. Geoblock matchup
b. copying cubes
c. matching faces
d. counting jar
e. clay shapes
f. Interactive Web
names of solid figures
3. Discuss: Check-in
DP Flip Chart review
K.CC.1, K.CC.4, K.CC.5,
K.G.3, K.G.4
Session 3.6
Build a Block
Routine: Today’s
Question: Do You
Have a Younger Sister
Session 3.7
End of Unit
Routine: Days of the
K.CC.1, K.CC.4a-c, K.CC.5
1. Introduce Build a
1. Introduce Geoblock
Match-Up M45-50
2. Workshop
a. Build a block
b. Geoblock matchup
c. copying cubes
d. matching faces
e. clay shapes
f. Interactive Web
2. Workshop
a. End-of-Unit
Assessment M7-10
b. Build a block
c. Geoblock matchup
d. copying cubes
e. matching faces
f. clay shapes
g. Interactive Web
or any other game they
have used.
3. Discuss: Check-in
names of solid figures
Session 3.8
End of Unit Asses
Routine: Number Talk
1.Discuss Comparing
3D Shapes
workshops from
Session 3.7
3.Assess using K.G
Task 5
3. Discuss: Check-in
DP: WB 49, Flip Chart
K.G.3, K.G.4, K.G.6
DP: WB 50-51
K.G.2, K.G.3, K.G.4,
K.G.5, K.G.6
K.G.2, K.G.3, K.G.4,
K.G.5, K.G.6