The Ancient Olympics: Prizes

Greek Olympic Games
Some aspects of the modern Olympics
come from the ancient Greek Olympics,
but there are also a lot of differences
between the ancient and modern
Games. The ancient Olympics always
took place at Olympia, in the south of
Greece, every four years in August or
September. According to tradition they
were started in 776 B.C. and they
continued until A.D. 393. They were
held to honour the god Zeus, who had a
large sanctuary next to the stadium
where the competitions were held.
The Olympics were very popular and
important events. The Greeks even
measured their years by reference to
the Olympics! Thousands of people
came from all over Greece to compete
or watch. If there was a war, there was a
truce around the time of the Olympics to
allow all competitors to go. Most
spectators slept in the open or in tents.
There was no city at ancient Olympia,
just the sanctuary, and sporting venues.
The Ancient Olympics: Spectators
and Events
The games lasted for five days. In
addition to athletic events, there were
also religious ceremonies and banquets.
Only male citizens were allowed to
compete. All slaves, all women and men
who had committed certain crimes were
excluded. Women weren't even allowed
to watch, apart from a priestess of
Demeter and possibly also girls. For
some of the events, there were also
competitions for boys. There were far
fewer sports than in the modern
Olympics – the ancient Olympics only
consisted of the following:
foot-races of approximately 200, 400
and 4,000 metres
pentathlon (discus, long jump,
javelin, running and wrestling)
pankration (a combination of
wrestling and boxing in which
anything was allowed except biting
and gouging; kicking, strangling and
breaking fingers were all permitted)
a foot-race wearing armour
four-horse and single-horse chariot
All of the events except for the race
wearing armour and chariot races took
place in the nude. The fighting events
could be quite violent, and people
sometimes died.
The Ancient Olympics: Prizes
The prizes for winning competitions at
the Olympics were very simple – all a
winner got was a crown of wild olive
leaves. However, each polis was eager
to have one of its citizens win and so
would offer all kinds of additional prizes
to any of its citizens who won. These
might include front row seats at festivals
or even free meals for life. A winner also
had the right to erect a statue of himself
at Olympia. Poets might also be
commissioned to write a poem about the
winner. There were no second or third
Other Competitions
A separate competition, called the
Heraia, was held at Olympia in which
young women competed. There were
different age divisions, though the only
event was foot-racing. It was held every
four years, but in different years to the
Olympics. It was held to honour Hera,
Zeus' wife. Women did not compete
naked, but wore tunics coming down to
a little above the knee.
The Olympics was not the only big
athletics festival in Ancient Greece.
Similar games were also held at Delphi
in honour of Apollo, at Nemea in honour
of Zeus, and at Isthmia in honour of
Poseidon. They were timed so that
every year there was at least one
competition on.
The Modern Olympic Games
The Olympics were started again in
1896 by a French man named Pierre de
Coubertin. Although they continue some
of the ancient traditions, some things in
the modern Olympics have changed.
Today they are a truly international
event and both men and women can
compete. Just like the ancient Olympics,
the modern Olympics are very popular,
and people come from far away to see