INDEX Introduction Expectation of Students Student Visa Health

International Student Program
Guidelines for
Homestay Families
Expectation of Students
Student Visa
Health Care
Expectations of Homestays
Cultural Interaction
Homestay Arrangements - Fees
House Insurance
Discipline Policy for International Students
NT Department of Education
International Services Unit
GPO Box 4821
Homestay Coordinator:
Jan Johnston
Ph 8901 4902
Fax 8999 5788
CRICOS Provider No 00780M
Updated: September 2012
NT Government Schools
Northern Territory Government Schools offer tuition for students from overseas in selected
government schools. Placements in other Northern Territory Government Schools may be
negotiated for particular reasons. Students are prepared for tertiary entrance assessments
in Year 12. This qualification is accepted by all tertiary institutions in Australia and
overseas. An Intensive English Course is also available to students who need to improve
their English proficiency before undertaking senior secondary study. These courses are
offered at the selected schools.
International students are:
encouraged to study hard as many are interested in tertiary entrance
encouraged to take part in sporting and social activities as long as they do not take
away too much time from study
encouraged to socialise with other international students as well as new friends made
at school and through your family, friends and contacts
not encouraged to drive cars unless they have permission from parents and they have
a licence and abide by traffic laws
expected to attend school regularly and must inform the school if they are sick or
unable to attend for any reason. Visa conditions apply in relation to school attendance.
expected to keep you informed of their whereabouts and must notify the school of
holiday addresses and activities
International students studying in the Northern Territory are on a student visa. The
conditions of such a visa are that the student:
has the necessary academic requirements to enter the course; has sufficient English
competence to undertake the specified course
has passed a health check
CRICOS Provider No 00780M
Updated: September 2012
undertakes a full-time course approved for international students and offered on the
Commonwealth Registered of Institutions for Overseas Students (CRICOS) Register
remains at the Institution in which he/she commences study for at least six months
cannot undertake full-time employment but may work up to a maximum of 20 hours per
week while undertaking full time studies, however, the department would prefer
students not to work as it detracts from their studies.
leaves Australia on completion of the approved course of study or at the expiration of
the temporary entry permit, whichever is the earlier
is aware of the likely costs of the stay in Australia and has the financial capacity to
meet such costs
may continue to study in Australia only if his/her attendance is satisfactory and his/her
progress is judged by the institution as being satisfactory
International students must abide by the Northern Territory laws including the illegal use of
drugs, underage drinking of alcohol and those relating to driving.
Before a student visa is issued an Overseas Student Health Cover Fee is paid by the
student. This cover must be for the duration of the Student Visa. In general this provides
schedule fee cover for:
a doctor (including specialists) to treat the student in hospital, at home or at the
Doctor's surgery
pathology services such as blood tests
Students may choose any general practitioner.
When a service does not take place in a hospital, OSHC pays a percentage of the
government schedule fee for that service. The student pays the difference.
For medical services as an in-patient at a hospital, OSHC will pay 100% of the schedule
fee. In both situations, if the Doctor charges more than the schedule fee the student pays
the difference.
Once a student has entered Australia they must wish to apply for additional Overseas
Student Health Cover that will cover them for other medical services eg. Optical and
Dental services. In most cases there will not be a waiting period for this cover. If Doctors
charge more than the schedule fee then the student will need to pay the difference.
CRICOS Provider No 00780M
Updated: September 2012
It is important at the beginning to clarify with the student your responsibilities in terms of
the student's care and well being. All Homestay families will welcome students into their
family and in some cases will act as their guardian (only applicable to students under 18).
It is expected that you will negotiate acceptable home behaviour and rules in relation to
smoking, use of telephone, use of television after a student is placed in your home.
Likewise, students and their parents vary in their expectations of homestay families. If you
require clarification of expectations negotiate this with the student's parents through the
International Services Unit or Principal of the school where the student is enrolled.
If a student wishes to stay out overnight at a friend’s place, then the department’s
Information for Prospective Students package for international students states the
"students can only stay overnight away from the homestay family home if they have written
permission from their parents allowing this to happen or where there are special situations
where the homestay family know the people involved quite well and know that these
people will take responsibility for the student's safety".
It is understood that all residing family members over the age of 15 must have a Working
with Children Clearance card (the Ochre card), if the family wishes to homestay an
international student under the age of 18. The Working with Children information can be
found at or you can contact the Homestay
Coordinator and forward this information onto you. All Homestay family members will
need to complete the Volunteer (V) form, which is valid for 2 years. However, if you
already have this security clearance, please make it available to the Homestay
Coordinator or any other authority responsible for under18 year old students, when
It is best not to assume that your attitude to good manners, proper behaviour, morals,
family rules or school conduct is the same for everyone. International students often have
to re-learn a whole new way of behaving. They may do something that annoys you, yet
the same thing is perfectly acceptable in their own home. You can find out these
differences by asking them what they do in their own homes. You can then explain how
you have different expectations but don't let it appear to be criticism. It is important to
show respect for their way of doing things, especially if it is an accepted part of their
Personal habits may differ slightly between those of your family members and those of the
student. Your student may expect to take long showers, might use the telephone
CRICOS Provider No 00780M
Updated: September 2012
excessively and may be used to having frequent snacks. Their manners may be more
formal or not be as formal. These expectations need to be negotiated.
Take special note of language difficulties. For example your student may not understand
an explanation from you, so you may need to use a dictionary, diagrams or written
instructions. It is also good to remember that at times families need to be flexible in order
to treat the student as an individual.
A suitable board agreement based on the facilities and services available will be
negotiated by the International Services Unit.
Full board in a private room includes:
 meals (as agreed)
 use of families laundry facilities
 cleaning of student's room to be negotiated between homestay and student
 the use of electricity
 the use of facilities is to be negotiated with the household, for example, cooking
facilities, washing machine, use of iron, use of vacuum cleaner, viewing of television
with the family, use of telephone (students must pay for all calls)
 the provision of bed linen,
 the provision of a air-conditioned bedroom/or ceiling fan
 the provision of furniture for a bedroom is; bed including mattress, bed linen, wardrobe
(or storage for clothes), study desk, chair and a study lamp are the minimum
Initial Airport Pick up for
Free of Charge
Accommodation Fee
$AUD200 per week which includes two meals per day (except at
weekends and holidays) and your own room. However, families
may charge more depending on the services they provide.
$AUD180 non-air-conditioned room per week which includes two
meals per day (except at weekends and holidays) and your own
room. However, families may charge more depending on the
services they provide.
$AUD150 per week for room only. However, families may charge
more depending on the services they provide.
CRICOS Provider No 00780M
Updated: September 2012
Room Retention
AUD$30 per week – when you are absent from your homestay
accommodation during stand-down time. Homestay families can
ask for up to 50% of the weekly board if the student is away from
the homestay during school semester time (minimum – 1 week).
You are advised to check whether you have household contents insurance that covers
loss of property, injury and accidents to paying boarders. i.e. public liability provisions.
Homestay issues should be referred to the International Services, Homestay Coordinator
on 8901 4902 or the Manager of International Services on 8901 4905.
Disputes between Homestay families and students in relation to property damage, unpaid
rent or telephone bills are dealt with by the Homestay family and the student directly. The
Department has no obligation to make good any damage or pay bills.
CRICOS Provider No 00780M
Updated: September 2012
Appendix A
Secondary Schools
International students will be advised about appropriate work habits, attendance and
school rules during their orientation and kept informed of appropriate behaviour by school
coordinators and the International Student Program officers.
In general the procedures for international students will be the same as for local students
and in line with School Discipline policy. Different expectations for international students
since their parents are not living locally. Homestay parents may take responsibility for
counselling students initially. Students must comply with immigration requirements in
relation to attendance and behaviour to retain their student visa. School discipline for
international students therefore must be line in with the Education Act and Guidelines,
immigration requirements and the State/Territory and Commonwealth Code of Conduct for
international students.
International students who are concerned about any aspects of their schooling are invited
to discuss this with their teachers, school coordinators, the International Student officer or
the school Principal.
Students and staff in the Northern Territory schools must comply with Australian and state
laws and regulations. If a student breaks a NT law then the police will be called in to deal
with the matter along with the principal of the school. They will ensure the student's
parents are informed.
It is an offence in the Northern Territory to discriminate against anyone on the grounds of
gender, age, race, and disability. Harassment is not tolerated in schools in the Northern
Territory. Each school has guidelines on how harassment is dealt with and students who
feel harassed should advise their school coordinator, the school principal or the
International Student officer. All complaints will be dealt with according to department
guidelines, which protect the rights of those involved.
Each school has a Student Behaviour Management Policy. If a school rule has been
broken then usually the teacher would deal with this. If it is of a more serious nature an
interview with the year level coordinator or principal may be made. Discipline procedures
will be the same as for local students. International students will also be reminded of
immigration requirements for a student visa if appropriate.
If discipline procedures include suspension, parents in the home country and local
guardians will be contacted with an interpreter, if necessary, and the Manager International
Services will be kept informed by telephone on 08 8901 4905. If a student is suspended
the Department of Immigration will be informed and the parents will be kept informed in
writing during the process.
Disputes between Homestay Parents and Students in relation to property damage, unpaid
rent, telephone bills are dealt with by the Homestay and the Student directly. The
Department has no obligation to make good any damage or pay bills.