TERMS OF REFERENCE - Kenya Markets Trust

Livestock strategy and animal health consultancy
The Kenya Markets Trust
The Kenya Gatsby Trust (KGT) was founded in 1993 as one of four independent country
trusts set-up across Africa by the UK based Gatsby Charitable Foundation to support
enterprise development and wealth creation.
Since 2011 KGT has realigned its organizational mission to focus on transforming the
functioning of markets, and in doing so to make markets work better for the poor. This shift
in KGT’s organizational mission was in response to a growing understanding among
development partners around the importance of market “systems” as a transmission
mechanism for economic growth and poverty reduction. In support of this shift in
organizational focus, the Board of KGT also took the decision to change the name of KGT to
the Kenya Markets Trust (KMT). KMT’s new mission is embodied in its new motto: “better
markets, better lives.”
Together with its institutional partner, Adam Smith International (ASI), KMT is currently
leading a consortium of four partners in implementing a four to six year programme – the
Kenya Market Assistance Programme (MAP). MAP aims to improve the performance of
selected market systems in order to boost overall competitiveness whilst strengthening the
performance and position of poor people participating in markets whether as producers,
employees or consumers. The objective of MAP will be measured against three key
1. Major systemic change achieved within a “portfolio” of4 to 8 market systems,
resulting in the average proportion of the net attributable income change for
farmers and entrepreneurs (disaggregating men and women) increasing by 20% over
the life of the programme;
2. At least 200,000 poor people (as producers, employees, consumers etc) positively
affected at the end of MAP measured in terms of increasing incomes, new jobs
created and access to new and improved services;
3. A 30% increase in peer perceptions of partners’ effectiveness and in stakeholders’
awareness and understanding of the approach.
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Livestock strategy and animal health consultancy
KMT will achieve these outcomes by facilitating the realignment of the incentives,
capacities, relationships and rules which govern how markets work. In doing so, KMT and its
partners will also be looking to catalyze private sector innovation, and support the
emergence of more inclusive business models which deliver a better return to the poor.
Programme interventions are being implemented in the dairy, aquaculture, water Supply
chain, Input supply, seed and Livestock sectors...
The purpose of this assignment is to provide technical support to the livestock team in the
development and revision of the sector strategy through application of the Making Markets
Work for the Poor (M4P) approach in the pastoralist context in Kenya. In particular, the
consultant will provide technical input on the design of an animal health input delivery
system that bundles goods and services to reduce distribution costs in pastoralist and
ranching regions. The consultant will advise the KMT livestock team, private companies and
county governments on the business model and assure it complies with policy regulations.
The consultant will provide additional input to the livestock strategy as requested. He will
also work closely with the Kenya Livestock Marketing council in designing and implementing
their policy advocacy objectives.
[In consultation with KMT, the consultant shall provide 5-10 days/month, with additional days
agreed upon as needed to:
Provide technical input on the design of an animal health input delivery system that
bundles goods and services to reduce distribution costs in pastoralist and ranching
regions. He will also be required to give technical advice to the Livestock team,
private companies and the county government on the business model
implementation. Act as liaison to the county governments and provide the required
technical support in developing strategic plans to attract investors into the various
counties. He will work closely with KMTs Output 3 team and the livestock team.
Provide strategic support to KLMC under an agreed upon SOW on their policy
advocacy issues.
Be available for meetings related to the Livestock strategy when called upon to do so.
[Between February 2014 to December 2014 in the first instance, the consultant is expected
to produce deliverables related to the SOW above.
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Livestock strategy and animal health consultancy
[The consultant shall have the following skills and experiences:
 Northern Kenya livestock sector experience both first-hand and in a relevant
professional role with GoK, civil society and/or private sector entity.
Previous experience in applying market and value chain analysis; an interest in
adopting market systems thinking and working in partnership with others;
Have knowledge and experience in veterinary medicine and animal health inputs and
services in the Kenyan drylands. He should be familiar with the veterinary drugs,
supplementary feeds and other animal health inputs available in the Kenyan market.
He should have established networks in the supply chain of these inputs. That is, know the
companies that manufacture and distribute them. The consultant should be able to
advise private input and service providers and county governments on current
national policies in relation to veterinary service provision and disease control.
Foundational knowledge and experience in subjects including livestock and
pastoralist systems, vulnerability and resilience, and conflict mitigation
Ability to travel extensively in the region.
[The consultant will be integrated into the KMT portfolio team and may work out of the
KMT offices for specific assignments or particular days, as agreed upon.
The consultant will report to the Senior Portfolio Manager for Livestock and shall work in
partnership with external consultants and staff identified by KMT.
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