TURRIFF & DISTRICT COMMUNITY COUNCIL MINUTE OF ORDINARY MEETING HELD 6TH JANUARY 2014, TURRIFF ACADEMY PRESENT: Ben Ewen (Chair), Dolina McKenzie (Vice), John Smith (Treasurer), Rose Logan (Secretary), Ronald Farquhar Munro, Annette Stephen and Darren Park. IN ATTENDANCE: Cllr A Duncan, Janice McIntosh, Richard Davidson (Police Scotland) and Jan Mackie (Press). APOLOGIES: Dennis Capel, Stephen Palmer, Cllr A Robertson and Cllr A Norrie. 1. WELCOME – Ben Ewen welcomed everyone to the meeting. 2. POLICE REPORT PC Davidson reported that there had been 16 crimes reported in Turriff. Detected - 2 Thefts, 4 Road traffic crimes, 2 House break-ins, 4 Assaults and 4 Misc. It has been reasonably quiet. On Friday the 14th December the police used drug trace equipment in licensed premises within Turriff. Positive traces of drugs were found within two premises. Christmas Light switch on – Sergeant Forsyth was unaware the street was closed on that night. The officers on duty that night were attending the house break-ins. They apologise for not having someone present, but would be happy to have officers present in the future if given notice. 3. ADOPTION OF MINUTES for 2 DECEMBER 2013 Proposed by John Smith Seconded by Darren Park To amend paragraph re Keith Newton. 4. MATTERS ARISING (December Minutes) 3.2 Millmoss Bridge Rose Logan has written about the planning gain, but she has not heard back. Robert McGregor is looking at this, but is changing jobs so this will slow progress. Action: RL 3.3 Municipal Building st The Building was open on 21 December. The Farmers Market didn’t come in, but there were various craft stalls. There is to be a Public meeting held with regards the building in Turriff Academy on 23 January. John Smith to confirm a meeting on 30 January with Councillors and officers. Action: JS 3.7 MOD Fuel Depot Rose did write to them, but no reply has been received. Action: RL 4-3.1 Metal Bridge Footpath John Smith said how this was fixed before Christmas. 7 a Waste/Glass Recycling Rose received suggestions for one to be placed in the grass area of Roseacre Crescent. Dolina suggested the doctor surgery overflow car park. Cllr Duncan suggested the car park in Sunnyhill Place. Ben Ewan said the wooded area on Banff Road and the car park next to Turriff Agri Parts. Annette Stephen suggested the Resource Centre. Rose Logan to forwards suggestions. Action: RL 7d Correspondence – Home coming. John Smith has not had time to look into funding, will follow up. Action:JS 8 Boating Pond An advert has been placed in The Advertiser to find someone to take on the running for the coming year. One person has shown interest. To follow this up. Action: RL To look into getting funding from the Common Good Fund to get new signs for the Boating Pond. Carole Crawford to forward form for John Smith to complete. Action: JS Sandy Miller to come and look at lock on shed later in month. 3.5 McKenzie Lane As the lane is private in terms of the Roads (Scotland) Act road traffic legislation does not apply to any vehicle being used or kept on them. Therefore we have no enforcement authority, nor do the council. A right of way is unhindered access to a route that links two public places, but that right does not appear to include driving along it. This is a generally a matter of civil law and not criminal law therefore we have no decision making input on what is or isn’t a right of way. It may not be "right", but it isn't necessarily "wrong" I'm afraid. 9 AOCB B) - Following the meeting the drain lid in the square was reported to the Roads department who were to investigate and take appropriate action. C) This was reported and advised on 6th Dec. The shelter outside the Municipal Building was to be cleaned ASAP D) For your information re bus stop top of Banff Road: Following a visit to this site the officer proposes a small 2 bay solar enclosed bus shelter, approximately 10m south of the current position. Moving the stop 10m south allows them to install an enclosed shelter giving better protection from road spray and the worst of the winter weather. It is proposed to do the necessary consultation with fellow ward members, community reps and affected frontages in the coming weeks. 5. TREASURERS REPORT John Smith produced his report and went through the accounts. General Account Xmas Light Switch on Fund Boating Pond Municipal Building Fund Total £1699.89 £1389.67 £2479.66 £2627.45 £8196.67 John Smith highlighted that £1196 was received in donations from the Christmas Light switch on night. Also that £2375.84 had been taken in from the Municipal Building being open on five occasions. Ben Ewen asked if there was funding available to renew some of the boats? John Smith to look and see if there is any. Action: JS 6. PLANNING Relevant Lists (December) A copy of the relevant lists was issued to all members. No issues were raised. 7. CORRESPONDENCE Rose Logan circulated all e-mails she has received. Scottish Consultation Onshore Renewables John Smith explained how the document was 46 pages long. It was an interesting document but would have been of more interest 5/6 years ago. It will only apply to new developments. John Smith to go through document and digest for other members. Action: JS FCCF Minutes There is still money available from the Area Committee Budget. John Smith to look into this. The next meeting is on 5 February in Meldrum at 7pm. Action: JS Scottish Rural Parliament John Smith was unsure of the purpose of this. We have already got a Parliament, a Local Authority and a Community Council. Why would we need another talking body. Volunteer Centre Survey John Smith did not see that this was relevant to the Community Council. 8. AOCB John Smith is still looking for a judge for Turriff Gardening Competition. He is hoping to have one before the next meeting. This is held on 22 July 2014. Action: JS The hedge on Chisolm Lane needs to be trimmed as cars are being scratched. Cllr Duncan to follow up. Action: Cllr D On the High Street the lines and disabled markings are becoming faint. Line painting is normally done in dry weather. The man hole in front of the Municipal Building is slack. Cllr Norrie had contacted the council about the man hole in the square, but it is still slack. Action: Cllr N The drains within Turriff require cleaning out. Seem to be rarely done now. Date of Next Official Meeting – Monday 3 February 2014 at 7p.m. Turriff Academy