AN ANALYSIS OF STUDENTS’ DIFFICULTIES IN SPELLING ALPHABETS AT SALIMA KINDERGARTEN CIMAHI Ika Juniarti Pertiwi (09220056) English Education Study Program Language and Arts Department Sekolah Tinggi Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan (STKIP) Siliwangi Bandung ABSTRACT The objectives of this research entitled “An Analysis Of Difficulties In Spelling Alphabets at Salima Kindergarten Cimahi” were to find out the causes of students difficulties in spelling alphabets and to find out which letters of the alphabets are difficult to be spelled by students. In this research the writer used descriptive qualitative method. The site in this research conducted in group B at Salima Kindergarten Cimahi that consists of twenty students. Techniques data analysis of this research was used observation by giving a correct spelling of the alphabets, then the students followed the correct spelling as well, and asked them to spell the alphabets from A to Z one by one without help. When analyzing the data, coding consistently was given to make it easier occurance findings. After the data was collected, interview for this research were compiled through giving a questions for classroom teacher. The results of the analysis shows that: 1) analysis of students difficulties in spelling alphabets performed on group B consists of 20 students and only 10 students who have difficulties in speling the alphabets: 2) from 26 letters of the alphabets, only 13 letters are still difficult to be spelled by students, there are: A, C, E, G, H. J, K, Q, R, S, T, W, Y: 3) the difficulties caused by the students pronunciation of English still unfamiliar and the different characteristics of the students. This research suggests that young leraners have different characters, they can be separated with the play while learning. They can not be equated with adults. Teaching spelling the alphabets for young learners need patience and accuracy. Key Words: analysis of difficulties, and spelling alphabet. Children find the difficulties because not familiar with the pronunciaton of English. Spelling alphabets in early childhood is very different from adults. Teaching young learners need patience especially in spelling alphabets they are often difficulties. Because of the characteristics of the children are very different, the difficulties of spelling alphabets always be found, in the family were not introduced to English language. In otherwise they usually get bored quickly and if look something interesting they concentration always quickly fall apart. Therefore needed a way of dynamic and careful teaching, means follow the movement of young learners. It is all because the characters of young learners are different. One child will not be the same as other child. At the beginning of the alphabetic stage, children start to spell words out letter by letter, even though at the same time they are still reading words in non alphabetic ways, particularly by recognizing words as unanalysed whole. Only letter on during the A. BACKGROUND Preparatory reading is in kindergarten, although the stages that are taught to children are still in the stage of pre-reading. But it is necessary for the preparation enter to primary school. Preparatory reading usually done is spelling. Often found some of the difficulties faced by students’ in spelling alphabets. The cause of spelling difficulties is alphabets pronunciation, because characteristics of young learners are very different. Most bored quickly, and the other do not and high curiosity. Besides that, difficulties comes because they are not accustomed to speak a foreign language. The sound of the letter A in the Indonesian language, and the sound of the letter A in the English language is different pronunciation. It is usually the cause of spelling difficulties on young learners. In addition, the difficultues also due hardship English is rarely used in their families, because the child’s parents are also still largely unfamiliar with the English language. Could be because it used to. 1 alphabetic stage do they extend their knowledge of alphabetic correspondences between letters and sounds to help them to read the words as well (Wiley & Sons, 2009). Students’ begin to study at kindergarten with different experiences, and learn in a variety of ways and different rates. Considering these factors, and the importance of teacher discretion, the following suggested indicators may be use to assess students’ achievement for each corresponding prescribed learning outcome. By the end of kindergarten, students’ who have fully met the prescribed learning outcome are able to spell some short, familiar words conventionally (Kindergarten Curriculum Package, 2010:15). English is that spelling. According to Butler (et al. 1973:333) spelling is an important aspect of written communication and one of important process in learning English. Spelling refers to the proper way to write a word, using the correct order of letters, an example: spelling the words “cat” as “C” “A” “T”, spelling is when actually say or write the letters of the word “cat”. According to Willis (2001:68) English spelling is difficult. Children need to learn how to recognize sounds and letters. It is better not to teach the names of letters when starting to teach reading, as of course some of the letters of the English alphabet no longer match the actual sounds of the language. When you use phonics, you are teaching children the way the letter sounds, not the name of letter. Another way to help children with sounds is let them play with the sounds as they repeat a word they are reading on a card or in their book, e.g.singing it or saying ot loudly or quickly or slowly, or whispering. This playing with words obviously helps pronunciation but it also helps children remember the words. B. LITERATURE REVIEW The Nature of Teaching For Young Learners Preschool education refers to the education of children prior to the first grade. As stated in Permendiknas RI ( No.58 Tahun 2009) Undang Undang Nomor 20 Tahun 2003 tentang Sistem Pendidikan Nasional Pasal 1 angka 14 menyatakan bahwa Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini (PAUD) adalah suatu upaya pembinaan yang ditujukan melalui pemberian rangsangan pendidikan untuk membantu pertumbuhan dan perkembangan jasmani dan rohani agar anak memiliki kesiapan dalam memasuki pendidikan lebih lanjut. The law number 20 of 2003 on national education system Article 1 number 14 stated that early childhood education is an effort aimed at the development of children from birth to the age of six which is done through the provision of educational stimulation to assist the growth and development of mind and body so that children have the readiness to enter further education. According to Willis (2001:4) children like as a learners are developing quickly as individuals, learn in variety of ways, are not able to understand grammatical rules and explanations about language, try to make sense of situations by making use of non verbal clues, talk in their mother tongue about what they understand and do this helps them learn, can generally imitate the sounds they hear quite, accurately and copy the way adults speak, are naturally curious, love to play and use their imagination, are comfortable with routines and enjoy repetition, have quite a short attention span and so need variety. The Nature of Alphabet Teach young children simple and fun way to learn about the alphabet, as it is written in the A Child’s First Dictionary (2007:7) the alphabet is the 26 letters that you use to write words. The alphabet starts with the letter a and ends with z. Teachers can help students’ write the alphabet by coloring or playing games together. This activity is very important because it is capital for children to reading and writing. Sometimes there is a lot of difficulties when we teach students’ to know the letters of alphabets. But with the step of fun things to teach alphabet, will help students’ understand of alphabet ( The alphabet may be memorized chorally in recitation or by song. A common problem is that students’ who know the letters in sequence often have difficulty thinking of the name of the letter when it is presented in isolation (Allen, 1975:71) C. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 1. Research Method To know how effective this analysis, the research use qualitative method. In the qualitative research, the data must not wait and let data accumulate, and then analyze. If so, will have difficulty in handling the data. The less data, the easier it is to handle. Benefits of this strategy is that each stage of data collection is driven by a clear focus, therefore The Nature of Spelling Difficulties English is the first foreign language for Indonesia to study formally at schools. In the process of learning English, there are so many problems that should be faced by the students’. One of the major problems in 2 a) Researcher View The Students’ Difficulties In Spelling Alphabets Interview with classroom teacher indicated that difficulties in spelling alphabets is in the pronunciation. Many students’ are not fluent. But the sound is still vague, and the pronunciation is wrong, example that Q should be read kyu to be ki. In one day, students’ has not been able to spell the alphabets with the correct pronunciation. In this study, the writer analyze the letters of the alphabets are difficult to spell by students’. Based on the results of the interview is an assessment of teacher to students’ in spelling alphabets due to different characteristics of students’. There is some students’ with concentration awake and not quickly dispersed, and some students’ who do not want to still stay so the concentration is quickly dispersed. observations and next interviews became more focused, narrow, and dipped in (Alwasilah, 2002:113). 2. Site and Subject The site of this research conducted in Salima Kindergarten Cimahi. Especially for students on group B, consists of 20 students. 3. Research Data Analysis Techniques Data was collected and organized based on appropriate code. Part of data was also omitted if it was having relationship with data needed. The specific techniques are : a) Observation One of the purpose of conducting this research was to find out the difficulties in spelling alphabets in the English classroom activities at Salima Kindergarten Cimahi. For gaining this data, direct observation was used. When analyzing the field notes should be given the code consistently to help in some ways, the easy identification, and make it easier occurance findings, in this case finding the difficulties in spelling alphabets at Salima Kindergarten Cimahi. b) Kind of Students’ Difficulties In Spelling Alphabets From students’ consists of 20, only 10 students’ were still difficulties in spelling alphabets. In the table below is a description from result of observation about letters of the alphabets that are difficult to spell by students’, as a follow: b) Interview Interview was used as the follow up way to collect the data after conducting observations. Since it is not simply a matter of using questions and answers to elicit information that the researcher goes to analyze, but a data collection method that offers different ways of exploring people’s experience and views (Croker, 2009:183). The use of interview proved useful as it allows the researcher to elicit informants’ feelings, experiences, thought, or how they interpret the world. The researcher interviewed the class teacher and ask the questions about the respect of students’ to learning basic English, especially the letters of the alphabets, and ask the questions about students’ dificulties in spelling alphabets at Salima Kindergarten Cimahi. Researcher applied the five important steps in the interview to find out the difficulties in spelling alphabets as follows: determine who interviewed, prepare materials interviews, preliminary steps, set the duration of the interview and still productive, finish the interview. 4. Research Procedure The research steps are identifying study problem, determining study title, determining study site and subject, developing study instrument, collecting study data, analyzing study data, drawing study conclusions and suggestions. TABLE 1 Data Analysis of Spelling Alphabets Alphabet Difficulties No Difficulties Letters Standard Total Pronunciation Aa [ei] Bb [bi:] Cc [si:] Dd [di:] Ee [i:] Ff [ef] Gg[dʒi:] Hh [eitʃ] Ii [ai] Jj[dʒei] Kk [kei] Ll [el] Mm [em] Nn [en] Oo [o] Pp [pi:] Qq [kiu:] Rr [a:/ar] Ss [es] Tt [ti:] Uu [ju:] Vv [vi:] Ww [‘dʌəlju:] Xx [eks] D. FINDINGS AND DISCUSSIONS 3 [ai] 1 [ce] 1 [eit], [e] 2 [je], [jei] [ut], [ec], [ait] 2 3 [ji] [kay], [keit], [ka] 1 3 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ [ki] [er], [ay] [yes], [ays] [te] 1 2 2 1 √ √ [‘bʌəlju:] 1 √ Yy [wai] Zz [zed/zi:] [ai], [yey] √ TABLE 2 Category of Difficulties Alpha Difficulty Causes bet Letter s Less Less Sh Hesit Concentr Famil y ant ation iar Aa [ ei ] Cc [ si: ] Ee [ i: ] Gg[dʒ i:] Hh [eitʃ] Jj[dʒe i] Kk [ kei ] Qq [ kiu:] Rr [ a:ar ] Ss [ es ] Tt [ ti: ] Ww [‘dʌəl ju:] Yy [ wai ] the students’ can follow it well, but when they spell it without teachers help, the difficulties starts. 2 √ √ E.CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS Based on the results of field research and data analysis through a discussions and findings, writer found several conclusions as follows: 1) analysis of students’ difficulties in spelling alphabets performed on group B consists of 20 students’ and only 10 students’ who have difficulty in spelling the alphabets. 2) from the 26 letter of the alphabets, only 13 letters are still difficult to spelled by students’, the difficulties caused by the students’ pronunciation of English still unfamiliar and the different characteristics of the students’. Seen from the conduct of research findings and conclusions, the writer propose some suggestions as follows: 1) young learners have different characters, one child to another child are very different, they can not be separated with the play while learning. Spelling the alphabets should be done with interspersed games, 2) young learners can not be equated with adults, in giving the lessons teacher must to understand the characters of childrens. 3) make the learning environment more attractive, teachers make alphabets letters with colorful, or make the media of alphabets such as cards or picture series. This make the childrens interested and not get bored quickly. Quic kly Bore d √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ Based on the data in the table, it can be concluded that not all alphabet letters difficult to spelled by students’. From the 26 letters of the alphabets is only 13 letters difficult to spelled by students’, there are A, C, E, G, H, J, K, Q, R, S, T, W, Y. If viewed in general, the difficulties caused by the students’ pronunciation of English still unfamiliar. In addition, the different characteristics of the students’ is cause of difficulties. Students’ who maintained concentration and not get bored so fast, more quickly capture what teacher teach about spelling alphabets. Conversely, students’ who get bored and not concentrate, they have difficulties in spelling alphabets. Even when the teacher gave an example 4 BIBLIOGRAPHY Alwasilah, Chaedar (2002). Pokoknya Kualitatif. Jakarta: PT. Dunia Pustaka Jaya Bloggerized (2011). Cara Mengajari Anak mengenal Abjad Alfabet. Bincang Anak [Online]. Available at: 4/cara-mengajari-anak-mengenalabjad.html [June 30, 2013] Bruce Ernest Butler (1973). Geomorphology – Riverine Plain. Canberra: Australian National University Press Croker, Robert A., Heigham. Juanita. (2009). Qualitative Research in Applied Linguistics. New York: Palgrave Macmillan Educational Technologies (2007). 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