nicki - EDC448URI

Nicolette Conti
Diverse Text Set
For this diverse text set, I will be introducing the use of the verb gustar in Spanish. This verb can
be used in many ways and there is a certain way to use it correctly that a lot of students get
confused about. This verb means to like or to be pleasing to. The grade level learning this would
typically be a 8th or 9th grade Spanish or Spanish level one class. This is a verb that is taught as
one of the first verbs after the basic vocabulary.
A. Print Resources:
Text #1
Chao, Manu. "Me Gustas Tu." Http:// Web. 12
This is a poem in which there are several examples of how gustar is used correctly. I selected this
text because it is a text that they can read and make a pattern of how to use the verb correctly.
Some students may not understand a simple lecture and may find it easier to see it written in a
poem so they can visually see how to apply the verb. I would ask the students to pair up with one
or two people to try and translate some of the sentences using gustar in the poem.
Text #2
"Spanish Verb Conjugator." Chart. 123 Teach Me. 2011. Print.
This is a chart with all of the different tenses and conjugations of the verb gustar. I selected this
text because the most important thing to know when using the verb is how to correctly conjugate
the verb.. This chart also has the English translations for each tense so that the students know
what they are saying when they use it in different tenses. For this chart, I would most likely ask
the students to keep it as a reference if they are stumbled on which tense of the verb they want to
write or to refer to it if they are reading a tense of the verb that they do not understand.
Text #3
(2011, October 26). Spanish Lesson Beginner 24 The Spanish Verb”Gustar” (To Like) [Web log
post] Retrieved from
This is a blog post by a woman who blogs Spanish lessons. I read the lesson thoroughly and it is
very accurate and the way she explains the use of the verb is excellent. She not only has a video
on the blog but a couple pages written on how to use the verb, when to use the verb and many
examples and instances when the verb would be used. I chose this blog post because it puts the
lesson in someone else’s words. Sometimes children learn better by listening to other people and
seeing the examples and directions on the post would help them. I would print out her
instructions that she posted so that the students had a visual reference to look back on. The blog
explains in a couple sentences and paragraphs when it is appropriate to use the verb. This would
help them decide if they are using the verb correctly.
Text #4
Census data revisited. Retrieved February 29th ,2012 from Rocket Languages….resources
This is a text that again, displays some information about the verb gustar like when and how to
use it. However, I chose this text because not only does it show incorrect ways to use the verb, it
also shows a varielty of other verbs like the verb gustar. There are several other vocabulary
words that work in the same unique was as gustar. For example, the verb faltar. I would have the
students review the verbs similar to gustar and possibly include this in my lesson plan and future
test. It is important to know how these verbs work, gustar is one of the more popular irregular
verbs, however knowing the other verbs is important also.
Text #5
De La Vega, S.,& Salazar, C. (2006) Avanzando: Gramatica espanola y lectura (6th edition).
John Wiley and Sons
This is a grammar book that I used when I was in grade school. This book shows and explains in
a formal way how to use the verb. I chose this because the children need solid examples from a
reliable text book on the correct way to use the verb. This book has everything that I posted
above condensed in one book. I would assign the students to read and do some activities in this
text book before giving them the rest of the sources so that they would have a good foundation
before reading the other texts.
B. Media Resources
Text #1
MrLearnSpanish(September 20th 2011) Spanish Verb Gustar . Retrieved February 29th , 2012
This a little bit of a more challenging video that matches audio with pictures and written
sentences. The man reads the sentence on the screen and it is followed by a picture. The
sentences are a little more challenging than the ones in the above sources. I would give them this
video to view after they have reviewed the other sources. This is a good way to learn how the
verb is pronounced correctly and how to say a correct sentence. The audio is important because
the students need to hear how the word is spoken.
Hannelee17 (May 18th, 2009) Me Gustas Tu- Manu Chao. Retrieved February 29th, 2012 from
This is the song that matches the written poem that was my first printed source. This is the song
with the exact lyrics as the poem and the students can listen to the song and follow along on the
paper I gave them. On the poem, there are missing spaces in which I would have them listen and
try to fill in the blanks. This would help their listening comprehension which is critical in
learning Spanish. Singing will also help drill the concept of the verb into their heads better and it
is a fun way to learn the verb.
C. Online Interactive Resources
Census data revisited. Retrieved February 29th, 2012, from Learn Spanish Feel Good website,
This is an online multiple choice quiz that outlines the basics of the verb. I chose this because it
is easy enough that the students will be able to complete it and gain a better understanding of the
verb. I would have the students do this quiz after reading the text book and maybe viewing the
online blog post. This would be an indicator for me to see how well they understand how the
verb works.
Census data revisited. Retrieved February 29th,2012, from Spanish Proficiency Exercises
This is a website in which the students can go on and hear online audio of a native speaker using
the verb gustar. This would be the last activity I would have them do because of the difficulty
level. The native speakers speak fast and they would not be albe to understand the audio without
watching the previous videos and going over the previous texts. I think it is good for the students
to hear how a native speaker would use the verb.
D. Instructional Resources
Text #1
Census data revisited. Retrieved February 29th, 2012 , from Lesson Plan website,
This is a website for teachers that shows them how to teach the verb gustier. It has a variety of
ways including power points, flashcards, games and worksheets that give teachers ideas on how
to teach not only this verb but many other verbs. I would use this to get ideas for activities
In a lesson, I would be sure to include the videos and poems about the verb. It is important to me
that I target all types of learning including the visual learners and I believe that these sources will
help the students really learn the material. I will give them the charts, textbook pages and blog
explanations as a reference. Of coarse I will expect that they read them, however the charts I
want them to have to refer to if they are ever stumbled and to study the different tenses.
1. Students will be able to understand the meaning of the verb gustar and how to use it correctly
a. Students will be able to form sentences using the verb and translate it into english to show they
know the meaning of what they are writing
b. Students will be able to conjugate the verb in several different tenses and translate the
meaning of the verb in each tense
2. Students will be able to read a text and recognize the verb in the text. They will be able to
understand what they are reading.
a. Students will use the resources already given to them to read a full paragraph or complete
sentences and know exactly what it is that they are reading.