Determination of zero crossing frequency and likelihood function for maximum displacement in real time earthquake signal P.K. DUTTA1, O.P. MISHRA2, M. K. NASKAR1 1. Research Fellow, Advanced Digital Embedded System Lab, Electronics and Telecomm. Dept., Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India and Faculty,Electronics & Automation, D.G. Shipping, Kolkata, India Email: 2. Scientist,National Centre of Seismology, Ministry of Earth Sciences, New Delhi, India Email: 3. Advanced Digital Embedded System Lab, Jadavpur University,Electronics and Tele- Comm. Dept., Kolkata, IndiaEmail: ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Abstract: In the proposed work, we analyze high-frequency directivity effect based on accelerometric data to observe whether rupture process of this event had a strong directivity effect. Directivity analysis of ground motion in the direction of slip propagation for fault rupture is close to that of the shear wave. In the proposed study, special attention has been made to the non-stationarity in frequency contents of ground motions for studying the statistical properties and attenuation laws of non-stationarity in frequency contents due to their nonparametric nature. In contrast to displacements inferred through integration of seismic data alone for the characterization of the non-stationary in frequency contents of ground motions has been proposed to study the short time amplitude analysis of the waveform signals. We estimate the zero crossing rates for waveforms for maximizing the correlation between two events that occur on the periodogram output. New criteria in the selection and synthesis of ground motion using a zero crossing rate for better warning scenarios. Our results show that Kalman filter is better in linearizing the system process and measurements and can be used to derive non-stationary characteristics of the future envelope of the response spectra for early detection of earthquake aftershock analysis. Based on the accelerometric data available for the Sikkim Earthquake of 2011 for seismic signature of the earthquake as triggering function for the slip as forecast errors were correlated with elements of the information set. Our results prove that directivity effect of a seismic rupture can be found from acceleration traces. KeyWords—earthquake ground motion, non-stationarity, frequency content, filter, Sikkim Earthquake, zero-crossing rate ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ P.K. Dutta, O.P. Mishra and M.K. Naskar I. INTRODUCTION Real time strong motion data is often acquired from dense seismic network recording for giving a rapid earthquake response. The goal of the strong motion data processing algorithm involves giving suitable response for a certain ground shaking through correlation of peak ground acceleration amplitude with seismic intensity [1,2] using signal processing analysis. The modeling, statistical properties and attenuation laws of non-stationarity in frequency contents of peak ground acceleration have been the open issues in earthquake engineering. Due to time bound constraints in the real world, acceleration data and signal amplification are often nonlinear and non- stationary which makes the processing of such signals a difficult task constraining analysis for amplitude variation for signals. In order to document the characteristic feature of signal amplification from ground motion acceleration data which causes the proposed study has taken recorded peak ground acceleration data of magnitude 6.9 earthquake in the Himalayan states Nepal and Sikkim (India) that hit on 2nd,October, 2011 from IMD acquired from 10 stations recorded during the earthquake event. Directivity of the rupture process is a parameter of the seismic source that plays an important role in the generation of stronger ground motions which is distributed in an elongated pattern centered along the axis of the fault. In the direction of directivity, stations that see the rupture coming, the duration of the apparent source-time function [3] is shorter than the real duration of the process on the fault. As a consequence at equal epicentral distances and for the same site conditions, the ground motions will be higher in the direction of directivity. The proposed work outlines tools for non-stationary and nonlinear acceleration time series analysis to have good potential for application in a wider geophysical context. It has been found that long period pulses which may or may not be visible in the acceleration traces, but they are readily distinguishable in the velocity traces. These velocity pulses appear to be stronger when the rupture propagates towards the site (forward directivity). It can be proved that rupture directivity can be proved using acceleration data traces although very less work has been done in this regard [4]. In order to analyze directivity characteristics from time series data, stochastic analysis needs to be conducted that can exploit powerful recursive methods of estimation analysis of data generated for non-stationary and nonlinear time series data as in earthquake monitoring. It has been found seismic waves observed through earthquake accelerogram record manifest clearly non-stationary characteristics, as well as wide frequency content. Based on the acceleration-time series records, earthquake magnitude and the on-site groundmotion intensity could be estimated and secondary estimates for warning can be issued. Several researchers like [5] found characteristic measurement of the predominant period (tP, max) in the few seconds after the Pwave arrival onset, or that proposed by [6] based on the peak displacement amplitude. Understanding the structure of the earth’s crust and mechanical nucleation models prevalent in geo-analysis and initiation ofseismogenesis [7-8], there is a requirement to initiate analysis of slip velocity locally as there exist gradients due to heterogeneity that complicates any interpretation of the seismic sequence in terms of a precursory process. We present a less subjective and more real time oriented measurement using integration of accelerometer data that avoids problematic baseline corrections suggested by [910] as function form fitting developed in time domain averaging in short term vs long term averaging (STA) of strong motion data giving improved broadband record of ground displacements, spanning the broadest possible spectrum of static deformation. The proposed approach is suitable for dense networks and real-time processing required by early warning systems and rapid earthquake response. In current seismological practice, strong-motion displacements are obtained from double integration of accelerometer data. The first characteristic measures variations with time of the intensity of the ground motion (acceleration, velocity or displacement). At the onset of the earthquake rupture, with the arrival of the first seismic wave, energy of the earthquake builds up rapidly to a maximum value [11] for a certain time and then decreases slowly until it vanishes. The second characteristic involves identifying mean square error variations with time of the frequency content having a tendency to shift to lower frequencies as time increases. The information that is inferred from accelerogram outputs involve peak acceleration;duration of shaking ;strength of shaking due to peak ground acceleration, peak ground velocity and peak ground displacement (PGD) extracted by processing accelerograms[12]. The first step developed in the proposed work involves an optimal modeling technique based on acceleration data and identifying the characteristic functions like short term energy and zero crossing rates. Being specifically designed for real-time monitoring, our method provides distinct advantages for rapid earthquake response, determining the intensity of a large earthquake more quickly or deciding whether the rupture will propagate over part of or the entire fault for shaking and non-shaking behavior. An analysis of past records shows that the strength of the oscillations exhibited by the number of zero crossings and extremes in a given interval and the non-stationary random nature revealed by the time-dependent variance function are important characteristics. Using this information, a stationary random process modulated by a deterministic function has been developed to find their mean square error has been compared. In the proposed work, peak motion behavior for accelerogram data is found for Sikkim Earthquake and our results show that larger distance for hypocenter presents a relatively slower rate of decay measured using zero crossing rate. Being specifically designed for real-time monitoring, the proposed method provides distinct advantages for rapid earthquake response in determining the magnitude of a large earthquake more quickly or deciding whether the peak in amplitude is going to occur at a future defined instant. Due to the lack of quantification of systematic differences in ground motion time-histories (acceleration, velocity and displacement), and linear and nonlinear structural responses introduced by various processing techniques, it was therefore necessary to apply the auto regressive model to limit segments of data, as large variations in mean square error is observed as the earthquake progressed. We have used kalman filter to find smoothed estimation of the parameters of the acceleration time series model using filtering, smoothing P.K. Dutta, O.P. Mishra and M.K. Naskar and prediction in which the parameters being estimated by mean square error is checked for optimal balance among the parameters for a recursion based model that varies with time [13]. 2 ANALYSES OF TIME SERIES DATA Accelerometers are easy to design and maintain due to their less sensitivity and sample data obtained in time series can be extracted by multiplication of scaling factors. Acceleration spectrum is one of the most direct and common functions used to describe the frequency content of strong ground earthquake shaking [14]. A time series is a sequence of random variables y(t)= f{y(t); t =0;±1;±2;:::} representing the potential observations of the process, which have a common finite expected value E(xt)=µ and a set of auto-covariances C(yt;ys)= Ef(yt -µ) (ys- µ)} = γ|t-s| which depend only on the temporal separation τ = |t-s| of the time ‘t’ and ‘s’ and not on their absolute values. We present a new solution to the classical problem of deriving displacements from seismic data suitable for real-time monitoring. Time series analysis is essentially concerned with evaluating the properties of the probability model which generated the observed time series. One way of describing a stochastic process is to specify the joint probability distribution of xt1, ..,X tnfor any set of time tl,…, tnand any value of ‘n’. It is observed that most time series are stochastic as the future values are only partly determined by past values, so that exact predictions are impossible and by the idea that future values have a probability conditioned by knowledge of past values. It is an iterative process, where it first computes the meanshift value for the current point position, then moves the point to its mean-shift value as the new position, then computes the mean-shift until it fulfills certain conditions. Some studies of filtering and deformation analysis were performed in order to detect failures and outliers, and to Figure 1: Plot for identifying acceleration time series energy spectrum and zero crossing points to see where the maximum transitions in shaking occurred from Gangtok data increase the reliability of the deformation analysis. The first problem is the estimation of the arrival time of the seismic signal. When an earthquake occurs, its location is estimated from arrival times of the seismic waves at several different observatories. This is non stationary by nature while several notions have been set forth for practical purpose, the zero-crossing rate is used to describe the non-stationary in frequency contents and the instantaneous spectrum is used to describe the nonstationary both in amplitude and frequency contents of spectra.Energy of a seismic signal is another paramet er for classifying as the high energy because of its p eriodicity and the unshaking part has zero crossing ra te (ZCR) and high energy. Advantage of using zero crossing rate in non-stationary signals like earthquakes is that one can plot the signal in a time frequency space enabling the energy distribution in the signal to be observed. Based on the rupture analysis, we calculate the arias intensity pattern which says that total energy which is delivered during an earthquake depends on the zero crossing rate variations[15] is said to occur if successive samples h ave different algebraic signs as in Figure 1. The rate at which zero crossings occur is a simple m easure of the frequency content of a signal [16]. Identifying characteristics of structural seismic response based on amplitude and frequency duration and the non stationary properties in amplitude and frequency contents can also influence the structural seismic response significantly. Maximum amplitudes correspond to a point in the time-frequency plane where several time-frequency characteristics of the signal concentrate where ‘x’is slip associated with the system identified from zero crossing rate ‘ y’as the measured output or the associated acceleration. Since high frequencies imply high zero crossing rates, and low frequencies imply low zerocrossing rates, there is a strong correlation between zero-crossing rate and energy distribution with frequency. Time domain representation of edge signals looking at zero crossing to identify samples time when negative and the next is positive as the time between the successive zero crossings and measure T as the successive crossing in the same direction. Peak detection analysis for complete extraction of the energy ratio of the signal based on zero crossing edge detection end point detection based on short term analysis and zero cross rate to identify the features of the waveform.A reasonable generalization is that the zerocr ossing rate is high, the signal is non periodic as when the zero-crossing rate is low then the signal is periodic.Spectral analysis and improved algorithms for time domain representation of edge signals looking at zero crossings to identify the points in time when the sample is negative and the next is positive ; we measure time between the successive zero crossings in the same direction. A reasonable generalization is that if the zero-crossing rate is high, the shaking of the body is non periodic if the zero-crossing rate is low, signal is periodic which is helpful in predicting the model. Efficient warningfor time domain representation of edge signals looking at zero crossings can identify the instant time when the sample is negative and the next is positive to evaluate time between the successive zero crossings and measure ‘T’ as the successive crossing in the same direction as the rupture follows a slip occurs in more or less an i ndependent manner generating high frequency waves P.K. Dutta, O.P. Mishra and M.K. Naskar [17]. There is a gradually decreasing tendency in the slopes of the cumulate zero-crossing curves. The zerocrossing model fits the actual result perfectly and the precision is satisfactory. The non-stationarity in frequency contents is an important property of earthquake ground motions besides the conventional properties in amplitude, frequency and duration. The study has been differentiated into three parts. The first part involves analysis of elastic deformation based on signal processing analysis involving the energy of the spectrum through analysis of the Arias Intensity and the zero crossing rate, in the second phase as the arrival time is estimated by using the locally stationary autoregressive model. A detailed physical interpretation of the zero-crossing rate ν0(t) has been made in [18] which stated that the zero-crossing rate ν0(t) was related to first- and second-order spectral moments of the earthquake ground motion x(t). Identifying the zero cross edge detection for short term energy and zero cross rate for last waveform and in the third part, a peak detector algorithm and a kalman filter approach is developed to find the nature of inelastic deformations and effectively find the slip rate the state of zero crossing for subtle parts of the spectrum. Specific instrumentation has been made for this purpose including magneto-acoustic sensors which has a sensitive core made of elasto-magnetic material, which changes its magnetization in response to elastic deformation designed by [19]. This tool has a phenomenal peak displacement sensitivity of about 1 femto-meter which improves the analysis of duration and amplitude is implicitly considered by [20] using mean square acceleration during the rise time of strong motion earthquake for defining earthquake average power. To describe these non-stationary properties efficiently, several notions have been set forth for practical purpose, while the zero-crossing rate is used to describe the non-stationarity in frequency contents and the instantaneous spectrum is used to describe the nonstationarity both in amplitude and frequency, the instantaneous spectra is estimated by using kalman filter. It has been accounted by [21] the effect of maximum amplitude duration and frequency content in describing the earthquakes destructive potential whereby PD=IA/ 0 2 where IA is the Arias intensity and 0 is the intensity of the zero crossing defined as N0/TD where N0 is the total number of zero crossings in accelerogram for total duration TD with positive and negative slope for earthquake power and Arias intensity are comparable. The velocity and displacement sequences are obtained by integrating the trapezoidal rule and zero initial conditions. The resulting acceleration is integrated in the time domain through trapezoidal rule to obtain velocity sequence assuming zero initial conditions.The parameters for predictive decomposition can be estimated by the maximum likelihood method based on Kalman filter and Linear Predictive filters in seismic traces [22] to carry out maximum likelihood estimation for ARMA and ARIMA processes with missing values as shown in Figure 2. Forecasting methods are predicated based onthe likelihood of observations at times t1,...,tn can still easily be computed using the discrete-time Kalman recursions[23].Velocity sequence is again high pass filtered which reversed in time gives high passed velocity sequence without phase shift. The velocity sequence is integrated in the time domain to obtain displacement sequence. Analyzing the displacement sequence to verify the nature of peak can provide sufficient warning behavior to earthquake occurrence. The frequency content of the signal also changes from the causative fault and predominant period shows a relative increase with distance as high frequency waves attenuate faster with distance in the crustal rocks. Areas of large displacement indicate small compact high stress drop sources in strong rock while low displacement indicate large low stress drop sources in weak or fractured rock. Large displacement will be deficient in long periodic energy or richer in high frequency energy which has been analyzed for the source characteristics.Zero crossing is said to occur if successi ve samples have different algebraic signs area with the maximum power in a time/frequency signal.Our analysis involves waveform resulting from slip to identify long the amplitude edge takes to come back to zero state by identifying the zero cross edge detection for short term energy and zero cross rate for last waveform. Most of the current earthquake prediction methods use seismicity change as an indicator of the stress changes that cause earthquakes. Low frequency signals effecting the integration is over shadowed by amplitude –frequency characteristics with high peaks and zero initial condition. Peak detection technique involving use of filter have been applied on structural identification problems, structural control, and forecasting for finding the future samples of any earthquake signal. Short time amplitude analysis of records for earthquake behavior models can be used at present for earthquake monitoring networks have natural limitations in terms of their highest operating frequencies (and smallest detectable events) they can sense, which restricts their ability to collect enough useful data to monitor changes in seismic activity. Smaller seismic events are much more frequent than larger events (such as discernible, detectable earthquakes), but require probing at higher frequencies to be detected. A sensitive high frequency tool such as MAS is needed to record the morefrequent low-magnitude events in a catalog. A small magnitude-2 event occurs several times per week at SAFOD, the MAS records up to several dozen smaller events per second there. Figure 2:Spectral analysis involves analysis of ARMA and ARIMA model predictions P.K. Dutta, O.P. Mishra and M.K. Naskar The frequency content of these seismic signals has been studied to retrieve displacement waveforms by double integration of acceleration-time series records. Integration, in the time domain is infinite [24], non-localized analysis for any signal. In this section we provide an overview of the estimation applied in seismological analysis. We have implemented and compared Kalman filter and a linear predictive estimator for predictive decomposition of seismic traces to find which filter is more sensitive to estimate future signal bias value. Various researchers studied the analysis of time series in great depth like time series regression analysis postulates a structural equation model and tests it using time series data [25]; application of bootstrapping to time series data [26]; Grey Model in time series [27]. strong, with the main peaks spreading towards higher frequencies than in the actual quake. The basic periodograms acquired were fairly consistent between the real data set and the predicted set, and neither showed the presence of sinusoids. Quasi static events for co-seismic events are static but the transition through slip, rise time of the rupture onset, barrier interval, local stress drop and maximum frequency for actual earthquake is determined based on PGA, Arias intensity (AI), and Tri-funac bracketed duration, Td. Figure 4: Periodogram Analysis for data using Multiple Window Method Figure 3: Kalman output behavior against observed seismicity levels and peak output We found that a Kalman filter is better than linear predictive filter which contains certain characteristics not represented in real data. The autoregressive signal x and returns as output the prediction error. However, A (z) has the prediction filter embedded in it, in the form B (z) = 1A(z), where B(z) is the prediction filter. The prediction error power (variance) is calculated for LPC and non linear Kalman filter which is minimal for kalman filter while more in LPC. Since the stationary time series with given auto covariance structure can be approximated the covariance structure changes with time, then the corresponding seismic trace also changes with time. 3. IDENTIFIED CHARACTERISTICS FROM THE TIME SERIES DATA ANALYSIS Acceleration time history is the most comprehensive analysis for salient features like peak velocity time and frequency for elastic and inelastic response spectra analysis, arias intensity, rms acceleration and fourier spectra power spectra and spectrum intensity. Peak acceleration and peak velocity are linearly related to focal depth. Digital low pass filtering is performed [28] on a new set of data to obtain the best possible fit of acceleration zero baseline. The function is constrained in the analytic design for a rupture occurs and we have no idea how many peaks in the seismic behavior that can affect the system. When the input signal changes rapidly then the average will change. Most appropriate technique for analyzing the frequency content of data and model would be to apply periodogram methods for a sliding window moving across the entire data set as shown in Figure 4. For the linear predictive model, however, the correspondence is not as Slip can be found by analyzing the vertical and horizontal components of the waveform then modeled it in a filter algorithm to find the peak acceleration velocity and displacement components. 3.1 Kalman filtering based on recursion Kalman filter [29] is a recursive algorithm used to estimate hidden state of a dynamic system using noisy observations. If ti is the present time and tj is the time at which we want to estimate the position of a dynamic or moving platform. To identify peak nature over a time interval estimated component frequencies for data for power spectrum analysis for filtering process is constantly " forecastrecursive manner calculated to predict the value of the first, and priori value is observed and the kalman gain for weighted items on the predictive value of time to find linear process governed by an unknown inner state producing a set of measurements. It is found that there is a discrete time system and its state at time ‘n’ is given by vector ‘i’. The state in the next time step ‘n + 1’ is given by efficient minimum mean square error of the system state estimation of process state at the time ‘n’ as a loss function and the noise measurement values obtained feedback. The accuracy of the forecast in predicting the timing of concentration of peak amplitude and minimum values has been measured by a lead/lag correlation analysis with correlation values between observations and predictions computed with a lag in time. Kalman filter improves forecasts of spectral time series amplitude (measured by root mean square error) and the ability to predict rare events (measured by the critical success index), for deterministic and ensemble-averaged forecasts. The optimum value of the estimate x gives the estimated value as a post- processing predictor bias-correction method. P.K. Dutta, O.P. Mishra and M.K. Naskar Kalman filtering is proven feasible to be implemented in real-time to eliminate the high frequency noise. Improved broadband record of ground displacements and velocities over the full range of frequencies sampled by the accelerometer data, as well as the static deformation. The periodograms obtained for these three sections with Kalman prediction are shown in Figures 4. For the linear predictive model, however, the correspondence is not as strong, with the main peaks spreading towards higher frequencies than in the actual quake. While it is possible that these results are close enough to allow effective structural control, it's not clear that a more accurate model with less warning time might not still be preferable.The velocity noise is a random variable that changes with time. vk pk (1) xk T 2 / 2 1 T xk 1 x uk wk k 0 1 T x (3) Finally, knowing that the measured output is equal to the position, we can write our linear system equations as follows: K n Vn|n 1 H nT ( H nVn|n 1 H nT Rn ) 1 xn|n xn|n 1 K n ( yn H n xn|n 1 ) whereby we define a state vector ‘x’ that consists of position and velocity. Using a filter with maximum power for power spectrum and signal frequency and peak calculation based on AR, ARIMA and kalman filter model for signal power and certain spectrum calculation based on normalized frequency and magnitude. Kalman filter is very good for on-line estimation in “realtime” peak estimation. Kalman filter is an algorithm that uses state estimates of model parameters combined with estimates of their variance to make predictions about the output of a linear dynamic system. Kalman filter is a recursive estimation method, which is based on the minimum mean square error criterion, but it does not require all past observations, but according to a previous state equation and recursive estimation method, which is based on state solution given in the form of variable estimates, at steady state. The fixed interval smoother incorporates the maximal amount of information (compared with other smoothing algorithms) and consists of three conceptual steps: the forward Kalman filter has a backward filter known as the information filter which is applied in reverse time order to the entire time series. The system from the network formed by the variance of the noise source Wk when its variance is small, the resulting signal is small, the signal being completely buried in the noise or filtered out. When the variance increases, the greater the signal amplitude, the better the Kalman filter performs. The measuring equation vk measurement error introduced. It is a representative of a random vector of measurement errors, Rv greater, indicating that the greater the noise introduced, the smaller the signal to noise ratio, the signal filtered difficult; when Rv becomes small, the signal can be easily filtered out. Particular frequency components can be identified with the respective times [30] that match with the maximum amplitudes in the time domain of the earthquake record. Time update equations can also be regarded as process estimates equation, measurement update equations can be regarded as correction equation. Routine processing of accelerograms with high rate displacements are performed and successive point increase with time is In a sense, the Kalman gain weights the adjustment to the a priori estimate once a measurement is available by modulating the correction to be applied due to the measurement residual, zk+1 – Hk+1 ^ xk-1, which is the difference between the apriori state estimate and the actual measurement. Finally, knowing that the measured output is equal to the position, we can write our linear system equations as follows: vk 1 vk Tuk v ~k . (2) Vn|n ( I K n H n )Vn|n 1 ^ ^ xk 1 ( A x k Buk ) K k ( yk 1 C x k ) (4) (n) E[e (n)] 2 First term used to derive the state estimate at time ‘k + 1’ is just ‘A’ times the state estimate at time ‘k’, plus ‘B’ times the known input at time ‘k’.This would be the state estimate if we didn’t have a measurement. In other words, the state estimate would propagate in time just like the state vector in the system model. Second term in the equation is called the correction term and it represents the amount by which the propagated state estimate has been corrected due to our measurement. If the measurement noise is large, Sz will be large, K will be small and we won’t give much credibility to the measurement y when ^ computing the next ⏞ 𝑥̇ .Else, if the measurement noise is small, Sz will be small, 3.2 Identifying a delay likelihood function Broadband record of ground displacements which spans the broadest possible spectrum of dynamic motion includes the static deformation having bandwidth for Kalman filter in different applications. Time varying coefficients associated with distribution of the spectral peaks in timefrequency plane than Kalman filter, and its time and frequency resolution to track the local properties of earthquake ground motions and to identify the systems with nonlinearity or abruptness. but finding time independent slip analysis involves peak extraction from displacement curve parameter estimation methods forecasting methods using the difference equation. This design of likelihood function is based on the maximum displacement Amax that the sensor observes when in contact with a seismic wave. However, a sensor does not observe the maximum displacement immediately after the wave arrives, but rather after a period of time. In this case, the initial estimates will be highly incorrect using this likelihood function. A delay term α(.) can be included to approximate the instantaneous displacement before the maximum is observed. Aexp= α(t-t0-tp)Amax where 0≤ α(.)≤1 that each station makes independent observations and the collection of observations from all stations is z, the P.K. Dutta, O.P. Mishra and M.K. Naskar complete likelihood function becomes n L(z|x, y,D,M,t 0 )= L(zi |x, y,D,M,t 0 ) i1 (5) A future state can be predicted at a desired time point n+1 using the last value at time point by scanning the list of all states in phase space to find the one closest to the phase state value at time point n. If a time point n0 is found where the phase state is similar to that at n (this means xn0 it is close to xn). Then the continuity of the underlying dynamical system and the representation guarantees that xn0+1 will also be close to xn+1. More often than not the measurement function is as unknown as the underlying equation of motion delay reconstruction and the sequence of phase state values representing is called the delay vector Sn = (sn−(m−1)v, sn−(m−2)v, . . . , sn − v, sn).This method is very inefficient if more than a few predictions are needed to find the optimal set of parameters of time delay and dimension. For each prediction all points in the reconstruction are considered. This is also same for the elastic section using zero crossing rate and energy intensity analysis. Since the peak is measured at time k instant of a certain peak where [31] highlighted four key points of the Kalman filter, namely that the process is recursive, that there are many forms of the update formula, that the error covariance matrix for error covariance as Kalman filter suits dynamic problems. Kalman filter has a certain covariance recursive constantly to estimate the optimal value. The process for each iteration of the recursive Kalman filter similar process, the difference is that each recursive time, the need to calculate the system noise vector ω (k) and the measurement noise vector υ (k), y (n) is estimated, greatly reducing the impact of noise on the signal, the mean square error substantially reduced and each step of the measurement and Kalman filter is applied to obtain an optimal estimate of the project’s true state that minimizes the mean squared error. This may be done by successive substitution using a backward shift operator. Full waveform inversions are only performed using seismic data, and none use displacement directly. Because the state vector has the memory of several successive optimal position coordinates, this deformation epoch can still be detected again in the succeeding following epochs after the deformation epoch has been detected at the first epoch. Based on this implementation, the reliability todetect thedeformation epoch can be improved (Li and Kuhlmann 2010). After the effect of noise or random fluctuation in the observed data is eliminated, the Kalman filter proceeds by repeating the prediction process in the recursive learning cycle until the completion state is reached. Champawat, Pitorgarh and Udham Singh Nagar and Sikkim earthquake which are at an average same distance from the measuring around 850 km recorded similar behavior. 4. IMPLEMENTATION We use Kalman filter to estimate the parameters of time series model based on measurements as it performs with minimum mean square error of the system state estimation recursive method calculation. The kalman filter involves a process update step and correction step was replaced with measurement update step which is more correct. High pass filtering is done on the displacement curve and a peak detector analysis is applied. In the first step of the kalman filter, state is predicted with a dynamic model. In the second step it gets corrected with the observation model so that error covariance of the estimator gets minimized. The shift introduces apparent periodicity in the displacement which enables us to detect peaks minimizing the variance of the estimation error. Minimum error unbiased estimator involving kalman filter in the forward direction solves the prediction problem, but if data are available over some interval and all that data past and future are used in the estimation, then the estimate at any given point can be improved. Value can be predicted by the filter, but also can be filtered by the forecast, and its interaction filtering and prediction, does not require the storage of any observational data, real-time processing. The Fourier transform and the spectrogram, artificial high-frequency signals could be generated if the window length is shorter than the predominant periods of the input seismic waves. Since high frequencies imply high zero crossi ng rates, and low frequencies imply low zerocrossing rates, there is a strong correlation between ze rocrossing rate and distribution with frequency. Spectra l splitting is a small probability event, only through the large number of tests can be observed. Any type of filter tries to obtain an optimal estimate of the desired quantities (the system’s state) from data provided by a noisy environment the Kalman filter, i.e., the filter that propagates the conditional pdfp(xk)|Y 1k , Uk−10 ) and obtains the state estimate by optimizing a given criteria, is the best filter among all the possible filter types and it optimizes any criteria that might be considered. A novel methodology for earthquake forecast using sensor networks of advanced strong motion instruments under this piece of research consisted of following steps and shown in figure: (a) Making statistical estimate of the earthquake acceleration adequately well in advance (b) Next step was to determine the optimal balance of model parameters and error bar. (c) Analyzing the frequency content of data and model using periodogram approach (d) Analyzing the peak motions behavior with accelerogram data for Sikkim Earthquake data based on energy and zero crossing rate of delivery of earthquake energy with time. (e) Once the displacement is found we had applied a difference equation for identifying the non-stationary of a time series. The difference factor can be attributed to the presence of unit roots in the autoregressive operator, the series can be forecast by forecasting its dth difference. With the help of‘d’ initial conditions, the forecasts of the difference can be aggregated to generate a forecast of the level of the series. The d th difference is identified based on the data for Chamoli, Gangtok and Siliguri stations which shows that there are strong influences after 25 secs of the mainshock recording started which shows when the strongest slip occurred likely. (f) A delay term α(.) included to approximate the instantaneous displacement before the maximum is observed. Aexp= α(t-t0-tp)Amax (6) where 0≤ α(.)≤1; whereby each station is found to have made independent observations and the collection of observations from all stations. Amax is used than the maximum acceleration or velocity because the P.K. Dutta, O.P. Mishra and M.K. Naskar displacement metric preserves energy better over long distance which will be better to study the rupture directivity (Somerville et al., 1997). The data is a clear identification of the seismic signature of the earthquake and there was a triggering function for the slip as forecast errors were correlated with some of the elements of the information set. Slip observation data for Siliguri Slip observation data for Siliguri Slip observation data for Chamoli (a) Slip observation data for Gangtok (b) (a1) (b1) (c1) (b2) (c2) (c) Figure 5: Flow Diagram of the Signal Processing Analysis Accelerograms are corrected applying a high pass filter and a velocity and displacement is calculated based on trapezoidal rule as shown in Figure 6(a-b). A similar equation can be derived for the position p: ^ ^ p( xk / zk ) ~ N ( E[ xk ], E[( xk x k )( xk x k ) ] Pk (1 K k H k ) Pk T (1) (2) (a2) P.K. Dutta, O.P. Mishra and M.K. Naskar (a3) (b3) (c3) Figure 6( a-c ): (a1, b1,c1):Displacement behavior based on delay analysis for slip detection (a2,b2,c2): Acceleration vs time series data, along N-E, E-W, Vertical,( a3,b3,c3): Cumulative slip along the three axes N-E, E-W, Vertical based on double integration of acceleration time series data) The data is a clear identification of the seismic signature of the earthquake and there was a triggering function for the slip as forecast errors were correlated with some of the elements of the information set. There is an increase observed in the slip which is triggered at around 18-27 seconds of the main shocks as shown in Figure 6(c). Our study shows that the whole movement is instantaneous for dislocation movement over a fault plane which can be the spectral acceleration defined not as the maximum relative acceleration, but as the maximum absolute acceleration as the magnitude increases (e.g. frequency content and duration). In addition, if it is a near-fault record, the frequency of any velocity pulse will also reduce. In the limit of very high system frequency, the system becomes very rigid, and the spectral acceleration tends towards the peak ground acceleration. 5. CONCLUSION Since seismometers at longer distances from earthquakes are either narrow or broadband filters of particle velocity, the directivity factor may be reported by particle velocity, but it can easily be converted to acceleration if that's what you need to predict for a strong ground motion accelerometer. The use of zero crossing rate with likelihood estimation for maximum displacement will be of great advantage as there will be no need to store the input waveform. Identification of the peak detection rate for complete extraction of the energy ratio of the signal based on zero crossing edge detection end point detection based on short term analysis and zero cross rate to identify the features of the last waveform . We had adopted the accelerometer data for finding the likelihood of the event. The amplitude enhancement factor is frequency dependent, enhancing higher frequency radiation in the direction of rupture propagation. If the goal is to place sensors to maximize detection speed and detection accuracy for a geospatial event, the problem has not been addressed by prior work for two reasons: (a) the sensors measure a continuous manifestation of the event and the manifestation of a geospatial event at any space-time point (x; y; z; t) is given by a vector H(x; y; z; t) of acceleration at point (x; y; z) in space at time t. Implementation of narrow-band filtering had been performed [32] on routine accelerogram data to obtain the best possible fit of acceleration zero baseline. Directivity analysis of ground motion in the direction of slip propagation [33] is a very important phenomenon which appears when the velocity of the fault rupture is close to that of the shear wave. The algorithm is quite sensitive to the initial conditions, that is, if the bounding initially not located in a good place (or, equivalently it will go to a wrong place after some movement of the object. Our results have indicated good correspondence between the Kalman model and the real data from the earthquake, suggesting that Kalman modeling will provide adequate information to allow structural controls to protect buildings from earthquake damage. Particular frequency components can be identified with the respective times that match with the maximum amplitudes in the time domain correspond to a point in the time-frequency plane where several time-frequency characteristics of the signal concentrate especially during the initial rupture. One problem comes up quite often is that the state keeps on diverging but error remains small. In the first step, the kalman filter state predicts the accelerogram data with a dynamic model for small window. In the second step, it gets corrected with the observation model so that error covariance of the estimator gets minimized. The basic kalman filter cannot provide any prediction unless there are some available measurements as the function involves smoothing out the noisy measurements. Predict the near future of the signal might be possible by some nonlinear modeling, but this type of analysis cannot predict the far future unless dynamical model of the system behavior has some strong correlation with the past values in case of earthquakes particularly dynamic data processing GPS, inertial navigation. REFERENCES [1] Wu, Y. M., &Kanamori, H. (2005). Experiment on an onsite early warning method for the Taiwan early warning system. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 95(1), 347-353. [2] Zollo, A., Lancieri, M., & Nielsen, S. (2006). Earthquake magnitude estimation from peak amplitudes of very early seismic signals on strong motion records. Geophysical Research Letters, 33(23). 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Mishra has been rewarded Doctorate in Science in 2004 from Geodynamics Research Center, Ehime University ,Japan for his work in the field of seismic tomography and tsunami generating mechanism in north-east Japan and Indian regions . He is an expert of Applied Geophysics and solid earth science dealing with seismological research and disaster risk management system.Authors of more than 100 per reviewed papers and reports of national and international repute. Currently he is on deputation from Geological Survey of India in the Ministry of Earth Sciences, India;An Indian governmental organization of 8 South Asian countries (Afghanistan,Bangladesh,Bhutan,India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan,SriLanka).He is the recipient of National Mineral award 2008 by the Government of India in the field of disaster management under applied geosciences. Dr M .K Naskar received his B.Tech (Hons.) and M.Tech from E&ECE Dept., IIT Kharagpur in 1987 and 1989 respectively and Ph.D. from Jadavpur University in 2006. He served as a faculty member in NIT, Jamshedpur (then RIT Jamshedpur) and NIT, Durgapur (REC Durgapur) from 1991-1996 and 1996-1999 respectively. Currently he is a Professor in the Department of Electronics and Telecommunications Engineering, Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India and in-charge of the “Advanced Digital and Embedded Systems Lab”. His research interests include Wireless Sensor Networks, Optical Networks and Embedded Systems.