Regional evapotranspiration estimates through a triangle method approach integrating MODIS and MSG-SEVIRI products: application over two Mediterranean sites Simona Consoli (1), Mario Minacapilli (2), Daniela Vanella (1), Giuseppe Ciraolo (3), Antonio Motisi (2) (1) University of Catania, Dipartimento di Agricoltura, Alimentazione e Ambiente (Di3A), Italy (2) University of Palermo, Dipartimento di Scienze Agrarie e Forestali (SAF), Italy (3) University of Palermo, Department of Civil, Environmental, Aerospace, Materials Engineering (DICAM), Italy Evapotranspiration (ET) plays an important role in numerous hydrological processes, especially those related to water resource management, agriculture, ecology and climate change. Along with the development of remote sensing technology, the estimation models of regional ET with remote sensing data have been mainly developed in last three decades, but there are several related problems that have not yet been solved properly (e.g., need of ground ancillary data, validation ET data at large scale over heterogeneous surfaces). In this study, spatially distributed estimates of regional ET were obtained using a new triangle method approach to parameterize the Priestley-Taylor coefficient (. This method does not depend on ancillary data, and it is only based on remotely sensed vegetation indexes (EVI) and diurnal-nighttime land surface temperature differences (LST). Furthermore, in the proposed approach, the available energy (Rn – G) term of Priestley-Taylor equation is remotely obtained combining freely available satellite time-series products provided by MODIS (i.e., EVI, albedo, LSTdiurnal, LSTnight, surface emissivity) and MGS-SEVIRI (i.e., short and long wave solar radiation) sensors. The reliability of the triangle method strictly depends on the identification of the dry and wet edges in the triangular feature space (LSTEVI). In our approach, these boundary conditions (i.e. wet and dry edges) were parameterized pixel by pixel both in time and space. Two test different areas (with olive and orange orchards as the main land cover features) located in the Mediterranean semi-arid conditions of Sicily, were selected for testing and validating the approach. Daily ET rates, estimated through the satellite-based proposed method, were validated versus directly measured fluxes of mass (ET) and net radiation (Rn), obtained by integrating energy balance methods with Eddy Covariance techniques during the observation period 2010-2012. The proposed approach allowed predictions of daily evapotranspiration with an acceptable level of accuracy for practical purposes and therefore it can be considered a simple and effective tool for an easy estimate of spatial and temporal changes of various hydrological key-variables related to water resource management, agriculture, ecology and climate change.