Latin Final: I. Grammar Review. Answer the following questions about Latin grammar. 1. Name the five cases of Latin nouns and give their uses. 2. Identify whether these third declension nouns are i-stems. If they are, circle the rule(s). I-stem? Parasyllabic? Double consonants? urbs, urbis. Y/N Y/N Y/N clamor, clamoris. Y/N Y/N Y/N miles, militis. Y/N Y/N Y/N collis, collis. Y/N Y/N Y/N pater, patris. Y/N Y/N Y/N 3. What do we call the second principle part of a verb? 4. How must adjectives agree with nouns? 5. Give three possible translations for “laudo.” 6. Where does the verb go in most Latin sentences? 7. In the sentence “Deus est bonus,” what case is “bonus” and why? 8. Name the tenses of the following verbs: superabam, pugnabit, das, fēcērunt. II. Declension Review. Decline the following nouns or adjectives and translate. You may abbreviate your translations. case: 1. adventus, , sing: translation: mors, case: sing: locus, case: sing: , , , translation: , , translation: (gen. sing., gender, meaning) pl: translation: (gen. sing., gender, meaning) pl: translation: (gen. sing., gender, meaning) pl: translation: alienus, case: , sing: translation: gravis, case: sing: , (f. sing., n. sing., meaning) pl: , translation: translation: (n. sing., meaning) pl: translation: III. Conjugation Review. Conjugate superō in the present, imperfect, and future tense and translate. Present: sing: 1st 2nd 3rd translation: pl. translation: Imperfect: sing: translation: pl. translation: 1st 2nd 3rd Future: sing: translation: pl. translation: 1st 2nd 3rd IV. Vocabulary Review. Give the dictionary entry for each Latin word. 1. cupidus 2. ponō 3. autem 4. oppugnō 5. metus 6. lēx 7. bellum 8. terra 9. corpus 10. vocō