classroom news for the month of may

Message from the Director: The month of May is always a bitter-sweet time of year
for me. I am so proud of all the students for their growth over the past 9months but I
will miss the students who will go on to Kindergarten in the fall. It’s amazing how
quickly I become attached to them. I want to praise the teaching staff for their
dedication to your children and for providing them a high quality curriculum and
preschool experience, despite the budget challenges of this school year. They truly
have a love for what they are doing and it shows in their daily interactions with you
and the children! As your family moves on to the public or other schools, I hope you’ll
remember us with fondness and continue to support us at our annual Holiday bazaar.
If your family is returning in the fall, which many of you are, I hope you’ll have a fun
and safe summer vacation with your families and I look forward to seeing you all again
in September.
Sandy Leacu
GUARD/SUNSCREEN SALE May 1st through May10th. Prices vary from $5
for travel size or 2 for $15 for larger size. Cash and carry or place an order with
Sandy during drop off and pick up times. Nancy Phipps will give the nursery
school 20% of the proceeds.
Thank you Notes:
We would like to thank everyone who supported our spring fundraiser with the
purchase of bulbs, seeds and home goods. We made $655.60 from the proceeds!
We also would like to thank all the families who made a flat donation to our
school in lieu of the spring fundraiser. We made $200 from that! We appreciate
your continued generosity!
The teachers would like to express their gratitude for your ongoing purchases
off their classroom wish lists.
Mixed age MWF class news:
 Wednesday, May 8th: visit from the Honey Bee Lady
 Monday, May 13th: popsicle day
 Wednesday, May 15th: Fire fighter Bonnie brings the fire truck to school
 Friday, May 17th: Beach day: wear you bathing suit (over your clothes) to
school and bring a beach towel.
 Monday, May 20th (rain date: 5/22): Outdoor fun day.
 Friday, May 24th: wear red, white and blue
 Wednesday, May 29th: Year-end program 10:15am (invitations will be sent
out with more specific information; families invited. We will also
celebrate any summer birthdays this day.
 Friday, May 31st: our last day of classes.
MTWTH 4 Day class news:
 Wednesday, May 8th: visit from the Honey Bee Lady
 Monday, May 13th: popsicle day
 Wednesday, May 15th: Fire Fighter Bonnie visits with the fire truck
 Thursday, May 16th: Summer fun day: wear summer clothes (beach hats,
sunglasses, flip flops etc. and bring a beach towel)….
 Wednesday, May 20th: (rain date: 5/22) Outdoor field day
 Thursday, May 23rd: wear red, white and blue
 Wednesday, May 29th: Year-end program with morning class at 10:15.
Invitations will go out with more specific information.
 Thursday, May 30th: last day of classes. We will celebrate summer
birthdays this day.
Tuesday, Thursday Friends class news:
 Thursday, 5/16: visit from fire fighter Bonnie with the fire truck
 Tuesday, 5/21: Outdoor fun day
 Thursday, 5/23: Wear red, white and blue
 Tuesday, 5/28: popsicle day and we will celebrate all summer birthdays
 Thursday, 5/30: Last day of school; yearend family picnic (invitations will
go out with specific details)
Tuesday, Thursday Neighbors class news:
 Thursday, 5/16: Fire fighter Bonnie brings her fire truck to our
school/popsicle day
 Tuesday, 5/21: Outdoor fun day
 Thursday, 5/23: wear red, white and blue
 Thursday, 5/30: last day of school; yearend family picnic (invitations will
go out with specific details)
Extended day class news:
 Wednesday, 5/8th: visit from the Honey Bee Lady
 Wednesday, 5/15: Fire fighter Bonnie visits with her fire truck
 Monday, 5/20 (rain date 5/22): Outdoor fun day/field day
 Friday, 5/24: wear red, white and blue; we will also celebrate all summer
 Wednesday, 5/29: Yearend program from 12 noon to 1pm. Invitations with
more information will be sent out separately.
 Friday, 5/31: last day of classes
Kyleigh was so proud that she told every teacher she saw including teachers in
the other classroom this: “My brother, Zach is a real man! He had his Bar
Mitzvah. He danced with girls too.!”
“Mrs. O’Shaughnessy, I want a sister so I’m going to see if I can borrow Kate.”
said Morgan
Mrs. Houskeeper saw Greyson under the playground slide with two pieces of
bark mulch striking them together. She asked him what he was doing and he
said “I’m building a fire.”
Luke was holding the hula hoop in front of him running in the playground saying
”I’m driving a Cadillac!”
Evan M. told Mrs. Houskeeper “My dad could lift up this whole church!”
While Mrs. Theime was reading a “silly story book” to the extended day class,
she read a page that said “ a little girl had a crush on her teacher, Mark.” Then
Ava, her daughter said “ewwww…that’s gross!”
When using a magnifier to look at his thumb, Jack M. said “look at how dirty my
finger is Mrs. Pierce.”
The mixed age class went outside to play first thing in the morning instead of
at the end of their day. While they were lining up to come back inside, Evan
DaSilva said “This was fun because it was different.’
Grace told her teachers, “Listen to my hand … you can hear the ocean!”
While playing with the animals together, Logan said “I want to play babies!” Jack
D. replied “I want to play bigs!”
When fire fighter Bonnie asked the children what they thought her first name
was, Greyson answered “fire fighter!”
Molly to Mrs. Leacu, “Do you believe in God?” “Yes”, said Mrs. Leacu. “Then he
is in your heart”
While walking to the playground on one of our cold, spring mornings, Morgan
said his hands were really warm in his pockets. Erin said she didn’t have
pockets. Morgan’s reply “Erin, you can put your hands in my pockets.”
While Mrs. Pierce was talking to the children about how telling secrets can
hurt some peoples feeling, Savannah raised her hand and said “secrets don’t
make friends!” So Gavin said “secrets, secrets are no fun, unless you share with
Gavin said “Mrs. Lavin, you HAVE to come see one of my baseball games! I
might hit the coach again with the softball and run to first base.”
September packets for fall enrollment:
Intake packets for all fall classes will go out before the end of May
for all our current students and their siblings who are returning in
the fall. They are due back to Sandy by August 1st along with the
first tuition payment.