Incorrect Ex’s of Topic Sentences for Paragraph 1: Greek art is influential & inspiring to the world. Greece was known for its arts & architecture. Greece had Classical & Hellenistic art, which was important to artists today. How should it look? The artistic legacies of the Ancient Greeks continue to inspire modern day society. Ancient Greek sculpture & architecture prove the lasting legacy of their artistic achievements. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Incorrect Ex’s of Topic Sentences for Paragraph 2: Ancient Greece’s military was the strongest in the world at the time. Greece had one of the most powerful armies at the time. Greece was famous for its military strategies. How should it look? One of Ancient Greece’s most significant lasting legacies was their military achievements. The achievements of the Greek military not only indicate their military might but also led to a new cultural movement that still affects society today. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Incorrect Ex’s of Topic Sentences for Paragraph 3: Greece created a great government called democracy. Even today, many people consider Greece’s government to be great. Greece’s government is even marveled at nowadays. How should it look? One of Ancient Greece’s most significant legacies is the creation of the first democratic form of government. Ancient Greece’s democratic government continues to serve as a model for future governmental institutions today. The political achievements of Ancient Greece continue to inspire modern-day democracies.