Year 6 Long Term Plan- 2014-2015 As readers and writers we will be learning about: As mathematicians we will be learning: As computer programmers and researchers we will be learning about: Computing Computing R.E. As theologists we will be studying: Science As scientists we will be investigating: Numeracy Literacy Year 6 Autumn Spring Summer Autumn 1 (7wks) Autumn 2 (6wks) Spring 1 (6wks) Spring 2 (5 wks) Summer 1 (6wks) Summer 2 (7wks) Non-Chronological reports linked to our Ancient Egypt topic. Newspaper reports. Narrative and classic poems ‘The Highway Man’. Greek Myths Discussion text with a focus on global warming. The dangers of smoking. Personal recounts with flash backs linked to our Egypt topic. Charles Dickens, and writing in his style. We will also learn this poem off by heart. As writers we will be writing a modern version of the Highway Man. We will convert our Greek myths into play scripts. We will perform one of our plays infront of the whole school. We will have a formal debate about Global Warming. We will also be explaining the causes of Global Warming We will also compare the written version with an animated version of the poem. Place value Counting, partitioning calculating. . Mental and written addition Mental and written subtraction Calculating Counting partitioning calculating measuring Understanding shape 2D and 3D Securing number facts understanding shape (2D and 3D) Place Value Securing number facts Securing number facts, calculating, identifying relationships. Counting partitioning calculating. Securing number facts, understanding shape 2D and 3D Securing number facts Sequences 2D and 3D shapes Handling data measures Calculating calculating, identifying relationships Co-ordinates Mental and written addition and subtraction Handling data understanding shape2D and 3D Place value decimals fractions time mental and written multiplication 2D and 3D shapes Mental and written calculation Calculating measuring understanding shape 2D and 3D Securing number facts calculating identifying relationships fractions. statistics, pie charts Fractions Percentages Ratio Proportion Geometry-angles Measurement area and volume Measurement-length, including perimeter and mass 2dshape Co-ordinates, Translation Reflection Measurement – temperature, mean Area Perimeter Volume of shapes calculating with fractions mental and written division, statistic - line graphs and pie charts. Light & Shadows; the eye Electricity: investigating circuits Classifications, including microorganisms Evolution and adaptation Life As A Journey Life As A Journey (Christmas) Life As A Journey (Hinduism) Life As A Journey (Easter) Multi media/sound effects/ Use digital research create a nonchronological report using 2simple software. Spread sheet We will also reading, writing and performing a RAP about the dangers of smoking. Measures Handling data measures We will be designing and making persuasive posters, and planning and recording an anti smoking advert. Digital research Retell the nativity story using animation, sound and various effects. Use movie maker App to create a short news report . Year 6 Long Term Plan 2014-2015 Digital research to create Greek God profiles Digital research Mental and written calcualtions Measurementmass volume capacity Calculating fractions Ratio Proportion Co-ordinates, translation and reflection Algebra and sequences Forces, including gravity Life As A Journey (Buddhism) E-mail school France Health and lifestyles including circulatory system Life As A Journey (The Church) Digital research Data Logging Programming Animation (Imovie App) Retell the story of the highwayman using a sequence of still images – add sound effectsmusic- Design, write and debug programs. As historians we will be: History As geographers we will be: Geography D.T. As designers we will be: Autumn 1 and 2 Learning about Ancient Egypt and Visit the Manchester Museum. Autumn 1 and 2 Exploring Egypt’s settlement patterns and its human and physical features Investigating the impact of the Aswan Damn on modern day Egypt map skills Constructing a 3D model of Ancient Egypt’s landscape to explain settlement patterns. As artist s we will be: Art Music As Musicians we will be: As athletes we will be: PE Learning about Ancient Greece Spring 1 and 2 Comparing Accrington and Athens and will follow the Acorn Trail in Accrington Designing Ancient Greek death masks. Studying the famous mask designer Jeff Semmerling Improving the mastery of techniques such as: drawing, painting and sculpture with varied materials. Using sketchbooks to collect, record, review, revisit and evaluate ideas. Designing and making clay shabties using slabs, coils, slips Using sketchbooks to collect, record, review, revisit and evaluate ideas. Design and make clay Greek pots- Using slabs, coils and slips Using research and criteria to develop products which are fit for purpose. Creating a time line of global disasters resulting from climate change and impact of global warming. Summer 1 and 2 Investigating Global warming and climate change, and the impact of humans on the environment. Planning, designing and making a savoury dish. Creating Junk monsters from school waste, and creating a class display We will also visit the recycling plant in Preston. Researching artist Paul Bonomini and discuss the message behind his sculpture the ‘WEEE MAN’ Designing our own sculptures in the style of the Wee Man to send a global message about the environment. Designing and making Ancient Greek masks. Controlling sounds through singing, playing and performing skills Creating and developing musical ideas and composing skills. Writing lyrics and performing a Rap song linked to our anti-smoking unit. Singing songs in unison and two parts, with clear diction, control of pitch, a sense of phrase and musical expression Responding and reviewing appraising skills. Performing with control and expression. Analysing and comparing sounds. Controlling sounds through singing, playing and performing skills. Singing songs in unison and two parts, with clear diction, control of pitch, a sense of phrase and musical expression As linguists we will be learning about: As good citizens we will be learning about: PSHE Investigating Crime and punishment. Researching and designing a sarcophagus. Drawing self portraits in the style of Pablo Picasso. MFL French Investigating British History and Changes in aspects of social history Swimming Swimming Creating and performing a short dance sequence linked to the Highway Man. Competing in a mini Olympics linked to our Ancient Greece topic. WHO LIKES CHOCOLATE? • Fair trade • Globalisation Inequalities • Hunger and poverty • Media and stereotyping MONEY MATTERS • Understanding finance and money • Shopping and budgeting • Risk and debt • Goal-setting and motivation GROWING UP • SRE: Differences; Growing up; Puberty & reproduction • Managing change Preparing for transition Wk 7- Prepositions Wk8- Numbers-180 Wk9- Alphabet Wk 10- Classroom instructions Wk11Clothes/adjectives Wk13- Numbers 1-100 Wk 14- Memorise a verse from a song Wk15 Revise adjectives from yr3/4/5 Wk16-Where they live Wk17Consolidation and development Wk18Revise money yr5 Wk19 Revise parts of the body Wk20 Repetition requests (Repete sit e plait; repetez s’il vous plait, Qu’est-ce que cest en Francais Wk 21Consolidation and development Creating and performing a short dance sequence linked to our Egypt Topic. PEOPLE AROUND US • Global citizenship • Different identities around the world • Challenging prejudice • Support networks – relationships and families Wk1- Ongoing-Classroom instructions-answering the register-saying the dateWk2-Revision Greetings/names/ages/co mmon classroom objects Wk3- Revision of how they feel and where they live Wk 4 revise numbers 1-60 Wk 5-Revise days of the week and Months of the year Wk6- Consolidation and development Wk12-Add two short verses to a poem Consolidation and development Year 6 Long Term Plan 2014-2015 Participating in Invasion Games and Netball SAY NO! Drugs Education: medicines and legal drugs • Drugs Education: illegal drugs and risktaking behaviour • Feeling safe WK22/23 Food and cafe Wk24/25 Time Wk26/27 Consolidation and development Swimming IT’S OUR WORLD • The wider community and local democracy • Rights and responsibilities • Environmental awareness and sustainability issues Wk28 Revise numbers 1100 Wk29 Write a letter to children in partner school in France. Wk 30/31 Topic on France Wk 32/33 Consolidation and development Themed weeks Trips Science or maths week Visit to Manchester Museum Visitors Year 6 Long Term Plan 2014-2015 Healthy Eating Acorn Trail in Accrington Wow Week Summer 1 or 2 Ramadan Awareness Week Life Education Van (Visit Recycling plant in Preston.) Visit to Rock and River outdoor Pursuits Activities Visitor From General Renewables