The Ancient Games - Your Life, Your Health, Your Olympics!

University of Arkansas at Fort Smith
Internship Lesson Plan Format
Instructor: Rhonda Melton
Date: April 3, 2012
Grade Level: 5th
Subject: Social Studies
Objectives: At the conclusion of this lesson, the students should be able to:
1. Create a map of Greece and recognize details of the ancient Olympics.
2. Determine how B.C. and A.D. designates the number of years.
3. Calculate the time span of the ancient Olympics
S.G.1.WG.9-Create maps, graphs, or charts to illustrate information about people, places, and the
environment using data collected from primary and secondary sources.
CC.5.OA.2- Write and interpret numerical expressions.
NC.SS.T (I)-Guide learners in constructing reasoned judgments about specific cultural responses
to persistent human issues.
I. Pre Assessment: Students will participate in a bell ringer activity, which includes writing a
few sentences, on a note card, describing what they know about the Olympics. The note cards
will be put in their toolboxes. (3 minutes)
II. Introduction (Anticipatory Set): I will show the students a picture of the ancient Olympics
and ask them what period they think it represents. I will explain that it is the time (2 minutes)
III. Instructional Components:
Explanation: I will explain to the class that we will be learning about the history of the
Olympics. I will explain that the Olympics started many years ago in Ancient Greece. I will then
show a brief video and ask the students to pay particular attention to the types of competitions
that were in the first games. They will write their responses, in their journal, during the film.
They will place their note cards in their toolboxes. (10 minutes)
Questioning/Discussion: I will ask the students, “How many of you have watched the
Olympics on television?”, “What do you think 776 B.C. and 393 A.D. stand for?”, and “Based
on what you know, what do you think about the “truce” that was mentioned in the video? (5
Anticipated Responses:
 Some students may say that they enjoy and watch the Olympics.
 Some may say they are not interested and never watch.
 There may be students who know that B.C and. A.D. stand for years but not sure
 Students may not understand the meaning of truce.
Guided Practice: A world atlas will be shown on the SMARTBoard and students will
participate in locating Greece. I will then explain to them that Olympia was not a town but a
sanctuary situated in a valley in Elis, in western Peloponnesus. (5 minutes)
Independent Practice: Students will be given the opportunity to create a map of Greece on
card stock, using the world atlas as a reference. The students will label Greece with a blue
marker and ancient Olympia with a red marker.
Group Practice: Students will pair groups of twos and discuss an event they would like to
participate in if they lived in Ancient Greece and why. I will also ask them to calculate the time
span between 776 B.C. and 393 A. D. (10 minutes)
 Gifted/Talented students will calculate the time span of the Ancient
Olympics and how many total games were held, remembering they were
held once every four years.
 Visually impaired students will be have preferential seating to observe the
 Student with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder will be asked to
help locate Greece on the SMARTBoard and pass out the handouts.
Assessment: Students will be formatively assessed throughout the lesson by observing
listening to their responses and observing their writings and maps that they created.
IV. Closure and Summary: Each student will stand and share their partners responses, to the
guided practice, with the class. After the students respond, I will ask the students to volunteer
and explain what they have learned today. I will discuss any unanswered questions and briefly
discuss that they will be learning about the modern Olympic games during the next lesson. (10
V. Alternate Lesson (Plan B): A globe will be used to locate Greece instead of the
SMARTBoard and the Ancient Olympics will be discussed instead of watching the video. (See
VI. Materials and Equipment:
 SMARTBoard
 Globe
 Markers (blue and red)
 Card Stock (for maps)
 Journals
 Note cards
 Pencils
 Picture of Ancient Greece
 Video website (
VII. Evaluation (reflective Analysis of the Lesson): To be completed after the implementation
of the lesson.