
Preparatory Academy at P.S. 71
Name: ________________________________________________________
6th Grade Science
Date: __________________________________________________________
Project: Science Fair!
Task: To “Cook Up” the BEST Science
Fair Project Possible!
Introduction: When you go to a restaurant, you can choose many items from a menu. You may choose to get a
dinner entrée or order a la carte, to create your own meal. For the science fair, you may do the same. Choose the
“entrée” (complete question) or the “a la carte” selection (a separate independent and dependent variable) that is
most interesting to you. In this restaurant, you are also the chef! You must develop and execute a science fair
project to research your question.
Science Project Menu
Do different types of soil hold different amounts of water?
Does water with salt boil faster than plain water?
Will adding bleach to the water of a plant reduce fungus growth?
What is the effect of exercise on memory?
What is the effect of a rotten apple on ripe apples around it?
Does the shape of a kite affect its flight?
Which type of metal is the best conductor of heat?
Does an ice cube melt faster in air or water?
Does sugar prolong the life of cut flowers?
Which liquid has the highest viscosity?
Does the color of light affect plant growth?
Does the color of water affect its evaporation?
Will water with salt evaporate faster than water without salt?
Which brand of diaper holds the most water?
Which kind of cleaner removes ink stains best?
What materials provide the best insulation?
What keeps things colder – plastic wrap or aluminum foil?
Does heart rate increase with increasing sound volume?
Does the size of a light bulb affect its energy use?
Which grows mold faster – moist bread or dry bread?
Does the color of a material affect its absorption of heat?
Does sound travel best through solids, liquids or gases?
Do sugar crystals grow faster in tap water or distilled water?
Does exercise affect heart rate?
What are the effects of chlorine on plant growth?
A la Carte:
What is the effect of
(independent variable)
(dependent variable)
Plant Projects:
Independent Variables:
Type of soil product
Temperature of water
Temperature of environment
Amount of space
Seed size
Amount of water
Type of water
Amount of sunlight
Seed depth
Dependent Variables
Height of plant
Number of leaves
Size (Area) of leaves
Time to germinate
Preparatory Academy @ P.S. 71
Name: ________________________________________________________________
6th Grade Science
Date: __________________________________________________________________
Science Fair Project Sign Up Sheet
Science projects may be done independently or in a group of students.
My group members are:
1. __________________________________________________________________________
2. __________________________________________________________________________
3. __________________________________________________________________________
My/Our research question is:
I am curious about this topic because:
I, __________________________________________________________, understand that it is MY responsibility to meet
with my group after school or on weekends to complete my project. I also understand I will not change
my group after we’ve started the project. I will adhere to the timeline provided by my science teacher.
Student Name: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________
Student Signature: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________
Parent Signature: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________
Recipe for Project Board
o You must buy a project board.
o You must not write directly on the board in pen, pencil or marker!
o You must write or type EVERYTHING, print it on white paper, attach it to colored paper, and
paste it onto the board.
o You may use whatever
font you like as long as it is readable!
o Make your font BIG!
o You MUST follow the format included below: it tells you where to glue which sections.
o You may write the title of your project in your own letters, but NOT directly on the board. Write
it on white or colored paper, cut it out, and glue it on.
o MESSY boards will receive a lower grade. You worked hard, so present it well!!!
o Every group must have a project board.
(3 Paragraphs)
(Step by Step)
Investigation Design
Include pictures/diagrams
By: Name
Description of Guidelines for Project Board
Title: Come up with a catchy, creative title that relates to your project.
Question: Clearly state the question that your science fair experiment answers.
Hypothesis: A possible solution or prediction (guess) to your question. Be sure to include a rational
based on prior knowledge/research.
Investigation Design: Include pictures/diagrams that show how you conducted your experiment.
Materials: A list of all the items/equipment used for the investigation.
Procedure: A step by step description of how your investigation was done.
Each step should be numbered. (You must have at least 3 trials!!)
Results: An explanation of your recorded data (observations) in words and including tables, charts,
pictures, graphs, or diagrams.
Conclusion: Answers your title/question based on the results.
Your conclusion should include 3 paragraphs:
 Accept (if it was correct) or reject (if it was incorrect) your hypothesis and explain why by giving a
summary of the results.
 Explain what you learned from this experiment.
 Explain how this experiment relates to the real world.